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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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I was thinking about this, (slightly deep thoughts), a mikvah is not a cleansing of sin or a new commitment to G-d.  Mikvah is to clean the body, mind and soul of everyday impurities (like after menses, or going to a funeral).  It's supposed to be once a month (for obvious reasons), but not for removing sin and not for bringing anyone closer to their deity.  Sins can be discussed and removed (after asking those in your life to forgive you for what you think you did or might have done), on Yom Kippur, (day when the Book of Life is opened and one is judged by their G-d).  


I wasn't going to hit reply, it's too much religion, but I thought someone might be interested.  If it's too much, please just ignore.  Thanks.

I love these little tidbits of knowledge! It helps me live with myself after spending so much time snarking on this board. I tell myself it's educational so I have to keep checking in...because you know, research. Stay in school kids.

  • Love 16

Well there's not much left to say about this disappointing, contrived season of RHOC. It's jumped the shark and I almost feel duped by Andy that he thinks we are so friggin stupid to find the Brooks cancer story and the Shannon/David cheating thing to be of interest to us.

But I do want to comment on how much I LOVED Ms. Terry's facial expressions at the baptism of the Skank. It was almost like he couldn't keep a straight face through the whole thing and neither could I.

I am almost certain that in the beginning of Tamra's "becoming a Christian" she was always referring to Saddleback Church as her church.

This baptism took place with a church called Mission Viejo Christian Church. I don't know if such a church even exists here in the OC but I'm pretty sure she wasn't baptized at Saddleback.

And who wears a flimsy dress for their baptism so that everyone can see your under things after you get dunked in the water? It was so disrespectful for Tamra to look like she just came out of the water to compete in a wet T shirt competition. But the last episode did make me laugh through the entire show.

And I also want to add, I loved Heather's Chanel diamond earrings. I don't think I have to wonder if they're real. She isn't,, but her earrings are.

Time for Mr. Satan Cohen to drop this show and start doing something more interesting and "real" ... lilke the Real Housewives of Compton". And I mean that in all sincerity.

Thanks Andy, for a really crappy season. You better make up for it at the reunion.

  • Love 4

I just want to go on record and say how much I hate Vicki's "diamond" necklace and earrring combo. I think she brought those suckers out a couple of seasons ago, maybe when she was shilling Vicki's Diamonds? There's a "ruby" pendant with matching earrings and then the yellow pendant with earrings she wore in the finale (she wore them before too, can't quite remember when). Anyway, I think they're ugly and tacky. Like Vicki.

I just needed to say it. Carry on.

That's funny - I was thinking the same thing.  I hate the matchy-matchy jewelry sets that she and Ramona insist on wearing.  


Question--what's the deal with the whole Shannon not holding Brooks' hand at City of Hope?  Wasn't City of Hope where Shannon's doctor was?  The doctor that Brooks didn't see because of his convenient flat tires?  I was completely lost during that whole exchange. Did I miss something? Misunderstand something?  

  • Love 9

That's funny - I was thinking the same thing.  I hate the matchy-matchy jewelry sets that she and Ramona insist on wearing.  


Question--what's the deal with the whole Shannon not holding Brooks' hand at City of Hope?  Wasn't City of Hope where Shannon's doctor was?  The doctor that Brooks didn't see because of his convenient flat tires?  I was completely lost during that whole exchange. Did I miss something? Misunderstand something?  

I thought it was odd that Vicki said that too since he never made it to City of Hope and ironically, Vicki has never been with Brooks for any of his treatments either and since when would it be Shannon's responsibility to be there anyway?  Maybe if Shannon set up the appointment and told Brooks she would take him then she could have at least gotten the truth about his illness (or lack there of).

  • Love 2

That's funny - I was thinking the same thing.  I hate the matchy-matchy jewelry sets that she and Ramona insist on wearing.  


Question--what's the deal with the whole Shannon not holding Brooks' hand at City of Hope?  Wasn't City of Hope where Shannon's doctor was?  The doctor that Brooks didn't see because of his convenient flat tires?  I was completely lost during that whole exchange. Did I miss something? Misunderstand something?  

I think what happened and I am surmising, not having the detectives skills of Meghan, is Vicki when being asked to resolve the question with proof does what she does best and turned it around on Shannon.  Where were you when he was getting chemo-were you there holding his hand?  Shannon responded correctly, I would have been if asked.  I think these folks needed demonstrative evidence. Heck I think they would have settled for a medical bill-it lists the treatment. The whole City of Hope thing is odd.  If Brooks as he claims, was getting chemo treatments at City of Hope, why would the medical records not be available to the doctor who practiced at the City of Hope? So  much is done electronically these days. The doctor who agreed to be filmed would of course need records and I doubt the infamous binder would suffice.  This may be unique to me but anytime I have needed medical records  for a specialist or new doctor the offices coordinate the exchange.  I believe they are copies and not the original file.  Twice when I have had doctors retire I have been given the option of picking up my medical file.   

  • Love 5

So...the twins are ten...ten-ish.  She has another daughter who's thirteen.  Is that child from a previous marriage?

I've thought all the kids were both of theirs and that neither had a previous marriage.  But, on the other hand, no one knows anything about them other then the small bio's released.  Guess you can be on a reality show and keep things private.

  • Love 1

Three things stuck out to me:


1. When Tamra was in the limo, telling Vicki about Newport Imaging not doing PET/CT scans...I think that was when Vicki realized she'd been duped.  Her expression changed, and she got quieter.  It read to me like her lightbulb moment.  I like Vicki, and while I certainly don't think she's any kind of paragon of virtue, I do feel bad for her because she never questioned her man, and in that moment, I feel like she realized that maybe the other women were right.  Personally, I don't think Vicki perpetuated a scheme...but I do think she was duped, as well.  IMO, she has a lot on the line here, especially with her business, and I think she may be the biggest victim of Brooks after all--they might be broken up, but he could very well have compromised her livelihood with his grifting bullshit.


2. Tammy "Tits" Knickerbocker received a LOT of screen time, and the inclusion of Vicki's "I miss you so much!" exclamations on several occasions makes me wonder if she's being scouted for a return.  I would LOVE THIS, as Tammy is one of the (near) originals I found fascinating for her 2 seasons.  I hope Tammy gets added to the cast for next season :)


3. No Jeana...at least in the present.  I enjoyed seeing her get a face full of wine again, as that clip never gets old, but I'm very glad she wasn't included in the finale party.  I can't stand that woman and her bullshit, so I hope the rumors of her return were greatly exaggerated and will not happen next season.



EDIT: Just watched Shannon's periscope video...doubting Vicki now.  Can't wait for the reunion; hopefully things become more clear...



Are you able to post a link to the periscope video?  I have heard of periscope, but other than that, I am lost!   Thanks!

  • Love 1

Ha, ha, someone upthread said that Meghan wouldn't film with Vicki.  IMO, Meghan will film with anybody - as long, of course, as she gets to use her super powers of investigation.  Oh, how I wish she had been on last season when Tamra was discussing having another child.  I can just picture Meghan wearing a head mirror pushing aside Tamra's gyno in order to take an up close look at Tamra's withered uterus.

  • Love 8

I wonder if Vicks is (was) defending Crooks to the hilt, and evading questions, and "away on business" during treatments because she could seriously lose her whole business if she is implicated in any kind of insurance fraud.

If Brooks lied, drew her in, and she panicked and went along with it just to save face thinking they'd just get out and no one would ever be the wiser, she could totally lose COTO Insurance. That's the one thing she loves more than Brianna, Brooks, and maybe even herself.

Vicki works ya know !!! ;-)

I wondered if that's why she was talking to her son about selling or giving her busniess to him.
  • Love 3

Ha, ha, someone upthread said that Meghan wouldn't film with Vicki.  IMO, Meghan will film with anybody - as long, of course, as she gets to use her super powers of investigation.  Oh, how I wish she had been on last season when Tamra was discussing having another child.  I can just picture Meghan wearing a head mirror pushing aside Tamra's gyno in order to take an up close look at Tamra's withered uterus.

Uh oh. This should probably be spoilered because it will probably be the "storyline" for next season. Tamra gets "pregnant", has a miscarriage and Meghan jumps on the scene complete with magnifying glass demanding proof of said pregnancy in the name of "truth and justice".

Ya know, I really have to side eye the Dubrows on cancer/not cancer issue. How can you trust a doctor whose wife would co-sign on demanding medical records? Is he sharing confidential patient info with her? Is she "qualified" to decipher PET scans because she and Terry look over some of the ones from his practice? Granted, that story of Terry getting a colleague to bring over an IV to Brooks should be addressed and denied real quick, I just wonder why either of them would delve into this "storyline" as much as they did. I wouldn't want to touch it with a hundred foot pole.

  • Love 5

I just want to go on record and say how much I hate Vicki's "diamond" necklace and earrring combo. I think she brought those suckers out a couple of seasons ago, maybe when she was shilling Vicki's Diamonds? There's a "ruby" pendant with matching earrings and then the yellow pendant with earrings she wore in the finale (she wore them before too, can't quite remember when). Anyway, I think they're ugly and tacky. Like Vicki.

I just needed to say it. Carry on.


I don't remember this jewelry.  I'll have to watch again.  Given how tacky her taste can be, I'm sure you're dead on about it.  But tacky jewelry doesn't bother me so much.  It was that ridiculously tighty-tight white dress that was hurting my eyes.  When she turned around, I went EEEEK!  I mean seriously, does the woman own a mirror?  She really looked horrible.  The thing is, she'd look fine, even quite good, if she just didn't go so overboard with those tighty-tight dresses she always wears.


OK, so nobody is talking to Vicks now.  So where does that leave her status on the show?  Anyone believe her whining that she doesn't wanna come back?  Not me.  Not for a second.  C'mon now.  This is greedy Vicks after all.  The smell of Bravo dough will get her back -- without a doubt.  She doesn't need to be speaking to any of 'em.  This just sets up another season of fights & screaming & yelling from all.  Suppressing yawns.

  • Love 7

 I would like to think as a parent the last thing I want my kids thinking or talking about is if mom and dad can work things out and stay together.

I'm not discarding everything else that you wrote, just wanted to focus on this particular sentence....  I do agree with your point. That said, sometimes it's impossible to keep it from them and when that happens it (again depends on the family, personalities, etc); it could be in the best interest of the children to involve them in the repair/healing process. They can learn that even if the adults fuck things up, they can also fix them and rebuild that security that they had before. It won't be the same but that's okay, they'll have their family intact and (hopefully) happy.   *(imo).  

  • Love 3


Time for Mr. Satan Cohen to drop this show and start doing something more interesting and "real" ... lilke the Real Housewives of Compton". And I mean that in all sincerity.



No thank you, that is not a show I would watch, at all.  I am curious though, why would Compton be more 'real' then what we're watching now?  Screwy personalities come from all walks of life, no boundaries on


  • Love 3

I'm not discarding everything else that you wrote, just wanted to focus on this particular sentence....  I do agree with your point. That said, sometimes it's impossible to keep it from them and when that happens it (again depends on the family, personalities, etc); it could be in the best interest of the children to involve them in the repair/healing process. They can learn that even if the adults fuck things up, they can also fix them and rebuild that security that they had before. It won't be the same but that's okay, they'll have their family intact and (hopefully) happy.   *(imo).  

Thank you and exactly.  The entire family was hurt.  I would like to think this season was about repair and rebuilding.  Tragically we also saw the death of a parent and nobody being able to fix things for Jim and Leann's children.  The scenes with LeAnn were the toughest to watch. The repairs, Shannon's marriage, Tamra and Vicki's friendship (seems that hit the skids) again, Shannon giving a second chance to Heather and Tamra and finally Shannon proving her olive branch to Meghan was sincere.  Even though Shannon continued to defend Vicki against Meghan's attacks they managed to put the nonsense aside.  I would like to believe Brooks had cancer and the chemo worked and he just got caught up in trying to make some money off of the Club Detox crap.  We will probably never know but I just can't hold the others out to be bad guys because they needed demonstrative proof of Brooks' claims. 

  • Love 2

A moment I don't think anyone has mentioned from WWHL: Andy and Vicki were discussing Tamra's misuse of the word "pasture" and how Vicki tried to correct her but Tamra didn't pay attention. So Andy says to Vicki, "It's 'pastor' with 'er', right?" and Vicki with great confidence said, "Yes, 'er'."



I don't think Vicki really listened to what he said, because she said it correctly with the -or sound on the show. I have noticed the Vicki has a very hard time following conversations. She does the snoring thing to cover up for the fact that she can't follow along. She is very much and in the moment person. It's all about say something-react! Say something- react! She can tell stories (like to waiters) but she has a hard time listening to people That's probably why she never went to college. 

  • Love 7

Puh-lease Tamra.

With the advanced Shitstirreropathy Syndrome that backstabbing, hypocritical ____ has and remained on the show, well..

She is the OG Brandi Granville. Can't stand her and even stopped watching regularly because of her. For me, she is the embodiment of how this show jumped the shark. Vicki is complicit in this too, of course, as she has been "friends" with her after some truly heinous crap (tequila night, ugh!).
  • Love 5

See I don't think the courts are at all involved in the cancer scenario with regards to Brooks child support... all he needed to do was convince Vicki to pay it because he was sick.


I know the family courts aren't going to absolve Brooks of child support payments because he has cancer, he would have to have conclusive documentation to even get a reduction in payments, but Vicki Gunvalson isn't going to allow "her man" to fall behind again because he may be too sick to work & keep up with his payments.  I think Brooks is slick enough to know he can't fool the legal system.


This whole cancer thing just makes me sick but even sicker now with the news I received today.  My son called me from college telling me how much he loves me, which every mom always likes to hear but he let me know one of his best friends & baseball teammates mom has cancer in her uterus.  Real people, good people, suffer everyday with this shit & faking it is just despicable.

  • Love 12

I thought that was in reference to the Holocaust.  I don't think Heather was right to compare  "Never Forget" to the long held baptism ritual.  "never forget" reminds people to never forget what happened to all their ancestors and loved ones during WWII. Baptisms are about saving your soul. "Never Forget" is in reference to the Nazi genocides.

I thought that was in reference to the Holocaust.  I don't think Heather was right to compare  "Never Forget" to the long held baptism ritual.  "never forget" reminds people to never forget what happened to all their ancestors and loved ones during WWII. Baptisms are about saving your soul. "Never Forget" is in reference to the Nazi genocides.

I thought that was in reference to the Holocaust.  I don't think Heather was right to compare  "Never Forget" to the long held baptism ritual.  "never forget" reminds people to never forget what happened to all their ancestors and loved ones during WWII. Baptisms are about saving your soul. "Never Forget" is in reference to the Nazi genocides.

Nah, it refers to the Jewish way of constantly remembering and atoning for sins. At least that's how I took it. I found it quite funny.

  • Love 8

I think what happened and I am surmising, not having the detectives skills of Meghan, is Vicki when being asked to resolve the question with proof does what she does best and turned it around on Shannon.  Where were you when he was getting chemo-were you there holding his hand?  Shannon responded correctly, I would have been if asked.  I think these folks needed demonstrative evidence. Heck I think they would have settled for a medical bill-it lists the treatment. The whole City of Hope thing is odd.  If Brooks as he claims, was getting chemo treatments at City of Hope, why would the medical records not be available to the doctor who practiced at the City of Hope? So  much is done electronically these days. The doctor who agreed to be filmed would of course need records and I doubt the infamous binder would suffice.  This may be unique to me but anytime I have needed medical records  for a specialist or new doctor the offices coordinate the exchange.  I believe they are copies and not the original file.  Twice when I have had doctors retire I have been given the option of picking up my medical file.

City of Hope is where Brooks (supposedly) went for cancer treatment. Shanno said her doctor was a few miles (I'm paraphrasing) from where Vicki and Brooks live. So therefore, in Orange County.
  • Love 1

I think she thought she would be in Mexico with Brooks living off the proceeds of her detox juice club or whatever the hell else she is shilling these days.

Bingo...or in a southern state!

I don't remember this jewelry.  I'll have to watch again.  Given how tacky her taste can be, I'm sure you're dead on about it.  But tacky jewelry doesn't bother me so much.  It was that ridiculously tighty-tight white dress that was hurting my eyes.  When she turned around, I went EEEEK!  I mean seriously, does the woman own a mirror?  She really looked horrible.  The thing is, she'd look fine, even quite good, if she just didn't go so overboard with those tighty-tight dresses she always wears.


OK, so nobody is talking to Vicks now.  So where does that leave her status on the show?  Anyone believe her whining that she doesn't wanna come back?  Not me.  Not for a second.  C'mon now.  This is greedy Vicks after all.  The smell of Bravo dough will get her back -- without a doubt.  She doesn't need to be speaking to any of 'em.  This just sets up another season of fights & screaming & yelling from all.  Suppressing yawns.

Don't forget her dry-heaves, lol.

  • Love 1

A moment I don't think anyone has mentioned from WWHL: Andy and Vicki were discussing Tamra's misuse of the word "pasture" and how Vicki tried to correct her but Tamra didn't pay attention. So Andy says to Vicki, "It's 'pastor' with 'er', right?" and Vicki with great confidence said, "Yes, 'er'."


I thought it was the other way around and posted about it (somewhere??) as soon as it happened. Vickie said "er" then Andy mumbled it and looked back at his cards. I got the impression he knew she was wrong but didn't correct her.

I'm not discarding everything else that you wrote, just wanted to focus on this particular sentence....  I do agree with your point. That said, sometimes it's impossible to keep it from them and when that happens it (again depends on the family, personalities, etc); it could be in the best interest of the children to involve them in the repair/healing process. They can learn that even if the adults fuck things up, they can also fix them and rebuild that security that they had before. It won't be the same but that's okay, they'll have their family intact and (hopefully) happy.   *(imo).  

I think the kids can absolutely play a role in it all in the privacy of their own home, I just don't think they need to be shown on TV playing the role of "fixer" to their parents horrendous marriage.  My heart broke watching those girls and I don't even know them. I cannot imagine how their parents were able to watch it and the fact that they were and still think they made the right decision irks me. 


There was more than just one way or the other to handle this. Some seem to think that Shannon's only choice was to either pretend like nothing had happened, or involve her kids in the story. IMO it is fairly obvious that she could have addressed the infidelity all the time if she wanted to, she just didn't need to allow her children to be filmed processing the information again and again. Reliving it all. The list of HW's who have gone through tough situations in real life and let us in on their pain is very long. The list of those that allowed their young kids to be filmed in their own pain is very short.  It pretty much includes Teresa and Shannon. 

Uh oh. This should probably be spoilered because it will probably be the "storyline" for next season. Tamra gets "pregnant", has a miscarriage and Meghan jumps on the scene complete with magnifying glass demanding proof of said pregnancy in the name of "truth and justice".

Ya know, I really have to side eye the Dubrows on cancer/not cancer issue. How can you trust a doctor whose wife would co-sign on demanding medical records? Is he sharing confidential patient info with her? Is she "qualified" to decipher PET scans because she and Terry look over some of the ones from his practice? Granted, that story of Terry getting a colleague to bring over an IV to Brooks should be addressed and denied real quick, I just wonder why either of them would delve into this "storyline" as much as they did. I wouldn't want to touch it with a hundred foot pole.

When did Heather "demand" medical records? She told Vicki that if she wanted the questions to stop the easiest way to do that was to show some proof. That's making a suggestion, not a demand. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 9
Anyone believe her whining that she doesn't wanna come back?  Not me.  Not for a second.  C'mon now.  This is greedy Vicks after all.  The smell of Bravo dough will get her back -- without a doubt.



It might be fun for Andy to pull the power card.  Just who has more clout on this show, Vicki or Andy?  Dump her ass, Mr. Cohen--show everyone who's boss and what happens if you get too big for your tight-whites!

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 4

See I don't think the courts are at all involved in the cancer scenario with regards to Brooks child support... all he needed to do was convince Vicki to pay it because he was sick.

I know the family courts aren't going to absolve Brooks of child support payments because he has cancer, he would have to have conclusive documentation to even get a reduction in payments, but Vicki Gunvalson isn't going to allow "her man" to fall behind again because he may be too sick to work & keep up with his payments. I think Brooks is slick enough to know he can't fool the legal system.

This whole cancer thing just makes me sick but even sicker now with the news I received today. My son called me from college telling me how much he loves me, which every mom always likes to hear but he let me know one of his best friends & baseball teammates mom has cancer in her uterus. Real people, good people, suffer everyday with this shit & faking it is just despicable.

I was thinking along the same lines. To qualify for social security disability you have to a doctor certify that you will be disabled for at least two years. Even if you have that, it takes months to process the claim and go through the appeals process (life tip if you are denied appeal ,appeal ,appeal! I'm convinced that this is a weeding out process the government uses) Perhaps Brooke said I have cancer and I'm not going to qualify for disability so I'm going to end up in jail for non support and Vicki moved him in and paid his child support. I think Brooks is smart enough not to submit false records to the court or a government agency .I think Vicki is self centered enough not to really notice he's not sick.

I should have prefaced my statement with: I have turned myself into a pretzel trying to figure out a scenario where Vicki isn't an accomplice , this is the only scenario that makes sense. I'm actually leaning towards her being involved but I just don't want to beleive it. What can I say? I still have a little love for the OG of the OC.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 4

Yeah, I was thinking about the fact that many people go into the mikveh upon conversion to Judaism.

Is being submerged in the hotel pool supposed to be a soul-cleansing thing? I don't know anything about born-agains


As far as I know, anyone who converts to Judaism, part of their conversation must be total immersion in the mikvah.  Otherwise, no Jew.   The hotel pool was because the party was being held there.... I think.

But I'm pretty sure that a Baptisim is a cleansing of the sins and soul, and a commitment to J.C.

*(i watched Davy and Goliath  cartoons as a kid).

  • Love 2

When did Heather "demand" medical records? She told Vicki that if she wanted the questions to stop the easiest way to do that was to show some proof. That's making a suggestion, not a demand. 

Seriously?  Sorry, but I find that unseemly with any person much less a spouse of a medical practitioner.  I would never go to a physician whose spouse "suggested" that.

  • Love 4

I think the kids can absolutely play a role in it all in the privacy of their own home, I just don't think they need to be shown on TV playing the role of "fixer" to their parents horrendous marriage.  My heart broke watching those girls and I don't even know them. I cannot imagine how their parents were able to watch it and the fact that they were and still think they made the right decision irks me. 


There was more than just one way or the other to handle this. Some seem to think that Shannon's only choice was to either pretend like nothing had happened, or involve her kids in the story. IMO it is fairly obvious that she could have addressed the infidelity all the time if she wanted to, she just didn't need to allow her children to be filmed processing the information again and again. Reliving it all. The list of HW's who have gone through tough situations in real life and let us in on their pain is very long. The list of those that allowed their young kids to be filmed in their own pain is very short.  It pretty much includes Teresa and Shannon. 

When did Heather "demand" medical records? She told Vicki that if she wanted the questions to stop the easiest way to do that was to show some proof. That's making a suggestion, not a demand. 

The children were never filmed processing the information of the infidelity.  Not once let alone again and again.  The children were filmed receiving an apology from their father for abandoning them and serving dinner because they wanted to help the relationship.  They were never once part of any infidelity conversations. 

The children were never filmed processing the information of the infidelity.  Not once let alone again and again.  The children were filmed receiving an apology from their father for abandoning them and serving dinner because they wanted to help the relationship.  They were never once part of any infidelity conversations.

Its not about the infidelity IMO, its about their pain regarding the mess that is their parents marriage. Dad left because he was miserable living with their mom. That is hard to process on camera or off.

  • Love 9

Seriously? Sorry, but I find that unseemly with any person much less a spouse of a medical practitioner. I would never go to a physician whose spouse "suggested" that.

If I had cancer, and people were on television questioning my diagnosis, I would privately meet with them and say, "look, here is my legit documents." I know HIPAA laws are in place for professional reason, but when it's affecting your reputation to the point you are becoming a pariah of society, your best bet is to shut that down sooner rather than later. People who have an actual terminal cancer diagnosis can normally keep their stories straight.

  • Love 5

If I had cancer, and people were on television questioning my diagnosis, I would privately meet with them and say, "look, here is my legit documents." I know HIPAA laws are in place for professional reason, but when it's affecting your reputation to the point you are becoming a pariah of society, your best bet is to shut that down sooner rather than later. People who have an actual terminal cancer diagnosis can normally keep their stories straight.


To each his own, but I wouldn't do that.  If someone (anyone!) was questioning my diagnosis, I would walk away and not look back.  I can't imagine under what circumstance I would be pulling out my medical records for the purpose of convincing someone who is skeptical. 

  • Love 11

I can.  It's not their business.  They can believe Brooks or not, but they have no right to demand proof.

Then Brooks and Vicki cannot or should not expect support or friendship.  You cannot misrepresent  to your friends and then make them out to be the bad guys for not believing you.  Reality TV is unique because these people are in the public eye and some of them give statements to the press that may not jive with what they said privately.  I cannot get past the calling Terry and Terry sending a colleague story.  That would be a pretty big hurdle coupled with the two flat tires story.  I think Shannon had a valid point by leaving Brooks diagnosis in limbo he runs the risk of damaging his character.  it is Brooks character to maintain.  At this point (and at the conclusion) of the season Vicki and Brooks essentially alienated the rest of the cast by with the appearance of dishonest and avoidance.


The same can be said for David Beador, Terry, Eddie and Jim may not want to be around an adulterer.  It is their choice-no one can force the others to be friends with him. 

I'm confused - how can "having" cancer get someone out of child support when they are still working?

The presumption would be his income has decreased because of the illness and his expenses increased.  If there is no change in circumstances there would be no need to raise the issue.

  • Love 4

I thought it was the other way around and posted about it (somewhere??) as soon as it happened. Vickie said "er" then Andy mumbled it and looked back at his cards. I got the impression he knew she was wrong but didn't correct her.

I didn't write my post very well because I typed it on my phone but what I meant to say was that both Vicki and Andy spelled it to each other and agreed that it would be "pastER". And he did make a funny face but not like he was laughing at her, more like he was agreeing with Vicki.

I don't know, I just think both of them are morons.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 9

I am puzzled by Eddie.  I mean it.  I'm truly puzzled by him.  Honestly, I've always thought of him as a gay man.  I still can't shake that feeling.  Could it be his concentration so much on his body & keeping fit?  Maybe.  There really ain't too many straight men over 40 doing that.  OK, maybe somewhere there are some straight guys over 40 going nuts working out & maybe Eddie is one of 'em.  Kinda doubt it.  Idk, to me, it's his hair that's the dead give-away.  Have we ever seen Eddie when his hair wasn't done up & fussed over as much as any of the broads on here?  Well, yeah, one time -- in Tams' fake sex video, from earlier in the season, when I almost didn't recognize Eddie cuz his hair wasn't done up.


And yet, I believe Tams when she says Eddie is running CUT Fitness for her.  So Eddie is definitely not the lazy bum that Crooks (and Slade) is.  He does work & he seems responsible.  For that reason alone, I'm OK with Eddie.  And he's clearly not into Tams.  I like him for that too.  Er, so why is this possibly gay man wasting his time being married to Tams?  Cuz he's getting his share of reality TV fame?  Maybe.  It could be the Bravo dough too.  I suspect by now he must make decent money.


Oh man, come to LA and you will find scores of straight men in their 40s who obsessively work out and consistently style their hair :) I do think this is a Southern California thing. I know I'm in the minority, but I think Eddie is genuinely into Tamra. I've always felt they have chemistry. I do think he is probably bisexual or very flexible (I believe the rumors that he had some weird gay relationship with his former adoptive "father"/boss), but nothing on the show has indicated that he wants camera time (unlike, say, Ms. Terry). I mean, has he attended even one reunion? He does seem to get annoyed with Tamra's theatrics, though he never displays the heights of contempt that Jim Edmonds did towards Meghan. My sense of Eddie is that he is a pretty chill, very repressed man who is attracted to Tamra but has a lot of emotional stuff of his own he doesn't really deal with on the surface. I think he's just kind of a weird guy who prefers things calm.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 13

I think what happened and I am surmising, not having the detectives skills of Meghan, is Vicki when being asked to resolve the question with proof does what she does best and turned it around on Shannon.  Where were you when he was getting chemo-were you there holding his hand?  Shannon responded correctly, I would have been if asked. 

This would be the point when That Ronda Bitch pops up out of nowhere and says "Why would you have to be asked?  A real friend would have just been there to hold his hand."


Also question: When Vicki walked away after Meghan said to join them, Meghan said to Heather and Shannon "I asked her to join us, then she just dissipated." Am I wrong in thinking Meghan used 'dissipated' incorrectly?

  • Love 3

Vickie: In every season demands her friends have her back. Reminds them of what rotten friends they were for not having her back, then announces she's giving them another chance while openly reminding them their efforts won't be respected. Every. Single. Season.  Where's the behinds scenes footage so we can see her conveying her gratitude that her friends have her back?
This bends my brain too often.


New expressions on her face the last 4 episodes, mainly her eyes. She has the 'my life is over-acceptance' gaze about her.  When she was outside near the limo, she appeared detached from reality but like needing one foot in and one foot out of the mess. Strange physical behavior, coupled with possible -medicated? - eye gazes.. concerning to see. Anyone else get a suicidal vibe?

  • Love 5

Vickie: In every season demands her friends have her back. Reminds them of what rotten friends they were for not having her back, then announces she's giving them another chance while openly reminding them their efforts won't be respected. Every. Single. Season. Where's the behinds scenes footage so we can see her conveying her gratitude that her friends have her back?

This bends my brain too often.

New expressions on her face the last 4 episodes, mainly her eyes. She has the 'my life is over-acceptance' gaze about her. When she was outside near the limo, she appeared detached from reality but like needing one foot in and one foot out of the mess. Strange physical behavior, coupled with possible -medicated? - eye gazes.. concerning to see. Anyone else get a suicidal vibe?

Sucidal? No, not at all. More like a realization that she over played her hand and could not find a way out of her mess.

  • Love 14

Right? I loved that too! As she's stalking off to David. And his face is all, "Oh no, not again!"





Yea, the part about Brooks yelling at her really stood out. Brooks has been nothing but calm and pleasant this entire season. On camera. I've long believed that he was intentionally maintaining his composure, because freaking out would just make him look more guilty. But I believe that his real character comes out behind the scenes - such as this moment Shannon mentioned. I bet you anything THAT'S the real Brooks. 

Agree, and Brianna has said on more than a few occasions the same of Brooks being a different man behind the scenes, that he has threatened her and Ryan too.  A few seasons ago Tamra & Brianna were discussing his intentions , while Vickie wasn't present. Brianna said her mom really needs a friend to watch out for her & she hated leaving her mom to be alone with Brooks, didn't trust him. Tamra vowed to Brianna she was that friend to her mom. Makes me wonder now if it wasn't Brianna & Tamra that hired PI's n insiders to have Bravo be the platform to expose Brooks. Perhaps Meghan was the willing sleuthy (wink-wink)scapegoat.

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