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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So I see I missed absolutely nothing by my DVR taking a stand and refusing to record Friday's episode. 


While I am LOL at Ping Pong, I've given a new moniker toLiam (besides Lame, of course) - Flip Flop because that's all he knows how to do and something tells me that his little Liam is more flop than flip if puritanical prude Hope's jonesing for Wyatt was any indication. And just think Flip Flop abbreviated is FF as in FF-material. Totally appropos!

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Did Hope ever say Wyatt was great in the sack? I skipped large parts of that, so I may have missed it. If so, it may be the best moment every in the Lope relationship.

There's another introspective moment that was missed. Hope flat out said a large part of why she slept with Liam the first time was to pull his attention from Steffy. That led to the chain of events that saw her abusing anxiety pills (for about a week, and it was lame as shit) and getting bashed for her hypocrisy (which I feel less sorry for her about). This could have been the point where she says fuck it and let Steffy have his ass, or realize that she isn't Brooke and she need not go to the extreme opposite to be happy. In a perfect world, we'd get both of these things. Instead, we got five more failed wedding attempts.

As much of a lying trifling cretin Steffy can be, I don't want her with Liam, either. I don't necessarily cheer for her and Wyatt...I just want to see Liam alone for one solitary minute on this show.

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I don't know if Hope ever expressly stated Wyatt was much better in bed, but the look on her face every time Wyatt was in the room (like I must have him NOW) or their love scenes showed she was quite happy and couldn't get enough.


What a contrast to her virgin protectively covering herself with the bedclothes waiting for him to do his duty antics with Liam.


I think the reason nothing changed in that department is (1) I DO think Wyatt is better in bed and (2) that she started out sleeping with him to keep him away from Steffy when she wanted to save herself from marriage (and it was an epic failure and wasted effort on her part because he kept going back to Steffy). 

Edited by CountryGirl
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Did Hope ever say Wyatt was great in the sack? I skipped large parts of that, so I may have missed it. If so, it may be the best moment every in the Lope relationship.

I don't think she said/recall her saying it in so many words but her behavior indicated that he had wowed her in a "I never knew it could be this good!" way. IMO, that's the main reason Liam insisted that she stop sleeping with Wyatt while she was "dating" both of them. He knew he was no match for whatever Wyatt was bringing.


ETA: CountryGirl, GMTA!

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I don't think she said/recall her saying it in so many words but her behavior indicated that he had wowed her in a "I never knew it could be this good!" way. IMO, that's the main reason Liam insisted that she stop sleeping with Wyatt while she was "dating" both of them. He knew he was no match for whatever Wyatt was bringing.

ETA: CountryGirl, GMTA!

I'm sure the whole not having to worry about him being in love with another woman thing helped his appeal, too.

But thanks, both of you. :)

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Withholding her citizenship status from Liam is going to significantly darken Ivy's personality.



I like Ivy and the actress who plays her.  I'm not sure I like where the story is going, but if it means Ivy is going to make Steffi's life difficult, then I'm all for it.  I do hope it leads to her and Wyatt working together to keep Liam and Steffi apart, which might lead to a budding relationship between Ivy and Wyatt, which I would love.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I wouldn't mind Ivy giving Steffy a taste of her scheming medicine. God knows the Bratz doll deserves it.


But I would much rather see Ivy and Wyatt giving it a go - the few scenes they've had together, the chemistry is there unlike the forced chemistry between Liam/Steffy - and see them blissfully happy (without worrying they are the other's default choice) and let Liam/Steffy reunite and have a big heaping helping of be careful what you wish for and be bored silly in days.

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My local weather condition preempted portions of today's show, so I think I missed Quinn's initial advice to Ivy because the scene later with the bracelet didn't make too much sense. 


I know that this board does not seem to love Steffy but I kind of liked her in scenes today.  And Katie & Bill were funny.    

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But I would much rather see Ivy and Wyatt giving it a go - the few scenes they've had together, the chemistry is there

Yeah it is but Ivy would probably have chemistry with anyone. Meanwhile, Wyatt had the nerve to tell Ivy that she wasn't as hot as Steffy. Seriously? AFAIC, there's should be no coming back from that weak attempt at throwing shade. But at the very least Wyatt would need to admit he made a huge mistake and promise never to compare Ivy unfavorably to another woman again. (Especially not to her face!)

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Yeah it is but Ivy would probably have chemistry with anyone. Meanwhile, Wyatt had the nerve to tell Ivy that she wasn't as hot as Steffy. Seriously? AFAIC, there's should be no coming back from that weak attempt at throwing shade. But at the very least Wyatt would need to admit he made a huge mistake and promise never to compare Ivy unfavorably to another woman again. (Especially not to her face!)


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Yeah it is but Ivy would probably have chemistry with anyone. Meanwhile, Wyatt had the nerve to tell Ivy that she wasn't as hot as Steffy. Seriously? AFAIC, there's should be no coming back from that weak attempt at throwing shade. But at the very least Wyatt would need to admit he made a huge mistake and promise never to compare Ivy unfavorably to another woman again. (Especially not to her face!)

How in the hell did I miss that?


Well then, Chicken, you can fuck right off with that nonsense.

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I miss Raya something fierce but the budding friendship or frenemyship between Ivy and Quinn has kept me going. I really truly hope it blooms into an honest friendship, it would be nice to see Ivy have someone in her corner besides/instead of Crazy Carrie Aly. I prefer my crazy older and with darker hair. Of course Ivy could have had an aly in Maya if she hadn't pulled the elitist rank but *sigh bygones I suppose.



My local weather condition preempted portions of today's show, so I think I missed Quinn's initial advice to Ivy because the scene later with the bracelet didn't make too much sense.



Quinn gave Ivy a beautiful bracelet then promptly demanded it back at which point Ivy simply handed it over. Quinn was trying to teach Ivy some spunk and encourage her to be less docile and more proactive. I know Quinn's crazypants but so is everybody else on this show in their own little way and goddamnit do I ever love the shit out of her.

Edited by slayer2
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Wow. Steffy and Liam can reserve the Scumbag Suite at the Go Fuck Yourself Inn. What a couple of broken toys. I might applaud Steffy's home truths about Liam's waffling ways if she hadn't spent what seemed like years exploiting them for her own gain. Liam, sensing possible hesitation from Ivy about their green card marriage, hightails it to Steffy so he can babble incoherently about how he likes who he is when he's with her. Damn, Liam, if you like being a giant douche, why not tattoo Summer's Eve across your forehead; no need to involve Steffy at all.


Bill, why don't you shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself? Are the writers so desperate to make Steffy and Liam a thing that they have Bill spewing cornball crapola like "every day was an adventure for them!" Are they true love personified or a Disneyland vacation? My guess is neither.


Can they not balance this latest triangle from hell with other stories? Maya, Rick, Caroline, Ridge, hell even Brooke would be a welcome change of pace.

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Wow. Steffy and Liam can reserve the Scumbag Suite at the Go Fuck Yourself Inn. What a couple of broken toys. I might applaud Steffy's home truths about Liam's waffling ways if she hadn't spent what seemed like years exploiting them for her own gain. Liam, sensing possible hesitation from Ivy about their green card marriage, hightails it to Steffy so he can babble incoherently about how he likes who he is when he's with her. Damn, Liam, if you like being a giant douche, why not tattoo Summer's Eve across your forehead; no need to involve Steffy at all.



This is worth its weight in gold! Oh but you do please the goddesses with this sweet, sweet music.

Edited by slayer2
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I too am enjoying Ivy and Quinn together. From what I remember,Quinn never had it out for her; she was merely a pawn in her game of securing Hopeless for Chickenhead.

On a show that had Brooke at the deathbed of a woman that helped facilitate her rape (among the other grievous things Stephanie got passes for), Ivy and Quinn's union doesn't seem so ridiculous.

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I wouldn't mind Ivy giving Steffy a taste of her scheming medicine. God knows the Bratz doll deserves it.

But I would much rather see Ivy and Wyatt giving it a go - the few scenes they've had together, the chemistry is there unlike the forced chemistry between Liam/Steffy - and see them blissfully happy (without worrying they are the other's default choice) and let Liam/Steffy reunite and have a big heaping helping of be careful what you wish for and be bored silly in days.

Bored silly? I think you're underestimating the power of truffle fries, Bob Hope movies, and toys from the dollar store.

It's very hot today, so I stopped for ice cream after dinner. It was served in a Liam cone!

Edited by Snaporaz
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Bored silly? I think you're underestimating the power of truffle fries, Bob Hope movies, and toys from the dollar store.

It's very hot today, so I stopped for ice cream after dinner. It was served in a Liam cone!

And don't forget the cha cha cha complete with an ear nibble...Great post!

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Bored silly? I think you're underestimating the power of truffle fries, Bob Hope movies, and toys from the dollar store.

It's very hot today, so I stopped for ice cream after dinner. It was served in a Liam cone!


I poured syrup all over Liam just this morning. He's easier to take when you add cinnamon.

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Are the writers so desperate to make Steffy and Liam a thing that they have Bill spewing cornball crapola like "every day was an adventure for them!"

Because nothing screams adventure like the name Liam Spencer !   +1 for me because it rhymes. I should write a song.


Once again in 45 seconds Quinn showed more chemistry with PPFFw*  than his other 3 leading ladies combined.


So Steffy you won't go down that road again..... Which road ?..... The one you purposely drove yourself onto by forcing yourself into a triangle with a guy you knew had a girlfriend and can't make a choice to save his life.   You're so strong and smart Steffy.


TRUE STORY:  Liam's GPS broke one day and he sat in the car for 12 hours waiting for it to tell him what to do.




* Ping Pong/Flip Flop/waffles

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TRUE STORY:  Liam's GPS broke one day and he sat in the car for 12 hours waiting for it to tell him what to do.


And there it is. Reading these boards after watching this triangle is like finding love in a hopeless place.

Edited by slayer2
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Boy, Quinn sure is a great life coach.


Withholding her citizenship status from Liam is going to significantly darken Ivy's personality.


sugarbaker design quote

I like Ivy and the actress who plays her.  I'm not sure I like where the story is going, but if it means Ivy is going to make Steffi's life difficult, then I'm all for it.  I do hope it leads to her and Wyatt working together to keep Liam and Steffi apart, which might lead to a budding relationship between Ivy and Wyatt, which I would love.



Too bad Ivy didn't learn anything with her last go-round on the Hope-Wyatt-Liam carrousel. She would recognize what the outcome would be with Liam constantly returning back to beg and plead the woman out of his reach. 


Ivy heard what she wanted to hear about holding onto Liam and she's going to end up damaged, personally and reputation, in the end. Steffy will find out about the merry mix up with the INS, will sweep in like a flying monkey to destroy what little Ivy has cobbled together with the faithless and inconstant Liam. And he will happily skedaddle.


What the women that do catch Liam don't seem to understand is that you cannot build a life with someone who is always looking for an escape hatch.


I'm not  invested in Wyatt: the 'heh, heh, heh' he ends some of his dialog irritates me, anyone that blindly infatuated with Hope to marry her on the rebound is Class A idiot, his using and lying to Nicole to help ruin Maya was reprehensible. Steffy is going to chew Wyatt up and spit out the husk, then flounce off with Liam when she's done savaging Ivy.

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I like how B&B thinks we should actually take Liam's feelings for any woman seriously. They literally change by the minute. Even Brooke (and Taylor, don't forget she's a ho too) has a better track record.


I actually like Quinn coaching Ivy. Suprisingly they work good together

Im fine with Steffy and Wyatt becoming friends but please no romance.


Is there a reason  why they wont go there with Carter and Steffy ?  Carter I think is going to be part of Raya. Despite what Brad says might happen, I just get this feeling that its a 'safe' space for B&B to cause tension for Raya. Plus LSV & KM do have a nice vibe and it certainly would up the ante with the shared history.

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If Carter and Maya get back together, can they at least go on one date before getting engaged this time?

I like how B&B thinks we should actually take Liam's feelings for any woman seriously. They literally change by the minute. Even Brooke (and Taylor, don't forget she's a ho too) has a better track record.

The difference with Ping-pong McFlipflop and every other character with flaky tendencies on this show's history is a lack of any motivation for why he does this shit and any charm in his character. Ridge was a playboy...no one could take him seriously and it took Caroline I being out of his reach to appriciate her, but God was the woman he with getting spoiled at the time.

The most accurate comparison for Liam I can think of is a character from an anime call School Days. Basically, the main protagonist spends his days pining for the busty chick while getting practice from his friend (another chick that falls for him). Then he gets with the first chick, only to cheat with his friend when she doesn't put out. Then begins to fuck the rest of the schoolgirls.

That doesn't even convey how utterly despicable that guy really is, and there's a reason the anime is universally panned. I really, really regret the three hours of my life i spent watching it out of curiosity. But his casualness in fucking up people's lives with no regards nor anything close to the regret that Ridge would display to Brooke* describes Liam to a T.

It saddens me to use Brooke and Ridge as a positive example of anything. But as mentioned before, I could believe RM!Ridge believed he was torn up about choosing one or the other and gave it actual thought before going through with a decision. I'd worry about the messages this show sends to teenage girls but thankfully, at six months away from 30, I'm on the extreme young end of viewership.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I like Ivy and the actress who plays her.  I'm not sure I like where the story is going, but if it means Ivy is going to make Steffi's life difficult, then I'm all for it.

I know this is a ham fisted way to get us to side with Steffy, and normally I wouldn't be thrilled with what Ivy is doing, but since it's to Steffy, a-ok by me (it would also be ok with me if it were happening to princess Hope).  Steffy: "I came here to get back together with you!" Me: "Presumptuous much?"


Because nothing screams adventure like the name Liam Spencer !   +1 for me because it rhymes. I should write a song.

 Make sure you have Othello do the mix!


It's very hot today, so I stopped for ice cream after dinner. It was served in a Liam cone!

 Yum!  However, that is further evidence that Liam should not be called waffles, since waffle cones are amazing!


Is there a reason  why they wont go there with Carter and Steffy ?

Actually they probably should go there. Steffy did date his brother Marcus, so it would hold the B&B tradition of keeping it in the family.



Meanwhile, Wyatt had the nerve to tell Ivy that she wasn't as hot as Steffy.

Honestly, this is the main reason why I don't want to see a Wyatt/Ivy pairing.
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I must've missed this scene; I am having a hard time believing it actually happened!

Well, he wasn't as direct about it as I might have made it sound....However, he was going on and on to Ivy about how beautiful and intelligent Steffy was, the subtext being that she (Ivy) paled in comparison. Ivy picked up on it because she reacted in the scene and Wyatt was basically, "Sorry but facts is facts." Ivy picked up on the slight and chided him about it but geez, IMO she was way more gracious than she could have been.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Well, he wasn't as direct about it as I might have made it sound....However, he was going on and on to Ivy about how beautiful and intelligent Steffy was, the subtext being that she (Ivy) paled in comparison.

Didn't Wyatt say to Ivy something like "Oh, but you're pretty too!"? That's where I got it from that he pretty much said Steffy is hotter.
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Thanks for the clarification guys!  While the actress who plays Ivy is stunning, Ivy is a bit of a drip personality-wise, I mean in a town of hot dynamic young men, she chooses Liam?  What?  So I'm hoping we get to see a more proactive Ivy.


And poor crazy Steffi!  When are we going to get the story that explains all of Steffi's bad behavior, criminal fashion sense, poor judgment and sense of entitlement.  No one ever mentions that a very young Steffi was kidnapped by a crazy Morgan DeWitt, who faked Steffi's death, then slapped a cheap red wig on little Steffi and renamed her Staci!  That could drive anyone bonkers.

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Isn't Ivy more or less Wyatt's boss? That's a great way to earn brownie points.


Wyatt definitely needs to have his eyes (and the head attached to his neck) examined if he thinks Steffy is more desirable than Ivy. To me, Steffy is "hot" in a kind of lusty/trashy ONS manner, whereas Ivy isn't as blatantly sexy, but more classically beautiful and elegant --  kind of like Brooke and Caroline 1.0.


With Wyatt's little sword about to burst his zipper over Steffy, even Charlize Theron or Angelina Jolie would pale in comparison!

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I am a Steffi fan, and I think she and Liam did have a lot of fun. While he and Hope were always moping around or dissecting her issues, he and Steffi did stuff and had fun. I am, however, disturbed by her hair and as someone else put it, criminal fashion sense. Ridge needs to take her aside. Although I have to say, for a show that centers around a fashion house, the clothes really suck.


Ivy is gorgeous but she is a total drip and is starting to sound very whiney and annoying. These writers are even more annoying.


I am even more disturbed by how all up in Steffi's grill Wyatt is. Have some pride and get your own girl. I'm okay with them being friends, too, but lovers? Not!

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I am a Steffi fan, and I think she and Liam did have a lot of fun. While he and Hope were always moping around or dissecting her issues, he and Steffi did stuff and had fun.

Of course it's no secret that I'm no Steffy fan, but I do agree with this.  Hope's idea of fun was holding press conferences to discuss her lack of a sex life...in front of a very embarrassed looking Liam.

Edited by ByTor
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Liam....you are dead to me. You can't treat my Ivy that way.

Why is there Steffy??? She and waffle have no chemistry IMO. Kind of like pairing waffles and octopus (which now that I think about it she kind of reminds me of....all ready with her tentacles to trap the poor hapless dude).

STFU Wyatt. Go find your own woman dammit instead of waiting for your brother's leftovers.

Loving Quinn/Ivy. Can't wait for SK to return!

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If they're going to make Ivy a schemer, I kind of hope that we get an old school soap story where the two people scheming together to keep their respective love interests (in this case, Ivy and Wyatt scheming to keep WafflePong and Madame), end up falling for each other and leave those two asses in the dust. 


And, please, can we get some Liam/Quinn hatesex?  Please??  Because that is, by far, where Liam has the most chemistry. 

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LMAO at Steffy whining about how she "won't share him with another woman!"


She not only shared him with Hope, she shared Hope's engagement ring as well.



Yet we are supposed to believe the Bratz doll NOW has standards???

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The Liam/Steffy montages crack me up, because pretty much every clip in them, you can say "and right there? He was pining for Hope" or "oh, yeah, that's when she was conspiring with his father to keep him away from Hope."   Such a grand love story these two share. 

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I watched today after not watching for a bit, and, boy, JMW is scary looking! Why would she do that to her face? She looks decades older than she really is. Do TIIC realize that they are doing her no favors by showing those flashbacks. And no, Deacon, Steffy is not "smokin' hot" unless you are attracted to drag queens or blow-up sex dolls.

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Loved seeing Deacon today. He and Quinn are great together, they have the best relationship on this show. LOL Loved when she said she was going to tell him the secret and he said who was he going to tell "his legion of friends". Then she agreed he had none.


I really don't get why anyone wants Liam. 

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My husband is home sick today (who gets flu-type-bugs in June??), and he has never had the privilege of watching B&B with me at lunch. I love the boy dearly, but a Kanye West-type fashion icon, he is not. Seriously, sweat socks and dress shoes to church every Sunday morning, but I pick my battles. Anyway, today, when they reshowed the Steffy/Liam Aspen/Gondola! wedding, this was the exact conversation:


Hub: What in the holy hell is she wearing?

Me: It's high-fashion, Love.

Hub: Oh my gosh. If you had worn that to our wedding, I think I would have skipped the wedding and taken you straight back to JoAnn's fabric to return that crap and ask for a refund.

Me: You should've seen the second wedding of black lace.


Then, he got sidetracked on the gym-lighting in Liam's pad, so needless to say, he won't be B&B-ing with me for a while.

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I don't remember Steffy and Liam ever having any fun.


Never mind. I was the one who had zero fun while watching them do things Brad Bell thought were QUIRKY and FUN and WILD. I think Bill had the most fun in their relationship.


Please tell me that Wyatt is all up in Steffy's mess to stick it to Liam, Hope, and his douche of a Liam-favoring father. The idea that Chickenhead genuinely wants to get in the middle of that car wreck is too awful to contemplate.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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Is waffling contagious? Ivy seemed to be doing a lot of that today. I love you, but you can go back to Steffy but I love you because you are so selfless and you said we should give marriage a shot. IMO, not telling Liam about her immigration status, does not darken her image. What darkens her image is knowing that she will always be playing for 3rd place in The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. Wyatt will always be Maynard G. Krebs, the second fiddle.

Tom Brady, could you please deflate Steffy's cheeks. I'm pretty sure she can use them as flotation devised.

Edited by Waldo13
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With inspiration from the fabulous NinjaPenguins, and apologies to Shakespeare...


Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Eve?
Thou art more wishy and more washy.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Waffle’s loyalty hath all too short a date.
Sometimes too hot the savior complex shines,
And oft his mercurial affection dimmed;
His every pairing will meet decline,
By Seine, or Bratz doll’s, changing course (with a little help from Quinn);
Lo, thy eternal fickleness shall not fade
Nor evolution from which that jerk thou ow'st;
Thy brethren is reduced to throwing shade,
While viewer disgust in thee thou grow'st,
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and lends douchebaggery to thee.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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And, please, can we get some Liam/Quinn hatesex?  Please??  Because that is, by far, where Liam has the most chemistry.


I think he has chemistry with Katie too but Quinn/Liam works for me. Though, I like Quinn/Deacon so I'm not sure I really want Quinn to hate sex Waffles anytime in the near future.


This show drives me crazy. It can be so good and then in a matter of a day be just horrid again. I refuse to keep watching this Liam/Steffy/Ivy crap. Will not do it. I'm not going to suffer through another Liam triangle of hell and flashbacks.


Even if it got repetitive and so forth, I'd rather watch the Forrester business stuff than this triangle junk.

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 And no, Deacon, Steffy is not "smokin' hot" 

Now Bill, Wyatt, Liam, and Deacon have said she's smokin' hot, it's like a hypnosis thing if enough people say it then it must be true. Tomorrow Ridge will ask Carter " Is my smokin' hot daughter around?"


Tom Brady, could you please deflate Steffy's cheeks. I'm pretty sure she can use them as flotation devised.

When the shared flashback cut to Steffy's profile I thought Forrester Creations had moved to Easter Island.



With inspiration from the fabulous NinjaPenguins, and apologies to Shakespeare...


Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Eve?

That was fantastic bittersweet4149 !   My simple mind went to a different kind of Summer's Eve. ;)

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If they're going to make Ivy a schemer, I kind of hope that we get an old school soap story where the two people scheming together to keep their respective love interests (in this case, Ivy and Wyatt scheming to keep WafflePong and Madame), end up falling for each other and leave those two asses in the dust.

I can go for that. I honestly thought TIIC should've done that with Caroline and Carter back in the Room 8 days. But while I don't necessarily want Wyatt to date his brother's leftovers, I want Liam to be alone even more...Ivy with Wyatt and Steffy with Carter or attempting to snag Oliver again from her other cousin or develop amnesia and pursue Rick again, but definitely over Liam. If she has to be the trashy FUN!! chick, she can at least start going after other guys in relationships.

And, please, can we get some Liam/Quinn hatesex? Please?? Because that is, by far, where Liam has the most chemistry.

Yes, please!!

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That was some bullshit with Wyatt selling out his mother to Bill and Katie. Quinn's involvement in this wedding was minimal (for her, anyway). She suggested marriage as a viable solution to Ivy's problem, and sent a dress with Carter to Liam's house. Quinn didn't hold a sword to Liam's head and force him to say yes, just like she didn't force Hope not to wait five extra minutes before marrying Wyatt.

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With inspiration from the fabulous NinjaPenguins, and apologies to Shakespeare...


Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Eve?

Thou art more wishy and more washy.

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And Waffle’s loyalty hath all too short a date.

Sometimes too hot the savior complex shines,

And oft his mercurial affection dimmed;

His every pairing will meet decline,

By Seine, or Bratz doll’s, changing course (with a little help from Quinn);

Lo, thy eternal fickleness shall not fade

Nor evolution from which that jerk thou ow'st;

Thy brethren is reduced to throwing shade,

While viewer disgust in thee thou grow'st,

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and lends douchebaggery to thee.



Oh good God *slow clap* There's a certain text.



That was some bullshit with Wyatt selling out his mother to Bill and Katie. Quinn's involvement in this wedding was minimal (for her, anyway)



I was spitting bullets over this too. I started cursing the minute Bill called her crazy and Wyatt defended her none. That's your mother you fool!!! For shame! Also, it's really very pot to kettle so Bill can just STFU!

Edited by slayer2
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And poor crazy Steffi!  When are we going to get the story that explains all of Steffi's bad behavior, criminal fashion sense, poor judgment and sense of entitlement.  No one ever mentions that a very young Steffi was kidnapped by a crazy Morgan DeWitt, who faked Steffi's death, then slapped a cheap red wig on little Steffi and renamed her Staci!  That could drive anyone bonkers.


Whenever you explain Steffi's childhood trauma you must always include....  Eaten by a shark.


The fashion sense is what I need explained.  Years ago the used to explain the makeup and hair as JMW/Steffy being fashion forward in a world that was much trendier than anything viewers were exposed to.  It didn't fly then.  It makes less sense now.  But what bugs me is that the heavy make-up and two tone hair does her no favors.  Wouldn't do anyone any favors but they still style her that way.  They don't do this to anyone else which has always made it seem like this is the look that JMW wants and she gets her way.

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Seriously...I think I'm about done with the whole "The Boring & Repetitive" show...but then I hear we might have a Maya sighting.

Have always liked Karla Mosley...a lot. So I guess I'll just have to continue to FF 'ol FlipFlop & the Bratz doll....not like they ever have a different conversation anyway.

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