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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Better the rooftop than steam room sex of the good ol' days.

...come to think of it, we haven't seen THAT set in a looooooooooong time,have we? Has it even been used this decade? Lol


It's been referenced by Rick and Maya fairly recently and almost used when Rick thought Maya was Caroline and referenced by AG's Thomas and the blonde girl that he was quasi-dating before Dayzee. I hate that I have an itemized list of steam room references. I need a little steam room action myself, clearly.

Edited by slayer2
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Since when it's part of an internship to be making out on the rooftop? Next they will be taking breaks in the steam room. I guess if Rick condones it it's ok.

ALL the higher-ups at Swingin' Forrester Creations would approve...and if they don't, then they are massive hypocrites!
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The CDC has determined that the Forrester steam room was the cause of the zombie apocalypse on The Walking Dead. 


I can't wait to see Pam, Charlie, Nicole, and Zende at Medieval Times.


Well that would explain what's going on over in Genoa City.

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I don't get Caroline's reaction to being pregnant because she's only been married a few days? It was like they didn't have premarital sex. 


My thoughts exactly! I'm sure it's Thomas', but since we're going down the duplicitous road, why not have Caroline just accept the pregnancy (there is a chance it could be Ridge's down the line, knowing this show), thinking/knowing it's Thomas', but raising it as Ridge's. He'll be on the verge of telling her he's shooting blanks when she breaks the news. He's so narcisisstic and self-aggrandizing that he'll actually believe that maybe one, just one extra-special sperm surpassed them all and broke through the breach and knocked Caroline up! Ridge and Thomas share DNA, so, there's that.  

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My thoughts exactly! I'm sure it's Thomas', but since we're going down the duplicitous road, why not have Caroline just accept the pregnancy (there is a chance it could be Ridge's down the line, knowing this show), thinking/knowing it's Thomas', but raising it as Ridge's. He'll be on the verge of telling her he's shooting blanks when she breaks the news. He's so narcisisstic and self-aggrandizing that he'll actually believe that maybe one, just one extra-special sperm surpassed them all and broke through the breach and knocked Caroline up! Ridge and Thomas share DNA, so, there's that.  


Hmmmm interesting and true. There's no reason why Caroline couldn't go the "It's a miracle baby!" route before AND after hearing the news. Ridge as you said is just narcissistic enough to believe it.


I'm horrified to report that GH did a similar story recently but because Sonny's swimmers inexplicably can't be beat it turned out to be his child even though his teenage son's sperm count was in contention. Blech.

Edited by slayer2
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How long will the ping pong match go on with Ridge hiding his dead swimmers and Caroline hiding Thomas' fetus? I agree with the comment upthread who said that Ridge is so narcissistic that he'll believe he's got super sperm. I have not been on the Ridge/Caroline train from the start. It's not just the age difference (I found the whole Celine Dione thing to be disgusting knowing she's been in love with him since she was 12), but it's the look of the two of them together. TK looks so much older and in need of a major makeover, while Caroline looks like a teen queen ingénue. I just don't think they mesh, either visually or age-wise.

I think KKL's lack of storyline is at her behest. She's so into her triathlons and traveling the world to promote her caftan line, that she may be asking to have less airtime.

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Has anyone broached the topic of how strange it is that Carridge dated for about 3months before getting married and were married for one day before attempts to conceive a child? Whatever happened to the honeymoon period? I feel like the most notable thing about this relationship is how immature Ridge is being. I mean I know marriage is like a handshake for him but look at the stats: they've been married for about 48hrs and they both already harbour two life altering secrets that could change the facebook status of their marriage to a broken heart and yet with each of their secrets they both collectively yet independently agree to keep these most pertinent details to themselves and focus on making a child together that we'll soon learn (because of their secrets) they can't have. Recipe for disaster....I'm taking bets...I feel like every other marriage on the show recently was more organic, even Ivy and Liam were dating longer than this, he just happens to be a tool.

Edited by slayer2
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Let's not even get into how long Hope and Liam were together :)


Shhhhhh you're not supposed to say that name. I think she has Super-hearing. But yeah, Liam and basically any girl he marries ha!

Edited by slayer2
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Thomas said Ridge gave Caroline the wedding she really wanted? Really? It seemed to me like he decided how it was gonna be and she just had to accept it.


"What do you and Ridge like to do together?" "Oh, keep huge secrets from each other."


Very clever of CBS to work in a promo of sorts for tonight's NFL game on CBS into Rick, Nicole, and Zende's dialogue--just not very subtle. Wonder if they're going to do that every week?


Can't wait for Brooke's squinty eyes when she finds out Caroline is already pregnant. And wow, does this mean Caroline wasn't using her own birth control? That's hard to believe for such a a young, sexually-active woman.

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I'm sure Caroline was on the pill or something. We'll add to the already mounting medical miracle odds, that her pregnancy is the result of the 00.1% chance that her birth control failed. /eyeroll


I'd pay good money to see Zende and Nicole go to Medieval Knights with Pam and Charlie. Word those two are boring. At this point, I'd rather see a front-burner romance featuring Cham.


I just noticed today that Brooke's been wearing a pastel pantsuit. It also looks like she got a (slight) haircut and maybe added some volume-boosting products.


Can we please get back to the QoD? (I can't believe I just typed that.)

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it screams statuatory rape or molestation or something.


I'm confused. Caroline is at least 25, how does that scream statutory rape or molestation?


Thomas sleeping with drunk nearly passed out Caroline screams of almost rape to me, but not her relationship with Ridge.



I don't get Caroline's reaction to being pregnant because she's only been married a few days?


Well you can only make babies once your married. Right?


I really like the Ridge and Caroline pairing but I agree with whoever said it is going super fast. I really wish soaps would slow down love stories a bit. Now I think Caroline and Ridge have shared some good conversations and so forth but still the need to have a baby right away is stupid. They have only been together a few months.

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Thomas said Ridge gave Caroline the wedding she really wanted? Really? It seemed to me like he decided how it was gonna be and she just had to accept it.

Caroline's response told that she couldn't happier. If Ridge still proceed with his plan despite her objections then that's another story. But she was completely thrilled with what Ridge did for their wedding. In her own word, everything in the dream come true.

Edited by sweetautumn
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I'm confused. Caroline is at least 25, how does that scream statutory rape or molestation?

Thomas sleeping with drunk nearly passed out Caroline screams of almost rape to me, but not her relationship with Ridge.

Well you can only make babies once your married. Right?

I really like the Ridge and Caroline pairing but I agree with whoever said it is going super fast. I really wish soaps would slow down love stories a bit. Now I think Caroline and Ridge have shared some good conversations and so forth but still the need to have a baby right away is stupid. They have only been together a few months.

I feel you might be reading my post out of context or in the literal sense, reading my entire post and earlier posts with respect to her mannerisms and physical appearance might give or clearer picture. Or what photofox said.

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Has anyone broached the topic of how strange it is that Carridge dated for about 3months before getting married and were married for one day before attempts to conceive a child?


I don't disagree that the relationships move fast on this show. However, Ridge/Caroline have been together since January so that's 8 months (plus 3 months of having feelings for each other). About the same time Rick/Maya dated before their wedding and more than Deacon/Quinn dated.

Yes, Caroline was gone for 2,5 months but the relationship still existed.


Also, Caroline mentioned her desire to have kids to Ridge in August and she explained that her accident put things in perspective. I understand if she doesn't want to wait after having her life flash before her eyes. Yes, they could have waited a bit, especially since Caroline said that she wanted to enjoy being married for a while before they tried to have a baby, but I guess they wanted to move to storyline along.

Edited by Callie
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That baby is Ridge's; that is my story and I am sticking to it! 


Because really? The alternatives are too depressing to contemplate. I cannot believe Bradley is going down this road again, but having father and son battling about WTD? I would have to give that a 10 on the squick scale. This whole SL is murky; I am still not convinced that Caroline and Thomas had sex. We only have his story, and Thomas likes to lie and fantasize about sex, so who knows. Then there is always the off chance that Ridge's vasectomy was a fail, or maybe one of his little guys got all revved up on Red Bull and was able to impregnate Caroline. I mean, this is Ridge Forrester after all, and somehow I suspect he has a hidden stash of:




Then there is the question of DNA; I am certainly no expert, but wouldn't Ridge and Thomas have the same DNA? Wouldn't it be something if they did do DNA testing and it turned out that Thomas was actually Thorne's son? If they can retcon Ridge's paternity why not Thomas's? It would certainly make this mess a little more compelling. No, I just don't see any good outcomes here, and no doubt, the show is going to sacrifice my CaRidge for something far less appealing. And without them, what is there? Liam and Steffy? Rick and Maya? Of course there is always Quinn and Deacon, but when do we ever see them? All Quinn does is tweak necklaces and hang with the kiddos. Ivy and Wyatt continue to grow on me, but now that they have nixed the rival fashion house idea, and spoilers indicate

That Ivy goes and begs Steffy for her job back

, I am not as stoked about them as a couple. 


Sweeps are coming up and I feel the show is totally BLAH right now. If they think a WTD SL is cutting edge and will win the November sweeps? Yeah what the fuck ever. More frightening for me is the thought that they are positioning things for a Bridge reunion. I swear by all that is holy, if they go there, I am OUT. I refuse to have that overdone romance shoved down my throat again. 


It is a sad day when your one guilty pleasure turns into a chore. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I'm confused. Caroline is at least 25, how does that scream statutory rape or molestation?

IMO because she looks and acts like she's 14.

Wouldn't it be something if they did do DNA testing and it turned out that Thomas was actually Thorne's son?

I'm a little murky on B&B history. Did Taylor originally lie that Thomas was Thorne's? And if so, was it after he was born?
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I'm a little murky on B&B history. Did Taylor originally lie that Thomas was Thorne's? And if so, was it after he was born?



Yes, Taylor got pregnant with Thomas after her first return from the dead and she passed the baby off as Thorne's. I don't remember all the ins and outs of it, but I do think Thorne convinced her to do it because Ridge was very happy with Brooke at the time. It was sometime after he was born that Taylor told Ridge, and he turned on Brooke and left her after the reveal because she had known all along. I always wondered about that. I mean, I get that Ridge was angry, but I always felt he should have been the most upset with Taylor. I could never understand why he felt it was Brooke's place to tell him when it was Taylor's child. 

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I'm sure Caroline was on the pill or something. We'll add to the already mounting medical miracle odds, that her pregnancy is the result of the 00.1% chance that her birth control failed.

That's why I'm so confused about her talking about them deliberately trying to get pregnant. If they've been having sex all along, what's this new "trying" all about? They do it more frequently? And if she was on birth control up until they got married, why would she fear that Thomas is the baby daddy? Like you said, there's an infinitesimal chance her birth control failed but it's still fuzzy to me whether she's been using any of her own (e.g., something other than condoms).


wouldn't Ridge and Thomas have the same DNA?

Thomas would have some of Taylor's DNA. Ridge would not. There's not going to be any confusion unless someone tampers with the inevitable DNA test.

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Well, I'm firmly in the "not-rape" camp re:  Caroline and Thomas but there's a much more compelling argument that he took advantage of her.  They were both drunk, but she was also on pills, emotionally vulnerable, etc.  Doesn't make him a rapist but may make him predatory.  

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I'm not so sure Thomas can be called rapey anymore; unless she was lying, she told her doctor she wasn't "taken advantage of".


But wasn't she just taking his word for it?  He was pretty insistent that he would never do such a thing to her once he realized the scope of what had happened and how upset she was. So, yeah, Caroline may have agreed that the person she knew wouldn't violate her but does anyone but Thomas really know for sure? 

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I was firmly on the "rape" side but if the woman that was there says it wasn't then I got to give it up. I guess Caroline is claiming full responsibility for her impaired actions but you can't have it both ways. Either she was impaired enough to not know what she was doing or she was not impaired enough to have it affect her choice to boink Thomas.  So, I'm confused. lol 

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I'm not so sure Thomas can be called rapey anymore; unless she was lying, she told her doctor she wasn't "taken advantage of".
Well, I'm firmly in the "not-rape" camp re:  Caroline and Thomas but there's a much more compelling argument that he took advantage of her.  They were both drunk, but she was also on pills, emotionally vulnerable, etc.  Doesn't make him a rapist but may make him predatory.

Hmmm, I wonder if the writers are trying to backpedal on what happened or if this is a plot point that's going to be revisited later. I think we clearly saw Caroline not in any condition to give consent and Thomas' penis couldn't have just fallen into her on its own. Plus, it's not unusual for victims to try to deny what happened to them and/or assume misplaced responsibility for it. Whatever, I'm staying in the "rape-y" camp on this matter.

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Hmmm, I wonder if the writers are trying to backpedal on what happened or if this is a plot point that's going to be revisited later. I think we clearly saw Caroline not in any condition to give consent and Thomas' penis couldn't have just fallen into her on its own. Plus, it's not unusual for victims to try to deny what happened to them and/or assume misplaced responsibility for it. Whatever, I'm staying in the "rape-y" camp on this matter.

1st bolded part...I was going to say maybe they did backpedal because of viewer complaints, but that would make no sense since it's not live TV :)

2nd bolded part...I'm starting to think this is because LG isn't a very good actress.

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I was firmly on the "rape" side but if the woman that was there says it wasn't then I got to give it up. I guess Caroline is claiming full responsibility for her impaired actions but you can't have it both ways. Either she was impaired enough to not know what she was doing or she was not impaired enough to have it affect her choice to boink Thomas.  So, I'm confused. lol 

I think she's dubious but accept Thomas's version of Night. And she's feeling remorse for doing something stupid and destructive by mixing wine and pills.

Edited by sweetautumn
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I don't disagree that the relationships move fast on this show. However, Ridge/Caroline have been together since January so that's 8 months (plus 3 months of having feelings for each other). About the same time Rick/Maya dated before their wedding and more than Deacon/Quinn dated.

Yes, Caroline was gone for 2,5 months but the relationship still existed.

Also, Caroline mentioned her desire to have kids to Ridge in August and she explained that her accident put things in perspective. I understand if she doesn't want to wait after having her life flash before her eyes. Yes, they could have waited a bit, especially since Caroline said that she wanted to enjoy being married for a while before they tried to have a baby, but I guess they wanted to move to storyline along.

It's not the same as Rick and Maya because they were a couple a year before and would have likely stayed that way had Caroline not intervened/interfered.

1st bolded part...I was going to say maybe they did backpedal because of viewer complaints, but that would make no sense since it's not live TV :)

2nd bolded part...I'm starting to think this is because LG isn't a very good actress.

This entire plotline is beyond confusing, not only do I not know what to believe I don't even know what they WANT me to believe. I'm utterly baffled.

Edited by slayer2
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Caroline/Ridge wedding didn't move fast when taking into consideration that it take 11 months to move them to that stage (8 months together and 3 months to have feelings for each other)  Some of you may know Duke/Anna, the supercouple from 80's GH. They met in June 1986 and got married in June 1987.  So 11 months are not quick for a couple to get married. 

Edited by sweetautumn
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There is more of a chance that Caroline's birth control failing outright than Caroline missing a day or two of taking the pill. There is still a residual amount of anti ovulation hormones in her blood stream and therefore most woman have to be completely off the pill for more than one or two days to get pregnant. TPTB also forgot that a woman is most fertile in the middle of her cycle and Caroline's cycle ended a few days after Thomas' indiscretion. Caroline was only trying to protect Thomas by telling the doctor that she wasn't forced but, if she decides to keep the baby, will she tell Ridge that she was complyent or she was basically raped by Thomas? As far as DNA is concerned, Ridge and Thomad don't have the same DNA but there is a familiarity showing father and son.

I was waiting for Steffy to tell Ivy to get down on her knees when she was begging for her job. I also don't get Steffy ragging on Quinn's work. That is also almost the same as Rick ragging on Ridges' designs when neither of them know shit.

The fashion designer and the jewelry designer are the only ones who have to be in sink. Steffy is a complete and utter figment of her own imagination.

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Today's episode description on my cable guide doesn't mention Ridge, I shall watch.

Damn that cable guide ! ;)


 I also don't get Steffy ragging on Quinn's work. 

Especially since before the MURDAHH every jewelry design they liked was Quinn's not Ivy's. I guess Ivy and Quinn do need each other. 

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There is more of a chance that Caroline's birth control failing outright than Caroline missing a day or two of taking the pill. There is still a residual amount of anti ovulation hormones in her blood stream and therefore most woman have to be completely off the pill for more than one or two days to get pregnant. TPTB also forgot that a woman is most fertile in the middle of her cycle and Caroline's cycle ended a few days after Thomas' indiscretion. Caroline was only trying to protect Thomas by telling the doctor that she wasn't forced but, if she decides to keep the baby, will she tell Ridge that she was complyent or she was basically raped by Thomas? As far as DNA is concerned, Ridge and Thomas don't have the same DNA but there is a familiarity showing father and son.

 Steffy is a complete and utter figment of her own imagination.


You nailed it Waldo13. I wish these writers wouldn't even attempt medical plots/explanations. This whole sequence of events resulting in a pregnancy really makes no sense...well, ok, it does, but they are moving this whole thing way too quickly. I agree...women are most fertile in the middle of their cycle, so if Caroline & Thomas had unprotected sex a few days before her flow started. Bzzt. Wrong time of her cycle to result in a pregnancy. How long ago did Caroline & Thomas do the deed?? She said today that she was on the pill....but she got her period a few days after?  Although a woman actually can have a period when she is first pregnant...but her fertile period would still most likely have been about 2 weeks prior. Guess we'll never know what the B&B day equals in real time  so I don't know why I even try to figure any of this out.MAkes my brain hurt....


As far as Ridge being "sterile"....I think I'd have another test or two before I would accept that verdict. He can have low sperm count & low motility...but all it takes is one happy swimmer to make it across the finish line! I'm still betting the baby is his. (But then I can't stand Thomas so there's that.)


This story is SOOO predictable.....


The bolded above is my favorite quote for this week!!!

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These writers are capable of actual research when they feel like it. Bridget was religious on BC after her miscarriage with Nicole but ended up preggers because she'd been taking St. John's Wort for anxiety related to Sandy/Agnus's surrogate pregnancy. SJW is known to interfere with BC, something a doctor that saved sour puss Katie with a miracle cure from Google ought to have known. But I digress.

OTOH, we got Hope conceiving Wyatt's baby a whole three hours after they got married...but I'm chalking that up as a rewrite of the very obvious WTD story that would've played out if KM hadn't quit the show.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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IMO because she looks and acts like she's 14


Regardless of how she looks and acts, Caroline is not 14 and not underage. I will agree she looks young but hardly 14 and occasionally she might act younger than her age but again hardly 14.



Caroline/Ridge wedding didn't move fast when taking into consideration that it take 11 months to move them to that stage (8 months together and 3 months to have feelings for each other)


I didn't realize they were together that long though with the 3 months or so she was gone from the accident, it probably made me think it was much less time. Alright you convinced me, it hasn't been too fast!

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You can't count the first 3months when Caroline was married to someone else because a) she was married to someone else and b) according to Caroline it was "just a couple of kisses, it didn't mean anything"

I definitely see the 14yr old thing and that's not hyperbole. I think what's happening with LG is the same thing that happened with Molly Burnett on Days of our Lives. She seemed a decent 21/22 (even though she was 19) until they put her in a serious relationship with Phillip and let Molly be less Melanie Layton and more Molly Burnett and then she really started in with the youthful giggling and squeaky voice and words like "butthead". I think what we're seeing is more LG than Caroline as the storyline started to merge into her own life and personality with the accident and dialogue specifically tailored to her experience.

I still don't think someone who was last year married to one brother then married to the next one a month after the divorce was finalized, should be talking about babies with anyone, I say this with the memory of Caroline pitching the band-aid baby idea to Rick her ex-husband and brother of her new husband, just 6months ago. She's got baby rabies, she needs to calm down. I understand they're trying to juxtapose it with Raya buy Raya does have a history. It's only a few years old but it's still years.

Even compared to Deacon and Quinn, DeQuinn to me seem far more organic, even in marriage given that they are both outcasts and he (potentially) rescued her at the darkest moment of her life literally and figuratively. They went through Hope's miscarriage together and were in each other's orbits as potential love interests (unattached to other people) for awhile.

Plus DeQuinn aren't over here declaring some great, deep, vast love that forsakes all others. They are maturely and honestly accepting each other as best friends and confidants and they don't keep secrets from one another, they don't lie to each other soas not to "let the other down". They're pretty honest with each other no matter how awful the other behaves. To me at least, the two couples aren't comparable.

Edited by slayer2
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Also, Caroline mentioned her desire to have kids to Ridge in August and she explained that her accident put things in perspective. 

Oh, so that's what Ridge meant when he said that Caroline has wanted to have kids for so long. After all, it is September.

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I wish TK would start saying "baby" or "child" instead of "kid." If you want a kid, we'll have a kid. We can't have a kid. Ugh, annoying IMO.

Given the amount of babies he sent to boarding school who came back kids maybe he thinks that's how it works?

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