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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Katie was awfully aggressive with $Bill today, chastising him like he's a petulant teenager who doesn't want to listen. Does she not know the man she married? 

Just another day ending in Y for Katie. :/

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My mother, who downright hated Maya,and I had a conversation today and what she said stuck out for me so much. She said it's hard to watch cause she feels scared for Maya (she seriously thinks Rick will beat her up), and she said the fact that she feels so scared for someone who isn't even real, just makes her heart hurt for all the transgendered people out there who actually live that fear everyday. It's so easy for us to say "so and so should have told" but watching a fictional character go through it, and the fear you have for them, makes you realize how it's easier said than done. My mother also hates, how she roots for her now :lol:



On another note, I wonder how Katie will justify this after telling Bill it's not right. You know she'll find some excuse to forgive him.

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Even though the anvils have been dropping hard and heavy for weeks (Hell, months) over how Rick values honesty and that he's potentially unstable, I'll be surprised if he is physically violent towards Maya. Even though if the show wants to be "honest" , consistent and actually do something good and educate people that's exactly what they should do. I'm not saying I want to watch that scene, but it is a realistic fear and reaction transgender individuals encounter. Prejudice is ugly.

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Even though the anvils have been dropping hard and heavy for weeks (Hell, months) over how Rick values honesty and that he's potentially unstable, I'll be surprised if he is physically violent towards Maya. Even though if the show wants to be "honest" , consistent and actually do something good and educate people that's exactly what they should do. I'm not saying I want to watch that scene, but it is a realistic fear and reaction transgender individuals encounter. Prejudice is ugly.

Soaps used to be able to take a lot of risks with this sort of thing that they no longer do. I'm honestly still surprised that TPTB even did this route as we've yet to have even one major gay character (I don't count Karen in this) on the show.

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Could it be possible that the plan here is to start a crack between Katie and Bill that's going to bust wide open when he exposes Maya? That would leave an opening for Steffy to make a play for him when she comes back. Not that I would embrace that by any means. I thought they were terrible together but there are shippers out there...


However, I'd be more willing to watch that instead of her doing the cha-cha-cha mating ritual on Liam's earlobe in a tired triangle with Ivy. Steffy and Katie are more evenly matched in the bitch factor.


I'll bet that tomorrow's show will be more of Rick's drawn-out flowery proposal and Maya's teary-eyed terrified face, then more scheming at Spencer Publications. The actual reveal will drag out until late Friday for the Monday cliffhanger.




ETA: I once had a guy like that who fawned over me like Rick does to Maya. I did not enjoy it at all and found it creepy and suffocating. That was (among many of the other reasons) why I dumped him. Even if he'd had the Forrester pedigree and bucks!!! LOL!

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I really do not like Maya as a person, because she is horrible. But I don't fault her for not telling Rick before now. I wouldn't even fault her for never telling him. She always felt she was a woman, just in the wrong body, and she fixed her body to match who she was on the inside. She is now a woman.

The reality of our world is that a lot, probably most, of men would reject her the second they found out. Choices then are never date or risk constant rejection because you tell all immediately, or wait until you're really close to someone to tell them. But then, how close do you need to be before telling? To me, it is a really tricky question, with no black and white answer. I can understand why she wouldn't tell someone up front, and I can understand how hard it would be to know when to tell someone you're in a relationship with.

Also, I called it! Wyatt and Bill were all "let's make fun of the freak!" and Liam was the voice of reason. I so rarely get these things right, I admit I'm bragging a bit.

For all their talk of working with GLAAD and the transgender community, I think the writers are doing a disservice to Rick and Maya. My husband has a transgender co-worker who went from male to female. Edwina, who used to be Eddie, is very open about her change. She has said that it's difficult for a man, who's with a trans woman, not to know something is off. When the genitalia from a man is changed to female, not everything is the same. Without going into specifics, let's just say that a trans woman needs to do things to make intercourse easier, as the vaginal glands aren't there. In addition. There are other obvious differences that a smart man would see. So, if Rick hasn't noticed anything "off" with regards to their sex life, something isn't quite right.

One, I think it's different for everyone, because all bodies are different, and surgeries are different. Also, I always figured Rick wasn't that big in the business area, and there's no way he's especially good at it, so it's possible that he didn't notice any shallowness, and he's so self-centered that I'm sure he wouldn't notice or care about her using lube. I suspect he doesn't even do oral, and so never got a close up look. Plus, I've known two guys who dates transgendered women and didn't realize it for quite a while.

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I'd say the designs/clothes are the things making the company money hand over fist.


The designs and garments don't appear by themselves.


In a company the size of FC, about 150+ people are involved in the scheduling, purchasing, design, pattern-making, cutting, sewing, fitting and finish work, inspection, packaging, shipping and receiving, marketing and advertising, archives, research, accounting and office management are instrumental of getting those clothes to the marketplace. Rick Forrester is the person that directs those separate departments to work in concert, on budget, on time, wages/bills/taxes paid, and for a profit that is shared by the stockholders.


It's very easy to dismiss Rick's business abilities because he is an annoying, neurotic asshat, but he read the market adroitly and has been a profit-making, annoying, neurotic asshat for the two quarters he's been CEO.

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Could it be possible that the plan here is to start a crack between Katie and Bill that's going to bust wide open when he exposes Maya? That would leave an opening for Steffy to make a play for him when she comes back. Not that I would embrace that by any means. I thought they were terrible together but there are shippers out there...

That's exactly what I'm afraid of. I hated that coupling. It made a bigger ass of $Bill. He was just an old letch after a young girl. The way he idolized her was truly barf-worthy and only served to make him look like an idiot supreme that only thought with his dick, and only part of it - not even all of it. It was the only time $Bill was unwatchable and couldn't be taken seriously, no matter how much belief I suspended. And Steffy? She's not the second coming of anything, and only the first coming of a dick. Without RMRidge and HTTaylor or the latest Thomas on the show what's the point of this actress? She looked like them. She doesn't look like this still-needs-a-bath Ridge.  And I don't want to see her ruining Waffles' life again. I really hope he's moved on from all the bullshit with her. Everyone she was involved with is better off without her. I don't see the need or room for her on the show right now. And if anything, I see her return as less room for Quinn. I can only hope that this is a short visit.


I'll bet that tomorrow's show will be more of Rick's drawn-out flowery proposal and Maya's teary-eyed terrified face, then more scheming at Spencer Publications. The actual reveal will drag out until late Friday for the Monday cliffhanger.



Lately, every day is like a Friday.

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The designs and garments don't appear by themselves.

I do agree, but I think the point is that if the designs were no good, the profits wouldn't be so great.  The Forresters need to realize it's the team contributing to the profits, not any one person.


PLEASE in the name of all that is holy no Bill & Steffy!  But if it does happen, it will once again show what a hypocrite Steffy is, after scolding her father for being with a younger woman. 

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ETA: I once had a guy like that who fawned over me like Rick does to Maya. I did not enjoy it at all and found it creepy and suffocating. That was (among many of the other reasons) why I dumped him. Even if he'd had the Forrester pedigree and bucks!!! LOL!



I had one of those, too!  And it was so damn hard to make it clear to people (and to him) why I was breaking up with him.  But, he justified it for me, in the end, when he kept following my friends around campus, demanding they make me give him another chance.  


If Bill and Katie break up, I wouldn't buy it if he didn't at least make an attempt at getting back with Brooke before just jumping on Steffy.  

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Yep. And everyone else will just be walking from office to office, saying stuff like "I wonder what Rick and Maya are doing right now in Big Bear....

Don't you mean from office to the other office? ;) It cracks me up how the designers, CEO, counsel and whatever Brooke is get the business of the business done between two offices. Thank God they all coordinate their immense vacation schedules (and even who's actually going to work when there's more than two people in the office) so there's no overlap.

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For all their talk of working with GLAAD and the transgender community, I think the writers are doing a disservice to Rick and Maya. My husband has a transgender co-worker who went from male to female. Edwina, who used to be Eddie, is very open about her change. She has said that it's difficult for a man, who's with a trans woman, not to know something is off. When the genitalia from a man is changed to female, not everything is the same. Without going into specifics, let's just say that a trans woman needs to do things to make intercourse easier, as the vaginal glands aren't there. In addition. There are other obvious differences that a smart man would see. So, if Rick hasn't noticed anything "off" with regards to their sex life, something isn't quite right.

Maybe Rick has a tinny winnie (yes I went there) so he would not notice any difference. Also, Rick is probably too selfish to perform oral sex. As far as Carter is concerned, he and Maya were together before she was transgendered (story line) so him noticing is actually a non issue.

Rick may not fly off the handle, as far as violence is concerned, but I if he doesn't go into a diatribe denouncing Maya's betrayal, than that would be completely out of character. Rick won't be discussed that Maya is transgendered though. I also can't see Rick adopting if he stays with Maya. The baby won't be of Forester blood so he would have no real affection for the baby. We know how much disdain Rick has for people who are true Foresters.

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Don't you mean from office to the other office? ;) It cracks me up how the designers, CEO, counsel and whatever Brooke is get the business of the business done between two offices.

They occasionally use Oliver's photography studio as well since it's apparently the place to go when you want to do some serious private gossiping. And speaking of Brooke, what is her job exactly? It seems to me like she does little more than wander around talking smack to anyone who dares to malign her baby boy. Sometimes she looks at files and papers too but for the most part it seems to be one long, wandering break time for which she's probably pulling a six-figure salary. Good work if you can get it.


As far as Carter is concerned, he and Maya were together before she was transgendered (story line) so him noticing is actually a non issue.

That's the danger of extreme retconning of characters who already have a significant history on the show.. Maya was transgendered when she was intimate with Carter and IMO It is indeed an issue but the writers for the most part are choosing not to make much of it. At worst Carter just seems to feel like he was made a fool of. However I think it also speaks to his likely selfishness in secksay times that he didn't notice Maya's somewhat "different" anatomy. I'd bet cash money Ridge (TK's version, anyway) definitely would have noticed.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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It's very easy to dismiss Rick's business abilities because he is an annoying, neurotic asshat, but he read the market adroitly and has been a profit-making, annoying, neurotic asshat for the two quarters he's been CEO.


Rick did not read the market adroitly and that's exactly why the quarterly profits under his stewardship are so high.  He jacked up the prices of Ridge's and Caroline's designs to numbers he thought no one would pay.  And he was fantastically wrong.  The dresses sold like hotcakes at double or triple the prices he thought the market would bear.  He did nothing but luck into those profits.

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I don't think Rick will be physically violent with Maya, but I do think there will be yelling and unhinged screaming, and then complete trashing and descruction of the cabin.


Maya, rightfully so, will be terrified. (How I hated to write that sentence). Rick will then storm out and leave her stranded in Big Bear.  With no real friends, she'll probable have to call Carter, to come get her


Rick will trash the cabin because it's now been ruined from him.  Lately he's gone on and on about what a wonderful special place it is, full of terrific memories.  Maya's reveal will change all that. The cabin won't be this idyllic place and Maya will no longer be the perfect, most beautiful, honest, pricipled, loyal, etc., etc., etc., woman.


She will be human, wth flaws like everyone else and Rick cannot handle people who are human.  Caroline was perfect, until she wasn't, Rick wanted Brooke to be the perfect mother and Eric to be the perfect father. They weren't so Rick has used that as an excuse to justify everything jerky he's ever done.


I'm interested in the aftermath of the reveal -- what Maya finds when she returns to the Forrester Mansion. All her clothes on the front lawn, portrait smashed to pieces and thronw on the drive. Rick drunk and angry?  All of the above? (oh I hope) And I so want Rick to say "screw you" to Maya just like he did to Caroline.


Karma's a bitch


And then I want to see how Rick reacts when he realizes everyone (including the loading dock guy) knew about Maya before him. Will he try to bluff that he always knew and didn't care but waited for Maya to tell hm when she felt ready? And that Maya turned down his proposal for.... reasons?


And the final blow will be Bill's expose. Complete with birth certicate, and Myron before/ Maya after photos, and maybe a brief interview with the parents.   Unless they live under a rock, they must have seen Maya's photo in a magazine, but have remained silent

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Hi, SpottedCoachDog!


Cosign x infinity your last post.


SpottedCoachDog quote

Even though the anvils have been dropping hard and heavy for weeks (Hell, months) over how Rick values honesty and that he's potentially unstable, I'll be surprised if he is physically violent towards Maya. Even though if the show wants to be "honest" , consistent and actually do something good and educate people that's exactly what they should do. I'm not saying I want to watch that scene, but it is a realistic fear and reaction transgender individuals encounter. Prejudice is ugly.

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Brooke: Our son! Our poor son! He hates surprises! He values honesty, integrity, and trust. Woe is Rick!

Eric: indeed. Maya must tell him before Rick finds out some other way, like hearing the loading dock guys talking about it. The truth must come from her.

Brooke: Oh yes. Maya must reveal the truth before he proposes.

Eric: Not only that, before Rick proposes, Maya must share her secret.

Brooke: Nicole told Wyatt, which means this could get out.

Eric: Maya's sister told Bill Spencer's son, which means we might lose control of the secret and the fallout.

Brooke: If Rick learns that Maya is transgender from an outside source, he'll be crushed.

Eric: Rick will be devastated if he discovers that Maya used to be a man from someone other than Maya.

Brooke: I wonder what could be happening up at Big Bear. Has she told him yet?

Eric: Events at the cabin have piqued my curiosity. Do you suppose Maya confessed to Rick?

Brooke: Let's move around the office a bit to spice up these deep, fresh thoughts we're exchanging.

That was how those intermittent Brooke and Eric scenes went down, right?

Bill is a caveman.

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Cupid Stunt, on 14 May 2015 - 04:22 AM, said:


The designs and garments don't appear by themselves.


ByTor quote

I do agree, but I think the point is that if the designs were no good, the profits wouldn't be so great.  The Forresters need to realize it's the team contributing to the profits, not any one person.


Tell that to Givenchy ...




Yeah ... So special and lucrative, too.



The whole of Forrester Creations success, or any company for that matter, is a group effort supported by management.



I am not a fan of Rick, his non-stop abuses, gun-play and juvenile delusions. I wish Eric would tear him down and put up a human being, but for reasons that mystify, Brooke won't admit anything is seriously wrong with Rick and points to everyone else that they are responsible for his disturbing behavior. 


Though I must confess I've never understood why storylines involving Ridge have to portray him as faultless, without blemish or shame, and the romantic hero for his revolting behavior,



Back to Big Bear:


Um, Maya ... Post-boink in bed after a marriage proposal is the wrong time and venue to tell "How you became the woman" you are. That's not very classy behavior for the future matriarch of Forrester Creations.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Rick did not read the market adroitly and that's exactly why the quarterly profits under his stewardship are so high.  He jacked up the prices of Ridge's and Caroline's designs to numbers he thought no one would pay.  And he was fantastically wrong.  The dresses sold like hotcakes at double or triple the prices he thought the market would bear.  He did nothing but luck into those profits.


So everyone's bent because Rick fell up the stairs of the bank carrying sacks of money because he acted out of revenge to Ridge and Caroline's collaboration -- the same collaboration that broke up Rick and Caroline's marriage?


That's how my former manager got his vice-presidency, and moved to NYC to play with the big boys. Never underestimate the quotient of bad behavior and bad taste on career advancement or the bottom line.

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Does Katie know who she married at all? Dictating orders to him like that,  in front of others too. Everything he said about Rick was true, Rick's ordering Ally to rub Mayas feet. Something that's appalling and demeaning to his own family. Rick gets off on that and trying to dictate, he needs some tough love. 

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Tell that to Givenchy ...

Every designer is going to have some clunkers (and that picture you posted was certainly one!), but Rick behaves as though the designers have nothing to with the company's success, and that's just wrong. Any decent CEO (Rick's CEO in case you didn't know) will say that their company's success is a result of their employees' efforts...whether they mean it or not :)
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Every designer is going to have some clunkers (and that picture you posted was certainly one!), but Rick behaves as though the designers have nothing to with the company's success, and that's just wrong. Any decent CEO (Rick's CEO in case you didn't know) will say that their company's success is a result of their employees' efforts...whether they mean it or not :)

Agreed! A good leader gives credit to the employees when things go right and takes the blame when things go wrong.

Bill stays true to form. He's the scorpion on the back of the frog. After today, I'm betting Rick will be change his spots. He kept telling Maya he will forgive her. Jesus forgives but Rick doesn't. Stay true to form Rick or I will find this SL as dispicable as most of the SL's on Y&R. Don't make the transgender an issue, like what Bill is doing, but the fact that there were lies of omission and the fact that Rick can't stand surprises.

Is Bill ever at fault? Blaming Ridge for seducing Carolyn but Bill, it takes 2 to tango. I was waiting for Bill to mention blaming Rick for breaking up his wedding, to Brooke, in front of Katie. Speaking of Brooke, where is she not being in Bill's face snapping her fingers and forbidding him from releasing the story.

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Brooke: Our son! Our poor son! He hates surprises! He values honesty, integrity, and trust. Woe is Rick!

Eric: indeed. Maya must tell him before Rick finds out some other way, like hearing the loading dock guys talking about it. The truth must come from her.

Brooke: Oh yes. Maya must reveal the truth before he proposes.

Eric: Not only that, before Rick proposes, Maya must share her secret.

Brooke: Nicole told Wyatt, which means this could get out.

Eric: Maya's sister told Bill Spencer's son, which means we might lose control of the secret and the fallout.

Brooke: If Rick learns that Maya is transgender from an outside source, he'll be crushed.

Eric: Rick will be devastated if he discovers that Maya used to be a man from someone other than Maya.

Brooke: I wonder what could be happening up at Big Bear. Has she told him yet?

Eric: Events at the cabin have piqued my curiosity. Do you suppose Maya confessed to Rick?

Brooke: Let's move around the office a bit to spice up these deep, fresh thoughts we're exchanging.

That was how those intermittent Brooke and Eric scenes went down, right?

Bill is a caveman.

Ninja, did you know that as soon as I saw your screen name I braced myself 'cause I knew there'd be laughs ahead? LOL


Um, Maya ... Post-boink in bed after a marriage proposal is the wrong time and venue to tell "How you became the woman" you are. That's not very classy behavior for the future matriarch of Forrester Creations.

It's interesting that you should say that. I'm more concerned about those circumstances being considered safe. If I were Maya, I'd want my clothes to be on. You never know what his reaction could be to such serious news. 

Mind you, given the spoiler I read upthread, I think she'll be fine. But it can't hurt to be prepared.

Edited by C76
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To me, it is a really tricky question, with no black and white answer. I

I think it is black and white. If you transgender and are in a relationship with someone or are potentially getting into a serious relationship, you owe the other person the truth. For better or worse, a partner or potential partner deserves to know you used to be a man or a woman (whichever way the surgery went). I'm not saying a first date means having to spill the truth, but if things are progressing? You have to fess up. It isn't fair otherwise.



So everyone's bent because Rick fell up the stairs of the bank carrying sacks of money because he acted out of revenge


I'm not bent about it, but I'm sure not giving him credit for being a good CEO because designs sold despite his efforts to tank them.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Here's something I don't understand. Before, when Liam hatched this whole Forrester takeover plot, he needed Ridge and Steffy to join forces with the Spencers to force him out.

Now, if Bill exposes everything, and Rick is forced out by scandal, why wouldn't Eric just go with Ridge as CEO? How would this scandal end up with the Spencers in the driver's seat?

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I was thinking of all of the "life-altering" events that have taken place at Big Bear: (Can anybody think of more? I'm sure I've just scratched the surface!)


1. RM Ridge proposed to Brooke (there have probably been more proposals than that...)

2. Both Bridget and Hope were born there

3. Taylor had the death-sex with James Warwick after an earthquake

4. Stephanie trapped Brooke there and tried to kill her

5. Amber trapped RM Ridge and Bridget in a mine shaft and caught the death-kiss on infrared camera

6. Brooke and Macy had the big blow-out over Thorne that lead to Macy's "death"

7. Brooke & Eric, Taylor & Ridge, and Stephanie all got snowed-in there together

8. Hope first laid eyes on Wyatt taking a solar shower


Now this. 


For heaven's sake Maya, PLEASE get out of bed and put some clothes on before the big reveal. I can just see her stark naked and locked out somewhere, while Rick storms off to L.A....

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For heaven's sake Maya, PLEASE get out of bed and put some clothes on before the big reveal. I can just see her stark naked and locked out somewhere, while Rick storms off to L.A....

If this is the case, will someone pleeeeease dub the Benny Hill theme song over this footage? 

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Cupid Stunt, on 14 May 2015 - 1:17 PM, said:

Tell that to Givenchy ...


ByTor quote

Every designer is going to have some clunkers (and that picture you posted was certainly one!), but Rick behaves as though the designers have nothing to with the company's success, and that's just wrong. Any decent CEO (Rick's CEO in case you didn't know) will say that their company's success is a result of their employees' efforts...whether they mean it or not :)


Any decent human being hasn't been installed as CEO of Forester Creations. They've all been self-congratulatory and egotistical; Master of the Universe. It's Brad and Bill Bell's preference to write the leadership that way for dramatic effect.


Not Eric, Rick, Ridge, Caroline or Maya are without some blame for this situation, with Rick and Ridge going at each other at turns.


One will try to make a gesture and the other takes a chunk out of the extended hand. Then it reverses; back and forth, round and round. Ridge dismisses and insults Rick. Rick dismisses and insults Ridge.


They are both wrong. They are both at fault for escalating the mutual discord, jealousy and one-upmanship. They have been fighting this battle forever.




So everyone's bent because Rick fell up the stairs of the bank carrying sacks of money because he acted out of revenge


hypnotoad quote

I'm not bent about it, but I'm sure not giving him credit for being a good CEO because designs sold despite his efforts to tank them.


I was not referring to you directly, hypnotoad. I meant the characters on Bn'B that insist Rick is destroying Forrester Creations.


My apologies for not being more specific in my post.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Maybe Maya should put together a Power Point presentation, like they did in Couples Retreat, and just lay it all out from birth till now. At least that way Rick's head would explode in stages of awareness, instead of all at once. 


And color me confused, what was that crap about Maya's secrets not mattering or changing anything? And more infuriating was Rick's statement about "love being enough.". Enough for what? It wasn't enough to overcome Caroline kissing Ridge, but no matter what fucking secrets Maya is packing, love will overcome. PFFFTT!


Am I a terrible person for siding with Bill? I know his motives are not innocent, and most of his urgency and desire is based on his hatred of all things Forrester, but at the end of the day, I dislike Maya so much, and want to see her outed in a way just as humiliating as what she did to Caroline and Ridge. I won't fault Maya for her first romance with Rick; that whole mess was entirely on Rick for not having the balls to make a decision, and kept stringing Maya and Caroline along. But in the end, for whatever reasons, Rick chose Caroline, and after months of peace and quiet, Maya gets it in her head that she really does want a piece of the pie, and started campaigning to get Rick back. And after seeing a hug, she concocted this story about R/C having an "affair", and makes this statement in the most public and painful way possible. All for effect. Well, karma can be a real bitch, and history can come back to bite you in the ass. Go Bill. 


Brooke and Eric simply turn my stomach; their only concern is their Wee Wittle Boy, and his delicate psyche and emotions. They are like a cable network consisting of one channel, which is All Rick All The Time. I wish they would just go off and have sex or something, because they are certainly presenting as a couple of late. And I would prefer that to watching the two of them slice and dice every friggin emotion their little Tyrant feels. 

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Sex with Rick involves some kissing and heavy petting, followed by Rick enthusiastically cuffing the corncob while his partner cries out "Rick is CEO" at the moment of ejaculation. So excuuuuuse him for not noticing anything about his lover's lady parts.

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Sex with Rick involves some kissing and heavy petting, followed by Rick enthusiastically cuffing the corncob while his partner cries out "Rick is CEO" at the moment of ejaculation. So excuuuuuse him for not noticing anything about his lover's lady parts.



See, here is the thing NinjaPenguins, Dr. Pepper burns like a mother fucker coming back out of your nose......


Oh, and you owe me a new blouse....of all the days to wear white!

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How can we drag this out further into next week??? Have Maya dance even *more* around the subject by ending the show with "They raised me as a boy." I submit that that lame statement is NOT the same thing as what should have been said - "I was born a boy." I know she will get to that point but WHEEEENNNNN?

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OMG: Could Maya have been more obtuse? The name on my birth certificate was Myron, she says and when he asks why would they do that, she says, because they raised me as a boy? That was painful and I only saw the last 8 or 9 minutes. On the other hand, it doesn't look like Rick is going to be all, I love you just the way you are. He might go into some sort of shock. Can't wait till Monday. We're nearly there with this soap opera for the learning impaired.

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OMG: Could Maya have been more obtuse? The name on my birth certificate was Myron, she says and when he asks why would they do that, she says, because they raised me as a boy? That was painful and I only saw the last 8 or 9 minutes. On the other hand, it doesn't look like Rick is going to be all, I love you just the way you are. He might go into some sort of shock. Can't wait till Monday. We're nearly there with this soap opera for the learning impaired.

For a supposedly smart CEO who is self proclaimed omnipotent, he is looking at Maya as she is speaking Klingon. Well maybe in Ricks defense, Maya is not only beating around the bush but she is hiding the bush no pun intended.

Eric and Brooke what a load of crap. The only leg they have to stand on is telling Ridge that he is enjoying this too much. WTF. Once again Maya deserved being outed, no for being transgendered, but for being a plotting selfish gold digger.

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For a supposedly smart CEO who is self proclaimed omnipotent, he is looking at Maya as she is speaking Klingon. Well maybe in Ricks defense, Maya is not only beating around the bush but she is hiding the bush no pun intended.



Waldo13, you and NinjaPenguins are killing me this afternoon. I already used up my entire Tide Stick Pen trying to remove Dr. Pepper from my white blouse, and now thanks to this hilarity, I laughed so hard I coughed and peed myself!


Shameful posters!!!

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OMG: Could Maya have been more obtuse? The name on my birth certificate was Myron, she says and when he asks why would they do that, she says, because they raised me as a boy? That was painful and I only saw the last 8 or 9 minutes. On the other hand, it doesn't look like Rick is going to be all, I love you just the way you are. He might go into some sort of shock. Can't wait till Monday. We're nearly there with this soap opera for the learning impaired.

I agree with you about Maya. She's taking her sweet time. It drove me nuts. Like you, I jumped into today's episode late. "They raised me as a boy" isn't adequate. I've heard of kids who were raised as the opposite gender, and this is not that. I'm trying to be patient and keep in mind that this is just. a. show. But good grief!


*exhales and waits on Monday* 

Edited by C76
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I am FF'd until the last minute of the last scene then hit play because this is so ridiculously drawn out.  I thought when Brooke and Ridge left the office they were heading to BB but instead go to Eric's office?  Can't watch all the setup, it is completely overdone and I have lost interest!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I dislike Maya so much, and want to see her outed in a way just as humiliating as what she did to Caroline and Ridge.


Right there with you. I cannot stand the character and this actress is terrible. KM simply doesn't have the chops for this storyline. Not even a bit. That wide eyed staring thing is tiresome.



"They raised me as a boy"


Oddly parents tend to do that when one is born a boy. Shut up, Maya.



Sex with Rick involves some kissing and heavy petting, followed by Rick enthusiastically cuffing the corncob while his partner cries out "Rick is CEO" at the moment of ejaculation. So excuuuuuse him for not noticing anything about his lover's lady parts.


Hilarious. And very true.

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Is it bad that I want Rick to forgive Maya publicly and then torment her like he did Caroline?  (Not too long, just long enough for Maya to get the point that what the guy did to the previous woman, he will do to you.)

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