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S02.E13: Halloween

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Oh my gosh, I never really noticed how awful and dangerous those ghost costumes were on Emily's niece and nephew. So funny. I too, have noticed how late the trick or treaters are out. Most towns have a curfew for that.

Brenda and Dylan looked awesome as Bonnie and Clyde; definitely a highlight of the episode. Low point is the repeated, cringe inducing shots of Donna writhing in her costume. I also noticed last time I watched this that there are a bunch of stock shots of costumed people talking during the party scene, and they keep showing the same shots over and over.

Re: raisins. No for Halloween, but yes in cookies and oatmeal and other things. Golden raisins are yummy.

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Huh. I remember the date rape storyline as being much harsher on Kelly than it was -- probably because I'm mostly remembering the Brenda parts -- but go Dylan for being unambiguous and decent. It reminds me of why I really liked Dylan up until I ... did not like Dylan at all.

Raisins ruin everything.

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Oh my gosh, I never really noticed how awful and dangerous those ghost costumes were on Emily's niece and nephew.



What were the dangerous costumes?


Ghost costumes, with only eyeholes, no nose or mouth, tied around the poor kids's necks, ffs, and so long they could step on them and fall over. Bad idea, 90210.


David and DeadScott waiting for the egg fight kinda reminded me of Linus and Sally waiting around for the Great Pumpkin. If only they'd been more sincere.

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The Parents Television Council blew a gasket when Brenda and Dylan had "unregettable" (that's what Dylan said!) teen sex on prom night, but is fine with tying trash bags around kids necks, with the bows located in back so little fingers clawing for air can't reach them? Alrighty, then.

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Team NEVER raisins.  Or apples.

Didn't the cowboy actor grow up to be one of the cops on Castle?  


Surprised that the cowboy got off with a punch and getting thrown out.  He got off easy.


Nice little speech by Dylan.  Pretty sincere (and better than Brenda's).  A good A plot- made up for the awful Emily Valentine/Brandon/ghost kids C plot.


And oy, Donna's comedy costume.  Enough already!


Good episode- and as always, great recap.

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@mostly C -- I agree about raisins AND apples -- and then raisins in things that also have apple in them.

The guy who played the rapist isn't a regular on Castle, but he is still a working actor who does a lot of TV... including a guest spot on Castle.

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I know things are different in Beverly Hills but why do TV shows always show Halloween costumes that are clearly from an expensive retail/rental boutique?  Every party I ever went to had "hippies", "pro athletes" and "babies" dressed in costumes made of stuff pulled out of their own closets.

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Who gives our raisins for Halloween? Ugh.  Also, I keep finding it interesting that even while corny and lame the 90210 storylines are, the situations are still alive and well today.  The Ashes to Ashes race issue and this episode with the "girls dress like a slut so she wants it" thing. Still an issue today, but probably always will be for some reason. 

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I know things are different in Beverly Hills but why do TV shows always show Halloween costumes that are clearly from an expensive retail/rental boutique? Every party I ever went to had "hippies", "pro athletes" and "babies" dressed in costumes made of stuff pulled out of their own closets.

I guess it's so we can vicariously live through them and their fancy shmancy costumes. I do appreciate that this episode actually showed them renting the costumes. In later seasons they just magically throw together elaborate costumes, and then even change into another one later in the day! I do actually enjoy most of these Halloween eps, though, and the costumes. Just not Donna wriggling helplessly in hers.

Edited by desertflower
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I know things are different in Beverly Hills but why do TV shows always show Halloween costumes that are clearly from an expensive retail/rental boutique?  Every party I ever went to had "hippies", "pro athletes" and "babies" dressed in costumes made of stuff pulled out of their own closets.

It's the wardrobe people basically pulling out all the stops because let's be real: the Halloween episodes are the only time that they get to have any fun on most shows. If you're a high school show you have prom, and you maybe get a wedding or two but yeah, wardrobe's gotta have their fun somehow, you know?

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I only use Twitter for work purposes, so I will throw in my +1 for Raisins here. Not as a snack food on their own (DEFINITELY not for Halloween), but definitely in oatmeal cookies. Love 'em. Oatmeal cookies are okay without them but I like them better with raisins. And I really don't like when people replace raisins with chocolate chips. Chocolate's too strong a flavor and it overwhelms the oaty goodness.


But when people bash raisins I'm always reminded of Joon describing them as "humiliated grapes" in Benny and Joon.

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If I remember correctly Donna has a nice moment at the end too where she refuses to let anyone back peddle away from calling the guy a rapist. So good on Donna and Dylan. Bad on Emily for being the worst babysitter ever...and crazy. Only 1 more episodes until U4EA! I got my egg. How about you?

I'm team #raisinsintheirplace, which in an oatmeal cookie. AND ONLY AN OATMEAL COOKIE! I'm looking at you, Cindy.

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One year my mom made popcorn balls from scratch, wrapped them and put them out. And many of the kids she could hear saying "we aren't supposed to take homemade stuff!" And replies like "shut up we can eat them on the way home and mom will never know." And there was several thrown in the lawns that squirrels carried off munching. Moms always get goofy ideas about Halloween treats. I think raisins are kind of a lame Halloween hand out and pencils or pennies are wack also.

Brenda looked cute.

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I will give raisins a pass as long as I never have to taste the vile wretchedness that is carob. Taste like chocolate my ass! If I had no other reason to hate hippies (and I have many) carob would be enough. God damn carob eating hippies.

So did Jason Priestly meet Christine Elise on the show or were they already dating and that's how she got the job? I remember really liking her clothes and style as a kid. It hasn't all ages well but she was the only girl with a real look. The rest were in sort of cheap-ish trendy mall clothes that were pretty generic for the longest time. Then comes Emily rocking this sort of new wavy punk thing. I remember thinking it was really cute.

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My parents mostly stuck to the handing out things in a bowl. Except at her workplace, she made little treat bags with some candy and cute things like stickers and erasers, but she always kept candy because Halloween was made for candy. 

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I'm crying-laughing about squirrels eating Halloween popcorn balls!

My neighborhood best friend's parents were SUPER-religious and gave out bible tracts and pencils at Halloween. Somehow, we kids always forgot about that, because we went back to their house every year. It's been a very, very long time, but I seem to recall them also giving out small boxes of raisins.

They also had a giant jug of prune juice under the kitchen sink.

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I had a neighbor who worked for Scholastic and handed out books for Halloween. Well, "handed out" in the sense that every surface in her dining room and living room would be covered in books all spread out and sorted by reading age and we could go in and pick out whatever book we wanted. It was awesome


Other than that, the only non-candy things I really remember getting for Halloween was the occasional juice box, which I loved because when you're walking around in a costume and eating bunches of candy you get thirsty! But I wonder if the folks giving out juice boxes did that because they were trying to provide something a little healthier than candy. I never thought about that as a kid because I was just happy to get something to drink. Whereas if I got raisins I would've been extremely disappointed.

Edited by smrou
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I had a neighbor who worked for Scholastic and handed out books for Halloween. Well, "handed out" in the sense that every surface in her dining room and living room would be covered in books all spread out and sorted by reading age and we could go in and pick out whatever book we wanted. It was awesome.


That would have been awesome! I love books.

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If I remember correctly Donna has a nice moment at the end too where she refuses to let anyone back peddle away from calling the guy a rapist. So good on Donna and Dylan.


Yes! I wish they'd mentioned that in the podcast, it was the only non-annoying thing Donna did all episode.


I actually enjoyed the idea of Donna feeling insecure around Kelly and thinking she can't "pull off" a sexy showgirl costume. They never really delved into the idea that of the core four girls, Donna was the least traditionally attractive (well I suppose her and Andrea were about equal, but that's only because Andrea was 75 years old). But the whole thing got undermined when she wore an outfit twice as skimpy as Kelly's lingerie look.


One thing that always bugs me is that in a couple years when Kelly is the victim-blaming one who knows for SURE that Steve could NEVER rape anyone, she names him as the one who "saved" her from the Halloween date rapist, when in reality aside from bleating about how he loves her and punching the guy after the fact, he categorically did not do.

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Yes! I wish they'd mentioned that in the podcast, it was the only non-annoying thing Donna did all episode.

I actually enjoyed the idea of Donna feeling insecure around Kelly and thinking she can't "pull off" a sexy showgirl costume. They never really delved into the idea that of the core four girls, Donna was the least traditionally attractive (well I suppose her and Andrea were about equal, but that's only because Andrea was 75 years old). But the whole thing got undermined when she wore an outfit twice as skimpy as Kelly's lingerie look.

One thing that always bugs me is that in a couple years when Kelly is the victim-blaming one who knows for SURE that Steve could NEVER rape anyone, she names him as the one who "saved" her from the Halloween date rapist, when in reality aside from bleating about how he loves her and punching the guy after the fact, he categorically did not do.

Well collegiate and post collegiate Kelly was nothing if not a huge fan of situational ethics.

I actually think that the Donna the show ended up with once they started writing for her wasn't a bad character. A girl who was just as pretty as anyone (according to the show) but very insecure and uncomfortable about sex that hid behind a goofy sense of humor. It wasn't always well written or acted, but the general concept was nice and felt more young adult than weird mini-retirees that was the rest of the group. By the end of the show I actually liked Donna and Steve best out of the original gang. They both had a certain well meaning goofus quality that kind of charmed me more than everybody else's hyper judgemental middle aged at 20 personalities.

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Ugh, I can't with Emily fucking Valentine. More Dead Scott! He is weirder and kind of more interesting than I remembered. Also, how great did Brinda look? I mean, Dylan was hot, but so was she! 


I feel compelled to weigh in on Raisingate. Yes to raisins in things, no to raisons as Halloween treats. My own health-conscious mother handed out cute pencils and erasers and stickers along with candy on Halloween. Shockingly, many kids asked for more pencils or stickers instead of candy, but I think that's because we lived in a poor neighborhood and Lisa Franks don't grow on trees. 

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Emily's crunchy, bleached hair is, as the kids would say back then, totally rad. You see it and you just know how it feels, and smells, thanks to the can of AquaNet. The '90s. Good times.


I'm really glad that Dylan stepped up and simmered down his girlfriend, because Brenda was being another type of B with the, 'Well, I tried to tell you' comments and slut-shaming Kelly. It was an, 'Ah hell no!' moment as I listened that she, just barely, pulled out of.


Oh and, I'll echo the #TeamRaisin comment, adding that as in baked goods only. Handing them out for Halloween makes you a monster, Cindy! 


I admit I'm the one on the block who hands out full size candy bars AND also offers a little toy or pencil or coloring book or something to the kids we know. This is in part due to the obnoxious surge of allergy-phobic parents who won't let their little preciouses touch anything that could have lived in a world where peanuts exist and partly because I kind of like being the cool house where everyone wants to trick or treat. Makes me happy when the kids are all excited, and seems a small price to pay to hit up Oriental Trading and Sam's for big bars to get it. (And sometimes if my husband knows the dads, he'll give them beers as "big kid" treats.) Kids are happy, Dads are happy, I'm happy, win-win-win ... And nary a raisin to be found!



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I was going to put this on Twitter, but definitely (-) 1 raisins. At my first flat in SF, my housemate was a dental student (and a bitch) and bought 2 bags of boxed raisins to hand out to the kids. A toddler climbed up our steps (like at least 16 steps up) and received a box of raisins, and started crying. Leaving our apartment with hundreds of boxes of raisins for the rest of the year because she realized she was an asshole (well, in that instance).

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Well collegiate and post collegiate Kelly was nothing if not a huge fan of situational ethics.


I agree with this so much. Actually these podcasts have made me realize that I didn't actually always hate Kelly. I just hated who she was after high school and after all these years that just turned into I always hated her. I'm actually enjoying her now as a character. 

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I agree with this so much. Actually these podcasts have made me realize that I didn't actually always hate Kelly. I just hated who she was after high school and after all these years that just turned into I always hated her. I'm actually enjoying her now as a character.

Ditto. I didn't really start watching 90210 in earnest until the college years, so while I've seen the High School episodes they didn't make a huge impact. I remember all the episodes, but I wasn't that invested. By the time I was getting together with friends every week to watch (yes kids, before streaming media everybody had viewing parties of all kinds of shows. They were the majority of my social life between 18-21) Kelly was such a whiny bitch. She was my first "hero I hated". You know those characters that you can tell the show thinks you're rooting for that in actuality you want to see get mauled by a bear. I had totally forgotten that early Kelly was pretty great. I wish they'd kept her this spunky little diva with a dirty sense of humor instead of the thin lipped church lady she became.

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LOVED all the raisin hate from Tara and Sarah! Sarah's musings on disgusting foods are my favorite. Please go back and read Sarah and Stephanie's entire "Nause-AA" bracket in which the grossest foods that they could think of fight it out NCAA style - So funny! Here's the link for the raisin's first appearance:


My only question...why isn't kohlrabi in that bracket? It's gag worthy.

Am I the only one who knows that the pop channel that use to be TV guide channel plays original BH 90210. The podcast made me want to watch the show even though I was born the year of its first season.

I feel so old all of a sudden! :P

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Actually these podcasts have made me realize that I didn't actually always hate Kelly. I just hated who she was after high school and after all these years that just turned into I always hated her. I'm actually enjoying her now as a character. 

Once she started dating Brandon she caught a big fat case of his sanctimony infection and it got pretty ugly for a long while after that. I blamed Brandon then, I blame Brandon now.

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For some strange reason, what I remember most about this episode is Brenda's "DYLAN! I need you!" I really liked them as a couple and, after all the sound and fury of their breakup, I thought it was a very nice, subtle demonstration of their relationship being back on track.


But really, while this is a great episode for Dylan, it's also another really good showing from Jennie Garth, I think. It's funny, because I have a lot of residual affection for her from this show (I don't want to admit how many episodes of What I Like About You I watched just because she and Leslie Grossman were totally charming together), but I didn't realize until this podcast how genuinely good she was in the earlier seasons of this show. I know I've said this before, but it's so sad to think of the miserable pill Kelly becomes in college because she's just been so sunny and likable so far.

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The show recycled the Infiniti guy who hit on Kelly at the party. He later became Kelly's rapist, Joe Patch, in Season 9-10.

Is there any possibly bad thing that DIDN'T happen to Kelly? Her shitty luck occurred even into middle age, on the Nu90210. (Although I'm seriously tempted to just pretend that show didn't happen and it's not continuity. Kind of like how Sweet Valley series books are each kind of their own thing.)



I know I've said this before, but it's so sad to think of the miserable pill Kelly becomes in college because she's just been so sunny and likable so far.

She improved by the end of the show, and on Nu90210 she seemed to have regained at least some spark, but the happy, sunny Kelly basically died at the fire. I don't think she was ever the same after that. (Which is understandable- nearly getting burned to death and then watching your future lesbian admirer turned into tragic disfigured person can't be easy.)

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One year my mom made popcorn balls from scratch, wrapped them and put them out. And many of the kids she could hear saying "we aren't supposed to take homemade stuff!" And replies like "shut up we can eat them on the way home and mom will never know." And there was several thrown in the lawns that squirrels carried off munching. Moms always get goofy ideas about Halloween treats. I think raisins are kind of a lame Halloween hand out and pencils or pennies are wack also.

Brenda looked cute.

I always gave out the lunch sized bags of chips, the kids LOVED them. I offered candy too but most of the kids took the chips.

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Raisins are foul. I've hated them since I was a kid. My sister hates them as well, and refers to them as "dead grapes," which sums it up perfectly.

I was laughing and laughing at Dave's story about getting granola, because I swear that ACTUALLY HAPPENED to my daughter last night. We stopped at a neighbor's house on our way home (so we'd been out for about an hour and a half), and she said she'd run out of candy and was handing out granola bars, and threw one into my daughter's treat bucket. LOL!!

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