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S31.E08: You Call, We Haul

Tara Ariano

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Wow this episodes had epic screw ups on both sides of the alliance.


Jeremy-  When you're in danger of being idoled out split the votes man. Good god.

Kelley- I get that Savage is annoying and I thank you for not idoling out my favorite player but come on, girl. I feel like not idoling out Jeremy is a colossal mistake for your future.  

Ciera- Don't call out people that you're trying to work with in the future.

Joe- You went from swing vote to targeted by everybody mostly through your own cowardly way. Wow.

Stephen- For the love of god, stop targeting people before the IC results.

Tasha- Perfect spot. Not on anybodys radar and in a lot of people's plans.

Spencer- Ditto. Probably has the easiest path to the finals.

Kimmi- Keep being awesome.

Keith- You're good with your balls. Not much else.

Abi- Nice quote.


Also an underated gem that cemented Jeremy as my favorite.


Jeremy: That's five, Jeff.


  • Love 9

Man, that was oh-so-satisfying. It's just so alpha-male of Savage and Jeremy to be sure that there's no chance that any of the three ladies would ever have an idol. At that number of tribal, you always split the vote, even if it doesn't matter at the end. The reactions of everyone when Wentworth pulled out her idol were so precious. I love Jeremy's "Did you know about this?!" to Ciera.

At first I thought the vote was going to be Ciera, because of Spencer's "if I were in your position I'd be pleading my case too..." Ciera was the shown talking the most during TC.

And I'm glad the ladies didn't vote Fishbach like they they talked about earlier. You already know how badly he wants to take out Joe. So you keep that in your backpocket and wait if he gets that chance.

The minority vote also showed that you always, always take out the top dog if you have the chance, and not the fringe players. Now you know for sure you've shaken the core group, and you have more "in" to sway votes your way. Taking out a fringe player does nothing to the major alliance AND you're still at the bottom of the totem pole. These ladies showed the No Collars of last season how it's done. The NC should have taken out Mike and not Kelley, who didn't seem like a major threat at all.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 10

I only wish they had targeted Jeremy so he could have gone home with an idol in his pocket.

I'm actually surprised he didn't play his idol after Wentworth played her own. They all know they voted for Wentworth and that will not count, so one of the other nine will be going home. And considering that Ciera outed him as one of the top dogs, it was a risky play not to use his idol, since Ciera's rant alone should be a clue that he may be the target, along with Savage and Fishbach. He got lucky, but it was risky.

  • Love 11
That boot still tops my list of hilarious Survivor moments mainly because, Stephen "Ahab" Fishbach aside, the collective Savage alliance has not yet reached 4 Horsemen levels of douchebaggery.  Plus his ouster doesn't really blow up the remainder's game.  That was the Eduardo gift that kept on giving.

The Four Horsemen vote is still best thanks to the utterly perfect reaction shots of Edgardo/Alex instantly going from gleeful to solemn after Edgardo's name is revealed, followed by Earl grinning from ear to ear.  That said, the Four Horsemen's douchiness was 85% Alex, 10% Mookie and 5% Dreamz for being so flaky, whereas Edgardo himself seemed like an okay guy.  In this case, it was the chief douche himself Savage that got the boot, making it all the more satisfying.

  • Love 9

An angel got its wings tonight because Bitchass Savage is gone hallelujah. He was a POS in his original season, an even bigger POS this one, and now the island stinks quite a bit less now that he's gone. Unfortunately, thanks to Probst's mancrush on him, the merge happened sooner than ever so Savage could get his dream of making jury and I still have to see his shit face every week. Anytime Savage gets what he wants (and going by how he acts like a bratty five year old when he doesn't get his way, he gets what he wants pretty much all of the time, shame on you world and everyone in it who has allowed Savage to get his way and prosper, shame on you!), a puppy is kicked/a kitten's whiskers are pulled out/the world becomes an even darker and less just place, so tonight helped set things a bit in balance towards the light, the good side.


Wiglesworth, Kimmi, and even Spencer are so pathetic and sucky, tagging along with Jeremy/Tasha/Savage/Fishbach. Make some moves of your own, wimps. If Spencer wins this season, I'm gonna be smh. I can't stand Tasha this season, hope she goes next. Abi saying in her sickly-sweet bitchy voice 'At least you made the jury!' to Savage was the best thing she's ever done on the show.


Probst looking like someone took his favorite toy away as Savage left was the icing on the cake. How will he be able to resist every week from looking over at the jury and asking for Savage's opinion on everything?


I hope wherever she is tonight, Lil cracked open her beverage of choice and toasted the air cackling all the while.



Did anyone else notice that there was no #BLINDSIDE in the bottom left corner of the screen like they do for every other blindside?  That was the best blindside of the season!  

Oh, of course not! Because that would be like adding insult to injury for Probst and his precious Honey Bunny Savage.

Edited by pamplemousse
  • Love 11

That was AWESOME. I liked Savage at first, but I think he's really full of himself, so I was glad to see him get hit by such an awesome blindside.


I'd love to know how Kelly knew that she was the target -- if it was a hunch, playing the 1-in-3 odds, or someone told her.


This was really great timing -- my husband, who only watches when he comes home and I'm watching, complained last week about the vote-splitting. I had this vote to show him so he gets the need now. So hilarious that the contestants didn't -- like they considered Kelly Wentworth such a nothing, she couldn't possibly have an idol. So glad she handed their asses to them. I am really hoping this shakes everything up, too -- it's now eight to three, and I can see two alliances of four trying to woo the three women.

Not to mention calling Stephen "disgusting" for daring to play the game.

Oh, I really hated that. It's Survivor, and that's the point!! Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 5

Oh, I am so sad I can't read the forums tonight.  Friday I will have time.  For now, yay!


I thought for sure they were just fucking with my feelings and Kelley would go home with an idol in her bag.  Or play it and Ciera goes home.  Thank God that didn't happen; but I can't get my hopes up, because it's literally Jenn all over again.  Unless this is the crack that splits the brolliance, she's still on the bottom.  It won't be as epicly depressing as it was, and I'll go on watching; but being better than the worst merge group of all time is not a high bar.


Please, Survivor Gods, split the Bayons.  Shatter them like glass.  Let my Kelley survive.

  • Love 7

I think they didn't trust each other enough to split the vote.  It would have been too easy for the girls to talk some people into flipping and taking out one of the Fantastic Four.  It happened anyway!  


DING DING DING! Yep, that's why they didn't split it.


According to Stephen on twitter they didn't split the vote because they were concerned that Joe and Andrew were going to flip and vote him out. Not sure I am buying this at all.


No, I totally buy it, it makes perfect sense. The group of 9 did not trust each other enough to split the vote. They had just finished talking about voting off Stephen, and they knew Stephen was gunning for Joe! They probably didn't trust Andrew and Joe (who was talking to the girls a lot), and they certainly didn't trust Stephen. If they had split the vote 5-4, then the girls would only need to flip 2 people (at least one in the group of 5) to control the vote. If they'd split it 6-3, then the girls would only need to play an idol and flip one person to control the vote. Even when you have a 9-3 advantage, it's a risk to split the vote.

  • Love 7


I thought for sure they were just fucking with my feelings and Kelley would go home with an idol in her bag.  Thank God that didn't happen; but I can't get my hopes up, because it's literally Jenn all over again.  Unless this is the crack that splits the brolliance, she's still on the bottom.  It won't be as epicly depressing as it was, and I'll go on watching; but being better than the worst merge group of all time is not a high bar.


Please, Survivor Gods, split the Bayons.  Shatter them like glass.  Let my Kelley survive.


I think Kelley is a much better player than Jenn turned out to be.  Once Hali got booted, Jenn pretty well gave up.  I also think Jenn didn't really strategize much: she lined up with her NC homies, and that was mostly it. 


My read of Kelley is that she will fight to the last second.  I also think she's much more adroit strategically; and better socially as well. 


Seems to me lots of cracks opened up this episode.  My sense is that Kelley will exploit them.  She'll have to: with no idol and her finally out of the shadows she can't rest on her laurels. 

  • Love 9

WOW what an amazing episode! I think it's my favorite after Parvati's idols playing in tribal council. When I saw Savage's name written down I screamed "YESSS!". I never want to see this stupid face of his again in my whole life. Let him go cry in his supermodel wife's supermodelly arms. Oh how amazing was that? If the season was over today I'd be happy and satisfied by it but having in mind that more is coming just warms my heart. Survivor gets better and better.


I have to comment on Fishbach. Why on earth do you go and talk about taking off Joe BEFORE the immunity challenge? Wait and see who actually wins it and then do your thing in private and not near Joe's closest people. I think Stephen's super knowledge of the game and over strategizing will eventually cost him the game. Fishbach "you got to chill man"!


In the contrary I am so proud of Spencer who has managed to lay low, follow the crowd without creating waves towards him and eventually getting himself in a position that he is becoming a member of the big bayon alliance. Good for him!


I'm stunned that nobody thought of splitting votes THIS time when it was more than needed. They split votes last time but not now. What a noobish decision.


What was with Kass showing her finger in the tribal council? Is this the image she wants her kid to have about her? Doesn't she have a bad enough reputation already?


I'm also surprised that they decided to actually vote for Wentworth instead of Cierra. Why do you think that happened? Do they consider her a bigger strategist and/or a bigger challenge threat?

  • Love 7

It was my interpretation of Spencer's message during the vote. Sounded over-confident.

Anyone caught the "exchange" between Kass and Ciera? The three girls (Ciera, Abi and Kelley) kept on looking at Kass. Could be the editing only though.

I think the majority didn't split the votes in order to prove to the three outcasts that they were united and strong.

I think a properly executed vote split demonstrates just as well that the alliance is united and strong. It also shows that they are not stupid.

If anything, not splitting suggests a lack of unity as the reason could be that they don't fully trust each other.

  • Love 6

Gotta love a good idol play!! And I love Kelley also so it was so satisfying.

I think Jeremy has done a great job of protecting himself with other alpha males and that's why he wasn't targeted tonight. When others have brought up getting rid of Joe for instance (I think first time was two weeks ago), he gently steered the conversation away from that. This week it seemed like he might have gone along with it if his alliance / the numbers really wanted it, but I'm sure he was glad when Andrew stuck out his neck for Joe. I agree with those that said that to us viewers, it looks like Jeremy is the obvious and bigger threat, but he's leading in a very under the radar and smooth way so it might not seem that way to the players.

Plus Andrew is an asshole so I think that was just enjoyable for the ladies :) I am so glad he's gone. Still not sure if the editors were making fun of him this whole time or actually liked him...

Stephen is really blinding himself this season to the dangers of Jeremy. He keeps comparing Joe to JT while I think that Jeremy is really his JT. Jeremy is the one who is friendly with everyone, still super strong in challenges and is able to influence the numbers to where he wants to go. I felt like at the end of JT's season everyone voted for him to win because he was so friendly and likeable while still making it to the end and (in their perception) strategizing - which is Jeremy way more than Joe (mostly the strategizing since Joe doesn't seem to be able to pull in enough people for the moves he wants to make). In other words, Jeremy's strategy of using Joe as a shield seems to be working out super well.

And it doesn't help that they keep showing Stephen as so whiny. When he made the Ahab/Moby Dick comparison, I thought to myself, Did that work out for Ahab?! I thought you liked to learn from literature!!

Edited by ellie2205
  • Love 23

Did anyone else notice that there was no #BLINDSIDE in the bottom left corner of the screen like they do for every other blindside? That was the best blindside of the season!

I don't think an idol counts as a blindside. If the alliance had voted out Joe or Fishbach when they thought they were safe, that would have been a blindside.

  • Love 6

Yea, I thought it was hilarious how Andrew and Joe patted themselves on the back with thoughts of a Stephen blindside. Then when Andrew try to sell it to Spencer Tasha and Jeremy, not only did Jeremy kill the idea but he somehow convinced the group it was their idea in the first place.


Also, of the people called out in Tribal it was impressive how cool he was when Jeff called on him. Jeff almost immediately went elsewhere knowing that he was not going to get drama from Jeremy.



  • Love 10

I'm actually surprised he didn't play his idol after Wentworth played her own. They all know they voted for Wentworth and that will not count, so one of the other nine will be going home. And considering that Ciera outed him as one of the top dogs, it was a risky play not to use his idol, since Ciera's rant alone should be a clue that he may be the target, along with Savage and Fishbach. He got lucky, but it was risky.

Jeremy might have alienated his alliance if he had pulled out the idol. Plus, he wouldn't have it for future use. It was risky not to use it, but I think his overall chances of winning were probably better by not using it.

I guess they would have needed to vote from scratch. Would Wentworth and Jeremy be safe in the revote? If so, Ciera probably gets eliminated.


So Ciera tweeted that Joe told her it was Wentworth, and she let Kelley know. Joe accidentally helped them blindside his biggest supporter. Nice.


I thought this was pretty obvious given the edits about how Joe kept running back and forth between alliances trying to have his cake and eat it. We'll see whether this serves his game long term or hurts him. This behaviour has already cost him a strong ally in Andrew - whose pretty much overplayed his hand out of the game this week. Had he adopted the "anyone but me" strategy and kept his mouth shut and out of the Fishback-Joe feud, he might still be here today. But, that isn't Savage. What's funny is that this season highlights more than ever how people's "fatal flaws" lead to their demise. Just like Kass, Savage became his own worst enemy.



So Spencer think he is part of the majority? I laughed out loud. Loudly.


Well, he is part of the majority. He voted with them and the edits clearly showed that he was included in their strategic discussions about who to vote out and actually made a point about why this was not the right time to target Fishbach. The fact that he actually is being given voice, however, small to participate in strategy talks rather than just being told who to vote for, shows that he has been at least some what effective in building new relationships. Now, of course we don't know how close he is to the "top" but it gives him a better chance of making plays since I think it is unlikely the "core 3/4/5?" will stick together till the end given they may all be threatened by each other.



I feel like Ciera is really just frustrated with people like Wigglesworth and Kimmi who are obviously on the bottom of the majority and will be in danger soon. We didn't see Ciera talking to them, but I assume she has tried and they aren't willing to change.


So she keeps grandstanding about how they should switch from the bottom of their alliance to the bottom of her alliance? This is one of my least favourite arguments from Survivor. If she really knew who was on the bottom she should approach them quietly and try to work them (like Tasha did with Abi on Angkor). I find the speeches annoying and insulting people proclaiming loudly how stupid you think their strategy is really doesn't seem to me like an effective way to win their friendship or influence.

  • Love 15

I think the majority alliance made a mistake by not having the balls to either vote out Joe or Steven.

Once Steven started gunning for Joe and Joe responded by going after him, one of them had to go. Now, there is a fracture in the alliance that makes it far more likely that the 3 women will be able to flip 3 people over to their side and take over.

  • Love 6

One definite lesson from this episode: If you find an idol, keep your damn mouth shut!  No matter how much you trust your allies, remember that everyone is ultimately out for themselves.

Yeah, when I saw it, I thought it was pretty similar to what they just did. Yes I know they had to hold the ropes instead but it was the same balancing a ball again. Like can we get something physical and/or puzzle next week?

These balance challenges certainly play into Joe's yoga wheelhouse.  Maybe Keith has secretly been practicing too. ;)


As if she weren't memorable enough already, Abi probably bagged herself a little bit of Survivor immortality with that line to Savage.  "You made the jury" - purest, purest gold.  I have to forgive all former and future annoyances she may have committed or ever will just for that little zinger.

Satisfying, but ultimately stupid to antagonize a jury member.  (Not that he would vote for her in a million years anyway.)


I don't really care about either Savage or Fishbach but I was hoping Ciera would be booted before either of them, just to protect Jeremy and Tasha (and Joe and Spencer).  Ciera rubs me the wrong way although I should theoretically be rooting for someone not willing to accept being a lamb at the slaughter.  I'm glad Kelley made a smart play and saved herself.  She'll need to do some scrambling in the future.    

Wow, that has got to me my favorite TC ever. Seriously. That was truly magnificent. Not only because everyone was stunned, but I was too! Usually when some type of blindside, twist, etc. happens, I'm halfway expecting it beforehand. Of course I knew Wentworth had the idol. And I knew the Fishbach vote had fizzled. But I really thought the majority was going to go with Ciera, since she had been so contentious around camp. I was glad when Wentworth played the idol, simply because there's always that possibility, and it's better to play it and not need it than to go home with it burning a hole in your pocket. But I was really shocked when every damn paper had her name on it. Shocked and delighted. I was laughing and clapping and trying not to disturb my entire sleeping household, but I just couldn't help myself! After she pulled out the idol, you could tell by the looks on faces that they had written her name down. But seeing it play out? So awesome. But then...but then....I'm thinking, who did the girls put down? Did they stay with the Fishbach idea? No, they went for the jugular and took down Savage! Brilliant. Just brilliant. I loved seeing him storm off, flipping the bird. What a petulant little brat. 


It should be interesting to see him and Kass on the jury next week. What a pairing. 


The thing that's so fun about this season is that I really like quite a few of the players. I like Wentworth and Joe and Spencer and Jeremy and Tasha. And the only people I was actively disliking were Andrew and Abi. And Andrew's gone, and Abi has evidently been given a tranquilizer. SO it's just really exciting because people I like are going after each other and I don't know who to root for and the game just keeps changing every week and I LOVE it. 


Savage...I tried to give him a chance. I never saw his first season, so I was unbiased going in. But damn, he just got too arrogant. It really rubbed me wrong how he called Fishbach "disgusting" for wanting to get out Joe. I like Joe, but he's a HUGE threat challenge-wise. Why not try to get him out, if you're Stephen? The thing that drives me crazy is, Savage can bring on all these side pieces to his alliance (Spencer and Joe), because he thinks it's good for HIS game, an extra buffer, so to speak. But how dare anyone else in his alliance be thinking of THEIR individual game? Stephen never wanted to bring on Joe, so what's worse? Stephen wanting to take out a major challenge threat? Or Andrew wanting to take out a member of his core alliance? 


Stephen's main issue is, he needs to be more subtle. Watch and learn from Jeremy. Jeremy is not only keen on keeping guys like Joe around to shield him, but he also thought it was too soon to send Fishbach home, especially since those two had gotten so close. But he was able to change Savage's mind without making a big thing of it and putting a target on HIS back. Jeremy is playing a very smooth game this time and I look forward to seeing more of it. 


It's so interesting to me that right at the merge Spencer was the big target, and even last night he was once again one of the last few standing in the IC, but his name has not been floated around (that we've seen) at all anymore. He's really staying under the radar so far. Good for him. 


We got a little more out of Keith tonight. I know he's not well liked, but Keith just cracks me up. I loved when they were at the Reward and all the girls were trying to talk strategy with Joe. And then we have Keith derping about in the background with this look on his face like, "Yup. Mmmmhmmm. Interesting. I gotcha......okay, now can I go ride the tut tut?" Dude is actually pretty adept at challenges, but I don't know if there's a strategic bone in his body. 


Once again, really good episode. Tribal was amazing (well, except Ciera and her constant eyerolls. We get it. Simma down.) and I loved seeing Wentworth come out of her shell. I'd say she will probably really have to scramble next week, now that her idol is gone. But with how fast this game is changing, you just never know!

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 21



Kass - stay klassy.  When she waved her hand in front of her face during voting as if someone smelled as they walked by, was Tasha her target?  Kass, no one thinks you're clever or funny except you.  And possibly Ciera.  You and Savage have fun at Ponderosa.  Be sure and practice your bird flipping in the mirror for maximum effect.


Ciera's eyes rolling independently of each other was slightly creepy.  I am starting to get why she feels the need to verbalize her frustrations, though.  She's not wrong when she says that in any alliance, there are those who are running the show and those who are expendable.  I can't decide if she drives me crazy or is actually playing so hard that she can't help herself, which I can understand.


Keith driving the tuk-tuk was the second best part of this episode, after the blindside.  I finally figured out what Keith reminds me of - a schnauzer, with his big eyes and all those whiskers.  And I do mean that as a compliment!


Probst and all the comments about rolling balls...how humiliating would it be to get eliminated from a challenge for giggling at one of those comments?


So now what happens...who will decide to throw themselves at the feet of the Wentworth/Abi/Ciera power trio?  And how will the girls react?  I want to see some serious groveling!


Excellent episode!

  • Love 6
Wiglesworth, Kimmi, and even Spencer are so pathetic and sucky, tagging along with Jeremy/Tasha/Savage/Fishbach. Make some moves of your own, wimps.


What I don't understand is why Kimmi is not considered a core 5 with those guys. She is original Bayon, and has played with Jeremy and Fishbach the entire time, correct? It all of a sudden appears as if she's not tight with them anymore. Did I miss something?





Maybe they just don't see what we see. Jeremy sure looks like the puppetmaster from our perspective. But he's trying as hard as he can to lay low. He doesn't boss people around, dictate votes, or even step up for key roles in the challenges.


Completely agree with this. Plus, while he is doing an awesome job during group/Reward challenges, he seems to letting others take the top tier in the individual IC so far. This may not be intentional, but I tend to think that it's at least partly so. 




I have to comment on Fishbach. Why on earth do you go and talk about taking off Joe BEFORE the immunity challenge? Wait and see who actually wins it and then do your thing in private and not near Joe's closest people. I think Stephen's super knowledge of the game and over strategizing will eventually cost him the game. Fishbach "you got to chill man"!


So much this. He has GOT to quit doing that! I think Stephen is someone who truly understands the game, and he can sit at home and analyze all the perfect moves to make. But I think he has trouble actually executing these moves. He gets too much inside his own head and isn't being aware enough of how others are playing and perceiving him. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 4
I love Jeremy's "Did you know about this?!" to Ciera.


That was Spencer. When Ciera freaked out when Kelley pulled out the idol, he said, "you didn't know" while looking slightly amused. 


The NC should have taken out Mike and not Kelley, who didn't seem like a major threat at all.


Thing is, that would have worked out very well for the obnoxious alliance who eventually wanted Mike gone anyway. Remember, Mike had to immunity win his way to the end. He hadn't pissed off Dan yet at that point but Rodney was planning to eventually go after Mike and go to the end with Carolyn, Will and Tyler. I actually don't think it would have changed things much for the NC. The other side would have still gunned for Joe because he was a threat and still go after Jenn once she had no idol left. 


I'm actually surprised he didn't play his idol after Wentworth played her own.


To me it was a testament to how well he's been playing to this point. Yes Ciera mentioned him as one of the four but you're still not hearing or seeing anyone really mentioning his name (or maybe it's not being shown). I don't think he's seen at this point as the biggest immunity threat - that's Joe and hell Spencer keeps getting very close to winning making himself look very strong in those challenges. And I do think Ciera and company really believed Savage was calling a lot of shots so he was the best person to take out. 


I'd love to know how Kelly knew that she was the target -- if it was a hunch, playing the 1-in-3 odds, or someone told her.


It was a quick scene but it actually was shown in the episode, Kelly realizing she was in danger. They did show Joe telling them the vote changed and they weren't going for Stephen anymore and so they were in danger and Kelly saying, "so it's me or Ciera right". That's when she gave the confessional saying everything was fine but because Joe won't grow some balls she's screwed again and she essentially said Joe was dead to her. So yeah Kelly not playing her idol would have been suicide in this game. 


No, I totally buy it, it makes perfect sense. The group of 9 did not trust each other enough to split the vote. They had just finished talking about voting off Stephen, and they knew Stephen was gunning for Joe! They probably didn't trust Andrew and Joe (who was talking to the girls a lot), and they certainly didn't trust Stephen.


Yup this. In the days and hours before tribal council, Stephen got to enough people about getting rid of Joe. Joe got wind of this via Savage and then after the immunity challenge, Stephen became public enemy number one. Were it not for the fact that Jeremy wants Stephen around for his own purposes, that would have been a go. So essentially you had Savage and Joe in the alliance of 9 clearly wanting Stephen out and Stephen clearly gunning hard for Joe (edited to add that he obviously couldn't because Joe had immunity). Yeah I can see how they didn't trust each other to do a split vote and not have one side get Ciera, Kelley or Abi to give a vote or two that succeeds in either Savage going (which he did in the end anyway) or Stephen. 


I can't figure out why Savage and not Jeremy.  Not that I am complaining but still, why wouldn't you want to get rid of someone who is a legit threat to win the game.  Instead of a guy who would probably have little to no chance of winning if he were to make it to the end.


Except I think they did believe Savage was a legitimate threat and I can understand that. We may be annoyed with him and it is clear Ciera hates his guts but I didn't get the impression Joe, Spencer, Wigglesworth, Tasha, Kimmi, Stephen, etc. hated Savage. To me Savage was as much a threat in the game as Jeremy and I disagree he would have had no chance in the end, especially if he stuck to his old school, loyal to his alliance and core group till the end. 


Maybe they just don't see what we see. Jeremy sure looks like the puppetmaster from our perspective. But he's trying as hard as he can to lay low. He doesn't boss people around, dictate votes, or even step up for key roles in the challenges.


This exactly, which once again proves Jeremy's playing a really good game so far. 


I think Stephen's super knowledge of the game and over strategizing will eventually cost him the game. Fishbach "you got to chill man"!


I don't even think it's the super knowledge and over strategizing and more his obvious deep seated issues about alpha males/golden boys and bitterness about losing many years ago to one. His obsession with seeing Joe not as Joe but as JT and trying to rewrite that history will be his downfall. 


I'm also surprised that they decided to actually vote for Wentworth instead of Cierra. Why do you think that happened? Do they consider her a bigger strategist and/or a bigger challenge threat?


Yeah that surprised me. Far as I can guess, with all her pontificating, I think they think Ciera is more likely to just hang herself but Kelley the silent and stealth one may be the real quiet threat. 


If anything, not splitting suggests a lack of unity as the reason could be that they don't fully trust each other.


Which should further show little Ms. "play the game" that just because these people aren't voting in her favor does not mean they're not playing the game and all happily waiting to be picked off. No, it just means they may not see their opportunity yet to make said big moves. It's interesting that her alliance partner Kelley realizes this when she wouldn't call people out at tribal because as she said to Jeff, "I may need to work with these people tomorrow." But you keep speechifying and screaming like a banshee Ciera - good luck with that. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 8

Why is it that they all seem to know how the vote is going to go. Ciera was ecstatic when Wentworth pulled the idol but she should been horrified because she should have been anticipating a split vote: 5 for Wentworth 4 for Ciera. So she knew already that they didn't split.


Also Abi, sweetie, please understand that there is nobody on that "island" that likes you. The only reason you still exists in this game is because you are a complete loser in life and will make a fine goat. Try not to be so gleeful when players superior to you get voted off.

  • Love 4

Joe had to tip off Kelley. He is trying to work with the women on the bottom or at least keep an open line of communication and be friendly so that he can get their votes at the end of the game. Given Kass's exit interviews, the bottom four were pretty much ignored. Being nice to them, passing on some info, and letting them know who is next would help at final tribal.

  • Love 6


Ciera's eyes rolling independently of each other was slightly creepy.


I can do that. Now I'm going to make sure that I do it in my next Big Brother Canada audition because I didn't realize that it was such an unusual talent.



Joe had to tip off Kelley.


Someone upthread already mentioned that it was Joe who tipped off Ciera. He admitted it on Twitter. Ciera must have told Kelley.

  • Love 2

I'm probably being old-fashioned, but I found all the middle fingers to be unnecessary and inappropriate.    The show airs here at 8 pm, a time when a lot of kids are watching TV with their families.   And I know a lot of kids watch this show.


I know most kids today are subject to the worst kinds of profanity even in grade school, and many even at home, but on TV at 8 PM on CBS ... it just feels wrong.   And it makes me sad about how far our culture has deteriorated in so short a time.

And over at Ponderosa, Savage feels like he's been "cold clocked" by Mike Tyson, LOL.


I'd pay to see that -- Mike Tyson "cold-clocking" Savage, I mean -- preferably as he's regaling someone with his "my wife the supermodel" story.

Edited by millennium
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So now what happens...who will decide to throw themselves at the feet of the Wentworth/Abi/Ciera power trio?  And how will the girls react?  I want to see some serious groveling!



Why would they grovel to them? Great as the idol play was, Ciera, Wentworth and Abi are still a minority of three and now a minority of three without an idol. Which again was exactly why Wentworth was wise enough to say she wasn't going to throw names and call people out who she may need to work with again if she survived the tribal council. The fact is they still need some people willing to flip with them to have any chance. 

  • Love 11
I finally figured out what Keith reminds me of - a schnauzer, with his big eyes and all those whiskers.  And I do mean that as a compliment!

That's perfect, Laurakaye!  He has the same friendly personality and wiry energy, too.  I've been a Keith fan since BvW when he carried some hurt-legged woman all over the place.  He's not as strong as a Joe or Jeremy, but he's always carrying his weight in the challenges and working hard around camp, plus he has amazing endurance for a man his age.  He might not always be on top of the all the shenanigans going on but sometimes that's just as well.  Keith is the kind of guy I'd like to have for a neighbor and I wouldn't mind a bit if he won. If this is the season where  Stephen's "three little women," can flip everything upside down maybe the anti-strategy game could win and give Stephen something else to cry about

  • Love 14

If the three girls convince Joe, Wiggles and Spencer (who already know they are on their bottom of the majority alliance and till now have been used only as a vote) they have the 6 majority and they can pick the strong people out one by one. How sweet would that be? Wiggles needs to justify her existance in this game, now is the great time to do it!

  • Love 2

So Ciera tweeted that Joe told her it was Wentworth, and she let Kelley know. Joe accidentally helped them blindside his biggest supporter. Nice.


Thanks for the information.  Also to LanceM for the "not splitting the vote" video insert above.  In that one Joe is the one that says he doesn't think Kelley has the idol which would be legit in that Kelley told no one.  But the result is that he warned Kelley (he would certainly know Ciera would tell Kelley) and accidently helped move along the dialog that Kelley probably didn't have an idol. 


And Kelley didn't throw him under the bus at tribal when Jeff wanted the person that came to her "outed" because she might need to work with them in the future.  The editing seems to point to that now.  Especially the Kelley clip at tribal.  That came across to me "live" at the time of viewing as a set-up edit.  Hope it is.  Cause like a lot of people here, I don't want a mega-alliance spending the next 3 weeks axing the three outcasts.


Props to Abi for her line.  I've enjoyed her this season.  And she is behind "strategist" Kelley and "lecturer" Ciera on the mega group's hit list too.  She will continue to go far I think.  Also good for Ciera's "play the game" stuff again.  Since we see a second version of this on two straight tribals, again there is something to this edit too I think.  Maybe trying to set-up casual viewers to a real roller coaster ride I hope, I hope.


This is one of the best seasons of Survivor in years.  Get that pathetic, whiney, hyper-annoying Stephen out next and it will be in my top three probably.


Weird, I really liked Jeremy in his season and glad he is sitting pretty now but I have to root against his master plan for now.  Maybe once Stephen gets voted out (please, please, please, please, please) he will have to scramble and become more "rootable" again in the process.  But for now I have switched to Kelley even before this last awesome episode.  I'm enjoying her, Imaginary Future Jeremy (once free of Stephen), Abi, Spenser and (never thought I'd say it) even Joe.


In other news, Keith is alive and having fun with his hijacked tuk-tuk.  And will be with us for some time it seems since no one seems to know he is even there or remembers, even given this immunity challenge, that he is really good at challenges.  And kudos to him for calling it a tuk-tuk correctly.  He must watch The Amazing Race too.  (Damn now I'm starting to like Ol' Spitter a little).

Edited by green
  • Love 5

You could see Andrews pubes during the challenge. I can't unsee that.


Maybe the editors were too busy blurring fingers to notice.  This is the first episode I recall where more fingers were blurred than butts, boobs and crotches combined.


He's going to be on the jury, Abi.  He'll never in a million years vote to give you the $1 million, Abi.  What a dumb little twit you are, Abi.  


IMO, there is not much chance that anyone will vote to give Abi a million.  I don't know if Abi realizes this, however.


I can't figure out why Savage and not Jeremy.  Not that I am complaining but still, why wouldn't you want to get rid of someone who is a legit threat to win the game.  Instead of a guy who would probably have little to no chance of winning if he were to make it to the end.


There was a scene where the majority was strategizing and Savage was lounging in the hammock while 4-5 others were sitting on the ground under him.  I can see why the minority may be thinking that Savage was the leader of the majority.  Plus, Jeremy has been doing a good job of being UTR and Ciera hates Savage.  


Ciera's eyes rolling independently of each other was slightly creepy.  


At one point, I was thought she was going to be medivac'd because she had sprained one of her eye muscles.  

Edited by needschocolate
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