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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I laughed out loud of Charlie of all people instantly jumping to the answer that she's transgender and that he even used that word. It didn't feel organic at all, more like a joke.

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Charlie's deduction that Maya is transgender will be pooh-poohed in 2 seconds.  They'll save the "Told you so" lines for later when the truth is really revealed.  But Charlie is too firmly cast in the role of Cliff Clavin/doofus to be the one who discovers The Secret.

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Why is Charlie still on the show?

Good question. I'd also like to ask why a good chunk of the cast is still around, to include Carter, Oliver, Pam, and Deacon. More increasingly, that includes Brooke too now that her only role on the show is playing yet another of Ricky Boy's enablers.

Or maybe it's that this show doesn't balance its characters well. The cast isn't as bloated as Y&R, but somehow they've kept the Zach Convoy on contract for over five frigging years and he's yet to have any story of his own. Same thing with Liam, who was little more than a carnival prize for the Moron Twit Twins to find their mothers' battle as proxies.

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Well this show has certainly written a recipe for excitement, hasn't it? It's not enough for Liam and Wyatt to have a conversation about Maya's seeeecret, one or both of them must have the same damn conversation with Ivy, Pam, Bill, and Katie. Enough already. If Rick can find new and exciting ways to be a prick, surely the Duh Detectives can vary their yammering.

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Give me a break. Why is Charlie still on the show?

I think I read somewhere that the actor is a personal friend of one of the Bell family.


Maya has been eating those pills like they were Tic Tacs, I don't think they're meant to be taken for anxiety.*


So today I noticed the word "scandal" suddenly being dropped multiple characters.


I'm so tired of Rick.


*I could be wrong. (I'm not a Doctor but I rode on an elevator with one once.) 

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Hey.  A few weeks ago I thought I'd start watching this show to see how Maya's doing. Little did I know I'd be stepping back into the pool as they were about to make history. 


Did Carter really call Nicole out on her feelings for Wyatt after only two dates, when he proposed to Maya after none?


I always appreciate viewing a shirtless Carter, but continue to be somewhat squicked out that they have the gym equipment right alongside the cafe area. So odd. 


Joe, Frank and Nancy need to go to investigating 101; the first rule of business when discussing proprietary information is to make sure the coast is clear, and that includes checking behind changing screens. 


Oh, for fucks sake, just gag me with a spoon why don't you. Not only did they subject us to yet another Maya lap dance, but we also learned that the hard working CEO, and his Lead Model, will be having sex in the steam room. YEAHA! and BOY HOWDY! I guess we will get our collective corneas scorched with that shit in today's show. 


Ah, Pam and Charlie, so cute; Pam with her retro red sweater and checked skirt, and Charlie, looking all "Rico Suave" with his mussed hair and apparent weight loss.


And such a dynamic duo:


Pam - "Holy criminal handbags Batman, but there is Maya's purse!"

Charlie - "Yes, but we cannot just rifle through it"

Pam - "By all that is holy Batman, you are the security in this building and you can rifle through anything!"

Charlie - "I say Robin, you do have a point there"

Pam - "Oooops! Batman, I accidentally on purpose knocked Maya's purse over. And look at those Estrogen pills"

Charlie - "Of course, that explains everything. If I had only found these sooner I would have realized that Maya is actually a man!"


Sleuthing at it finest I say; who needs The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew when you have these two on the case. 


If, like me, anyone missed the reveal today, I watched it just now and this^ synopsis is more than accurate. 


I laughed out loud of Charlie of all people instantly jumping to the answer that she's transgender and that he even used that word. It didn't feel organic at all, more like a joke.


His line seemed odd to me--not the delivery, but simply the words and the fact that as a viewer I'm supposed to be satisfied.  I agree with SweePea59 and Whitley Trillbert. The only way the writers could redeem this IMO is if somehow later on viewers learn that Charlie has some friends in the trans community, etc. 


ETA: As I was writing, I realized that I just finished watching yesterday's episode. As for today's show, I saw a snippet earlier, so I know that Pam's not keen on pursuing things any further. I only hope that Charlie managed to say something that made his words make sense. 

Edited by C76
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The only way the writers could redeem this IMO is if somehow later on viewers learn that Charlie has some friends in the trans community, etc. 

Yeah, a line from Charlie like "She's transgender, these are the same pills my friend Mary takes" would have been awesome.  It would show that his "Maya is transgender" conclusion isn't some random off the wall nonsense, but would be rooted in actual experience.

Edited by ByTor
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Maya has been eating those pills like they were Tic Tacs, I don't think they're meant to be taken for anxiety.*

*I could be wrong. (I'm not a Doctor but I rode on an elevator with one once.)

Even so, most anti anxiety pills I know of aren't instantaneous in their effects. TIIC pulled the same crap with Hope three years ago when having sex with Liam the love of her life sent her to the shrink's office.

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Thanks guys for answering my question! I knew it wasn't the most obvious and only reason. In fact I had a friend in college go through periomenopause (I think that's the medical term) she'd get the worst hot flashes.

Ok Nicole is switching gears here. Maybe because she's scared Rick will dump Maya and they will lose the luxe life. Shouldn't that have occure to her a long time ago when she opened up the can of worms?

: ( I miss Caroline and CarRidge : ( waaah

I'm no prude but 10-12 years is a big age different to an 18 yr old getting into the dating world especially one as immature as Nicole.

Sometimes Pam cracks me up and I literally laugh out loud. Others I roll my eyes at her corny campiness. She was kinda amusing today in her reaction shots to Charlie.

Maya also made me laugh when she thought of Pam and Charlie hooking up in the office.

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I cannot believe that we were subjected to yet another diatribe about Rick's terrible childhood, and how Maya has turned all that around for him, and how Maya has made him the man he is, and how Maya got him his CEO job, and how Maya blah, blah, blah. I swear, my eyes glazed over and all I was hearing was Charlie Brown speak. Can someone please explain to me what exactly Maya has done that is so exceptional? How has her actions wiped away all Rick's tears, and troubles, and traumas, and heartaches? And what did she do to help him get his job? Maybe I have been watching a different show or something, but what I recall is a lot of enabling, and ego pumping, and character propping, and looking the other way and excuses, not to mention non-stop fucking bubble baths and sex and acting like mean girls. As far as Forrester, her contributions are negligible at best; a brief stint as the face of HFTF, and one walk down the runway as the Lead Model. Yet Caroline was the one who saved the day, the company, and Rick's useless ass, by stepping up and getting everyone involved with the HFTF line when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy; not only designing all the dresses, but handling everything from the accessorizing to the show itself. And now Rick wants to make the entire company about Maya? I rewound and re-listened to Rick and Wyatt at least three times, because the absolute absurdity of what Rick was saying warranted more than one listen, "You made it all about Maya right?", "These are all wrong, it is clear that you don't know Maya at all". Really Rick? So is not knowing Maya going to become a firing offence now too? How would you propose that Wyatt get to know her better? Because it cannot be said enough; I hate Rick and Maya.


Wyatt on the other hand? While I don't agree with his tactics regarding Nicole, I love how he put the screws to Maya and just had her squirming. And I don't buy for one minute the Maya is concerned about Nicole's welfare. Nope, not one bit. What Maya is concerned about is that Nicole will spill "the frigging secret" to Wyatt. 


And talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth? Maya going on about how she is not ashamed of who she is, and how she won't lie to Rick about why she can't have kids. You've been lying to Rick since the day you met him, so why stop now? And if you are not ashamed of yourself, why haven't you told anyone? 


Instead of these repetitive meetings in Liam's office, maybe Bill should buy a clue and revisit his prior investigation of Maya, because he and Justin clearly missed something. 


Well, it wasn't much, but they did give some explanation of why Charlie would come to such a conclusion. The only hole in the scenario is he doesn't know that she is hiding anything about the Estrogen, and that she hasn't already discussed the pills with Rick. All the same, I was loving Pam's reaction; just wait until she learns that Charlie was right. Geez, it might actually cause Pam to give it up. 

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I cannot believe that we were subjected to yet another diatribe about Rick's terrible childhood, and how Maya has turned all that around for him, and how Maya has made him the man he is, and how Maya got him his CEO job, and how Maya blah, blah, blah.

I can believe it :)


And talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth? Maya going on about how she is not ashamed of who she is, and how she won't lie to Rick about why she can't have kids. You've been lying to Rick since the day you met him, so why stop now? And if you are not ashamed of yourself, why haven't you told anyone?

I said that exact thing to my TV!


Speaking of talking out both sides of one's mouth, I can't believe Rick when he said because of his past he used to be angry & mean & petty, but Maya changed all that.  She did???  On the show I've been watching, Rick has been nothing but a grade A ass since becoming CEO, both in & out of the office.  Does he really think his treatment of Aly is ok?  And he's still doing it, with Maya giggling right by his side.


I did, however, love Pam & Charlie getting caught in Rick's office with Charlie implying Pam is some kind of sex maniac.  Of course Rick's "Oh, that's TMI!" made me want to throw something at the tv...his & Maya's whole relationship is one giant TMI episode after another.

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I normally loathe Katie, but I was pleasantly surprised that she alone seemed troubled by the meeting in Bill's office.  She kept saying it might have been something personal related to Maya and have nothing to do with the business.  She seems to be the only voice of reason.  Rick is her nephew, you would think that she'd put an end to all this, but I guess she can't make Bill listen to her.


I see all of this backfiring on them.  They seem to think that if it is revealed that Forrester's lead model is a transgender woman that it is damaging to the company because people will desert it and stop buying their clothes.  On the contrary, I think the reveal could result in huge positive publicity for Forrester.

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Did anybody else notice what looked like a fluttering hand tapping on Bill's right shoulder, like somebody was crouched down behind him?  Katie seemed to notice it, too, as she was turning just as Bill was turning in response to it.  Then we cut.   

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Re: Rick's childhood, other than the shooting of Grant that he's blocked from his memory, was it really that much worse than what the rest of rich LA/Hollywood brats go through? Brooke may have had more divorces than Destiny's Child had members, but both parents were around and Ridge started acting like an asshole with him when he was an adult putting the moves on Thomas's underage girlfriend Kaitlyn, then moved on to his barely legal daughters.

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I'm at the point where I have begun fast-forwarding a lot of this crap, especially the repetitive conversations between Ivy, Liam, Bill and Wyatt. Enough!


Rick cracks me up with this think of Maya when you design. Would Eric be okay with that? She is hardly a lead model or the prototype for American women, black or white. She's not tall enough to be a couture model, her legs are stumpy and she has a short neck. She's fucking Rick's muse, not Ridge's. What an asshole. I cannot wait for his heart to crumble in a million pieces when her learns his dream girl was born a boy. And even if he does eventually come around to the idea, if he doesn't explode and erupt for at least a month I will have to forget about this show. And it's taking waaay too long! Damn that disgusting person who ran down Caroline with his or her stupid car.

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I've just finished watching yesterday's show. Although the writers could've gone in another direction, I'm willing to give them a pass regarding Charlie's conclusion about Maya.  


Meanwhile, I hope she manages to tell Rick the truth. Preferably sooner rather than later.

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I'd be a lot harder on Charlie coming to that conclusion if he wasn't actually correct about it.


TK does "exasperated" so well.


Last week:

Nicole: You have to tell Rick

Maya:  I can't


This week:

Maya: I have to tell Rick

Nicole: You can't

Nice consistency by the writers.

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Design this jewelry with Maya in mind.

Design this dress with Maya in mind.

ARGH!!!  I hope Jacob Young is as annoyed as I am about his spouting this drivel over...and over...and over...and.....

I guess this strategy would work if Maya were Forrester's only customer!  By the way, did you know that she embodies beauty & femininity?

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I really like Pam's outfit. Not a lot of women her age could pull off that look but IMO she looks great.

Wyatt seems to have chunked up a bit and his wearing several layers of clothing doesn't help.

Rick told Ridge he knew Maya's body. Heh, apparently not. I can't wait until Ridge gets to throw that back in his face.

Again with the mini-letter openers? How are Bill, Liam, and Wyatt not the laughing stock of LA with those things?

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...Again with the mini-letter openers? How are Bill, Liam, and Wyatt not the laughing stock of LA with those things?

I really don't get the sword necklaces, especially because Quinn made the original and Bill hates her. Is it the same thing as those matching t-shirts some people wear to family reunions?

It was also kind of shitty to make Wyatt switch sword necklaces. Quinn's still his mother.

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I really don't get the sword necklaces, especially because Quinn made the original and Bill hates her. Is it the same thing as those matching t-shirts some people wear to family reunions?

It was also kind of shitty to make Wyatt switch sword necklaces. Quinn's still his mother.


What was that about anyway? Some rite of passage? Wyatt already has a sword necklace. Does Baby Will have a plastic version? (With a rounded tip, of course!)


By the time Maya's big secret is revealed, who will care? This has dragged on longer than the Brill affair/pregnancy reveal. I realize that things went into a tailspin with LG's accident, but we need another stand-alone SL for some balance. ALL of the characters are entwined in this ridiculous scenario, which creates BOREDOM.


I miss back during the times when there could be drama going on at FC, but at the same time, an entire separate set of circumstances going on with the Spectras, Marones, etc.



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Nicole begging Maya: "Don't disclose ... We are so close to having it all."


Good to know which lane you chose, Nicole.



Maya, ignore Nicole, forever. Pack your bags and tell Rick about Myron. He might surprise you, but I wouldn't count on it.




I am curious how Ridge will react when he get's sidelined a second time by the Spencer's when they get their hands on Forrester. Same amount of bitching, conspiracy mongering and back-stabbing or greater because $Bill is going to be lead the band?


Beware of what you wish for ...

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I normally loathe Katie, but I was pleasantly surprised that she alone seemed troubled by the meeting in Bill's office.  She kept saying it might have been something personal related to Maya and have nothing to do with the business.  She seems to be the only voice of reason.  Rick is her nephew, you would think that she'd put an end to all this, but I guess she can't make Bill listen to her.


I see all of this backfiring on them.  They seem to think that if it is revealed that Forrester's lead model is a transgender woman that it is damaging to the company because people will desert it and stop buying their clothes.  On the contrary, I think the reveal could result in huge positive publicity for Forrester.

And what if the reveal is done stupidly, with Rick being surprised and he reacts badly.  That could damage the company, a la Dolce and Gabanna.  

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My sister came up with what could be an interesting plot point. When Rick was berating Ridge, and telling him he had to design for Maya, for the person she is, wouldn't it be interesting if Ridge finds out about the transgender issue and started to design a men's line?

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I really don't get the sword necklaces, especially because Quinn made the original and Bill hates her. Is it the same thing as those matching t-shirts some people wear to family reunions?

It was also kind of shitty to make Wyatt switch sword necklaces. Quinn's still his mother.

Of course, this isn't about Quinn. As you will find in the How To Be a Spencer Cult Member Manual, sword necklaces are required to be the same, including those with binky attachments. This is about the Spencer Men. And Unification. Assimilation is almost complete.

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This story has gone on so long, it's hard to imagine anybody being shocked by it now.  So ho-hum.  If you just think about Rick, though, it will mean a real shifting of gears for him.  My guess would be, in real life, he would be nice about it, but say he had counted on fathering some kids, and that changes things for him.  But this isn't real life.  We know it's going to be something PC, and for drama's sake, there needs to be a change.  Maybe he will say, everything's great, I've always wanted a transgendered girlfriend, but you weren't honest with me, so that's all, folks.       

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Maya, ignore Nicole, forever. Pack your bags and tell Rick about Myron. He might surprise you, but I wouldn't count on it. 


This makes me wonder, since Maya is always saying she's not ashamed of who she is, what is she afraid of? Is she afraid Rick won't accept that she's transgender or he won't accept that she wasn't open about it? I have no doubt that it will be about the honesty. And I don't think it will be as much about her being dishonest, but rather about him feeling like a fool yammering about Maya's integrity ad nauseum.
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So Rick is good with Maya having secrets? And whatever she is keeping from him doesn't matter, because nothing she could be withholding could make a difference? Well, I just call a major fucking foul on that. After having it relentlessly pounded into our heads for months how Rick values honesty and integrity above anything, he better hold Maya to the same standards as he does everyone else. I truly believe that Rick is terrified to lose Maya, the one person who has blindly supported and propped his fragile ego, who has listened to his tales of woe, and who has steadfastly enabled his horrible behavior to those he is supposed to love most in the world. 


After admitting that he has no design talent, how is it that Rick knows more about it than Ridge? He knows where a hemline and waistline should be? And best of all, Ridge should be thinking about and seeing Maya when he is designing? Just another example of how little Rick knows about the creative process. Maya is your muse dumbass, not Ridge's. And the whole concept of Ridge channeling Maya is just EEEWWWWW! And if he really did start envisioning Maya in his designs, I would imagine the gowns would be high necked and all to the floor, cause KM is a beautiful woman, but she has no neck and tree trunks for legs. Considering Rick's unabashed stupidity in those scenes, I think Ridge showed remarkable restraint. 


I am beginning to wonder if there wasn't more to Maya leaving home than just her gender issue. She is just a nasty piece of work when it comes to Nicole, and my experience says that when you treat one family member like that, you treat them all like that. I don't believe Maya cares about anyone but herself, and that means having it all for, and to, herself. She is acting just like Dayzee did toward Maya when she first came on the scene. Sure, she doesn't want Nicole to tell "the friggin secret", but I also think she is jealous that Nicole has eyes for a Spencer, and could possibly be living the good life soon herself. 


I am surprised beyond measure that Bill is going to allow "Ivy the Plant" to dictate the "Spencer Men's" future in Swordism. 

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Yesterday's show.  Basically, nothing happened.  There was zero advancement of the storyline, other than Maya was about to tell and Nicole said no.  The Spencer Detectives and Cheerleaders are still doing their same thing.  We have been at this point for weeks now.  Shocker.

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***BREAKING NEWS*** An object with a density exceeding that of a black hole has been spotted in the Los Angeles area by alarmed astrophysicists. It is being called an "Eric Forrester" and witnesses claim that logic, reason, and intelligence are being vacuumed into its gaping maw. Citizens in L.A. are strongly advised not to cross the "Eric Forrester's" event horizon, lest their brains be sucked out through their backsides.

The Avant sisters are rocking it? Shut up, Nicole.

You go, Brooke! You defend your big shot, adult, CEO son. The cure for bullying is to let the bully know he can do no wrong and will be amply rewarded for punching down. #parentsoftheyear. You might as well go talk to a dinner plate, Ridge; you'll get more comprehension.

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Eric and Brooke need to be slapped, can't take them enabling their abusive child. I need Ridge to quit and take everyone with him. I hope when/if this takeover ever happens Eric and Brooke are tossed out on their asses too. 


I don't know why they don't have Ridge go back over to  Marone.

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You go, Brooke! You defend your big shot, adult, CEO son. The cure for bullying is to let the bully know he can do no wrong and will be amply rewarded for punching down. #parentsoftheyear. You might as well go talk to a dinner plate, Ridge; you'll get more comprehension.


Personally, I'm tired of Ridge's whining.  He's got no one to blame for his current predicament other than himself.  Eric chose Ridge and Ridge is the one who fucked that up.  He needs to suck it up.  If/when Eric decides to keep Rick beyond 1 year, then go on your way.  For all of his horseshit about Ivy, Wyatt, etc., it seems obvious to me Ridge only cares about how this affects him.  He's a selfish person who can barely contain himself when someone gives an opinion contrary to his own.


As I've said numerous times, I don't care about Rick, but I REALLY don't care about Ridge.  He can take a hike anytime.  For all of this talk about how Rick is a bad person, so is Ridge.

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Personally, I'm tired of Ridge's whining.  He's got no one to blame for his current predicament other than himself.  Eric chose Ridge and Ridge is the one who fucked that up.  He needs to suck it up.  If/when Eric decides to keep Rick beyond 1 year, then go on your way.  For all of his horseshit about Ivy, Wyatt, etc., it seems obvious to me Ridge only cares about how this affects him.  He's a selfish person who can barely contain himself when someone gives an opinion contrary to his own.



Sorry, but I can't agree. If Ridge's frustration was generated solely by Rick having the CEO spot maybe I could, but there is so much more to it. Rick has said he knows nothing about design, yet at every turn, and with every effort put forth by Ridge, or Caroline, or Ivy, or Wyatt, he finds fault, and nitpicks the design to death, telling the designer how to make it better. And seriously, make it about Maya? For god sake, how does one do that when Maya is so ultra special? Her light, and her goodness, and her saintliness, and her strength, and above all else, her fucking honesty and integrity. I would suspect that any accomplished, veteran designer would get their nose bent out of joint when some preppy, snot nosed, little wanna be continually tried to undermine their designs. And for no other reason than to be a prick. Ridge should really just go on and do what the idiot wants; that should help send the profits in the opposite direction and remove the little tyrant from the CEO office.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I can see your point runthetable, but I'd be willing to bet a million dollars that even if Rick had went out of his way to be nice to Ridge, let him run the design aspect of FC, etc., Ridge would still be calling him Ricky Boy, smirking and scheming and plotting to overthrow him at every opportunity. He acted like this long before Rick was ever CEO and he had Daddy Eric in his pocket the whole time. And for no other reason than to be the spoiled, entitled prick he accuses Rick of being (not that I disagree with his assessment) but pot, meet kettle and take a seat and shut the hell up.

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I can see your point runthetable, but I'd be willing to bet a million dollars that even if Rick had went out of his way to be nice to Ridge, let him run the design aspect of FC, etc., Ridge would still be calling him Ricky Boy, smirking and scheming and plotting to overthrow him at every opportunity. He acted like this long before Rick was ever CEO and he had Daddy Eric in his pocket the whole time. And for no other reason than to be the spoiled, entitled prick he accuses Rick of being (not that I disagree with his assessment) but pot, meet kettle and take a seat and shut the hell up.



Yes, of course this is correct. I would never go so far as to say Ridge doesn't want the CEO job, or that he isn't jealous of Rick being chosen. And I think Ridge will do the whole "Little Ricky", smirking thing until his dying day, but I do really believe that a lot of Ridge's animosity right now is due to being incredibly frustrated. After fighting to regain his skill, this constant criticism from a non-designer has got to sting. And all this nonsense about envisioning Maya, and making everything about her is kind of making me think Rick has taken a trip around the bend. 

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Even if Rick was  being nice to Ridge, Ridge would still have a problem with the abuse he's doing to others. It's not just Ridge's designs he has a problem with but how Ally, Pam, Ivy, Caroline, and even Wyatt are being treated. It's the morale and treatment of the employees. 


My god, he shot a gun in the office towards them that could have ricocheted or gone through the wall. Anything could have happened and his parents did nothing after that but continue to enable him.  


If Brooke and Eric think Rick and Maya are doing it all and everyone else deserves to be treated the way they are by Rick then let them all quit or be fired and let Rick do it all. Ridge is right to quit.

Edited by Artsda
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Yes, of course this is correct. I would never go so far as to say Ridge doesn't want the CEO job, or that he isn't jealous of Rick being chosen. And I think Ridge will do the whole "Little Ricky", smirking thing until his dying day, but I do really believe that a lot of Ridge's animosity right now is due to being incredibly frustrated. After fighting to regain his skill, this constant criticism from a non-designer has got to sting. And all this nonsense about envisioning Maya, and making everything about her is kind of making me think Rick has taken a trip around the bend. 

True that! Which is another reason why Rick's idiot parents should be alarmed. It is seriously squicky how dependent he is on Maya and I for one would never find that attractive in a man. 


If I were Ridge I'd want to quit, too, with all of this design for Maya bullshit. Rick forgets that those mega profits were the result of Ridge and Caroline's un-interfered-with designs and even if he priced them to fail, if they weren't so allegedly fab they wouldn't have sold and he'd have had nothing to crow about. Rick needs to get over himself and let people do what they do best.


And because I cannot say it enough, after all of this repetitiveness and talk about secrets all of the fucking time his head better explode when he learns about Maya, political correctness be damned. I want him to be fucking furious about the fact that she lied and angry that he's been sucking on fake tits. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the little dickhead had a right to know.

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I thought Ridge, who can be a whiny whiner, was rather restrained today, especially in the face of Dumb and Dumber prattling on about Prince Rick, Holy Bringer of Profits. Eric all but gave Rick full credit for Forrester's success, and his quest to make up for his parental shortcomings with Rick by dumping on Ridge is distasteful. It's entirely possible that Ridge doesn't actually care how the other employees are treated, but Eric needs to hear it and get that nonsense under control. Eric especially needs to see Rick being a ginormous douche to Aly at home and then laughing about it with Maya. Knowing Eric, he'd probably reward Rick with a cookie.

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I think everybody at Forrester who is not Rick (he's CEO, by the way) and of course Maya should stop whining and quit!  For those who watched Seinfeld, I'd love to see them quit one by one, leaving Rick (like Elaine) alone at his desk shouting "Hey...heeeeyyyy!!!"

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I've been wanting everyone to quit ever since Rickster became CEO and began acting like an ASS. With regards to Rick and the fake boobs, I think he'd feel even squishier putting his little Ricky in Maya's nether regions.

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I thought Ridge, who can be a whiny whiner, was rather restrained today, especially in the face of Dumb and Dumber prattling on about Prince Rick, Holy Bringer of Profits. Eric all but gave Rick full credit for Forrester's success, and his quest to make up for his parental shortcomings with Rick by dumping on Ridge is distasteful. It's entirely possible that Ridge doesn't actually care how the other employees are treated, but Eric needs to hear it and get that nonsense under control. Eric especially needs to see Rick being a ginormous douche to Aly at home and then laughing about it with Maya. Knowing Eric, he'd probably reward Rick with a cookie.


And follow it up with "Well, Aly, it's not that hard to scoop some ice cream. We're a family, we help each other out, and Rick is under a lot of pressure as CEO.  Did you hear he's CEO?  And he hates lies?"  


I find it odd that Rick is advising Ridge to think about Maya while designing, seeing as Ridge just stole Rick's wife out from under him. Is Rick essentially saying, "I dare you to steal my hot girlfriend!"?



Yeah, Rick, do you want Ridge to start spending a lot of one on one time with Maya so she can inspire him?  

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Eric and Brooke need to be slapped, can't take them enabling their abusive child. I need Ridge to quit and take everyone with him. I hope when/if this takeover ever happens Eric and Brooke are tossed out on their asses too.

I don't know why they don't have Ridge go back over to Marone.

All of this. Eric put Ridge on a pedestal over his other five kids and he became a bully. Why does he think doing the EXACT SAME THING will produce another result?

As for Marone Enterprises, who owns that now? When the actor playing Massimo left to go back to Days, he was written out with Nick having pulled some shady BS maneuver that made him owner of all his stuff, and had Daddy Dearest escorted out the office.

Sigh. I know many folks hated the revised paternity and the idiotic Bridget and Ridge almost romance that came from it, but I'll take blatantly bad over boring any day.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I think Nicole should design couture, her unique fashion sense could really put FC on the map.

Nicole could be a natural at a lot of products. 2 way pagers, snap bracelets, a dance show rip off of The Grind , those Comedy and Tragedy Harlequin masks that used to hang on everyone's bedroom walls, bring back Breyers Viennetta.....

For you Shira enjoy!


He's lost a lot of weight.

Edited by Petunia13
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^ Damn look at those man hands! Very nice.

I knew he'd tell bestie Ridge. What the hell in a week even Othelo will be talking about it. Ugh Steffi. She's not going to add anything in my book.

I am reading Natasha a biography of Natalie Wood. It has a bunch of studio glamour pics and candid photos of the actress and she could pass for Ivy's grandma their bone structure and noses are very similar.

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