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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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Based on what we've seen of Mariah, she comes across as a spoiled, entitled brat.  She has always been treated like a special snowflake. What I find interesting is that she is the only one who wants to enter into a plural marriage.  Not surprising since her view of polygamy has always been from the catbird seat.  I can't help but wonder how her mother's demotion is affecting her. 

  • Love 14

But, we don't know that happened. That's a very detailed scenario.



And even if it did happen that way (which I do not believe) that is still no excuse for that ridiculous temper tantrum that Mariahthechosenone had.   I half expected her to throw herself in the driveway and pound the pavement with her fists while she stamped her feet and wailed at the injustice of it all.



I think Meri's reaction, and subsequent coddling of the urchin, was even worse.  If I EVER carried on the way that spoiled brat did that day my mother would have had a come to Jesus talk to end all come to Jesus talks!! I was expecting to see a bunch of Oompa Loompas come dancing across the lawn singing a ditty and making a teaching moment for the kids at home.


Edited by Schmoopy
  • LOL 1
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I do agree that Mariah comes off as a brat, but I do think its mostly Meri's doing, I do think she spoiled her

daughter but there have been times on the show where she tells Mariah more then she should. Like worrying

about getting the house, I could see Meri complaining for days to her daughter how she's not getting her

house, leaving out the part it was Meri's own fault for turning in her paperwork later.

Then with having another baby again I can see Meri once again filling her daughter's head with all kinds of

things. A new baby brother or sister, Lord only knows how many times Meri complained to her daughter over

the years over not being able to have more then one child. Getting her all excited perhaps for her mom, or

for herself only to tell her at the end of all it, its never going happen. Meri didn't have to say anything to

her daughter either times. And really shouldn't have. I mean the house, all she had to say was she

thought they'd be in their house by a certain time but it didn't look like it was going to happen, no

worries. Just a little delay. Nope, not Meri.


It makes me  wonder how many other times Meri filled her daughter's head with things or feel bad for her

mother. Meri's good at throwing herself a pity party at every turn, I imagine she used that on her daughter a lot.

Were their times Mariah wanted to go eat dinner with the rest of her family only to have her mom make a comment

on how she'll be eating all by herself? Maybe she saw her mom's apartment as a break from her siblings.

But living in that apartment-house she had to hear at times how much fun her siblings and other moms were

having at times. While she was with her mom. We know how Meri treated Janelle and Christine, I wonder

how often she separated her daughter from them and their kids.

  • Love 10

Andromeda331, you make a good point about Meri over sharing with Mariah and causing her unreasonable worry and I think that is another side effect of this dysfunctional arrangement. In most two parent families Meri would be sharing that worry with Kody, her partner. But Kodi had three other houses to worry about. I think Christine and Janelle probably use each other a bit in that role and of course Sobbyn always has Kody's ear for her worries leaving Meri the odd woman out with no one to confide in but Mariah. Mariah being an only child intensifies it all as she has no one to share her mom's worries with either (she could talk to one of half siblings but they all have their own moms and would not feel Meri's issues so acutely) so the two of them create an unhealthy circle of drama between them which is not good for either of them.

  • Love 4

TeeMo I agree. Add to that the probably constant reminders that her mother was the only one legally married. Recall when she told the kids she was divorcing Kody, they were surprised?In a family with multiple wives and a belief that legal marriage is just a piece of paper, most of those kids should not have even been aware that one of the marriages was legal. Obviously Meri has made sure they all knew it, she was number one. Mariah was raised to think of herself as the only legitimate heir. As a result she's been behaving a lot like Mary I of England. Sure Henry VIII had multiple kids but she was the only one who was legal and she didn't mind hacking off a lot of heads to prove it.

There is an axiom of family psychotherapy that "the one who is acting out is the only one who is sane." It's the rest of the dysfunctional family who is nuts.

Edited by algebra
  • Love 5

Based on what we've seen of Mariah, she comes across as a spoiled, entitled brat.  She has always been treated like a special snowflake.


I agree, but I wanted to add that it's troubling me that some posters here have assumed that she is this way because she was supposedly an "only child".  The only child myth is just that, a myth.  Mariah is a spoiled entitled special snowflake because her mother raised her that way, not because she's an only child.  I'm an only child and I was never treated anything like that.  But in reality Mariah is not an only child at all, in fact I think her bratty entitlement and special snowflake attitude comes from having privileged status relative to her other siblings, not because she is an only child.  That and because there is an inequitable distribution of wealth in the family.  Plus her mother, being the "first wife" and only legal wife gave Mariah the idea that they were in a better category than the rest of the family and her other siblings.  So THAT's where her attitude comes from - NOT being an only child, IMHO.  Most only children are not treated like that and don't become like Mariah, contrary to popular belief.  It's usually children with siblings who are favored over the others and become (at least in their minds) the "prized child" that act like Mariah.

  • Love 16

I agree, but I wanted to add that it's troubling me that some posters here have assumed that she is this way because she was supposedly an "only child".  The only child myth is just that, a myth.  Mariah is a spoiled entitled special snowflake because her mother raised her that way, not because she's an only child.  I'm an only child and I was never treated anything like that.  But in reality Mariah is not an only child at all, in fact I think her bratty entitlement and special snowflake attitude comes from having privileged status relative to her other siblings, not because she is an only child.  That and because there is an inequitable distribution of wealth in the family.  Plus her mother, being the "first wife" and only legal wife gave Mariah the idea that they were in a better category than the rest of the family and her other siblings.  So THAT's where her attitude comes from - NOT being an only child, IMHO.  Most only children are not treated like that and don't become like Mariah, contrary to popular belief.  It's usually children with siblings who are favored over the others and become (at least in their minds) the "prized child" that act like Mariah.


I don't think other posters are saying her behavior is primarily because she's an only child in the traditional use of the term - a child with no siblings. I think exactly what you've explained here is what people were trying to say above - in fact, a few people posted again after their original posts to explain that's what they meant. Being the sole child of the first of the sister wives (the Legal wife, until recently) puts her in a different situation than her siblings, in terms of living situation, finances, and status. Sounds like we're all in agreement, really.


Which is why hopefully we can avoid a lot of back and forth about "well every Only Child I know does X" and "well, I know every eldest child I know is like Y", which is normally where I could see this discussion going. Such a discussion would definitely range off topic and would probably become heated, so it's a good thing we don't need to have it :)

  • Love 9

I don't think other posters are saying her behavior is primarily because she's an only child in the traditional use of the term - a child with no siblings. I think exactly what you've explained here is what people were trying to say above - in fact, a few people posted again after their original posts to explain that's what they meant. Being the sole child of the first of the sister wives (the Legal wife, until recently) puts her in a different situation than her siblings, in terms of living situation, finances, and status. Sounds like we're all in agreement, really.


Yeah, I don't know if I agree with you about that.  There were a few people who said she was being "indulged as if she were an only child" (to loosely quote someone) as if to assume that only children are naturally indulged.  I just wanted to point out that this is largely a myth* and that the reasons for her being indulged likely have nothing to do with her being able to fall back on "only child" status when it suits her.  But I'm fine with agreeing to disagree and I understand why you think the discussion would devolve.  :)


(*  The myth was popularized in the 1800s by a psychologist who based his thoughts on his own observations, not any studies or facts.  Today most psychologists think that there is no basis for this opinion, but the image took hold with the public and to a large degree still influences the way many people think about only children.)

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

Looks to me like, although Meriah has nearly 20 bio siblings and a few step siblings, that she was raised more like an only child with a lot of close cousin, than a child with siblings. 


Even in the Utah Tri-plex, and especially in the rentals and McMansions, she could always retreat back to her own space, with her own, unshared mother. Didn't get her way? Sulk, take your ball and go home, when whine that the other kids were mean because you didn't get your way 24. PLUS, you also know you're the 'real' daughter who can be seen in public and show off these are your legally married parents - which, when they were all 'in hiding' - Meriah NEVER had to hide her dad, but could hide her siblings. For public purposes, she was an only child.


Even if they weren't as financially well off as they are now *cough LAUGH cough*, Meriah was the oldest girl, who still didn't have to wear hand me downs or wait her turn for anything. Even with non-material things like time, she didn't have to share a mother, so there's no sacrifice like most kids with multiple siblings have as to who gets to play what sport or activity, so everyone gets a balance of time (meaning most of the time, each kid picks one or two activities, instead of one kid playing every sport, instrument, etc., while the others sit at home bc there's no money left to pay for things and no one to drive them places).


She was first and foremost. Meri has made it clear that she has *cough very tacky cough* EXPENSIVE taste, and I think she absolutely thinks spending a lot of money on fake tanner, fake nails, highlights, tacky McMansions, etc., is something she deserves. No, you deserve what you legitimately pay for, no matter if it is Versace or Versayce.


Meriah has a combo of Kody's narcissism and Meri's superiority complex, all with a big dose of entitlement. If she had been pretty, or grown up with Robyn for an instructor, God help the men she could've bamboozeled. If she had been boy, she'd probably have her own cult by now.


We can blame Meri's influence for a lot, but Meriah definitely has a whole lot of Kody's narcissism, too. I really hope that now that she's away from home and seeing how the rest of the world, even normal mainstream LDS, live, she matures some and realizes she's not entitled to anything, the world doesn't revolve around her and her family, and she needs to learn to share.

  • Love 10

Has anyone noticed on her twitter she has all this stuff like 'gender roles are gross' and people saying 'ladies first' pisses her off, and go Bernie (which is totally antithetical to Daddy-o's libertarian, sorta rightish stuff he puts on his twitter). Not that any of this is super-important in the grand scheme of things. No wonder she just gave that doofus smile/non-answer when asked the plyg question by Tamren. She probably was trying to stop herself from launching into a rant about systems of oppression or something like that , so she thought, I'll say nothing that makes them look bad or like I don't approve, but nothing that looks like I do approve either- so she effectively weaseled out of it with some bs about 'oh well I'm still young, don't have it all figured out yet' vagaries- though on her twitter she is not very wussed out or vague from the looks of it. check it out: https://twitter.com/mariahlian

  • Love 1

It’s fairly common for kids to go to college and discover OMG DIFFERENT OPINIONS ABOUT THE WORLD and dive head long into them. It might be a reaction about Daddy dumping Mom for no 4 and adopting her kids/catfisher situation, but I view it as fairly normal and even positive. She’s questioning the world around her in a normal teenage/early 20s way and no longer parroting the “I want to be a sister wife” narrative, which would have been worse.

In a couple of years she might well have changed her opinions again or even actually become a sisterwife but I’m glad she seems to be doing her version of exploring other ideas and “finding herself” away from home.

Added to that she has to deal with her family's reality TV show where she either has to suck it up and give muted answers during "tell nothings" or launch into a rant and not only upset her family but maybe have TLC try and figure out how to spin this into "Mariah's Wild phase" storyline, which she may or may not want. College me would not have benefitted from being in the public eye so I do sympathise with all their kids.

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 8

One of the university courses I've taught is Intro to Women's Studies. I have no idea what's going on in Mariah's head; but the general reactions in her Twitter feed are really familiar, especially from traditional-age students who have not yet had many opportunities to question what they "know" to be true. This young woman is being slapped in the face by experiences that are turning her world upside down, especially at home and likely at school (though the latter is undoubtedly more tame than the former).


Whether her worldview remains on this trajectory as she tests those assumptions, affirms what she believed all along, or leads her to some middle ground, I imagine she's benefiting from the critical thinking that she's being asked to do and drawn to do. Good for her.


I "know" only what she's displayed on her Twitter feed. Yet I'll give her one thing: whatever her motivation, she's showing more thoughtfulness than her doofus father (a veeeeery low bar, true) who tweets random things that I suspect really are attempts to capture the attention of the original authors. ("Really. Rand Paul and I are thisclose. Kindred spirits. He comes to me for political advice.") This is the man, after all, who has been known to retweet critiques of lazy people who steal others' hard-earned tax money without a shred of irony or self-awareness.


She's young, learning and exploring. He's an idiot.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 9

I'm really pleased to see this.  Like mentioned above, college can really be an eye-opener.  Also around this age you start to see your parents as human beings - maybe a little more of a peer relationship? instead of a mommy/daddy/kid dynamic.  It can be a real mindfuck to take women's studies with a religious patriarchial background.  I had a lot of rage to deal with as I realized all the ramifications of growing up in that environment.  Good for her for at least exploring.  Although I wonder how she feels about being a sister wife now.  It would be tough to reconcile a polygamous mormon marriage with a feminist worldview.

  • Love 9

It’s fairly common for kids to go to college and discover OMG DIFFERENT OPINIONS ABOUT THE WORLD and dive head long into them. (rreply shortened )



         I was thinking this one too (though I'm going to 'like' everyone's responses just for answering), being as I think they mentioned on the show she went to a local or maybe even 'plyg-friendly'  high school that maybe she hasn't been exposed to a whole lot of different worldviews. I suppose it depends on one's perspective- if one is coming from plyg-world it sounds reactionary, but in 'regular-world' it seems about standard for college these days. It may be a bit of 'rebellion' but it may also be testing the waters as to other modes of thinking. I also noticed

the girlfriend of the older brother, who was also on the show- Michelle,  chimed in with "I am so sick of seeing "real women do this", "real women have this" or "real men look like this". Stop invalidating your fellow humans."  I can't recall if Michelle is from the 'outside world' or not.


  Whether or not this all sticks remains to be seen. It's tough to speculate if this has much to do with what her mom has been through or not, though I don't see how that could not have some effect. I'm wondering if the talk of a 5th wife might be because her dad might feel like oh no, the kids aren't going to continue on with plyg-life, who will make boatloads of kids with the super-special kody lineage. I'm glad Mariah feels like she has some options in the matter either way, and doesn't feel like she is consigned to having to lead the same life as her mom. Obviously she doesn't feel like she will be disowned or whatever or likely she wouldn't be so out about her beliefs though I would also not be surprised if she hasn't taken some crap for it as well. I suppose there are many of us in the 'outside world' who are of a middle generation who, while they didn't get the 1950's programming, neither did we get the 'girls can do anything' message or see many representations of this being the case as far as maybe careers or whatever life choices. That said, I can't even imagine what it would be like having lived life in a relatively sheltered plyg background.

  • Love 2

This is not a reflection on either girl and I hope they are both happy in life. But its interesting that Madison who was always one of the more outwardly "no way" to polygamy on the show has dropped out of college to marry a man very connected to their family wreath, whilst Mariah the budding sisterwife is still in college and apparently experimenting with feminist ideas, at least for a while.

Obviously it doesn't mean Madison's marriage will be plural or that that is on the table at all or Mariah will blow and head to LA or wherever, but like most people, their 20 year old selves are perhaps in a different place than their 16 year old selves imagined.\Maddie might always have been considering an early marriage since she tried to convert LDS who now officially believe in being married before 25 latest and her school has lots of married undergrads her age.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Seems to me that Mariah might be on the LGBT spectrum herself. Either way, I'm happy with the ideological shifts she seems to have made.

Yes, I have that impression as well. While I see her OG moms being accepting, there's no way Kody will be cool with it. (Robyn will cry and make it all about herself as she pushes one of her heteronormative daughters more into Kody's orbit.)

  • Love 2

I was kind of like Mariah at that age. Chunky and a lack of grace. I grew out of it  am now slender, but still kind of oaf ish.  In my mind,  I couldn't compete with the skinnies. so I used no make up, dressed in large and baggy clothes and wasn't very feminine. I am thinking that is more Mariah than anything,  not that there's anything wrong with it.

  • Thanks 1
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6 hours ago, tinaw said:

I believe Maddie has already said she will not have a plueral marriage.

Can anyone confirm this?

She may say that she won't, but in their circles that's not always the case.

Meri and Kody were originally monogamous.  Janelle was monogamous with her first husbad/Meri's brother.  Kody's father started out monogamous too.  I'm sure there are a lot of these examples in their family tree/wreath.

  • Love 2

I wonder how Mariah feels about Maddie getting married and Mykelti getting engaged. It's crazy, but I think Mariah is making some relatively good choices (for the Brown family). Caleb seems like a good guy, and I'm glad Maddie's happy. But I'm disappointed that she and Mykelti have dropped out of school, with no plans to go back. I'm glad that Mariah has stuck with it, and I think moving away from the family helped her grow.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Mariah is in the "fuck gender roles" portion of her college education. She most likely believes that her sisters are too young and making a mistake marrying so young. 

And because she sees how those skewed gender roles are destroying her family.

And because no Prince Charming has come to sweep her off her feet and out do her sisters. She's maturing, but still not totally there yet.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, truelovekiss said:

That's true, I didn't think of that. Being the only legitimate Brownie unfortunately hasn't helped her catch a man.

She has such a "difficult" personality plus the fact that maybe most boys are not interested in having their relationship plastered all over tv to further line her plyg asshat father's pockets with gold? 

Add to that,  if her personality isn't great and she isn't a looker, maybe not as  many opportunities? 

Personally, I don't find them a great looking bunch anyway,  but Maddie has such an awesome smile and i think Mykelti has likely got a great personality. .she's a real firecracker. 

Also, did anyone else think her fiance is a ringer for Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite?


Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 4

It may be part of it I suppose, but I'm uncomfortable with "Oh she's only a feminist because she didn't get an MRS at 20 like she though she would!"

Caleb has been plastered all over TV and will be even more in the upcoming wedding episode, Logan's girlfriend was on, Mykelti's fiancé will undoubtedly be seen as well. Lik everyone else she's probably just realised that she was a big fish in a very small pond and now the opposite is true.

It might be that when Mr Plural Marriage Prince Charming didn't materialise at her side the second she stepped foot in Utah that she's had to forge another path for now and has discovered there's more to life than marrying young, or it could be that she's had opportunities to marry that she's turned down because of her new found "fuck the patriarchy" stage (which is very common and probably healthier for her than dropping out to get married). It's also highly possible that what's gone on within the family over the last 2 years has shaken her world (definitely) and her response has been to go "Full Bernie" and start to get the hell out of their mentally, rather than her sisters' response of marrying and getting the hell out of there forever.

I hope she does complete college and go on to have a success Physician's Assistant career if that's what she wants to do. She was a huge brat as a teen but most of us are lucky enough that we don't have those moments broadcast on national TV and she seems to be heading in a good direction.

  • Love 11

It seems pretty anti-feminist and outdated to suggest that a woman who isn't married by age 21 can't find a man to date her. Most women nowadays do not get married until at least mid to late twenties and even later. I guess like Meri, Mariah can't do anything right. Unless you know her personally, I don't think you can assume anything about her dating life. Maybe she doesn't date, maybe she does, but I see no proof that unlike the other Brown girls, she is undateable. 

As far as looks, all of the Brown's are average looking much like most Americans. I would imagine Mariah could date just as much as any of the girls. Considering she is at college, she may be meeting more young men who want to finish college first before getting serious and she may feel that way herself. I would guess guys like Caleb and Tony are not the college type and may be more into the rural lifestyle which tends to marry younger. Nothing against that though. I think it is interesting to see the different paths in life the Brown children take and it only makes sense with such a large brood. With so many in the family, it makes sense that some will pursue college or the military, some won't, some will get married young, some won't etc. I actually wouldn't mind a show which follows the paths of the children and would rather watch that than Kody

  • Love 12

It is still pretty much the norm for Utah LDS - especially those attending LDS colleges - to be married ASAP. Some schools have more married students than single. 

With this emphasis on marrying very young, putting that emphasis before finishing school, establishing a career, etc. it's not a stretch to think the Sister Wives kids and especially the one who returned to Utah to an LDS college wouldn't be doing the same thing.

antifeminist - eh. Depends on your definition of feminism. Do what you want is my definition - whether that is become Suzi homemaker at 18 or burn your bra and never marry or anything in between. I didn't realize any of these women considered themselves feminists. They're pretty indoctrinated into conservative patriarchal polygamy.

  • Love 4

Adding that I do think it is great Meriah is continuing with school. That's a much more sensible and stable option to me than to quit and get married. If Meriah finishes school, she'll have a much better option of earning her own income and being able to support herself if she gets in a bad marriage situation. 

I hope I'm wrong, but with this family's history or grifting, debt, dozens of kids, etc. I just get a whiff of poverty and a houseful of kids for the girls who have quit school to be married.

no, college isn't for everyone, and Meriah dos shift majors, but at least she didn't quit to work a part time minimum wage job and have a man support her when school got tough.

i predict Maddie and Mykelti will both be pregnant within a year.

  • Love 6

I agree with Razzleberry Pie, that I think it is great that Mariah is continuing with school. My point was that it seems sexist to me to suggest a college girl who wasn't engaged must be too hideous to find a date when you wouldn't say the same thing about a guy. If Logan didn't have a girlfriend, we would think he was busy with school and work and possibly casually dating. I think Mariah may also be busy with school and work, or casually dating, or dated in the past but broke up or any of the other things that college age girls do. I realize LDS girls get married young, but Mariah is not LDS and she has made it clear she is forging her own path in life.

  • Love 13

Oh I'd definitely say any of the boys couldn't get a girl bc of their personalities and/or looks, if they had the same sour, entitled attitude and scowl as Meriah. She also seemed a lot like her mother, who presumed she deserves someone way out of her league looks, financially and personality wise, while the other two engaged girls are a little more realistic and down to earth. 

Kody was a nice looking young adult, better looking than the sons, but the second he starts talking, he's so obnoxious it had to be a huge turn off.

  • Love 3

When has Mariah said she wants someone out of her league? What does that even mean?People are attracted to different things. Unless you know Mariah, you can't judge how she interacts with her friends and classmates. She is on TV for a minute or too at most. I will never understand such hate for a girl who was raised in a crazy cultish religion, who works and goes to school and as far as I know didn't murder, rape or rob anyone. I don't think there is anyone who is too ugly for someone to date and I hope she and the other Brown kids find what they want out of life.

Edited by Madding crowd
Trying to have the right tone
  • Love 12

To quote my mother, "pretty is as pretty does".  It's the attitude that makes a person attractive, not physical qualities.  Watching Mariah hide behind her hand and snicker like a toddler while snarking about her mother's eyebrows made her particularly unattractive in my eyes.  And her half siblings have verbalized comments about her special snowflake attitudes in the past.  

No one can be faulted for their physical qualities.  How they present themselves to the world is entirely their own decision.  Especially on TV.

  • Love 3

to me, Meriah has picked up a lot of mannerisms from her mother, which are not all that endearing.  Looking down, side eyes, looking bored and above it all, etc.  she may be a perfectly lovely young woman but what she presents is another story. I think of Meri during the counseling with Janelle, and she just looked so arrogant and not receptive to anything.  I think Meriah acts like that too.

  • Love 7

Yeah, she's really something! 
You know, I've browsed their twitter accounts because of that and obviously there was a divide in the family for whom to vote. THAT I would like to see: how do you manage a "fractured" family when something like this comes, especially with someone as vocal as Mariah is right now. That would be something real... for a change! 

Does anyone remember when Mariah tweeted out a picture of a table full of packed MySisterWifeCloset orders with the caption "To anyone who ordered, you're freaking welcome!"  Kody retweeted it and Meri added a "we are so proud of Mariah for helping out so much." A bunch of twitter peeps told her what a brat she was and how she should be grateful that people even buy her parents hideous jewelry and her tweet was quickly deleted.  Meri followed up with this tweet:   

Edited by lettsjetts
  • Love 2

Rewatching SW from the beginning and... 

I just think it's funny how the catalyst that allowed Mariah to go to Westminster was her commitment to living to plural marriage. During the powwow about college finances with all the wives & Kody, everyone (minus Meri, of course) was kinda hesitant about spending so much on just Mariah. Then Mariah comes in, crying about how she must go to Utah, or else she won't find the plural marriage she desperately wants. After that, the parents had a NOTABLE change of heart. Not surprising, considering Mariah was the only child specifically committed to living plural marriage at that time. Aspyn was still pretty wishy-washy about it. 

Flash forward a few years and Mariah is the biggest feminist in the whole fam jam. So much so that she's shouting out "check your privilege" and "intersectional feminism" all over twitter. She's now totally rejected living plural marriage, which she attributes to her education.  

lollllll, bet kody now thinks that 40k a year was a not so good investment. 

  • Love 9

None of these people are more than average looking, but it seems like everybody but Robyn tries as hard as they can to wear the ugliest makeup, worst fitting wardrobe, etc. Christine does have gorgeous hair. 

Meriah is entitled and obnoxious, but she's been raised to think she's the golden child. Her personality is even less attractive than he left features. 

However, she did not deserve having her mother try to manipulate her into being part of her Catfish Affair. Manipulating an adult child into aiding and abetting, and trying to pit her against her father is vile. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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