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S06.E11: Chaos in the Cul-de-Sac

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If Kody can unseal these kids, why can't Jessop just seal them back? Battle of the seals. Who's in change of this religion anyway?


Yea, really. How does this work? I think I'm going to just burst into the cul de sac, ala Kody, and seal Dayton, Ysabel, and Savannah into MY family. Take that, Browns!


Hey are we allowed to snark about how Kody's brother didn't know how to pronounce "chaos" because he was homeschooled? Or is that offensive to homeschoolers?


Who said he couldn't pronounce it because of homeschooling? Kody? As a homeschooler, I would be offended by Kody, not the other posters here. I was only half watching, but I thought Kody was just saying his brother couldn't pronounce it when he was little. Did he mean as an adult? I mean, I don't think that's a homeschooling thing.I don't want to get into a whole debate, but there are plenty of public school educated kids who have atrocious grammar, reading, and spelling skills. 


I will say this, sometimes little kids mispronounce something in such a cute way that you kind of roll with it for awhile. My 5-year-old can read at a 2nd grade level, but he always says, "It compends" instead of "it depends". I think it's so cute, that I don't always correct him. Obviously I won't let him get to age 18 without understand the real pronunciation. Maybe Kody was just telling a cute story about their childhood? 

  • Love 3

I think it's pretty funny that this episode aired the same time as the photo of the mom who lost her son to cancer went viral. I don't know the rules about links so I'm not going to link the story but the 8 year old boy died of cancer, 8 months before his mom's wedding. So she had him added to a wedding photo in a kind of spirit-looking image. It isn't my cup-of-tea but I understand why people like it. I bet Robyn just can't understand the difference between her horribly creepy photo and this woman's lovely tribute to her dead son. 

Edited by 3girlsforus

Just out of curiosity, I checked out Robyn's Twitter.  Right after the episode, the comments about the "pitchur" were all negative.  It's easy to see that Robyn has been using the "Delete Comment" option on her account.  They're all now glowing comments.


I just can't figure out who posted them.  Does she have that many fake accounts?


And from the comments from Meri and Christine, it looks like Robyn has their passwords and is posting from their accounts, too.  /sarcasm

  • Love 3

Yea, really. How does this work? I think I'm going to just burst into the cul de sac, ala Kody, and seal Dayton, Ysabel, and Savannah into MY family. Take that, Browns!

Who said he couldn't pronounce it because of homeschooling? Kody? As a homeschooler, I would be offended by Kody, not the other posters here. I was only half watching, but I thought Kody was just saying his brother couldn't pronounce it when he was little. Did he mean as an adult? I mean, I don't think that's a homeschooling thing.I don't want to get into a whole debate, but there are plenty of public school educated kids who have atrocious grammar, reading, and spelling skills.

I will say this, sometimes little kids mispronounce something in such a cute way that you kind of roll with it for awhile. My 5-year-old can read at a 2nd grade level, but he always says, "It compends" instead of "it depends". I think it's so cute, that I don't always correct him. Obviously I won't let him get to age 18 without understand the real pronunciation. Maybe Kody was just telling a cute story about their childhood?

Kody said "my brother was homeschooled, so he didn't know how to pronounce chaos."

Kody, nobody else, blamed his brother's ignorance on home schooling, suggesting that his own education may have been superior. But then everything about Kody is superior.

Kody said "my brother was homeschooled, so he didn't know how to pronounce chaos."

Kody, nobody else, blamed his brother's ignorance on home schooling, suggesting that his own education may have been superior. But then everything about Kody is superior.


Considering the lack of proper diction and pronunciation of this entire crew, Kody has a lot of nerve acting superior to anyone on that count. 

  • Love 7

I'm late to this discussion, so forgive me if this has been asked/answered already, did she really do that? Is Robyn so, I don't even know what to call her, determined, that she would really do something like that??

I can't even imagine what's in her head.  


Bolding mine.


I'm going to assume that was auto-correct and you meant "demented". If not, I'm pretty sure that's what you should call her.

  • Love 1
Kody said "my brother was homeschooled, so he didn't know how to pronounce chaos."

Kody, nobody else, blamed his brother's ignorance on home schooling, suggesting that his own education may have been superior. But then everything about Kody is superior.


Okay, thanks. I had thought it was Kody who said that, but I wasn't paying the closest attention. I find it really ridiculous that he acts like his brother's education was so inferior, when he's the one running around with wild stories about spit and hormones exchanging. 

  • Love 2

Christine really needs to stop trying to come up with ways the sister wives have it better than regular wives. "We have someone who will agree with our bitching about our crazy husband!" Um, how about not having a crazy husband in the first place? Besides, do girlfriends and regular, um, sisters, not occasionally gripe to each other about their husbands? Is it somehow less relatable when my I tell my girlfriend that I'm going to kill my husband for not taking his muddy boots off before he comes in the house because she's not also sleeping with him????


What gets me is Christine obviously doesn't realize how much girlfriends tell each other about their respective husbands/boyfriends.  Geesh if Mr. Snarklepuss knew the HALF of what I've told my best girlfriends about him and our relationship he'd probably FREAK, but this is actually pretty common among girlfriends and Christine shows her ignorance about monogamous relationships with comments like that.



Well based on the preview for next week, precious Robyn gets singled out again. They will have the ultrasound and gender reveal. TLC should change the name of the show from "Sister Wives" to "The Kody and Robyn Family Hour". Why is TL C doing this? They know the majority of the public dislikes Robyn. They could at least pretend that the other three wives matter a little to Kody.


I'm wondering if TLC is on to the fact that most of whatever audience is left is "hate watching" this show just to see what ridiculousness these idiots engage in next.  Who knows, some of this crap like the portrait might be done just to get a rise out of the public because they know we'll hate it and they've been reduced to following the "any attention is better than no attention" rule since it's all they have left to capitalize on at this point.  The sets turn off when they're all happy-happy, so they have to find some kind of ridiculous BS to make us all keep the TV on in spite of ourselves.

  • Love 7

I noticed something in this episode that seems minor, but to me is a big indicator of Kody's narcissism. Written beside the cement slab handprint tree were the words "Kody Brown Family", and I've seen them use this wording before in one of the million other family tributes/monuments/signs they all love so much. Of course it can't simply be the "Brown Family", describing the entire clan, but they have to make it crystal clear who their true lord and ruler is.

  • Love 10

I think TLC i fully aware of all the hate watching, or watching to see the train derail. They don't care as long as they're still making money.


At this point, nothing can happen but more derailment. I personally don't think this family can be 'fixed' or return to how it was pre-TLC, or even pre-Robyn. Honestly, I don't WANT it to return to Happy Polygville. I'm all for forgiving and making changes to keep families intact, but this family has never been intact. It's one man with a legal wife, additional baby mamas, and a ton of kids who are ignored by their dad unless some time with them benefits him. They're grifters who milk every system they come in contact with, and most of them are liars. This isn't a family who made some mistakes and needs some counseling. This is drama and bad decisions to perpetuate more drama.


I really wish these women would realize that they can function without a man. Learn to stand on your own feet and pay your own bills, then worry about a man. I can't tell if they don't know anything else, because they all married so young into a culture that values marriage above anything else, or if they really believe whatever religious teachings of the minute (they change so much with this bunch) won't allow them to be together in heaven unless they're married. 


Either way, Meri and Christine are never, ever going to be content sweeping up the crumbs left by Robyn and Kody, and those crumbs are getting smaller and smaller each day. I can't stand Meri, but she's miserable. She needs to stop pretending it will ever get better for her and go. Christine really scares me. I fully expect a mental breakdown anytime soon, and where does that leave her kids. Janelle is going no where. Robyn will grift until she can't anymore, and then she'll martyr herself to another husband, or start pimping out her daughters. 

  • Love 8

Yes, and the wives are married to a pork butt. 


This wins everything.^


If the adoption wasn't a true "adoption" in the sense that us silly monogamists understand it to be, then why the crap did the entire Brownie troop have to parade into court in their Sunday best and wait for the judge to say or do anything?  I'm struggling with understanding this (although I should probably stop, because I know better).  Are the kids actually, formally adopted now, or was it just some bizarre fake thing to go along with Robyn's Kody Brown fan-fiction that she creates in her head and then forces upon everyone else?


And LOLZ at the cake guys hand-delivering the cupcake tree themselves to the Brown compound like they were dropping off some masterpiece in bakery design.


Can anyone screencap Logan's reaction to the pencil drawing of Kody and his new spirit kids?  

  • Love 4

This wins everything.^


If the adoption wasn't a true "adoption" in the sense that us silly monogamists understand it to be, then why the crap did the entire Brownie troop have to parade into court in their Sunday best and wait for the judge to say or do anything?  I'm struggling with understanding this (although I should probably stop, because I know better).  Are the kids actually, formally adopted now, or was it just some bizarre fake thing to go along with Robyn's Kody Brown fan-fiction that she creates in her head and then forces upon everyone else?


And LOLZ at the cake guys hand-delivering the cupcake tree themselves to the Brown compound like they were dropping off some masterpiece in bakery design.


Can anyone screencap Logan's reaction to the pencil drawing of Kody and his new spirit kids?  


Here's my theory on the adoption, although I agree with you that we both should stop trying to understand these idiots. I think there were some legal proceedings between Robyn and Jessop. I don't believe we actually saw any of it. That courtroom scene had to have been staged. No real judge in a real courtroom would have allowed that kind of camera access, behavior, etc.  What I believe went on legally was an agreement between Jessop and Kody/Robyn that if Robyn dies, the kids still live with the Brown family. I think it also has a spiritual component in terms of their afterlife planet. Kody can now consider himself to be the parent and have the kids sealed to him rather than Jessop. Of course calling it an adoption plays into Robyn's attempt to erase the kids' past with their father and pretend they are Kody's kids. 


Since we don't know a lot about Jessop, I had decided he must have really given the kids up and maybe he was the uncaring jerk they claim. But this last episode made me rethink that. I was having my doubts since they were careful just to say things that said 'he signed the papers allowing for the adoption' (which I think it code for legal agreement) rather than 'he signed away his rights'. They hadn't had a problem slamming him in the past so I don't think it was a matter of trying to protect the kids. I think the verbiage is significant. But then when the first thing they do after the "adoption" is send them off for a two week visit, my BS-o-meter went crazy.  Those kids were excited to see their dad. They didn't question why they were visiting their dad who was giving them up. I think that's because that isn't what's happening. They have never been told that they won't see him again or that he isn't their dad anymore because it isn't true. Dayton is confused because he's not stupid and knows this whole thing doesn't make sense. 


In Robyn and Kody's mind those kids are Kody's. I think Robyn is even convincing herself that they have Kody's DNA. But I think legally, it's not quite that. 

  • Love 8

The more I watch this show the more I sympathize with the first three wives and their children.

What we are seeing has devolved into emotional abuse.

The total devotion which Kody shows to Robyn and her children is unlike anything experienced by the other wives and children, and he's got it on display for all of them to see. Robyn is rubbing everybody's nose in it.

and like most victims of abuse, the worse it gets, the harder it is For them to extricate themselves.

Meri almost escaped, she thought she'd found somebody who really cared about her. She was getting ready to leave, and then the whole thing blew up. She is now so depressed and defeated she sees no escape.

Christine has become so desperate for Kody's love that she will do anything to earn it. At this point if he told her to go to work in a brothel, to honor the family with a paycheck, she would do it. In fact what Kody has done to her, by withholding love, is the same thing pimps do to get girls to work for them. They tell them they love them, tell them everything they want to hear, and once they've got them hooked, tell them "if you want me to keep loving you, you'll do this." The manipulation is disgusting.

Janelle has given up and convinced herself she doesn't care. Maybe she doesn't. I remember a close friend who went through terrible betrayal and divorce at the hands of a husband she loved deeply, explaining why she never even looked at another man again "it's like he killed something in me. I can't feel anything anymore."

As for the children,none of them have been on the receiving end of as much paternal attention as Robyn's children, none of them. And you know they know the rules: you must worship Robyn and her kids, or else.

  • Love 7

The more I watch this show the more I sympathize with the first three wives and their children.

What we are seeing has devolved into emotional abuse.

The total devotion which Kody shows to Robyn and her children is unlike anything experienced by the other wives and children, and he's got it on display for all of them to see. Robyn is rubbing everybody's nose in it.

and like most victims of abuse, the worse it gets, the harder it is For them to extricate themselves.

Meri almost escaped, she thought she'd found somebody who really cared about her. She was getting ready to leave, and then the whole thing blew up. She is now so depressed and defeated she sees no escape.

Christine has become so desperate for Kody's love that she will do anything to earn it. At this point if he told her to go to work in a brothel, to honor the family with a paycheck, she would do it. In fact what Kody has done to her, by withholding love, is the same thing pimps do to get girls to work for them. They tell them they love them, tell them everything they want to hear, and once they've got them hooked, tell them "if you want me to keep loving you, you'll do this." The manipulation is disgusting.

Janelle has given up and convinced herself she doesn't care. Maybe she doesn't. I remember a close friend who went through terrible betrayal and divorce at the hands of a husband she loved deeply, explaining why she never even looked at another man again "it's like he killed something in me. I can't feel anything anymore."

As for the children,none of them have been on the receiving end of as much paternal attention as Robyn's children, none of them. And you know they know the rules: you must worship Robyn and her kids, or else.


I agree with all of this but I really wanted to highlight the bolded part.  I am as angry at Christine and Janelle about this as I am Kody and Robyn. (since Mariah doesn't live at home anymore Meri doesn't have as much to do with this).  Neither of these mothers are stepping up and fighting for their children. Their kids are being systematically replaced and emotionally damaged but they say and do nothing. They don't get in Kody's face and demand attention for their kids. When they are dealing with Kody it's about what he does for them, not the kids. Christine is very desperate for Kody's love. I get how horrible this is for her. But her first concern should be her kids. They no longer have a part-time dad. They have a no-time time who flaunts in their face that he has other kids, that aren't even his, that he cares about more. Christine is kissing butt to try to get Kody's attention for herself rather than rocking the boat to try to get  Kody to show interest in her kids. Janelle is doing the same thing only instead of kissing butt for attention she's not rocking to boat to keep the peace. Both are putting their desires above their kids.


I don't think there is really anything either woman can do to get Kody to care about them or their children. I am just bothered that they are willing to sit back and let their kids watch their father shower Robyn's kids with affection and attention they have never received themselves and not at least point it out or try to do something about it. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 6

Query: why would one kid be homeschooled and the other not? And weren't the Brown kids homeschooled for awhile too? Christine has bragged about it.

Maybe Kody was homeschooled until high school and so was his brother? I know that happens.

Anyway I WASNT homeschooled but I still mispronounced words as they were written.

Hell, Maddie couldn't even SPELL "chaos" correctly until recently. She had it on her Twitter front page - she spelled it Kaos. Or something like that.

I think the spelling of "kaos" is because Maddie was in a sorority, kappa alpha, their letters are "ka". I never would have thought she would have done a sorority, she just doesn't seem like the type (it's not a bad thing to be in a sorority, I was in one, just doesn't seem like her thing). The only reason I suspect this is I noticed she was wearing a "ka" shirt in the adoption episode (I think) and I thought it was odd, so I know it's what I saw because I looked 3 times.

  • Love 1

I think the spelling of "kaos" is because Maddie was in a sorority, kappa alpha, their letters are "ka". I never would have thought she would have done a sorority, she just doesn't seem like the type (it's not a bad thing to be in a sorority, I was in one, just doesn't seem like her thing). The only reason I suspect this is I noticed she was wearing a "ka" shirt in the adoption episode (I think) and I thought it was odd, so I know it's what I saw because I looked 3 times.


This was prior to her graduation from high school.  It was at the time of the episode where they were palling around with the Dargers and she said "Brown chaos is a special kind of chaos" or words to that effect, when the older Brown and Darger kids (and Robyn's sister) were at an ice cream shop.

I noticed something in this episode that seems minor, but to me is a big indicator of Kody's narcissism. Written beside the cement slab handprint tree were the words "Kody Brown Family", and I've seen them use this wording before in one of the million other family tributes/monuments/signs they all love so much. Of course it can't simply be the "Brown Family", describing the entire clan, but they have to make it crystal clear who their true lord and ruler is.

You are very right, there was a lot of discussion about that, it was a big deal at their commitment ceremony when they made it, I personally thought it was very weird wording. I might have understood wording of it were to have each mom in the title to signify the individual families (I would still think it was dumb, since they always claim to be one family, but I could see the designation).

My understanding when they made it was there was one, but is here one in each house? If there is only one no shock it's in Robyn's house, I never notice which house when I do see it on the wall occasionally, so now that I think about it I'm not sure if I'm seeing it at each house or if it's always the same house when I see it.

Don't worry everybody, in last weeks thread I was worried we weren't going to get a vacation trip this season, but that is not the case and we are getting a vacation... And yet another party... They sure are doubling down at the end of this season. The season started with a tell all (none) so I'm sure there will be 3-4 for the end.

This was prior to her graduation from high school. It was at the time of the episode where they were palling around with the Dargers and she said "Brown chaos is a special kind of chaos" or words to that effect, when the older Brown and Darger kids (and Robyn's sister) were at an ice cream shop.

Oh ok, I was just guessing about the Twitter, I don't follow them, but it seemed like it made sense as to why it would be spelled like that, but I don't actually know

  • Love 1

Could the room Robyn was in have been a guest room? How many bedrooms does her house have?  She has 4 kids and another on the way.  I'm sure Dayton has his own room, and it's possible that Aurora and Breanna could share. I'm sure Prince Solomon has his own room.  Didn't one of Robyn's relatives live with her? 


I'm surprised that Robyn didn't make more pictures, like baby's first steps--with Kody, baby's first cookie--with Kody, and baby sleeping in daddy's arms--with Kody. 


I think Christine's feigning joy around Robyn lately is merely just a cover up for the way she feels inside.  She's trying to fake it to make it.  As long as Kody buys it that's all that matters, I guess.

  • Love 4

I'm surprised that Robyn didn't make more pictures, like baby's first steps--with Kody, baby's first cookie--with Kody, and baby sleeping in daddy's arms--with Kody. 



I wouldn't be surprised if Robyn has a hard drive full of pictures of the kids with Jessop where she's photoshopped Jessop out and put Kody in. 

  • Love 4

I agree with all of this but I really wanted to highlight the bolded part.  I am as angry at Christine and Janelle about this as I am Kody and Robyn. (since Mariah doesn't live at home anymore Meri doesn't have as much to do with this).  Neither of these mothers are stepping up and fighting for their children. Their kids are being systematically replaced and emotionally damaged but they say and do nothing. They don't get in Kody's face and demand attention for their kids. When they are dealing with Kody it's about what he does for them, not the kids. Christine is very desperate for Kody's love. I get how horrible this is for her. But her first concern should be her kids. They no longer have a part-time dad. They have a no-time time who flaunts in their face that he has other kids, that aren't even his, that he cares about more. Christine is kissing butt to try to get Kody's attention for herself rather than rocking the boat to try to get  Kody to show interest in her kids. Janelle is doing the same thing only instead of kissing butt for attention she's not rocking to boat to keep the peace. Both are putting their desires above their kids.


I don't think there is really anything either woman can do to get Kody to care about them or their children. I am just bothered that they are willing to sit back and let their kids watch their father shower Robyn's kids with affection and attention they have never received themselves and not at least point it out or try to do something about it.

^^^^^. THIS! So much this!!!

  • Love 2

I just want to say that Breanna did not look happy about the plaque. im not an expert or anything but if I were to see a picture of her face in that moment, without the context, I would definitely pick sadness as the emotion. At her age I would have been old enough to figure out that the plaque with her new name on it made this all very real and final. Especially since they just got back from a vacation with their dad, which they all said was awesome. He probably had to explain to them what was going on and that he obviously still loves them. That was probably very sad for her and maybe she understood a little bit better what just went down and maybe felt sorry for her dad. She looked sad to me and kept looking at Aurora as if maybe she would get some support. I don't know. It just didn't look to me like tears of joy. Too much frowning I guess. she just seemed overwhelmed. They need to let the kids breathe and settle into the change before throwing a party with a thousand guests gawking at them.

  • Love 5



What she "brought into the family" was exposure to daylight.

"We must not let in daylight upon magic," wrote Walter Bagehot, of the British monarchy.

Meri brought in the daylight

Well, actually they all did when they decided to be on TLC, but I don't think there was much magic to begin with.


As to the British monarchy, I think they threw open the draperies and let the daylight in the year Charles was invested as Prince of Wales.  I remember when I was a teenager there was a documentary about the family which showed him water skiing and his father grilling or otherwise cooking something outdoors.  And they have been unable to shut them every since.  Before that all we saw were news clips of their doing royal type stuff or maybe a still picture of the Queen with a child.  My most vivid memory of QEII was of her standing at the door to the church at Winston Churchill's funeral. The press did follow Princess Margaret some, though.


As to the Browns---

well they have to refer to it as the Kody Brown family as he is the only person connected to everyone else now that Robyn's children have been pulled in. Otherwise, it really is the 4 Brown families who live next door to each other.  I do see Meri as being responsible for bringing in "daylight," because she brought in Robyn who is more darkness than daylight, but I digress....  They seemed reasonably content and happy that first season. I cannot recall exactly when Robyn appeared, but I wonder if she would have been added had they been on tv.  I just think they have been better off staying away from TLC.


I, too, am suspicious about the "adoption."  I think maybe the bio dad gave Kody permission to make certain decisions for the children and sign things on their behalf (like paperwork at school).  I am having trouble believing he gave them up for adoption--especially with their going to see him.  

  • Love 2

I just want to say that Breanna did not look happy about the plaque. im not an expert or anything but if I were to see a picture of her face in that moment, without the context, I would definitely pick sadness as the emotion. At her age I would have been old enough to figure out that the plaque with her new name on it made this all very real and final. Especially since they just got back from a vacation with their dad, which they all said was awesome. He probably had to explain to them what was going on and that he obviously still loves them. That was probably very sad for her and maybe she understood a little bit better what just went down and maybe felt sorry for her dad. She looked sad to me and kept looking at Aurora as if maybe she would get some support. I don't know. It just didn't look to me like tears of joy. Too much frowning I guess. she just seemed overwhelmed. They need to let the kids breathe and settle into the change before throwing a party with a thousand guests gawking at them.

That is a good point, I'm guessing on the vacation with their actual dad he had a lot of cleaning up to do with all the trash talking that he had been unable to defend himself. I wonder if Aurora called him Preston, I feel like she would be the only one ballsy enough to do that.

How confusing for them to come back immediately to the party... And how desperate of Robyn to been seen as the "fun" parent... as for their "thousand foot stares" maybe they are just tired, when I was younger I tended to come back from vacations/sleepovers etc cranky/tired because I wanted to do everything and didn't rest, it doesn't mean they were tortured.

  • Love 3

The thousand foot stare, gee Robyn, it couldn't possibly be anything you've done to result in that. I'm sure

your kids are thrilled to be back living with you and hearing you trash talk their father for months on end.

Their probably just as excited to remember to call another man Dad and be coached by you all of the

time. It certainly couldn't be any of that. No nothing you yourself has done.  

  • Love 1


I, too, am suspicious about the "adoption."  I think maybe the bio dad gave Kody permission to make certain decisions for the children and sign things on their behalf (like paperwork at school).  I am having trouble believing he gave them up for adoption--especially with their going to see him.


I agree.  In fact, when I was watching the "adoption," I was aware that we heard words while seeing the back of the judge's head.  It's easy enough to do a voice over.  

It may not be a legal adoption at all.

  • Love 2

I guess I'm just really confused. Why go through the adoption and the changing of the names if they planned to have the bio dad remain in their lives? They are all old enough to know who their dad really is, as many of you have pointed out. And why would the bio dad give up those rights to have them immediately come stay with him for weeks? It sure seems like he still wants them to remember him as dad. None of this makes logical sense! Their stories never add up. And quite frankly, I'm getting annoyed with myself that I add to their salaries by watching to be lied to in return.

  • Love 3

I guess I'm just really confused. Why go through the adoption and the changing of the names if they planned to have the bio dad remain in their lives? They are all old enough to know who their dad really is, as many of you have pointed out. And why would the bio dad give up those rights to have them immediately come stay with him for weeks? It sure seems like he still wants them to remember him as dad. None of this makes logical sense! Their stories never add up. And quite frankly, I'm getting annoyed with myself that I add to their salaries by watching to be lied to in return.

Well that's where you are going wrong, you're expecting this to all be logical. First we were told that Jessop was a mean horrible man who took Robyn's purity, wouldn't let her have heat for her children, didn't pay for her Victoria secret panties, and hasn't let seen his children is several years. Then Meri divorced Kody so Robyn could marry him and he could adopt the kids as his own simply just in case God forbid something happen to Robyn, we can't have the kids go back to live with the biological dad, they've lived with the Brown's for 5 years! All this time allegedly nothing was changing with family structure, it was just paperwork, yet we have not heard about anything not directly involving Robyn or her kids this season.

I agree about feeling ridiculous for adding to the viewers, I feel the same and I also feel ashamed about the inordinate amount of time I am spending on these boards lately, between this and Leah from teen mom, and the Vickie/Brooks drama on real housewives of Orange County I may as well make previously tv my homepage and apply for a mod position because I'm always here anyway. I also feel a great amount annoyance because we are on the 11 episode of the season, on repeating the same damn storyline that could have been explained in a 2 hour very special episode.

I'm going to drown my sorrows in the Halloween candy left over because we didn't have any trick or treaters.

  • Love 7

I guess I'm just really confused. Why go through the adoption and the changing of the names if they planned to have the bio dad remain in their lives? They are all old enough to know who their dad really is, as many of you have pointed out. And why would the bio dad give up those rights to have them immediately come stay with him for weeks? It sure seems like he still wants them to remember him as dad. None of this makes logical sense! Their stories never add up. And quite frankly, I'm getting annoyed with myself that I add to their salaries by watching to be lied to in return.

I'd love to know, from someone with family expertise, 1) was this a 'real' adoption = former parent severing all rights and allowing the new step father to take on legal rights, or 2) some sort of custody agreement, where the dad gave Kody full custody and permission to change the kids' last name to Brown.


I want to know this, because Robyn et al presented it to viewers as if her former husband was some sort of dangerous fiend who could not be trusted with the health and safety of the children. He was sooooo terrible, that they HAD to break up Kody's legal marriage, marry Robyn, and then go through court proceedings to make sure he didn't end up with the kids if Robyn died.


First of all....I think the first two kids may be old enough to decide if they want to live with their stepfamily or their bio family, if Robyn would drop dead (or if Christine tosses a toaster oven into the shower, Meri drowns her in the wetbar, etc., but I digress). Second of all....if the dad has allowed them to move out of state and hasn't seen them in a couple of years (so Robyn says, but that's iffy), would he really fight for them if Robyn died, or let them be where they chose? Third.......can't bio dad just sign a custody agreement or a will or whatever, that says in writing, that the kids can stay with the Browns if Robyn dies? 


Fourth and most importantly my original question.........are there any repercussions for severing ties because he's so awful, then immediately sending the kids to stay there for two weeks? Like if someone has a restraining order/order of protection on their husband, which was granted by a judge bc the husband is physically dangerous and trying to kill you and your kids, but then you make up and suddenly he's great, and moved back into the house - the spouse can be held in contempt and put in jail herself.


Of course, if something like this happened, Robyn and Kody would be going to jail TOTALLY for polygamous persecution, not because they broke the law.

  • Love 1

I know it was not popular with a lot of people, but I actually liked the cake.  I think it was the best implementation of their annoying "tree" theme to date.  I counted about fifty cupcakes, plus the trunk. So there should have been enough for 60 people to each have a small portion.  No seconds for anyone, though.  It was certainly easier to serve than a regular cake, I guess.


The bakery guys showing up in the black t shirts with their company name stenciled on was kind of sad.  It didn't look like a "real" company shirt.  More like they got them done at a kiosk in the mall at the last second as an afterthought.  But I guess since they had to donate the cake, they were entitled to get all the publicity they could out of it. 


Poor Christine's patio tree was kind of lame looking.  It didn't look like a tree at all.  More like someone messed up drawing a key from a basketball court.  I wonder if when one of them looks at it, they will remember anything but the tension involved in creating it and Kody hollering at everyone the whole time. 


Christine's backyard just looks like such a barren wasteland.  Just dirt and random rocks surrounded by that wall.  Stick an agave plant or something out there, Christine.  Something.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 1

if the dad has allowed them to move out of state and hasn't seen them in a couple of years (so Robyn says, but that's iffy)


In my opinion, I I think it's true he hasn't seen the kids in a few years, but I don't think it's because he is evil like Robyn would like us to think. I'm guessing that since the most likely time for him to have the kids, and it seems as though that would interfere with filming, Robyn put the kabosh on that. Funny enough though that she does finally let them go, and they STILL have more airtime than the other children:

I'd love to know, from someone with family expertise, 1) was this a 'real' adoption = former parent severing all rights and allowing the new step father to take on legal rights, or 2) some sort of custody agreement, where the dad gave Kody full custody and permission to change the kids' last name to Brown.


I want to know this, because Robyn et al presented it to viewers as if her former husband was some sort of dangerous fiend who could not be trusted with the health and safety of the children. He was sooooo terrible, that they HAD to break up Kody's legal marriage, marry Robyn, and then go through court proceedings to make sure he didn't end up with the kids if Robyn died.


First of all....I think the first two kids may be old enough to decide if they want to live with their stepfamily or their bio family, if Robyn would drop dead (or if Christine tosses a toaster oven into the shower, Meri drowns her in the wetbar, etc., but I digress). Second of all....if the dad has allowed them to move out of state and hasn't seen them in a couple of years (so Robyn says, but that's iffy), would he really fight for them if Robyn died, or let them be where they chose? Third.......can't bio dad just sign a custody agreement or a will or whatever, that says in writing, that the kids can stay with the Browns if Robyn dies? 


Fourth and most importantly my original question.........are there any repercussions for severing ties because he's so awful, then immediately sending the kids to stay there for two weeks? Like if someone has a restraining order/order of protection on their husband, which was granted by a judge bc the husband is physically dangerous and trying to kill you and your kids, but then you make up and suddenly he's great, and moved back into the house - the spouse can be held in contempt and put in jail herself.


Of course, if something like this happened, Robyn and Kody would be going to jail TOTALLY for polygamous persecution, not because they broke the law.


Bolded by me.



My parents lawyer said that my Mom could be held in contempt of court if there was contact between her first husband and me (never going to happen anyway).

  • Love 1

They're talking out of both sides of their mouth. Whether it's for health insurance or in case Robyn dies, why all this hoopla and celebration about Kody becoming their "father." They're making it all about the feels of Kody shoulda been there from the beginning, hence the creeptastic drawing, but that does not seem to be the case they presented to their lawyer or the judge.

Disclaimer: I have only seen a few episodes, most of this opinion is based off what I've read. Correct me if I'm wrong!

You know it really doesn't make any sense that they would give Meri a gift for divorcing Kody. According to them, the legal wife isn't any different than the other wives. So Meri didn't give up anything since they are all the same. If legal marriage is irrelevant then why would it matter if she's the legal wife or one of the spiritual wives?


Just another way their actions betray their words.

  • Love 2
In Robyn and Kody's mind those kids are Kody's. I think Robyn is even convincing herself that they have Kody's DNA. But I think legally, it's not quite that. 


I've thought the same thing myself.  Given that they put so little stock in recognizing any kind of legal arrangement (i.e., legal marriage) my guess is that they would even dismiss the validity of legal parenthood and even DNA as the defining condition that makes someone the "true" parent of a child.  To them, being one's "spiritual child" is more important than what it says on their birth certificate or genetic code.  In other words it's more rewriting history to suit their spiritual un-reality, which as we here all know is whatever they say it is whenever they feel like it.


I think Christine's feigning joy around Robyn lately is merely just a cover up for the way she feels inside.  She's trying to fake it to make it.  As long as Kody buys it that's all that matters, I guess.


I agree - I think Christine is engaging in a classic case of "reaction formation":


"Reaction formation is a kind of psychological defense mechanism in which a person perceives their true feelings or desires to be socially, or in some cases, legally unacceptable, and so they attempt to convince themselves or others that the opposite is true, often in a very exaggerated performance."


And I agree with all who said she's headed for a breakdown - I don't think she can keep up this defense mechanism for too long without cracking.

  • Love 4

Kody's brother didn't know how to pronounce 'chaos' because he was home schooled?


This same scenario is common when kids read a lot on their own, but then they are not surrounded by others as well-read, or that even care about being somewhat articulate. What happens is they use the word correctly in context-but they have no idea regarding pronunciation because they are not around anyone who uses the word. I wouldn't attribute this mispronunciation to home-schooling though. Many home-schooled kids are ahead of their 'regularly-schooled' peers.


You also see this in reverse, the people who don't read much or dropped out of school, or maybe their strong suit is math and not English, but they are usually not looking at much written stuff or they would self-correct:   they know the meaning, they how to pronounce the word- but can't spell it, or they break up what would be one word into two, like 'judge mental' or words that are supposed to be two into one, etc.


I found this thing the other day and it's pretty neat, they make it for chrome, firefox and I believe you can use it for offline writing or blogs, and so on : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/grammarly-1/?src=userprofile

  • Love 4

The thousand foot stare, gee Robyn, it couldn't possibly be anything you've done to result in that. I'm sure

your kids are thrilled to be back living with you and hearing you trash talk their father for months on end.

Their probably just as excited to remember to call another man Dad and be coached by you all of the

time. It certainly couldn't be any of that. No nothing you yourself has done.

When I was Breanna's age my parents had been divorced for a while and my dad lived in NC where I was in MA (he moved for work). I would visit him for a few wks in July and when I came home I had a "1,000 ft stare". My mom was excited to see me but I was not excited to see her or to be home bc I MISSED MY DAD. It's hard when you know it will be a long time before you spend time with him again. The stare goes away after a few days when u adjust back to just talking on the phone. If I came home to a shindig like the Brown's party where it was celebrating my 'new dad' I would have been PISSED and very upset. At that age u don't understand what you're feeling and why. This is the impression I get from Breannas reaction to the plaque.

ETA: There are also feelings of guilt and I would also feel sad for my dad for missing me, if that makes any sense lol

Edited by ag38ccma
  • Love 14

The only "fillings" that Kody and the wives understand are sexual, jealousy, frustration, satisfaction and hyper-happiness. They don't have the ability to understand any of the 'fillings" that the children are going through associated with any of the events they are putting them through (The Fleeing of Utah, The Purity Speech, The Denouncement of David Preston Jessop, The Divorce, The Adoption, etc.). They will never get it when it comes to their kids.

  • Love 7

I Googled "sociopath" and this is what came up first.  There are more traits than this, I only copied a few.  Seriously, does this sound like anyone we see on a weekly basis flipping his hair around a certain Las Vegas cuddle-sac?



Profile of the Sociopath
Glibness and Superficial Charm.
Manipulative and Cunning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible.
Grandiose Sense of Self.
Pathological Lying. 
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt.
Shallow Emotions.
Incapacity for Love


And this one jumped out at me:


Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

It's actually kind of chilling.

  • Love 9
They will never get it when it comes to their kids.


They have no desire to get it.  Their total focus is fame and the almighty dollar and whatever cockamamie religious "tenet" they come up with to justify their behavior.They will sacrifice their own children on the altar of grifting.


It's actually kind of chilling.


It's downright terrifying. It's like Jim Jones and the Koolaid suicides.  A captor who mesmerizes his sheep wives into unspeakable acts.  Hopefully the older kids that have gotten away will stay away and help the younger ones to escape as well.

  • Love 3


It's actually kind of chilling.


Very chilling. I worry sometimes about what happens when the TLC money stops rolling in.  His ego is now used to being massively fed in a way that takes money. He needs to be gifted, well-traveled, give parties, and above all can't be bothered with work. When all of that comes crashing down, I wonder if the frustration may cause anger issues and potential physical abuse. We've seen flashed of his anger that he quickly reels back in. How will he act when he still sees himself as the all-powerful king of the polygamist world but he can't pay his electric bill? Will he willingly take some low-paying job because that's all he can get but needs to support his family? I suspect he'll blame the wives. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 7

How much money is it going to take for David Preston Jessop to do an interview?  WE NEED ONE!


So he "signs away his rights", his name is removed from their birth certificates and then they go and visit him in the same month?!? What???


And the portrait...so creepy. Kody wasn't their dad back then...stop trying to make it happen, Robyn. It's so obvious he only likes Robyn now. And what on Earth is Jessop saying about all this? I feel like Dayton got coerced into this. The kids come back and say they had an amazing time with real dad, but wanted Kody to be their dad so bad. I'm so confused!


Meri has checked out. Who texted Meri in last week's episode? Why show a text and then not say "Oh it's Kody asking if I'm ready!" Why so obviously include a text and not explain it. I can't wait til the next episode now!!

  • Love 7

They have no desire to get it.  Their total focus is fame and the almighty dollar and whatever cockamamie religious "tenet" they come up with to justify their behavior.They will sacrifice their own children on the altar of grifting..

Look at how Kody reacted to the very reasonable not to mention correct statement of the older kids saying that they already have enough kids and maybe they shouldn't be adding anymore. Kody completely dismissed it as a ridiculous statement. Um maybe you should listen to them. 

  • Love 4

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