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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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16 minutes ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Wow.  My father died by suicide 9 years ago shortly before his 80th birthday.   The coroner said he needed to make a copy of the suicide note that was left for my mom.   I had no idea that wasn’t private information.  :(.    The things I learn on these boards.  

I would have thought that would be private, too.  


31 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Horrifying.  Getting the note from the darkest and end point in that woman's life is disgusting and I don't care if it was gettable by law.  It takes a real c*nt to do that.  Some things we just don't need to know.

It's just all kinds of wrong.  I agree that we didn't need to know such a private and personal thing.  

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If you write a suicide note mail it. It then becomes the property of the recipient. I never received even a copy of one that was left to me beside the body.

I agree no matter the contents of David’s wife’s note, it shouldn’t be up for public consumption even if it is in an investigation file.

Edited by Absolom
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11 minutes ago, Absolom said:

agree no matter the contents of David’s wife’s note, it shouldn’t be up for public consumption even if it is in an investigation file.

And it's up to the municipality to decide what is public record.  In some places it is not and we'd need to know where the invesigation was done to know if that whole story was just click bait.

With that said, I think it's absolutly morbid to think some rag would actually do the research.  And yet, it obviously hasn't bothered David since he is embracing the fame and has ramped up his social media accounts. Which, personally, I find repugnant.  He and Sparkle Pony are made for each other, the fame whore and the grifter.

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I so agree there is a line too far in regard to digging into someone's background, but its no secret many paper and online tabloids have no line - no line at all.

Making money through public consumption comes with a host of perks and a host of risks. Christine has been on TV for over a decade, she knows what's up. I wonder if she warned David.

The straight up lying by Christine and now the big grift is shining a not so pretty light on Sparkle Pony. (love the name @Orcinus orca)

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

All unattended deaths are investigated. Suicide notes are evidence in the death investigation even if it seems as if no investigation happened.

Exactly the suicide note was in the police report, the media always go after police reports if there’s any notoriety or fame involved, they might not have known the suicide note existed until they got the police report and there it was.

Don’t hook up with a famous person unless you want the media snooping through your garbage, talking to your neighbours or going after police reports.

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All I see is Christine advertising for local vendors to contact her. She may privately negotiate cost for free advertising. I'm almost certain this has been done throughout the series, e.g. fudge shop, bakeries, wedding venues, surf shop, etc. 

I would do it if anyone cared. For 7 years, I've been asking for a Sr. Citizen discount. Everywhere!!

One thing occurred to me reading these posts. I imagine Christine is fairly traditional. Old school way is the bride's family or bride should pay for wedding. Maybe this is her way of getting the bestest purtiest party she's ever dreamed of.


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6 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

I imagine Christine is fairly traditional. Old school way is the bride's family or bride should pay for wedding. Maybe this is her way of getting the bestest purtiest party she's ever dreamed of.

I doubt this since she's allegedly living with her boyfriend - in the house they now jointly own together - prior to their public engagement. 

I think she just wants free stuff. And she wants publicity. And she wants social media engagement. And she wants a dramatic extravaganza. Maybe she wants her own show. The Christine and David plus Tony and Mykelti Show. 

Years ago they did a Q and A session and the question was "which brown enjoys being famous the most" or something like that. I thought they'd all point to Kody. They all pointed to Christine - immediately. She is loving it. Sprarkle pony indeed. 

Whatever. Let her shine I guess but I feel the need for some sunglasses. I've just never enjoyed her dramatic nature. Maybe I'm jealous of it. Eh, Idk.

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4 hours ago, KeHuy said:

I'll never be convinced that Christine didn't at least know and was in touch with David when she was still in Flagstaff. Way before the split. And it was interesting to me a few months ago when Christine gave an interview with US weekly saying she knew for sure for a year before she  left that she would be, and pretty sure for another year before that and then once she made the final decision, she never wavered. I don't think it was any kinda therapy making Christine deal so well with Kodys and the wives reactions, she was just a year ahead of everyone, knew she wasn't changing her mind and knew what her plans were. And I think she had a man waiting who was offering strength and support and a potential love story.

Christine spent years saying she'd never set foot in Utah again and wanted nothing to do with the place. She was the most vocal *against* Utah when Kody initially proposed the move from Vegas.

Then there was the covid season. A few weeks before the pandemic, they visited the Dargers. Just before, all the adults were sat in Meris house except Christine was on speakerphone as was working. Kody said the polygamy law in Utah is changed so we could go back. Meri, Janelle and Robyn all reacted with horror and said no way, none of us want to move to Utah, are you seriously suggesting that? So Kody backed off and said oh I'm happy in Flagstaff, it was just hypothetical. Christine said nothing but is then on screen saying she was glad someone mentioned moving back to Utah because she wants to. She completely ignored the fact not one of them gave even a hint of being open to it except Kody.

Few months later, Christine tells Kody she wants to move back to Utah and he says he'd be open to it but doubts the wives would. But he was excited by the suggestion. Then he threw her under the bus later. Christine speaks to Gwendlyn, Ysabel and Truely as none of them had moved out and they all say no way. We don't want to move again and definitely not back to Utah. Christine's then on screen talking to the camera saying I'm going to tell the wives I want to move back to Utah even though my girls don't want to.

Which I thought was bizarre at the time. She'd heard the other 3 wives say they didn't care that the law had changed, they did *not* want to move back to Utah. So then we had this dramatic spectacle at Coyote Pass of Christine saying yay guys let's move back home to Utah. Then breaking down in tears -fake ones I thought at the time as she covered her face and made gaspy sounds but tears were not really seen- when they say no thanks and is whisked off to look at the mountain by Meri and Christine says she can't be married to Kody anymore.

It just seemed so off. She spent years saying she never wanted to set foot in Utah again then suddenly the law is changed and she's in a race to get back? When she knows the three wives don't want to? And it makes little sense it was because of wanting to be near her kids because only Aspyn and Mykelti at that time were there I think and she had 3 kids living at home loudly saying no we don't want to move to Utah.

And during a global pandemic she spent most of her time in Utah when the safest and most responsibile thing was to stay home. All the travelling she was doing that Kody was complaining about breaking the rules and stopping him seeing his kids was all Utah. Her work is online unless theres conferences or boss babe trips and they were all cancelled during covid. There were 4 of them in the house in Flagstaff do it's not like they'd be lonely. But Christine just had to be in Utah all the time because her kids needed to be around family she said.

Then Spring 2021, which is 6 months after Ysabels surgery, Christine asks Kody whether they're gonna have an intimate marriage, he says no and she again does that head in hand gaspy crying sounds but I couldn't see many tears thing in her bedroom on her 'phone camera about her marriage being over. Then puts Kodys stuff in the garage. Kody thinks it's a stunt at first, he then goes through all the emotions and tantrums while Christine's completely calm. And really rapidly it's from boxes in garage to I've left you, to I've left you, no chance of working it out and I'm moving to Utah too. Kody wants to wait to tell Truely because he's still in denial. Christine then *accidentally* has Truely overhear that they're moving to Utah. Christine says oops Truely yes we're moving to Utah and me and Dad are divorced already. Which was a surprise to everyone else including Kody. Then it's race to house on market, sold, fell through, sold again, get the Brown kids moving company to move stuff and byeeeeeeee. Christine was in such a rush she didn't even view her new place in Utah and Mykelti chose it. Poor Truely who hates change and an anxiety problem who did not want to move *at all* let alone at warp speed, is told never mind honey it's in your best interests, and plonked into a duplex in Utah she'd never even seen before poor kid.

The Brown's are all shady. Christine's just better at hiding it and has pulled the wool over more people's eyes. She initially span the story that she left because of a sexless and loveless marriage. No wait, it was because he broke Ysabels heart. No wait, it was because I couldn't respect him. No wait I did it for my kids because their Dad has favourites. When she said that, 5 of her 6 kids were adults who'd flown the nest and their Dad had had a favourite wife for over a decade. Then in an interview she said it was 1-2 years before she left that she was planning to. Christine had been unhappy since Robyn came along. In my opinion, there were no final straws till she had another option lined up. Same as Meri except David is real.

And I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. Christine was and is vulnerable to being love bombed by the soulmate, love of my life, I'm his Queen love story she'd always dreamed of. His ex might have been lying about him being an abuser and contributing to her suicide but she very possibly was telling the truth. My ex who said I was abusive was an addict and/or a crazy woman is the script for pretty much every abusive man. 

Christine is attractive and loving I get it. But not many 60 year old men who are now child-free want to take on another teenager. Then add all the inevitable drama involved in marrying an ex-cult member with an ex-husband, 3 ex-sister wives and a total of 18 kids in the mix. Who's on a TV show and all over social media while your own ex committed suicide and its inevitable the fans and press will dig into your life. But he's jumped into getting a huge instagram following, gushing posts about his soulmate, filming a TV show and planning the reality TV wedding of the decade. 

Hope I'm wrong but this has more red flags than a shark beach. 

Very valid points.  I previously had thoughts that Christine would be too cheap to pay for the therapy sessions to handle Kootie and the breakup.  Moreover, the way that she handled both it and herself has a definite masculine tone ( i.e. just sit there and let him rant and say nothing.  It'll be over soon.).  It could be that David was the one who coached her through all of it. 

As for your other points they are pretty sound reasoning.  Enjoyed reading your thoughts. 😉

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Two things that make much more sense to me now is, Kody saying, bring your (potential) guy here to Flagstaff. I think he was talking about David (and only offering that in hopes of keeping the $how going). And Meri saying, I don't get why Kody is treating Christine leaving differently than he treated me. I think she was talking about the fact that Christine and David were a couple before Christine left - so cheating, just like Meri did.

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16 minutes ago, KeHuy said:

That's where Robyn went wrong. She had never promised in pre-existence to be Prestons wife or in his eternal family, but she strayed from the church and got pregnant and her first 3 kids were biologically born to him. That's what the purity speech was about. She and her kids were always promised to Kodys eternal family from pre-existence but she messed up on earth and they got diverted for a while. 

By this logic, we could say that Christine never promised in pre-existence to marry Kody. She and her kids were promised to David all along. We could say that Christine's marriage to Kody was a mistake and a diversion. She has finally found the guy she promised to marry and everything is good now.

None of this matters because Christine doesn't believe any of it anymore. Christine has said that she believes that God wants her to be happy. I agree with her.

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Christine deserves the whatever wedding she wants. Her first one was shit and then she had to "sit there" and watch Robyn get the princess treatment. If she wants to go big, more power to her.

If people want to give her free stuff for exposure, great. As long as it's a win-win. It's a lot of eyes on your brand for the price of a single cake, dress, whatever. And it's their choice! No one is forcing it.

May she have a gorgeous wedding and a happy marriage with hew new man, and may Kody scream at the sky in rage on Coyote Pass while Robyn sits there on her bench and changes his diaper afterward.


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On 3/23/2023 at 11:06 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

Truley is an odd child at an awkward age. However, biting is just no. She’s almost a teenager. Biting is w really odd way of acting out whether it’s for attention, she doesn’t like how her mom acts around David, always gushing and proving how happy they are, or if she just doesn’t like the cameras. She’s too old for that. 


She's got some struggles and its becoming apparent.

Edited by Mother of Odin
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33 minutes ago, Libby said:

By this logic, we could say that Christine never promised in pre-existence to marry Kody. She and her kids were promised to David all along. We could say that Christine's marriage to Kody was a mistake and a diversion. She has finally found the guy she promised to marry and everything is good now.

None of this matters because Christine doesn't believe any of it anymore. Christine has said that she believes that God wants her to be happy. I agree with her.

Exactly—wasn’t that what Robyn basically said about her first marriage to Jessop and subsequent marriage to Kody? The creepy drawing she gave toKody and her statement that she and he “shoulda been together since day one” illustrates that belief. In fundamentalist Mormon sects it is nothing to re-assign wives and children to a new man.

As you posted, Christine doesn’t believe in that particular religion anymore, so the point is moot.

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10 hours ago, KeHuy said:

I'll never be convinced that Christine didn't at least know and was in touch with David when she was still in Flagstaff. Way before the split. And it was interesting to me a few months ago when Christine gave an interview with US weekly saying she knew for sure for a year before she  left that she would be, and pretty sure for another year before that and then once she made the final decision, she never wavered. I don't think it was any kinda therapy making Christine deal so well with Kodys and the wives reactions, she was just a year ahead of everyone, knew she wasn't changing her mind and knew what her plans were. And I think she had a man waiting who was offering strength and support and a potential love story.

Christine spent years saying she'd never set foot in Utah again and wanted nothing to do with the place. She was the most vocal *against* Utah when Kody initially proposed the move from Vegas.

Then there was the covid season. A few weeks before the pandemic, they visited the Dargers. Just before, all the adults were sat in Meris house except Christine was on speakerphone as was working. Kody said the polygamy law in Utah is changed so we could go back. Meri, Janelle and Robyn all reacted with horror and said no way, none of us want to move to Utah, are you seriously suggesting that? So Kody backed off and said oh I'm happy in Flagstaff, it was just hypothetical. Christine said nothing but is then on screen saying she was glad someone mentioned moving back to Utah because she wants to. She completely ignored the fact not one of them gave even a hint of being open to it except Kody.

Few months later, Christine tells Kody she wants to move back to Utah and he says he'd be open to it but doubts the wives would. But he was excited by the suggestion. Then he threw her under the bus later. Christine speaks to Gwendlyn, Ysabel and Truely as none of them had moved out and they all say no way. We don't want to move again and definitely not back to Utah. Christine's then on screen talking to the camera saying I'm going to tell the wives I want to move back to Utah even though my girls don't want to.

Which I thought was bizarre at the time. She'd heard the other 3 wives say they didn't care that the law had changed, they did *not* want to move back to Utah. So then we had this dramatic spectacle at Coyote Pass of Christine saying yay guys let's move back home to Utah. Then breaking down in tears -fake ones I thought at the time as she covered her face and made gaspy sounds but tears were not really seen- when they say no thanks and is whisked off to look at the mountain by Meri and Christine says she can't be married to Kody anymore.

It just seemed so off. She spent years saying she never wanted to set foot in Utah again then suddenly the law is changed and she's in a race to get back? When she knows the three wives don't want to? And it makes little sense it was because of wanting to be near her kids because only Aspyn and Mykelti at that time were there I think and she had 3 kids living at home loudly saying no we don't want to move to Utah.

And during a global pandemic she spent most of her time in Utah when the safest and most responsibile thing was to stay home. All the travelling she was doing that Kody was complaining about breaking the rules and stopping him seeing his kids was all Utah. Her work is online unless theres conferences or boss babe trips and they were all cancelled during covid. There were 4 of them in the house in Flagstaff do it's not like they'd be lonely. But Christine just had to be in Utah all the time because her kids needed to be around family she said.

Then Spring 2021, which is 6 months after Ysabels surgery, Christine asks Kody whether they're gonna have an intimate marriage, he says no and she again does that head in hand gaspy crying sounds but I couldn't see many tears thing in her bedroom on her 'phone camera about her marriage being over. Then puts Kodys stuff in the garage. Kody thinks it's a stunt at first, he then goes through all the emotions and tantrums while Christine's completely calm. And really rapidly it's from boxes in garage to I've left you, to I've left you, no chance of working it out and I'm moving to Utah too. Kody wants to wait to tell Truely because he's still in denial. Christine then *accidentally* has Truely overhear that they're moving to Utah. Christine says oops Truely yes we're moving to Utah and me and Dad are divorced already. Which was a surprise to everyone else including Kody. Then it's race to house on market, sold, fell through, sold again, get the Brown kids moving company to move stuff and byeeeeeeee. Christine was in such a rush she didn't even view her new place in Utah and Mykelti chose it. Poor Truely who hates change and an anxiety problem who did not want to move *at all* let alone at warp speed, is told never mind honey it's in your best interests, and plonked into a duplex in Utah she'd never even seen before poor kid.

The Brown's are all shady. Christine's just better at hiding it and has pulled the wool over more people's eyes. She initially span the story that she left because of a sexless and loveless marriage. No wait, it was because he broke Ysabels heart. No wait, it was because I couldn't respect him. No wait I did it for my kids because their Dad has favourites. When she said that, 5 of her 6 kids were adults who'd flown the nest and their Dad had had a favourite wife for over a decade. Then in an interview she said it was 1-2 years before she left that she was planning to. Christine had been unhappy since Robyn came along. In my opinion, there were no final straws till she had another option lined up. Same as Meri except David is real.

And I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. Christine was and is vulnerable to being love bombed by the soulmate, love of my life, I'm his Queen love story she'd always dreamed of. His ex might have been lying about him being an abuser and contributing to her suicide but she very possibly was telling the truth. My ex who said I was abusive was an addict and/or a crazy woman is the script for pretty much every abusive man. 

Christine is attractive and loving I get it. But not many 60 year old men who are now child-free want to take on another teenager. Then add all the inevitable drama involved in marrying an ex-cult member with an ex-husband, 3 ex-sister wives and a total of 18 kids in the mix. Who's on a TV show and all over social media while your own ex committed suicide and its inevitable the fans and press will dig into your life. But he's jumped into getting a huge instagram following, gushing posts about his soulmate, filming a TV show and planning the reality TV wedding of the decade. 

Hope I'm wrong but this has more red flags than a shark beach. 

People change their minds. They may want to be near their kids/families. Where I grew up I SWORE I’d never want to go back there (EVER!) and here I am, 20 years later wanting to be closer to home and missing the life I once had (the same life and place I said I hated).

So in that regard I can’t fault Christine for changing her mind, especially if there were reasons for her to change her mind.

Edited to add: im also concerned about this guy. Hope hes Not as shady as some of us think she is. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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So when Kody was complaining to Christine that he didn't want any new boyfriend of hers to swoop in and steal Kody's dozens of dollars, do we think he knew about David?  David, who owns his own business and seems to have plenty of money?  If so, that's like Kody hoping that Tony won't steal his hair.  

It does put an interesting spin on this past season, though, if David was waiting in the wings to rescue his damsel in distress.

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6 hours ago, KeHuy said:

That's where Robyn went wrong. She had never promised in pre-existence to be Prestons wife or in his eternal family, but she strayed from the church and got pregnant and her first 3 kids were biologically born to him. That's what the purity speech was about. She and her kids were always promised to Kodys eternal family from pre-existence but she messed up on earth and they got diverted for a while. 


2) you are in an abusive and/or unhappy marriage and you want to stay in the faith and you appeal to the prophet and/or priesthood council to be unsealed. Robyn did this with Preston and was unsealed. This option rarely applies to men requesting it (it would only be agreed in circumstances where the woman was e.g very mentally ill, being extremely abusive to him, the other wives or the kids. Or all of those things)

I have a snippet in my memory...take it with a grain of salt since I read it on reddit...

Someone claiming to be very close to the AUB (or once in it...) said that since Robyn was pregnant without being sealed/married to Preston she would not have been able to be sealed to him, but only legally married. So since she wasn't sealed, her children weren't sealed either. We do know that Preston filed for divorce tho, since someone looked up the divorce papers long ago. This person surmised her need to have her children sealed to Kody was what drove her to have him adopt them.

When she told Christine how she needed to ask the permission of the church leaders for an official divorce from Kody she never referenced herself as "when I was divorced I had to ask to be unsealed..." etc. She then later had the talking head about how Christine wouldn't be divorced until she had sex with another man to make it official.

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17 hours ago, KeHuy said:

It just seemed so off. She spent years saying she never wanted to set foot in Utah again then suddenly the law is changed and she's in a race to get back?

Christine is good at giving socially acceptable answers. She says what she should be saying according to her culture and family beliefs. Her open, emotional and rather impulsive character often betrays her, exposing her true feelings. I honestly believe she wanted back to Utah for a long time, but wasn’t supposed to say so.


8 hours ago, Mother of Odin said:

I don't trust this guy

Maybe not, but he can’t possibly be worse than Kody and because of that I give him a pass.

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3 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Christine is good at giving socially acceptable answers. She says what she should be saying according to her culture and family beliefs. Her open, emotional and rather impulsive character often betrays her, exposing her true feelings.

lol, I thought this was in response to the nacho post at first...still applies


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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Good, more for me!

Christine is acting like a petty teenage girl and I am here for it.

Next up: David helps Christine build a tower of rocks on the beach. 👍

David builds Christine a turret made of sheetrock for their cozy new 🏰 , and she grifts some local talent into making a hideous princess dress for her to wear.  👸🤴

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5 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

It probably wouldn't be any more hideous than that wedding gown she had before.

Wedding dress was hideous but in fairness to Annie who made it, they were forbidden direct contact with each other, so no fittings.

Worse yet was the orange and gold number she had custom made for the Commitment Ceremony.  OOFF!

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