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S03.E09: Fire!

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The stews are excited to welcome aboard a family of gorgeous charter guests, to celebrate their father's 50th birthday. Leon commits a faux pas by ignoring a guest's request to refrain from serving rabbit for dinner. Connie's deckhand skills impress Eddie and Captain Lee, but Emile is feeling underappreciated. Eddie begins to question his closeness with Rocky, but there's more at risk than personal relationships when a fire breaks out in the galley putting the whole boat in danger.

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I am solidly on Team Kate, but I was disappointed to see her taking jabs at Leon this week.  She'd been doing such a good job (at least from our perspective) on taking the high road with him.  I'll cut her some slack for just being sick of it all, but she lost a little points on professionalism and maturity with me this week.  And, while it looked a wee bit like she might have caused the fire, she certainly didn't seem too on-the-ball in dealing with it.  Amy, on the other hand, total rock star. 

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Ugh, I thought the Eddie Rocky thing was a one (or two) time deal, I could give Eddie a lapse of judgement once, but now I have lost respect for him

And when Amy tried to confront Rocky in a mature manner, and she went into hysterics, I wanted to vomit. I think she was trying to pull some manipulative bull shit.

The Leon/Rocky alliance is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Yea I will agree that Kate was going after him a little bit more, but I also think she is just at the end of the rope with both of them, they've been in close quarters for several weeks now, I imagine any number of people would have snapped by now. I also kinda feel like Leon is picking at Kate in a more passive aggressive was, and he is poking and poking and poking, and now that she has kinda snapped he wants to play like mean old Kate is picking on poor little Leon. I rewatched some of the other episodes earlier today, and for example after Leon had gone to talk to the guests without his white coat, then there was another episode where the guests wanted to talk to him and Kate made a comment that he needed to get a coat, and he acted so offended... But it's true he needed to wear it and he already proved that he needed to be reminded of that.

I do not buy for one second that Kate was drinking, because I'm pretty sure if that were the case bravo would have zoomed in on the drink and played omniscient music.

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It seemed to me that Kate put the popcorn in the microwave and pizza in the oven. Then Rocky said she did not know how to start the movie for the guests so Kate went to help. I would think Rocky would have smelled something burning prior to when she took the popcorn out of the microwave, but who knows, that would have taken away from Rocky's banana sexual innuendo with the guest. I would imagine if Kate steps out of the room while in the middle of something to help the guest maybe it is not too much to ask for Rocky to keep an eye on things. Perhaps Kate should have told Rocky to watch everything, but Rocky does not want someone to tell her what to do. It really seemed like an honest mistake though.


I cannot deal with Rocky whining again about Kate and Amy just wanting her to do her job. Amy was doing a lot of her work that night and then Kate picked up the dirty dishes that Rocky just left, because she was upset about being told what to do. Of course she had time to do Eddie in the laundry room. Amy and Kate are not being malicious. They are just trying to get stuff done. 

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I love that he called Rocky out on claiming she could be a chef, but she couldn't manage to watch popcorn and pizza. And I had forgotten about Emile's allegiance to Leon, I'm sure he won't be standing behind his homeboy when they get a shirt tip thanks to his and Ricky's antics.

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Ewww, eddie.  gross.  on so many levels.  but hey, we've all done gross, lol.....but still, ewwwwwwwww.  captain lee's reaction during that whole eddie/rocky sweet talk says it all, don't you think?

oh, according to his tweets, leon doesn't have his restaurant anymore.  whether he sold it or whatever not...could care less.   he proclaims he is looking for new opportunities.  good luck with that.  proclaiming on cam about how you yell at your female workers to tears at your restaurant........not a good reference.

Edited by lovebug1975
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Ugh, if I had heard the name Ryan Gosling again I would have screamed. I must be the only one, but I think Ryan Gosling is ugly. The real one and the faux one on the show.

i always thought he was boring good looking....know what i mean?  does that make sense?

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I can't imagine that Kate is any peach to work with (and last season, I really couldn't stand her). But Leon's beef (cheek) with her is going beyond his personal attitude toward her and starting, IMO, to leach into his attitude towards the guests. Which is SUPER bad news, because then that, in turn, can have an effect on the rest of the crew's tips (as Amy pointed out).

His arrogance is just gross. People who want a dang quesadilla on occasion can, in fact, appreciate high-end fine dining. Sometimes you just want a cheese and dough delivery system! That doesn't mean his plates are above the heads of those guests. (And I'm totally beginning to believe that production is inciting the quesadilla requests.)

And don't even get me started on the whole business about making people cry. He's proud of being a demanding, arrogant jerk. I CANNOT STAND people like that.


Leon is the fucking worst. He might just be the most disgusting person ever to appear on reality TV, maybe even worse than Brandi Glanville.

Woah, woah, woah! Let's not get carried away here! LOL

(But really, I do agree with what you said about the arrogance, the crying, and his daughters.)


I feel so sorry for that poor woman who was served rabbit, in spite of her telling Leon beforehand that she DID NOT want it. What if she was allergic or something? Would he have just served her nothing? The level of arrogance with this guy is astounding. I know chefs have a reputation for being a bit arrogant and prideful, but ignoring the guests' requests is taking it to the extreme. What about on the last charter, when the primary said the scallops made him feel sick? Leon could not even bring himself to apologize and say "Oh I'm so sorry about that, would you prefer something else?"

Exactly--and this is what especially freaks me out about him. If I ended up in a restaurant or on a ship with him as chef (har har har!), I'd be concerned that he'd completely dismiss my excruciatingly serious allergy issues as some sort of personal affront to his chef-ery.

Edited by ivygirl
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so it's obvious leon doesn't listen to women......the guest just told him the rabbit story.....and he still disregards it........wow.


if i were a guest and someone does that, i would tip each of the crew in front of the crew except him.  what a freaking disrespect.

Edited by lovebug1975
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From Cap'n Lee's blog, re: Kate:

Also you did a good job encouraging Rocky with some positive reinforcement. I don't think that she took any of that to heart, as she is busy propping up our disenchanted chef.

I really can't stand Leon at this point, but I'd watch the heck out of a PBS cooking show called "The Disenchanted Chef." Beef cheeks and smears and boxed desserts!

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I hope that Captain Lee's look of disgust at Eddie and Rocky was real and not edited in from some other time.  It was so great.


Leon smiled at one point like he was enjoying cooking.  


Kate was funny in her Betty Crocker sous chef birthday cake talking head.


I realize Leon is annoying, but Kate should have just let him keep his jerky box.  That was ridiculous.  Kate also went overboard in her comments to Leon about the bipolar kitchen and the smears.  Up until now it seemed like she was taking the high road.  She doesn't need to get down in the mud with him.


I don't need to hear about Emile and Leon's masturbation records.  


Maybe if Eddie is worried about the professionalism in the crew he shouldn't hook up with Rocky in the first place.


Seriously, why was Leon still napping at 6:20pm.  Shouldn't he have been prepping dinner by then?  And then of course he was derisive about quesadillas.  His oven was gross.  Rocky can't sell me on her being a trained chef that went to culinary school with her thumb sucking, quesadilla microwaving, and raw chicken serving.  I don't think she realized it, but she totally sold Leon out to the Captain.  Then her and Leon shit talking the Captain "trying to make a big deal" about Leon not doing his job.  Also, those quesadillas looked gross.  I'd expect better from Del Taco, let alone a yacht kitchen.  It is also unacceptable that there isn't just crap for quesadillas stocked in the kitchen, it seems like the all the guests ask for them every single time they want a drunk snack.


So Leon is proud of being an assholey screaming chef that makes others in the kitchen cry?  In most other workplaces that'd get you sued.  I don't understand why it is a badge of honor in kitchens.  And of course it was "girls" he was talking about making cry. 


Even I'm sick of the apple and squid ink smears, beef cheeks, and summer pudding, and I'm not on the yacht.  He uses those components every single time.


Rocky is a shit worker.  I can't believe she was just hanging out and dancing and dangling her feet off the side of the boat looking at the view while Amy was doing all the work.  I love that Amy knew to just hold her tongue to avoid a weepy Rocky.  I guess maybe Kate wasn't just being mean to Rocky, huh Amy?


I fucking love that Kate is putting tickets in for the food like it is a diner.  


People don't just feel like Rocky doesn't get it, she actually doesn't get it.  Who on the ceiling was she trying to convince that she does get it?  And of course weeping and tears.  I guess Rocky and Leon are the only ones that "get it" according to her?


The charter guest that had the rabbit farm story looked like she had a much nicer ass than Rocky's  much lauded glutes and she didn't feel the need to hang it out.  I can't believe Leon just went ahead and served rabbit after she asked that he not, I mean I can because Leon doesn't change course ever, but jeez.


Rocky doesn't seem to want to do any work unless it involves flirting or "being cute."  Instead of doing a loose job buttering a banana, maybe she should have kept an eye on the popcorn while Kate did 100% of all the other stew duties.  


I've accidentally heated a clean empty pan in my oven before and it totally did not catch on fire.  That oven couldn't have been running that hot or for that long -- the pizza looked fine.  I suspect something else, like the oven being a fucking mess caused the fire.  i hope next week when Leon tries to blame it on Kate that Captain Lee points out that maybe if he was awake and doing his fucking job other people wouldn't need to be cooking.

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So Leon is proud of being an assholey screaming chef that makes others in the kitchen cry?  In most other workplaces that'd get you sued.  I don't understand why it is a badge of honor in kitchens.  And of course it was "girls" he was talking about making cry.


I thought of Top Chef when he said that. I distinctly remember one of the female chefs talking about making men cry and she was darn proud of it.

Edited by sunshine2288
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Taking a page from Leon's book titled "Slack Assery" I'm resubmitting my post from last episode again.... with vindication.

The asshole is a misogynist!

I didn't like Leon's tone from the git go, neither his delivery. It's short, curt, "my way like it or not" and he cuts people off. Since he staged with Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsey (strong personalities) maybe he fancies himself a culinary God and took on their persona and expects everyone to bow to his superiority even though he hasn't got the goods.

When people tell you and show you who they are believe them. He has stated he thinks the crew are yahoos to the captain and that the guests are "assholes", he stated doesn't care what comes out of the kitchen if he is not interested in it. He doesn't care about guests requests. It's always somebody else's fault and he accepts no responsibility. He threatened Kate by saying he's going to " keep her on her toes" and that she "better be careful". He does not share his plans with the chief stew who must give orders to her staff and deal with the guests directly. He doesn't care. He has said it. He has shown it.

He is misogynistic and only tolerates Rocky because she is a sycophant. He doesn't take on the men but he thinks he is superior to them.

And sadly the captain witnesses this does not take action.

It does affect the guests experience because even though they may not have known what was going on at the time, their experience on board could have been more magical. I do think that when the guests who came on board and chartered with them see this series they will feel that things could have been so, so much better. They will hear with their own ears that Leon didn't care about their experience he only cared about himself and no one else. That he was told about special requests and either outright refused to accommodate, or didn't care enough to make the effort.

Leon hurt the image and life of the boat far, far more than anyone. He affected not only the crew but more importantly he affected the guests experience.

Edited by OnceSane
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Ew, when Rocky was making the quesadillas she didn't just lick her fingers, which would have been gross enough, she stuck her ENTIRE thumb in her mouth and then went back to touching the quests food. Ew, ew, ew....nasty!!!!  You have no idea how grossed out I am about that.  Then she microwaved the quesadillas.  You don't microwave quesadillas.  You either bake them or fry them in a pan so they are crispy.   They must have been a soggy mess.  When Kate said she hoped the fireballs would kill the quests taste buds I just shook my head yes and hoped for the same thing.


That grossed me out so much! And I also cringed at the microwaved quesadillas. I'm not even a chef and I can't remember the last time I used a microwave. The closest she's been to a chef is probably an easy bake oven.


But on the subject of quesadillas, I recall when Ben was chef that the stews were responsible for snacks. He was up at 5 for breakfast and didn't go down until the kitchen was cleaned after dinner. So midnight cookies and drunk pizza fell on the night watch. I have a hunch that Kate or Amy is suggesting the quesadillas/pizza when the guests request something in between meals, only because they know it can be done quickly and it's what they are used to on their watch. But it is remarkable that every charter someone requests quesadillas. And when Ben was yacht chef he had some sort of palate cleanser in the afternoon, instead of taking a nap.


So while post dinner pizza and popcorn is a stew responsibility, cleaning the oven is Leon's job and that thing was a wreck. Even when Rocky was nosing around looking for cheese, they showed the mess of an oven that he seems to use as an additional cupboard. Something tells me Leon goes home simply because Capt Lee doesn't like him and he needs someone to blame. I have trouble believing Kate is responsible for the fire when she was nowhere to be seen and Rocky's running around the galley like a chicken with her head cut off.

Edited by rho
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Not only was the oven a wreck, it looked like there were forgotten potatoes or something in it on the racks and I can't tell what was on the floor of it.  It looked way worse than mine and I'm a slob and not a professional chef working in a kitchen as my job.


Maybe Leon is sleeping so much and a cranky ass because he depressed over being away from his kids?  Or he could just be a lazy asshole.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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Also, I just realized that part of the laundry room where Eddie and Rocky have been hooking up is right off Eddie and Leon' s cabin. It wasn't just the edited sex sounds over Leon sleeping it was also shown when she went to wake him up about quesadilla ingredients that the door was inside of at least part of the laundry.

Captain Lee's face of awesome was clearly not actually about Rocky and Eddie but rather the mango triangles argument between Kate and Leon but Kate's tone was professional and neutral during that convo when she was trying to figure out if it was part of a dish and he refused to acknowledge her. That and his not giving her an accurate time for the entree was such bullshit.

Also, Leon dry pans in an oven won't start a fire in a properly cleaned oven, I do it intentionally all the time. Even with things cooking along with it, the cheese pizza was on a sheet pan and looked fine and so the fire wasn't caused by dripping cheese.

Edited by biakbiak
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I'm still on the Leon Hate Train.  God, could you imagine being in a relationship or married to this asshole?  I cracked up when the camera flashed to the "Martha White" cookie or muffin mix.  Hee.  I remember when I was broke (in college) wanting snacks/junk food from the store.  After literally scraping loose CHANGE together (under couch cushions, searching dresser drawers, coat/pant pockets, etc.) the only thing I could afford was Martha White or Jiffy Mix because it was the cheapest. Nothing against those brands, mind you, however ... 


Couldn't Leon at least use Duncan Hines or Betty Crocker or some other  mixes?  Why choose the absolute cheapest when you have an unlimited food budget for your charter guests?  Good Gordon.  If I was forced to make desserts out of box mixes at least I would try and get a higher end brand.  I mean .....  I floved when Captain Lee was making his disappointed faces at Chef Leon because I was thinking "Who does Captain Lee remind me of?"  Well, its GRUMPY CAT.  Cap'n Lee's frown faces look exactly like Grumpy Cat!  Seriously!  Captain Lee is now my human version of Grumpy Cat.  They have identical frowns.  I wish I knew how to post a pic - ( posting as a seriously electronically challenged person here) but I would if I could.  Know that.  Captain Lee's frown faces just make me giggle to the point where I wanna fall on the floor.


Stupid Rocky licking her fingers when making those quesadillas - Um, fricking gross.  This chick went to culinary school?  Yikes, her ass should know better.  Jeez, I'm no trained chef but at least I know the basics.  I had to laugh when Rocky and Eddie were hooking up and Rocky told Eddie she liked "the quiet. no talking Eddie".  Cracked me up.  Last episode?  when those two hooked up for the 1st time and Eddie donned that Mexican get-up and did the Eduardo thing I was all like *crickets*.  Seriously?  Uggh.  I'd be telling Eddie not to talk either.  At all.  As in zero.  Rocky told Eddie that the "No-talking Eddie was, like, the best".  Bwah ha ha ha.  "Eduardo loves the ladies" needs to retire ASAP.


Connie was hilarious when she told Emile that he could be pretty or dumb (not both) but he was being both - pretty dumb.  Rocky peanut buttering that banana for the charter guest - gross and no bueno.  No more peanut butter for Rocky or Connie. 


That super sweet poor charter lady who told the traumatic story about the rabbit ...  Hello, Fucking Leon.  Anyone home in that big, shiny bald dome of yours?  Don't serve fucking rabbit.  At all.  Leon specifically met with the charter guest to go over the dinner menu.  What was the point of that when the woman specifically declined rabbit with a traumatic story and he just went ahead and did what ever the fuck he wanted any way.  What the hell was the point of that?  At least give the woman a protein alternative.  Why serve the traumatized woman the rabbit as well?  No chicken on the boat?  No steak alternative?  Ohhhhh ...  I forgot.  You haven't anything else thawed.  Nor can you think out of the box.  Or have a simple Plan B.  Oh.  And there is no such thing as meat in a mix or a box that you can dump and pour in a pinch of when you are lazy.  Totally on board with poster Sai when he/she said quesadillas need to be pan fried so as not turn turn out a soggy mess and BogoGog24 when he/she said that Chef Leon was a WORSE reality/more HATED person than Brandi Glanville.  Preach Sista or Brotha !!!  No TRUER or more astute words have ever been spoken.  Ever.  Bogo drop the mic.  You've won the internet and it's now shut down.  Thank you and Good Night.


Agree that the oven fire started because said oven was dirty (looking at you, owner of restaurants and the man that screams at his female employees until they cry).  Can't wait until Rocky jumps ship (literally) next week and Ben comes to save the day.  Me thinks a one-way plane ticket home is in Leon's very near future?  Beef Cheeks!  Braised Beef Cheeks!  That's all I gotta say.  Team Kate.

Edited by beesknees
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I have read on here that he staged with Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsay who scream at people. They scream at people regardless of gender andut staged means a brief unpaid internship and several chefs who were actually paid to work under them went on to amazing careers and encourage women (Mario Batali being one under Marco) they were equal opportunity asshole who screamed at everyone not just the "girls."

His food is apparently delicious to everyone but Captain Lee but that doesn't excuse his behavior!

Favorite moment of the night was when Emile cluelesly said the revisions with the indoor crew was because of he and Rocky' s relationship and Connie looked at him and said " you can be pretty or dumb, you can't be pretty dumb. Kate would love if you and Rocky were having sex, she wouldn't have to worry so much about her."

Edited by biakbiak
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Favorite moment of the night was when Emile cluelesly said the revisions with the indoor crew was because of he and Rocky' s relationship

I know, right? Not only is he kind of dim, but he's quite self-absorbed. And he said that he and Leon have the same philosophies - I suspect they are both misogynists.


I'm gonna give Leon a break on Rabbitgate. I think the primary's girlfriend was simply relaying a story, not specifically telling Leon not to serve rabbit.


It's like a ticking emotional time bomb on the yacht, waiting for production to decide to send Leon home. He knows it's coming, thus the amped up attitude.


I have the feeling someone else is writing the captain's blog. It just doesn't sound like him.


Was Amy's conversation with her brother an audience test to see reaction to him returning to the show? He said something about coming back to yacht with her again. And her dog's big ol' googly eyes made me laugh.

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I'm gonna give Leon a break on Rabbitgate. I think the primary's girlfriend was simply relaying a story, not specifically telling Leon not to serve rabbit

It was edited but she did say as long as we have agreed on that one thing when she left the kitchen and Amy asked if he had proteins on hand to replace it and Leon said he was just going to go with it. Slightly similar story because I hate to lose a bet to my old sister I was a vegetarian from age eight to 28. I spent a summer in France at age 14 when my French was still rusty I thought the family was just randomly asking what bunny I thought was the best not realizing until too late it was going to become Sunday supper. I didn't eat it because they knew I was a vegetarian but that wasn't her story! Sub out a protein for one person's dish. Edited by biakbiak
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OT but the reason I say Leon might be worse than even Brandi Glanville is because with Brandi, it's obvious she's got some mental or emotional problems, with the Xanax and constant drinking. She has done things to hurt people intentionally, but I think most of the things she has done, like throwing wine in Eileen's face last season, werr basically done because in her screwed up mind she thought it was funny. I don't think she intended to really hurt anyone with that, and it's obvious she might have some kind of social disorder or a drinking problem.

OTOH what is Leon's excuse? He doesn't seem to have a mental or social disorder, more like a lot of pent up anger and rage. Do we even know his marital status? He might be divorced, which would not only not be shocking, but would explain his rage towards women and his rage issues in general. The only time I ever liked Leon was when he was talking to his daughters on the phone about a show they were going to see, it was cute. Too bad that only lasted for about 30 seconds.

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It was also clearly edited between TH and Amy finding Rocky do the beds but the edit of her bitching about her about not being a four year old in the talking head to her having a tantrum was also golden.

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Okay a few things bothered me this episode. I'll just make a list.


  • Rocky sticking her thumb in her mouth while cooking? DIS-GUST-ING. Also who in their right mind would put a quesadilla in a microwave? I'm hoping maybe I missed it and she was heating up just a component of the quesadilla or something. Also she said she used burrata and swiss cheeses? Just an observation but the one they showed a close up of looked like feta or crumbled goat cheese. What kind of chef doesn't just keep some cheddar or monterrey jack on board? It keeps for a long time and people obviously love their quesadillas!


  • I was hoping Kate would stay above it all and not stoop down to Leon's level but I'll give her a pass to make passive aggressive remarks because it's Leon and I don't like him one bit. 


  • Beef cheeks again?!


  • It showed the reason the fire started. Rocky was baking some potatoes in the oven and the juices spilled all over the bottom of the oven. She obviously never cleaned that up and that's what caught on fire. 


  • Eddie needs to stop with Rocky and he's being a hypocrite telling his crew to stay out of the interior drama.


  • The editing was wonky in this one and totally obvious. The scene with the captain and Eddie sitting at the table was edited to look like it happened twice on two different days. Look at the yogurt container same exact one sitting on it's side on the table yet it's two separate days and they're listening to two separate arguments between Kate and Leon.  


 I have more but I'll keep it to those points for right now. Haha.

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I think both Kate and Rocky are to blame for the fire. In all of the years I've made microwave popcorn or oven pizza, I've never had an issue with smoke and/or fire. That oven was disgusting though...fire hazard in the making. I think that microwave popcorn is such a straight forward thing to make that I can understand though why they weren't watching it closely. However, having worked for two companies that banned microwave popcorn due to the fire hazard, I know that what happened on that boat happens more often than one would think.


And wtf at both Kate and Rocky appearing confused about where the fire extinguishers are located. I have two in my kitchen within arm's reach and several throughout my house just in case.

Edited by trimthatfat
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What Chef in his right mind eats Ramin Noodles???  I could not believe he would pick that over anything else they might have in the pantry.  It just supports the opinion he really is not a Chef or at least not a very good one.


The wheels are definitely falling off the wagon now.  I suspect at least one crew member gets a one way ticket home next week.

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I really can't stand Leon at this point, but I'd watch the heck out of a PBS cooking show called "The Disenchanted Chef." Beef cheeks and smears and boxed desserts!

With Leon's prized jerky box in the corner!


Captain Lee was sitting down by the galley a couple of times in this episode. I would think that would make Leon be on his best behavior, but it did not. I feel that Kate has tried to keep it professional. She did get some digs in, but overall she seems to try to remain professional. 


As for Eddie and Rocky. Sigh...really Eddie? I feel like Rocky seems to be more into Eddie, while Eddie just wants sex. In his last phone call with his girlfriend didn't Eddie basically break up with her? 


It is probably just me, but I have never really seen Kate be disrespectful to Rocky while they are working. Rocky thinking that Kate and Amy are being mean to her when they are trying to teach her or tell her what to do is ridiculous. Rocky just wants to hang out with the guests, have sex, or cry. 

Edited by Misslindsey
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I have the feeling someone else is writing the captain's blog. It just doesn't sound like him.


...and does the writer lock his jaws together and talk like the Captain when he proofreads the blog before posting.

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I can't imagine that Kate is any peach to work with (and last season, I really couldn't stand her). But Leon's beef (cheek) with her is going beyond his personal attitude toward her and starting, IMO, to leach into his attitude towards the guests. Which is SUPER bad news, because then that, in turn, can have an effect on the rest of the crew's tips (as Amy pointed out).


That is true.  You may detest someone, but at the end of the day, they are all working for the same thing, a large tip.


But why is Eddie hooking up with Rocky again and again and again?

Edited by Neurochick
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Captain Lee was sitting down by the galley a couple of times in this episode. I would think that would make Leon be on his best behavior, but it did not. I feel that Kate has tried to keep it professional. She did get some digs in, but overall she seems to try to remain professional. 



It is probably just me, but I have never really seen Kate be disrespectful to Rocky while they are working. Rocky thinking that Kate and Amy are being mean to her when they are trying to teach her or tell her what to do is ridiculous. Rocky just wants to hang out with the guests, have sex, or cry. 


Leon thinks he is a "professional" like Captain Lee and is in a fashion his equal and that Kate is just a glorified maid. I also tend to believe that because the Captain has sat on his hands when it comes to Leon, hasn't called Leon on his behavior nor put him in his place when Leon was telling the Captain that Kate needed to go that Leon believes the Captain agrees with him and sides with him. The disorder that has been allowed to continue all season long  is Captain Lee's fault.


Someone posted a link to a CV for Leon's culinary experience. That is where I saw that he staged with Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsey (FYI  Ramsey also worked under MPW). I was/am well aware  that they may scream and yell at their entire staff, men and women included, as a way of getting them to execute the dishes to their standard because their reputation is on the line and also because of their personality factors in. In my post I wanted to point out that Leon is no Marco Pierre White nor Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen. He isn't a leader. He is an egotistical, misogynistic, selfish, slack ass, prick in the kitchen who can cook a bit but he cant lead, and I believe that is why he lost his two restaurants Wink and Wink II. I believe that if MPW or GR failed at something in their restaurants they would take sole responsibility and blame from the guest and apologize, then when back in the kitchen lay down the law. Leon would throw his staff under the bus, blame the guest, or his suppliers and never himself .


Rocky is a god damn mess and a waste of space, she can't handle criticism nor small tasks with out handholding and has mental issues, Thank her parents for that, I'm sure they made built up their precious snowflake and coddled her to feel as if she was the best thing ever no matter how bad she screwed up. She in turn learned to cry at constructive criticism and constantly need reassurance that she is special. I don't care how old she is, how athletic she is,  how many certificates, how many degrees she earned (I wonder what her parents spent on tutors and programs). She is walking mess with the emotional level of a 4 year old who should never be allowed responsibility because she can't apply sound reasoning to a situation that rests outside her rainbow bubble.  She has proven that by her actions.

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Kate is afflicted with Resting Bitch Face, of course, and she can be passive-aggressive. But I agree that she's mostly kept it professional with Leon and Rocky. They way he's treating her is reprehensible. There's no need to be THAT nasty. Like last week, he asked if she liked him. Kate said something about admiring his passion, or dedication. And his response is, "Well I don't like you one bit." He's been like that since the first moment they met! I admire the fact that she's mostly kept her cool.

And I thought she said something about not knowing it was a "bilingual" kitchen, not bipolar. I had to laugh when Leon told her the French term five times, she repeated it and then told the guests they were "fried potatoes."

My suspicion is that next week Capt. Lee will call in Ben to help mediate or give Leon some tips. I don't think he'll be fired and replaced.

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I cracked up when Kate said Leon was going all out tonight because he was doing a Double Smear!  Bwahaha!!!!



 Leon and his sous chef, Betty Crocker!


I too noticed the thumb suck while making the quesadilla (and was surprised at the microwaving, though when they were served they had grill marks, so maybe she melted the cheese then toasted them somehow?

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I would like GIF's of Captain Lee's bewildered looks during this episode. He had 3 solid ones. I had to rewind and watch 5 times each.

This is at least the second time guests have requested quesadillas this season. Who knew that filthy rich people dug quesadillas?! And, with swiss cheese? So gross.

It's obvious by the preview and by Captain Lee's blog that Leon is gone next week and they bring Ben back. I may be in the minority, but I actually like Ben so I'm glad to see him.

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Oh yay, next week we get to see Rocky's ass in a thong bathing suit again!  This trick's jumping in the water thing is really old.  Not to mention, she's had the hots for now three guys on the working crew.  One she plied with drinks, did the sexy routine at dinner with and then is all annoyed that he's drunk and wants to bed her.  The second was an all out drunk douche who was rubbing her feet within seconds of meeting her.  And now it's a guy whose relationship, is for lack of a better word, Rocky and is easy pickins.  Homegirl needs to cool her jets.  

Oh yay, next week we get to see Rocky's ass in a thong bathing suit again!  This trick's jumping in the water thing is really old.  Not to mention, she's had the hots for now three guys on the working crew.  One she plied with drinks, did the sexy routine at dinner with and then is all annoyed that he's drunk and wants to bed her.  The second was an all out drunk douche who was rubbing her feet within seconds of meeting her.  And now it's a guy whose relationship, is for lack of a better word, Rocky and is easy pickins.  Homegirl needs to cool her jets.  



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OT but the reason I say Leon might be worse than even Brandi Glanville is because with Brandi, it's obvious she's got some mental or emotional problems, with the Xanax and constant drinking. She has done things to hurt people intentionally, but I think most of the things she has done, like throwing wine in Eileen's face last season, werr basically done because in her screwed up mind she thought it was funny. I don't think she intended to really hurt anyone with that, and it's obvious she might have some kind of social disorder or a drinking problem.

OTOH what is Leon's excuse? He doesn't seem to have a mental or social disorder, more like a lot of pent up anger and rage. Do we even know his marital status? He might be divorced, which would not only not be shocking, but would explain his rage towards women and his rage issues in general. The only time I ever liked Leon was when he was talking to his daughters on the phone about a show they were going to see, it was cute. Too bad that only lasted for about 30 seconds.

I have wondered if a divorce or bad split is behind Leon's attitude toward Kate. He's definitely not with the mother of his children as he vacations alone with his daughters. His use of the f-word in response to the captain's greeting should've got him his ticket home. I don't get why he thinks that he will win out if it's a choice between him of Kate staying.

Eddie is an asshat. I don't care if his girlfriend cheated on him, to carry on with another woman, knowing it will be on national t.v. is bullshit. And while Amy may have crushed on him last year, I think her Twitter posts indicate she's over that little distraction. On the extra footage, he blasts Kate for bringing "box-gate" to the Captain's attention, yet he's banging her stew, while she's supposed to be working resulting in Kate & Amy waking up to a mess to clean up. Oh and I'm sure he would love having Leon yell at him in front of Emile & Connie.

Rocky is so full of it. She plays it up sweet and funny for every guy on that damn yacht. I've always gotten along better with guys than with girls, but never at the expense of my relationship with women. She's shitty to her female co-workers. She has no shame in boasting about hooking up with a guy that she knows has a girlfriend. If anything the fact that he was attached probably made the hook-up more appealing. Rocky and Eddie suck rocks.

Edited by AttackTurtle
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Hmmm... I think the fire had to be caused by a baking sheet that had some olive oil residue. Baking the pizza at 400 to 450 and the next thing you know fire. Whoever put the pizza in should had made sure the other pans were out of the oven. I think Ben did the same thing in season 1? with a pot, oil, and stove??


Really think they need a late night menu and cook for drinking snacks. I can see how the chef needs to cook breakfast in the morning.


Microwave popcorn is easy to burn as all ovens are different. I'm just surprised that the rich eat snacks like microwave popcorn and microwave  quesadillas. I would think that on an expensive charter the food would be more special. I mean, if you want to get drunk and eat microwave popcorn why would you need to charter a yacht in the Bahamas? You could most certainly do that at home for free.

Edited by Belowdeckchatter
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I find it funny that Rocky cut things off with Emile saying that he was being too clingy (among other things) and now Eddie has banged her in the laundry room and she is professing that he cares for her. I have a feeling that next weeks tears are because Eddie put and end to laundry time.

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Hmmm... I think the fire had to be caused by a baking sheet that had some olive oil residue. Baking the pizza at 400 to 450 and the next thing you know fire. Whoever put the pizza in should had made sure the other pans were out of the oven. I think Ben did the same thing in season 1? with a pot, oil, and stove??


Really think they need a late night menu and cook for drinking snacks. I can see how the chef needs to cook breakfast in the morning.


Microwave popcorn is easy to burn as all ovens are different. I'm just surprised that the rich eat snacks like microwave popcorn and microwave  quesadillas. I would think that on an expensive charter the food would be more special. I mean, if you want to get drunk and eat microwave popcorn why would you need to charter a yacht in the Bahamas? You could most certainly do that at home for free.

Oil residue on a pan, carbonized baked potato juice clusters on the bottom of the oven it doesn't matter what caused the fire, A clip earlier in the show showed Rocky opening the oven to find 3 potatoes leaking juice left on the rack and  a mess on the floor of the oven.  When it went up in flames  Rocky The Idiot couldn't process what to do next, grab a fire extinguisher or close the damn oven door to at least cut off the air supply. Not Sleeping Beauty Leon is ultimately responsible for what happened, not Kate. 


And while we're on the subject of "The Snoozey Chef" why the hell didn't the captain once he found out Leon was tucked away taking a nap and Rocky was doing his job, why the hell didn't he barge into the crew cabin and tell Leon to get his ass out of bed and get to work? Captain Lee fell down on leadership.

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Eddie is an asshat. I don't care if his girlfriend cheated on him, to carry on with another woman, knowing it will be on national t.v. is bullshit. And while Amy may have crushed on him last year, I think her Twitter posts indicate she's over that little distraction. On the extra footage, he blasts Kate for bringing "box-gate" to the Captain's attention, yet he's banging her stew, while she's supposed to be working resulting in Kate & Amy waking up to a mess to clean up. Oh and I'm sure he would love having Leon yell at him in front of Emile & Connie.



I thought that Eddie had broken up with his girlfriend.  I was surprised on last week's episode that he mentioned his girlfriend.  Why is he hooking up with Rocky, knowing it will be on TV?  Maybe he can't stand his ex that much?


I don't get why it's so bad for a male chef to yell at a woman if he yells at men too.  If you want to be treated as an equal, IMO you can't hide behind your skirts, play little girl and cry, just my two cents.


Captain Lee is passive aggressive IMO.  I find it interesting that he gets all big and bad on his blog, but never said anything directly to Leon.  Why didn't he give the man a reprimand?  Did he not know what was going on between he and Kate?  Maybe he didn't.  Maybe Kate didn't want to be a snitch and that's why she's talking shit on her talking heads?   What Captain Lee did say was that Leon's food was amazing.  Maybe that's why he didn't reprimand him.  Some folks feel that if you can do something very well, doesn't matter if you have a nasty personality.  


I still can't stand Kate.  When Leon said he worked on the QM2, instead of getting on her high horse and calling it a cruist ship, she should have told Leon, "look dude, when you work on a big ship, you don't have to necessarily cater to your guests; they eat what's on the menu, case closed.  When you work on a yacht, you're like a private chef for the guests, hence, you got to do give them what they want, period.  

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I thought that Eddie had broken up with his girlfriend. I was surprised on last week's episode that he mentioned his girlfriend. Why is he hooking up with Rocky, knowing it will be on TV? Maybe he can't stand his ex that much?

I don't get why it's so bad for a male chef to yell at a woman if he yells at men too. If you want to be treated as an equal, IMO you can't hide behind your skirts, play little girl and cry, just my two cents.

Captain Lee is passive aggressive IMO. I find it interesting that he gets all big and bad on his blog, but never said anything directly to Leon. Why didn't he give the man a reprimand? Did he not know what was going on between he and Kate? Maybe he didn't. Maybe Kate didn't want to be a snitch and that's why she's talking shit on her talking heads? What Captain Lee did say was that Leon's food was amazing. Maybe that's why he didn't reprimand him. Some folks feel that if you can do something very well, doesn't matter if you have a nasty personality.

I still can't stand Kate. When Leon said he worked on the QM2, instead of getting on her high horse and calling it a cruist ship, she should have told Leon, "look dude, when you work on a big ship, you don't have to necessarily cater to your guests; they eat what's on the menu, case closed. When you work on a yacht, you're like a private chef for the guests, hence, you got to do give them what they want, period.

I worked as a waitress, while attending law school & without question it was the most demeaning experience of my life. The amount of crap that females were expected to take from the men in the kitchen was just plain wrong. That being said, I don't think Leon should be yelling at anyone male or female. It was Leon who made the point that in his "kitchen" he would always make girls cry and he seemed downright proud of the fact.

I have made the point that Kate was wrong to question Leon's credentials in front of the crew. That being said, Leon's response has been over the top. He undermines her authority with the deck crew, the stews, and Captain Lee. One doesn't have to like Kate to see that Leon is not being professional.

As far as whether Eddie broke up with his girlfriend or not, it seemed to me that he was still giving the impression that they were together. He absolutely wants to humiliate her by hooking up with Rocky on t.v. If the guy couldn't get passed his ex's cheating, then he should've broken up with her before having his fun with Rocky.

Edited by AttackTurtle
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I don't get why it's so bad for a male chef to yell at a woman if he yells at men too. If you want to be treated as an equal, IMO you can't hide behind your skirts, play little girl and cry, just my two cents.

It's shitty and unprofessional regardless of gender; however, it was Leon who stated that in his restaurant he made "the girls" cry. His words and behavior illustrate he is treating people unequally. But he hasn't made anyone cry or hide behind their skirts (or pants women can wear them now) so apparently he is even lazy at that.

Edited by biakbiak
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I could do without the professorial snottitude from a guy who's fucking Rocky on purpose.


This won the internet for me today.


I thought that Eddie had broken up with his girlfriend.  I was surprised on last week's episode that he mentioned his girlfriend.  Why is he hooking up with Rocky, knowing it will be on TV?  Maybe he can't stand his ex that much?


I don't get why it's so bad for a male chef to yell at a woman if he yells at men too.  If you want to be treated as an equal, IMO you can't hide behind your skirts, play little girl and cry, just my two cents.


Captain Lee is passive aggressive IMO.  I find it interesting that he gets all big and bad on his blog, but never said anything directly to Leon.  Why didn't he give the man a reprimand?  Did he not know what was going on between he and Kate?  Maybe he didn't.  Maybe Kate didn't want to be a snitch and that's why she's talking shit on her talking heads?   What Captain Lee did say was that Leon's food was amazing.  Maybe that's why he didn't reprimand him.  Some folks feel that if you can do something very well, doesn't matter if you have a nasty personality.  


I still can't stand Kate.  When Leon said he worked on the QM2, instead of getting on her high horse and calling it a cruist ship, she should have told Leon, "look dude, when you work on a big ship, you don't have to necessarily cater to your guests; they eat what's on the menu, case closed.  When you work on a yacht, you're like a private chef for the guests, hence, you got to do give them what they want, period.  


Re: the yelling at girls being so bad -- it's because he specifically said he yelled at girls in his kitchen and made them cry and seemed proud of it.  He didn't say he yelled at everybody, he made sure the world knew he yelled at "girls."  I also think, the females working in his kitchen were probably women, not girls, and calling them girls is yet another way to undermine them.


I totally agree about Captain Lee needing to step it up in real life and not just talk a big game in his blog after the fact.

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