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S10.E18: Satan Loves Confusion

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She'd require a pre-nup this time around, heck she'd probably require a pre-nup for dating!



Unless the guy can whisper rhyming sweet nothings in her ear...in a southern accent--and convince her that he's a multimillionaire who just needs "a little time" for his bank to transfer MASSIVE amounts from Europe to his new account in (what a coincidence!) her same bank in OC.

  • Love 9


"He (Jim, Jim Edmonds) always seems a lot nicer and like he actually at least likes her when they are on the phone.  Maybe he is uncomfortable being on the show.  It seems weird since he's a on-air sports commentator, but maybe the cameras in the context of a reality show are more invasive and bug him."

As I read this, I was unfortunately reminded of my dear ex husband, also in the Major League Baseball industry. Traveled ALOT, and was always the guy I fell in love with on the phone. In person, he had the same attitude, disrespect, & tone we see in Jim, Jim Edmonds.  And then we saw the happy go lucky Matt Keough. Fun lot, those baseball guys. Happy to have mine in the rear view mirror.


...I should add, lots of side pieces, hence the ex.

Edited by itsadryheat
  • Love 13
. I wondered how someone who sees themselves as a Christian would view this. I understand flawed people come to religion and can learn to be a better person, I just don't believe that is what Tamra is doing, I could be wrong but I bet I'm not.

I find it just as distasteful as Meghan using Brooks cancer story to make herself relevant.


I'm a Christian. But I'm all for whatever makes you happy. My issue is, I don't believe for one second it's genuine. She is trying to redeem herself after how awful she behaved last year. She's using it for a storyline and I do find it incredibly distasteful. Plus, she's turning the entire thing into a spectacle, which feels gross as well. 


Brianna really annoys me when she is on screen these days.  I am not from OK but she is so offensive and sounds so spoiled and Vicki ish when she speaks about her new state. I get not being happy in a new place but to make some blanket statement like ITS GROSS THERE when you are on TV and admit to having trouble making friends doesnt seem like a good idea.  Last year she hated california.


I liked how she was all, "Thank God I'm back in OC, now I can get my hair and nails done". It's one thing to miss a favorite restaurant. But to act as if there are no salons, no parks, NOTHING in Oklahoma is just absurd. 

  • Love 21
My mom was 5'1" tall and weighed 95 lbs. She developed thyroid problems and the medication caused her to balloon up 54lbs. I have severe asthma and have less than 50% lung function left. I have to take prednisone because it's the only thing that keeps me alive. I gained 65lbs without eating any more than usual. Medicine induced weight gain is awful and extremely difficult to lose.



Ditto, KLovesToShop.   I'm now 100 pounds overweight because of lupus and medications (including my beloved Prednisone).  I started that med (it worked the best) in 1994 and the weight piled on.  Even though that med was taken away YEARS ago, the weight didn't disappear...and kept on growing.  There's also a thyroid problem involved.  Fortunately, this all happened in my 50s and I had the previous decades where I looked fine...sometimes more than fine.  I still have that attitude (along with joint pain).

  • Love 5
  On 10/6/2015 at 3:19 PM, Freckledbruh said:

While I am not a fan of plastic surgery (but will support a person's right to do whatever s/he wants to do with his/her body), I can see why Vicki did it since she had a castmember going around calling her Miss Piggy in stand up routines, on the radio and on social media. Sure, she acted like it didn't bother her but obviously it did and she went the surgery route to take care of it.

Slade was brutal. I understand his justified anger towards Vicki & Tamra, but a bigger man, NOT Slade, would fight a fair battle and not knock a woman's looks. She looked great in the family van days!! Reality TV must make these ladies super sensitive with so many in the peanut gallery.

  • Love 9
  On 10/6/2015 at 7:55 PM, Scrambled Fog said:

Oh yeah. Kara was also the editor of her high school yearbook.


Michael lives in San Diego.

I'm assuming Vicki knows where in San Diego he lives for tax purposes. Michael works for Vicki.


It would be super hilarious if he just put a PO box for his W4, I9, etc. to keep her from finding out where he lives.

  • Love 14
  On 10/6/2015 at 7:53 PM, ghoulina said:

I liked how she was all, "Thank God I'm back in OC, now I can get my hair and nails done". It's one thing to miss a favorite restaurant. But to act as if there are no salons, no parks, NOTHING in Oklahoma is just absurd. 


Someone remind me why Brianna and Ryan chose to move to Oklahoma of all places. For some reason I originally thought there was a base located there which explained the moved. But nope. Doesn't appear that Ryan has any family there. So why? 



  On 10/6/2015 at 7:57 PM, ghoulina said:

Oklahoma: No parks, no salons, no restaurants. You'll be lucky if a tumbleweed blows past you!


Also: No friends.


I for one do hope that Vicki gets her own spin off for no other reason than she has run her course on this show and then some. So tired of them playing: tag - you're it game each damn year, where 1 housewife gets to be the show's whipping bitch. 


I like Shannon but I just hate the coven she has formed with Trampra, Meghan, and Heather. Yeah, that'll last! 

  • Love 6
  On 10/6/2015 at 5:44 PM, Cherrio said:

I think Brianna appears to be like you described, but I think it all stems from years of trying to get her mother to see what Brooks really is.  She exposed early on that Brooks had no home, job, car or money and that Vicki was supporting him. She probably paid his back child support too so no one could say he still owed it or would go back to jail.

            So, basically I think Brianna comes from a place of frustration, worry and love for her mother.  Vicki is lucky that Brianna still wants her around. I can't imagine being around Vicki for more than one second.

See I cringe at that sentiment. I would never give off the impression that my mother was lucky to still have me around insinuating that there would be anything she could do that would drive me away and let me tell you I grew up with a very difficult and troubled mother. Family just doesn't take it there. The closest situation where I find it somewhat justifiable (and not even in my book) would be when the relative is an addict and cutting ties is the final straw but other than that... No dice.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4
  On 10/6/2015 at 4:44 PM, Lucelu said:

There may be more to Brianna's story about the so called pancreatic cancer vs pancreatitis. For example, If it is true that Brooks has NHL, then it is entirely possible that he had a mass by his pancreas or causing some elevation of enzymes and/or inflammation of the pancreas d/t it. There are always 3 truths when it comes to these Ho's interactions... maybe 4 truths when the Bravo production monkeys are involved.

Not to mention I don't trust Brianna not to exaggerate a point that would make Brooks look bad. Look how far she's run with the "YOU TOLD MY HUSBAND TO BEAT ME!" Non-sense. Her talking head also with the whole "how could my mother blah blah blah with someone that's hurt me sooooo baaaaadddd.." Waaaaaaahhh!  I hate sounding like those of us who aren't quick to condemn Brooks are making excuses or always have some angle where "maybe this and that" but dammit I'm not going to take the word of someone that has obvious disdain for Brooks and has shown to be a rather skevy person herself. Vicki is self centered and has done some mean girl things and can't own most things but damn I really don't find her shady. I find her to be abrasive and extreme and inconsiderate and I hated the whole in Gretchen's business her AND Tamara about Slade but otherwise she's just usually caught up in some mean girl stuff which I do hate. Brianna, Ryan, Meghan, Tamara... There's some real long term, turn the knive sorta vibe I get with them and it's very off putting to me.

  • Love 7
  On 10/6/2015 at 3:36 PM, bichonblitz said:

The fact that Brianna likes Tamra so much and believes that Tamra "tells it like it is" makes me NOT like Brianna. And I don't care how much you hate your mom's boyfriend, you don't go to lunch with the shit stirrer of the century and air your hatred on national TV. It's your mom. Keep your mouth shut.

Saint Heather is wonderful for not telling anyone about David's affair. She continued to treat Shannon like garbage all last season knowing this , to the point of kicking her out of her house, constantly telling Shannon not to yell at her, and having that huge fight with Shannon and David at one of those dinner's from hell. You know, the dinner where Terry was demeaning David for being in the construction business and calling him a "penis". And Heather just sat there and let him go on and on.....Yes, Heather is such a lovely person and so full of compassion. I don't believe for one minute that she didn't tell Terry about David's affair.

*Heather and Terry are repulsive if they behaved with such calculated, cool, and supercilious precision toward a woman that they knew was being humiliated. Heather, especially, behaved in a strangely jealous and vindictive manner to someone who had done exactly what(?) to her.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 21
  On 10/6/2015 at 7:53 PM, ghoulina said:

I'm a Christian. But I'm all for whatever makes you happy. My issue is, I don't believe for one second it's genuine. She is trying to redeem herself after how awful she behaved last year. She's using it for a storyline and I do find it incredibly distasteful. Plus, she's turning the entire thing into a spectacle, which feels gross as well. 



I don't believe it's genuine, either.


The only way I will believe this, is if, next season, Tamra is completely different.  And by that, I don't mean not gossiping or drinking or anything, but doing something meaningful with her life.  Let's see her doing some charity work, or volunteering at a hospital, or something that will redeem her in my eyes.  


I do see that she is trying to be a little nicer, at times (except when she thinks she "consider the source" a HUGE insult) - as much as it pains me to say this, but floating money to her lazy son is not redeeming in any way.  I guess she is taking the prhrase "Charity begins at home" to heart.


On the other hand, she seemed pretty upset and annoyed over the fact that she and Eddie now have a joint bank account.  If that is upsetting, that means she is hiding something from Eddie and possibly lying about it (well, yes, she does lie about it - we've seen it).  To me, keeping secrets from your husband about mney is not very Christian-like.  

  • Love 4
  On 10/6/2015 at 3:46 PM, Yours Truly said:

See this is what I don't get. Brianna goes on and on about how dare Vicki do something that Brianna doesn't like, yada yada yada and she goes on to act like it's the biggest betrayal in the world and yet she continues to be this nasty and cut throat in return on camera? So how dare Vicki betray Brianna (drama much?) but Brianna being so ridiculously and UNECESSARILY gross in return, to me is far worse because what Brianna is doing is INTENTIONAL. Vicki isn't setting out to hurt her daughters feelings. That isn't her goal, she just isn't making decisions based on Brianna's preference which fuck around that's Vicki's absolute right. I get that Vicki brought this that and other onto herself but on this issue, with Brianna? Brianna is really disgusting to me. What all of her input on all things, not just Brooks all boils down to an adult trantrum, complete with disgusting barbs, punishments and repulsive behavior towards a person that has proven (flaws and all) loves you to DEATH. I get that Vick is no prize to have as a mom but at the same time there are plenty of people out there who never knew their mothers that would probably at the very least be able to appreciate a person that's that committed and unconditional with their love for their child. Sorry, Vicki isn't my favorite but certain facts can't be ignored just because Vicki has an ugly side.

*I must say, THIS is on point for me.

I would expand upon my statement, but I am just so very tired of 'The Brooks Sanction', 'Operation' Brooks, or Brooks: A Story of 'CON(a)firmations'.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 2

OMG, so many HILARIOUS comments!! "Keep your friends close and your enemas closer" is just ONE of my very favorite things I've read today.  Glad I didn't have a mouthful of food or water when I burst out laughing!


So, just to tag along with y'all... Yep, Oklahoma has absolutely NOTHING going for it. No parks, no nail salons, no hairdressers - NADA!  Come on, Briana, get your shit together! Think anyone will be your friend NOW? Just stop it.


And speaking of stopping, the Beador family doody bubble dilemma is one for the record books.  No. just no.  Somebody needs to find ANOTHER counselor.  This one allows WAAAYYY too much crazy to go on.


Vickie, just because you THINK Satan likes CONFUSION, doesn't mean Crooks isn't a Lying liar who lies.. So just go ahead and admit it. You royally f-d up taking this turd blossom into the "family home".


  • Love 9
  On 10/6/2015 at 12:25 PM, ghoulina said:







I 100% believe in having ongoing, frank sex talks with my kids. It may be uncomfortable, but they need to know as much as possible and feel comfortable coming to me about that topic. That being said, discussing my sex life with their father - or hinting at it - just crosses a line for me. I've never wanted to think about MY parents having sex and I'm sure my kids won't want to either. To each their own, but it came across as really tacky. Heather seemed very uncomfortable, to me, as did the boy. I don't think Terry made that joke because he's that open dad who talks to his kids about everything. I think he did it because he thinks he's funny and always wants everyone to know what a "hot" wife he has, and forgets to turn his schtick off in front of his kids. 







Yep. 100% agree with this. I would have died had my parents acted so inappropriately in front of me and my siblings. Truly skeevy and creepy, IMO. Be open about sexuality, but not YOUR PERSONAL sexuality. Kids don't wanna hear that shit!

  • Love 16
  On 10/6/2015 at 8:25 PM, Yours Truly said:

Not to mention I don't trust Brianna not to exaggerate a point that would make Brooks look bad. Look how far she's run with the "YOU TOLD MY HUSBAND TO BEAT ME!" Non-sense. Her talking head also with the whole "how could my mother blah blah blah with someone that's hurt me sooooo baaaaadddd.." Waaaaaaahhh!  I hate sounding like those of us who aren't quick to condemn Brooks are making excuses or always have some angle where "maybe this and that" but dammit I'm not going to take the word of someone that has obvious disdain for Brooks and has shown to be a rather skevy person herself. Vicki is self centered and has done some mean girl things and can't own most things but damn I really don't find her shady. I find her to be abrasive and extreme and inconsiderate and I hated the whole in Gretchen's business her AND Tamara about Slade but otherwise she's just usually caught up in some mean girl stuff which I do hate. Brianna, Ryan, Meghan, Tamara... There's some real long term, turn the knive sorta vibe I get with them and it's very off putting to me.

I still have a hard time trying to figure out how Briana could not accept the apology and the drunken statement for what it was.  I thought Ryan threatening to throw  out 64 year old Judy was far more abusive and Briana gave her husband a total pass and in fact made excuses and refused to apologize for his idiotic behavior.


There are just so many inconsistencies with Briana-how is it her mother's family who does not like Brooks, as she claims,  is visiting as soon as she leaves, with Brooks in the house?  How is it she loved seeing her father when he came out for her high school graduation and in six years she would not have him at the wedding and now claims some sort of mistreatment?  Briana might do well to polish up on her Christian high school and college education and look to forgiveness instead of condemnation.


Speaking of deep manure and Briana-other than Heather Dubrow's finale where Vicki and Tamra mixed it up when exactly did Tamra become like an "aunt" to Briana?  The Reunion couch where Briana took her mom down?  Sweet kid.

  • Love 14

Briana just seems to be an unhappy person. Life is all about choices and she is having to live with hers. No one forced her to marry a military guy (who she married on the sly).. No one forced her into having two kids right away..and she knew her husband could be transferred at the drop of a dime. Plus Ryan was throwing shade at Vicky for basically handing him a career post-military. Hey, you two...grow up, quit whining and get yourselves off reality tv.

  • Love 13
  On 10/6/2015 at 1:52 PM, FamilyVan said:

Not snarking on her weight - but does having the thyroid condition mean she will never be able to loose weight?  I know when she started on the show she was in high school, so I know it is not realistic she would get back to her high school weight, but could she loose *some* weight?  It's not just her body, but her face and neck too - is that just the way it is now for her since the thyroid problems?  I am really asking because I don't know much about this condition.  I think she is really very pretty, like the classic blonde california-girl look, and it does seem unfortunate to be already so heavy at such a young age.


The way she's holding weight in her face and neck makes me think a lot of her weight is a medical issue. She has the look of someone on meds that cause weight gain.

  • Love 3
  On 10/6/2015 at 8:05 PM, islandgal140 said:

Someone remind me why Brianna and Ryan chose to move to Oklahoma of all places. For some reason I originally thought there was a base located there which explained the moved. But nope. Doesn't appear that Ryan has any family there. So why? 




Also: No friends.


I for one do hope that Vicki gets her own spin off for no other reason than she has run her course on this show and then some. So tired of them playing: tag - you're it game each damn year, where 1 housewife gets to be the show's whipping bitch. 


I like Shannon but I just hate the coven she has formed with Trampra, Meghan, and Heather. Yeah, that'll last! 


In the movie, The Craft, they needed a 4th to power their coven.  Look out, OC!

  • Love 4
  On 10/6/2015 at 8:47 PM, Kemper said:

Briana just seems to be an unhappy person. Life is all about choices and she is having to live with hers. No one forced her to marry a military guy (who she married on the sly).. No one forced her into having two kids right away..and she knew her husband could be transferred at the drop of a dime. Plus Ryan was throwing shade at Vicky for basically handing him a career post-military. Hey, you two...grow up, quit whining and get yourselves off reality tv.

Poor put-upon Briana, forced to live in a $400,000 home in a suburban town outside of Oklahoma City.  I wish I could show her some of the shit holes my mother called Home during my father's 32 year career in the Army.  She didn't live in a place of her own until he retired from the Army and got a job that didn't require packing up and moving every few years.  Excuse me if I don't shed any tears for Briana.

  • Love 16
  On 10/6/2015 at 7:55 PM, Scrambled Fog said:

Oh yeah. Kara was also the editor of her high school yearbook.


Michael lives in San Diego.

I'm assuming Vicki knows where in San Diego he lives for tax purposes. Michael works for Vicki.

There are always P.O. boxes

  • Love 2
  On 10/6/2015 at 6:50 PM, Scrambled Fog said:

Kara was valedictorian of her high school class and went to UC Berkeley.


Personally, I blame the extinction of the dinosaurs on Tamra.

Just because I don't like her.

Yes, Kara was particular about her academics with little interest or help expressed by Jeanna, The Jock Junkie. And, Kara was ONE of the school's valedictorians.

  • Love 4

I hate sounding like those of us who aren't quick to condemn Brooks are making excuses or always have some angle where "maybe this and that" but dammit I'm not going to take the word of someone that has obvious disdain for Brooks and has shown to be a rather skevy person herself



How about the word of somebody who actually liked Brooks and had absolutely nothing to gain by doubting his cancer story.


Because that would be Shannon. Or is she an unreliable source too? 

  • Love 11

Who knew that Brooks had such an evil aura that just staying in a home where he lives could freak the shit out of you?  Where's M. Shyamalan when you need him?  Let's see, Briana.  You went out with a guy who lied to you about being married.  Snuck off to marry him even though everyone disapproved.  He has a scary temper and had a court order against him.  You have to work two jobs cuz he has a back problem and isn't bringing in the moola.  Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree fer sure.


Ah, Shannon.  On WWHL, you extol Heather for keeping her trap shut about The Affair saying THAT's Girl Code.  I think it was just after the replaying of her scene at the nasty lunch where she discusses Everyone having questions about Brooks not taking her up on her doctor recommendations.  Now, just where did Everyone hear about Brooks not taking up the doctors recommendations?  Hmmm?  From you telling everyone?  Not keeping your convo w/dear friend Vicki to yourself? Uh, huh.


Okay, the colonic.  When Shannon pulled out the "enema" and kept asking Is This an Enema?  Anyone else think it looked like a douche bag?  And speaking of douchebags, should should have called Brooks for clarification what with his coffee enemas and all.  And here, for the edification of all, is a picture of a home colonic kit.


I also had, as Hayley Mills said in The Trouble with Angels, a scathingly brilliant idea. Send Brandi over to visit the OC.  She'd be on Eddie like white on rice.  God, I'd love to see Tamra deal with THAT!

  • Love 11
  On 10/6/2015 at 8:36 AM, yourmomiseasy said:

Speaking as someone who gained a large amount of weight over a few years due to medical issues, it feels like shit and I doubt it is something she wants to talk about, let alone on TV.  I don't discuss it with anyone.  It's upsetting and a downer and I don't want to think about it more than I already have to.


I understand completely.  And I'm not all that interested in hearing people talk about their weight, whether they weigh too much or too little.  Of course if a friend was really struggling and wanted to talk about it, I would.  Of course - That's what friends do.  But generally my friends and I don't talk about our weight.  I can't remember that ever being a topic among any group of friends I've ever had.  Maybe, "No dessert for me - I'm trying to cut down", but nothing really beyond that.


And I'm really not the slightest bit interested in hearing Brianna talk about how much she weighs.  IMO that would be super-boring.  I would feel the same way if she was too thin.  I do find her boring in general, so I actually am not interested in anything she has to say!


(Please don't feel like shit.  Your health is the most important thing.  And we tend to judge ourselves more harshly than other people do, so don't be hard on yourself.  Stay well!)

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 10

I just keep thinking of Cheech and Chong in their movie, Nice Dreams:


Cheech: Let's get a big, white house. You know, like, with a veranda with a porch and be sitting out there, sipping pina colonics, man.
Chong: Pina colonics? What is that?

Cheech:  You know, they make them in a blender, man.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 13
  On 10/6/2015 at 8:05 PM, islandgal140 said:

Someone remind me why Brianna and Ryan chose to move to Oklahoma of all places. For some reason I originally thought there was a base located there which explained the moved. But nope. Doesn't appear that Ryan has any family there. So why? 




Also: No friends.


I for one do hope that Vicki gets her own spin off for no other reason than she has run her course on this show and then some. So tired of them playing: tag - you're it game each damn year, where 1 housewife gets to be the show's whipping bitch. 


I like Shannon but I just hate the coven she has formed with Trampra, Meghan, and Heather. Yeah, that'll last! 

Ryan is currently assigned to a Military base in OKla.


Shannon has not formed anything with Meghan. LOL She did become friends with Tamra and Heather but still dislikes Meghan.

  • Love 3
  On 10/6/2015 at 8:01 PM, IKnowRight said:

Slade was brutal. I understand his justified anger towards Vicki & Tamra, but a bigger man, NOT Slade, would fight a fair battle and not knock a woman's looks. She looked great in the family van days!! Reality TV must make these ladies super sensitive with so many in the peanut gallery.

I was thinking about this - is it really not a fair battle, was it really not fair, for Slade to say whatever he wanted about Vicki's looks?  Vicki, who called Jeana fat (in an episode), called Jim Bellino a 'smelly dork' (stopped clock and everything, she's not attacking acts there, but her perception of his physical presence).  Why is it somehow morally untenable for someone to speak Vicki's own language and go after her in the manner she (a) understands and (b) is on the same wavelength in which she's criticized others? 

Slade and Gretchen are contemptible but Vicki is no better.  And I have thought Vicki was an awful-looking women since day 1, primarily because she's an entitled vicious idiot who used to wear those fugtastic Sky tops cut low to show off the purchased foobies.  A lot of her ugly comes from her terrible personality.

  • Love 16
  On 10/6/2015 at 6:09 PM, Bella Roche said:

Breaking news for Briana!  The City of Choctaw, OK has numerous parks and outdoor recreational sites.  It took me 0.5 seconds to find a guide to them online.



You must have been wearing the Meghan PI bedazzled headband!  I'm rushing to order one now... 

  • Love 13
  On 10/6/2015 at 7:53 PM, ghoulina said:

I'm a Christian. But I'm all for whatever makes you happy. My issue is, I don't believe for one second it's genuine. She is trying to redeem herself after how awful she behaved last year. She's using it for a storyline and I do find it incredibly distasteful. Plus, she's turning the entire thing into a spectacle, which feels gross as well. 


I liked how she was all, "Thank God I'm back in OC, now I can get my hair and nails done". It's one thing to miss a favorite restaurant. But to act as if there are no salons, no parks, NOTHING in Oklahoma is just absurd. 


Amen to all!


 It's so obvious that she hasn't embraced any religion whatsover.  Jesus is her fake baby this year.  It's on part with the grossness of possibly faking cancer.  


I would love for Bravo to:


(1) Stop giving "pyschics" so much prime time.  I mean, come on are we really to believe that grown women across franchises are putting *that* much trust into what a pyschic says?

(2) Stop the fertility Dr. going by 50 somethings.  

(3) Stop using someone's cancer as a major story line unless it's geniune and not a storyline jump off.  I hate that Meghan clearly brings up Leanne to prop herself up as a storyline and I hate the tearing down someone by accusations that are being mostly driven by what a pyschic said.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 10
  On 10/6/2015 at 6:00 AM, Maharincess said:

I loved it. That's how my family is. We were always open and honest and made jokes about sex all the time. In my opinion it's much better than uptight parents who are too uncomfortable to discuss sex with their kids and simply tell them not to do it.

I love that they joke about sex openly. It won't hurt the kids and in my opinion will only help them in the long run.

I love the Dubrows and that scene made me love them even more. I enjoy their relationship.



My parents joked about sex around me when I was old enough to be in on the joke (not often I might add).  Not when I was that young.


But to comment on your wife's body, make your son agree with you on his mother's body, then say you're going to "get some of that" and then make him react to that?  I personally think Terry is a camera hog and all of his comments are geared toward getting a reaction.  I liked him a lot the first season, but he's obviously playing to the cameras and it's fucking annoying to me!

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 9


Plus Ryan was throwing shade at Vicky for basically handing him a career post-military.


Can't say I blame him there. I'd shovel shit before I worked for Vicki. She would have waaaayyy too much control (more than she already does) over Ryan and Brianna's lives if he worked for her. Plus those in-law jobs aren't such a good dealif the marriage goes kaput.




You have to work two jobs cuz he has a back problem and isn't bringing in the moola.  Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree fer sure.


Ryan does have a job. He's currently in the military. I'm not taking upfor him,I don't care for his personality, but just wanted to clarify that.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 12
  On 10/6/2015 at 5:01 PM, FanOfTheFans said:

The enema fiasco was so fitting because this whole season has been a load of crap.

The scene in the restaurant with Tamra, Shannon, and Heather was so fake. It felt like they were tying up loose ends and setting the stage for the reunion. Now the alliances have shifted and the 3 amigos are on the high ground. Only out for truth and justice and such good people cuz you know girl code and all of that too.

Truth is this was Vickie's season to be the bitch and last season was Tamra's and so on and on it goes. Whose turn will it be next season?

I feel I have once again been punked by Bravo.

Edited for incorrect sentence structure. As in the words of Mama Dawn from Teen Mom 2, "that don't make no sense."




But I couldn't help but think:  So, last year Heather pretty much knew David was fucking around on Shannon and she was *still* a raving bitch towards her? You would think she could garner up some empathy towards Shannon instead of kicking her out.  That makes what happened that much worse to me.


It would, however, explain a little more about why Terry was so upset with David and his comments to Heather and his sort of delayed reaction.  She told him, he thinks back to his comments, and thinks David is a womanizing lothario.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 14


Billy seemed drunk, per his usual, on his way to Tammy's White Party and Drowning (<-- ha!)  Even if he was stone-cold sober, I would want to hand him 2 Advil and a water if I were ever around him, perish the thought.


Probably has to be wasted and numb to tolerate being around Vicki. Poor guy - can you imagine having to grow up with Vicki? No escape, she's your sister and your stuck! If she's this needy now I cannot imagine what a pill she was as an adolescent and teenager! I thought the woman Billy was with resembled Vicki. At first I thought it was their sister. Doesn't Vicki have another sibling? I wonder if they wisely stay off the show or if there is a rift between him/her and Vicki.

  • Love 7
  On 10/6/2015 at 10:25 PM, Pattycake2 said:


Okay, the colonic.  When Shannon pulled out the "enema" and kept asking Is This an Enema?  Anyone else think it looked like a douche bag?  And speaking of douchebags, should should have called Brooks for clarification what with his coffee enemas and all.  And here, for the edification of all, is a picture of a home colonic kit.


I also had, as Hayley Mills said in The Trouble with Angels, a scathingly brilliant idea. Send Brandi over to visit the OC.  She'd be on Eddie like white on rice.  God, I'd love to see Tamra deal with THAT!

Thanks for the clarification!  I worked in a pharmacy, and we sold kits that could be used for enemas or douches -i think there were different tips to attach to the hose, depending on your intended use.  I was wondering how she wouldn't be able to feel the tip, or lack thereof, if it became detached or "broken off".  The pic you show has a very skinny tip, but, still, either way,..how far up her butt did she shove that thing that she thought David should go spelunking for the 3 inch piece? 


Loved that David couldn't seem to get his hands clean enough!!

  • Love 9
  On 10/6/2015 at 5:44 PM, Cherrio said:

I think Brianna appears to be like you described, but I think it all stems from years of trying to get her mother to see what Brooks really is.  She exposed early on that Brooks had no home, job, car or money and that Vicki was supporting him. She probably paid his back child support too so no one could say he still owed it or would go back to jail.

            So, basically I think Brianna comes from a place of frustration, worry and love for her mother.  Vicki is lucky that Brianna still wants her around. I can't imagine being around Vicki for more than one second.


I totally agree.  


Vicki is a child.  I think after their warnings, the family should've embraced Brooks because like a child, the allure of Brooks might've dissipated.  Kinda like when you forbid your kid not to hang around a certain group of friends so they sneak out to be with them.  It's the excitement of feeling like you're doing something no one approves of.


And there is the side of Vicki that likes to make people feel like she's the *only* one who stands by you so he would feel grateful for her. She loves that stuff.


If Brianna had treated Vicki like the child she is, she might've moved on long ago.

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  On 10/6/2015 at 10:05 PM, Duke2801 said:

How about the word of somebody who actually liked Brooks and had absolutely nothing to gain by doubting his cancer story.

Because that would be Shannon. Or is she an unreliable source too?

But Brooks didn't go to her doctor! How dare he! Personally I don't believe any of them, not Brooks, not Vicki, not Brianna, not any of the other women.

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