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S01.E03: Eight Slim Grins

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but I'm so over the "girl-genius agent and her bro handler fall in love" story, I'm under it.


And aren't they asking the viewer to stretch their imagination to the breaking point that

Jane Doe is supposed to be the girl that disappeared


We're getting into Alias crazy stuff here.  

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I'm still intrigued, and still watching.  I enjoyed this episode.  Surprised that they killed the bearded guy so quickly.  And noticed that in this episode, a tattoo didn't lead to the mystery of the week.  In this case the tattoo led to Jane trying to figure out more of who she was.


And what's with the ridiculous side plot of the father being accused of killing FBI guy's childhood friend?  And they're just now having a memorial service for her? 

When Weller was in the kitchen of his sister's house, one of them said something like "Dad wanted to come this year", which implies that they have a memorial service for Taylor every year.


One question I have though. If Stapleton has issues with his accent bleeding through, the kind of thing I would imagine would have been noticed in early filming if not the auditions, why not just make him Australian in the first place so he doesn't have to bother?

You have to be an American citizen to be in the FBI.  I guess they could say he has dual citizenship, born in the United States to Australian parents and then moved back to Australia (like Nicole Kidman), but still.  That seems too complicated.  Then we'd be saying "why is an Australian guy in such a position of authority in the FBI".  


I like Sullivan Stapleton.  I know he can be a great actor, and funny to boot, but his role unfortunately isn't written like that here.

Edited by blackwing
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why not just make him Australian in the first place so he doesn't have to bother?



Probably because all of mainstream America would need closed captioning then. Most can't understand any accented English, especially Aussie English.


Maybe actors from other countries work cheaper than Americans since so many Brits and Aussies are in American roles.

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I guess they could say he has dual citizenship, born in Australia to an Australian father and American mother (like Nicole Kidman), but still.


Once again, in Strike Back there didn't seem to be a huge problem with his accent.

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Oops, I edited, I got the Nicole Kidman facts wrong.  But I agree, he didn't seem to have an issue with his accent in Strike Back, but I think it's because his character was a lot more ebullient and natural.  Damien Scott's seemingly favourite thing to say, which we usually heard a few times during an episode, was "F me!!!!!"


I think in this show, the character is serious and slow and deliberate, so maybe it's harder to do a serious American voice?

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 You have to be an American citizen to be in the FBI.  I guess they could say he has dual citizenship, born in the United States to Australian parents and then moved back to Australia (like Nicole Kidman), but still.  That seems too complicated.  Then we'd be saying "why is an Australian guy in such a position of authority in the FBI".  

There was a series years ago called Sue Thomas FB Eye, and one of the agents who was Australian was suppose to have an American father and an Aussie mother, but had been raised Australia. But that was mentioned in one episode, it wasn't a big deal.

Isn't Rick Cosnett using his Aussie accent on Quantico?

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And aren't they asking the viewer to stretch their imagination to the breaking point that

Jane Doe is supposed to be the girl that disappeared


We're getting into Alias crazy stuff here.  


Yes, but it's taking itself way too seriously, Alias was a fun show in its prime.

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So, the FBI has, under its protection, a lethal, highly-trained, mind-wiped blank slate, with no discernible allegiances or ties and is, therefore, incapable of having her background checked, and they're going to give her a gun?  


Really?  Really?


She's just going to go out into the field, on cases, and they're not at all suspicious she might snap and shoot her team members?  Or, worse, just fail to support/protect them?  They don't know this person.  At all.  But they're going to trust her with their lives and the lives of civilians?



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So, the FBI has, under its protection, a lethal, highly-trained, mind-wiped blank slate, with no discernible allegiances or ties and is, therefore, incapable of having her background checked, and they're going to give her a gun? 

Really?  Really?

There is no way she should be out on cases or be given a weapon. Weller is ridiculous in how blind he's being with her, the only one making any sense is Rob Brown's character. She should have stayed her tail in the car and she should not be rewarded for constantly not following the plan. She's chasing dudes down, stabbing and shooting them yet she really thinks they should be considerate enough to take the time and tell her her life story. Clearly she doesn't really think things through.  I really wanted to like this show but right now the most interesting thing about this show is the anagram titles.



(although Orion makes me think of MIB).

My mind went there right away. I was like "it's on Orion's belt",  where's the cat?

Edited by miracole
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Alias was a fun show in its prime.


I found it on Netflix or Amazon the other day and watched a little of the pilot.  I loved it when it was first on but it's really silly. And Jennifer Garner really had a weird way of walking. 


What was that big red ball again?  


Bradley Cooper said Alias almost turned him into a drug addict, he hated it so much. 


I predict Blindspot is going to be NBC's next Must See HateWatch.

Edited by teddysmom
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I predict Blindspot is going to be NBC's next Must See HateWatch.


State of Affairs was fun to hatewatch at least because the spy dude that was into Kathrine Heigl's character was hot. This one? Eh.

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I forgot to ask, near the end, when Stapleton was fighting with some dude in the hospital, it was so dark I couldn't tell what was going on.  Somebody got stabbed with three hypodermic needles.  The stabbee croaks "what was in there" and the stabber says "I have no idea".  Was Stapleton the stabber or the stabbee?  I thought he was the stabbee because later Jane asks him how he is doing and he says "I've been better".  But if he did get stabbed, did I miss a line about how he was getting some treatment?

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I predict Blindspot is going to be NBC's next Must See HateWatch.

I don't know about must-see. I'll watch it for a while on my DVR (Fargo starts Monday with a 90-minute premiere, yay!), but if it doesn't start getting more interesting, it will get deleted.

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I was really hoping that Jane wasn't Taylor Shaw because I can't take much more of Weller's self-righteous bs.  I'm with Reade all the way.  Regardless of the childhood history between Weller and Jane, there's no excuse for him blowing off his own team because he likes the newbie.  Furthermore, Mayfair shouldn't even have him as the lead in this case anymore because Weller is clearly biased towards Jane, and that makes him a liability.


What really bugs me is that Reade isn't trying to sabotage anyone, but the fact that he's not automatically Team Jane basically makes him persona non grata?  Screw you, Weller.  Hope someone kicks his ass. 


EDIT: Apparently, Rob Brown's name is Reade, not Ramirez.  Whoops.


Reade is the best thing about this show.  Rob Brown is wasted. I kind of wonder how he would have done as the Pit Boss in The Player, but he's probably too young and doesn't have the martial arts capability that Snipes has.


As someone who has seen Alexander and Stapleton more natural in other roles, neither of them are bringing it.  It ain't just Sully, alas.


I caught up on the last two episodes because I was wholly unimpressed with Jane (and the show) in the pilot, and wanted to check back to see if I found her character and the show much improved.  Nah.   

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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Somebody got stabbed with three hypodermic needles.  The stabbee croaks "what was in there" and the stabber says "I have no idea".  Was Stapleton the stabber or the stabbee?  I thought he was the stabbee because later Jane asks him how he is doing and he says "I've been better".  But if he did get stabbed, did I miss a line about how he was getting some treatment?



Blackwing, I couldn't follow that either. Plus, syringes aren't filled and then left laying around, they are filled just before injecting the whatever it is into the patient. Plus I can't imagine three syringes full of any antibiotic able to knock someone out. I guess we can assume they were full of propofol. If we are suppose to believe other made-up things on this show, we have to buy that hospitals in the Blindspot universe leave syringes filled with anesthesia drugs sitting around wherever.

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As someone who has seen Alexander and Stapleton more natural in other roles, neither of them are bringing it.  It ain't just Sully, alas.


It's definitely the shows, Player is sort of more interesting on a stupid level.

Edited by Free
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So, the FBI has, under its protection, a lethal, highly-trained, mind-wiped blank slate, with no discernible allegiances or ties and is, therefore, incapable of having her background checked, and they're going to give her a gun?  


Not to mention that they are FeeBee's... they do not trust USSS or any other USG LEO's, NYPD, etc. much less a tattooed walking enigma.

Edited by Syme
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I guess we can assume they were full of propofol.


I'm guessing they were filled with near-lethal doses of Dihydrogen Monoxide

Edited by Syme
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I like the supporting characters, but the chemistry between the leads sucks (not romantic chemistry). I get no pleasure watching them, and I really want to see Jane/Taylor interact with other besides Weller. I hate everything about Weller.

My ridiculous hope is that this was a long con by Jane to wreak havoc on the FBI and gain access to all their information because she's a bad lady.

Reade, keep fighting the good fight. Someone in the FBI has to have not totally lost their mind.

Edited by tomatoflyer
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My ridiculous hope is that this was a long con by Jane to wreak havoc on the FBI and gain access to all their information because she's a bad lady.


Damn! The obvious answer sitting right in front of us all along, and we did not see it...


Thanks tomatoflyer....

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So, the FBI has, under its protection, a lethal, highly-trained, mind-wiped blank slate, with no discernible allegiances or ties and is, therefore, incapable of having her background checked, and they're going to give her a gun?  


Really?  Really?


She's just going to go out into the field, on cases, and they're not at all suspicious she might snap and shoot her team members?  Or, worse, just fail to support/protect them?  They don't know this person.  At all.  But they're going to trust her with their lives and the lives of civilians?




Word.  She could be a certifiable powder keg that gets triggered by some random word or phrase.  Jane is lucky that she can ride along, but arming her and calling her an agent is ridiculous when they have no idea of her background.  Navy Seal, bounty hunter, I don't think they care.  Mayfair doesn't seem to be any smarter than Weller if she's approving this stunt.  Maybe she's hoping Jane will get herself killed. 


Granted, it's not like the agents are doing well on their own, since perps just slip through their fingers, yet Jane can take them out on her own, every time.  RME.

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My ridiculous hope is that this was a long con by Jane to wreak havoc on the FBI and gain access to all their information because she's a bad lady.


That's not ridiculous at all! I bet it's actually part of Shadowy Organization's plan.

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I certainly hope there isn't any backtracking, and Jane actually is Taylor Shaw, because I already want to end this entire subplot.  Now, maybe they can actually move to more important matters, which would be pretty much anything else.  That said, I have a fear that there will be a twist somewhere down the line.  Like as some suggest, someone tampered with the blood tests or something.


Also glad that they finally decided on what Jane/Taylor's role is going to be, because I was getting sick of that too, and it was kind of making me hate everyone.  Jane refusing to stay in the car and all her whining over being left behind was annoying (usually love Jaimie Alexander, but she kept resorting to a pouting face that made her come off like a child), Weller just comes off like an asshole who can't make up his damn mind, and the other two are made to look incompetent.  I mean, the suspect was like only a few feet away from them.  They really couldn't catch him?  If there was any physical exams during training, they must have both cheated on any running parts of it.


Patterson unlocks another tattoo, that ends up being part of some kind of mysterious FBI case, that involves Mayfair and a shady dude played by Michael Gaston (granted, when is he not shady?)  I wonder if he was the one that killed bearded guy, or if there is someone else lurking in the shadows.


I really want to like this, but it is getting hard.  And after somewhat improving last week, Weller is back to sucking.  Neither the writing or the acting is working for this character.  This is one of those cases where I simply can't understand how no one behind the cameras isn't realizing that this character is a bust.

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You have to be an American citizen to be in the FBI.  I guess they could say he has dual citizenship, born in the United States to Australian parents and then moved back to Australia (like Nicole Kidman), but still.  That seems too complicated.

FBI employees must hold Top Secret clearances. While not absolutely impossible to get a security clearance with dual citizenship, even being a Five Eyes citizen will make it effectively impossible at the TS level. (With a very notable exception - Israel...Ask Henry Kissinger how that came about.)

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Wow, she stays in the car about as well as Carl stays in the house, tent, RV, etc!

I am glad she is Taylor Shaw. Just so we don't have to hear some variation of, we have to find them, or we need them alive they might know who I am in every damn episode. Her grabbing everyone asking if she knows them was getting so annoying. I expected to to start grabbing pizza delivery guys and random people on the street and brow beat them as well!

Unfortunately we will probably get her saying we need them they might know who did this to me and why, about every two minutes.

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Unfortunately we will probably get her saying we need them they might know who did this to me and why, about every two minutes.


It would be so annoying watching them repeat that over and over again, just like when they had to tell her to stay 3 episodes in a row.

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One question I have though. If Stapleton has issues with his accent bleeding through, the kind of thing I would imagine would have been noticed in early filming if not the auditions, why not just make him Australian in the first place so he doesn't have to bother?

Why would he be having this problem, anyways?

He did just fine playing an American with a hell of a lot more charisma and charm on Strike Back.

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I've patiently spent three episodes hoping that things would get better, but at this point, I'm irrationally irritated by the way Stapleton speaks!!  For me, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's Australian.  The problem is the mumbly way he shoots out his lines and his choppy line readings.  "Jane.  I thought I.  Told you to.  Stay in the car."  Ahhhhh!!!  It's driving me crazy.  I don't know how I'm going to keep watching without wanting to rip my hair out.  Dramatic, I know.

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So, the FBI has, under its protection, a lethal, highly-trained, mind-wiped blank slate, with no discernible allegiances or ties and is, therefore, incapable of having her background checked, and they're going to give her a gun? 

Really?  Really?


This is not even the least believable thing about the show. Two apparent terror attacks and a hospital shootout in the course of three days, in New York. Where is the media? There wouldn't have been a case the next day, because after the first one everything would be locked down for a week and a half and boss lady would not be in the office because she'd be bouncing back and forth between media outlets reassuring everyone. On this show, somebody tries to blow up the statue of liberty and live goes on as usual the next day. And it DOES appear to be the next day, because of the way Jane's injuries carry over from episode to episode. I think this show is fun, but plotwise it doesn't really bear much scrutiny.

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Why would he be having this problem, anyways?

He did just fine playing an American with a hell of a lot more charisma and charm on Strike Back.

All I can think of when I watch him on this show is how much I want him to shave the neck-beard. It never bothered me on Strike Back. But that could be because he was often naked and banging some random chick.

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All I can think of when I watch him on this show is how much I want him to shave the neck-beard. It never bothered me on Strike Back. But that could be because he was often naked and banging some random chick.

Thanks for the laugh!  Maybe he needs to start doing that here ... oh wait, he's now on network tv and they don't do that kind of stuff.  Maybe I watch too much "premium channel" (or whatever non-network channels are called) tv, but this show would benefit from some curse words.  I think it would make the characters less stiff necked and more natural.  I am happy he's out of his suit from the first episode.  Don't get me wrong, I like a man in a suit, but don't like it when he looks uncomfortable in one, which Sully did in the first episode.


I've patiently spent three episodes hoping that things would get better, but at this point, I'm irrationally irritated by the way Stapleton speaks!!  For me, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's Australian.  The problem is the mumbly way he shoots out his lines and his choppy line readings.  "Jane.  I thought I.  Told you to.  Stay in the car."  Ahhhhh!!!  It's driving me crazy.  I don't know how I'm going to keep watching without wanting to rip my hair out.  Dramatic, I know.

I thought I was imaging that but guess not.  At first I wondered if he was yelling "line" in between words.  I think it's because they are sticking to a script and aren't comfortable enough to improvise or comfortable enough with each other yet.   It must throw you off as an actor when you don't have chemistry with the people you're sharing scenes with and it shows with the dialogue and its delivery.

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Why would he be having this problem, anyways?

He did just fine playing an American with a hell of a lot more charisma and charm on Strike Back.


It's the show and the writing that's the main problem.

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The drinking game is a hilarious idea - we'll be all passed out on the floor by second commercial break. Someone do a Bingo Card!


I'm finding the show okay but very repetitive, like they copied-and-pasted half of the dialogue into each script to same time.


"Who am I?"

"Do you know me?"

"Stay in the car."

"I can help?"

"Who did this to me?"


It's literally the exact same dialogue, complete with the wide-eyed stare. And everyone is right, that Stapleton does growl his dialogue a lot.


The body count on this show is going to be really high, if every single person who knew Jane/Taylor is summarily killed off each episode. I was kinda hoping bearded guy would pop in and out of her life, dropping hints here and there, but no. Just an increasingly populated morgue.

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This is not even the least believable thing about the show. Two apparent terror attacks and a hospital shootout in the course of three days, in New York. Where is the media?


Err, they are all busy covering The Donald, maybe?

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The camera work is so spinny bouncy zoomy.


It's the shaky cam and it's really annoying.


I'm finding the show okay but very repetitive, like they copied-and-pasted half of the dialogue into each script to same time.


Literally 3 episodes in a row of the same thing happening back to back.

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Everyone keeps saying this, I haven't noticed that at all. 


I think it's the action sequences that it's the most noticeable, otherwise it's usually close up shots of the characters.

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Ugh...here are my thoughts:

1) Losing the tooth was stupid, just stupid.  Glad she had markings on her face afterwards but the tooth was ridiculous and not believable.

2) When the FBI asks her what the break-in guy said to her, she said nothing. Then tells hottie FBI guy only part of what was said. Tell them he was your trainer.  Tell them what the bad guy in the hospital says to you (that he asks her, "You don't remember?").  Tell them the flashbacks you are having.  Sigh.

3) Who directs these shows?  "Okay everybody, you are in a hardcore TV drama!  Everybody look pissed off/angry!  Purse your lips, slam the car doors, give me drama! And ACTION!!!!!"

4) Marianne Jean-Baptiste.  This is a whole category on it own, and not in a good way.  What a weird career this woman has made for herself.  She is nominated for an Oscar then moves to America and takes forgettable roles in so-so network tv shows for the rest of her career.  I don't even think she can act any longer.

5) Hospital scene is right out of THE GODFATHER with the lighting from the original TERMINATOR.  But this scene doesn't have a man that cannot be killed by bullets.  Two guys with guns in a hospital full of people. And of course when they get back to the victim, he is either going to be dead or gone. Why couldn't they "surprise" the audience, who is wasting their time on this show, with him still being in the bed?  What a concept. And then the bad guy brother, who is fearless until now, freaks out when he sees the FBI in the parking lot and doesn't take his brother into the ambulance?!  Who is writing this show? 

6) HUG THE WOMAN!!!!  SMILE!!!!!  You've been searching for her most of your life, and she is standing in front of you.  Why can't the characters do anything that a real person would do?

7) The last scene was just pointless.


I stopped watching The Blacklist because I disliked the lead woman, who was in more scenes than James Spader.  I don't mind the leads in the show, but the writing is just so bad. The concept is clever, but to unlock what is all means is where this show is stumbling.  Not sure if I am going to continue with this show, unfortunately.

Edited by caligirl50
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Not to mention leaving an important Bureau witness guarded by one of NYPD's finest, one.... They would snap the perp up in a NY minute, with some federal charge or another, and put him under real protection.

Particularly since the last time they had someone they want to interrogate in the hospital, someone from the shadowy conspiracy snuck in and killed him. Along with three of the people they talked to in the case after that being involved in explosions afterward.


I can't believe how stupid the black ops jewel thieves were, mounting an assault on a US hospital with FBI agents closing in on them to rescue one of their own. They were basically declaring war on the US, which is probably not going to work out well when your're a handful of guys whose names and faces are now going to be passed out to every law enforcement agency in America.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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3) Who directs these shows?  "Okay everybody, you are in a hardcore TV drama!  Everybody look pissed off/angry!  Purse your lips, slam the car doors, give me drama! And ACTION!!!!!"




This!  Ugh.  Everyone is either tough or gloomy all. the. time. with the exception of the tech woman (don't know her name or title) who wears the lab coat.  


The mystery is somewhat intriguing, but having been burned, as we all have, by shows that started out with intriguing mysteries only to bloat the stories out to ridiculous levels in order to keep them going season after season, I'm wary.  And it's not even as good right now as those shows started out to be (Heroes, Lost, Revenge - you get the picture).

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My son and I were thinking she was a time traveler from the future sent back to warn everyone of some cataclysmic event.... and when the IT woman said "we got the results back and you're Taylor Shaw" we both said 's granddaughter LOL

Neither of us is apparently willing to let go of the theory

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Jamie's a beautiful woman.



My mileage obviously varies.  I don't find her attractive in the least.


No one ever stays in the car on tv, that's not a unique complaint to this show. Plus it would be boring to watch her stay in the car.


She had one job -- keep an eye on all the stores and/or the suspect's car.  She could easily have been shown walking about, looking for the best angle to the stores.  Strike one.


At the hospital, she also had one job -- stay with the patient and see what he knows.  Nope, can't do that either.


Jane is in a "safe house", right?  Just one that has a window that anyone can shoot through... Guh.


Was Stapleton the stabber or the stabbee?


Stapleton was the stabber. As noted, the random syringes immediately crippled one of the Candymen.The fact that at least one person wasn't sure means that the camerawork failed.




How the heck does Blandspot earn a 2.5 when the consistently better Minority Report can't get to 1? (And Megan Good is all over Jamie Alexander in the looks dept, IMO.)  Just sucks.

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I see Black Agent (I'd learn his name if I thought it was important: to me they're Stubbly Agent, Female Agent, Black Sceptic & Techy Girl - I'd say "Black Lady Dodgy Boss", but I watched Without a Trace, so I know she's Marianne Jean Baptiste) is still stuck with the "sceptic" tag, so even though he's the only one talking sense, I'm guessing he'll turn out to be a traitor (as might Boss Lady, but I reckon she'll turn out to be a "good" mole - possibly even the one who set up Jane Doe's appearance in the Pilot). I'd still like to see some reason why the FBI cares about Jane Doe (or Taylor Shaw) because they know nothing about her - for all they know she might BE a terrorist (even if she is Stubbly's former neighbour, she's had 20 years to be indoctrinated with all sorts of wacky beliefs).


thuganomics85 They really couldn't catch him?



Maybe they're part of the conspiracy and let him escape? Their pursuit was pretty pathetic.


DEM They did the same thing again with the guy at the end. "He's dead, Jim. Boom. End of story." Even though they were in a hospital and a team could have rushed in and tried emergency resuscitation procedures.



I know! If it was a major character, we'd see "You've gotta keep trying!" and "Try whatever it takes!" but - "Eh, he's nobody we know, don't bother trying!" Besides, they have to keep the mystery going somehow.


tennisgurl  Didn't anyone on this show watch Chuck? Its never safer in the car!


I don't understand why they'd leave her alone in the car. If they think she might be useful (which is ridiculous, but at least it would be consistent with her being there), she should join them. If not, why are they bringing her at all?


teddysmom What was that big red ball again?




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