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S31.E08: You Call, We Haul

Tara Ariano

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Not to mention calling Stephen "disgusting" for daring to play the game.  I don't remember Andrew being so insufferably smug last time around.  (Of course, last season he played in, Rupert and Burton were around so the bell curve of self-satisfied smugness was skewed all to hell.)

Not to mention that anyone who wanted to get Jonny Fairplay out would've looked like a hero that season, which seems to be one of the reasons that a lot of the fans were on Team Sandra. And my eyes could not have rolled further back into my head when Savage was all upset about how Stephen was planning to blindside Joe if it meant that one of the biggest threats to his game was eliminated. Did Savage think that he had agreed to go on a Sunday School picnic instead of Survivor?

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Haha, everyone's comments about Savage are so funny.  I am really laughing over here.  Keep it up.  I am going to somewhat miss his dramatic montages and fist-clenchings and head-shakings.  The editors set all of his confessionals to sweeping music and trumpets etc.  Now we know how much fun they were having all along.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Just because no one is playing YOUR game, Ciera, doesn't mean they aren't playing the game. I liked her on her season, but her attempt to be some kind of Greek chorus is falling flat for me.


Thank you. I was no fan of Savage, but Ciera was working my last nerve. Save your browbeating for private conversations -- where you can wear people down. Has anyone ever successfully gained allies by tribal council grandstanding? I mean, do people come back to camp and say "You know what, your speech was so inspiring, I want to join your side!"


Not for nothing, but out of all the successful alliance pitches I've ever seen, not one resembles the president from "Independence Day" telling an assembled group of fighter pilots they're going to shoot aliens out of the sky.


Seemed like Ciera et. al. won the battle, but I have a hard time believing they made up much ground on the war.

  • Love 10


Ciera was working my last nerve. Save your browbeating for private conversations


Meh, if she had been voted out, then people would be calling her a wimp, and browbeating her for not giving it a try. I can't remember every tribal, but Malcolm swayed everybody to vote out Phillip. Yes, I know he also had idols, but even if it doesn't work, and I agree, it usually doesn't, it's a much better look than rolling over, better to go out swinging, to me at least.

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So Ciera tweeted that Joe told her it was Wentworth, and she let Kelley know. Joe accidentally helped them blindside his biggest supporter. Nice.

Nice guys finish last...


Idol thought.  Since both Kelley and Jeremy both told no one about their idols, and no clues surfaced, they all just kind of forgot about them.  You just know they all looked while giving the stink-eye to anybody caught looking, but still, nothing came of it.

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In Ciera's defense, she's not talking about playing "with her" or "her game" (whatever that is) - but I think in general, just  play.  .  She even said it last week, if me saying this makes me get voted out but it makes sense for you, good, do it. 


I am taking it as more as she's saying don't be old school enough to just accept being Pagong'ed. Look at the situation . some of you guys are a the bottom, so look at it and at least make a move so you're not so much at the bottom . Which I think  - esp for a 2nd Chance season is something they need to do. Wiggles  thinks all she needs to do is shut up and vote whomever people tell her to. What's her story, to quote Penner -  I don't know. she doesn't say anything,  so I'm gathering she doesn't do anything. 

Kimmi's "move" was ridding herself of Monica. but what else is she doing (and side note -she went gaga over lox? so i guess she IS vegetarian, but not vegan,)


Spencer I can see why he's keeping hidden - he has to.     


But i mean. someone is 5 and 6. In my mind, being 4-5 is better than being 5-6.  and who knows what happens within that group (it is wild how big this thing is). so make a move.It's a touch too early, but the more you wait, is the less people you have available to make moves.

So play. just don't sit there and accept being the bottom of the alliance. 


that's what I get from Ciera's speech(es). 

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It would have been great if Kelley, Ciera and Abi all voted for a different person.  Then on the revote, the strong, 'respectful' group would have to vote out one of their own.  I realize that would have taken too much work, but it would have been fun.


I don't understand this, wouldn't they just regroup and vote out one of Abi/Ciera?  Why do you assume they would have made a flip there?

Edited by pennben
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Yes,Jeremy has the other one. Though right now he is the master of the game and doesn't need it. I wonder if, in the long run, he will play it to save his ally Steven.

I like Ciera too. I always like feisty female players who save themselves from certain elimination.

I doubt Jeremy would play the idol for Steven. Then only time it makes sense to play the idol for someone else is to save your alliance from becoming the minority one.

Jeremy will probably need it for himself as, despite his efforts to downplay himself, he will likely eventually be seen as a major threat.

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So Ciera tweeted that Joe told her it was Wentworth, and she let Kelley know. Joe accidentally helped them blindside his biggest supporter. Nice.

Maybe I am giving Joe too much credit but is it possible he did it on purpose. Maybe he thought those three would still be voting Stephen...but he stayed with Wentworth in order to make it seem as if he was still loyal.

Okay, yeah, Joe probably isn't quite that clever lol

  • Love 3

Maybe I am giving Joe too much credit but is it possible he did it on purpose. Maybe he thought those three would still be voting Stephen...but he stayed with Wentworth in order to make it seem as if he was still loyal.

Okay, yeah, Joe probably isn't quite that clever lol


He probably did it to score some points with them for being honest.  I doubt he expected her to play the idol or thought it would change anything.

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He probably did it to score some points with them for being honest.  I doubt he expected her to play the idol or thought it would change anything.

This makes the most sense to me. I defended Joe last week, and still don't think he is a poor strategist, but it did seem odd that he was so surprised that anyone would consider targeting him, when he was a clear merge threat last season as well.

Thank you. I was no fan of Savage, but Ciera was working my last nerve. Save your browbeating for private conversations -- where you can wear people down. Has anyone ever successfully gained allies by tribal council grandstanding? I mean, do people come back to camp and say "You know what, your speech was so inspiring, I want to join your side!"

Not for nothing, but out of all the successful alliance pitches I've ever seen, not one resembles the president from "Independence Day" telling an assembled group of fighter pilots they're going to shoot aliens out of the sky.

Seemed like Ciera et. al. won the battle, but I have a hard time believing they made up much ground on the war.

Hayden. Gained Ciera at Tribal.

Granted, most players aren't as smart as Ciera, but Spencer, Kimmi, Wiggles and Joe need to WTFU.

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Savage and his teeth and his honor and his "oh, noes, these women are all such liars" bullshit is off my TV. Have fun with Kass on jury, I'm sure that will be lovely.
Especially because he had no problem lying to Spencer and chortling about the idea of blindsiding him. It's good when he does it and bad when it's done to him. 


I wish the ladies had gotten Jeremy out instead of Savage because Jeremy seems to be the charismatic personality holding the Brolliance together. I think if Jeremy was gone, both Spencer and Stephen would be more open to defecting. I'm not sure if Savage's exit is actually going to shake things up since it makes everyone a little more secure in their relationship with Jeremy.

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I personally don't think Spencer doesn't realize he's very much low man on the totem pole. He came into the merge with virtually no alliance, he didn't even have one person on his side. Of course he knows where he is. But he's also known that so many times he was very close to going home because people saw him as such a threat. Varner convinced people that he was over-strategizing which almost got him sent home in the second tribal council.


So I actually think he is being smart sitting back for now and staying quiet. This is the biggest merge situation they've ever had, so there are so many players and so many little issues at play. I think for right now he's trying to get himself into a decent position where he can maneuver to or near the end and maybe make a move then. 


Either way though, I still say Ciera is full of shit because tonight proved that once she realized the numbers were not going to gun for her, she was MORE than happy to just go with it. She was all too happy to jump on the blindsiding Fishbach bandwagon even after she stated that Fishbach was someone who wanted to make moves like her (isn't that what she's telling people to do, so shouldn't she have been having Stephen's back then) and getting rid of Joe like he wanted was smart. But once things changed to the numbers being against Stephen, they were ALL on board. 


No, she got her panties in a twist when the flip didn't happen after all and they were back at the bottom and suddenly she's pontificating and ranting again about no one playing and not making moves and not playing the game. Okay so Ciera where were you to rally people to vote Savage instead of Stephen? Why didn't she go to Stephen and say Joe and Savage were coming for him and try to work with him to get Savage instead and flip the game that way? No, she did nothing but go off at tribal and hope for a miracle which came in the form of Wentworth's immunity idol that she, Ciera, didn't even know about. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It was my interpretation of Spencer's message during the vote. Sounded over-confident. 


Anyone caught the "exchange" between Kass and Ciera? The three girls (Ciera, Abi and Kelley) kept on looking at Kass. Could be the editing only though. 


I think the majority didn't split the votes in order to prove to the three outcasts that they were united and strong.

That was beautiful. I love Wentworth and was hoping she wouldn't have to use the idol so early, but Savage is one of my least favorite Survivors EVER, so I was fist-pumping along with Kelley/Ciera/Abi over here. No matter what happens this season, I am totally happy now. I'll even be okay if Abi wins just for pissing Savage off as he left.

  • Love 8
Anyone caught the "exchange" between Kass and Ciera?


Yes I did!


I have never been a Ciera fan and still am not, but I will defend her tonight.  Her rantings at TC last week and this were because she was on the bottom, yes - so fight, girl.  If the vote had gone to Stephen tonight like they originally thought, then she could have STFU for a week bc she was not in danger.  So I don't see her as hypocritical really, just fighting to save herself and stay in the game, which I respect and enjoy, even though she bugs.


I get the feeling that Joe, while super-competent, isn't really an "alpha-male" and I think he would rather work with the girls.  He went along with the majority for safety's sake, but gave the girls info to keep the door open to working with them in the future.  And Spencer is wise to lay low and go with the group when he is in a position to do so :)


I thought the Kelley/Ciera/Abi glee was justified bc not only was the blindside awesome, and Wentworth pulling out the idol awesome, but for both Kelley AND Ciera, they had the double relief of knowing that their closest ally wasn't going!  (Which would have happened if W. was voted out, or if the others had split the vote, causing Ciera to leave.)  So I'm sure they were super happy on multiple levels!  Abi, of course, somehow imagines that she matters in any of this, so she would be happy for that reason :)


The only thing that would have made this episode more enjoyable for me would be if the participants were allowed to slap Kass in the face on their way to vote.

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Abi-Maria is one of my least-favourite players ever, but man...."at least you made the jury" was so priceless.  I wonder how many times Savage had delivered that same overbearing speech about what a lifelong goal it was to make the jury while they were all sitting around camp; I can't be happier seeing that blowhard get eliminated.


I feel like Ciera is really just frustrated with people like Wigglesworth and Kimmi who are obviously on the bottom of the majority and will be in danger soon. We didn't see Ciera talking to them, but I assume she has tried and they aren't willing to change.


Or, they find Ciera as unbearable as the rest of us do and are sticking with the core alliance out of spite.  It occurs to me that Ciera's "why be on the bottom?" speech doesn't work in a NINE-PERSON ALLIANCE.  If you presume the top four are Savage/Tasha/Jeremy/Stephen or Joe, that still leaves Keith/Kimmi/Kelly (yikes, unfortunate acronym) and the other of Joe/Stephen in the "middle."  What's to stop the "middle five" from flipping things on the top of the alliance next week or two weeks from now, teaming up with the one of Ciera/Abi/Kelley that would've been left had things gone to plan? 


1) The not splitting the vote. I think a lot of it was the group thinking if the women had an idol, they would have used it last week, but mostly I think they thought "No way do those three have an idol". So suck it, alliance.


According to Stephen on twitter they didn't split the vote because they were concerned that Joe and Andrew were going to flip and vote him out. Not sure I am buying this at all.


I don't buy either of these reasons.  For the first, all last week proved was that Ciera or Kass didn't have the idol.  Nobody knew anything about Kelley or Abi, so a vote-split was still necessary.  As for Stephen's tweet, Joe/Andrew flipping wouldn't have made any sense at that point since it would've put gigantic targets on their backs.  Would've been easiest thing in the world for Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi/Spencer/Keith/Kelly to just regroup without them and they'd still have a 6-5 numbers advantage on the rest. 


It tells me a lot about Kelley's game that apparently nobody considered she'd have an idol, when to us viewers, it seems patently obvious that if any of the three women would've had the HII, it would be her.  Abi seems completely useless out there, so surely she must've been considered the least likely of the bunch, so she was the safest option to pile your votes on --- it's the old Edgardo move of voting out the alliance member they least expect, since if you get out an alliance member AND cause them to burn an idol, all the better.  Even if you're Stephen and worried about Joe or Savage flipping, get together with the rest of your alliance and say "hey, I'm not sure I totally trust Joe or Savage, so tell them we're voting Ciera and then the rest of us will vote Abi just to be safe since Abi is useless."

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The only thing that would have made this episode more enjoyable for me would be if the participants were allowed to slap Kass in the face on their way to vote.


I prefer the other way around. 


I am wondering what could be the words mouthed by Kass and Ciera. I'm curious.


Keith is also proving to be a challenge beast. Keith, Joe, Spencer and Tasha. 

  • Love 6

I prefer the other way around. 


I am wondering what could be the words mouthed by Kass and Ciera. I'm curious.


Keith is also proving to be a challenge beast. Keith, Joe, Spencer and Tasha. 

I thought their exchange was just a "haha we did it this time!" kind of thing, because Kass was aligned with those ladies last week and so was on board with them flipping things tonight!

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Edguardo just got bumped to 2nd place.



That boot still tops my list of hilarious Survivor moments mainly because, Stephen "Ahab" Fishbach aside, the collective Savage alliance has not yet reached 4 Horsemen levels of douchebaggery.  Plus his ouster doesn't really blow up the remainder's game.  That was the Eduardo gift that kept on giving.   


Joe really does not have a Machiavellian bone in his body.  I suspect he's never had to resort to manipulation to attract people and hasn't the first clue how to accomplish this task.  Not that this is bad in the big scheme of things, but it does not bode well for his chances of walking away with the cash.



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After watching Kass' entry at tribal, my new name for her is "Classless Kass." 


Kelley again lives  up to the pre-season hype about her.  She's playing great IMO, and has from the very first episode.  Even when she makes mistakes (like getting on the wrong side of the numbers), she turns things around.  The big question to me is, what does she do going forward?  She just raised her profile, and lost her idol.  With so many challenge beasts out there, real hard to win ICs, other than maybe an occasional random one.  I still like her chances, though.  She has a great social game and is solid strategically.  I'll like her chances even more if she can find another idol. 


Earlier in the season Spencer seemed to have nine lives.  Now Ciera does.  She keeps painting targets on her own back: only dumb luck has kept her in the game.  I really hope she does not subject us to more delusional lectures about playing hard.  Most everyone is playing hard.  Just not the way she wants them to. 


Was the majority too shaky -- too afraid to give an opening against one of its own -- to split the vote this week?  Or did they get complacent and assume Kelley could not have an idol?  Seems like a big mistake for Jeremy especially. 


Another real entertaining episode, in what for me is a real dynamite season. 

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Good riddance Savage. Geez what a sniveling baby first at the IC because he can't hold his balls and then can't be eliminated with grace has to give the finger. I wish I could say go back to your supermodel girlfriend/wife whatever but he's on the jury and have to look at him and his lighthouse teeth for the rest of the season.


Wentworth played that idol at just the right time.


I would love for Fishbach to be eliminated because his whiny crybaby ass behavior is really grating and if he mentions JT one more time I'm gonna scream. Would he STFU about the "golden boys" of seasons that he's on. He sounds like a bitter high schooler. 


Ciara, shut up about gameplay, nobody has to play the game how you want them to play, she brought it up again at TC. Her elimination can't come fast enough either. 


I'll probably be able to enjoy more when Abi, Ciara, and Fishbach are OUT but Kass and Savage is a good start, hopefully one of those three is next. 


Also point out Probst love for Joe with the "that's how you do it" when Joe is carrying one block while Jeremy carries one on his shoulder and all he gets is "he's doing the work of two people". I guess Jeremy wasn't doing it the right way for Probst. 

Edited by ShadowSixx
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