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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I feel bad for Maya having parents that don't accept her but I still don't give her a pass as to how she treated people and the excuse of wanting to stand by her man does not fly. Of all people, Maya should have been aware of other people's feelings and how she hated to be bullied and treated as a non entity or less than zero.

In Maya's defence, I thought all of the "Bad Queen Maya" behaviour happened before her entire backstory was retconned to make her transgender.  Viewing everything in retrospect, it's hard to understand now how someone who has spent much of her life fighting to be recognised could ever treat Ivy and Aly the way she did.  But I think at the time, we didn't know that about her.  So it's hard for me to hold that against her when in the continuity of the show those feelings hadn't even existed.  Although I guess it could be said that she still believed she was treated unjustly and had spent time in prison for the death of her (now revealed as adopted) daughter.


Of course, we owe all this to Bradley Bell's "instant" switch.  He seems to believe that viewers will find sudden plot turns to be "exciting" and "shocking".  At least as I'm concerned, I don't find entire sudden retconning very appealing.  It seems to be a tried and true techique for him though.  Ridge being Massimo's son.  Amber and Mushmouth having a not-so-secret "friends with benefits" arrangement that no one ever knew about.  And now Maya being transgender.  The Maya storyline is still ongoing, but the other two sure fizzled out fairly quickly.  Ridge never calls or talks about Massimo ever.  No one ever mentions Amber and Mushmouth and Eric seems to have completely forgotten about his granddaughter.  

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Word to nkotb's entire post. You put so eloquently into words where I was struggling.


Add me to the list of those who can't figure out the appeal of Liam. I find him average-looking at best and I guess the writers were trying to give him a "sensitive" side with the tofu and yoga attributes. (Although I gotta love a man with a soft spot for animals!) He has no original personality to speak of and seems to just absorb the emotions and status quo. (In that aspect he really IS like tofu -- soaking up whatever flavor you throw in.) Don't get me started on his waffling.


I find Wyatt the much more appealing of the two. He's OK looking, but (to me) he's funny and smart. I know he's done a few shady things, but at least he has some brains about him. I say "Go Wyvy!"

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So it's hard for me to hold that against her when in the continuity of the show those feelings hadn't even existed.

This show has continuity ? ;).......... Oh right Pam makes lemon bars.


I would have thought Steffy would be a little upset that her waffle was trying to confirm he's still interested in Ivy to Wyatt while she's standing right there. Way to go Miss I won't go through this again !


Still no parachute man flashback Bell must hate the military or something.

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The Ridge retconns doesn't strike me as too odd, considering Steph and,Eric didn't know one another all that well before Steph's pregnancy forced them to marry. Plus, the way it was written in the first season on the show, I have an increasingly sneaking suspicion that Bill Bell was setting that up to be a possibility.

It's the ones that have come out the blue with no setup that tick me off, like Caroline's personality rewrite or Marcus's very existance.

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The rapid fire switcheroo that toasts my tenders is Liam's romantic reversal on Ivy. On Steffy's first takeover related visit, Liam gave her the cold dick and declared his devotion to Ivy. Steffy returns permanently and suddenly Ivy is nothing more than a casual fling who can't compete with totally hot Steffy and her FUN history with Liam. Apparently plastic parachute men and eye-melting Aspen flashbacks are supposed to make us forget that Liam and Ivy had spent months getting serious. To retcon a paternity is one thing, but to pretend something that JUST happened didn't happen? It makes me incredibly frustrated. It's sloppy and lazy and insulting to viewers.

Boy, Steffy sure can be gracious about Ivy now that she's won the waffle. I don't care for people who play that game.

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I, too, find Wyatt more attractive.  Plus, he does seem to be funny and someone with character.  I loved him calling out Waffles.   


I think Ivy is beautiful, but I don't like it when she pulls her hair back with a clip at the back.  I know she's probably trying to dump the bangs she had, but I wish they'd just somehow let her hair flow freely.  

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All I know is that I miss RM as Ridge.


I used to think that Ridge and Brooke were perfectly cast together because you couldn't tell which one was the worse actor. But I guess after fifteen years or so I got used to them.





There's something to that. I never thought that either of them were stellar actors, but they were emotionally and physically complimentary of each other and fit the Beautiful People in a Beautiful Place Show mold for many years.


When TK was recast, Ridge and Brooke were cooked. They had little warmth and one actor didn't want to be near the other. KKL was trying but TK remained at arms length. Once cast with much younger women is when he showed the most interest and emotion in scenes.


TK doesn't carry himself like he's Stephanie and Eric Forrester's heir apparent. Slouching and shuffling dad bod, terrible hair and grooming, makeup and costuming too sloppy for the crown prince of FC, dismissive of the other actors in scenes with him. There is plenty of arrogance and imperious smirking, but TK doesn't embody a corporate executive or a designer to me. The sloppiness suggest louche Euro-trash reprobate, not top shelf California playboy. TIIC place him in FCs offices, in charge of meetings, in the artist's loft with all the accoutrements, and we're supposed to relate him as executive designer/hedonistic lotus-eater.


Sorry, no.


Scott Clifton is a good actor. I enjoy all of his scenes except when he's in these wretched triangles. Then I don't know what he's trying to convey with his blank stares and waffling ways. Maybe SC doesn't get Liam's motivation? Doesn't know what it's like to the objet of affection or adored? Or just can't believe it himself? RM may not have had SC's acting chops but he understood being in love with two women and being a prize to be fought over. I know the writing's different, but since SC is so much better in his other scenes I have to put some of this on him. And let's face it, SC doesn't have the kinds of looks that RM has. RM is bold and beautiful (visually, not commenting on anyone's inner beauty) and SC is a competent actor but doesn't convey boldness and beauty. I think that's why it's hard to see him as a lead on this show.


SC has good timing when lead by stronger actors (DD -- It took him forever to not stink up the joint, and create a character worth hating. He was mostly no-talent cheesecake for years on Yn'R), but generally SCs treading water most of the time.


Liam is an indecisive twerp, that has been falling up the DNA and career ladder since he showed up. He's not leading man material. Not handsome enough to drop your panties over. Not an intellect or specialist, and no real strong suit except being an invertebrate. Never made a decision he didn't immediately regret. Always thinks he's certain what he's getting himself into, especially when signing his 5th set of annulment/divorce papers. I want to kneecap the putz with a Louisville Slugger every time he explains why he's done the same stupid thing for the 2408th time.


RM was a handsome romantic lead; tall, dark, slim athletic build, great posture, looked great in a tuxedo -- then he would open his mouth ...Oh, well.


I got used to RM, too. He was predicable, often unintentionally hilarious for all his weirdness, mullet and all.

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Boy, Steffy sure can be gracious about Ivy now that she's won the waffle. I don't care for people who play that game.

To paraphrase from Archer, that is so classic Steffy. She and Hope used to take turns with this until whatever convenient plot device happened to make him avalible again, then the claws would come out.

I'd be more pissed about Liam and Ivy being wiped out after a few months, except I've sat through Taylor waking up in love with Ridge overnight before--twice--and Brooke pulling a "j/k, I luv Ridge after all, lolz" maneuver on Thorne after three fucking years and after her actions led to Macy's not death.

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I lost count of how many times Liam and Steffy told each other today that they were "fun." Ooooo-kay.


Good for Wyatt for standing up for Ivy, then Liam responding (in front of Steffy) that he still has feelings for Ivy.


C'mon Ivy, girl, don't waste another second pining over Lame. It's pretty obvious that we're being set up for Ivy and Wyatt to get together. Stranger things have happened. IRL I knew a couple where they were good friends and one night they were together lamenting over the dearth of good men and women, looked at each other and a light bulb went off. They ended up getting married. Ivy has a lot more chemistry with Wyatt than she does with Liam.


Maya and Nicole are starting to bore me.  I liked them better when they were back in their scheming/secret-keeping mode.

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I miss Brooke's vagina. I want to know how she's doing. Perhaps nuThomas can help clear out those cobwebs.

I think Bell has finally reached a point where he doesnt know what to do with her

I dunno, how about let her have a business story that has nothing to do with her cooter? That'd be my siggestion, the same has I've had since the Bush administration. :/

But I can't say I've missed the character much these past few weeks. It's possible KKL is looking to retire/do other things which I don't blame her for doing. She's been front burner material for nearly her entire career, which is something not too many soap actress over 35 can claim. It no doubt has to be tiring.

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Love Wyatt for telling Liam to pick a lane. Liam just stands there with a blank face like he has no understanding to what his brother is saying. 


Go Wyatt and Ivy. I really like them.

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Hmmm---I really liked Scott Clifton back in the day on GH when he was a Quartermaine but that was a long long time ago as I have not watched that show in years and then he kept  winning awards either over Billy Miller or with him in a tie and so I thought OK--let's see what he is doing and UGH Liam the waffle is so not what I wanted to see--sigh---hate him and hate him more with Steffy---I went out to the garage today on a commercial and forgot to come back---I still want to like this show and when the competition is the young and the awful how hard can it be--lol---as for Wyattt I am really starting to like him and I never did before so there is that

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Gotcha', LittleIggy.


Maya brushing off Ally was to avoid getting into another Ally Hectors The Libertines From Her Pulpit, since Ally emotional reactions are on automatic. Upper management isn't being proactive to curb her Hate Of A Thousand Suns harangues, and Ally attacks anyone that doesn't agree with her viewpoint on the moral direction of Forrester Creations. She's yelling at sensualists about being self-absorbed and sexually wanton -- The girl does not know her audience. At. All.


Reducing contact and moving on was the best way to deal with Ally when the Forrester's don't act to protect her from herself.

I still think Maya should have genuinely apologized, but I guess she is unable to.

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I watched a PBS Frontline documentary on transgender children/teens. It was interesting that the mothers appeared to accept the situation more quickly thar the fathers. The fathers shown who were having difficulty weren't hostile to their children. They were just more trying to hold on to the past. One dad wouldn't agree to a legal name change (to a male name) for his trans son. He didn't want to let go of his "little girl." Interesting program. I'm sure it is still online at PBS.org.

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Hopefully, when Thorne comes home he will notice that his daughter is dressed like Wednesday from the Adams Family. If not, he really does belong in the basement at Forester.

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It looks like I will be keeping Kleenex in business, because I found myself reaching for the box again this morning. Dratted show! I really don't want to feel sorry for Maya, I don't think she has quite earned that yet, but when it comes to parents and children? Well, for me that is a whole other ball game, and is a relationship that should never be breached or compromised. So I did find myself feeling bad for Maya in this regard. What I liked most though, was Maya telling Nicole not to let their parent's disapproval of her interfere in Nicole's relationship with them. 


An Avant ambush! And I think the picture is becoming clearer now. I was so proud of Nicole for standing her ground, and telling her dad that she is old enough to make her own decisions. Mama A seems hurt and confused on how to accept Maya, but she clearly wants a relationship with her child. And deep down, I think Papa A probably does too, but his bullheadedness and pride won't let him. Anna Maria Horsford and Obba Babatunde are both awesome; another good casting stroke by B&B. These two great actors are making me interested in what will happen with the Avant clan. I am also enjoying watching Nicole morph into Vanessa Williams. 


Wyatt my man! I kept hearing that 90's song about "this is how we do it" as he was reading Liam about Ivy. And Steffy standing right there. Which causes me more confusion because I thought she declared to all who would listen that she wasn't going to share anymore. Yet Liam got his knickers all knotted up with Wyatt for pointing out to Liam that he is treating Ivy like week old bread. Didn't Steffy notice how defensive and possessive Liam became about Ivy? Oh, wait..............she did say something about the Spenser boys and how they both like her cousin, and maybe she should get to know her better. And the Waffle Master looked like he had been slathered in I Can't Believe It's Not Butter instead of Land O' Lakes followed by a healthy dose of low calorie syrup. Maybe it is just me, but I found nothing at all confusing about what Wyatt said. It appears that Steffy got it too. Only Liam the chick magnet, the guy who comes to every girls rescue only to crush them later, seemed confused. Liam is appalling. I see nothing to represent him as anything a girl would want, so as I said in an earlier post, he must be managing a matchless manhood, whipping out that weighty wonder whenever one of his girls starts getting a little restless. 


Wyatt's "pick a lane dude" was brilliant. The problem is, in order to do that, one needs working turn signals, and the ability to utilize the side and rear view mirrors. Liam's inner computer is far two screwed up to be able to handle all of that at once. It could also be said that it would require a moral compass that would allow Liam to "choose" a lane instead of riding the double yellow line. 


Ivy and Wyatt unintentionally flirting with each other was priceless. I can't believe how cute they are! And I remain pleased as punch that they are actually allowing two women to have a friendship. Ivy makes me like Katie, and Katie can keep on talking cause that is good and sound advise she is dispensing. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I digress: while I don't think TK has much of the "essence" of Ridge, I still think he is a successful recast.  He can act.  No mullet.  Infinitely more appealing to look at.  And, most importantly, I don't have to have my eyes removed after love scenes between Ridge and Caroline like I would if RM were still on the show.


Suggested story: With Taylor off screen and Brooke getting less screen time than Darla, maybe they should explore the Brooke/Taylor dynamic and why they were willing to be traded back and forth for decades by the original Waffler.  Also, both battled the bottle, both banged their daughter's boyfriends and they both sought Stephanie's motherly approval.  Not uncommon for women of a certain age to come out of the closet...

Edited by hitchcock3011
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Hmmm. Based on today's recap I fear the Avants are going to stay in LA to mooch off of Maya, which is all kinds of awful. Why does the father have to be unemployed? I hate that.


Whoever likened Ally's new wardrobe to that of Wednesday Adams, I totally agree and have been thinking that all week. Doesn't the maid clean her room and see the crazy happening in there?


Since the olds are working less these days, why can't they bring in some fresh blood for Ivy and Wyatt et al to flirt with? I'm sick of all this swapping and so far Wyatt has only stuck his tongue and/or dick somewhere Liam's been first. What's up with this penchant for sloppy seconds?

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Hmmm. Based on today's recap I fear the Avants are going to stay in LA to mooch off of Maya, which is all kinds of awful. Why does the father have to be unemployed? I hate that.



I'm going to be annoyed if Maya's dad gets a job at Forester while Deacon has been on the show for a year and they couldn't have bothered to write a job for him.


I don't care about Maya's family.  Its insane to me that half the cast isn't working and this show is starting to revolve around her character.  I know its been the Brooke show, Hope show, etc. but with Hope leaving that should have changed.  Not just change the person fans will eventually tire of since they are shoved down the viewer's throats.

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Since the olds are working less these days, why can't they bring in some fresh blood for Ivy and Wyatt et al to flirt with? I'm sick of all this swapping and so far Wyatt has only stuck his tongue and/or dick somewhere Liam's been first. What's up with this penchant for sloppy seconds?

Well, it seems obvious that Beady Eyes Waffles = Ridge Jr and that Wyatt = Thorne Jr.   Thorne spent most of his time on the show being the "second" son and always having to settle for Ridge's castoffs.  He only got Brooke and Taylor when Ridge decided he no longer wanted them.   For once I'd love to see Beady put in his place and actually lose out to another guy.  The show needs to cast a new character (preferably one that isn't a Forrester or a Spencer) that is superior to Beady in every way - looks, money, power, etc.  Would love to see Steffy drop Beady like a hot potato.  Or maybe they could bring back somebody like Owen.

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This show is starting to feel like a never-ending After School Special with the Maya storyline. There's more preachin' goin' on than a Sunday pulpit. I'm just not a big fan of overzealous attempts at cutting-edge, of-the-moment social topics in what's meant to be my guilty-pleasure, mind-relaxing, fun-time show. In small doses, sure. But B&B jumps from homelessness to cancer to dying with dignity to adoption to AIDS to transgender issues to alcoholism to texting while driving to spaying or neutering your pet....and on it goes. It's exhausting! I simply want to be entertained for 30 minutes, not get bombarded with real world problems.


I'm also not a fan of the show's overuse of triangles (and not just because I hated geometry). Wow, can they not figure out a way to cause conflict in relationships without involving another person -- especially another family member! I would never in a million years consider dating someone my sister was married to, but on this show that's downright normal. Ivy should move on, hopefully with someone other than Wyatt simply because YOU KNOW where that will lead. The next triangle/quadrangle practically writes itself. Ivy, retain your dignity and walk away. I will cheer you on so hard. 

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I'm going to be annoyed if Maya's dad gets a job at Forester while Deacon has been on the show for a year and they couldn't have bothered to write a job for him.


I don't care about Maya's family.  Its insane to me that half the cast isn't working and this show is starting to revolve around her character.  I know its been the Brooke show, Hope show, etc. but with Hope leaving that should have changed.  Not just change the person fans will eventually tire of since they are shoved down the viewer's throats.

I agree. Hate it when they go all after-school special, especially when they left out the juicy, un-politically correct aspect of Maya's disclosure. And does anyone care that much about Maya or her parents? As an African-American, I welcome more black characters on the show but would rather they be from the younger set, like someone for poor Carter. A gal pal for Nicole and Ally (they're the same age and can share); a hunk for Ivy. 


Maya's father doing a complete 180 must mean one thing: he ain't nothing but a gold digger. Yuck.

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Wow, I thought Liam had a fast flip flop with his Ivy feelings. Mr. Avant set new land speed records for flip flopping by going from intolerant to "my baby girl" in the space of nineteen minutes. Emotional beats are so yesterday, I guess.

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Whitley Trillbert, on 09 Jul 2015 - 9:14 PM, said:

I miss Brooke's vagina. I want to know how she's doing. Perhaps nuThomas can help clear out those cobwebs.

I think Bell has finally reached a point where he doesnt know what to do with her


Anna Yolei quote

I dunno, how about let her have a business story that has nothing to do with her cooter? That'd be my siggestion, the same has I've had since the Bush administration. :/


 I don't miss the over-estimating, finger-snapping vagina of clay.


When Brooke showed up at a recent FC meeting and at the pool party, I actually expected her to take a more active business role. Time will tell.

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I was hoping for Aly executing her revenge today (or at least acting on it up to a Friday cliffhanger) but instead it's more blah, blah, Maya, blah, blah, Maya. Looks as if Pops is ready to hop on the May-avy Train. I had to laugh about Mom talking about how Maya had "worked" to build this new life. Yeah, sleeping with the boss will do that!

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Since the olds are working less these days, why can't they bring in some fresh blood for Ivy and Wyatt et al to flirt with? I'm sick of all this swapping and so far Wyatt has only stuck his tongue and/or dick somewhere Liam's been first. What's up with this penchant for sloppy seconds?


Ridge just hired a bunch of new interns -- All of them attractive, young and ambitious -- why not integrate them into a couple of storylines? Or are Crown Prince Zende and Grifter Nicole the only ones that get aired out? 




Wow, I thought Liam had a fast flip flop with his Ivy feelings. Mr. Avant set new land speed records for flip flopping by going from intolerant to "my baby girl" in the space of nineteen minutes. Emotional beats are so yesterday, I guess.


What happened there? Mr. Avant's reaction was completely out of the blue.

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Nothing like an ocean view to change a man's perspective... (hah - no pun intended!)

De-lurking because this just stunned me.  OTOH, Mama Avant did tell him this was Maya's house.  Guess they don't realize she's only living there with the boy friend, and it's not really her house.  Looks like they plan to move in though, doesn't it.

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So, Maya's Dad is gonna be a gold digger? That's the reason for the 180, right? He needs a job and money and Maya's got it. That said, I think the parents were only scheduled for a few episodes. So, I don't see this visit lasting too long. I think Reign Edwards did a great job in the restaurant scenes. I think she she has her Emmy reel already.

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De-lurking because this just stunned me. OTOH, Mama Avant did tell him this was Maya's house. Guess they don't realize she's only living there with the boy friend, and it's not really her house. Looks like they plan to move in though, doesn't it.

This looks like the second coming of the California Gold Rush with Maya, Nicole, and the parents becoming the modern day 49ers. I don't want to call them the 15ers because that's reserved for the Fantastic Woman's World Cup Champion Soccer Team.

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I was hoping for Aly executing her revenge today (or at least acting on it up to a Friday cliffhanger) but instead it's more blah, blah, Maya, blah, blah, Maya. Looks as if Pops is ready to hop on the May-avy Train. I had to laugh about Mom talking about how Maya had "worked" to build this new life. Yeah, sleeping with the boss will do that!

I read spoilers for next week and it looks like we have to wait another week for

whatever Aly's going to do.

I just hope there is plenty of build-up all week long.


I did like that the father didn't know who the Forresters were. So shocking! What a rube. Only an unemployed bigot wouldn't know who the first family of fashion is. And how important Maya is for modeling for them and being engaged to one. Fashion rules!

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Anybody else catch this? The first few minutes of yesterday's show were broadcast in Spanish. The voice over actors were really quite good, and not hard to follow since every other word was Maya. I didn't stick around for Spanish Waffles. Blah blah blah sounds the same in any language.

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What happened there? Mr. Avant's reaction was completely out of the blue.

Maybe Maya had Rosario slip some of that potion in their iced tea...you know, the potion that LGBT people are using to convert all of the heteros as a part of their plot to take over the country.

Hi, Westboro B.C.!

Edited by Snaporaz
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De-lurking because this just stunned me.  OTOH, Mama Avant did tell him this was Maya's house.  Guess they don't realize she's only living there with the boy friend, and it's not really her house.  Looks like they plan to move in though, doesn't it.

And, it's not the boyfriend's house, either! It belongs to Eric and was the home of Stephanie, the mother of Ridge, Thorne, Felicia, et al. 

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I don't think there's anything wrong with the casting, but I would have loved if they cast Clifton Davis as Papa Avant. It would have made my Amen loving heart skip a beat.

Whitley Trillbert, I think we were soulmates in another life! Every time I see Mama Avant, I can't help thinking about how much I loved "Amen"! Then I realize that Nicole wasn't even alive when it was airing (character and actor, I would assume), and I feel old and irrelevant, and wish I was "FUN" like Steffy.

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Terrific.  Instead of offering a different, rational perspective on Maya's transgender status, i.e., a parent who cannot reconcile having a son for twenty years who is now a daughter, we get a simple golddigging story.  Obba Babatunde was killing it in the coffee shop scene with his confusion and grief at the loss of the child he knew.  If they had continued with that, it would have been a really great story.  Now, it's just anyone who disagrees with Maya is "bad".  Should have known better than to expect nuance from this show.

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