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S10.E18: Satan Loves Confusion

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I don't see the point in discussing Briana's weight. It seems pointless and a way to jab a person. I also am not comfortable discussing Meghan thinness or Beth on NY. All the people I have mentioned are some of my least favorite housewives (I know Briana is not a housewife) , and I still think to bringing it up is a little cruel. As we are not talking about it in positive way.

Briana has small children and has had issues with her thyroid, so it is much more complicated than just diet.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 19

Meghan does seem to be making strides with backing off Hayley. I'm impressed. She still does the passive-aggressive digs about Jim and LeAnn's parenting, I don't think she can help herself. An aside, her behavior is always so robotic, I think she is somewhere in the autistic spectrum, but i'm not a doctor. I'm loving Shannon and her authentic self so much! She reminds me of the way my best girlfriends and I talk when we get down to the nitty gritty. She was totally cracking me up. I think she is a brave, badass lady to share her stories and heartache with us. Team Shannon!

  • Love 12
Dear Lord! Vicki's going to have a circle jerk at Tammy's pasteurization! And, Shannon has a piece of plastic stuck up her ass! It doesn't get any better than this!



I felt really bad for that mom with the kid sitting in the little train car right behind Vicki.  Gah she is so crass!!  What is wrong with these people?]


Because it's white? Despite his pearl clutching at the mausoleum groundbreaking, he seems like the biggest perv of them all.



Yes and that is definitely what he was talking about - like a teenage boy giggling about what happens when a white dress gets wet.  He's a real gem.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 11



Those poor animals there for the entertainment of adults and children were very upsetting.

They had nowhere to hide, or private shelter if they didn't feel like being exposed to loud people and bratty children. How long is the"work shift" in the day of these animals? If anyone can buy food and feed them whatever they want, how is it possible to monitor their diet and nutrition?

I'm disgusted the place exists, that seemingly decent people patronize it and keep it in business, and that it was featured as "fun" on the show.

It's 2015. People know better, and animals are not for entertainment.


Thank you Shelby. I also was sickened by that scene.


So much so that I had to turn the channel midway through. As soon as I saw the line for the animals, and how people could purchase packets of food and how they had the food lined up....maybe I didn't see enough to judge but it was awful treatment for these overfed farm animals. Just so humans can get their yucks and feel like they had a fun family time or how to kill time with little kids under the guise of exposing and teaching kids about animals. I know there are such things as petting zoos. But I have also seen real country farms that allow limited and humane exposure for their farm animals to meet & greet kids so they can truly learn from and respect nature and God's creations.  


Just how appropriate for Vicki ...I Just Found Gawd and Love Flaunting It ....Tacky, Unevolved, and Limited...Gunvalson to not know the difference.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 8

The title of this episode: Satan loves Confusion is gold because there is so much truth to it. He cut his prize succubus from his harem (#squadgoals) to join Team God. How weird was it to see Tamra seated there getting painted up like the Whore of Babylon to be baptized? Who the hell does that? And she was sitting there making an anal joke when Shannon called.

Shannon bringing new meaning to 'just the tip.' I don't know why the hell she thought she needed an emergency colonic before a baptism. I know evil likes to hide there but there is No need to be zestfully clean in all your nooks and crannies for such an event.

That was some old school Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston love with David going up there to fish it out.

Ugh, at Bri and Ryan commenting on the scent of the house and stuff. I do think it is interesting that Bri says and thinks that Vicki has chosen Brooks over her. I get that there is a lot not to like about Brooks but Bri is seeming just as self-centered as Vicki in this instance. I don't think Brianna wants to share her mother with any man. Don wasn't good enough until they divorced, up until than he was just a man that was married to her mom.

Brianna is just odd. You know what really what stuck with me? When she mentioned the first time finding out that Brooks had moved into 'the family home' she got a text from a friend and she saw Brooks and Vicki sitting and holding hands on the 'family couch.' WTH? Family couch?!?! I had a needle skip when she mentioned family home because that conjures up imagines of the Pondersa, South Fork, Tara or something that has been in a family for generations but okay, if I squint a little I can see it. But fucking family couch? Come on now! Didn't Vicki do a large scale redecorating and change out all the furniture? So I hardly doubt that Brianna was fucking burped or doing her elementary school homework on that sofa. Seriously, is all Vicki's shit communal family property? Maybe it is just me. My mom's stuff is just my mom's stuff. I don't call her couch, the family couch. Just odd. Or maybe this was the sofa that Ryan was ready to fight to the death Lydia's 60+ yr old mother so they've earned it. LOL!

I can't even with the cancer discussion anymore. Can't.

*The ABOVE contains such 'FABULOUSNESS'.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 8

Forget Tamra's faux baptism and Shannon's enema. The episode for me was all about Brianna revealing that Brooks had lied about having cancer before. We all know he is a liar, but that was confirmation of the fact that Brooks will do anything, even fake cancer to get what he wants. I agree with Brianna, he is bad news. The dynamic between Brianna and Vicki is so complicated, it would take years of therapy just to begin to untangle it. 

  • Love 23

I actually couldn't remember what Brianna said about the cancer because i didn't care enough to pay attention. BORING

The only scenes that stuck out to me were the ones with David and Shannon and ITA that it was hilarious. I want more scenes like that. David is paying the price of the affair by having to be on butt duty now forever. LOL!


Looking forward to Vicki spazzing the hell out at the Baptism next week. And im sorry but i laughed at all the women crying at Tamra's entry into the water being sung to by a choir. like really??? This is hilarious and awesome. After this stupid morbid terrible story line we need some comedic relief. It reminds me of Saved LOL

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 10

If I was religious I would be offended by this Tamra baptism BS. It offends me anyway, actually. Tamra apparently could not think of a way to get the focus on her, since no one cares about her waste of a son.

So Eddie is forcing joint accounts? I wonder if this is true...Tamra did not seem as upset as I would have expected. Of course she probably just opened another account at a different bank, so she can continue to lie to Eddie's face.

Really, Eddie, is it worth it? Do you really have no other options in life? I just can't imagine living with Tamra by choice. Maybe one wild weekend, properly vaccinated.

Icky does not even care about the "cancer" enough to make it all about her-should be a dead giveaway.

Edited by Bebecat
  • Love 8
Briana has small children and has had issues with her thyroid, so it is much more complicated than just diet.



Not snarking on her weight - but does having the thyroid condition mean she will never be able to loose weight?  I know when she started on the show she was in high school, so I know it is not realistic she would get back to her high school weight, but could she loose *some* weight?  It's not just her body, but her face and neck too - is that just the way it is now for her since the thyroid problems?  I am really asking because I don't know much about this condition.  I think she is really very pretty, like the classic blonde california-girl look, and it does seem unfortunate to be already so heavy at such a young age.

  • Love 4

I don't see the point in discussing Briana's weight. It seems pointless and a way to jab a person. I also am not comfortable discussing Meghan thinness or Beth on NY. All the people I have mentioned are some of my least favorite housewives (I know Briana is not a housewife) , and I still think to bringing it up is a little cruel. As we are not talking about it in positive way.

Briana has small children and has had issues with her thyroid, so it is much more complicated than just diet.


Yeah, I don't want to get on Brianna about her weight.  She's at a hard life stage with two small kids and she's had thyroid problems.  Let's just be glad she hasn't bought into the vapid OC style guide of having no body fat and a spray tan.  At times I don't like Brianna but at least she can think for herself and she completely has Vicki's number, as does Michael.

  • Love 17

....and then Terry, TERRY, was concerned about Tamra's dress getting wet at her baptism/wedding/storyline finale/excuse for a party.


I think Terry was hoping that Tamra would be wearing something tight and clingy that would be even more revealing when wet.  He reminded me of a college kid going to see his first wet t-shirt contest in a bar.

  • Love 7
I actually couldn't remember what Brianna said about the cancer because i didn't care enough to pay attention. BORING


Brianna told Tamra that early on the Brooks and Vicki's relationship, Brooks told her that he had recovered from pancreatic cancer. Brianna, being a nurse, knew that the chances of someone surviving pancreatic cancer is slim, so she pressed him on where he got treatment, what kind of treatment he had done. Brianna said taht he finally admitted to her that he had pancreatitis, not pancreatic cancer. Pancreatitis is not cancer, it's an inflammation of the pancreas, typically brought on by heavy drinking. While it can be serious, it's not pancreatic cancer, where most patients die.  

  • Love 7



Shannon bringing new meaning to 'just the tip.' I don't know why the hell she thought she needed an emergency colonic before a baptism. I know evil likes to hide there but there is No need to be zestfully clean in all your nooks and crannies for such an event. 


That was some old school Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston love with David going up there to fish it out.



WORD. Once you saw that scene, it could never be unseen, no matter how many years have passed.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I don't want to get on Brianna about her weight. She's at a hard life stage with two small kids and she's had thyroid problems. Let's just be glad she hasn't bought into the vapid OC style guide of having no body fat and a spray tan. At times I don't like Brianna but at least she can think for herself and she completely has Vicki's number, as does Michael.

Not having a thyroid makes it much, much more difficult to lose weight. It's very hard. I have a damaged pituitary gland and malfunctioning thyroid because of the procedures on my pituitary gland. It's doable. I'm of normal weight, but struggle to keep it that way. Of course, it helps I have always been on the thinner side my whole life. At 48, with my problems, 3 children and now early menopause I am like Shannon. I have to obsess and indulge only on occasion and exercise daily. I don't gain in my stomach, it stays flat even after pregnancy but I would kill for Shannon's thin legs!!

I mentioned in a couple different posts that Brianna HAS lost weight since this episode. Vicki has posted Instagram photos of Bri recently and she looks great to me. She looks like she has lost at least 20 lbs. I really feel for her, it is not fun and you feel bad about yourself. Add in unsolicited comments she gets on Instagram and other social media and that's adding insult to injury. Remember, anorexic people feel fat, it's emotional. Her mother is enough of a train wreck to make me eat to forget If I had to deal with her! Good grief. Vicki looked slimmer in the reunion shots too. I always felt for Jeana for this very reason. I agree with the poster that mentioned if she was willing we could maybe do a story on it. Jeana did talk about it and was on Thintervention on Bravo.

I can't imagine being on a reality show and having people discussing my appearance. I just read an opinion piece on RHOC focusing too much on plastic surgery and how it's a bad role model. Please, can you blame them?! I've never done it but I'm not going to fault anyone for doing it. But...I will say I think it's too bad that some feel bad because I do think Vicki was beat up on her looks. I truly think she ruined her face. Yes, she hated her nostrils but the chin implant made her look plastic. She became obsessed and looks worse instead of better. A little intervention if you want it goes a long way. Unfortunately I think what happens is some people can't stop.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 11
Yeah, I don't want to get on Brianna about her weight.  She's at a hard life stage with two small kids and she's had thyroid problems.  Let's just be glad she hasn't bought into the vapid OC style guide of having no body fat and a spray tan.


Not only that, but she's apparently working 2 jobs. And with Ryan just having had back surgery, I'll bet she was burning her candle at both ends. Hard to find time for yourself. I just can't comment on Brianna's weight. I've never been there and I've no idea what it's like, but I can imagine it's not just a quick fix. As far as I know, having a thyroid problem makes it really hard to lose weight. 

  • Love 14
I actually couldn't remember what Brianna said about the cancer because i didn't care enough to pay attention.



I definitely paid more attention when Briana said "pancreatic cancer."  I still remember seeing the physical deterioration over a short time of celebrities like Patrick Swayze, Michael Landon, and others.  Brooks backed off that scam very quickly when Briana questioned him --with an educational background he couldn't scam easily.

  • Love 16

I don't believe for one minute that if Brooks doesn't have cancer that Vicki had no idea. Not for one minute. She's back pedaling now because she didn't bank on the viewers figuring it out so quickly.

As for Briana and her statement about pancreatitus/cancer, I'm not so quick to believe her either. He could have told her he was having tests to reveal tumors, or that his blood work was revealing something going on but they weren't sure yet, and then in the end it was one and not the other. Brianna likes to exaggerate like her mother, especially when it comes to Brooks.

  • Love 13

Forget Tamra's faux baptism and Shannon's enema. The episode for me was all about Brianna revealing that Brooks had lied about having cancer before. We all know he is a liar, but that was confirmation of the fact that Brooks will do anything, even fake cancer to get what he wants. I agree with Brianna, he is bad news. The dynamic between Brianna and Vicki is so complicated, it would take years of therapy just to begin to untangle it. 

The pancreatic cancer story is significant because that would make it the 3rd or 4th time Brooks has tried the cancer con.  The ex girlfriend he abandoned with his newborn baby said he also told her he had cancer.

 So, for me it seems like it is part of his tried and true con with women.

 Vicki was a very easy mark.   The bigger problem is that Vicki realized he was lying but lied her way thru the season along with Brooks. That makes her just as bad as him.

  • Love 10
Now can we say that Shannon finally got the stick out of her ass?



Rim shot!


Too soon?


While it was a terrible idea to do the colonic before heading out, I can see why she chose the "option" that she did (aka: David's backwoods exploration). Had she gone to the ER she would have likely missed out on the "baptism"---aka the Season Finale Wrap Party.  That would have definitely been frowned on by Bravo!


Speaking as someone who gained a large amount of weight over a few years due to medical issues, it feels like shit and I doubt it is something she wants to talk about, let alone on TV.  I don't discuss it with anyone.  It's upsetting and a downer and I don't want to think about it more than I already have to.

Thank you.  When I gained 25 pounds in a year, I didn't even talk to my BEST friends about it.  It feels very demoralizing and almost shameful in a way. So, no, I would never in a million years think that Brianna *should* broach the subject of her weight gain with Tamra--- a woman who yeah, she knows, but is really  her mom's friend--not hers.  Plus on camera?  Eff that!


Seeing the pics on Instagram of Brianna from this recent reunion taping appears to show that she has lost weight since they filmed this season. I thought she looked good in the pics and Vicki was a bit slimmer in her mid section.


I was going to say the same thing about Brianna.  She definitely looks thinner in those picture.  I pray to the sweet heavens that she doesn't credit "Club Detox" for her weight loss though....

  • Love 14
But...I will say I think it's too bad that some feel bad because I do think Vicki was beat up on her looks. I truly think she ruined her face. Yes, she hated her nostrils but the chin implant made her look plastic. She became obsessed and looks worse instead of better. A little intervention if you want it goes a long way. Unfortunately I think what happens is some people can't stop.



I agree that she did ruin her looks.  In older seasons she looked much better.  Albeit she was younger but she was cute and it was the real her.  She was never a classic beauty but very cute, nice eyes, dimples.  The eyes are totally gone now and she has that squinty Joan Rivers look.  It looks "done".

  • Love 7
Vicki was a very easy mark.   The bigger problem is that Vicki realized he was lying but lied her way thru the season along with Brooks. That makes her just as bad as him.

Not only lied, but went into business and started hawking the grass lady detox products. So she has a financial interest in keeping the cancer storyline going. If it wasn't for the other dumb hos not buying it, my guess is that Brooks' cancer would be "cured" and Brooks and Vicks would be attributing to the detox products they sell.

  • Love 13

I don't believe for one minute that if Brooks doesn't have cancer that Vicki had no idea. Not for one minute. She's back pedaling now because she didn't bank on the viewers figuring it out so quickly.

As for Briana and her statement about pancreatitus/cancer, I'm not so quick to believe her either. He could have told her he was having tests to reveal tumors, or that his blood work was revealing something going on but they weren't sure yet, and then in the end it was one and not the other. Brianna likes to exaggerate like her mother, especially when it comes to Brooks.

No, not with pancreatic cancer.     The majority of people who have had pancreatic cancer do not know it until it is too late. The symptom that presents is usually a backache which doctors do not automatically think is cancer. They think its a backache.    That is why it is so deadly , because by the time its correctly diagnosed, chances for survival are bad.

  • Love 6

I agree that she did ruin her looks.  In older seasons she looked much better.  Albeit she was younger but she was cute and it was the real her.  She was never a classic beauty but very cute, nice eyes, dimples.  The eyes are totally gone now and she has that squinty Joan Rivers look.  It looks "done".

While I am not a fan of plastic surgery (but will support a person's right to do whatever s/he wants to do with his/her body), I can see why Vicki did it since she had a castmember going around calling her Miss Piggy in stand up routines, on the radio and on social media. Sure, she acted like it didn't bother her but obviously it did and she went the surgery route to take care of it.

  • Love 11

Not only lied, but went into business and started hawking the grass lady detox products. So she has a financial interest in keeping the cancer storyline going. If it wasn't for the other dumb hos not buying it, my guess is that Brooks' cancer would be "cured" and Brooks and Vicks would be attributing to the detox products they sell.

Yes, very important point I forgot to mention. That makes what they both did heinous.

  • Love 2
As for Briana and her statement about pancreatitus/cancer, I'm not so quick to believe her either. He could have told her he was having tests to reveal tumors, or that his blood work was revealing something going on but they weren't sure yet, and then in the end it was one and not the other. Brianna likes to exaggerate like her mother, especially when it comes to Brooks.


I might believe that Brianna was exaggerating or straight up lying, except this is not the first time someone has said that Brooks lied about cancer. He also has an ex who said the same thing. And now this, years later, he hasn't been caught outright in a lie necessarily, but there are many things that don't add up. So did this ex, Brianna, and Megan King all get together and decide to fabricate different things Brooks had told them to paint him in a bad light? There are just too many instances of him saying crap like this for me to believe any of it. 

  • Love 13
Not only lied, but went into business and started hawking the grass lady detox products. So she has a financial interest in keeping the cancer storyline going.



Vicky is not a trustworthy person to have dealings with.  Ask anyone she has done business with.  When she said to Ryan "Want to go into business with me?" I was like run for the hills Ryan!  Ask the Vicki's Vodka guy if he thinks it's a good idea to do business with Vicki.  Ask Tamra how Wines by Wives went.  Ask Jeana Keough... etc etc

  • Love 12

The fact that Brianna likes Tamra so much and believes that Tamra "tells it like it is" makes me NOT like Brianna. And I don't care how much you hate your mom's boyfriend, you don't go to lunch with the shit stirrer of the century and air your hatred on national TV. It's your mom. Keep your mouth shut. 


Saint Heather is wonderful for not telling anyone about David's affair. She continued to treat Shannon like garbage all last season knowing this , to the point of kicking her out of her house, constantly telling Shannon not to yell at her, and having that huge fight with Shannon and David at one of those dinner's from hell. You know, the dinner where Terry was demeaning David for being in the construction business and calling him a "penis". And Heather just sat there and let him go on and on.....Yes, Heather is such a lovely person and so full of compassion. I don't believe for one minute that she didn't tell Terry about David's affair. 

See this is what I don't get. Brianna goes on and on about how dare Vicki do something that Brianna doesn't like, yada yada yada and she goes on to act like it's the biggest betrayal in the world and yet she continues to be this nasty and cut throat in return on camera? So how dare Vicki betray Brianna (drama much?) but Brianna being so ridiculously and UNECESSARILY gross in return, to me is far worse because what Brianna is doing is INTENTIONAL. Vicki isn't setting out to hurt her daughters feelings. That isn't her goal, she just isn't making decisions based on Brianna's preference which fuck around that's Vicki's absolute right. I get that Vicki brought this that and other onto herself but on this issue, with Brianna? Brianna is really disgusting to me. What all of her input on all things, not just Brooks all boils down to an adult trantrum, complete with disgusting barbs, punishments and repulsive behavior towards a person that has proven (flaws and all) loves you to DEATH. I get that Vick is no prize to have as a mom but at the same time there are plenty of people out there who never knew their mothers that would probably at the very least be able to appreciate a person that's that committed and unconditional with their love for their child. Sorry, Vicki isn't my favorite but certain facts can't be ignored just because Vicki has an ugly side.

  • Love 14


Shannon's incorrect use of "David and I" (instead of "David and me") was in overdrive tonight.


Okay, forgive me for joining the grammar police squad. In Shannon's defense, interchanging "David and I" and "David and me" is considered a colloquialism now. As long as she is using it in casual conversation and not a formal speech or a formal letter it's okay (in these modern times, it's become acceptable because we know what she means)   I know it makes many cringe as we were taught how to use each in a proper sentence and would have seen a glaring red circle correcting this misuse on our college paper. God, those circles!

  God, I sound like an asshole!!!!!!

  • Love 12

While I am not a fan of plastic surgery (but will support a person's right to do whatever s/he wants to do with his/her body), I can see why Vicki did it since she had a castmember going around calling her Miss Piggy in stand up routines, on the radio and on social media. Sure, she acted like it didn't bother her but obviously it did and she went the surgery route to take care of it.


In the early days of TWOP before they outlawed nicknames Vicki was called Trufflehunter. Sad but true. 

  • Love 9

In the early days of TWOP before they outlawed nicknames Vicki was called Trufflehunter. Sad but true.

Oh, I know. I came here from TWOP. I think viewer comments bothered her less than Slade's comments though. Heck, Slade didn't even come up with calling Vicki Miss Piggy as I had seen that on TWOP and other websites way before he started using that.
  • Love 7
Vicki is so immature, I bet she even would have lost interest had this not been a focus.



If everyone left her alone (fellow Housewives, family, US) I don't think Vicki would ever have completely lost interest in Brooks if he kept writing her silly love notes every day, giving her constant/fake compliments, sending flowers, "romantic" dinners out, calling, buying/renting/leasing fabulous gifts (with her credit accounts/credit cards), and just being there...on her arm here, there, and everywhere.  She had a date for events, and a man at home who didn't seem to care how much time she spent there.  Best of all Vicki's Worlds.

  • Love 11
Okay, forgive me for joining the grammar police squad. In Shannon's defense, interchanging "David and I" and "David and me" is considered a colloquialism now.



Oh, pleeeeze, NO!!   Now, like, you know, we're veering into "colloquialism" for all the, you know, grammar that, like, people are too lazy to, you know, like, learn and use?  Next we'll hear:  David and I's relationship.   Tonight it's just going to be him and I.    Me and him are going to Cabo.   Et-thetera, like, et-thetera, you know...

  • Love 13

See this is what I don't get. Brianna goes on and on about how dare Vicki do something that Brianna doesn't like, yada yada yada and she goes on to act like it's the biggest betrayal in the world and yet she continues to be this nasty and cut throat in return on camera? So how dare Vicki betray Brianna (drama much?) but Brianna being so ridiculously and UNECESSARILY gross in return, to me is far worse because what Brianna is doing is INTENTIONAL. Vicki isn't setting out to hurt her daughters feelings. That isn't her goal, she just isn't making decisions based on Brianna's preference which fuck around that's Vicki's absolute right. I get that Vicki brought this that and other onto herself but on this issue, with Brianna? Brianna is really disgusting to me. What all of her input on all things, not just Brooks all boils down to an adult trantrum, complete with disgusting barbs, punishments and repulsive behavior towards a person that has proven (flaws and all) loves you to DEATH. I get that Vick is no prize to have as a mom but at the same time there are plenty of people out there who never knew their mothers that would probably at the very least be able to appreciate a person that's that committed and unconditional with their love for their child. Sorry, Vicki isn't my favorite but certain facts can't be ignored just because Vicki has an ugly side.

Brianna is Vicki 2.0. She has grown up with Vicks as her role model. Why would she turn out differently?

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 4

So the whole time David was rummaging around in Shannon's butt, the tip was in the toilet?  Shouldn't they have looked there first before the explorative mission?


It seemed Vicki had such disdain for Tamra in her TH when she said she had the same white dress Tamra tried on, and Tamra looked like shit in it.   I'm sure there was a more tactful way to say it.  Never mind, this is Vicki after all…. 

  • Love 10

There may be more to Brianna's story about the so called pancreatic cancer vs pancreatitis. For example, If it is true that Brooks has NHL, then it is entirely possible that he had a mass by his pancreas or causing some elevation of enzymes and/or inflammation of the pancreas d/t it. There are always 3 truths when it comes to these Ho's interactions... maybe 4 truths when the Bravo production monkeys are involved.

  • Love 9

For those more medically adept, playing devil's advocate, Brooks claims to have first been diagnosed with NHL in 2009-a full year before meeting Briana.  Is it possible his initial diagnosis included, mass, inflammation, tumor in the area of the pancreas, thereby him maybe saying cancer of the pancreas?  When it was in fact the NHL?  I have found lay people say very odd things and Brooks tends toward the exaggeration side.  I could easily see him communicating inflammation, tumor, mass to "cancer".  I am not really trying to defend the guy but at times between Briana, Vicki and Brooks the stories get rather truncated and scrambled.  I don't believe an ER nurse in conversation would have the requisite knowledge to know offhand what oncology treatment protocol is for Brooks-especially from a third party.  I can see her doing some asking and maybe some research and if that were the case would this not put Vicki on notice that something was NQR? 

There may be more to Brianna's story about the so called pancreatic cancer vs pancreatitis. For example, If it is true that Brooks has NHL, then it is entirely possible that he had a mass by his pancreas or causing some elevation of enzymes and/or inflammation of the pancreas d/t it. There are always 3 truths when it comes to these Ho's interactions... maybe 4 truths when the Bravo production monkeys are involved.

You answered the question at the same time I asked it.  You are amazing.

  • Love 8

As I watched the Shannon/David anal crisis unfold, I thought, "Wow, this is just like Being Bobby Brown."  So relieved that a lot of other people here thought the same thing.  This doesn't mean we watch too much reality tv, does it?  Furthermore, why wouldn't David wear a medical glove for that?  I'm sure germ-phobe Shannon has them stockpiled.  This show makes us ask the big questions of life.

  • Love 7

The enema fiasco was so fitting because this whole season has been a load of crap.

The scene in the restaurant with Tamra, Shannon, and Heather was so fake. It felt like they were tying up loose ends and setting the stage for the reunion. Now the alliances have shifted and the 3 amigos are on the high ground. Only out for truth and justice and such good people cuz you know girl code and all of that too.

Truth is this was Vickie's season to be the bitch and last season was Tamra's and so on and on it goes. Whose turn will it be next season?

I feel I have once again been punked by Bravo.

Edited for incorrect sentence structure. As in the words of Mama Dawn from Teen Mom 2, "that don't make no sense."

Edited by FanOfTheFans
  • Love 12

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