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S06.E09: Robyn's Big Announcement


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A lot of the kids who thought they had enough kids when Sol was in the cooker were not adverse this time because they were already in college and out of the house.  What got on my last nerve a long time ago is the constant "twins" talk not only from the leghumpers but from the preggo ones themselves.  Come on.  Sing us a new tune.  You sound like a bunch of ditzy jerks, and twins are most common now it seems to me in older people with IVF.  Think up something new to giggle about.

  • Love 3

Meri's stomach should hurt. People who know they're doing wrong and put themselves in high stress situations often have stomach issues.


I hate to admit it, and God forgive me for feeling this way, but as soon as Meri started talking about cancer, I felt like she was exaggerating or lying to obtain sympathy. I just don't believe a word out of any of them. Thirty pounds lost in six weeks - how far along was Robyn in that pregnancy? Was Meri making herself sick thinking about Robyn having another baby, the divorce, the catfish, etc. Was she binge dieting bc she thought she had a new man of the hook? Hmmm.


Of course a physician diagnosis holds far more weight than my opinion, but sounds to me like Meri has cervical hyperplasisia - thickening of the cervix due to perimenopause or full on menopause. Meri is 45, so she's at the right age.


I don't wish cancer on anyone, and no one deserves cancer, but I just can't take Meri seriously.


It really irritated me that Robyn played poor pitiful me and was so terrified again that her pregnancy wouldn't be well received. Dear Robyn, you know they all hate you, you know you're being sneaky and manipulative, so glad you're demonstrating you have a smidge of a conscience, but stop the pity party. Don't manipulate people and then act upset when they don't hand you a tiara and kiss your feet.


Aurora - I don't care if she is a teen - girl needs to take it down about 10 notches. She's way too EVERYTHING. Calm yourself down. Dayton has more sense and honesty than any of them. I'm glad he said he needed time to process it, but he looked like he didn't think this baby was a great idea. Considering all the other family dynamics going on right now, I agree with him.


Robyn - yes, you ARE selfish and hypocritical - and Kody is, too, - to tell your favorite, legal family about the pregnancy, then tell Meri in advance, and the rest who don't matter to you anyway. I think they probably felt similar to this pregnancy, they just all know to nod and smile now. Also slightly cruel to have the woman who struggled with fertility, was usurped by you from Legal Wife to left behind AND who is having gynecological issues to announce that her husband knocked you up AGAIN. 


Thanks for reminding us how special King Solomon the Golden Child is. Was all the twin talk due to Robyn possibly taking some sort of fertility treatments?


Speaking of twins - kudos to Christine for half-threatening in that simpering sweet voice that it might be twins, twins aren't THAT bad, if you have a lot of help - KNOWING that Robyn has said she feels excluded from the Janelle-Christina child care set up, and didn't feel like she could safely ask them to sit for her kids without her kids being mistreated. (Not that I think any of them would harm the kids, but they ain't helping Robyn with anything, and I don't blame them).

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 16

It was their way of punishing Meri for trying to find happiness elsewhere.

Kody and Robyn punishing Meri by asking her to announce, while Meri gets to punish Janelle and Christine by ensuring they knew she was informed about the pregnancy first.


Also adding that Robyn sort of seemed like she was really annoyed and didn't want to be around her three older kids. Like they got on her nerves, and she had to tell them about this new baby, but she wished they'd go away.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 5

Kody and Robyn punishing Meri by asking her to announce, while Meri gets to punish Janelle and Christine by ensuring they knew she was informed about the pregnancy first.

Circle of life in that family tree wreath.


How did Meri lose 30 pounds in 2 months?!!  It's called the "I'm going to bang a hot rich dude in Disneyland so I best just eat some kale" diet.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 24

I had to laugh at Kody at the therapist's office, trying to figure out how he could remain the douchebag asshole husband he is and still make Christine happy. Sorry, you can't. That's the whole point. And of course he had to say that the lesson he learned there he could use to make all his relationships better, once again making it about HIS family and not his relationship with Christine.


"What's your name?" "Soloman Kody Brown" Of course it is, of course it is.


At the attorney's office, when Robyn gushed how Kody was the perfect father to have on the paperwork, Meri looked away with a look that said "Jeezus H, shut the hell up". It was wonderful.

  • Love 18

Now I'm glad I skipped it to watch the grudge match between the Patriots and the Colts. Makes me feel better to watch people interact who aren't pretending to like each other.

Having Meri make that announcement was just disgusting.

Kody's the head of the household, he should have done it, and making Meri do it just forced her to be there. Why would she want to be there?

Makes me really want to see the first three wives run for the exits. The Kody wouldn't have the three wives he'll need to get to the top tier in Heaven. Of course he could marry Robyn's daughters to fulfill that quota. But I think TLC would cancel before that would happen. They have to draw the line somewhere.

  • Love 3

Meri's stomach should hurt. People who know they're doing wrong and put themselves in high stress situations often have stomach issues.


I hate to admit it, and God forgive me for feeling this way, but as soon as Meri started talking about cancer, I felt like she was exaggerating or lying to obtain sympathy. I just don't believe a word out of any of them. Thirty pounds lost in six weeks - how far along was Robyn in that pregnancy? Was Meri making herself sick thinking about Robyn having another baby, the divorce, the catfish, etc. Was she binge dieting bc she thought she had a new man of the hook? Hmmm.


Yeah, Meri knows what the rapid weight loss is all about! She knows it's a combination of the divorce, Robyn's pregnancy, and especially the hot, secret online affair she was having. Being "in love" makes lots of people drop pounds. Add to that the stress of hiding what she was doing, knowing it was cheating -- it's no surprise she lost 30lbs, and she knows it. But they needed a way to explain Meri's thinner frame, so - hey - why not toss in some cancer scare drama! Even Meri herself didn't look too concerned at the doctor's office



It really irritated me that Robyn played poor pitiful me and was so terrified again that her pregnancy wouldn't be well received. Dear Robyn, you know they all hate you, you know you're being sneaky and manipulative, so glad you're demonstrating you have a smidge of a conscience, but stop the pity party. Don't manipulate people and then act upset when they don't hand you a tiara and kiss your feet.


    Robyn - yes, you ARE selfish and hypocritical - and Kody is, too, - to tell your favorite, legal family about the pregnancy, then tell Meri in advance, and the rest who don't matter to you anyway. I think they probably felt similar to this pregnancy, they just all know to nod and smile now. Also slightly cruel to have the woman who struggled with fertility, was usurped by you from Legal Wife to left behind AND who is having gynecological issues to announce that her husband knocked you up AGAIN.

    Thanks for reminding us how special King Solomon the Golden Child is. Was all the twin talk due to Robyn possibly taking some sort of fertility treatments?

I agree with everything you posted except Robyn's smidge of conscience. I don't see that at all. I see someone who is trying so hard to pretend that she's not Queen Brown. Actually, before the divorce there was a bit of humility in Robyn because, although she was Kody's favourite (and knew it), she seemed slightly uncomfortable being the 'new girl' in an established family. But now that she's the favourite, and legal, and the only pregnant one, she's so smug it's ridiculous. When she went on an on about being so so terribly afraid of telling everyone the news, there was nothing but blankness in her eyes. She couldn't care less what anybody else thinks now! She's got her little nuclear family, and they're what matter to her (as evidenced by the pre-announcement). If the rest of the chumps don't like her being pregnant ... oh well. But let's put on a spectacular show about how nervous she is to see everyone's reaction! Ugh.


Having Meri host an "announcement dinner" and having her actually make the announcement was just rubbing salt in her divorce/infertility wounds. If Meri didn't have her online affair at the time, I don't think she could have made the announcement in such a breezy manner. I'm amazed that all 3 of the non-Robyn wives can act so content about the massive hoo-hah that's been swirling around Robyn and Kody lately. I just feel like those two are flaunting their relationship in the most insensitive way. And Robyn's newfound smugness is really, really intolerable.  I could never fake being happy in such an arrangement. It's against human nature!

Edited by deedee2
  • Love 9

Yeah, Meri knows what the rapid weight loss is all about! She knows it's a combination of the divorce, Robyn's pregnancy, and especially the hot, secret online affair she was having. Being "in love" makes lots of people drop pounds. Add to that the stress of hiding what she was doing, knowing it was cheating -- it's no surprise she lost 30lbs, and she knows it. But they needed a way to explain Meri's thinner frame, so - hey - why not toss in some cancer scare drama! Even Meri herself didn't look too concerned at the doctor's office

Meri's lost her weight on the banana diet.

  • Love 12

Oooooh Meri that's your guilty conscience keeping you sick!!!! And as someone pointed out on another blog it's very nice that Kody went to the doctor with Robyn but if Meri has been so sick why should she have to go to the doctor alone?

Kody is what my grandmother would call "a good time Charlie"; only in this for the fun and none of the work."

  • Love 14

Do these people give any thought whatsoever about how they will provide for yet another child? I mean, haven't most if not all of them been in bankruptcy? They just don't seem to worry a bit about it. I don't get it.

Exactly. And for a family that goes to therapy and throws the word "validate" around so much (the adults, at least), it astounds me that none of them listen or care about WHY the older kids might not be happy to hear about new baby news. Instead, Kody just rolls his eyes at his ever-complaining teenagers, and Robyn accuses them of having a "bad attitude." So the kid's feelings are never validated, or even explored, but theirs (Kody and Robyn's feelings) have to be.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 7

And as someone pointed out on another blog it's very nice that Kody went to the doctor with Robyn but if Meri has been so sick why should she have to go to the doctor alone?

This really stood out to me. Kody goes everywhere with Robyn, including doctor's and lawyer's appointments. And in the very same episode as Kody accompanying Robyn to a doctor's appointment, Meri goes to one alone. He doesn't even participate in any of the TH interviews about it, either. Again, Meri does this alone. Of course, this could very well be because Meri made this up as a way to explain her secret lover-related weight loss. But it still shows how non-supportive and separate all their lives are, and how much Kody favors Robyn.

  • Love 6

Meri's doctors should be investigating why she is day-glo orange. And so nice of Kody to accompany her to the appointments. Though I am pretty sure Kody hasn't noticed the weight loss and Meri hasn't told him about the tests she has been having. I do wonder though if something develops from these tests (not that I think it will) will Robyn be the one to annouce it to the fam? 


Speaking of Robyn, WTH was up with her statement that she has had numerous phone conversations with the midwife to make sure she is taking the right vitamins and supplements. Isn't this your 5th kid, Robyn? Shouldn't you have that stuff down by now?


Why was Kody so annoyed at the kids coming up with names for the Brownlett? I thought some were pretty cute. Charlie Brown was my favourite - what a fitting name for this cartoonish family.

  • Love 14

Knowing that people will argue with me and say they have siblings years older or younger and are really close, the data say that this really doesn't happen.  Those kids are going to be separated from the youngest by 20 or more  years in some cases, and by 10 to 20 years in almost all cases.  They won't have the usual sibling relationships.  They had different influences growing up, vastly different memories, have grown up in different eras with different memories.  If you are only 2, and one is 7 years older than the other, each experiences life essentially as an only child.  Most of those kids will have kids with more in common with the newby.  Thankfully the Brown kids don't seem to have to raise the new ones like the Duggers do.  That's a big plus.

  • Love 4

omg the whole drama  re telling people- why does everything eve need to be this huge, oh we have to make everything a major announcement? is it the tv thing or do people actually act like this? I mean, they could have just let things progress and everyone would have figured it out. Or, she could have told the other wives and said, if you want to tell your kids, it's up to you. That's it.  Having Meri do it seemed cowardly. What if Meri wants to escape being your big sis/mentor/mom figure?   #tryingtostayrelevant  #subtitles4robin


what can we all do to stop the orange on meri ?  is she doing that because she gets all blotchy when she gets nervous and is trying to cover it up? nooo stay with blotchy. Robin looks better a little fatter . Someone posted on one of these threads Christine is dressing differently. Not sure if I'm liking the plyg-hippie look on her.  Is someone coaching Robin's oldest girl to be that animated or is that just her?  Robin is always explaining/pseudo-apologizing for the asperger's thing re Dayton/David but the irony is...he is one of the very few on that show that acts consistently sane. Maybe he should explain stuff they do:

   'Oh well , they're neurotypicals AND plygs, what do you expect? You have to practically jump up and down, clap your hands and tell them how wonderful they are all the time or they think you hate them. It's really annoying. Gotta go, there's another announcement assembly in 5 minutes..'


I hope Meri turns out to be ok, don't wish any ill on any of these goofballs- I'm starting to believe not only will they have their own planet someday, but that they are already from one.


Glad Christine is calling kody out on his BS, but I'll expand on that, his "i try to fix things' was stole right out of every women's magazine, shrink stock phrase store. He tries to weasel out of stuff or shut the person down.  That's not trying to fix it. Keep calling him out on his crap, good job.




  • Love 14

I think it was messed up they had Meri make the pregnancy announcement. Just twist the knife more.


I can't believe Kody becomes a bigger dick each episode.  The kids throwing out names was funny and he got his panties all in a twist.  Really can't stand him.

His grimness while the kids were having fun was disgusting.  Do you recall in the kitchen at the beach house and 2 of the older girls were playing the hand clapping game?  He got annoyed with that too.  Another poster in the beach episode got it right - Kody was acting then more like the fun uncle with all the bull riding and "gnarly."  As long as he can perform he's happy.


"I hate to admit it, and God forgive me for feeling this way, but as soon as Meri started talking about cancer, I felt like she was exaggerating or lying to obtain sympathy." - Please God forgive us both because I BELIEVE this to be true.  And frankly I completely understand it from her side.  



OTOH, I am totally jealous of women who can just decide it's time to become pregnant....and do.


Also, I wondered if cervical dysplasia could be caused by your lover's penis penetrating multiple vaginas and carrying organisms from one to the other.  Having multiple partners is, after all, a risk factor for cervical cancer. 

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 5

Glad Christine is calling kody out on his BS, but I'll expand on that, his "i try to fix things' was stole right out of every women's magazine, shrink stock phrase store. He tries to weasel out of stuff or shut the person down.  That's not trying to fix it. Keep calling him out on his crap, good job.

Not only that, but his way of discussing this issue with Christine was to ask: "what would make it so that I can still do what I need to do?" Yes, he really said that! Christine is not only asking for her voice to be heard, but also to get her way some of the time. But no, Kody gets his way 100% of the time. He always wins. But he thinks he's being an evolved man by pledging to listen more, and to "validate" how Christine feels. Selfish prick.

  • Love 6

Lord save me from Sobyn and her 5 thousand announcements. 


First, the adoption stuff. Over it. Whatever. I'm just glad that Day-un's big name change wasn't going to be to Dayton Kody Brown, as I was dreading when Robyn started down that road. I do really relate to that kid. I hate change. When I hear big announcements, I sit there, stone faced, just like he did. It upsets my husband sometimes, but I just really need to time to process and adjust. That's why I hate when Kodouche and Sobyn make big spectacles on camera. Knowing your kid has Aspergers, why not tell him off camera, alone, and then leave him to his own devices so he can process? 


And then the pregnancy thing. Of course we already knew, but I didn't realize she was going to make us relive just how "mean" everyone was when she announced she was pregnant with Solomon, how mistreated she was. Waaaahhhh. Spare me. That family IS big enough (given that virtually no one works and Christine has to bribe her husband to see his kids with gym mats) and bless the older kids who were strong enough to say so. Plus, after all they had just been through and you're a total newcomer to the family, don't expect them to be turning cartwheels. But yay, everyone was happy for Saint Robyn this time. Vindication! *barf*


And, Kody, how immature he is. He was basically stomping his foot and having a fit over the kids throwing out name after name. Maybe if you acted like an adult and didn't let them see you riled, they'd have stopped 10 ridiculous names ago. 


Why is Mariah always there???? Did she leave school? 

  • Love 16
Kody is what my grandmother would call "a good time Charlie"; only in this for the fun and none of the work."


That's exactly what he is! That's why we see him going on fun trips with the kids or wrestling with them, etc. But is he going to sit down and have a good talk with you, be there for you when you're really struggling? I doubt it. He reminds me a lot of my ex-step-father, who is manic depressive, by the by. He was a "good dad" when the kids were little. Took them on all kinds of outings, was always having fun with them. But as they got older and wanted to play less and needed more of a shoulder, he wasn't there for them at all. Did Kody even have a TH about Meri's health issues? Does he even care????

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 5

Loved the way Meri said her "Gynecologist/Obstetrician". Hate to tell you this honey, but your Obstetrician days are long over.


I get the feeling that in vitro was the only way Meri was going to be exposed to the seeds necessary for another baby a couple of years ago, and Kody turned down that option.  There's a reason that only Robyn gets pregnant.  She has the only garden where the seeds are planted.  (Wish I could turn that into a cookie metaphor, but I think you all know what I mean.)

  • Love 4

IDK I think the only reason everyone was happy about the new baby was that it might ensure that they have yet another season to torture us with.


Robyn seemed really annoyed while getting food at the announcement party. When Christine's mom was talking to her Robyn seemed to want to not be bothered by her.


I still don't get this family. No one works. Where does the money come from to feed all these kids? I know they get paid by TLC but seriously what do they do all day? 

  • Love 2

IDK I think the only reason everyone was happy about the new baby was that it might ensure that they have yet another season to torture us with.


Robyn seemed really annoyed while getting food at the announcement party. When Christine's mom was talking to her Robyn seemed to want to not be bothered by her.


I still don't get this family. No one works. Where does the money come from to feed all these kids? I know they get paid by TLC but seriously what do they do all day? 


Don't you watch?  LOL.


They have "meetings."  About adoptions, and MSWC, and other stuff.  It is ridiculous that anytime Meri calls Kody, she always asks, "Are you with Robyn?  Can both of you come over here?  We need to have a meeting."  And (1) he's always with Robyn; and (2) neither one of them are working so they rush right over for the meeting.

  • Love 2

I really didn't notice much of a weight loss in Meri.

Also, Meri has not been going to her Gynecologist for annual pap smears?

Loved the way Meri said her "Gynecologist/Obstetrician". Hate to tell you this honey, but your Obstetrician days are long over.

For a woman Meri's age, Paps are only recommended every 3-5 years. That "annual" thing is a paternalistic money grab.

I am curious whether they have health insurance since Meri was apparently getting a lot of tests.

  • Love 1

When discussing twins, Christine said "Well, you have a lot of help", but I don't think she was talking about her fellow wives or the kids. Doesn't her sister live with her?

This is the Robin show. Robins adoption. Robins baby. Poor, pitiful Robin and her bad baby daddy, and no one in her new family likes her, and woe is me they don't like me because of EVERYTHING I DO. gosh, can't stand her.

Poor Christine is so giggly. I feel so bad. To me she comes a cross as trying to hard to be fun and light hearted around Kody and Robin. They have the energy like she's just a friend that neither really care for but try to include out of pity. I feel bad saying that but that's what I felt like watching it. Like a middle school girl who has a crush on the popular guy and is friends with his cheerleader girl friend and they are just like, yeah you can come with us. Free Christine. Heck, free them all but Robin.

I heart Dayton. I hate that him being reasonable is blame in aspergers. No, it's not. It's called maturity. Her oldest daughter is very over the top. I'm blaming it on teen plus cameras around. But she just too manic to watch.

  • Love 16

When Robyn was pregnant the first time, the rest of the family was under the false impression that they were entitled to an honest opinion. In the past four years, they have learned that they are not allowed to go against her. They understand that she is the queen of the family. They must truly despise her. I know that I do.

  • Love 21

Don't you watch?  LOL.


They have "meetings."  About adoptions, and MSWC, and other stuff.  It is ridiculous that anytime Meri calls Kody, she always asks, "Are you with Robyn?  Can both of you come over here?  We need to have a meeting."  And (1) he's always with Robyn; and (2) neither one of them are working so they rush right over for the meeting.

I admit that I rarely watched it last season but read the play by play blogs so I wouldn't be tortured. So I have no clue still what they do for a living!? Does Janelle sell real estate?

You would think that since Kody is trying to put a good face on polygamy, he would at least try to pretend that all of his wives are relevant. Instead he is validating everyone's opinion about polygamy. As the wives get older, they get put out to pasture, and the husband keeps taking new younger wives who he favors. Kody just keeps proving that polygamy is a horrible lifestyle for women.

  • Love 21

Does Janelle sell real estate?


That's a hard question to answer.  She is shown on the real estate website as a sales professional.  But this is the same website that shows Christine as a "salesperson."  And we all know that Christine realized after getting her license that real estate salespeople work on - HORRORS - weekends (when the customers are shopping).  At the beginning of the real estate charade, Janelle worked in the office, and occasionally baby-sat at open houses.


Bottom line, as with everything with this group, who knows? 

  • Love 1

For a woman Meri's age, Paps are only recommended every 3-5 years. That "annual" thing is a paternalistic money grab.

I am curious whether they have health insurance since Meri was apparently getting a lot of tests.

Isn't that true only if you (and partner, if there is one) don't multiple partners? I may be wrong, but I seem to recall my gyno telling me something like this. I could ask Dr. Google.

I guess essentially they are a closed system but I don't know, they seem gynecologically complicated. Not that I know what I am talking about.

I have a good friend who's on the spectrum. If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known. He has shared some of the manifestations with me, so I understand a bit about his challenges, but they aren't obvious. He is super high functioning. Anyway, Dayton seems similar to me. I don't watch very often so maybe I haven't seen enough, but he seems like he is coping very well with this crazy life his mom forced him into. His poor sister with her emotions flying all over is the one who concerns me. I well remember being an emotional mess during puberty, though not to that degree. I can't imagine having to have it all on display on a stupid TV show.

And I want to encourage Meri to get the hell out. And take Christine with her. Ladies, if this is your preview of eternity, how can you even contemplate such a fate???

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 5

Isn't that true only if you (and partner, if there is one) don't multiple partners? I may be wrong, but I seem to recall my gyno telling me something like this. I could ask Dr. Google.

I guess essentially they are a closed system but I don't know, they seem gynecologically complicated. Not that I know what I am talking about.


I suppose Robyn could've introduced HPV to this circus, but even then, I don't know that annual Paps are necessary. (I just happened to be reading about this yesterday.) They tend to have more false positives than actually doing much good. There's a lot of paternalism and control in the way women's health is managed, but I guess paternalism and control are SOP for the Cult-de-Sac anyway.

  • Love 1

So I have no clue still what they do for a living!?



I have no idea what they do for a living either, but I'll bet it goes something like this: Meri gets herself nice and orange with self tanner, then spends the rest of the day gettin' some sweet Catfishin' love on the internet, Kody and Raaaaww-bin bump uglies (sorry for the visual), Christine drinks wine and cries while her mother cares for her children and Janelle is hopefully working a secret job and funnelling her paycheck into an account with only her name on it. Polygamy's the best, y'all!

  • Love 16

I suppose Robyn could've introduced HPV to this circus, but even then, I don't know that annual Paps are necessary. (I just happened to be reading about this yesterday.) They tend to have more false positives than actually doing much good. There's a lot of paternalism and control in the way women's health is managed, but I guess paternalism and control are SOP for the Cult-de-Sac anyway.

Thanks for this - I couldn't recall for sure.

  • Love 1

Kody is so over Meri and her dramatics. Of course he wasn't at the gynecologist with her!

He in a relationship with Robyn. He needs Janelle to help him figure out his business plans and manage the Brown income, but Meri and Christine exhaust him.

I agree, and it speaks very poorly of him as a husband or even just a human. He claims he has committed spiritually to all the women, but in truth he is husband only to Robyn. But he cannot allow the others to escape, and he is in a position to control their emotions and feelings through bullying and selective granting or withholding of affection. A totally loathesome way to behave. I am sad that Meri's escape attempt ended so sadly.

  • Love 13

omg the whole drama  re telling people- why does everything eve need to be this huge, oh we have to make everything a major announcement? is it the tv thing or do people actually act like this? I mean, they could have just let things progress and everyone would have figured it out. Or, she could have told the other wives and said, if you want to tell your kids, it's up to you. That's it.  Having Meri do it seemed cowardly. What if Meri wants to escape being your big sis/mentor/mom figure?   #tryingtostayrelevant  #subtitles4robin





I agree and I suspect the reason is two-fold. First, I do think it's staged for the show. However, I think that is an excuse reason because there would be lots of ways to get the kids reaction to another baby. TLC would probably prefer a way that would get them more real responses, especially with the teens. 


The driving force behind the big ta-doo is Robyn. She's pregnant so the entire family must be amazed and love her even more. She needs to relive their "horrible attitudes" the first time and sob about that for a while. She needs to be the center of the universe at a family dinner while everyone says how wonderful it is. I seriously doubt they get together as a family like that for anything other than these canned announcements so the kids probably figured it out anyway. 


Personally, I'm impressed that the kids didn't roll their eyes so fiercely that they popped right out of their heads. What I wanted to see was the reaction from the oldest kids who weren't there and already thought they had too many kids back before King Solomon. 

  • Love 4
I agree, and it speaks very poorly of him as a husband or even just a human. He claims he has committed spiritually to all the women, but in truth he is husband only to Robyn. But he cannot allow the others to escape, and he is in a position to control their emotions and feelings through bullying and selective granting or withholding of affection. A totally loathesome way to behave. I am sad that Meri's escape attempt ended so sadly.


Oh, I totally agree.  He is a loathsome individual.  The whole setup is such a selfish way to live.  The only one who it serves is the man. 

  • Love 3

My GYN told me 3 consecutive clear Paps and then every 3 years.  But I suppose this whole situation goes to show you you CAN'T count on a "closed system" - who would have pegged Meri for grabbing some on the side?  Not that she got to, but she clearly would have, if the guy hadn't been imaginary.


I would love to see outtakes/behind the scenes footage of those confessional shoots.  Meri is openly channeling Honeybadger.  The only time she even remotely makes a facial movement other than complete boredom/disdain is when the topic involves the children and she musters a weak smile (which seems genuine, actually, just weak)

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