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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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On 7/20/2020 at 12:13 PM, laurakaye said:

Thinking of you, @toodles!  Please keep us posted!

If I'm having a rough day, no lie - I sometimes go back to a certain episode thread and re-read it from start to finish.  Usually I end up laughing out loud several times.  The snark here is a great way to disconnect and recharge, IMO.  Some of these threads are pure gold. 🙂

I took your advice and I'm on the Great Wife Swap thread and I got an ad for a permanent cold sore remover. I cracked up. It's the little things.

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Saw this in my local paper. He has a rep as a down-to-earth guy.

He describes the size and depth of bear prints and there is no comparison. He wears a size 12 shoe and estimates the print as about a size 20. He says it is 6-7 inches wide.

I see the print much better on my PC than on my phone. The small grouping of 4 stones is about where a left big toe would be.

The 7-mile trail in that canyon gains 1000 feet in elevation and he left it about halfway along so he was at an altitude of close to 5000 feet. I think he presents his find very well.

(We also had some ET-type unexplained cattle mutilations here but that is a story for another day).  

"A lot of people can’t comprehend it and don’t even want to acknowledge it. I’ve lived here my whole life and gotten out a lot, so I realize the possibilities of potential animals living in places you wouldn’t expect them. There is a lot of room in the mountains. When you go out during the day, you usually don’t see a lot of animals and they are usually pretty shy. A lot of them are nocturnal.”

The few times Wentz has been out after dark, it gives him a different feeling that he doesn’t like. A friend that sets up trail cams gets the most action between midnight and 5 a.m.


Edited by suomi
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My oldest son has to have his wisdom teeth out.  I hate to do it during a pandemic, but we've put it off as long as we can, and he's in pain.  I know a lot of you ladies have grown children, any tips for a smooth recovery?  I don't know why, but tooth removal just absolutely grosses me out.  I've already told my husband, you're the one who's going to have to change the gauze!  

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1 hour ago, Kbo said:

My oldest son has to have his wisdom teeth out.  I hate to do it during a pandemic, but we've put it off as long as we can, and he's in pain.  I know a lot of you ladies have grown children, any tips for a smooth recovery?  I don't know why, but tooth removal just absolutely grosses me out.  I've already told my husband, you're the one who's going to have to change the gauze!  

Mine went fine when I was 19.  A friend, not so much.  You could smell the infection outside his apartment. 
Salt water gargle when allowed.  No eating food with small bits, like ground beef. Bring a towel in the car for the ride home in case he bleeds. 
Lol your son can change his own gauze. 
Im with you on teeth.  So gross.  I could never work in a dental office. 🤢
ETA I learned the ground beef thing the hard way.  

Edited by Meowwww
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The main thing I remember about extraction recovery is do not drink using a straw because it might cause a very, very painful condition called dry socket(s). Blood clots are necessary for healing and the vacuum effect from sucking a straw can stop clots from forming or suck them out of the place where they have formed. No clots, no protection for nerves and bone because they are exposed. 

Apply ice (on the outside) for a couple days 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, keep repeating, stop for awhile if it gets too uncomfortable. Sometimes they tell you to gently bite down on gauze to stop the bleeding. No smoking, no vaping - too much like using a straw.

I hope your son has a smooth recovery and you don't have to do or see anything too icky.

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12 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

Lol your son can change his own gauze. 

It will be a lot easier on both of you for him to do it.  And a healthy 19 year old should not have a whole lot of bleeding. I had a tooth removed (after two root canals - ugh) and had virtually no bleeding at all and I was in my 60's at the time. 

Dry socket is a real thing - don't let him end up with that!

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I had mine out almost forty years ago, but I learned an important lesson the hard way.  For at least the first couple of days, make sure he takes the pain meds as directed whether he thinks he needs them or not!!!   At first I waited until I began to have serious pain, and by then the meds weren't nearly as effective as they would have been if I'd taken them as directed.  Also, if the meds cause dizziness or nausea, the doctor can call in a prescription to help with that.  (I know this because one of my sons needed it.)

When my sons had theirs extracted, I set an alarm so they took the meds on time.  The first couple of nights, I even woke them up for a dose in the night to help prevent the extra pain of eight or so hours of no pain meds.  

Good luck to your son!  Getting rid of painful wisdom teeth improves the quality of life immensely.   

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Ha ha, Chris Cuomo had an OG 94-year-old Rosie the Riveter on his show tonight. Pretty lady with gorgeous white hair. (My favorite, it goes with everything).

Over the years she has constantly sewn red-with-white-polka-dots Rosie bandannas and recently turned out 300 Rosie masks. She wants to keep going and mentioned to someone that she was running low on elastic and was sent elastic and thread. Then more people sent fabric, and more thread and elastic. She was a hoot, and sharp as a tack. She mentioned experiencing the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression and WW II, of course.

She said she enjoys Chris and his brother going at each other about which brother Mom loves best and Chris said "You know which one" and she laughed. Chris said he'd gladly take a mask from her to cover his brother's face and she laughed again. It was a real cute interview. 

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4 hours ago, Kbo said:

My oldest son has to have his wisdom teeth out.  I hate to do it during a pandemic, but we've put it off as long as we can, and he's in pain.  I know a lot of you ladies have grown children, any tips for a smooth recovery?  I don't know why, but tooth removal just absolutely grosses me out.  I've already told my husband, you're the one who's going to have to change the gauze!  

I had it done at 22 - all four at the same time even though I was only in pain from two of them. Oral surgeon rightly predicted I would not want to have to face it again - the other two were visible coming in on x-rays. I changed my own gauze, followed whatever instructions for aftercare from the surgeon, and had no issues. However, I do remember taking painkillers the first night and staying up all night watching On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (one of my favorite movies! lol) -- so maybe that is something your son can do too!  :-)

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3 hours ago, MonicaM said:

When my sons had theirs extracted, I set an alarm so they took the meds on time.  The first couple of nights, I even woke them up for a dose in the night to help prevent the extra pain of eight or so hours of no pain meds. 

Best advice, ever!!  When I had my ovarian tumor and hysterectomy, the one thing I am SO GLAD that I did was keep a medication journal.  I wrote down the time I took my meds and took note of when I needed to take them again.  I was never late on a dose.. and you know, if I recall correctly I was never once in pain!!  Amazing.

I still have my wisdom teeth - all four.  

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I was lucky after my hysterectomy 30 years ago, no pain at all but I didn't have an incision, it was laparoscopic. 4 tiny holes covered by spot band aids, it was the new thing. I had endometriosis for years (and no insurance) and sometimes when the pain came on it dropped me to my knees. I was embarrassed if it happened at work because the area between my nose and upper lip turned real pale green when I dropped. Now I can't believe it, on the floor but worried about how I looked. 

I stayed in the hospital for 2 days, my surgeon said it took 7 hours because there were clusters like grapes. He tried to save a tiny piece of ovary for hormone function but couldn't swing it. They pushed me to take meds because I said it's not painful it's uncomfortable but they didn't like that. They filled my scrip at their pharmacy but I never took it. I felt a slight twinge a few days later at home when my little grandson was working the remote and wanted to watch a surgeon on PBS or whatever who looked like he was driving his patient's abdomen like a stick shift, using this rod and that one and then another one. It looked cool and he was saying Vroom, vroom but I was thinking Channel check that shit!

Years later at the same grandson's high school field lacrosse game a kid hit the deck pretty hard in front of me. I got out of the way right quick but I saw his green upper lip when they carted him off and I thought Dude, I feel your pain. He broke both bones in his lower arm. 😞

When I went to my first lacrosse game I was thinking Oh, great another game I won't understand and then I realized they were going at it with sticks. I nudged my daughter and said Hey! They're hitting with sticks! and she said I knew you'd like it. And I did! 

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19 hours ago, Kbo said:

My oldest son has to have his wisdom teeth out.  I hate to do it during a pandemic, but we've put it off as long as we can, and he's in pain.  I know a lot of you ladies have grown children, any tips for a smooth recovery?  I don't know why, but tooth removal just absolutely grosses me out.  I've already told my husband, you're the one who's going to have to change the gauze!  

Tooth extraction is gross. I’ve had horrible experiences, so much so I get sedation or full anesthesia now. 

I had an extraction and implant put in last year. It. Was. Horrible. I took the painkillers, slept and ate jello and applesauce for a week. My whole face was a swollen, bruised mess. 

I had all four of my wisdom teeth out at 22 and I pretty much did the same as everyone here.  Just two years ago however, I had a tooth extraction and subsequent implant.  My oral surgeon had something to add that I hadn’t heard of before and it worked like a charm.  He told me to put a tea bag over the socket and bite on it.  This was supposed to stop the bleeding, acting as a coagulant.  It worked beautifully.  I did have quite a buzz from it though, so I would t recommend doing it in the evening . . .

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I had all 4 of mine out at 30. They were all impacted (deep in the bone). I had an unusually difficult recovery due to my inability to take the painkillers they gave me (nausea) and developing dry sockets in all 4 (apparently not common). Follow all the instructions from the oral surgeon, use lots of ice packs, take the painkillers as directed (even if you don’t think you need it, better to get ahead of the pain), and expect to rest more than you think. I had to irrigate mine a few times a day, which also helped. My husband, on the other hand, had all 4 of his out at 32 and had no issues at all. Best of luck to your son on recovery! 

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I had mine out no issue, a long time ago.  It was two and two.  I think.  so long ago.  Same with my two sons.  They both had 4 out at the same time.  Went to an oral surgeon.  No issues.  As far as implants I know a lot, meaning more than 4 different people in different parts of the country who have had implants with zero issues except the inconvenience.  And the cost.

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Covid Update from OTR! 

Greetings to my partners in snarking crime!  Well, the summer continues to slog on and so do we.  “Slog” is the perfect word for this summer, as at every single turn we seem to get mired in the muck and the mud of overruns, under planning, and just downright noise and confusion.  Its quite exasperating and slow going at times, but we soldier on.

Recently we’ve been doing much of our running in lovely, rugged Wyoming.  Wyoming is a state full of rough and ready individualism and a healthy dose of “live and let live,” and many here don’t take too kindly to being told what to do, especially if it’s the federal government telling them to wear masks. Moreover, the effects of the pandemic is hitting their economy in various ways, such as the canceling of Cheyenne’s Frontier Days (the worlds largest rodeo) and a modified Sturgis biker rally.  Cody, Wyoming, home to that frontier legend Wild Bill Hickock and one of the main gateways to the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, is also looking rather light in tourist numbers, at least as far as I could see when we were there last week.

As the summer has continued we’ve gotten more than a few offhand comments from various folks as we walk by with our masks on, usually of the nature that the virus is a hoax, or that only sheeple wear masks. Considering the zeitgeist of our country nowadays, it’s wiser for one to just move on than respond, but more than once I’ve wanted to stop and say, “I’m a complete stranger to you and you have no idea who I am or where I’ve been. As truckers we travel from north to south and coast to coast, and we could be pulling any number of COVID mines.  So, you’ll have to excuse me while I do everything I can to protect your sorry hiny!"

 Interested Spock GIF by Star Trek

Fortunately, these people are in the minority, and we go about our daily business in relative peace, apart from the constant temperature checks at shippers and consigs.  However, I’ve even turned that into a plus as I get to track my hot flashes!  I’ve managed to embarrass more than a few young men at the front gates with that topic, for sure!!!  They’ll tell me that its TMI, and I’ll tell them that  they get what they deserve when they ask an aging lady a half a page of questions and then take my temp!  Now, don’t fret, we see these people several times a week and they know I’m joking around with them – it makes the day go by a little faster if you add some humor, and humor is DEFINITELY in short supply out here right now.

So that’s it for this OTR report. Y’all take care of yourselves and each other. Signing off from the great, beautiful state of Wyoming. 

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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On 7/20/2020 at 11:33 AM, toodles said:

Good morning, my SW snarking friends.  I rarely post in this thread but I have something difficult to share.  

I have pancreatic cancer.  I was diagnosed at the beginning of June.  I had my first chemo treatment last week and I have chemo once a week.  So far, it hasn't been too bad.  I'm not in too much pain and really no side effects so I'm counting my blessings.  My tumor is tiny and the cancer hasn't spread.  

The hospital where I received my initial diagnosis is the same one where Truely had her kidney treatment when she was so ill.

So having said all that, I have one request.  I kindly and respectfully request that you don't send any advice, suggestions or stories of someone/anyone that had cancer.  I don't want to know what Dr. Google thinks.  I'm on information overload and the only information I want is what my health care providers give me.  And I certainly don't want to hear any Rock Star Janelle suggestions, lol.

So that's it.  I'm taking it one day at time and I know I'm on the road to recovery.  Thank you for listening.





Oh @toodles 💕💕💕 I had cancer, and I think you are very smart to say you want your info from your doctors and no one else and be upfront about not wanting stories. Brilliant!

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Off topic but has anyone else watched Our Souls at Night on Netflix? I first watched it with my mom a week ago and I'm totally obsessed. The book is excellent too although there were differences between it and the film. 

Robert Redford at 81 and Jane Fonda at 80 are wonderful. I would love to be in that kind of relationship in my golden years! 


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I flove that movie, I keep watching it and noticing new things. Now I want the book, thanks for the tip. They are "small" actors who do everything with small moments and lines, which abound in that movie.

Watching it usually puts me in the mood for Coming Home, where she starred with Jon Voight and Bruce Dern. Probably the finest Vietnam-era movie. 

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36 minutes ago, suomi said:

I flove that movie, I keep watching it and noticing new things. Now I want the book, thanks for the tip. They are "small" actors who do everything with small moments and lines, which abound in that movie.

Watching it usually puts me in the mood for Coming Home, where she starred with Jon Voight and Bruce Dern. Probably the finest Vietnam-era movie. 

The book is a quick read - there are some significant moments in the film that weren't in the book. I checked it out as an ebook from my local library and finished it in a little over 2 hours I think! Well written.

Mom was like "do you want to watch a movie with Redford and Fonda?" And I thought she was referring to The Electric Horseman which I've seen any number of times. 🤣

Edited by DakotaJustice
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Happy Pandemic Birthday to me, holy hell I'm 70!

Began the day with breakfast in bed while cranking vids on my TV via youtube. First, hair metal: Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Def, Quiet. Then Santana at Woodstock and Live Aid: Jagger, Pretenders, Dire Straits, U2, Queen! Next: Bob Dylan 30th anniversary tribute at MSG: McGuinn, Petty, Young, Clapton, Dylan, Harrison.

Phew, took a much-needed nap. Beach Boys, BeeGees, Prince, Eagles and Journey are on the afternoon bill.

Thank goodness for music because this is a sad and lonely birthday.

Later: curbside pickup of gravel at Lowe's and entrees and dessert at Olive Garden.

Will watch Dirty Dancing and sip Grand Marnier tonight, that's a tradition.

You gals are the best! I love how we lean on each other and share and make each other laugh and cry. Thank you for everything.


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30 minutes ago, suomi said:

Happy Pandemic Birthday to me, holy hell I'm 70!


Shocking, isn't it?  I have a 70 year old body (as of last October) but I had no idea I was that old until my sister pointed it out to me.  What a horrible realization. I don't feel like what I think a 70 year old should feel like.  I vote for 70 is the new, what, 50?  Work for you?

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Happy Birthday, dear @suomi ! I loved reading your music playlist - and I loves me some Dirty Dancing. Sending virtual hugs and balloons!


@Rabbit Hutch Thank you for the road update. You put the Y in Y-oming! lol And I loved the Mr. Spock gif. I am a huge fan of Original Series Star Trek. Sorry to hear that people are giving you and your husband weird looks/comments about wearing masks. Sigh...

Edited by Teafortwo
I tried for two separate posts but the system keeps merging them into one, oh well!
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Happy, happy birthday to my dear @suomi!  Hope it's not too late to wish you a good time at the Olive Garden - I haven't had the courage to go there myself since the pandemic, so enjoy my envy of you, LOL.  Speaking of Olive Garden, it always makes me think of my Sicilian grandmother because although she never even knew about it (she lived in NYC where there were no OG's and died in 1985) I know it would have fascinated her no end.  She actually loved "American Italian" food even though she was one of the best old world Italian American cooks ever (and that's no exaggeration).  She was the real deal, but definitely not a food snob.

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On 7/23/2020 at 10:44 AM, MargeGunderson said:

I had all 4 of mine out at 30. They were all impacted (deep in the bone). I had an unusually difficult recovery due to my inability to take the painkillers they gave me (nausea) and developing dry sockets in all 4 (apparently not common). Follow all the instructions from the oral surgeon, use lots of ice packs, take the painkillers as directed (even if you don’t think you need it, better to get ahead of the pain), and expect to rest more than you think. I had to irrigate mine a few times a day, which also helped. My husband, on the other hand, had all 4 of his out at 32 and had no issues at all. Best of luck to your son on recovery! 

I had mine out at 36 - same thing, nausea from the painkillers and an awful recovery despite having no dry socket.  I think I had a worse time if you can imagine that because I also had a reaction to the anesthesia (laughing gas/twilight sleep).  I had a migraine intensity headache that lasted for a MONTH.  I felt like I had 2 vices constantly tightening around my skull.  Because I couldn't take the other painkillers they had to give me Tylenol 3 with codeine.  I was popping them every 4 hours and the pain was still extremely intense, but at least I could push through it.  I had just been assigned a new boss and she was a total bitch - completely unsympathetic to my situation and acted like it was "not her problem".  I couldn't believe it.  I told her I was in abject pain and she acted like I was trying to shirk my work duties!  I was working for Deloitte at that time.  I complained to HR and basically the rep. told me to ignore her and that she was going to transfer out soon anyway (which thank goodness, she did).  Story of my life.  

On top of all that, during the surgery the surgeons (who were highly recommended - this was in Greenwich, CT) shattered one of the back wisdom teeth so they had to spend an extra hour fishing out every last piece of tooth, during which the anesthesia started to wear off and I started to moan loudly in pain - which my mother, who was in the waiting room heard and started yelling out, "What are you doing to my baby?"  I think they gave me a second dose, which is probably why I had the bad reaction.

But that's not even IT, if you can believe that - As the local anesthetic (lydocaine?) wore off, I started to realize that the entire left side of my jaw was numb to the touch on the outside of my face.  It was numb for years and the numbness wore off very slowly.  It seems that when they have to fish out pieces of tooth they might either damage or "stun" the nerve in the lower part of the jaw, which can cause either permanent or temporary nerve damage.  So for the better part of the next year I didn't even know if I'd ever regain feeling in that area.  Fortunately it didn't affect the movement of my mouth muscles so I didn't have any droopy look.  The feeling did eventually come back, but to this day if I feel that area it still feels a little strange - a hard to describe feeling I once read is not uncommon. 

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8 hours ago, suomi said:

Happy Pandemic Birthday to me, holy hell I'm 70!

Began the day with breakfast in bed while cranking vids on my TV via youtube. First, hair metal: Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Def, Quiet. Then Santana at Woodstock and Live Aid: Jagger, Pretenders, Dire Straits, U2, Queen! Next: Bob Dylan 30th anniversary tribute at MSG: McGuinn, Petty, Young, Clapton, Dylan, Harrison.

Phew, took a much-needed nap. Beach Boys, BeeGees, Prince, Eagles and Journey are on the afternoon bill.

Thank goodness for music because this is a sad and lonely birthday.

Later: curbside pickup of gravel at Lowe's and entrees and dessert at Olive Garden.

Will watch Dirty Dancing and sip Grand Marnier tonight, that's a tradition.

You gals are the best! I love how we lean on each other and share and make each other laugh and cry. Thank you for everything.


Happy Birthday to you!!!  Enjoy your special day!

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12 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

Happy Birthday, dear @suomi ! I loved reading your music playlist - and I loves me some Dirty Dancing. Sending virtual hugs and balloons!


@Rabbit Hutch Thank you for the road update. You put the Y in Y-oming! lol And I loved the Mr. Spock gif. I am a huge fan of Original Series Star Trek. Sorry to hear that people are giving you and your husband weird looks/comments about wearing masks. Sigh...

You're welcome, dawlink!  😁 I give the West a hard time at times, but I truly love this part of the country and we're looking to retire in WY, CO, or MT.

Yeah, I was looking for a GIF that would fit perfectly my thought processes at those times and Mr. Spock came to my rescue.  😛

As for those people, well, it takes all kinds to make the world go round, doesn't it?  Fortunately, they are the minority and we can truck on.  🙃

Thanks for your support, Teafortwo.  You're a sweetie!  😁

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Thanks for the travel advice, @Rabbit Hutch, back safely from my short sojourn to visit my sister.  I thought traffic was pretty much normal with loads of trucks and cars out and about.  Of course, since I've been back things have really started to tank with cases sky rocketing all over the place even in their part of Indiana which has been relatively spared.  Glad I went when I did.  Only made one stop each way and we were isolated on their 33 acres so I felt perfectly safe.  Did miss our usual shopping and dining out fun but we did get a carry out which we ate in a park by the river so that was our big day out.

So, to be safe, I am self quarantining for two weeks just to be on the safe side.  

Safe travels to you, I love that part of the west and would love to live in Montana but too far from family and too late in life to pull up all roots and go.  Hope you get your wish to retire in that area!

@suomi, I hope your birthday was great.  I'd kill for a takeout meal from OG but the closest one is over an hour away.  Love their breadsticks!

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Well, day one at work with the Minnesota mask mandate in place.  It was miserably hot today. It was mostly ok.   Only one lady came in with her young daughter, both without masks. She started to say she had a health condition, but quickly changed it to she forgot the mandate started today.  She apologized profusely, after I told her our business owner could be fined 25k and we never know who else is shopping here.  
so it wasn’t too bad.  And we NEED to nip this virus in the bud.  

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