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S06.E02: JSS

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I laughed when Carol said Leave Him!  when they saw the Wolf attacking Father Gabriel, who I see is no better at taking care of himself than he ever was, although I guess there's hope with him approaching Carl for training.  


So the horn was an accident.  Good to know it wasn't one of the ASZers although I wonder what's in the truck, if it's full of walkers.  I also wonder if the wolves were taking advantage of the herd being moved to have drawn off some of the ASZers.  They didn't seem all that organized, no guns, just taking advantage of surprise, and it's unfortunate that Morgan let some of them get away because he would have to assume they are going to be back.  It looked as though one of them picked up a gun as he ran out?  


I kept thinking maybe Eugene would have some esoteric medical know-how that would help to save Holly but he didn't have anything to contribute.  He seems to be back to full useless and scared mode, I thought maybe he'd made some progress what with helping to save Tara.


Good to see Aaron in action.  I felt bad for him, when he found the bag and saw the pictures.  Not his fault really but I'm sure he feels it is.

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I love Carol. Dropping one act and picking up another. I want her and Rick to rule over Alexandria with their iron fists and brass-knuckled knives.

I sort of wish we would have seen more Aexandrians show they could be badass, but I'm guessing they're all on the Walker Run.

I can't wait to see next week's episode because I'm surprised we didn't see a pan up from Morgan walk away to see a wall of Walkers.

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Why oh why did Ron survive the Wolf attack? Is Enid gone? I doubt it since she got that flashback opening teaser. Damnit, I tune in for zombies and awesome zombie kills-- not whiny teens and stupid love triangles. That's what FTWD is for.


Also, did Aaron just realize that his pictures might have lead the Wolves to them. Is he going to be suffering from a shit ton of guilt this season?

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I'm so disappointed in Deanna and her chickenshit son. They need to sit all the way down. They need to let the Rictatorship happen. Because sitting around and looking scared is weak as fuck. I see why the writers decided to have Rick embark on this doomed zombie herding mission. It got almost all the badasses out in the field, leaving the town unprotected. Suspicious timing, I'd say. Enid or someone had to have tipped the Wolves off.


What the hell is wrong with the Wolves? Do they really want to be the only 20 people left alive in the US? When does that get fun? Are they like the Westboro Baptist Church? They think it's their mandate from God to cause as many problems as possible for the people left alive? (We all know that if there ever was a real zombie apocalypse the Westboro Church would turn all Wolvesy on us on by the third day.)


Morgan having Dr. Phil time with all the Wolves was annoying.


I don't fault Ron for being annoyed with his mother and generally being angry. Teens are angry, hormonal creatures under the best of circumstances. But I draw the damn line at him refusing safety just because some girl he likes, but doesn't know, is "flirting" with someone else. Focus. Some dude just tried to machete you to death a block away from your house.

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ARGH!! All these years of desperately wanting Morgan to join CDB and this is what I get?? The 'all life is precious' bullshit has got to stop. FFS, he sees the wolves slaughtering innocent people and he 'tsk tsk tsks' Carol for killing them where they stand?? Morgan sees what his zen crap led to: the wolf he knocked out in the S5 finale came to ASZ and tried to kill him and he still tries to rationalize with him. I just can't. I was unclear if he actually killed the last wolf or if he just knocked him out (again). And what was in the bag he had in his hands as he walked by Carol at the end? I hate to say it, because Morgan is in my top 5 faves, but if this is going to keep up, then Morgan has got to go. 


Just as I was getting tired of Carol and her meek housewife act, she redeems herself by taking care of business. And not just killing them but being quick on her feet with the disguise and going for the guns in the armory. I did LOL that when she saw FPP being attacked she was like "eh". 


Oy, the teen angst. I like Carl but his little love triangle with insipid Enid and Ron is cringeworthy. Just please make it stop, show. Kill off Ron and Enid and give Carl new friends. At least there will be a delicious casserole for dinner when everyone cleans up. Good thing Betty-Crocker-Carol got one final meal cooked before going back to give-no-fucks-Carol.


Spencer is really damn hot. Glad he lives to see another day. Just toughen up a little, okay, dude?

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Was that Eric's backpack that Aaron found on the dead wolf? Could be Eric's toast?

I wondered that too - if it meant that the Wolves had been to their house.


ETA: Nevermind -- SimoneS addressed the issue.

Edited by lulee
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So Enid is for sure with the Wolves right? When talking to Carl she slipped and said something about, "The town is so big lots of blindspots that's how WE..." and then Carl interrupted her. 


Also, Ron is with the Wolves too, right? That's why him and Enid were hugging before the attack.




Just wanted to add this was my first post here. Been reading for a long time but decided to finally create an account tonight :)

Edited by MikeChatz
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I know that Morgan has a good reason for what he did but I can't stand that he's yet another Black man that has to be made to look like a weakling next to Queen Carol.  What the fuck???

And that's what pisses me off the most about this show.  Fuck Carol.

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Was that Eric's backpack that Aaron found on the dead wolf? Could be Eric's toast?

Aaron lost that backpack in the walker trap in last season's finale. Now that he knows that he's responsible for bringing the Wolves to Alex, does he mope around with a guilty look on his face or does he get pissed off? Let's hope it's the latter.

Edited by AimingforYoko
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Tyreese was a bad ass is the comic and turned into an apprehensive character and now Morgan. This is the second black male character that they are doing this to. It is like they are afraid of black men being strong and embracing violence. It is repulsive and annoying.

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I am sure it is setting up her story for a future epusode. But right now I don't give a rats ass how Enid got there or what happened to her.

I love how Carol just shops and bakes like the perfect stepford wife. And we see her totally transform at the first sign of trouble. Carol don't play! Deanna needs to step aside. Obviously her peopke are not equipped to handle the new reality of the world. They need some serious training!

Edited by Texasmom1970
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Tyreese was a bad ass is the comic and turned into an apprehensive character and now Morgan. This is the second black male character that they are doing this to. It is like they are afraid of black men being strong and embracing violence. It is repulsive and annoying.

But why? in the ZA, i want everyone to embrace violence if it means defending themselves.

Edited by india wilkes
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Something tells me the new doctor will be the new dead doctor by next episode.

They wont cast a actor of that caliber for a two and done. She comes from getting Emmy love off of Nurse Jackie.

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So Enid is for sure with the Wolves right? When talking to Carl she slipped and said something about, "The town is so big lots of blindspots that's how WE..." and then Carl interrupted her.

Also, Ron is with the Wolves too, right? That's why him and Enid were hugging before the attack.


I think she was going to say, "That's how we got out" - meaning when she and Carl climbed over the fence and slow mow ran through the woods like a damn teenage love story. 


I am still not 100% convinced Enid isn't with the Wolves, but I highly doubt Ron is. Ron has never been outside those walls, not until he followed Rick and Morgan that day. He was hugging Enid, I guess, because she had just told HIM she was leaving - as she went to do with her other boyfriend, Carl, later.

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Was that Eric's backpack that Aaron found on the dead wolf? Could be Eric's toast?


No, it was his own backback that he left behind when the wolves almost killed him and Daryl. So Aaron will probably blame himself for bringing them to Alexandria.

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Tara should have been out fighting the wolves instead of giving moral support to psuedo Doctor, she already had Eugene and Eric there. I knew that woman was going to die anyway, her injury was bad.

They made it clear that she was dizzy doing everyday tasks. She just woke up not too long ago. Fighting a onslaught like this in her condition makes no sense.

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Oh yeah, there was like a massive herd of walkers going to Alexandria, so next episode should pick up right there.

Unless  after Morgan turned that horn off, Rick and the others somehow managed to get them walkers back on track, which would actually render the season opener superflous, but oh well.


I hope Zoey stays. Although she will have to grow a spine and put her foot down when necessary: that woman they brought to her was pretty much a goner, and it was sheer dumb luck that none of the wolves happened upon them while trying to revive her. And Eric was there right? he did make it I hope.


I don't think Enid is with the wolves. I do think she is terribly screwed up though.


And I do appreciate seeing Carol upset about smoking lady being killed. I mean, it all looked like an act from her part, earlier in the pantry, but I take her sorrow as proof that she hasn't turned stone cold.

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Tyreese was a bad ass is the comic and turned into an apprehensive character and now Morgan. This is the second black male character that they are doing this to. It is like they are afraid of black men being strong and embracing violence. It is repulsive and annoying.

Morgan's got no trouble with violence. He's got no problem with protecting his own. He does have a problem with killing. I imagine we'll get a backstory this season to find out why.

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I care so little for the Alexandrians that I laughed when that guy got hit by the Molotov cocktail, burst into flames, and fell over. And I clapped when the smoking lady got axed. At least now she'll stop about that pasta machine.


What is with people in this town and pasta machines????

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So Enid is for sure with the Wolves right? When talking to Carl she slipped and said something about, "The town is so big lots of blindspots that's how WE..." and then Carl interrupted her. 


Also, Ron is with the Wolves too, right? That's why him and Enid were hugging before the attack.

I thought Carl interrupted to say something like yeah he knew, that's how she was able to get over the walls (from that episode last season where he follows her into the woods).  As to if she's with the wolves, maybe but their M.O. doesn't seem to be planting people in communities and then attack later although I guess we don't know that, just my impression from what we've seen of them so far.  And Ron is such a twit, he seems like the kind of person the wolves would have killed instantly and turned into a walker.

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When Morgan said that he learned his stick-fu from a cheese maker, all I could think of was the satire of the Sermon on the Mount in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "Blessed are the cheese makers." Ha! Now I wish the Pythons were still together because they'd do one hella funny take-off of The Walking Dead.

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Tara should have been out fighting the wolves instead of giving moral support to psuedo Doctor, she already had Eugene and Eric there. I knew that woman was going to die anyway, her injury was bad.

Tara had said she was lightheaded. Better that she stayed inside than get herself killed or killed/ turned.

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Just because Ninja Turtles were never shown actually killing anyone does not mean Morgan has to be the same way.

Cardigan Carol doling out "How To Get Over Grief in One Easy Step" was amazing...as was every thing else she did this episode.

I totally squeed at Merrit Weaver. I love her.

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So Enid is for sure with the Wolves right? When talking to Carl she slipped and said something about, "The town is so big lots of blindspots that's how WE..." and then Carl interrupted her. 


Also, Ron is with the Wolves too, right? That's why him and Enid were hugging before the attack.

That was my first thought too. I think it also could be why her family passed Alexandria. Maybe the saw it and considered checking it out but changed their mind because they felt it was vulnerable?

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I'm convinced that Morgan took some sort of vow to preserve human life no matter what.  I don't understand it and I don't like it but Morgan isn't stupid and he definitely isn't a coward. 


There were a lot of other things in this episode other than Gimple's exultation of Queen Carol.


I liked that Maggie is stepping up and becoming a real leader.  Deanna has really lost whatever mojo she had and her son is beyond useless.  Maggie kept her cool and managed to get herself and Deanna back inside safely.


I was so proud of Jessie; she stepped up in a big way and protected her child.


The teen scene was absurd.  I don't know what was up with Carl.  We've seen Carl in battle before so I don't know why he thought an attack was a good time to work out some teenage angst.


Eugene, Denise and Tara were good.  Eugene is really growing on me.


The episode was action-packed but it was incoherent too.  I know we're going to get an episode that explains exactly why Morgan refuses to kill and it's going to be amazing.  In the meantime though, Gimple has shown that he'll tear anyone down in order to make his favourite look good.  I really hope that Lennie James didn't sign a long term contract.

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Deanna hoped in that truck like she was the President and had to be saved at all cost. Ummmm yeah someone needs to be around so they can collect all the guns and teach people to hide in closets. If not you then who? Child hitch a ride on Abrahams short bus go to Pee Pants Baptist Church and have every seat available.

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How that wolf took out the smoking woman was crazy. My heart stopped a bit.


It was very well done. I wasn't expect it at all. I thought Carol was about to go outside and chastise that woman, and them - BAM! 


I agree with the poster who said the walker episodes aren't that tense anymore, but the people ones are. This one, and Claimed from season 4, really had me on edge.

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Looking at Ron simply as an emotional teenager, I have to ask: why on earth wouldn't he have accepted the offer of safety, not only because safety is good, but, more importantly, because going in there could have given him a chance to cockblock Coral?

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Any ideas why the wolves were butchering? I suggested to Mr. Mya that it was to feed the walkers that they keep, but he thinks they butchered them to eat themselves.

I figured it was just gruesome killing, ratchet up the fear and anxiety level for the ASZers and us watching at home.  But maybe there was some other plan there.  


They wouldn't have seemed so dangerous if the full CDB group had been there.  And if Morgan hadn't been so busy playing guidance counselor. 

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Also, Enid. What the fuck is her deal? Why is she leaving? Who is JSS? Why she gotta be such a player??? I just don't get her.

JSS = Just Survive Somehow

I half-expected her to stab Carl when she went to sit down next to him.

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Deanna hoped in that truck like she was the President and had to be saved at all cost.


What's worse, Maggie validated her! She's all, "Spencer, make sure you protect her". Fuck that. Spencer has a gun. He may really suck with it, but he might have gotten at least ONE wolf!

Edited by ghoulina
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