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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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7 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I guess I’m not woke because I would call that pancakes for breakfast, not brunch.

I bet it's because of the hour of the day rather than the food.  She probably doesn't get up until noon because she "so busy" all week.  It must be exhausting to post banalities online every 15 minutes.

Edited by Kohola3
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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I bet it's because of the hour of the day rather than the food

I just came away from brunch.  I had a serving of an egg/sausage/mushroom/spinach  casserole and a salad plus a mimosa.  

Mariah's pancakes look fairly thick;  I make mine thin, and I only eat about 3 or 4 which would probably equal 2 of hers.   I will admit that once or twice a year I will indulge and have fried chicken with waffles and some cane syrup.

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20 hours ago, suomi said:

I thought I counted five pannycakes! Either way, with syrup AND whipped cream, far too many for someone who preaches healthy this, healthy that, my body is a temple on the daily

Misread as “fannycakes”—that’s probably where they’ll wind up anyways. 

And, yeah Mariah. We know you love brunch. All 900 calories of it. 

  • LOL 10
5 hours ago, deirdra said:

How much "real maple syrup" has soaked into those pancakes if so much has accumulated on the plate? They must be fully saturated with sugar.

Oh, but it's the REAL maple syrup and the REAL whipped cream and the REAL pumpkin spice dusted around the edge of the plate pretentiously that make them trendy um HEALTHY, doncha know?  Oh, I forgot, we don't know because we're just COLs.  😏

  • LOL 9
10 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Mariah talks about grace—for a split second I thought maybe she was talking about bestowing grace upon others.......how quickly disappointed (but not surprised) I was. Naturally our narcissist is offering HERSELF grace. How dare I think she was thinking of someone besides herself. 

Also, the only “growth” I foresee is going to come From those giant brunches of hers. 

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11 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I've read and seen so much of Mariah here I don't think I can watch Sister Wives when they fire up for the new season!  Uggg.

just knowing their back story and in how high esteem the little turds hold themselves I'm not sure I can endure that group! 

I’ll be there. I’m not proud of it, but I’ll be there until the angels stop singingk.

I don’t think I can stomach another season of the Duggars though, so maybe there’s hope for me!

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On 10/8/2019 at 8:41 AM, laurakaye said:

Mad Libs With Mariah

This season of (insert woke noun) is one of my favorites.  (Insert same or different woke noun) is the (insert pretentious woke adjecive) that comes with (insert woke verb), and it requires a lot of (another woke verb).  One of my favorite ways of offering myself (throw in any woke word, it doesn't matter) is through (insert woke activity, the crunchier the better), a space to just be and be (insert woke verb, noun, preposition - who cares, it's all Snowflake-centric hippie-babble anyway).  After all, it's all about (insert word synonomous with Mariah)!

Honestly, I thank you for clearing that up.

  • LOL 7
On 10/4/2019 at 6:07 PM, MargeGunderson said:

Queer White Shoes is now my imaginary band’s name.

Why is she looking for validation from others anyway. I thought she was strong and independent. Instead random opinions on the internet are too much for her fragile ego. It must be exhausting to be her.

Can I play tambourine?  

  • LOL 12
31 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Now you've piqued my curiosity, Dakota.  I've got to check that site out.

I always was under the assumption that the word "queer" regarding homosexuality was a no-no, until fairly recently.  In my case, being a COL = behind the times.

Grace and Mariah/Pudge do not belong in the same sentence.

Archive.org is a treasure trove of good stuff! It's more than just the Wayback Machine!

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15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Now you've piqued my curiosity, Dakota.  I've got to check that site out.

I always was under the assumption that the word "queer" regarding homosexuality was a no-no, until fairly recently.  In my case, being a COL = behind the times.

Grace and Mariah/Pudge do not belong in the same sentence.

That's the whole idea. You will always be one yard behind as they pursue higher victim status they change the language to ensure you will always be offensive.

  • Love 12
48 minutes ago, Higgins said:

That's the whole idea. You will always be one yard behind as they pursue higher victim status they change the language to ensure you will always be offensive.

Thankfully, most have evolved past the "look at me" stage and their sexuality is never mentioned, anymore than my hetero status is.  There will always be a small segment of any population that wears their individuality like a banner, whether it's an accomplishment like a PhD. or even something as mundane as a food allergy.

Mariah has been out in the world long enough by now that she should realize that the rest of the world really doesn't care who or how you love, provided you stay within the boundaries of legality and morality.  She should put away her "I'm Queer and I'm Here" banner that was bravely worn by her contemporaries in the 1950's and cultivate a real reason for people to accept her and respect her.

  • Love 24

I have been sick with Lower Resp Infection and bored so I checked out Auj’s insta.  She is dealing with deep depression right now poor thing.  So I went way back through her pictures and she was so pretty and in good shape during her high school years, a good athlete and a joiner.  Her life looks pretty isolated now.  I will not call her any mean nicknames but her fiancée will always be Princess Pudge the Spoiled.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Could you tell from Auj’s insta when the depression set in?  When they moved away from her friends at Westminster College?  Does she have interests in Chicago that don't involve the down-dragger, Mariah?

She seemed very happy and active in high school, lots of friends, teammates and was active in student leadership.  She was in shape and very pretty.  She graduated in 2014 with a student athlete leadership award.  Started Westminster fall 2014 and was immediately playing on several teams and in student government.  Several guys comment how hot she is, and she is.  She came out to her family October 2015 and it seemed acceptable.  In February 2016 she wrote one year prior she was in the worst downturn in her life which coincided with the passing of her childhood pet at 17.  By June 2015 she is loving life with many friends, playing in games and going to concerts and parties.  Looking like my daughters college pictures.  An absolutely beautiful picture of her at a student gala in heels and a little black dress, more group pics and team pics, no Mariah.  “Life is good”.  Loving design class 2016.  She and Mariah participated in “Vagina Monologues”. Feb 2017.  She is stunning in the cast photo. They are a couple.  In November it is apparent they have gained some weight and Auj  no longer playing team sports.  She graduates in May, 2018 one year after Mariah.  Most pictures are with Mariah only.  They “start a business together”.  Engaged at Women’s March, February 2019.  Now there are only pictures of the twosome and the dogs.  She does visit an artist, that is about it. In Chicago and happy after SLC vacay.  Two months later down again.  Seeking help thank God.  I can’t say it is all on Mariah but she does seem isolated.

Edited by Jenilane6
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It has got to be awfully hard to live with someone that is totally immersed in herself. Mariah is the be all end all expert on everything and always knows what is right and best. Auj sounds like she was a pretty free spirit active in lots of things with lots of friends, sharing lots of fun times with others. I feel like Mariah is smothering Auj with her need to be the exalted all knowing center of all things. A very tiring life to have to live.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Jenilane6 said:

She seemed very happy and active in high school, lots of friends, teammates and was active in student leadership.  She was in shape and very pretty.  She graduated in 2014 with a student athlete leadership award.  Started Westminster fall 2014 and was immediately playing on several teams and in student government.  Several guys comment how hot she is, and she is.  She came out to her family October 2015 and it seemed acceptable.  In February 2016 she wrote one year prior she was in the worst downturn in her life which coincided with the passing of her childhood pet at 17.  By June 2015 she is loving life with many friends, playing in games and going to concerts and parties.  Looking like my daughters college pictures.  An absolutely beautiful picture of her at a student gala in heels and a little black dress, more group pics and team pics, no Mariah.  “Life is good”.  Loving design class 2016.  She and Mariah participated in “Vagina Monologues”. Feb 2017.  She is stunning in the cast photo. They are a couple.  In November it is apparent they have gained some weight and Auj  no longer playing team sports.  She graduates in May, 2018 one year after Mariah.  Most pictures are with Mariah only.  They “start a business together”.  Engaged at Women’s March, February 2019.  Now there are only pictures of the twosome and the dogs.  She does visit an artist, that is about it. In Chicago and happy after SLC vacay.  Two months later down again.  Seeking help thank God.  I can’t say it is all on Mariah but she does seem isolated.

Omg - poor girl. 
It doesn't seem like a big leap to make the connection. Mariah is such a sour person and focused on fame - just like her mom. 
I swear, getting too focused on social media absolutely sucks the lifeblood from relationships. 
Sometimes I feel that Mariah uses Audrey as a prop. 

Also I wonder how much getting into LLR (at Meri's behest) has affected Audrey? I don't think she really wants to do it but now feels obligated to do so, didn't she just recently announce that she was getting back into it? If only to try and move all her unsold inventory or to make Meri happy. Meri is glomming onto them way too much. 
I think that despite all the Soul Cycle and yoga references in Mariah's insta, they spend most of their time sitting around and checking social media. 

Here's part of a typical day at Chez Mariah, as I envision it...

SCENE: The family room in their apartment. Mariah is focused on her phone, sitting on the couch next to Audrey who is watching TV. 

MARIAH: it's been a couple hours since I posted an update on my IG story. So what should I post? Another fast-forwarded Sun Salutation? Or my cool woke mug next to my book so everyone can see how hard I'm working. 

AUDREY: (sighs) it's really nice out. Can't we go somewhere? 

M: I'm kinda busy right now, but hey! There's that coffee place down the street. Let's go see if we can get free lattes and scones if I mention them on IG. 

A: (sighs) ok. 

(Mariah's phone rings) 
M: Its Mom on FaceTime. (Answers)

MERI: Hi girls! Just wanted to talk to you about your business. My bonus has been a little short lately. You haven't done SHIT with your business and it's affecting MY life. 

M: Why are you calling ME? I'm busy influencing. The business is Auj's gig, not MY thing. 

MERI: Auj? I see you sitting there. Why are you wasting time not selling? You need to SELL. Move that merch! You could be living your why right now!!! I have a mortgage payment due!!!

A: (sighs) I know, but I don't like doing it. It's a lot of work and I never get to leave the house.

MERI: But you have to if you want to stay on MY good side. Sell!! Mush! Ya, mule!!

A: If you say so. I'll get back on it. 

M: (all bossy) OK MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM, we need to go because I have a possible influencer gig to promote a monthly tampon delivery service and I need to post it ASAP! Bye! 

A: we need to take the dogs out. I had to clean poop off the floor a couple hours ago. 

M: FINE! I'll put my black pants on and you can take some pics of me in the park. 

Auj is just glad to get out!!!


Edited by DakotaJustice
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10 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Sometimes I feel that Mariah uses Audrey as a prop. 


And the apartment scenario you described is probably pretty accurate.  I wonder if/how Audge could extricate herself from Meri's downline without harming her relationship with Pudge (assuming Audge does want out of LLN, and it seems she does).  From what I've heard, once in an MLM it's not so easy to get out, especially if you have had to front a lot of money.  And Meri being Meri, I can't imagine she'd suddenly become empathetic and understanding towards Audge's struggles and let her out.  It's like Audge is dating both Mariah and Meri - a double whammy.

It would be nice to see Audge find some sports she enjoys, apart from Mariah and her XXS yoga pants and constant IG photos.  If Pudge is staging their entire life as social media fodder (like mother, like daughter), I can see why Audge wouldn't necessarily want the darkest months of her life documented by her partner under the guise of "look how happy and woke we are every single day!!"

Pudge better wake up and smell the $9.50 coffee before she ends up alone, just like her mother.

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Omg - poor girl. 
It doesn't seem like a big leap to make the connection. Mariah is such a sour person and focused on fame - just like her mom. 
I swear, getting too focused on social media absolutely sucks the lifeblood from relationships. 
Sometimes I feel that Mariah uses Audrey as a prop. 

Also I wonder how much getting into LLR (at Meri's behest) has affected Audrey? I don't think she really wants to do it but now feels obligated to do so, didn't she just recently announce that she was getting back into it? If only to try and move all her unsold inventory or to make Meri happy. Meri is glomming onto them way too much. 
I think that despite all the Soul Cycle and yoga references in Mariah's insta, they spend most of their time sitting around and checking social media. 

Here's part of a typical day at Chez Mariah, as I envision it...

SCENE: The family room in their apartment. Mariah is focused on her phone, sitting on the couch next to Audrey who is watching TV. 

MARIAH: it's been a couple hours since I posted an update on my IG story. So what should I post? Another fast-forwarded Sun Salutation? Or my cool woke mug next to my book so everyone can see how hard I'm working. 

AUDREY: (sighs) it's really nice out. Can't we go somewhere? 

M: I'm kinda busy right now, but hey! There's that coffee place down the street. Let's go see if we can get free lattes and scones if I mention them on IG. 

A: (sighs) ok. 

(Mariah's phone rings) 
M: Its Mom on FaceTime. (Answers)

MERI: Hi girls! Just wanted to talk to you about your business. My bonus has been a little short lately. You haven't done SHIT with your business and it's affecting MY life. 

M: Why are you calling ME? I'm busy influencing. The business is Auj's gig, not MY thing. 

MERI: Auj? I see you sitting there. Why are you wasting time not selling? You need to SELL. Move that merch! You could be living your why right now!!! I have a mortgage payment due!!!

A: (sighs) I know, but I don't like doing it. It's a lot of work and I never get to leave the house.

MERI: But you have to if you want to stay on MY good side. Sell!! Mush! Ya, mule!!

A: If you say so. I'll get back on it. 

M: (all bossy) OK MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM, we need to go because I have a possible influencer gig to promote a monthly tampon delivery service and I need to post it ASAP! Bye! 

A: we need to take the dogs out. I had to clean poop off the floor a couple hours ago. 

M: FINE! I'll put my black pants on and you can take some pics of me in the park. 

Auj is just glad to get out!!!


I can absolutely see that scenario going on.  Sludge just knuckles under and gets dictated to/smothered by Pudge and Drudge.  Those two bitches (M & M) are soul crushers.  Sad.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:


And the apartment scenario you described is probably pretty accurate.  I wonder if/how Audge could extricate herself from Meri's downline without harming her relationship with Pudge (assuming Audge does want out of LLN, and it seems she does).  From what I've heard, once in an MLM it's not so easy to get out, especially if you have had to front a lot of money.  And Meri being Meri, I can't imagine she'd suddenly become empathetic and understanding towards Audge's struggles and let her out.  It's like Audge is dating both Mariah and Meri - a double whammy.

It would be nice to see Audge find some sports she enjoys, apart from Mariah and her XXS yoga pants and constant IG photos.  If Pudge is staging their entire life as social media fodder (like mother, like daughter), I can see why Audge wouldn't necessarily want the darkest months of her life documented by her partner under the guise of "look how happy and woke we are every single day!!"

Pudge better wake up and smell the $9.50 coffee before she ends up alone, just like her mother.

Well, it’s not like the mob (maybe it is with Meri who knows). If Audrey hates it, I hope she just says “hell with this”. 

I hope she bails. On Mariah, on LuLaNo, on the show. She seems miserable. 

  • Love 8

I don't follow them as closely as some of you do, but when was the last time Mariah visited Flagstaff?  I mean she's traveled to Bali and SLT and other places. 
I seem to recall that there was filming going on in Chicago a few months back. Is that the only time in 2019 that Mariah was in the physical presence of her dad? God knows she sees her mom all the time. 
Kody supposedly is A-OK with his daughter being LGBT but he doesn't seem to want to spend much time with her. Of course he doesn't seem to want to spend much time with most of his other daughters either. But still.

22 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Audrey's pics show her playing golf, soccer and basketball. What does she do now except take pics of Mariah and have brunch? She should really look into a league to play something or perhaps coach a youth team. It might help with her depression (as an add-on to therapy and/or meds).

If Mariah will allow Auj to have outside activities other than being her lackey.

Edited by DakotaJustice
3 hours ago, Adiba said:

What does she do now except take pics of Mariah and have brunch?

She drank the Kool-aid when she hitched her star to this dysfunctional troop of clowns.  Now she's stuck with Pudge because of "lurrrve" and the desire for 15 minutes of fame and an easy life. 

If she had half a brain she'd recognize how this mess and the constant SM publicity has contributed to her depression hitch a ride out of town pronto but she'll never do it.  She bought the whole LLR propaganda and plans on making that a "career" which fits right in with the rest of the robots in the biz.  She'll end up trailing after Pudge, taking her picture, picking up her dirty clothes, and whatever crumbs are thrown her way.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, deirdra said:

Could you tell from Auj’s insta when the depression set in?  When they moved away from her friends at Westminster College?  Does she have interests in Chicago that don't involve the down-dragger, Mariah?

I am trying to look.  What is her handle?.  All I found was a page with drawing.  I cannot find these pics

Edited by Natalie68
thought I found it but can't see pics
On 10/9/2019 at 12:30 PM, DakotaJustice said:

So I don't know if any of you hang out at Archive.org but I've been reliving my grade school days through reading old favorite book selections from the Arrow/Scholastic Book Club. 

I'm as left of center a person as you'll ever find but I wax nostalgic when the word queer was a bit more innocent.


Okay, I have to ask: where are you finding these old book flyers? I'd love to relive my grade school book choices?

(I poked around on archive.org, but I wasn't sure where to look.)

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1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

Okay, I have to ask: where are you finding these old book flyers? I'd love to relive my grade school book choices?

(I poked around on archive.org, but I wasn't sure where to look.)

It's actually a screenshot from an old out of print Scholastic Book. You remember the book club? 

There's TONS of these on archive.org. scanned and uploaded by other users. 

Just do a search under "scholastic book services" and get ready to relive your childhood. 


  • Love 4
7 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

It's actually a screenshot from an old out of print Scholastic Book. You remember the book club? 

There's TONS of these on archive.org. scanned and uploaded by other users. 

Just do a search under "scholastic book services" and get ready to relive your childhood. 


This is awesome! Thank you!

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

My God, she looks huge! Let's hope it is just the angle and her clothes...

She's heading down the Janelle road and that's just so disturbing for one so young.  Some may be her depression (if she really has it because everything that they post is suspect in my mind) but can she not see a relationship between this huge weight gain and their lifestyle?  Especially if she was as athletic as posted?

This family is toxic.

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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