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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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Just now, oliviabenson said:

Even if a parent pays $0 in child support they are still allowed visitation. 


Yes. Visitation and parenting time are not dependent on support. Only behavior (like putting the child in danger, addiction, etc) can cause someone’s parenting time to be affected (assuming they want time of course). Being behind on financial support (or not providing) doesn’t mean you’re denied parenting time.

But support is often calculated based on who has the child most of the time (which makes sense), so vindictive people claim they want partial custody so they don’t have to pay as much (or anything) to the primary parent. 

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I recently read an article of an interview Christine did over Zoom with, I think, NBC.com. She need to tone it done a bit because, IMO, she's coming very close to Meri's life is great schtick. What's worse is Christine slipping in "supplements" to the conversation. The article is basically, living one's best life, on steroids.

I have no doubt Christine is much happier without Kody. She likely feels lighter, stronger and a bit fierce right now and she earned it and deserves it. But IMO, she is over the top.

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

I think she did this to show off how great she looks. Nothing wrong with this but maybe not compare yourself to the Christmas tree. I couldn't see any resemblance in how she was dressed to the tree. But I'm happy that she's happy and most likely enjoying sticking it to Kody and frumpy Robyn. 

I did, it’s the colour palette. It’s not “exact” but similar in warmth and shades used. 

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5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

The thing with Instagram followers is, the show has been on forever. Some followers are current and some aren’t. Some followed way back and just never unfollowed. Compare “likes” and replies to the number of followers.

Apologies to those who have read this elsewhere from me!! 🤣😂

Yup, she has some posts with less than 1000 likes, at least one with 149K, but most are around 20K. Very similar to Janelle who has 860K. Meri has around 780K, but actually has many more likes on average than Christine and Janelle.

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I think it's okay for Christine to take care of herself.  Obviously nobody else is going to do that for her.

That being said, she might want to avoid suggesting she is being "selfish" even as a joke.   Because (1) it isn't an act of selfishness to break free from a bad situation and create a future for herself.  It just isn't, and joking about it isn't really cute or funny.   (edited to add: being snarky about it is also a bit insensitive to the people who were inadvertently hurt in the process, namely Robyn's kids).

More importantly, (2) - by putting that word out there - selfish - she invites consideration of her behavior, past and present.  And if anything Christine did deserves to be called "selfish" it was hang around letting her kids be treated like crap by Kody for as long as she claims to have experienced that from him.   She waited until all the kids had been dragged around, neglected, and were filled with resentment for her and Kody.   Why she stayed I don't really know.  What I do know is that she only made the big move when Kody cut off her access to the D.  That was her breaking point.

I mean, I understand.   We all have our limites.  But I'm not going to give her a round of applause for it, either. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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49 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I think it's okay for Christine to take care of herself.  Obviously nobody else is going to do that for her.

That being said, she might want to avoid suggesting she is being "selfish" even as a joke.   Because (1) it isn't an act of selfishness to break free from a bad situation and create a future for herself.  It just isn't, and joking about it isn't really cute or funny.   

More importantly, (2) - by putting that word out there - selfish - she invites consideration of her behavior, past and present.  And if anything Christine did deserves to be called "selfish" it was hang around letting her kids and herself be treated like crap by Kody for as long as she claims to have experienced that from him.   She waited until all the kids had been dragged around, neglected, and were filled with resentment for her and Kody.   Why she stayed I don't really know.  What I do know is that she only made the big move when Kody cut off her access to the D.  That was her breaking point.

I mean, I understand.   We all have our limites.  But I'm not going to give her a round of applause for it, either. 

I understand what you’re saying and I don’t disagree- but I don’t see Christine’s choices that atypical (besides being in a plural marriage).

I’ve seen it with my own eyes plenty of times, a woman (it’s usually a woman) letting her husband/boyfriend jerk her around, treat her like crap, treat her kids as second class citizens (for a variety of reasons) but she keeps hanging on for an inkling of attention (and partnered sex), because in her head that means there’s a chance he will change. I do not pretend to understand it at all, but I’ve seen it. I think it’s rare people are honest about it. 

My Mom says I don’t have a child, and I don’t understand how deep the pain and hurt goes, and how that will make people hold on rather than face it when you have kids together. She’s right, I don’t get it- but it takes a lot of self awareness which Christine might not possess yet, and she may never admit publicly. Kody is an asshat, but she’s got to admit her culpability in things- the man didn’t kidnap her and hold her hostage all these years. She may get there, but I think Truley will be grown and gone by the time she does (if it happens). 

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I think Christine is probably being somewhat “selfish” at this time in that she’s prioritizing herself, which is probably a good thing, but I do think sometimes she is cast as one of the “singingk (badly) angels” simply because Kody is so awful.  

 I don’t think she is nearly as great as she’s portrayed in the media.  I think the five adults are a mess, but Kody and Robyn are just OUTRAGEOUSLY awful, so Christine got a bump in interwebz/media status.  I’d say the same but to a lesser extent about Janelle and to a WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY lesser extent Meri.   OK Meri is only .1 degrees better than Kody and Robyn but only @8:55pm on a Tuesday in December or when she is hugging Mosby, but even when you want to root for her she does something really irritating which negates any goodwill

Personally, I think Christine shilling mlm schemes says a lot about her and I don’t think it’s particularly good. Ironically, I guess this is the one area where Robyn is “better” than her counterparts, but I honestly believe that’s just because she’s too lazy and siphons the money Kody makes hiding in the closet filming Cameos. 

I’m glad Christine’s happier, but to me they’re all a hot mess, but to differing degrees. 

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Is Christine filtering her brow/nose crease a new thing, or only something she does for close-ups?

Two things I found interesting about Christine's move: One was her going on and on during an interview about establishing a daily routine with Truely . To me, that is a sign she was struggling with the move and a therapist suggested ways to manage that. The other thing was Mykelti telling Christine she can't come by for visits all the time. Again a sign to me that Christine is struggling with the break-up and move and somewhat and relying on her kids to fill her days.

If Christine wants to be a hero for leaving a bad relationship, IMO she needs to be straight about it all. Instead she does all these interviews about how great life is for her now. Like she went from misery to bliss. So many partners don't leave bad relationships, or stay too long, because of the what ifs. By Christine glossing over the what ifs she gives the wrong message. I'm not saying she needs to be a poster woman for leaving unhealthy relationships, but she is putting herself out there, first by being on the show, and second by doing all these interviews. 

I'd be really impressed with Christine if she said something like, wow, starting over is hard, many of my what ifs were true, but I'm tackling them one by one and feel better and stronger as each day passes. 

It seems to me Christine's new persona is very close to the one Meri has been putting out there for years - everything is all good. Of course Christine isn't an outright cold bitch and she's not waiting for Kody to take her back, but IMO she's not being truthful with her followers any more than Meri is.


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@GeeGolly I agree with you. And the thing is, no one would think any less of Christine if she admitted that the move and breakup was hard. That doesn’t mean it was a MISTAKE, just that it’s hard.

Christine was with Kody a long time, there are a lot of happy memories there. Also for the first time in over 20yrs she only has one child to care for, and that child is 11, not exactly physically intensive. Christine didn’t have a traditional career, so she doesn’t have a chance to socialize or get self esteem through that. 


I think this is an example of toxic positivity (which happens a lot on social media)

7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'd be really impressed with Christine if she said something like, wow, starting over is hard, many of my what ifs were true, but I'm tackling them one by one and feel better and stronger as each day passes. 

I would be too. But that takes so much more self awareness than I see Christine having. I’m not partnered, (never have been) but last year I went through a breakdown and estrangement with my cousin whom I loved very much (and yes I still love her)- I shared with my friends that it felt like a divorce. I had to end the relationship for my own well being and staying true to my integrity, but it’s something that causes me pain every day. I can believe Christine has a lot of mixed emotions about Kody. Not that she wants him back just that things could’ve been different. 

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15 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I understand what you’re saying and I don’t disagree- but I don’t see Christine’s choices that atypical (besides being in a plural marriage).

I’ve seen it with my own eyes plenty of times, a woman (it’s usually a woman) letting her husband/boyfriend jerk her around, treat her like crap, treat her kids as second class citizens (for a variety of reasons) but she keeps hanging on for an inkling of attention (and partnered sex), because in her head that means there’s a chance he will change. I do not pretend to understand it at all, but I’ve seen it. I think it’s rare people are honest about it. 


All good points. I agree Christine's situation is not atypical. But her public profile and "career" are somewhat atypical and that is why I think she might want to avoid being snarky or full of herself. She obviously wants to remain in the public eye and earn a living marketing herself.  The tone of too much of what she posts lately is not making her look great, imo.

Unfortunately, I doubt she is at a place of strength and insight where she can share the kind of revelations @Geegolly has described.  I mean, even if she really is actually sitting there admitting to herself what she's doing is hard,  I don't think she is ready to publicly acknowledge it.  And after a lot of recent rewatching, I have to say - Christine has always lived in a total dreamworld ... the stuff she used to babble about Kody, for example. "Oh his eyes his eyes! When he looks at you with those eyes you KNOW you are loved more than any other woman has ever been loved!"

Seriously? He's looking at 3 other wives with those same eyes, duh... And her gushy tone about polygamy. Turns out she was miserable the whole time (which we should have all seen because she really did complain a lot right from the start).

I am thinking this new persona of hers is more of the same delusional, childish, idealized nonsense she's always spewed literally in the face of all the evidence to the contrary about what her life really was like.

I mean, I am rooting for her. Really. I want her to be a Boss Babe, lol. But I want her to really be one. Not just tell me she is.  And frankly, passive aggressive messages printed on a coffee cup just make her look like the same old dingbat she's always been.


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I'm with @Libby. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

This is a novelty mug. Even the syntax is silly. People who love Christine will keep on loving her. People who hate her will keep on hating her. Most people will likely think about it for less time than it took to read this series of posts.

18 hours ago, ginger90 said:



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4 minutes ago, General Days said:

I'm with @Libby. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

This is a novelty mug. Even the syntax is silly. 

Well, to be fair it's not just a random cigar that people are reading something  into.  It was a prop she chose to pose with on social media to send a message.  It was an attempt to be lighthearted, I'm sure.   I just think she missed the mark, given what I think her goal is. 

And regarding what I think her goal is:

6 minutes ago, General Days said:

People who love Christine will keep on loving her. People who hate her will keep on hating her. 

I think you are right - some will always love her, some will always dislike her no matter what.  Then there are people (like me) who have never really felt strongly one way or the other.   The thing is, these are the people she needs to bring into her fold if she is going to move forward in her current line of work.  And since her whole schtick appears to be that Christine is someone you can identify with, that she is personally likeable, well. She is getting criticized a lot on the web for her tone.   She might want to pump the breaks a little. 



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For me its not about liking or disliking any of the Browns. I'm rooting for Christine just as I'm rooting for Meri and Janelle. But I'm going to call it like I see it. 

As far as talking shit about each other - Janelle just brought it up to Christine in a recent episode and Christine agreed they both did. None of these wives were friends - ever, until Janelle and Christine decided to become friends during the pandemic.

When followers/fans/hate watchers start seeing discrepancies they fact check. Christine and Janelle can be fact checked too. If they just keep it real, then no worries.

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14 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

The other thing was Mykelti telling Christine she can't come by for visits all the time. Again a sign to me that Christine is struggling with the break-up and move and somewhat and relying on her kids to fill her days.

We know Christine has clung onto the older kids before, particularly on Aspyn. She seemed “to have unintentionally used” the older girls to fill in a void; the lack of a partner to raise the kids with and could also be your friend and confidant. Aspyn married and managed to create some literal distance between them. Mykelti has now taken that place. Christine still feels that emotional emptiness.

A thing I noted during this season is Mykelti’s remarkable personal growth. She’s gone from quirky, slightly stand-offish and a little self-centered to a mature woman who is aware of other people’s feelings and sorted out mom’s mess and moved her back to Utah. I think she knows Christine really well and is very aware of her flaws and the tendency to cling too much to her kids. Good for her to draw a line and sets some boundaries. I’m sure she’d otherwise end up with Christine being there every single day….


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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

We know Christine has clung onto the older kids before, particularly on Aspyn. She seemed “to have unintentionally used” the older girls to fill in a void; the lack of a partner to raise the kids with and could also be your friend and confidant. Aspyn married and managed to create some literal distance between them. Mykelti has now taken that place. Christine still feels that emotional emptiness.

A thing I noted during this season is Mykelti’s remarkable personal growth. She’s gone from quirky, slightly stand-offish and a little self-centered to a mature woman who is aware of other people’s feelings and sorted out mom’s mess and moved her back to Utah. I think she knows Christine really well and is very aware of her flaws and the tendency to cling too much to her kids. Good for her to draw a line and sets some boundaries. I’m sure she’d otherwise end up with Christine being there every single day….


Yes I can certainly see this- my Mom had a tendency to do this too, she tries to stop herself and allow me to “breathe” but she can be a big ass baby. I get it, parents are people too, my Mom is not partnered, she has no siblings or other relatives (besides my sister) and she can admit “I put too much on you, and I didn’t even realize it because you did everything I asked without a word of complaint.” She’s also lost a number of close friends last year. Christine does have several other children and her good health, so she can “spread the attention around”  

My Mom did raise me to be assertive, so I never felt “guilty” or “bad” for asserting “no you aren’t invited”. It can be hard when you love your mother (or parents) and of course enjoy spending time with them and want to include them, but it’s healthy to say “No, Mommy. No.”(in a respectful tone of course) Mykelti and Aspyn have every right to set boundaries with their mom, it doesn’t mean you’re a disrespectful ungrateful asshole (of course not!) it just means you’re an adult, and Christine needs to respect their autonomy. I think she does, because I think she genuinely loves all the kids so much, but I can imagine it’s HARD for her. 

I wonder if Christine will hold on extra tight to Truely as her “baby”, that happens A LOT. The baby is the baby forever. 

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3 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I wonder if Christine will hold on extra tight to Truely as her “baby”, that happens A LOT. The baby is the baby forever. 

I don't think she will because Christine seems to not like the teen stage so much. I foresee Truely spending a lot of time with Aspyn and Mykelti in the coming years.

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4 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't think she will because Christine seems to not like the teen stage so much. I foresee Truely spending a lot of time with Aspyn and Mykelti in the coming years.

I think it depends on Truely’s personality. If she likes being babied, she will play into Christine’s desire to have someone to baby, if she wants to be more independent she and Christine will butt heads. 

I know a woman (I babysat all her kids when they were small), she’s a pastor (so duh she’s a nurturing caring person) her older two kids are much more independent, but her youngest RELISHES in being “babied”- and that plays into her mother’s desire to be “needed”. The baby is 16 now and I don’t see this changing, she will be the one to never leave her mother’s side for long. While the eldest two love their mother and father (of course), they needed space. 

Now Christine will have a number of grandkids near by (she already has 3) and a bunch of other kids to love on and visit, so that might give Truely “breathing room”. Let’s see. Christine is a natural nurturer and I think would be sad without someone to give that energy to.

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4 hours ago, General Days said:

This is a novelty mug. Even the syntax is silly. People who love Christine will keep on loving her. People who hate her will keep on hating her. Most people will likely think about it for less time than it took to read this series of posts.

Way, way, way less time for me.  

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3 hours ago, LilyD said:

A thing I noted during this season is Mykelti’s remarkable personal growth. She’s gone from quirky, slightly stand-offish and a little self-centered to a mature woman who is aware of other people’s feelings


Mykelti really missed the marked with insisting Kody, Robyn etc to go and see Christine the night before she moved. 

I can imagine the trash talk around Christine in their car ride home, trash talk that all the kids listened too and retain. 


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Mykelti really missed the marked with insisting Kody, Robyn etc to go and see Christine the night before she moved. 

It made for good television, and what Christine needs more than ever is to stay on the television. The reality show fame feeds her MLM businesses. Without it, she will not be able pull in as many fans to buy Plexus and Lularoe. 

Did anyone else see the recent news coverage that Christine filmed her last day in Flagstaff recently? I wonder if that means she is off Sister Wives, or will just be filming in Utah, or if there is some kind of spinoff in the works. 







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7 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Did anyone else see the recent news coverage that Christine filmed her last day in Flagstaff recently? I wonder if that means she is off Sister Wives, or will just be filming in Utah, or if there is some kind of spinoff in the works. 


It was her last talking head in Flagstaff. A set has been made in her basement in Utah for future talking heads. She’s not leaving the show.

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19 hours ago, Totally said:

Mykelti really missed the marked with insisting Kody, Robyn etc to go and see Christine the night before she moved. 

I can imagine the trash talk around Christine in their car ride home, trash talk that all the kids listened too and retain. 


Yes, I totally see what you mean here. It made me feel uncomfortable too and I agree she pushed things too far, probably because she hoped, against all odds, that they would all part amicably which could have opened doors for the future. 

But, I do stand by my assessment of her personal growth as a person and how she handles things way more maturely than any of her parents and sister wife moms. She was the only one who tried to balance everybody's feelings, careful not to choose sides, tried to please everyone and give everybody a chance to say their goodbyes. Most people in that family bear Christine no ill will and understand perfectly well why she wanted out. Letting Christine sneak out like a thief in the middle of the night would be all wrong and unfair to them. 

But yeah, she should have left Kody and Robyn out. And definitely mini-Robyn 1 and 2. I'm still appalled by the murderous looks on their faces and the utter contempt they showed toward Christine. The presence of the Robyn Clan destroyed everything she was hoping to achieve.

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48 minutes ago, LilyD said:

Yes, I totally see what you mean here. It made me feel uncomfortable too and I agree she pushed things too far, probably because she hoped, against all odds, that they would all part amicably which could have opened doors for the future. 

I think Mykelti's relationship with Robyn has blinded her to many of Kody and Robyn's machinations and just how badly they've treated Christine.  I believe Mykelti was unable to properly read the true situation because she wasn't seeing it fully.  

She has matured considerably from the whiny I want my way kid she was before marriage.  I wonder if Tony's family has more emotional maturity than the five alleged parental figures in the Brown family.  It wouldn't take a lot.  

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I wish I could see it this way, but for me forcing everyone to come say bye to her mother because MyKelti felt she deserved it was a little immature.  Divorce is hard and sometimes harsh, and not everyone was on the same page regarding Christine and her leaving.  Granted, a nice goodbye would have been lovely, but it was NEVER gonna happen with that bunch.  Mykelti needs to polish up on how to read  a room.

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51 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Divorce is hard and sometimes harsh, and not everyone was on the same page regarding Christine and her leaving.  Granted, a nice goodbye would have been lovely, but it was NEVER gonna happen with that bunch.  Mykelti needs to polish up on how to read  a room.

I wish she hadn't forced it, either. And yeah, she needs to learn how to read a room. But she's been hearing buckets from her mom about leaving and probably something very different from Robyn and maybe not much from anyone else. Who knows. I thought Mykelti was projecting what SHE would want when she moved away from a place. And TLC might have pushed for it, too, knowing it would be dramatic. Which it was because, Kody.

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Janelle and some of her kids would  have been there without MyKelti’s ‘encouragement’.    Kody and Robyn and their offspring would not have been. I’d like to think MyKelti was embarrassed by Kody’s behavior in those scenes since she was the one that invited him.  Obviously she was not though.  

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Like was mentioned, Mykelti's view of the 'room' is not our view. She likely didn't see the powwows the parents had and she likely is going by what she knows, which in a lot of ways is more than what we know.

Anyway it was 5 or 10 minutes of discomfort, but it did make it final. Sometimes that is a good thing in the long run.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Like was mentioned, Mykelti's view of the 'room' is not our view. She likely didn't see the powwows the parents had and she likely is going by what she knows, which in a lot of ways is more than what we know.

Anyway it was 5 or 10 minutes of discomfort, but it did make it final. Sometimes that is a good thing in the long run.

I don’t think it was really her idea. I think the producers needed a way to force and awkward final confrontation and Mykelti “arranging” it was the best they could do.

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9 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I don’t think it was really her idea. I think the producers needed a way to force and awkward final confrontation and Mykelti “arranging” it was the best they could do.

Agreed, probably not her idea but TLCs. But after watching her shenanigans throughout the years I gather she, the young married mom of 2 kids, enjoyed her time to "show" the adults how to act through this event.  

I don't agree with Meri often, but I would've passed on this one, too.

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32 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Agreed, probably not her idea but TLCs. But after watching her shenanigans throughout the years I gather she, the young married mom of 2 kids, enjoyed her time to "show" the adults how to act through this event.  

And if she had one ounce of sense, she would have turned down the TLC suggestion.  But she's greedy and it's easy money.

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7 minutes ago, Meh said:

When Mykelti quit college, didn't Christine refuse to let her move back home? And during a summer break from college, didn't Aspyn refuse to live at home, saying she would just fall back into the pattern of doing most of the work and child care? Didn't she stay with Meri that summer?

She stayed at Robyn's.

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