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S12.E04: Old Time Rock And Roll

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So Callie's girlfriend is the doctor who told Meredith Derek was dead.


Which is awkward enough, but first and foremost she's the one who worked on him and failed to do what she (and Meredith) knew was necessary to save him. What a fun dinner party this will be! Mary Richards will be proud. Although, I get that Meredith would never forget that other doctor's (Penny's, I guess) face, even without the very anvilicious speech she made earlier, but I find it hard to believe that Penny would instantly recognize Meredith. It's been over a year, and as much as she was told to keep Derek in mind as her "teaching moment" or whatever, come on. They see dead people every day.

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Another really, really solid episode. I loved all of Meredith's stuff, especially her talks with Maggie and her speech to the interns. She's come so far, and Ellen Pompeo is doing great with the material. I saw that ending coming because I read spoilers, but otherwise I would have been shocked - I think it was well built into the episode. It's going to be crushing not just for Meredith, but for Callie. I really can't wait to see how they handle it next week. 


The Stef story made her interesting to me for the first time in a long time, even though her and Amelia are easily my least favourite thing about the series. I think the dynamic with her and Jo is realistic and it reminds me of the earlier seasons when the doctors were always competing with each other to get ahead. I also actually really like the new interns - or, at least Cross (?, the blonde one) and DeLuca. DeLuca and Maggie are the kind of sexy that we haven't had for a while on the show, so even while Maggie's rants get a bit tedious, I don't mind the story. It's fun, just like the tone of the episode overall. 


I got a major season 2 / 3 feeling from this episode. Even with the bloated cast, it flowed well (I still wish the cast was a bit smaller so that people didn't come in and out every week -no Owen last week, no Bailey this week.) April and Arizona were fun, and the sad stuff balanced out well. I think the writing so far - while still choppy in parts - is a whole lot stronger. I just have to ask... where the heck are Meredith's kids during the dinner party? Someone else drove them all to work in the morning, they work all day and then when they go home and have people over there are no kids in sight... 

Edited by BaseOps
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I was surprised how much I liked this episode. Arizona and the old guy were great together, if you could ignore the anvils falling all over the place,

This was one of the rare times I actually enjoyed Amelia, and i thought her scenes with Stephanie were very well done. Jo's takedown of Stephanie seemed out-of-character, though.

Meredith's monologue was good as well, though I figured something would happen to bring her down. It'll be interesting to see how the stuff with Callie's girlfriend plays out next week.

And on a completely shallow note: Maggie's olive green dress was all kinds of adorable.

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I just have to ask... where the heck are Meredith's kids during the dinner party? Someone else drove them all to work in the morning, they work all day and then when they go home and have people over there are no kids in sight...

I think they just lock the kids in the basement when they have people over. It's getting ridiculous.

Oh, what about Sofia? Arizona was there and so was Callie, so Sofia was....? Perhaps she's in the basement playing with Zola. Sigh.

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I knew Callie's girlfriend was going to be someone we knew, but I didn't expect it to be the doctor that worked on Derek. I thought in the episode where he died that woman would come back, so this could be interesting.

I can't believe that Jo a) thought Stephanie was lying with that emotional confession, and b) told Amelia she was lying. Aren't they BFFs?

Which is awkward enough, but first and foremost she's the one who worked on him and failed to do what she (and Meredith) knew was necessary to save him. What a fun dinner party this will be! Mary Richards will be proud. Although, I get that Meredith would never forget that other doctor's (Penny's, I guess) face, even without the very anvilicious speech she made earlier, but I find it hard to believe that Penny would instantly recognize Meredith. It's been over a year, and as much as she was told to keep Derek in mind as her "teaching moment" or whatever, come on. They see dead people every day.


I would expect she would remember Meredith because of that "teaching moment."  She might lose patients all the time, but the families of those people wouldn't have talked to her the way Meredith did.  Plus, feeling how she did about failing at Derek's care , it would be an emotionally memorable moment, too.

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I think she would remember Mereddith because Derek was also a pretty famous surgeon and Meredith is the daughter of another famous surgeon. And is pretty well known herself I imagine at least in the greater Seattle area--medical professionals in the area would've all heard about the plane crash and subsequent hospital rebrand.

Which is actually why I didn't like the ending. I don't buy her shock. If Callie is her girlfriend and not just a date, then she would know where she works and probably would've known whose house they were going to! I hate contrivance. Heck she probably would've already asked Callie if she knew Derek when she found out that Callie is on the board of the damn hospital where he worked and (arrrrr my brain). Sigh.

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I think she would remember Mereddith because Derek was also a pretty famous surgeon and Meredith is the daughter of another famous surgeon. And is pretty well known herself I imagine at least in the greater Seattle area--medical professionals in the area would've all heard about the plane crash and subsequent hospital rebrand.

Which is actually why I didn't like the ending. I don't buy her shock. If Callie is her girlfriend and not just a date, then she would know where she works and probably would've known whose house they were going to! I hate contrivance. Heck she probably would've already asked Callie if she knew Derek when she found out that Callie is on the board of the damn hospital where he worked and (arrrrr my brain). Sigh.

I don't know, bringing up that you gave poor medical treatment to your girlfriend's dead friend is kind of an awkward thing to bring up. If she did remember she probably wouldn't have brought it up right away ( I don't remember how long they've been together). But you're right about not looking shocked.

Edited by KaveDweller
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I would expect she would remember Meredith because of that "teaching moment."  She might lose patients all the time, but the families of those people wouldn't have talked to her the way Meredith did.  Plus, feeling how she did about failing at Derek's care , it would be an emotionally memorable moment, too.


I'm sure she remembers the moment and everything Meredith told her, but I doubt she'd remember her face. I'd expect Derek's face to be ingrained in her mind much moreso than Meredith's. Derek's the dead one that she failed.


Also, I genuinely LOLed when April hijacked Arizona's "love" moment and Arizona sweetly reminded her that they're not talking about her - mainly because I was thinking the exact same thing and thought it would be funny if Arizona said it.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Grandma Yetta!


I definitely love Andrew. Love him, like I love Alex. And I love Andrew and Maggie, they're cute and hot.


It's weird that Mere looks happier now than she did in the last years of the show, when she was imo snippy and unpleasant with people around her.


It's nice to know that Jo hates liars as much as Alex. One more point in common.

It's disgusting that she's used to prop Stephanie, the most useless character on this show for me. And I say prop because the audience was only told in Stephanie's POV, for example by showing her severe physical discomfort before her confrontation with Amelia, disqualifying Jo on an emotional level from the start. Ambiguity about the lie would have been less obviously one-sided, writing-wise.

The perspective of a doctor who was a patient as a child could have been interesting. It would have been more believable if anything had led me to believe, during the three seasons Stephanie's been around, that it was a planned background for her character and not some all new shiny sob story in order to garner sympathy and relevance. I didn't feel that she was particularly attached to patients or identified to them, before this episode.

I was meh on Stephanie, now I hate her.


Shit is going to hit the fan with Callie's new GF. Wow.

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This episode was great conceptually, but the script, like many by this particular writer, suffered from the fact that every character had the same voice -- sophomoric, vulgar, and repetitive. As a result, there were lots of distracting nitpicks. All the Meredith material made the final "twist" (typical Rhimes) obvious. The Jo/Stephanie conflict rendered both more unlikable (I'd say they felt out-of-character, but they've never been really defined). April and Arizona continue to drag each other down as scene partners. And, does the DeLuca intern actually have a personality, or is he just around to be one-half of a new couple? 


However, I loved seeing Ann Morgan Guilbert (Millie from THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW), the "silver flood" gag was solid, and so far this season, this installment has been the most memorable.  

Edited by upperco
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So I know not everyone likes her but can Jo please get a damn storyline of her own instead of being used as a prop forward r every other character. It's so annoying. Rhimes puts so much effort into all her other new characters yet she just has no interest in Jo unless it's to have her service Aex as the girlfriend, Stephanie as the dumber resident, Meredith as the punching bag and then whoever else as whatever they need to progress storyline wise. I like Jo and I love Camilla Luddington so I'm sick of watching Jo get nothing since season ten.

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I like that April can be such a good friend to Arizona. It's too bad that she is so annoying about Jackson. I loved when April started crying about Jackson and Arizona told her that this was about her, not April. HA!


Even though sometimes Meredith's speechifying can be a bit much, I'm glad that she explained to the interns that being the person who has to break the death news to the family is not about how awkward it is for the doctor but about being sympathetic to the family.


It was nice to see Meredith helping Maggie in her awkward situation with  (mostly because I never thought I'd see her do something like that for anyone besides her original posse) but I felt bad for that poor kid having to listen to their middle school-esque conversation and then Maggie's monologue about scrapbooking and boundaries.

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It's nice to know that Jo hates liars as much as Alex. One more point in common.

It's disgusting that she's used to prop Stephanie, the most useless character on thier severe physical discomfort before her confrontation with Amelia, disqualifying Jo on an emotional level from the start. Ambiguity about the lie would have been less obviously one-sided, writing-wise.s show for me. 


I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but didn't Stephanie lie about working for the Chief a couple of episodes ago to get ahead?  So its not like Jo not believing her is coming out of nowhere.   

Edited by Deanie87
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At this point, it feels like Stephanie needs to just move on in everything. Career, life and so forth. She gets slightly ahead and all of a sudden its like someone has to just ruin her life. I agree with Richard that you take advice from someone you barely know instead of knowing the person for so long and working with them. Sure, people have secrets but you hear one thing and its: "They are the worst person." Sad to say it happens in real life too but I feel like the writers keep constantly throw things at the wall and hope something will stick with Steph. She goes from obsessive to poor me to I'm awesome to now, why me. Pick a trait and leave it there.

This show needs to fire their hairdresser.  

Word! At one point I looked up and noticed that every single person in the scene had one side of their hair pinned back and the other side/bangs in their face. I don't think that is a hair style a doctor on duty would have in general (let's not even talk about the nurse/intern helping Stephanie with her hair in long curls down her back) but at least switch it up, only have one character with that style. I used to love the little touch in the first few seasons of Izzy's hair always changing throughout an episode, but always some messy/easy style like she got to work, put her hair in a pony tail, then at lunch maybe she took her hair down and put it in a bun and when she was having a busy day it would be a messy poof/top knot. It was very realistic. 

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...didn't Stephanie lie about working for the Chief a couple of episodes ago to get ahead?  So its not like Jo not believing her is coming out of nowhere.


You are correct- she was manipulating the system in small ways during that episode, and it ticked Jo off. (Alex later called her on the complaining about it and told her to learn to play the same game, if I remember correctly.)


One small moment that I thought was a little strange was when Amelia was talking to Jo (before Jo told Amelia that Stephanie was lying) when Amelia invited Jo and Stephanie to the house for the party, since she was thinking that Stephanie needed to unwind. Amelia knows that Jo is already invited as Alex's date, but presented it as "you guys should come" as opposed to "bring Stephanie." 


Abe was awesome. It's too bad he had to die to further the storyline.

Edited by St. Claire
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Jo's takedown of Stephanie seemed out-of-character, though.

It seemed totally in character to me. Which is why I've never liked the character. I rewound and replayed Jo's smirk as Stephanie was telling Amelia. At that point, I was "what was that?" Then realized she thought it was all a lie. Smirking doesn't say "I'm shocked and appalled," to me. To me it seemed she assumed it was a lie because it was something she would do.


I can't believe that Jo a) thought Stephanie was lying with that emotional confession, and b) told Amelia she was lying. Aren't they BFFs?

I could believe she thought Stephanie was lying - Jo's own ability to turn on the water works to suit her needs (ie lie) was a fairly big part of her introduction. So I get that her response to a true emotional story would be suspicion (no one is as suspicious as those who are themselves untrustworthy). Telling Amelia though? That was out of bounds, especially when the person you think you're tattling on is your friend. So she's butt hurt that Amelia and other doctors dismissed her? You don't pull yourself up in anyone's estimation by undermining someone else. You do it by being your best self.


Once Amelia recognized her own fault in believing Jo, it seems she should then start being suspicious of Jo's motives. I, personally, wouldn't trust Jo ever again. Sure, Stephanie did let Jo think she'd lied - it wouldn't have mattered if she'd sworn it was the truth, because Jo already had her mind made up. So why bother. She tripped herself up.

Edited by clanstarling
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Wow, I'm clearly in the minority here.

I thought this ep was the worst one of the season.

There was nothing to it except for the reveal at the end.

Arizona and the older patient just seemed rather meh. I felt no emotion whatsoever watching those two. I didn't get what I was supposed to from their interaction. Apparently it affected Arizona so much she realized she could love again. Too bad for non-Calzona shippers the rest of the ep made it clear she's not as over Callie as people think she is.

Jessica Capshaw is an ugly crier. Dude, that breakdown in the supply closet just fell flat. I was glad April came in and they turned it funny.

I thought Stephanie was great. Jerrika Hinton did some very good work.

Jo can go away any time soon.

The script was awful. The set up for the reveal was painfully obvious.

There are bound to be some clunkers, for me this was one.

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i have to admit that it was nice to have a break from Bailey. The pushy smugness of the past few YEARS has been tough to take. Sad, being that the character used to kick ass, but somewhere along season 4 (maybe?) she became insufferable. I think it was the "with all due respect" episode where she barged into the OR and started disrupting and questioning her superior's surgical decisions. That was the transition from Good Bailey to Get the Fuck Off My Screen Bailey.  When George died, Bailey lost something. She became irritating. 

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I thought it was pretty good not as good as the others this season. I expected it but going back to "Alex gets 10 seconds" was a letdown. I felt Stephanie's story/reveal was completely contrived. She's been there for a few years now and zero hint of any of this, not even a tiny breadcrumb? That made it feel to me like "oh Stephanie needs something to do, let's give her some tragic backstory". If there was some hints or perhaps something with her family to bolster it I think I would have liked it much better.


I like Jo and I agree with the poster upthread - its tiring to have Jo just prop Stephanie's story. I didn't find it out of character for Jo to think she was lying. As said above, Stephanie did lie multiple times to get ahead. I would rather see Jo have a case that tells us something about Jo and Stephanie could have just told her story to Amelia without Jo being involved at all.


This hasn't happened since around season 2 - the scene with Meredith was my favorite in the episode. Her talking to the interns was really well done, IMO. I found it a great way to address that  what she's been through is ongoing for her without being too preachy. Nicely done all around.


I like DeLuca so far but whenever I look at him I think about how much he reminds me of a younger Mark with Derek's hair.

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What's with having grown-ass women act like complete dorks about men and sex? First Amelia (which dragged Owen into the stupidity as well) and now Maggie, literally hiding behind her sister and stuttering when her boycrush shows up at the hospital. It's NOT CUTE, Shonda.


I'm one of those who likes Jo and thinks she is grossly misused. They haven't given us much to work with as far as the character, but I do enjoy her loyalty to Alex. The Stephanie thing was dumb and tacked on, as others have observed.


I thought Amelia's tortured patient was incredibly effective for an actor that had no lines. That was hard to watch.

  • Love 7

I can't take editing errors anymore.

In the first scene De Luca is with the other interns and the Chief. Next scene he is still in the bedroom with Maggie!

What a lousy job, isn´t it?


Nobody noticed that - the director,editor,Rhimes????!!!!!


I guess we saw his twin brother right in Maggie´s bed or he came back from the scene with Webber right back into her bed. From scrubs to being naked.


You do not air an episode with such a colossal editing error.

Awful job.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I'm one of those who likes Jo and thinks she is grossly misused. They haven't given us much to work with as far as the character, but I do enjoy her loyalty to Alex. The Stephanie thing was dumb and tacked on, as others have observed.

I like Jo, and it's like how many seasons can they have her flounder at work. They've spent time developing Stephanie and Amelia. It can be done. I thought Jo fit in Ortho with Callie way back in S10. Why not pick that back up. Edited by Evie
  • Love 4

What's with having grown-ass women act like complete dorks about men and sex? First Amelia (which dragged Owen into the stupidity as well) and now Maggie, literally hiding behind her sister and stuttering when her boycrush shows up at the hospital. It's NOT CUTE, Shonda.




I wholeheartedly agree.

Wow, I'm clearly in the minority here.

I thought this ep was the worst one of the season.

There was nothing to it except for the reveal at the end.

Arizona and the older patient just seemed rather meh. I felt no emotion whatsoever watching those two. I didn't get what I was supposed to from their interaction. Apparently it affected Arizona so much she realized she could love again. Too bad for non-Calzona shippers the rest of the ep made it clear she's not as over Callie as people think she is.

Jessica Capshaw is an ugly crier. Dude, that breakdown in the supply closet just fell flat. I was glad April came in and they turned it funny.

Jo can go away any time soon.

The script was awful. The set up for the reveal was painfully obvious.

There are bound to be some clunkers, for me this was one.


I absolutely agree. It was hard to watch. One good and well-acted scene from Pompeo (talking to interns), but the rest of the script was awful. The other scene I find worth watching  is the last one. That moment when Meredith opens the door and sees Penny. Samantha Sloyan seems to be a decent actress. Hopefully, I will not be disappointed with her.


MAY THEY STOP WITH VAGINA TALK AND LADYTOWN RUBBISH!!!!! Vagina city or orgasm train??!!!! For god´s sake the writers are addicted to sex or female reproductive organs or what???!!!!   I am sick of it. It is not funny anymore, it is disgusting.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I'm really enjoying this season.
First I'd like to say how much I enjoy Arizona and April as friends. They are adorable together and I think these too should have been friends since forever because I love their dynamic. Arizona and Abe were really adorable too. He reminded of my deceased grandpa so when Arizona found him dead I was really upset and of course I teared up a little.
For the first time I actually liked Amelia in one episode and it felt great.
Stephanie's storyline was okay, although I do agree that it was very contrived. I also agree that Jo needs a storyline of her own. I'm tired of "jealous Jo", "girlfriend Jo", "invisible Jo", etc. I've always liked Jo and I want to see her succeed. Go back to Team Ortho, Jo!
I like Maggie and DeLuca together, it's sexy and fun. It was predictable that they were going to have sex again, but I enjoyed their scenes. I don't think it's weird for her to be freaking out over that, Maggie is weird. Btw, I love her speeches because they always make me laugh.
IMO, Meredith was the real MVP last night. I adore the way they are showcasing her as a widow without making it too sad. Meredith's speech was very touching and it worked well with the tone of the episode. Ellen is doing an amazing job. Plus, I loved that she was talking about vagina and orgasms with Maggie instead of Alex, it's about time for her to let go of him. Maggie even asked if she wanted Alex and she said it was okay. Praise the Lord!. Don't get me wrong, I love their friendship, but it's kind of awkward to talk about certain things with a male friend.
As for the ending, it didn't surprise me because I read spoilers, but on Twitter most people were very surprised. Any regular viewer would be surprised over that, IMO.


And on a completely shallow note: Maggie's olive green dress was all kinds of adorable.

YES! So cute!

Edited by Kagomei
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Please for the love god can this be the last carpool scene??  Anyway, I am feeling so-so on this episode.  I feel like they are checking all the boxes but I'm just not 100% feeling it.  I follow the spoilers so I knew who Callie's girlfriend was going to be and I saw her name in the opening credits so I knew we'd see her tonight. However I did like how the surprise was introduced.  It was pretty well telegraphed by Meredith's speech to the interns but I bet it was still shocking for the millions of viewers who don't follow spoilers.  


There were a few things I liked including April and Arizona being funny and awkward together.  i thought that supply closet scene was very funny and true to both of their characters.  


I also liked Meredith talking to Maggie about how she feels about being widow.  I feel like the show is doing a good job with balancing moving past Derek's death and acknowledging the big part he played in her life.  That scene pretty much the first time we've seen Meredith talk about her feelings post Derek.  However I can't help but think they are using this plus the dinner party scene to have Meredith get closure on Derek.  It feels like she's reached the point of "acceptance" and then will be ready to move on.   I'll admit I am dreading seeing her move on (my MerDer heart still hurts).  


I didn't like anything about the Stephanie/Jo storyline.  I was neutral on both characters but this story made me dislike both of them. Stephanie's story seemed forced and trite and I don't like this new insecure Jo they have been portraying so far this season.  The tone also felt pretty harsh to me.  The early MAGIC scenes fighting over patients and surgeries all seemed in good competitive fun but this felt too personal.  Both Steph and Jo came off terribly to me.


I liked the Maggie/DeLuca fling but i not sure how I feel about it progressing any further.  



I thought this ep was the worst one of the season.

it's funny the episodes are alternating good and bad for me.  I like episode 1 and 3, and 5 looks like its going be good.  2 and 4 where eh to me. 

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I think she would remember Mereddith because Derek was also a pretty famous surgeon and Meredith is the daughter of another famous surgeon. And is pretty well known herself I imagine at least in the greater Seattle area--medical professionals in the area would've all heard about the plane crash and subsequent hospital rebrand.

Which is actually why I didn't like the ending. I don't buy her shock. If Callie is her girlfriend and not just a date, then she would know where she works and probably would've known whose house they were going to! I hate contrivance. Heck she probably would've already asked Callie if she knew Derek when she found out that Callie is on the board of the damn hospital where he worked and (arrrrr my brain). Sigh.


I agree with this too, I think it's a bit strange, being that they are both surgeons, that it didn't come up between Callie and Penny that Callie worked at the same hospital as the "great Derek Shepherd" and "surgical legend Meredith Grey".  In this show's universe both Derek and Meredith are extremely well known so it irks me too.  

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I also liked Meredith talking to Maggie about how she feels about being widow.  I feel like the show is doing a good job with balancing moving past Derek's death and acknowledging the big part he played in her life.  That scene pretty much the first time we've seen Meredith talk about her feelings post Derek.  However I can't help but think they are using this plus the dinner party scene to have Meredith get closure on Derek.  It feels like she's reached the point of "acceptance" and then will be ready to move on.   I'll admit I am dreading seeing her move on (my MerDer heart still hurts).  



I can't help but feel the same way, Greysaddict.

I still think it's too soon for her to move on. I know it's been over a year for her, but for the viewers it's too early. My MerDer heart still hurts too and I don't think I'm ready to see Meredith with somebody else. 

I'm sure she remembers the moment and everything Meredith told her, but I doubt she'd remember her face. I'd expect Derek's face to be ingrained in her mind much moreso than Meredith's. Derek's the dead one that she failed.


I agree with this too, I think it's a bit strange, being that they are both surgeons, that it didn't come up between Callie and Penny that Callie worked at the same hospital as the "great Derek Shepherd" and "surgical legend Meredith Grey".  In this show's universe both Derek and Meredith are extremely well known so it irks me too.  


Yeah, keep in mind that Derek is one of the best doctors in the world and Meredith would also be extremely famous for surviving a plane crash and having two high profile near death experiences so she would probably stand out to any doctor.

  • Love 1
Yeah, keep in mind that Derek is one of the best doctors in the world and Meredith would also be extremely famous for surviving a plane crash and having two high profile near death experiences so she would probably stand out to any doctor.


And yet none of the doctors at Podunk Hospital, including Penny, recognized the supposed world-famous Derek Shepherd despite working on him and staring at his face for hours. Of course, that opens a big old can of contrivance-riddled worms that basically made up that whole episode, so don't even get me started on all that.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I can't help but feel the same way, Greysaddict.

I still think it's too soon for her to move on. I know it's been over a year for her, but for the viewers it's too early. My MerDer heart still hurts too and I don't think I'm ready to see Meredith with somebody else. 


Honestly, one year--most of which was spent dealing with the unbelievable heart wrenching aspect of carrying and giving birth his son who he will never meet--is not even necessarily such a long time in terms of grieving the love of your life, husband, and father of your children. I mean, Mer is a bit more used to tragedy than many, so maybe her coping skills are amazing and she does have a good support network. But I wouldn't really buy them introducing a new love for her this season. It's just too soon.

Honestly, one year--most of which was spent dealing with the unbelievable heart wrenching aspect of carrying and giving birth his son who he will never meet--is not even necessarily such a long time in terms of grieving the love of your life, husband, and father of your children. I mean, Mer is a bit more used to tragedy than many, so maybe her coping skills are amazing and she does have a good support network. But I wouldn't really buy them introducing a new love for her this season. It's just too soon.

Totally agree!

I think it would take much more time to "get over" all this and move on to a new love.

Oh, just a reminder that Mer had a daughter called Ellis, not a son. She gave birth do her son (Bailey) three season ago :)

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I really enjoyed this. The silver flood gag was really funny. Also DeLuca asking why they didn't just call them old was hilarious.

Didn't really enjoy the Jo/Stephanie part of Stephanie's storyline mostly because I didn't buy Jo not believing her. I know they've had it as part of Jo's backstory that she can turn on the waterworks so I didn't buy her not knowing Stephanie was telling the truth. I think Camille's performance was fine, I think it was the writing.

I'm in the minority but I like the carpool scenes.

Also loved "who bangs interns?" "The father of my children."

  • Love 3

I'm in the minority but I like the carpool scenes.

Also loved "who bangs interns?" "The father of my children."


I actually find the carpool scenes funny because I like the character interactions, but they are gimmicky and being used far too much.


 I thought Jo fit in Ortho with Callie way back in S10. Why not pick that back up.


I think the only time I really liked Jo was when she was working with Callie.  I'd love to see that again.  We've never see Callie really be a mentor.  

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I haven't watched the whole episode yet, but didn't Stephanie lie about working for the Chief a couple of episodes ago to get ahead?  So its not like Jo not believing her is coming out of nowhere.   


I don't know, I think lying and telling the lab the Chief wants them to rush the test is pretty different than a tearful confession about your childhood.

  • Love 5

Because Callie is currently being used as a prop for a random visiting character.


It's a shame this show, with it's legion of cast members, is unable to utilize the characters they have effectively.


Yes, I think that's the problem, too.  They aren't interested in showing Callie teaching Jo; they want her to serve as a prop for Meredith's drama with Penny.


I was giving them credit for showing that at least one of these people can date someone from outside the hospital, but as soon as I saw Penny, I realized that whole story line is about Meredith and has nothing to do with Callie.

I don't know, I think lying and telling the lab the Chief wants them to rush the test is pretty different than a tearful confession about your childhood.


Indeed. It's clear what Stephanie getting the lab results benefits Stephanie's career. It makes Stephanie valuable to Meredith. It had Meredith telling others how Stephanie gets things done. Stephanie choosing not to work with Amelia's patient doesn't do that. So what would be the incentive to lie? I don't remember Stephanie being shown as someone who avoids hard work. She went back to work too early after her eye surgery! A friend might have asked why she was avoiding the task. Kinda like how people who weren't even his friend kept asking Maggie's intern why he hated babies or kids or whatever.


And, I'm not sure that I even consider what Stephanie did to get the lab results lying. The patients were originally Chief Miranda's. Miranda passed the patients on to Meredith. It's implied that the Chief wanted the patients taken care of ASAP. Therefore, Stephanie kinda was getting the lab results for the chief.


Also, Stephanie's sickle cell trial story seems more plausible than Jo's homeless foster child story. It is interesting that Jo was so sure that Stephanie was lying just because she hadn't heard the story before. Even in hospitals, I imagine that people don't necessarily tell their work friends about medical history that they don't find relevant in their interactions with said work friend. Based on what Stephanie said about only telling people she trusts, maybe she'd already had her reservations about what tier of friendship she and Jo really shared.

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