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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Poor Maya my ass!  I wonder what will make Steffy give up her "I'll side with you only if you are my lover" crap with Liam.  Or will the little twerp give in to her demands?  I enjoyed Ivy bringing little miss entitled down a few pegs, I hope that doesn't end.

Edited by ByTor
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Maya's wig/dead animal on her head continues to distract the hell out of me.




100% THIS


Also, thank baby Jesus RM is  no longer Ridge, because HOT DAMN do I love me some Ridge now! TK is Killing IT!  While I still think Ridge from his past is an entitled A-Hole, I love the acting, and do not think RM could have ever pulled off the acting that is taking place right now.  I could get see my self flipping and getting on board with CARIDGE if this keeps up.....


Has Nichole replace Hope?  Because I just want to smack her and tell her to SHUT UP!  can Wyatt please get someone normal to hang out with?  He's a nice fun guy, put him with someone fun (oh good lord, I don't mean FUN like Stephy FUN)  *sigh*  I hope I didn't jinx Wyatt.

Edited by Cindylou
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I see the Rickettes have regrouped and are just all a twitter with the awesomeness of their little boy. As I listened to them chirping about the wonder of Rick (he is the CEO by the way, just in case you missed it), my arm was busy raising my barf bag up and down as I endeavored to tamp down my urge to hurl. These two could write the complete and unabridged version of "How to Be the Crappiest of Crappy Parents"; Eric doesn't realize that he should be able to support all of his sons AT THE SAME TIME? What is this nonsense that he has supported Ridge for his whole life, but now he can only support Rick? How does that work exactly? Why is it that the only way Eric can show Rick he loves him and appreciates him, is to cut Ridge out entirely? And who made Ridge the way he is? And who is now blaming Ridge for that? Don't even get me started on Brooke, who is only acting out her anger at being rejected; if Ridge had been agreeable when she ambushed him in her bikini, she would not been singing this tune. Watching them standing there defending Rick, in their united front of stupid, I was overwhelmed with visions of Thurston Howell III and his wife Lovey. I am so done with both of them. 


Oh, ok, so that is what Maya looks like when you channel her into your jewelry designs. Right O! I guess Rick should show that ring to Wyatt and Ivy so they can understand how to make their jewelry look like Maya. 


I nearly peed my pants with unabashed glee as I watched Ridge read Thurston and Lovey. I realized I was making little noises of delight as he kept telling them to shut up and listen. And truer truths have never been told to a pair of rotten parents. They are jackasses and Ridge illustrated that most adroitly. Of course he will never really quit, but it sure was nice to watch Ridge crack their ridiculous faces. 


Hey, did you know Maya has a secret? Hey, did you know I have run out of fucks to give about it? 


Thanks, RuntheTable!  Here's one back atcha. (He really has lost a lot of weight!)



You are welcome, and thanks back at cha! Thorsten plain sets my nether regions aflame!

Edited by RuntheTable
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"Secret, secret, (she's) got a secret."


And now I will never not hear "Mr. Roboto" in my head when Maya is on the screen.


And that montage from rodeo drive and early, scruffy Maya modeling was cheesetastic. In what universe would she ever be a lead model of anything? She wouldn't even make the cattle call for ANTM.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Rick will soon get more than he bargained for when his former fiancee, Steffy,

I've only been watching B&B solidly for a couple of years so that bit of history doesn't make sense to me.

Aren't they kind of related? Not biologically but technically she's his niece.

How did that work?


Damn look at those man hands! Very nice.

IKR? I used to swoon over those things daily when he was on AMC.


Yeah, Rick, do you want Ridge to start spending a lot of one on one time with Maya so she can inspire him? 

A guaranteed outcome of that scenario is Ridge for sure would notice the one special physical attribute of Maya's that Rick and Carter is/was oblivious to. Ridge (at least TK's version) seems like the kind of guy who in secksay times would be very attentive to certain areas--if you know what I mean. He would have noticed that something in the nether regions was a little off and asked her what it was all about. Wonder if Maya has deliberately picked guys who are too into themselves to do a serious survey of the landscape, as it were.

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Steffi is so pathetic. "I'll give you control of my shares IF you make love to me." Gross. Can you imagine if Bill or Liam said something like that? "I'll help you professionally but you must fuck me first."

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Joimiaroxeu...(I'm not tagging this since it doesn't give away any of the spoilers)  Once it was discovered Ridge was not biologically Eric's, all bets were off.  Rick, who was Phoebe's & Steffy's uncle in every way but blood, started having the hots for Phoebe and vice versa.  Constantine from American Idol materialized, Phoebe's hots transferred to him while Rick's transferred to Taylor.  This sickened Phoebe and, while in a car with Rick driving, she started beating the crap out of him, causing him to lose control & Phoebe got killed.  It was quite a scene, Ridge was holding Phoebe & she weakly sang a song she had previously written and died....yes, the song was so bad it killed her.  While grief stricken, Rick's hots now turned to Steffy.  It seemed genuine, but it turned out Rick's interest in Steffy was all about pissing Ridge off, complete with Rick's immortal line "I OWN her ass!"

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Didn't Rick bellow "I own YOUR ass!!!" at Ridge, complete with crazed expression? It's one of my worst B&B memories alongside Ridge kissing Bridget. Huh. Ronnnnn Moss is the common denominator in scenes I hate. Go figure.

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I am remembering that Steffy's aborted romance with Bill was pretty hot, and if they will reinstate that, it will be worth their bringing her back.  Collateral damage to the smug and self-righteous Katie wouldn't be bad, either.   

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Didn't Rick bellow "I own YOUR ass!!!" at Ridge, complete with crazed expression? It's one of my worst B&B memories alongside Ridge kissing Bridget. Huh. Ronnnnn Moss is the common denominator in scenes I hate. Go figure.

I'm pretty sure it was your ass...well, not yours Ninja :)  He was in no uncertain terms letting Ridge know he had Steffy under his thumb. 

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Hey everybody! If you missed yesterday's show, check it out because there's this totally awesome and romantic montage of Rick and Maya prancing and twirling around Rodeo Drive, in the very beginning of their swoon-worthy relationship, and then Maya models some overpriced gowns for Rick! I don't think I've ever seen THAT before! :/
I missed yesterday.  Will have to watch.  Let me guess, that Rodeo Drive clip was once again accompanied by the ethereal scintillating "diamond in the rough" music right?  Who could have known they would have gotten so much mileage out of that one shot.


Looks like "the seeeeeeeeeeeecret" is going to drag on through the entire month of May.  Le sigh.  The secret has more milk than a thousand cows.

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Brooke and Eric are so, so stupid.  And her simpering is disgusting.  Did these two morons really think Rick could go on treating people the way he does and have no one quit?  No words.


And, if they are both so worried about the Yoko Ono-like influence Maya has on Rick, then why is Eric reconsidering extending his contract?  Again, no words.


I really hope Caroline quits as well, and that her and Ridge open their own design house.

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While grief stricken, Rick's hots now turned to Steffy.  It seemed genuine, but it turned out Rick's interest in Steffy was all about pissing Ridge off, complete with Rick's immortal line "I OWN her ass!"

It also gave birth to the greatest acting moment in the history of civilized man.... "THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN RICK... NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!"


I was completely shocked by today's episode. No one said the words "honesty" or "integrity" , although "secret" did make a few appearances today.


I can't decide if Rick being thrown out as CEO would be worth full time FUN!Steffy.

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I think my favorite part of today's show was Brooke acting like it was Ridge who was behaving in a childish manner. Or maybe it was Eric admitting that Ridge was important to the company...after Ridge had left the room. The real secret at Forrester Creations is that Brooke and Eric drop acid in the steam room.

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LOL! I think the loading dock guy even sent a memo to Thorne in the basement.

Now THIS is one of the funniest things I read about the seeeeecret...and truest!
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Artsda, on 30 Apr 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:

Eric and Brooke need to be slapped, can't take them enabling their abusive child. I need Ridge to quit and take everyone with him. I hope when/if this takeover ever happens Eric and Brooke are tossed out on their asses too.

I don't know why they don't have Ridge go back over to Marone.


Anna Yolei quote

All of this. Eric put Ridge on a pedestal over his other five kids and he became a bully. Why does he think doing the EXACT SAME THING will produce another result?


Ridge's divinity didn't happen in a vacuum; Stephanie drove the bus on All Ridge All the Time over the other Forrester siblings and Eric, weak puss that he is, acquiesced to her ambitions for their Number One Son By Another Father. Ridge was raised as superior to everyone and the leadership of Forrester was his birthright alone.


It doesn't matter to Ridge if Rick has better managerial and marketing skills that benefit Forrester Creations, he's happy to hamstring the company over their mutual and historic animosity. If it feeds Ridge's wounded artistic pride and juvenile ego to cut off the opposition (Eric, Brooke, Rick, Maya) at the knees, that's a woody for the crown prince.


Ridge may say Forrester Creations was once all about family, creating beauty, sophistication, femininity and the CEO chair was his ... really those myths and esoterica were conveniently tossed to the curb by all the Forrester's if the mythos got in the way of base ambition. Ridge's ambition and pride will  lead him to be marginalized a second time by the Spencer's -- They aren't family, have only created dross, know nothing about sophistication and only use women for ego boosting and penis stroking. I imagine that $Bill will reign as CEO at Forrester when they gain control -- if that doesn't drive Ridge around the bend with artistic constipation and toe fungus nothing will.   


Carter's loyalty is to Ridge, not Forrester Creations -- Telling Ridge about Myron was heinous behavior, considering how much Ridge hates Maya and Rick. Carter has to know Ridge is going to publically destroy Maya to tear down Rick, Eric and Brooke.


As someone posted earlier, Forrester Creations could end up a fashion pariah if Maya's transgender status is used as a weapon against her. I suggest that if TIIC write Maya's gender endgame to trash her, they will lose the good will they have generated with the storyline.


When Rick and Maya go to Big Bear for their romantic interlude/marriage proposal, Ridge is going to do his worst in their absence. My hope is that Maya tells Rick about being transgender, and Rick either already knows and/or accepts her in spite of it all. Their return to Los Angeles will be a big shrug at the Myron tempest in a teapot. That will be Steffie's entrance (stage left), swinging her stock options and leading the Spencer's to the front office of FC.

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Goddamn he looks so good right now. The beard and the jacket and the no tie thing is really driving me crazy. 






... and that's all I got.


Gotcha!  But I was wondering where you two went off together ;-)


"Riding horseback through Mongolia", if you know what I mean. ;)


ETA: Um so John McCook just sent me a tweet brb dying

Edited by St3phForrester
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UGH--not sure I can keep watching JR chandler as Rick (new watcher) and I have loved Thorsten Kaye thru at least 3 or 4 other soaps---loathed RM as Ridge so it is hard for me to imagine TK as this guy but still loving it---but what the hell is wrong with Eric??? I know Brooke is not a bright bulb but what???? We are supposed to feel sorry that Ricky had a bad childhood---seriously---I don't remember him being bullied or whatever----is Eric senile? I admit I have not watched in a long time until the last month or so but WHAT? I hate so much here but as a refugee from Y&R I will be staying for now---

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And speaking of age and Ridge, I thought it was glaringly apparent yesterday and today that KKL has 1,000 times more chemistry now with Eric than she does with nuRidge. She and Eric look like a believable couple, especially now that he's sporting the stubble, which to me makes him look younger than his years. She really should be in the matriarch role.


Yes.  This. 

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OK--sorry for the above rant---that is something I do late at night although I do try to keep it in check and not always successfully---who is Allie? Thorne's daughter? and why is anyone allowed to treat her the way Rick does if she is? Where is Thorne? off the show? I never cared one way or the other about Brooke but really not liking her now---I saw some of the Liam-Hope-Wyatt show and was seriously not liking Wyatt then---now he seems a lot better. There seems to be a lot of dislike for Heather Tom's character but I have not seen her much---I also LOVE the sets on this show, at least the ones I have seen---always thought this show had beautiful sets and decor---the clothes not always so much. Have seen very little of Caroline--due to the actress being in an accident---do people like her? Was Rick this obnoxious and needy when he was with her? Trying to get up to speed and wish the show would move faster and not have the same conversation over and over and over---don't think I like Nicole. Also I laugh almost daily at the comments here about Maya's "hair"

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OK--sorry for the above rant---that is something I do late at night although I do try to keep it in check and not always successfully---who is Allie? Thorne's daughter? and why is anyone allowed to treat her the way Rick does if she is? Where is Thorne? off the show? I never cared one way or the other about Brooke but really not liking her now---

Regarding Aly, yes she is Thorne's daughter and I wonder every day why Rick is allowed to treat her so bad.


Regarding Brooke, I always liked her a lot, but she is working my last nerve these days.  How dare she blow off Ridge's complaints about Rick as Ridge's ego being bruised.  I mean, yes, I'm sure Ridge's ego is bruised, but to say that's the only reason without ever being in the office and seeing how Rick has been is not only stupid but irresponsible.

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OK. It took a L-O-N-G time coming around, but I'm now really liking TK as Ridge. I guess it was such a jarring contrast from RM (in many aspects -- good and bad.) Anyway, I LOVE that photo of him above in the three-piece monochrome outfit. I can't tell if they're dressing him better or what and it appears that he's cleaned up his facial scruff. His hair could still use some work, but I'll take it! Maybe Ridge's buddy Carter, has urged him to start doing shirtless workouts (ahem!) with him or something.


I like "Ricky boy," but I still miss RRRrrrrrICK!!"  LOL! I wish TK could give us one of of those every now and then!


Speaking of shirtless, is it in the actor's contract (sorry, I don't recall his name) to appear in various stages of undress in every other scene? Don't get me wrong, he looks mighty fine, but a little goes a long way. (At least to me.)


Eric looks better with the scruff, but the way he's been behaving is making me turn to seriously dislike the character and it's difficult to find fault with JM/Eric. Eric's done some really stupid things over the years, but this dumb-blind devotion to Rick is ridiculous. He talks out of both sides of his mouth with crowing that FC has "family values" yet letting profit margins dictate leadership. At this point, even if Ally and Ivy when to their respective fathers to complain about how badly Rick is treating them, I seriously doubt it would do much good.


Still, I think that Eric is going to come out to be the least shocked and most supportive when Maya's secret FINALLY comes out. If uses that reveal to diss Maya and oust Rick, he'll really look like a huge hypocrite.


KKL's face has been looking really puffy lately. I hope she's not following the lead of Hunter Tylo and JMW. I thought she was actually aging fairly gracefully.


I can't stand Nicole. I can't wait to see her and Steffy eye each other up like a couple of wary alley cats. (Not that I am looking forward to Steffy.)

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KKL has always been smart about her appearance, and the gaunt face, surrounded by limp hair that we were treated to during Brooke's alcoholic days really called for a revision.  Much as I cringe from done faces, hers looks more freshened than weird, so she has steered clear of Taylor levels of revising.  She looks better, younger, and only a little, just a very little, strange.   

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Joimiaroxeu...(I'm not tagging this since it doesn't give away any of the spoilers) Once it was discovered Ridge was not biologically Eric's, all bets were off. Rick, who was Phoebe's & Steffy's uncle in every way but blood, started having the hots for Phoebe and vice versa. Constantine from American Idol materialized, Phoebe's hots transferred to him while Rick's transferred to Taylor. This sickened Phoebe and, while in a car with Rick driving, she started beating the crap out of him, causing him to lose control & Phoebe got killed. It was quite a scene, Ridge was holding Phoebe & she weakly sang a song she had previously written and died....yes, the song was so bad it killed her. While grief stricken, Rick's hots now turned to Steffy. It seemed genuine, but it turned out Rick's interest in Steffy was all about pissing Ridge off, complete with Rick's immortal line "I OWN her ass!"

I would like to add that the trigger for Phoebe's rage the night of the accident was finding out that Rick had just used Steffy THAT WEEK to get back at Ridge, going so far as to she her then BF Marcus off to FC International so he could put the moves on her (that she saw right through).

Steffy has always been a lowlife cretin, even before Princess Hope was in the picture.

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It better not be my ass, ByTor! :)- Kyle Lowder's Rick creeped me the hell out.


Kyle Lowder creeped me out initially as Brady on DOOL. He has an unfortunate case of serial killer face.


I wonder whatever happened to the guy? He seems to have disappeared.


I keep waiting for someone to say, "She's a man, baby!" in a British accent.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Kyle Lowder creeped me out initially as Brady on DOOL. He has an unfortunate case of serial killer face.

Speaking of which, it was a shame that his Brady and Kristen didn't hook up, cuz he and Eileen Davidson had a pretty decent chemistry together from what I remember. But I agree that the current Brady is way hotter :)

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It's funny how we can all watch the same thing & have different perceptions.  I thought KL Rick & ED Ashley were icky, for lack of a better word.

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So it really does look like Rick will be the very last person to know THE SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! I think the loading dock guy even sent a memo to Thorne in the basement.

Totally. He's going to feel like such a fool. Ricks so egotistical and a dictator and control freak he will blow a gasket.

Nothing is worth full-time Steffy to me. If I'd take Hope back on the show over her, you know it's bad.

Let's not get hasty or anything. When I think of either of them returning I want to cut myself. The cast is way too large right now for the 17 minutes a show 5 times a week. Hell we barely see Ally or Ollie. I love Ally and she can act so give her a story. I detest Hope and am not a fan of Steff so even if there was space for them I'd be against it. They are both arrogant, weird, an drag others down.

Edited by Petunia13
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What gives Steffy an edge in the "kill me now" stakes, for me, is the godawful cha cha cha. It pushes my rage button. Hard. But yeah, they both suck joy out of the show in different but equally depressing ways.

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I know I'll probably be sorry to inquire but I didn't see the cha cha cha stuff.  But Steffy just bugs the hell out of me.  I saw her say that to Liam when she was back last time.  Splain'?


*I shall now duck behind my screen*


And I loooooove TK.  I find him sexay as hell and he can 'tend' to me anytime.  I  used to watch AMC and Zach and Kendall were a chemistry machine.


I like JY a lot better as Rick than as JR Chandler.

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I am remembering that Steffy's aborted romance with Bill was pretty hot, and if they will reinstate that, it will be worth their bringing her back. Collateral damage to the smug and self-righteous Katie wouldn't be bad, either.

I thought I was alone in the Bill/Steffy ship! I liked them together -- I really felt that her acting and character took a downturn when she hooked up with Liam and got dumped in the kiddie pool with Hopeless. Maybe it's rose-colored glasses, i don't know, but to me, Steffy wasn't annoying with Bill the way she is with Liam. More mature, no cha-cha-chaing...

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I didn't see Bill/Steffy, but I would be stunned if the show was able to find their way back to any level of maturity for Steffy at this point.  Of course, I doubt they're interested in doing so.  They want her like this.  They think she's "fun and sexy."  

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methodwriter85, on 02 May 2015 - 9:33 PM, said:

Kyle Lowder creeped me out initially as Brady on DOOL. He has an unfortunate case of serial killer face.


Anna Yolei quote

Speaking of which, it was a shame that his Brady and Kristen didn't hook up, cuz he and Eileen Davidson had a pretty decent chemistry together from what I remember. But I agree that the current Brady is way hotter :)


Never being a Kyle Lowder fan on Bn'B, -- Too many close up Smell the Fart reaction shots to Rrrron Moss' growled orders for my taste -- I saw him in Vegas as Stacy Jax in Rock of Ages. He exceeded the typical four facial reactions he had on Bn'B, sang and danced well, and had excellent comic timing; really a good jukebox musical performance and a surprise. I went in with no expectations, but left thinking KL has a real talent for the stage and is wasted on Soaps.

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Shira, on 01 May 2015 - 4:05 PM, said:


And speaking of age and Ridge, I thought it was glaringly apparent yesterday and today that KKL has 1,000 times more chemistry now with Eric than she does with nuRidge. She and Eric look like a believable couple, especially now that he's sporting the stubble, which to me makes him look younger than his years. She really should be in the matriarch role.



There are no other appropriate single men left to throw Brooke on top of; I thought she and Eric were a good match and attractive couple, in spite of the interference during their marriage.

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I enjoyed Friday's show; particularly Ridge/Brooke/Eric, Brooke/Eric and Ridge/Carter. Why do I feel like I am listening to Ridge's parents when he is talking to Brooke and Eric? The dynamic between R/B has changed so much for me that she seems more like a mother figure than an ex-wife/lover. Watching her explain to Ridge what has been going on, when she has no first hand knowledge, was quite entertaining. During which Vodka binge did she have all these revelations? Who has Brooke had conversations with in the last few months except Deacon and Quinn? Even her conversations with Katie were not about Rick, or anything about what is going on at Forrester. No, they centered more on how she was not going to allow Deacon to marry Quinn. And Eric is no better, actually he is far worse. Brooke's irons in the fire consist of her and Rick, but Eric has Ridge, Ally and Ivy to account for. By extension I would include all his other children because Eric's actions towards Rick effect them too. Did Eric really say he should have "done more to appease him"? No, no, no, no, no! That is not how you parent! Eric sets these competitions up between his sons, and he has done it with them all, then when it gets to be too much for one of them, it's Eric to the rescue by calling out the other son. Then we are right back to the "you always support him over me" stuff. There is something wrong when children feel this way, and the only commonality among them is Eric. Then when Eric admits he knows Ridge is right about Rick messing with the designs, Brooke is going to start simpering about "you aren't going to stop supporting our son are you?" I wanted to slap her.


I have re-watched the Ridge/Carter scenes several times; Thorsten Kaye has the best reactions, and can telegraph emotions so clearly with his looks and mannerisms. I loved his no nonsense, matter of fact approach with Brooke and Eric; I guess when you have tried everything else, the only option left is brutal honesty. I found their combined shock and disbelief at Ridge's frustration infuriating and hilarious at the same time. Ridge are Carter were awesome; I know the scenes were not meant be funny, but I picked up a very thin veneer of comedy. Ridge’s looks of WTF? And his demeanor of “poor Carter is still so smitten with that woman”, then you have Carter barking at Ridge about what he was really saying. Oh my, I was so feeling all that testosterone! The best line of the day though? That is easy:


Ridge – “I am not going to answer to someone who doesn’t know the difference between a Bow and a Boa.”

Carter – “What about Caroline”

Ridge with a little smirky smile – “Caroline knows the difference between a “Bow” and a “Boa.”


That statement made my girlie parts feel funny……..


Ridge won’t do anything with this information; I think he will sit back now to see if Rick finds out somehow. Ridge will probably count on Rick having a meltdown and to start acting even worse than he has been, leaving Eric no choice but to step in.


Rick and Maya didn’t completely piss me off for once. Part of their conversation was actually something you would expect to hear from a young couple. But, there was still that troubling enabling thing going on because Rick is “kicking ass and taking numbers”, which Maya had to qualify with “and taking no prisoners”, with the obligatory fist pump. Oh, and Rick deviated slightly when discussing what having secrets can do; this time he actually broke them down into categories; most destructive to least, it was compelling and quite educational.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I know I'll probably be sorry to inquire but I didn't see the cha cha cha stuff.  But Steffy just bugs the hell out of me.  I saw her say that to Liam when she was back last time.  Splain'?


*I shall now duck behind my screen*

 No need to duck, Ohio.


Cha Cha Cha is code between Steffy and Liam as an invitation for sex. When they were vacationing in Mexico (Dec 22, 2011), Steffy "takes a bite and feels the salsa's kick, shaking her booty while gasping. Liam asks if she's OK. Teasing that there's only one thing in Cabo hotter than that salsa, Steffy shakes her hips and giggles, "cha-cha-cha." " Considering how many times Liam waffled back and forth between herself and Hope, Steffy may have been overselling her sexual prowess. 


Recap by Bold and Beautiful Fan -- Dec 22, 2011:



And just because:






Edit: located Recap Dec 22, 2011.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Thanks Cupid!  I had a hunch it was something like that.  I will admit Steffy has slightly more sex appeal than Hope (who I just didn't get Liam and Wyatt's battle for).

Thanks Cupid!  I had a hunch it was something like that.  I will admit Steffy has slightly more sex appeal than Hope (who I just didn't get Liam and Wyatt's battle for).

Thanks Cupid!  I had a hunch it was something like that.  I will admit Steffy has slightly more sex appeal than Hope (who I just didn't get Liam and Wyatt's battle for).

Edited by OhioSongbird
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Caroline knows the difference between a “Boa” and a “Boa.”

Hee. Step aside $Bill, you're not the only one whose, uh, equipment resembles something found in the animal kingdom. Except in this case Ridge probably wasn't bragging on himself because he really said "a bow and a boa". Per the transcript at TV MegaSite:

Ridge: But itis that way. I can't take orders from somebody that doesn't know the difference between a bow and a boa.

Carter: What about Caroline?

Ridge: She knows the difference between a bow and a boa. I'm just kidding. It's her decision. She's got to do what she wants to do. It doesn't affect me.

I think TK's accent may have made the distinction harder to hear.


There are no other appropriate single men left to throw Brooke on top of

Carter might be good for a fling. He's been single for a while now too.

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Thanks Cupid!  I had a hunch it was something like that.  I will admit Steffy has slightly more sex appeal than Hope (who I just didn't get Liam and Wyatt's battle for).

Thanks Cupid!  I had a hunch it was something like that.  I will admit Steffy has slightly more sex appeal than Hope (who I just didn't get Liam and Wyatt's battle for).

Thanks Cupid!  I had a hunch it was something like that.  I will admit Steffy has slightly more sex appeal than Hope (who I just didn't get Liam and Wyatt's battle for).


 You're welcome times three, Ohio.


It's hard to ignore the disturbing storylines surrounding Cha Cha Cha, and all the individuals either involved in trying to break up Liam and Steffy's marriage (Hope, Rick, Brooke) or those trying to keep Hope away from Liam (Steffy, Thomas, $Bill, Katie, Ridge, Taylor) so he wouldn't get the chance to have second thoughts about being manipulated into marrying Steffy in Aspen. 

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Stupid computer wouldn't let me go back and edit that triple post.  It's been that kind of day......oy.

Stupid computer wouldn't let me go back and edit that triple post.  It's been that kind of day......oy.

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All this talk about cha-cha-cha. Just saw a Corona light beer commercial on TV (watching hockey playoffs) with a song 'cha-cha-cha, don't you know that I love you, cha-cha-cha, don't you know that I love you..."

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Binging the last month of episodes and I gotta say, Ridge put up with a LOT of crap from Rick so his quitting isn't in some fit of anger. He was hanging in there until Eric actually confirmed he lost his mind in considering extending Rock's contract. That's when Ridge realized that there was no point to being the good solider anymore and was like 'Life is too damn short. I'm out.'

Brooke and Eric's reactions are hilarious since every time Eric pokes his head in a for a visit, Ridge is complaining about Rick's behavior. Ridge is clearly on record with hating the situation and Eric is SHOCKED that he'd quit? He's left Forrester before so he's capable of it. Brooke I can give a pass to since she's either been drunk or trying to block the Quinn/Deacon relationship to pay attention to everything that's been going on.

The observation that there was a weird parental vibe toward Ridge by both Brooke & Eric is spot on. Brooke was even infantilizing Ridge when talking to Eric by calling him a kid seeking attention by holding his breath befor breaking his toys. They actually were pretty patronizing towards Ridge earlier. Not to say Ridge doesn't do the same to Rick with the whole Ricky thing (which I'm actually glad Brooke called Ridge out on but good b/c that crap is insulting) but Brooke pulling that kind of crap with Ridge ain't right.

The other big thing I noticed were all the Pam/Ridge talks and Aunt Pam being a good Aunt Pam in supporting Ridge and being a maternal figure that also calls him out. That convo a few weeks ago where she acknowledges his arrogant, bullheaded, assy ways but tries to encourage him to be a bigger person and actually be a big brother to Rick instead of prickly was solid family bonding. She didn't say he was wrong for feeling the way he does about Rick's attitude but to try to show support in spite of it. Of course Ridge was like 'Yeah, ain't doing it' but for a moment he considered it.

I also loved how earlier in the week Pam offered Ridge a lemon bar as he's smarting from his last fight with Rick, he says no thanks and then by the end of the scene he's stress eating and chomping on those lemon bars like there's no tomorrow. It was like Ridge was like 'Rick's being a twerp, I got no Caroline to cuddle with, and Brooke's snapping her fingers in my face! I can't take it!'

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Stupid computer wouldn't let me go back and edit that triple post.  It's been that kind of day......oy.

Stupid computer wouldn't let me go back and edit that triple post.  It's been that kind of day......oy.

Easy for you to say. 

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Since Spectra is out of the picture, and no more Jackie M. Why doesn't Ridge start his own fashion house and poach Caroline and Ivy? That would be good. Then off course try will have a fashion show face off.

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 No need to duck, Ohio.

Anybody who gets between me & my tv screen is all that needs to duck during a "cha cha cha" scene, since they may get hit with the remote when I toss it.

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It's funny how we can all watch the same thing & have different perceptions. I thought KL Rick & ED Ashley were icky, for lack of a better word.

Granted, Rick's other love interest was his 18 year old niece Phoebe, and I liked that pairing far, far less. It wasn't till the years of Lope eating up the screen with their failed wedding that I ever found anything good to say about that pairing at all.

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