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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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When Quinn finds out she has POA I hope she fires Ridge and Steffy.  They have committed fraud by lying about Ridge having POA.  By lying they not only took "custody" of Eric, they took control of FC.  It is a hostile takeover.  When Eric wakes up I think he would be grateful to Quinn for looking out for his personal and business interests.  Once they find out about their lies, the rest of the Forresters will turn their backs on Ridge and his favorite Taytot.  It would serve them right to have to give up their stocks in FC to avoid Eric taking legal against them.  

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Just got caught up on this week’s shows and all I can say is:

By all the Gods, release the fucking Kraken!

The insufferable insufferability of that father daughter pair. They are horrible, but more than that, they are morons. Are they operating under the hope that Eric will not wake up? Or that if he does, he will have no memory? Otherwise, they are setting themselves up for some real ugly shit. They are so busy dancing their victory jig they have lost sight of a few important things:

1.      The missing signatures are a technicality only. As Carter said, any good attorney could easily win Quinn's case in court. The minister knows what happened at the Forrester Mansion, as do the witnesses and Ivy. More importantly, Quinn and Eric know, and if Eric does wake up with his faculties intact, Ridge and his horrid spawn are going to find themselves facing an ill wind full of anger and disbelief from Eric. And after he removes them from his life, he can sign the paperwork. If that requires another official ceremony, I am sure Eric would do that too.

2.      Whoever the notary was on the POA would know who Eric named.

3.       There is also the matter of the other copy in Eric's safe. Unless Ridge plans on raiding that too, I think Eric would probably extract his copy and show it to the law.

4.      Anything Boris and Natasha do while Eric is incapacitated can be undone when he regains consciousness. Regardless of Ridge lying now, the truth will come out, so he will have no control over Eric at all. In fact, Ridge, Steffy and Carter should all be incarcerated.

I am irritated, angry, annoyed, and highly fucking pissed off that it appears we are going to have a "not in his right mind" kind of SL. How else can Ridge and Steffy expect to cover their law breaking tracks? They are going to play their "trying to protect" card, and say they couldn't let that nut job Quinn have POA over Eric's life. The clearly obvious and infuriating fact that Ridge and Steffy have both been acting a little coo coo, not to mention have broken the law, and coerced a licensed attorney to do the same, will be swept under the rug as justified. After all, those Forrester's always look out for each other, and Quinn has that history and all.......

Carter my man, I sure hope you have a nice, comfortable nest egg set back. If Eric comes to and knows who he is and all that, and finds out that you caved to Ridge and perpetrated against Quinn? Well Carter if that happens, I think you are gonna be finding yourself on your way back home to that family that raised you and Marcus. And you probably won't be practicing law anymore. Oh, and if you think your good pal Ridge is going to have your back, you might want to Google Ridge Forrester and read his Wikipedia. More like he will say it was all your idea, and you were the lawyer right?

Stuffy, putting on her best doe eyes and come hither smile. These are the things I cannot unsee. Watching that elasticized, overly injected, trifling twit actually flirting with her husband fresh on the heels of hugging his brother was rage inducing. Oh yes, I will come home with you now Wyatt. Daddy and I worked it all out. You see, we broke the law, and said "MY GRANDFATHER" gave POA to my dirty dad. But you see, "MY GRANDFATHER" actually gave it to your mom! No harm no foul though right? Besides, you are supporting me, which means you understand how it is in our marriage. You waited for me, and begged me, and stood by me against your mother. It all means so much.

Wyatt, you are an idiot. Did you not notice that the minute you showed up at the hospital, Steffy left? And where did she go Wyatt? That's right. She went to see your brother. The guy she can't stay away from. The one that is protecting her from your mother, although to date, Steffy has been the aggressor in all things Quinn, starting with her stomping rampage through Monaco. Considering that Steffy has slapped Quinn, and manhandled her, and threatened her, and accused her of poisoning Eric, has on every possible occasion, just like her dear daddy, gone out of her way to be as nasty and horrible as possible, I fail to see where Steffy needs any type of protection. This is not a fight about Eric. It is a fight about a spoiled rich boy and his self absorbed slattern of a daughter winning.

Maya sweetie, you haven't been a "Forrester" all that long either, MMKAY sugar pie? Now, as I recall it, those same folks you are supporting weren't all that accepting of you back in the day. You remember......you know, when you interrupted that board meeting for a very important and ground breaking announcement? Who cares if you got some stuff wrong, or were out of line, or not in possession of all the facts, because the fact was, you wanted your shot at the brass ring. And after you got it, you didn't have the grace to be diplomatic, or try to smooth over the raging crevice you opened in a family not yours, choosing instead to flaunt your mistress status as a thing to be proud of. Then, after months of behaving like a power hungry shrew, you became your husband's henchman, and began a reign of terror and entitlement. Your favorite prey was a young girl with a history of mental health issues. A young girl who grew up without her mother. A young girl who loved her Uncle Rick, and didn't understand his behavior. After months of watching you lauding it over everyone, and watching you and your prick husband go on about honesty and fucking integrity, we find out you had been carrying around the thousand pound lie. Someone needs to gag a bitch, and place her firmly in a seat.

I don't know what to say about Brooke at this juncture. I feel she is assessing. What I do know is there must be a reason she has only been on the periphery. Why she hasn't been present at any of the planning sessions. Why her not attending the wedding wasn't seen by Eric as a betrayal, but her desire to spend time with RJ. Why she has been spared all of Eric's outbursts and more importantly, his wrath. I hope it's because she will become Quinn's ally. Brooke is the only one who befriended Sheila, although that did come to an abrupt and violent end. I want Eric to stay unconscious, and would love to see Brooke and Quinn bond over shared concern for Eric after Quinn discovers Eric's copy of the POA in his safe. I want her to take it to Brooke and show her just how far Ridge would go. Brooke would want the best for Eric, and decides that is Quinn. And I hope when she discovers Ridge, Steffy and Carter's treachery,  that she finally sees Ridge with crystal clear eyes, and runs to Bill as if the hounds of hell were on her heels. And after getting Bill's shares, she sells them to Quinn, making her majority share holder. 

Ridge. My God, but you are now beyond redemption. I ask myself, what is this power you have over people? You have no redeeming qualities, will climb over anyone that gets in your way, will use anyone for your gain, are unable to fully commit to anyone, are, have been, and will always be incapable of running your own life. I hope Eric also sees you with crystal clear eyes. I hope he cuts you out of his life like a piece of deciduous wood. And your puffy daughter too. As much as I hate Rick, he is at least worrying about Eric. His grief and regret seem real. And there it is; all the others may not like Quinn, or Eric's actions, but they understand what they did was wrong. They could have supported Eric, but not Quinn, or the marriage. Ridge ain't having none of that though. Ridge has an agenda and a mission. I didn't miss when he was outlining what the POA governs, that he mentioned all of Eric's stock in FC's. Oh yeah. That slimy SOB can't wait to get his hands on that. Then when "His Logan" marries Bill he will get Bill’s shares and it will just be hunky dory.

Quinn is winning the show. She has stayed even keel; has only brought the passion when talking about Eric and what is best for him, hasn’t made a single threat, or thrown a single insult. It only proves how self absorbed Ridge and Steffy are that they haven’t realized that Quinn is acting very un-Quinn like. Historically, wouldn’t she have been in her workshop forging shiny new swords? Or coming up with a master plan to get both of them out of the way. Funny thing is though, Quinn has been far too busy staying at Eric’s beside to give those two ingrates a whole lot of thought. But they have sure had time to plan and plot against Quinn. God help Eric if Ridge’s deception is not discovered.

For a show that loves montages, and shoved the same Liam/Hope and Liam/Steffy clips down our throats for years, that is the best you can do with Eric/Brooke? The last two originals? Thirty years of tape, a wealth of history and SLs, and we get three older clips? What about all the successes they shared at FC’s? And all the years since their original divorce? Rick too. Just seemed like chump change when compared to all the Waffle flashbacks we’ve been forced to endure.

Caroline is back and I wish she would leave again. As another poster said, the minute she appeared at the door, all that fresh, clean air was sucked out. You are just going to start marking your territory within an hour of your return? You couldn’t tell that Thomas and Sasha were a little closer than coworkers? Didn’t even have the decency to inquire of Thomas if he might be seeing someone? I also didn’t like the instant change in Thomas’s demeanor either. It was like he was “Sasha who” the minute he saw Caroline.

The family against the outsider is a story as old as man, but what sets this one apart is there is usually at least one person in the outsider’s camp. Quinn has no one. Every single person, even those not related or only related by marriage or adoption, is against Quinn. A lawyer who has absolutely no interest in Quinn, and stands to gain absolutely nothing in her downfall, has now risked his future by violating his oath of office. It makes no sense unless something big is coming. There better be anyway, and there better be some proper butt kicking going on too.

Where the fuck is Ivy?


Edited by RuntheTable
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HEY! ..Did LG have her hair cut and Foiled at that  one Junior Beauty School At the Mall in Milledgeville GA?  Y'Know the one right between SBARRO and Orange Julius?    Man, THEY DID THAT SAME SHIT TO MY HAIR IN 1998! It cost me 28.00 and I was Mad!

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The family against the outsider is a story as old as man, but what sets this one apart is there is usually at least one person in the outsider’s camp. Quinn has no one. Every single person, even those not related or only related by marriage or adoption, is against Quinn. A lawyer who has absolutely no interest in Quinn, and stands to gain absolutely nothing in her downfall, has now risked his future by violating his oath of office. It makes no sense unless something big is coming. There better be anyway, and there better be some proper butt kicking going on too.

That whole post was a thing of beauty, but this right here, especially. It wasn't entertaining to see Steffy get so dumped on and always lose to Hope, and for whatever transgressions she has or hasn't paid for or learned from, it's not entertaining now to see the one-sided Quinn bash fest. 

Carter's involvement is especially inexplicable. Are he and Ridge that fucking tight that he'd put his livelihood on the line? Unless TPTB are looking to write Carter into a new profession (and with his only major tie to the Forresters MIA, he damn well needs something else to do), I don't get his motivations.

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Standing ovation to your entire post, RuntheTable, but this:

5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I don't know what to say about Brooke at this juncture. I feel she is assessing. What I do know is there must be a reason she has only been on the periphery. Why she hasn't been present at any of the planning sessions. Why her not attending the wedding wasn't seen by Eric as a betrayal, but her desire to spend time with RJ. Why she has been spared all of Eric's outbursts and more importantly, his wrath. I hope it's because she will become Quinn's ally. Brooke is the only one who befriended Sheila, although that did come to an abrupt and violent end. I want Eric to stay unconscious, and would love to see Brooke and Quinn bond over shared concern for Eric after Quinn discovers Eric's copy of the POA in his safe. I want her to take it to Brooke and show her just how far Ridge would go. Brooke would want the best for Eric, and decides that is Quinn. And I hope when she discovers Ridge, Steffy and Carter's treachery,  that she finally sees Ridge with crystal clear eyes, and runs to Bill as if the hounds of hell were on her heels. And after getting Bill's shares, she sells them to Quinn, making her majority share holder. 

would be awesome!  I would love to see Brooke finally cut the cord binding her to that greasy fucking windbag and his disgusting, snarling daughter.

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3 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

Also, is there enough DAWN in the world to clean up the Oil Spill that is TK Ridge? 

Yes, yes there is.  Dawn is amazing.  But you would have to catch him first, I guess. **  (The poor birds caught in oil spills actually appreciate the awesomeness of Dawn.)

** I do still have some residual TK affection for his place in the ABC soap universe but Ridge has worn it down to almost nothing.   

Edited by tessaray
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Word! Awesome post as always, RunTheTable!

I don't know if it was intentional writing genius, but that throwaway line from Quinn to R-P about "not being Eric's son," was brilliant! I don't think she meant it at face value, but still it stung.  I applauded. He deserved that blow below the belt. You can dish it out, but can't take it, huh? Big boy. If anybody needs to be locked up with the key thrown away, it's Ridge. He was practically foaming at the mouth as he was ranting and raving.

Yes, I'm really surprised about Rick, but, surprisingly, Maya.  If there was ever a time to unleash the scheming and manipulating, it is now. Instead, it looks like Myron/Maya figuratively (as well as literally) chopped his/her balls off.  I was certain she's be moving Rick around like a pawn on a chessboard to clock Ridge was soon as Eric recovered. Guess being "Mrs. Forrester CEO" dreams went out the door along with the fugly portrait.  Thorne is usually easily led, so I wasn't that surprised by his behavior. However, he seems the least judgmental of the group and all he knows about Quinn is hearsay, so I thought he might be more prone to give her the benefit of a doubt, or at least his father

Steffy? What a bad-ass bitch she is in her belt buckle dress and 60s sex kitten wannabee with the hair and makeup. Honey, I've got news for you -- you're no Bridget Bardot or Barbarella!  I swear JMW was trying to form an Elvis snarl/smile when Wyatt was groveling and admonishing his mother and saying he'd defend and protect Steffy. Her ego must have hit the stratosphere. Here was yet another wide berth for her to be honest and say she wanted to end the marriage, but she didn't. That's so unfair to Wyatt to keep stringing him along while she waits for a clear path back to Waffles. Honestly, I don't know if I pity or loathe Wyatt. He definitely fits the textbook description of men who like for women to treat them like dirt. That seems odd that he'd behave that way having Quinn for a mother.

I think that Eric was OK with Brooke missing the wedding to be with R.J. because at least she had the decency and courtesy to RSVP, even if it was regrets. However, since Eric is R.J.'s grandfather, she could have taken him to the wedding. That would have been two more witnesses at least.

I think the term for Caroline's look is "Instagram eyebrows." I see that all over Youtube. She definitely doesn't look as good as she used to. Her hair looks like Steffy's used to look -- in dire need of several good deep conditioning treatments then cut and recolored to a more natural tone that isn't so damaging to her hair. I think at least JMW had the good sense to finally give up and is now wearing wigs.

I have no word for Carter other than ST-OO-PID!!!

Sorry if this is a duplicate post, we were in the midst of an electrical storm last evening, when I initially wrote this, and it looks like what I originally wrote didn't make it. (No, I'm not anyway near Florida, but we're feeling the effects here.  Positive thoughts and prayers to our fellow friends and posters anywhere near the path of Matthew. I would suggest naming a future storm "Ridge," but I don't know how an oil storm is produced. Maybe in the Persian Gulf!)

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13 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

 I want Eric to stay unconscious, and would love to see Brooke and Quinn bond over shared concern for Eric after Quinn discovers Eric's copy of the POA in his safe. I want her to take it to Brooke and show her just how far Ridge would go. Brooke would want the best for Eric, and decides that is Quinn. And I hope when she discovers Ridge, Steffy and Carter's treachery,  that she finally sees Ridge with crystal clear eyes, and runs to Bill as if the hounds of hell were on her heels. And after getting Bill's shares, she sells them to Quinn, making her majority share holder. 

The family against the outsider is a story as old as man, but what sets this one apart is there is usually at least one person in the outsider’s camp. Quinn has no one.

@RuntheTable, I can quote and agree with every single point in your excellent post, but these are the two that really stood out to me.  It actually kind of depresses me, because the thought of Brooke selling her shares to Quinn is so awesome, but of course we all know the hacks in charge wouldn't even think of doing that.  And you're right, Quinn has nobody on her side...not even her worthless, chicken-headed son.  How can he stand to see his mother be verbally abused by Steffy all the damn time?  Can't he for once at the very least say "that's enough" to Puff Princess?  As our moderators would tell us, "you made your point, now move on." :) I understand you should stand by your spouse, but I don't think that means blindly nodding your head like a loon when said spouse is doing something that is dead wrong, and IMO harassing Quinn (I'm not sure if you all know this, but Steffy needs protection from her) every chance she gets is dead wrong.

12 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

HEY! ..Did LG have her hair cut and Foiled at that  one Junior Beauty School At the Mall in Milledgeville GA?  Y'Know the one right between SBARRO and Orange Julius?    Man, THEY DID THAT SAME SHIT TO MY HAIR IN 1998! It cost me 28.00 and I was Mad!

Sorry, @Nanu160, but I think that Junior Beauty School would have done a better job.  LG has naturally curly hair, which is very delicate, her hair looks like it is fried to within an inch of its life.

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Word to your entire post, RuntheTable. It is a thing of beauty.

The only part I had a different take on was with respect to Caroline/Thomas.

I don't think he looked all that thrilled to see her. Douglas, of course, but the more aggressive she got with her talking about them as a couple, sidling closer to him on the couch, touching his leg, the more he looked like he wanted to bolt. My how the tables have turned as I'm remembering the time Thomas pulled his stage-five-clinger moves on a recuperating Caroline.

Caroline has always, always wanted what she can't have - Rick when he was first dating Maya, Ridge when she was married to Rick, and now Thomas who has moved on and is in the early stages of dating Sasha. And don't tell me Miss Thang didn't pick up on the vibes between Tasha when she sashayed in with her baby bait. She all but pissed on Thomas to mark territory that was never hers to begin with.

As I mentioned upthread, I didn't miss her. AT ALL. I'd much prefer she return to NYC and leave Tasha, a couple that has made Thomas likeable again, alone. I'm sick of my girl being shat on and I'll be darned if I sit here and watch Caroline hurt her just because she can.

Edited by CountryGirl
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13 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Stuffy, putting on her best doe eyes and come hither smile. These are the things I cannot unsee. Watching that elasticized, overly injected, trifling twit actually flirting with her husband fresh on the heels of hugging his brother was rage inducing. Oh yes, I will come home with you now Wyatt. Daddy and I worked it all out. You see, we broke the law, and said "MY GRANDFATHER" gave POA to my dirty dad. But you see, "MY GRANDFATHER" actually gave it to your mom! No harm no foul though right? Besides, you are supporting me, which means you understand how it is in our marriage. You waited for me, and begged me, and stood by me against your mother. It all means so much.

Wyatt, you are an idiot. Did you not notice that the minute you showed up at the hospital, Steffy left? And where did she go Wyatt? That's right. She went to see your brother. The guy she can't stay away from. The one that is protecting her from your mother, although to date, Steffy has been the aggressor in all things Quinn, starting with her stomping rampage through Monaco. Considering that Steffy has slapped Quinn, and manhandled her, and threatened her, and accused her of poisoning Eric, has on every possible occasion, just like her dear daddy, gone out of her way to be as nasty and horrible as possible, I fail to see where Steffy needs any type of protection. This is not a fight about Eric. It is a fight about a spoiled rich boy and his self absorbed slattern of a daughter winning.


Ridge. My God, but you are now beyond redemption. I ask myself, what is this power you have over people? You have no redeeming qualities, will climb over anyone that gets in your way, will use anyone for your gain, are unable to fully commit to anyone, are, have been, and will always be incapable of running your own life. I hope Eric also sees you with crystal clear eyes. I hope he cuts you out of his life like a piece of deciduous wood. And your puffy daughter too. As much as I hate Rick, he is at least worrying about Eric. His grief and regret seem real. And there it is; all the others may not like Quinn, or Eric's actions, but they understand what they did was wrong. They could have supported Eric, but not Quinn, or the marriage. Ridge ain't having none of that though. Ridge has an agenda and a mission. I didn't miss when he was outlining what the POA governs, that he mentioned all of Eric's stock in FC's. Oh yeah. That slimy SOB can't wait to get his hands on that. Then when "His Logan" marries Bill he will get Bill’s shares and it will just be hunky dory.



RuntheTable, your awesome post in its entirety is a thing of beauty!  

I know that we, as the audience, are often asked to suspend our disbelief to get through the show, but there is no amount of brain bleach that will erase the image of Stuffy, the wannabe Aphrodite.  For months, I've been pleading with the writers to just STOP trying to make "Stuffy, the Femme Fatale" happen.  Just stop it.  I'm sick of hearing about her nonexistent awesomeness and virtues from people who frankly ought to know better.  The longer Chickenhead stays with this self-important trust fund trollop, the more he is in danger of becoming like Eric.  You know, the Eric whose shrewish wife, Stephanie, kept his balls in her nightstand encrusted with diamonds and set in platinum.  It is hard for me to believe that Bill and Quinn spawned such a colorless wimp.

Ridge-Pen was beyond redemption for me the moment he thought he and Bridget could be a couple because they no longer shared DNA.  Even if Bridget was "confused," Ridge-Pen was supposedly the adult in the room.  But, as is typical, he has to have two or more women panting over his sorry carcass and threw up an obstacle to his and Brooke being together when there shouldn't have been any.

From what I recall, both Brooke and Eric saw this creep with crystal clear eyes too many times to count.  He has only gotten progressively worse, particularly since his return from his self-imposed exile in Paris.  He couldn't even bring his sorry ass back to be with his mother when she was transitioning.  The only two words he should have had for Brooke when he came back were "Thank" and "you."  How either Eric or Brooke can stand to be in the same room with Pepe LePew is simply beyond my comprehension.  But, that could explain this inexplicable power that Ridge-Pen seems to have over everyone in his orbit.  One whiff of that bodily funk and they become captive to his wishes.  From a lawyer, who chose to put his bar license, reputation, financial future and freedom on the line for an erstwhile "friend" who will throw his foine chocolate self under the bus quick, fast and in a hurry.  Ridge-Pen screwed over several of the other lemmings who are willing to follow him to hell too many times to count.  Brooke, in particular, seems to be suffering from selective amnesia when it comes to remembering what happens when Ridge-Pen gets a whiff of power.  Does she not even remember how she ranted and raved just a couple of years ago (give or take) when Ridge-Pen fired Oliver and dissed her children?  Didn't that lead to an argument with Bill and some of the most awesome sex she ever had afterwards?  Quinn or no Quinn, why would Brooke feel comfortable allowing Ridge-Pen to have absolute power at Forrester Creations?  

And, yes--I hate Stuffy.  This is where I'm struggling in my prayer life.  Anytime you're praying that the Lord smite a fictional character, that's when stuff just got real.

Edited by MulletorHater
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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Caroline has always, always wanted what she can't have - Rick when he was first dating Maya,

Actually, it was the other way around. Rick sprung some volunteer work on her when she thought they were going to a fancy restaurant and being pissed she bailed. That's when Rick met Maya and he was seeing both of them. This was also after the infamous balcony fall that changed Caroline from a slightly more bland version of Hope into a spoiled bratty trust fund baby, and she spent months into scheming mode getting Rick's attention back. For what purpose, I have no clue; even Liam has the decency to do a clean break. They'd never broken up, and I have a feeling that LG's rising star following the change is why the show did a 180 and kept Carick together instead of moving on to Maya back then.

with all that said, this isn't a good look for her to try and bust up a third relationship. Rick and Ridge? No big loss IMO. But she put the brakes, rightfully so, on the shit with Thomas. He moved on.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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OMG, if Wyatt doesn't tell his mother, I will be joining Eric in the stroke center! I loved him telling Puffy off, but the next scene better be him throwing her off him and going to Quinn. And, Carter, you are a pathetic POS.

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Wow.  Steffy is the worst.  Finally, Wyatt is seeing that he married a manipulative piece of shit.  Loved that he threw it back in her plasticized face not to talk to him about legalities.  Hopefully he realizes just how low he has fallen and will do the right thing here.

I'm so tired of these people saying that Eric is out of his mind, and using that to justify their awful behavior.

It's too bad Ivy is wasting her time on Liam.  I'd much rather her and Wyatt get back to together, after Wyatt kicks Steffy's worthless ass to the curb.

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I'd rather Ivy had come back with another man entirely during her time in Sydney than waste time with either of these twerps. Wyatt is becoming almost as spineless as Liam these days.

I'd be glad if TPTB were to bring back CJ to revive Spectra, bring back his hot brother Mark and write these two duds out the show. I've had no use for Liam since he inexplicably tore up the annulment paperwork for his first marriage to Steffy and waited till the wedding to tell Hope, but Wyatt has never truly stuck the landing for me, either. 

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Well hello there, Wyatt's balls! You boys have been missed around here! Look at you, telling Steffy that you know about the PoA, watching her plastic face slowly melt off, letting her know you'll be telling your mom, not falling for her baby-talk kissi....Oh no! Bye, again, Wyatt's balls. It was nice seeing you for a few brief seconds. Hopefully it was just a moment of being starved for physical affection, & he'll still tell everything he knows. 

Um, Ivy, if you have to drag out Steffy's fugly wedding dress to grab onto Liam's attention, trust me, Honey, it ain't worth it. That dress is the tackiest thing anyone has ever worn on TV, & if Liam has fond memories of it, seeing you in it isn't going to make him project those memories onto you. Also, news flash, when Liam said seeing Steffy in that dress made him know she was the one was a total lie; seeing her walk down a makeshift aisle, to Liam & a preacher, without Hope in sight, is what made him marry her, then he spent the next several months pining over boring Hope. How soon we forget. 

Again, I hate to rag on anyone for personal reasons, as I'm not nearly as perfect as I pretend to be, but damn, JMW is just not a good actor. Seriously, she could barely emote fear, or concern, or guilt, or sadness at the potential loss of her marriage when Wyatt let her know that he knew about the PoA. She is just bad, really bad, really, unfixably bad. Cut your losses, B&B. 

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My only gripe with Carter's position is...if he had never went to Eric's home, he would never have seen it. Obviously Quinn didn't know about it. Eric had never handed it over, so intent or not falls short for me. I could intend to do something, but if I only complete 50% of the task, that's on me. 

I'm no fan of Ridge or the shrieking harpy. They need to send both of them to the international office. I'm trying to like this new Quinn. I'm on the fence about her. 

Ivy is arguably the most pathetic woman in daytime. You have to wear Steffy's old makeshift wedding attire to sway Liam? Pathetic.

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20 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Maya sweetie, you haven't been a "Forrester" all that long either, MMKAY sugar pie? Now, as I recall it, those same folks you are supporting weren't all that accepting of you back in the day. You remember......you know, when you interrupted that board meeting for a very important and ground breaking announcement? Who cares if you got some stuff wrong, or were out of line, or not in possession of all the facts, because the fact was, you wanted your shot at the brass ring. And after you got it, you didn't have the grace to be diplomatic, or try to smooth over the raging crevice you opened in a family not yours, choosing instead to flaunt your mistress status as a thing to be proud of. Then, after months of behaving like a power hungry shrew, you became your husband's henchman, and began a reign of terror and entitlement. Your favorite prey was a young girl with a history of mental health issues. A young girl who grew up without her mother. A young girl who loved her Uncle Rick, and didn't understand his behavior. After months of watching you lauding it over everyone, and watching you and your prick husband go on about honesty and fucking integrity, we find out you had been carrying around the thousand pound lie. Someone needs to gag a bitch, and place her firmly in a seat.




entirely during her time in Sydney than waste time with either of these twerps. Wyatt is becoming almost as spineless as Liam these days.

*Almost*? He's always been spineless but it's always been about Quinn and his woman. 

But yes to Ivy coming back for something other than being Quinn's henchwoman and trying to win back Liam. Girl, the man literally took you to the airport himself to get you out of town with no hint of a begging you to stay change of heart. Move.on.

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So what is Ridge going to do?  Bring Eric home and keep him like an aging heiress holed away from the world by a greedy servant?  Thorne and Rick should be chilled by Ridge's warning that he's going to move into the family home and "take care" of Eric.

THIS.  This is exactly what I am afraid of.  Eric may very well be temporarily knocked down as he recovers, and I can see Ridge isolating him and making sure he doesn't get the rehabilitative therapy he might need to completely recover, because Ridge doesn't want Eric alive and well.  Dead would be preferable, but incapacitated will suit Ridge's purposes just as well.  

I hope that Eric recovers and disinherits his entire family.  I get so angry at those spoiled, entitled children masquerading as adults.  I'm sorry I can't think of anything sharp and funny to say about this, but it honestly makes me sick.

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Did anyone notice that Steffy was throwing Ridge under the bus. It was all his idea and I had to go along with it was complete and utter bull shit.  Steffy was not complicit but the perpetrator. Wyatt better make Steffy get down on her knees... And beg for forgiveness just as Rick did to him. Than tell Steffy that he is still going to tell his mother.  When she threatens him with leaving, just say fine and throw her out just as Ridge did to his mother.  Steffy will say where am I to go and Wyatt's answer should be that frankly I don't give a damn.  Go to Liam, bitch.  

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Even when they try to take away everything that makes Ivy "Ivy", she is still miles better than Steffy.  

Hey IIC, you can't put me through a million years of "Hope is the center of the universe" and then think I won't remember it. So stop with the Steffy was always the one crap.

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

Um, Ivy, if you have to drag out Steffy's fugly wedding dress to grab onto Liam's attention, trust me, Honey, it ain't worth it. That dress is the tackiest thing anyone has ever worn on TV

No it's not worth it at all.  I can't believe Ivy pretty much told Liam how pathetic he is going after his brother's wife, but geez, does she not see it's not a hell of a lot different on the pathetic meter than her begging Liam for a second shot???  About the dress...tacky for sure, but that black number she wore for another one of her weddings to Liam is at the very least tied for tackiest :)

3 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Wyatt should have followed Carter to the office and told him "Hand over the POA or I call the California Bar Association. See I have their number right here on my phone."

Yeah, I was yelling at him for confronting Steffy first.  I wish he would have just left & went to his mother to tell her the news.  I wish I could say I enjoyed him dressing Steffy down.  Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but my fear that he'll be overcome by her "charms" overcomes any joy I may be feeling at the present.

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Did anyone notice that Steffy was throwing Ridge under the bus. It was all his idea and I had to go along with it

Almost my exact words!  I said to my TV (yes, I talk to that screen LOTS these days) "wow, way to throw your filthy father under the bus!"

Edited by ByTor
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On 10/6/2016 at 3:18 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

Wyatt is such a pathetic wanker.  Seriously, the guy is an embarrassment.  He could get more affection from a blow-up doll than he will ever get from Puffy.

So what is Ridge going to do?  Bring Eric home and keep him like an aging heiress holed away from the world by a greedy servant?  Thorne and Rick should be chilled by Ridge's warning that he's going to move into the family home and "take care" of Eric. 

And why is Rick standing for this anyway?  If there was ever a time to break out his special brand of entitled-boy crazy, this is it.  Why is he not using this situation to drive a giant wedge between Eric and Ridge?  So stupid.

Puffy.  So perfect.

On 10/6/2016 at 3:40 PM, LittleIggy said:

Yeah, WTF happened to the power hungry, scheming Ricky? That Rick would have sided with Eric to become the favored son. At the very least, that Rick would demand to see the POA not take Pig Pen's word for it.

And, yes, Wyatt is a pathetic douche excuse for a son.

Where does Stuffy get off wailing "I knew she would hurt my grandfather!"? Quinn didn't hurt Eric. His family did.

Thomas didn't look thrilled that Caroline has decided to plant her flag on him. He needs to tell her that while she was off finding herself, he found someone else.

This is probably a very very unpopular opinion, but the only Rick I ever saw was Kyle Loder (had to look up his name before I posted).  When I started watching I think Phoebe had been dead for a month.  That Rick was so weasely and slimy, but I thought he was good with Brooke and had real tension with Ridge.  Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but at least I found it interesting.  I only know this Rick as a bad Lucky Spencer from GH.

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First -- WORD and LIKES across the board to all of the spot-on and awesome posts!


YE-AA-EZZZ!!!! Wyatt finally grew a pair. Of course, given the level of acting ability, it was more or a one-sided shouting match, but still ... reading that bitch for the filth she is was too good to be true.  (I mean we all wish that Wyatt had stormed out to tell Quinn, but not before he told Steffy he wanted a divorce STAT and to have her bags packed and moved out by the time he returned.) The way Steffy was stammering and trying to retort him calling her out on all of her lies was all shades of awesome. First, it was she had to protect "grandad," next she "really didn't want to have to lie," then lastly, and the cherry on top was turning it around and throwing her slimy father under the bus. But wait! It got better as she twisted it around to make it all Wyatt's fault for not keeping Quinn away in the first place. (Seriously, bitch? He all but hog-tied her and locked her in the basement.) The FINAL nail was resorting to blackmail by stating that Quinn's absence "keeps me here." I HOPE Chickenhead was listening with his head that has ears on either side of it.  Yeah, Steffy's going to be on her knees alright, but it won't be begging Wyatt to keep quiet. Hopefully, once (if) he gets his thirst quenched by the fool's gold cooter, he'll regain his senses and go straight to Quinn, then high-tail it over to Carter.

You know, if the circumstances were different and Wyatt was married to somebody else and Quinn was just the garden-variety meddling MIL, I'd hand it to him for supporting his wife above MuuuuthuRRRRR!!!  Anyway, Quinn's obvious disapproval and spoken dislike for Steffy when Wyatt announced that Steffy was moving back to their house, should have waved some red flags at that point. Hopefully, the dim bulb fill finally connect the dots and run to a divorce lawyer (not Carter!) as fast as his chicken legs will carry him.

Carter was pretty clear when he said he was "Eric's lawyer." Not Ridge's, not Forrester Creations', not the Forrester family in general. At least he has some morals and ethics left by at least trying with Ridge and Steffy, but hey, you can't move very far when a bulldozer is coming at you and a brick wall is behind you.  Carter is really the most dispensable character in the group, so it would be no loss for him to deliver the good news to Quinn, then vanish. Either Ridge can exile him or he gets reported and loses his license. Yep, looks like he'll be ministering full time fairly shortly.

Ivy has sunk to a new all-time low.  Seriously, a woman who looks like Ivy and who is smart, talented and even-tempered has problems finding a man to notice her? In. L.A.? That is really pathetic for her to play dress-up in Steffy's fugly wedding frock #1 (maybe for Halloween!) and prance down the runway/aisle for Liam. That's just sad. Also, there was a continuity error today. That white dress is NOT a FC design. When everybody was in Aspen, Steffy had a very narrow window of opportunity to trap Hope in that gondola and snag Liam. She enlisted another Aussie (PR person from Forrester Int'l.) to go raid street vendors to pull together bridal attire. That's where she got that dress and the hideous half-mask/veil thing and that piece of gauze for the train. The hiking boots were an added touch. /eyeroll.  However, ITA that the hideous black lace maternity catsuit Steffy wore for wedding #2 (or 3?) to Liam trumped everything imaginable.

OBTW, the term for Caroline's look is "Instagram eyebrows." All of the legit makeup artists on YouTube complain about them non-stop.  They do look like she took a Sharpie to her face.

I can't wait until Monday! Watch the SL now turn back to Brooke/Bill/RJ or the Avants, which would be OK if it were on Julius/Viv or Sasha/Thomas.

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Thank you for the info on Instagram eyebrows, grisgris.  What an odd trend!  Now I understand wanting full, beautifully shaped eyebrows, as over-plucked brows really do detract from someone's face.  For example, whenever I watch GH - which is only once every couple of months these days - I always wonder why Nancy Lee Grahn and Maura West (who is otherwise an alluring woman) have such terrible eyebrows.  But the cartoonish eyebrows that LG is sporting are just as bad! 

Re Carter, I was also surprised today when he said he was Eric's lawyer.  Carter is also a lawyer for Forrester Creations, which has stockholders, so the company's interests and Eric's personal interests are not always going to coincide.  No way should he be representing both.  But then no way should he let that fucker Ridge badger him into going against his client's wishes, either.  When Eric wakes up, Carter needs to be third on the hit list.

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Is Liam (and the writing) for real with the reminiscing over the wedding dress from Aspen? How he knew Steffy was the one? Is he forgetting the whole thing of Hope locked in a  gondola or Hope in general? 

Loved Wyatt's reaction to the POA lie, he needs to tell Steffy off and go tell Quinn. Steffy is totally trying to manipulate Wyatt with emotional blackmail. He needs to not tell Quinn because it's keeping Steffy in their marriage. Run Wyatt, actually not walk out. Take Steffy and dump her on Liam's doorstep.

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8 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

My only gripe with Carter's position is...if he had never went to Eric's home, he would never have seen it. Obviously Quinn didn't know about it. Eric had never handed it over, so intent or not falls short for me. I could intend to do something, but if I only complete 50% of the task, that's on me. 

Eric's intent was 100% crystal clear when he had Quinn's name put on that document and signed it in front of a notary. The POA was fully executed and expressed his legal intent that Quinn be in charge of his affairs in the case of his incapacitation. Carter has no excuse for his behavior.

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The weird thing is when Steffy says "Everything I am doing is justified." she's actually right, it makes sense. I mean Quinn just returned from raping and holding Liam hostage with a brain injury (which honestly could have killed him) and attempting to actually kill Hope's father (and a strong attempt too). It's just that Steffy and Ridge are such assholes that it's hard to take their side even when they do have a valid point.

BTW When is Wyatt going to bump his head and wake up cool? I wouldn't even mind a Jason Morgan-esque accident because I can't stand this little bitch behaviour. Gah!! Get some guts, please!

Also posting this vid because this woman is saying every damn thing that has been said on here with aplomb and I am living. The truth, seriously.

Edited by slayer2
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9 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

When Eric wakes up, Carter needs to be third on the hit list.

I completely agree.  Not only is he Eric's lawyer, but does Carter remember that Eric adopted his brother Marcus? In that sense I'm sure Eric considers Carter family as well.

7 hours ago, Artsda said:

 Steffy is totally trying to manipulate Wyatt 

Steffy is what she has been accusing Quinn of. Manipulative?  Check!  Liar?  Check! Law-breaking?  Check!  Dangerous?  Check, advantage Steffy!  Quinn never shoved a cousin into an electrical panel (it was an ACCIDENT!!!) or bashed another cousin's skull with a tire iron (I was DEFENDING myself!!!).  At least Quinn keeps that out of the family :)

Edited by ByTor
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At this point, Steffy is more Quinn than Quinn is.

If only TIIC had left out the Rape Night Episode 2: Attack in the Cabin thing outta the Liam/Quinn thing they obviously wanted to do. We could've had just had Steffy and Quinn in a proper triangle and spared Wyatt's balls.

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52 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

At this point, Steffy is more Quinn than Quinn is.

If only TIIC had left out the Rape Night Episode 2: Attack in the Cabin thing outta the Liam/Quinn thing they obviously wanted to do. We could've had just had Steffy and Quinn in a proper triangle and spared Wyatt's balls.

Honestly, Quinn/Eric works better than a Quinn/Liam triangle, makes more sense for both characters (horny old man looking to play white knight; opportunistic beautiful horny damaged woman needing a white knight), and has a lot more far reaching ripple effects than Quinn/Liam. Once you get over the grossness of Quiam there's nothing there going for them. Queric involves multiple obstacles for Quinn (All the Forrester kids) with a legit battle for Forrester that can give them story for months, years if Quinn ends up pregnant.

It's a good far reaching story. Only wish they had come to it sooner as THE story instead of an effort to save Quinn after Captive Cabin. Because of Captive Cabin I can't even work up an iota of desire for her to get any kind of win in this no matter how bad Ridge and Steffy are because she raped and kidnapped a man. Maybe if she was self aware enough about why they hate her and sincerely apologized and tried to make amends to the man she screwed over. Her apologies are always the same 'I didn't mean for this to happen/Why can't you just get over it/What I did wasn't so bad' and she then she lays low for a bit until the next time she feels something needs her touch to get things going the 'right' way.  

And yet I can't argue that it hasn't revitalized her character to be able to play on show for years to come but it's also left Liam twisting in the wind with no story and irrelevant after getting trashed which pisses me off. She gets the redeemed Cinderella story after what she did? No dice for me.  I hope they come up with something good for Liam soon or else I think he'll be dumped like Oliver was after he was used and abused in the Oopsy sex story with Brooke. Wyatt is saved because Quinn is his mom so he has a place in this story in battling his new siblings and current wife now step granddaughter. Liam, not so much. It'd suck if his last big story was being a puppet sex toy for the show's new and improved heroine.

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I don't know. Waffles leaving the show wouldn't hurt my feelings the least bit, especially if he took Steffy with him. But I respect your opinion, TobinAlbers. The thing is, Quinn has apologized to Liam. The big mistake was Liam refusing to press charges against her.  Having that idiot Justin, who's at best a shady corporate attorney, defend Liam was wrong on all levels.  A story with Quinn in prison and Deacon and Wyatt teaming up to get her out somehow could also have been an interesting story, again with battle lines drawn between the Fullers and Forresters.

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14 hours ago, Artsda said:

Is Liam (and the writing) for real with the reminiscing over the wedding dress from Aspen? How he knew Steffy was the one? Is he forgetting the whole thing of Hope locked in a  gondola or Hope in general? 

Loved Wyatt's reaction to the POA lie, he needs to tell Steffy off and go tell Quinn. Steffy is totally trying to manipulate Wyatt with emotional blackmail. He needs to not tell Quinn because it's keeping Steffy in their marriage. Run Wyatt, actually not walk out. Take Steffy and dump her on Liam's doorstep.

You know someone is "the one" when you spend all of your marriage having daily romantic flashback montages about someone else.  

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See, that is the thing with men and their balls, if they don’t own a fully grown, mature pair, they don’t really carry a whole lot of weight. Take Carter for instance, given his stature, one would assume he would possess such a pair, but alas, it appears Carter is suffering from a raging case of Testicular Insufficiency. How else to explain a person who has put in the time, and the blood, sweat and tears it takes to make it through law school, not to mention passing the bar, allowing someone else to council them on their legal obligations. How insane did Ridge sound when he was telling Carter his legal obligation was to protect Ridge’s family? Was “Protecting the Forrester’s” part of Carter’s studies? I don’t think so. As the “family” attorney, or the corporate attorney, or as Eric’s private council, Carter’s first and only obligation is to uphold the law, and the oath of office he swore to honor and follow. Ridge can just bugger off with that nonsense, particularly when he meant to say that Carter was only obligated to protect “my inheritance, my company, my life, my, my, my....”

Why was Liam at FC’s again? Was he just hanging out? Because that ish with him and Steffy sent me into a rage blackout. Flirting with Liam as you tell him you have decided to honor your marital vows, and will be gracing Wyatt with your presence once again. And what was that you said about "giving Wyatt one more chance?" I don't remember that coming up in your talk manipulation of Wyatt. One more chance for what? To kiss your ass? To suck up real good and proper to the Shrieking Succubus? And that cute little playful smile you pulled out for the Waffle. So personal and so intimate. A smile made just for lovers. Oh, but wait, aren’t you married to the Waffle’s bother? A person could forget, or become confused about that with the way Steffy conducts her business. And did I really hear her quantifying her decision by saying that “I promised him”, and “Quinn is out of our life now, so....”, effectively leaving Liam an opening to jump in with his stuff about how you and Wyatt were going to fail, and how going back to him was a mistake. But you just pulled out that adorable little smile, and answered with the highly suggestive “Mm, Hmm.” And look at your dad hanging right with you by suggesting you were keeping those boxes “just in case.”

I believe that Wyatt is also going to be suffering from a case of Testicular Insufficiency. He was righteously indignant with Steffy, but I can only see that going so far. His statement about “that you are lying”, as if this is the first time he has heard about this, says so much about Wyatt’s state of mind. He still believes he has married someone with morals and ethics. He still doesn’t get that this whole thing with Steffy leaving him to force Quinn out of their lives was just a ruse to be able to hob knob with Liam. Now, Steffy isn’t exactly ready to reconcile with the Waffle, it is really more about stringing both of them along, and Liam has to pay for screwing Quinn and actually enjoying it. It doesn’t matter that he had no idea who anyone was; he should have intuitively known somehow that he shouldn’t be enjoying sex with Quinn. And of course there is that whole thing with Liam dumping Steffy before he lost his memory. There is a price to be paid for that as well. Right now though, the most urgent matter is convincing Wyatt not to tell Quinn about the POA, so of course this manipulating tramp is gonna pull out the big guns. Oh, how my hand itched to stuff a gigantic gourd right in Steffy’s foul mouth. Watching that conniving bitch turn it all around and dump everything on Wyatt was beyond infuriating. And Wyatt is so damn stooooopid that he cannot see this? How did we get from Steffy and Daddy breaking the law, to Wyatt not protecting his fucking hit man wife? And now there is a new “condition” on their marriage? Now Wyatt can’t tell Quinn. Not telling Quinn “will be good for our marriage” and is what is “best for our relationship. It will keep me here.” This is not how marriage works Wyatt; one partner does not get to assign conditions and regulations to the union. That was done during the wedding ceremony; it isn't part and parcel of a happy and fulfilled marriage. How many times are you going to do this wench's bidding? If Wyatt excepts those terms, then I am done feeling any sympathy for him, and whatever happens is what he deserves.

The bad thing about criminals is they have no loyalty, and will turn on their co-conspirators when faced with the consequences of their illegal activity. It appears that even sharing blood will not prevent this behavior. Lookey here, you pretentious little Puffy Princess; you don’t get an out. You don’t get to throw your grimy dad under the bus, cause the Mother Fucker already lives there. Besides that, you are just as complicit in this crime as your dad and Carter. Do you think in the eyes of the law you would be any less guilty because this was “My father’s lie?” Maybe it was, but the fact that you acknowledged it as a lie, means you knew it was wrong, and instead of doing the right thing and telling daddy no, we can’t do this, you chose instead to not only go along with it, but to actively coerce Carter to as well. Oh honey, you are in this way past your botoxed butt, and I hope Wyatt blazes a trail right on over to Quinn’s and sets her world right.

And to think Steffy ever fixed her mouth to say a single bad thing about Brooke.

I cannot believe what Ivy has been reduced to, and that is all I am going to say about that.

18 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Re Carter, I was also surprised today when he said he was Eric's lawyer.  Carter is also a lawyer for Forrester Creations, which has stockholders, so the company's interests and Eric's personal interests are not always going to coincide.  No way should he be representing both. 

With the B&B, lawyering is much like doctoring; no matter what your specialty, you are an expert in every other area of the profession, and conflicts of interest never come into play.

Edited by RuntheTable
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On ‎10‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 8:19 AM, grisgris said:

I think the term for Caroline's look is "Instagram eyebrows." I see that all over Youtube. She definitely doesn't look as good as she used to. Her hair looks like Steffy's used to look -- in dire need of several good deep conditioning treatments then cut and recolored to a more natural tone that isn't so damaging to her hair. I think at least JMW had the good sense to finally give up and is now wearing wigs.

What happened to LG on her time off? She made a mess of her head. 

The new lips are misshapen. Considering the volume of nightmarish examples online and elsewhere, Sharpie-styled eyebrows should be avoidable for a professional actor. LGs hair is bringing up the rear with JMWs mop in the contest for the worst color processing negligence and styling abuse.

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On 10/7/2016 at 2:29 PM, nkotb said:

Again, I hate to rag on anyone for personal reasons, as I'm not nearly as perfect as I pretend to be, but damn, JMW is just not a good actor. Seriously, she could barely emote fear, or concern, or guilt, or sadness at the potential loss of her marriage when Wyatt let her know that he knew about the PoA. She is just bad, really bad, really, unfixably bad. Cut your losses, B&B. 

Yeah, I was going to mention that. Chickenhead reading his wife the riot act was powerful. I was enthralled. But then came her rebuttal and it was hilarious. Stiffy Stifferson totally took me out of the scene with her unnatural line delivery and her strange attempt at emotions. Please Brad Bell, get the girl some acting lessons. Or as someone upthread suggested, off to Forrester International for her and Sludge-Pen. We could then be treated to visits from them as often as we get visits from Kristen and Tony. Or better yet, Dino.

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5 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

What happened to LG on her time off? She made a mess of her head. 

The new lips are misshapen. Considering the volume of nightmarish examples online and elsewhere, Sharpie-styled eyebrows should be avoidable for a professional actor. LGs hair is bringing up the rear with JMWs mop in the contest for the worst color processing negligence and styling abuse.

As someone with sharpie eyebrows myself I can't protest LG's look. I actually quite like it, it's very 80's Madonna, I do protest wardrobe's insistence to Caroline's commitment to men's shirts. It's like TK's Ridge has slobby covered so someone must represent Ronn Moss' Ridge's crisp and clean. I just don't dig it.

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That reminds me ... I swear on that on Friday's show, Ridge (or somebody) said that Thorne, Kristen and Felicia were all at the hospital with Eric. Then we saw Thorne and Rick show up at the house, but no K & F. What was that all about?  I thought Felicia went back to Paris or wherever she lives off-screen and Zende had said before the wedding even took place that Kristen was just too distraught to get on a plane and fly to L.A.

Sadly, I don't even think that lessons would improve JMW's acting.  I don't know if it's Botox, just overall lack of talent, or what. She always comes across as very stiff and guarded, like she's afraid to dig deep and bring forth any emotions or show a hint of vulnerability. Even when she's in "happy" scenes with Waffles, she seems hard-edged and aloof.  That's the risk with hiring people primarily on their looks (?????) (e.g. Ridge 1, Zende, JMW, Owen, Donna, Original Face Taylor, etc.) and hoping they have or could possibly develop a thimble of talent. This is one hand that needs to fold FAST!

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Well fuck a duck.  My post disappeared.  I saw it come up but now....pffft.

I'll try to repeat it later.  It's a beautiful day here and we're going hiking.

My prayers for all affected by Matthew.   My SIL's Mother lost her house in Hurricane Sandy and it's devastating.

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