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S27.E05: King Of The Jungle

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Let me guess.... it of course is going to be Justin who bloviatingly and theatrically proclaims in what he thinks is an "African accent"  ('Haaaaakuuuuunnnnaaaa matata my friend!') that he is "King of the Jungle".   Gag. 

I'm looking forward to Justin entertaining everyone with a douchey version of "Circle of Life" because thats what will make the people of Africa rush to befriend him.

  • Love 3

I'm not a violent person. I'm one of the most laid-back people you'll ever meet. But I wanted to reach through the screen and kill the paparazzi man. I don't know how his poor suffering mate puts up with his assholeriness. I was sort of hoping the cage would break and he'd be the big treat for the gators. She kept telling him to shut up and he doesn't. I wonder how many times she has to say that to him on a daily basis?

Then, during the fruit challenge "I need you just to not talk to me, your talking is distracting me" he said. I was really hoping they would be gone.

Those lions were beautiful. All the animals were, I would love to go there. I hope those people appreciate the gift they were given by having that be a leg of the race.

Loved that Alabama beat Justin, and he dropped his fruit. And his attitude at the end was pissy. As usual, when he's not in first place.

Read the damn clue, people. Every single time. Or it will be your last day in the race.

  • Love 22

Team Paparazzi stingy asses, out of $175, they donate a Guiness World Record $20. That girl is so annoying and too damn aggressive. Then the defeatist attitude to top it off from the guy with their finished and they're stupid for following the Doctors. Lesson of the Race: Run your own Race!!! I don't care enough about them to remember their names. Then they reach the Detour and the guy is spazzing the hell out, wants to go back because all teams have already been there, but TAR anything can happen. A team can fall back, should have used the U-Turn. I wish they were eliminated.


Cheerleaders are so stupid, they had to know they were in the back of the pack and chose to U-Turn, especially a team that's always been in the top 3. Oy. There are absolutely no words for how idiotic that was. Do people on this season have functioning brains? Not only last week with Team Texas wasting their express pass but Cheerleaders wasting a U-Turn, then boo hoo it up because they're always in last. Do better is all I can say. Crying doesn't work on me anymore.


Doctors and Paparazzi, WTF?? They go back, oh my. I know we said we wanted the show to focus on other teams but this episode has proven as to why Texas and Green Team get most of the air time. It's not a pretty picture when the other teams get air time as Paparazzi, Cheerleaders, and Track Team just got on my nerves.


Track Team don't even bother to read their clue in full. OMG. Is is that damn difficult to read a clue in full? I guess it obviously is which makes no sense at all. They deserve to be eliminated for not doing the #1 rule of TAR and that's READING THE CLUE!!!


Only rootable team are the News Anchor team. Mostly the enjoyable thing this season is the scenery. 

  • Love 15

"Swing you fat bastard!" Ah, memories.

Ok, I'm not terribly afraid of heights, but there is no way I'd do that free fall. Uh uh. Which would be too bad because I'd give anything to feed the crocs and walk with the lions. Anything with animals, I'm so there. Falling 200ft? Not so much.

Gah, the back 4 teams not reading the clues! That's the #1 rule. Read it, then read it again! That's what separates the top teams from the also rans.

Dang, I was hoping the paparazzi would be last.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 16

I liked seeing the drop from season 1 show up again.  However, to make it a Roadblock where only one team could perform it at a time is kind of bullshit.  It guaranteed no position changes during the task, and the Detour and Roadblock tasks should be such that there should ALWAYS be potential for placement changes during the task.  I'm not counting the navigation brain fart that the Paparazzi and Docs had, because to me that's not part of the actual doing of the Roadblock, if that makes sense.


Also, what bugged me about this episode is that it was clear about 10 minutes in that any team who did croquet in the previous episode was going to be in the upper tier of teams and everyone who stained the giraffe was going to be racing to avoid last.  The fact that both groups of 4 had some shuffling of placement within each group spoke well of this leg's design (although not too much since the Express Pass and Failure to Read the Damn Clue played big parts), but the tiering caused by the last leg's Detour ruined some potential major placement changes, which bugs.  Especially since two of the teams in that upper tier irritate me (no points for guessing which two).


Nice to see someone other than Green or Texas win a leg, finally.  And I WAS going to give slight props to both teams for being less annoying this leg, until Justin's ridiculously ungracious "2nd place is the first loser" speech.  Shut it, toolkit.


I would not have guessed that the track stars would be eliminated before the cheerleaders, and for a brief shining moment I thought we were going to be rid of the Paparazzi.  Disappointing, but just a little, since I'm having a hard time finding teams very compelling this season, probably owing to the airtime eaten up by that damn feud.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
  • Love 14

Rule #1 of TAR -- Read the damn clue!!!!!!

I wanted all three of the last teams eliminated this time. The Paparazzi totally suck, and the track stars drove me insane with not paying attention. I really wanted to like them, too, but I just couldn't. And Chac Attack need to go just for their team name if nothing else.

Same here, I was especially hoping for the paparazzi to leave.

I don't even remember what Chac Attack is supposed to mean. What's a Chac?

  • Love 6

I think their last name is Chac.

There is NOTHING redeeming about Logan and Chris. They are both horrible people and I am so disappointed they were not eliminated.

You know, lions belong in the jungle. People don't. I really hated watching the guides brandish sticks at the lions doing what they are born to do. I actually found it cruel.

  • Love 9

What a fun episode! All those animals! Plus there was the slapstick element - the Texans paddling their canoe like Keystone Kops (obviously little canoe or kayak experience) and Paparazzi acting like the argumentative neighbors on a bad sitcom. Chris sounds like Harvey Korman.


Hey MasterChef fans, I guess you couldn't do crocs with socks in this episode.


I like Justin and Diana.

  • Love 5

I cannot stand the paparazzi.  They both gave me a headache tonight.  How the hell do they stand each other on a daily basis.


I was glad the mother and son won and that Texas gave them the express pass.


The athletes were not long for this race.  Apparently they don't pay attention or read clues.


I hate the green team.  I can't believe he had that puss on when he came in second.  I'm afraid that we are going to be stuck with them til the end.


All that being said..what a beautiful episode!  I loved seeing the wildlife and all of the tasks.  One of my favorite episodes (I should have watched it with the sound muted though)

  • Love 6

Chris was driving me freakin' nuts with his whining and second-guessing. He would be hell to live or work with, because he's clearly one of those people who can't just decide to do something, he'll make a choice and then futz around wondering if it was right, again and again. And yet again. And never shut up about it. And then talk about it some more. I was feeling like Logan was a saint for enduring it; and then I realized, she's really no prize herself. What a joy-sucking pair.


Justin had a chance to be gracious at the end about coming second. And he totally declined it with "first loser." Tool.


I was freaking out the whole time they were walking with lions. It's a terrific concept, but it just paralyzes me with fear.


But the prize moment of the episode was the look back to "Swing, you fat bastard, swing!" Oh my. Kevin and Drew. We were all so young then.

  • Love 18

Looks like the Paparazzi will be in the finale alongside Green and Texans. Sniping couples always have an angel (or devil) looking out for them throughout the race. Chris may have been right in going with the other Detour option, but he's so whiny. And Logan isn't much better. Sucks that the Track Stars brain farted, giving us the third consecutive likable team to exit. This isn't TAR6, but we might be approaching TAR9.


I'm thinking of slapping an asterisk to Denise/James Earl's win. They needed the Express Pass and a fumbly Justin to win the leg. They don't scream "contender" to me, at least not yet.


On the local front, I'm happy for the miscues, which give the Cheerleaders a lucky fifth place finish. Sure, they used up their U-Turn, but they kept racing. There were a few tears shed, but their stability could keep them in the game. And, once again, I'm thankful that Tiffany & Krista have not proven themselves to be the second coming of Danielle & Danni.

  • Love 3

For the first time ever, I shut off an episode of Amazing Race before it was done. I found myself bored by too many wait-in-line tasks. Plus I also hated all of the last three teams. When Team DumbAss finished that lion walk with a hearty "huh? What? What clue? The skull?" I'd had enough and turned it off. I just didn't care to watch angst and balancing for another ten minutes. Nor to watch the freaking paparazzi escape blessed elimination.

Justin is growing on me, much like dentist Jim did a few seasons ago. He's a pretty good racer.

  • Love 6

I wished the cage had fallen apart and the crocodile had been able to take a good chunk out of Logan. Or Chris. Or both. Alternatively, the lions could have taken a nibble or two.


I was rooting for the Track Stars but jeepers creepers. They failed at one of the most BASIC tasks of TAR. READ THE DAMN CLUE.


Justin, the only thing you need to do is make sure you are not last on the mat until the last leg. That is the time you must be first.


I loved all the wildlife tasks. Simply amazing. Visiting Africa is on my bucket list.

  • Love 6

Oy, Chris is a jackass.   We'll donate $20 to poor starving orphans and keep $150 for our rich American selves.   Knowing this was being filmed for tv.    Then at the detour.   If you are behind, switching only costs you MORE time with no guarantee that the other task will go faster.   Plus his sniping at his partner.


Then there was Diane.   "So do they become used to you and friendly."   The lions are WILD animals you fucking moron.   They are not pets.   They will turn on you and kill because that is what they do.


But lastly Justin.   We know, we know, we know, you are a superfan of TAR.   So you should know that at this point, as long as you aren't last it doesn't matter.   But noooooo someone else dared to get attention and you got all pissy.   Just grow the hell up.


As for the rest, navigationally challenged is one thing.   Just plain stupid is another.   Guess what category they fell in?


There is no way in hell I would do the jump.   I have no faith those things will hold.   I would have chosen the crocs, just because you are at least protected from them by a cage.   The canoinng, not so much.   

  • Love 8

Chris and Logan...what a perfect pair. They so richly deserve each other, but why have the viewers been so afflicted? Both of you, STFU. Or lose, and get off my screen. Neither of you is interesting, attractive, or a good racer. Begone.


I wanted the track stars to do well...but fail to read the clue? Again, gone and deservedly so.  The cheerleaders surprised me, so good for them. Nicely done.


Africa stuns, and as the poster upthread mentioned, this episode could be best enjoyed with the sound off.

  • Love 7
Cheerleaders are so stupid, they had to know they were in the back of the pack and chose to U-Turn, especially a team that's always been in the top 3. Oy. There are absolutely no words for how idiotic that was. Do people on this season have functioning brains?


They did it to honor the promise they made to someone (Texas?) that they's U-turn the Green team. They weren't really hoping to slow them down.


He would be hell to live or work with, because he's clearly one of those people who can't just decide to do something, he'll make a choice and then futz around wondering if it was right, again and again. And yet again.


Nah, it's not that bad. I'm married to one of those people, not as bad as Chris though, thankfully. We manage.


Oy, Chris is a jackass.   We'll donate $20 to poor starving orphans and keep $150 for our rich American selves.   Knowing this was being filmed for tv.


It's not even the sum itself that killed me. It was his proclaiming that they were making a BIG donation. Twenty freaking dollars.

  • Love 3

Good to see the very first task come back, and the first task of this season, to boot.  And yes.  All of the failures to read the clue really got to me.  But at least we got a new leg-winning team, so there's that.  And agreed that the team eliminated was one of the last ones I'd have wanted.  But it was their fault.


So the teams:


Denise & James Earl: Congratulations to these two, winning their first leg!  Yes, they used the Express Pass to do it, but I think, in this case, it made sense.  They were stuck in a wait-in-line task, and I think that made it the perfect time to use it.  James Earl did the Roadblock very well, and they had no problem with the lion task.  Balancing the fruit made all the difference, and they notched a well-earned win!  Good job to them!


Justin & Diana: Another fine leg from these two, having kept the lead for most of the leg.  I admired Justin's bravery in doing the Roadblock, and they handled the Detour very well.  The lion task was also well-done.  But balancing the fruit killed them, or at least took them out of first.  Still, they're holding steady, which is a good thing for them.  But Justin's "second is the first loser" thing bugged greatly.


Tanner & Josh: It was so amusing to see the douchebags complete bungle the rowing at the Detour, going both ways.  They seemed to have no other major problems, though.  Actually, they somehow made up time at the fruit balancing if they passed Kelsey & Joey.  Nonetheless, while the obsession they have with Justin & Diana got a rest on this episode, they still have it.  I'm hoping it leads to their downfall.


Kelsey & Joey: Holding steady, they remain about in the middle of the pack.  Kelsey did well with the Roadblock, they did the Detour at an okay pace, and they didn't fail the lion task.  They lost third place at the fruit balancing, so fourth place is where they finished.  I have to say they're very likely the winners.  They're the only team whose edit seems close to perfect right now.


Tiffany & Krista: Glad to see them get out from the back.  It was stupid to blow their U-Turn on a team who had to have passed by it by that point.  But despite the tears, they said they wanted out of the back of the pack, and they fought their way out of it.  Krista nailed the Roadblock, they did the Detour quickly enough (Crocs was definitely better for them than Canoes), and they actually knew to look for the skulls at the lion task.  They did the balancing well enough, too, and came in a well-deserved fifth place.


Logan & Chris: I can't believe all of the fighting they do.  I blame most of it on Chris, since he seems to panic and overthink things too much.  Logan is a bit aggressive, though.  Probably too much so.  From what I saw, they made a mistake leaving the Roadblock too soon out of thinking they had to go somewhere else first.  Chris did an okay job with the Roadblock.  Logan was right to get Chris not to switch Detours, because Chris was panicking too soon.  They did the lion task just right, and their balance helped them pass Cindy & Rick to make to sixth.  Nice job.


Cindy & Rick: There wasn't much attention given to them this week, so I had a feeling that they were safe.  Their only real mistake that I could see was leaving the site of the Roadblock too soon.  Other than that, Cindy did said Roadblock quickly enough, they did the Detour well, and they actually knew to look for the skulls among the lions.  The fruit balancing knocked them down, but they were lucky that Jazmine & Danielle made their mistakes.  Seventh place for them.


Jazmine & Danielle: I'm very sorry to see them go, but it really was their own fault.  They should've used that U-Turn on Tiffany & Krista to get themselves a time buffer.  They also got the cabbie who had no clue where he was going, which wasn't their fault, and dropped them off near the Pit Stop task instead of the lion task.  They seemed to get back into it, but then, they didn't think to check the skulls for the clues, and then, it was over for them.  Sad to see them go while nastier teams remain, but it was a fully-deserved elimination here.


I was glad that at least the Justin & Diana/Tanner & Josh feud wasn't overshadowing the other teams, for once.  So that's something, at least!


All right episode.

They did it to honor the promise they made to someone (Texas?) that they's U-turn the Green team. They weren't really hoping to slow them down.

But why would they U-turn a team that they had to have known was not behind them? Promise aside, where's the logic in that? Also, do teams only get to use a U-turn once? If yes, then there's some more stupidity right there.

  • Love 5

But why would they U-turn a team that they had to have known was not behind them? Promise aside, where's the logic in that? Also, do teams only get to use a U-turn once? If yes, then there's some more stupidity right there.


Oh, no argument there. Simply stupidly honoring the letter of a promise, not to any usable effect other than their idea of clear consciousness, I guess.

Did one of Team Lunkhead (er, Texas) really say "george" instead of gorge?


So the cheerleaders wasted the U turn and can no longer use it, right?


James Earl is Denise's only child, and yet she felt it appropriate to freeze him out of her life?


Logan is as obnoxious as Chris. But why did Show keep showing them over and over again, screeching the same things?

  • Love 4

Yes.  They can only use them once.  If it'd been a Blind U-Turn, they could use a non-Blind U-Turn later on.  But since it appeared to be a normal one, then they can't.

Then it was 100% stupid! Thanks for answering.

And shura - I get what you mean about a clear conscience, but no team that knows the rules and strategy of the game, and I hesitatingly include the Texans even with their blunder of last week, would expect any other team to honor the U-turn promise when they didn't have to (ie. with the Green Team up ahead).

  • Love 1

Sorry to see the track stars go, but it was their own fault for not reading the clue, not once, but twice.

The worst part is that we are stuck with Logan and Chris. Both of them suck. I have no idea why they are together, they really seem to resent and dislike each other. The man bothers me more. He is extremely prissy ("my pants are so tight, why are my pants so tight and yours so loose, maybe you have my pants") and above all I can't stand his voice.

I hated how he basically said that at home, watch out, because Logan is a beeyotch when she doesn't get her way. Really? I mean, she is no prize, but there's no reason why he needed to say it on national TV.

How many of those stupid hats does Justin own? He has a jelly green one and now this gray one. Hey Justin (since he's such a superfan I'm sure he's reading this) ... in case you didn't know, those hats make you look like a supreme douche.

  • Love 4

Their reasoning, as I recall them saying it, was that although it seemed overwhelmingly probable that Justin was (way) ahead of them, they hadn't seen him in a while and didn't know for certain. So they were going to go through with their promise, on the 0.001% chance it would make a difference.

All they said was "just in case....we told everyone we would." Nothing about not seeing them in awhile. Their reasoning seemed to be based on keeping their word only, and they didn't think it through. For one, they weren't the only other team who made the promise, and yet they saw that no other team used the U-turn. All they had to do was think about what that meant. Secondly, for a team that whines about always being in last, why waste your one and only opportunity to buy some time at another U-turn opportunity later on?

  • Love 5

When the episode is mostly about waiting in line, and zero competition among teams, then they have to manufacture drama by showing us what happens when people are waiting, and that is not The Amazing Race.  And yes, the cages and crocs were dramatic, but after the first ten big hors d'oeuvres on a branch-sized toothpick, it loses its tension.  Now, if they kept teasing us with "WHO will lose a fingertip to the voracious crocodile?", we might have been more invested.  Given horrific incident or two with lions in parks in the past year, this seemed like a very dangerous task, because it a lion decides to stop obeying the commands, at least one person is not going to come out of it very well. When balancing fruit baskets on your heads is the most tension-filled R-A-C-E component of the episode, it is not a compelling episode. 


But the prize moment of the episode was the look back to "Swing, you fat bastard, swing!" Oh my. Kevin and Drew. We were all so young then.


Edited by jjj
  • Love 4

I'm not a violent person. I'm one of the most laid-back people you'll ever meet. But I wanted to reach through the screen and kill the paparazzi man. I don't know how his poor suffering mate puts up with his assholeriness. I was sort of hoping the cage would break and he'd be the big treat for the gators. She kept telling him to shut up and he doesn't. I wonder how many times she has to say that to him on a daily basis?



I don't know that I'd consider her a poor suffering mate. She's just as awful. They keep taking the lead on who is most annoying on that team. They're both assholes.

  • Love 11

While I'm thinking of Logan & Chris . . . am I wrong for not hating Chris's stinginess at the charity box? You'll never know when you would need the money down the road. The set-up reminded me of the "charity shaming" in the latest episode of South Park. With that said . . . they can't get eliminated fast enough.


Anybody else notice the disappointed look on Phil's face when the Track Stars missed the lion task? You can just imagine him taking a deep breath, readying himself for the "you guys screwed up" speech.

  • Love 6

Even getting themselves eliminated is insufficient punishment for the Track Stars to escape my TV-wrath; the Paparazzi were >< this close to being eliminated until the Track Stars decided to embrace their own inability to read a clue.  Argh.  One more week of the awful Chris and Logan.

I was enjoying Justin until he got all pissy about being 2nd.  Dude, the only 1st place finish that matters is the last one.

  • Love 8

Looks like the Paparazzi will be in the finale alongside Green and Texans. Sniping couples always have an angel (or devil) looking out for them throughout the race. Chris may have been right in going with the other Detour option, but he's so whiny. And Logan isn't much better. Sucks that the Track Stars brain farted, giving us the third consecutive likable team to exit. This isn't TAR6, but we might be approaching TAR9.

I'm thinking of slapping an asterisk to Denise/James Earl's win. They needed the Express Pass and a fumbly Justin to win the leg. They don't scream "contender" to me, at least not yet.

On the local front, I'm happy for the miscues, which give the Cheerleaders a lucky fifth place finish. Sure, they used up their U-Turn, but they kept racing. There were a few tears shed, but their stability could keep them in the game. And, once again, I'm thankful that Tiffany & Krista have not proven themselves to be the second coming of Danielle & Danni.

I think Chris was dead wrong about switching tasks. The croc feeding task was easy and quick. All the teams that did it gained on those that did the canoe task. I wish they had switched and Chris had been attacked by a Hippo.

  • Love 4

If someone was lowering me into water full of crocodiles & one of their instructions was “keep your toes up” I would have noped right out of there, I’ll just take the time penalty, thanks Phil.


Can Chris every make a decision & stick with it? If I was Logan, I would have thrown him to the crocodiles, all he does is panic & change his mind over & over.


I was going to whine about how the teams I don’t like are always at the top, but then I realized that I don’t like any of the teams. Usually there is one team I’m rooting for, but this season I think they all suck.

  • Love 2

While I'm thinking of Logan & Chris . . . am I wrong for not hating Chris's stinginess at the charity box? You'll never know when you would need the money down the road. The set-up reminded me of the "charity shaming" in the latest episode of South Park.

I thought of that, too, but didn't they think the leg was over? And don't the teams get a new cash allotment for each leg? There has to be a reason every other team donated every penny they had left, and with no hesitation.

More importantly, the guy actually said "big donation!" as he put the measly $20 in the box (out of their remaining $155 left). Man. No words. That being said, Phil sure did charity-shame him.

  • Love 9

In 27 seasons since the fat bastard swung, I have never seen any challenge so terror-inducing as the gorge-swing. And it is every bit as terrifying as I remember.

Wonderful people, those paparazzi! Warm, generous, calm, collected. I wasn't gnashing my teeth at all! Nor peeved when they avoided elimination!

Margie & Luke behaved as if they won by superhuman effort. Did they forget so quickly, that they were handed an EP to help them leapfrog ahead? Ok, so they got a win, and they are welcome to it, but it's not like they are super-talented racers all of a sudden!

Justin is a real tool. His mummy and daddy never taught him to be a good loser. That's why I hope he goes out no higher than 4th, and due to something embarrassingly silly.

Good thing the're athletes, because they won't ever succeed at any sort of cerebral endeavour. Not when they don't have a single grey cell between the two of them.

"Swing, you fat bastard, swing!" Oh my. Kevin and Drew. We were all so young then.

It brings an actual tear to my eye. Those were the good old days!

Edited by cooksdelight
  • Love 5

When the episode is mostly about waiting in line, and zero competition among teams, then they have to manufacture drama by showing us what happens when people are waiting, and that is not The Amazing Race.  And yes, the cages and crocs were dramatic, but after the first ten big hors d'oeuvres on a branch-sized toothpick, it loses its tension.  Now, if they kept teasing us with "WHO will lose a fingertip to the voracious crocodile?", we might have been more invested.  Given horrific incident or two with lions in parks in the past year, this seemed like a very dangerous task, because it a lion decides to stop obeying the commands, at least one person is not going to come out of it very well. When balancing fruit baskets on your heads is the most tension-filled R-A-C-E component of the episode, it is not a compelling episode. 



This times 100. Let yourself fall on a perfectly safe zipline and get pulled back up, let yourself be led around a perfectly safe wild animal preserve with multiple handlers to spy a very visible large bleached white skull, go into a perfectly safe croc cage with a a photographer and stick a piece of bait out the cage.... No racing, no skill. Thank God they at least had to balance the fruit bowls on their heads for at least some suspense and a tiny bit of skill, but they didn't even have to start over when the bowls fell, they just picked up where they were and kept going.

  • Love 5

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