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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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A lot of that was really lovely, but I'm pretty sure Robin and Patrick have more friends than that. I mean, did they really have to go out and rent those seven chairs? Everyone would have fit on the couch.


It doesn't matter now, but I think Billy Miller's Jason has more chemistry with Robin than with anyone else. He had none at all with Liz, and has some with Sam although it's more cute and flirty than anything else, but with Robin you can tell he wants to leap on her and smother her with kisses.


LOL at Patrick's, "there's the man!" when Sonny showed up. I like to think that was the second take and on the first one, Patrick opened the door and said, "I suppose you're here to shoot my wife again."

  • Love 20

This is a complete UO, but I didn't want Patrick to shade Jason in any way. Patrick's problem with Jason stemmed from feeling like he was second best to him in Robin's heart. Robin and Patrick now are 100% confident that they are each other's first and only choice. There's no doubt there.


I don't think any dude would be worth it, I don't think he'd be just shading Jason there, but I get your point. And disagree with it. :p 

  • Love 2

There were some WTFs, like Robin tongue bathing Carly and Liz but overall today was a nice send off of Scrubs. I wasn't much of a fan but it is undeniable that they were a huge part of the canvas for years. I am glad that Kim was able/allowed to come back and usher JT off the canvas. 


I hope we see Emma and Robin every now and then. 




LOL at Patrick's, "there's the man!" when Sonny showed up. I like to think that was the second take and on the first one, Patrick opened the door and said, "I suppose you're here to shoot my wife again."


The breakdown writers have to fired. Most of Jason's lines are as OTT as this one. Patrick will never say these words to Sonny even if he is high on happiness. 

  • Love 6

Kim is posting pics on Twitter and I am CRYING!!!!!



The Mac picture she posted was the best one!. 



Can ye post/embed them here for those of us who don't have Twitter?


I need something to calm me down before I sit down and watch today's episode. I can't be angry and pissed when I watch.  It won't be pretty.

DeadNowAliveJake gets no shares he's not legally recognized as Jason's child so no shares for him.

They're still Danny's.

If AJ were still alive, they'd probably have him battle Michael, Jason, his future serial killer kids, Nik, and Sonny/Carly for ELQ shares. So, it'd be the only true Quartermaine vs the forfeited Quartermaines, Lucky's legal son, Corinthos Coffee and Metro Court, with AJ as The Big Bad Evul.

  • Love 1

Not to mention that AJ was the first person to give him a job this time around. Duke was always talking about loyalty, but where was his loyalty to AJ? Considering that Duke knowingly and whole-heartedly threw himself into the mob world, even putting out a hit on Jordan, he took his chances with being a target. As far as I'm concerned, any of the characters involved in the mob are not innocents and are taking their chances at catching a bullet. I wish Anna would accept that Duke's hands are just as dirty as Julian's and Sonny's, but instead she acts like he was an innocent victim of mob violence. 


KMc killed it today! MB just lit up when she walked in the room. I like the idea of Scrubs going to Cali and hanging out with Noah. It makes sense and is a nice nod to the Drake family. Now, if only we could get a comment about Matt being paroled (or - better yet - pardoned!) and living in Berkeley.


Liz's passive-aggressiveness was ramped up today. Poor little Jake has to be shuttled between his mother and bio-dad. Um, Liz, take a closer look. That kid has much bigger problems.



Jason has no right to the kid. He gave him away. He didn't want him, he didn't want danny either for that matter. He told Sam to have an abortion. Sainted Jason the borg is now the victim of evil Liz.yuck. Liz and Sam need to get together and have a long talk about keeping the boys as far away from borg as possiable.. Lucky raised Jake, He actually took him over and he didn't steal him the way Jason stole Michael.  Both of these mothers are nuts to allow the killer for hire near their kids.The way thisd show kisses Scummy's asss, Jason will soon be taking taget practice very soon. I also don't care that Lucky is gone JJ got a much better job, so Lucky is still their dad.

Edited by testardo
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aw, today is definitely

Robin and Patrick's last day, according to the GH Spokesperson who put up a facebook post about it

I thought their last episode was Monday? Am I seriously about to watch my last episode of "General Hospital"?!? I'm not quite ready to walk douchily into the fog . . .

Kristina Wagner is a goddess.

She is (still) friggin gorgeous!


She, and then Mac, and them as individuals and as friends with hints of romance is what initially hooked-me into this show over 20 years ago. Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4

That day-after gif is my absolute favorite of Liz and Patrick. I wish the show had more of that good-natured humor.


Sonny ruins everything, of course, but that aside, I thought the wedding stuff was really well done, if rushed. (I felt like the cast was watching a timer offscreen: Pick up the pace, everyone!) It was perfect that Mac married Patrick and Robin.


LOL at BH looking at TR like she can't believe her luck to be sitting next to him. (I refuse to accept it was Liz looking at Jason.) Her dress was great.


Carly should have been on her knees before Robin, not Robin telling her she's good for Sonny and Jason. Ugh. A cake doesn't begin to even things between them. Screw you, GH, for trying to force-feed us Carly as show matriarch (and Sonny as show patriarch). Laura or Tracy deserves that title. Or both!

  • Love 11

Okay, this:

Oh the flashbacks!!!  I expected to be sad but not this sad.  Damn it!  Robin and Patrick's life and story is an example of what made soaps so good, and today reminded me of what I used to love about GH.  I wish there had been a few flashbacks of Robin as a wee little girl, but I'm thankful to have gotten what we did. 

The wedding was amazing and Mac, Felicia, Anna, Robert, Robin, Patrick and Emma were wonderful.  Especially Anna and Robin.  Those two always make me cry.  Liz and Patrick were also very sweet.


The only dark spots were of course Sonny and Carly.  Those two vampires shouldn't have even been there.  Having Robin apologize to the she-cretin was too much.  The scenes with them should have gone to Robin and Robert, Robin and Felicia, and Robin and Mac instead.  There was not enough of Robert and Felicia at all.  Stupid writers and Frank V.  He's probably already had the Scorpio-Drake house set burned down out of pettiness. 


Genie Francis and Tyler Christopher were also enjoyable.  I've always liked Laura and Nik together as mother and son, and her pushing him to be better than whatever the hell he is right now is sorely needed.  Nik is nearly unrecognizable.


Tracy and Rebecca Budig were also intriguing.

But also this:

What a shitty ass sendoff. Scrubs don't even get to have a proper wedding. Liz, Jason, Carly and Sonny show up and each get scenes of talking to Robin and Patrick individually, so obviously that was the point of the wedding.


Not to be about Scrubs and their family, but rather so we can see Robin apologize to Carly, thank Carly and marvel at how amazing Carly is for Jason and how wrong she was for never giving Carly credit. So we can see people who are family relegated to background shots/conversations. So Felicia and Robin don't even talk to each other. So we don't get Maxie/Robin having a scene. No Rick, no Nikolas, no hospital staff, no Kevin/Lucy or Scott or Tracy or Monica, but we do get the guy who doesn't even REMEMBER Robin show up to the party.


What a joke.

Then this:


Just....beautiful....for anyone who ever loved Scrubs at one point or another. They will forever be special and will never be replicated. JT and KMc were beautiful.

And, ultimately:

Aaaaaaaaaand I'm out. I've always come back with Robin (and usually eventually left due to the horrid writing). That last shot seemed like a beautiful way to finally give Robin Scorpio some peace from the idiotic drama that has tortured her for most of the past 15 years.


The same goes for me. I started watching when my friend introduced me to the show in 1993, and the quality has gone way downhill. What am I supposed to stay for? Every character that was halfway decent at one point being sacrificed for some other horrid character on the canvas, be it Carly, or Sonny or Jason, whom everyone seems to desperately want to turn back into the Borg during this, yet ANOTHER bout of memory loss?

Nah. The Scorpio-Drakes, smiling at one another, and heading off onto their adventure seems like a perfect end to my time with this show as well.

Farewell Robin & Patrick, and goodbye "General Hospital".
  • Love 8

Sonny and Carly at the wedding kept it from being a perfect send off. Patrick kissing up to Sonny, Carly rudely interrupting the ceremony, the complete whitewash of the Carly/Robin relationship.


(and why couldn't they have placed the chairs so that the Scorpios could walk down the aisle together instead of RFS and Anna walking behind Robin- but I nitpick)


I loved the final goodbye for Liz and Patrick. That was sweet. I always liked their relationship. 

  • Love 2

Felicia (Kristina Wagner) is a goddess, indeed. I was furious that she wasn't allowed more lines and time on camera, although we did see a couple of beautiful smiles from her. I didn't see her at all in the cake-cutting scene. But then I found out that she and former Frisco Jack Wagner have reconciled to the point that they are now on a Hallmark night series "When Calls The Heart," are still close, and enjoy their two fine grown sons. http://soapcentral.com/gh/news/2015/0112-wagners.php. Possibly Kristina did not have time to learn a lot of lines for GH or be in all the scenes of the Scrubs' wedding.


I enjoyed the scene between Luke's ex-wives (Laura and Tracy), except that both ladies were obliged to recall some vague supposed "positives" about being married to him.  Both ladies appeared to be gritting their teeth, however.




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I was kinda laughing though because I bet Nikolas was wishing he could take back all that teen angst about Laura being around. Yup Nikolas, welcome to having a mom. They nag you when you try to murder someone.



Not nearly enough nagging, imo. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Laura thinks the bigger issue is not that her son tried to coldly have a woman killed, but that he may get his poor boo heart broken. Have we ever gotten a moment of Laura giving Nik shit for what he did? At all? At least one "How could you do such a thing"? No? Didn't think so....


Also, Laura, your son tried to have a woman murdered. Over money. There are no "fresh starts" from that, and ditching Hayden will likely not change that. And I really resent the fact that Laura somehow think its Hayden that's keeping him from becoming "the good honest man you were meant to be" or whatever such bullshit.....once again, Laura, she is NOT the problem. Hayden may not be a saint, but she was his VICTIM, not his enabler...that would be the woman that you are continually coddling and propping and enabling yourself...hint...her name starts with an L...or an E, whatever.


I really hope we get an interesting backstory for Hayden, but as things go on this show, I'm expecting just another fakeout a la Rosalie, and learn nothing new, until the writers decide there's a plot point to fill.


Happy for the Scrubs fan...wasn't around when they were on, but that was one hell of a montage...I'm happy at least one fanbase got some payback.

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 9

Liked Tracy's and Laura's convo but I wonder what Laura's place will be on the show long-term?  So far, she's everything I assumed she would be once there was no more Luke around.  She's a hanger-on doling out motherly support and advice to her wayward children.  It's easier for Tracy because she's always existed effectively as a character long before she even got involved with Luke.  But Laura has always been about Luke for most of her run on the show.  Maybe Laura should get a job or some business to run?  Something, anything so that she gets her own thing to embark on as a character.

  • Love 4

I wonder who will be getting the Scrubs set.


Jason needs a place to stay.....Just sayin'


I never cared one way or another about Scrubs, they were always just kind of there for me.  I thought the montage was lovely, but....I was waiting for more from Robert and Felicia.  If I was a Scrubs fan I would have been pissed at how many face to face talks Jason got as opposed to....the brides FATHER.  So silly.  And I actually never hated Carly back in the Robin/Jason days, but I thought it was GROSS that Robin apologized to her.  They should have left it at Carly thanking Robin.  Period.


If Jason was smart, he would be recording this convo with Nikolas.....so he most definitely isn't.   And listen, I LIKE BM's Jason, but dude has been on EVERY DAY for the past few weeks.  It's kind of insane.



ETA: Forgot to mention....all the shade thrown at that poor town pariah Liz today was RIDIC.  Poor woman, I am surprised she was able to muddle through the day with the whole town against her.....

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 11

It was a sweet send off for Scrubs.


Being a vets fan, I spent most of the time during Liz's, Jason's and Carly's scenes with Robin watching Anna, Robert, and Felicia in the background.


It was kinda funny that it seemed like Kimberly was getting more of the send off than Jason was.


If you replace "California" with "Y&R" in Anna's speech and well wishes to Patrick, it works equally well for Finola sending her best wishes to Jason.


Why did Frank have to jump the gun and give Anna this extravagant house?  She could have just moved into Robin's and Patrick's. In fact, I still think that makes more sense. We can pretend she was squatting, house sitter style, at some mansion.


I saw more romance in Robin and Patrick's flashbacks than I did in all of the 2 to 3 years Ron was writing this show. Another plus mark in Guza's column.


Best of luck to you, Jason Thompson.  Take us with you!!!

  • Love 11

Carly rudely interrupting the ceremony


WTF was the point of that? Couldn't she have sashayed in five minutes earlier? It was so dumb and unnecessary. And that cake? Yikes, could it have been any smaller? Yes I know there were like three guests but come on......and "Bon Voyage" because CARLY thought that was appropriate? GMAB. 

  • Love 4

Longtime lurker of this forum because I love snark and used to contribute at TWoP. Scrubs fan from 2006-Robin's death. Returned briefly in 2013/2014 with Robin. Returned again to see Scrubs off. I even suffered through the Hulu version this time as I no longer subscribe to cable/have a DVR. There's something in my eye after watching today's show. Then I got sucked down a Scrubs YouTube hole, so I'm going to head to the history thread to share favorite scenes.

No comments on how the rest of the show....just focusing on the sparkly.

  • Love 10

In defense of Carly (and trust me, I fucking hate saying that) I thought that everyone was told that it was going away party so it didn't matter if she stopped to pick up a cake.


Still processing that Scrubs are no longer going to be on the show but I hope that someday we hear that Anna had to go off to California because her second grandchild was being born.

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I want to like BM's Jason, but I cannot get there. He often seems to be playing him as brain-damaged in ways I don't think the show intends. Weird rising and falling intonation, strange word emphases, odd lurching movements. WTF was up with the way Jason leaned in to talk to Robin today, as if she were a small child? I know there's a height difference, but...


I hate for anyone to be creating the impression that Steve Burton is a tough act to follow. As if. 


I was never a Scrubs booster (I loved '90s Robin, though). I still liked their flashback package and their goodbyes to the characters to whom they were near and dear...plus Carly, of course, because she had to be there, even though her "near" times with Robin often ended in verbal or physical violence, and she has been only slightly more dear to Robin than Obrecht has. 


But on a shallow note, man, those flashbacks did the current versions no favors. I wish they could have exited the show looking their best. JT looked older than he should in pure years, and KMc has the unstyled two-tone hair and...has been thinner. Even just addressing the things that could be addressed quickly, they both could have used a makeover.  

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KMc lost the baby girl she was pregnant with at 22 weeks sometime this past fall, so a relatively short time before she came back for this last stint.  Given that I am amazed she was able to show up and do her job at all, especially in the mother/daughter scenes with Emma  That said I am not a fan of the two tone hair although that could have been because she wasn't getting highlights during her pregnancy or it could have simply been because the GH hair and make-up people are awful.

Edited by camussie
  • Love 8

It doesn't matter now, but I think Billy Miller's Jason has more chemistry with Robin than with anyone else. He had none at all with Liz, and has some with Sam although it's more cute and flirty than anything else, but with Robin you can tell he wants to leap on her and smother her with kisses.



I was wondering what kind of voodoo KMc has because Billy LIT UP in his few scenes with her.  If she was staying, that's all I'm saying...

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 13


KMc lost the baby girl she was pregnant with at 22 weeks sometime this past fall, so a relatively short time before she came back for this last stint.


I didn't know. I was on the barge until fairly late in the "Elizabeth has a secret" period, and not keeping up with the BTS info on boards either. Well, that's very sad. 

I really enjoyed just seeing the family together.  It made me think of so many shows.  Frisco and Felicia looking after Robin, Anna and Robin always hugging and kissing, feeling like Tristan and Finola were really her parents.  Somebody must have been chopping onions in my house cause there were these tears.....


I didn't get my wish.  ALL I wanted was a one minute bumping into of Laura and Robert with a hug and a 'hello Luv".!

  • Love 5

I thought JT and KMc both looked gorgeous today. And can I just say....I've never been disappointed in their scenes together. Like, that's crazy. Over all these years, they always gave it their all. And that's all you can ask for.

I was wondering what kind of voodoo KMc has because Billy LIT UP in his few scenes with her.  If she was staying, that's all I'm saying...

I remember being SO excited when I heard Billy was going to be on the show and then wanting to see him work with KMc. They definitely lived up to my expectations. So good.

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