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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What made me ragey was the ruination of the Quartermaines, specifically AJ and Tracy. Mostly AJ.



That's one of the things that infuriates me the most.   You bring back SK and then do that shit with him until he ultimately gets fed up enough to ask to leave.  Yeah, I know, Ron had big, big plans for the AJ/Jason dynamic that went to shit when SBu took off, but, still. You had AJ Q, being played by the actor who is most associated with the role, reuniting with the son who was taken from him, reunited with a mother who has lost, literally, the rest of her family, and you make fat jokes, booze him back up, and then kill him off at the hands of the man who stole his son in the first place, with everyone believing he killed a woman he didn't kill. And the man who killed him will probably get no more punishment than being sent to bed without dessert...followed by Olivia feeling bad and sending some tiramisu up to his room, because, darn it, he looked so sad when he was throwing bar ware as he climbed up those stairs.

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I thought Jackie was just awful for most of the other day with Lynn. There were a couple good moments, but oy. This is what I talk about when I say what's happened to her face has left her insecure and uncomfortable with performing. She does weird shit with her voice and body language and she seems completely discombobulated a lot of the time. She is either doing a preschool teacher voice or she is doing all sorts of weird trills. This is not the Jackie Zeman or Bobbie I absolutely worshipped as a kid. I love her and it breaks my heart, especially since I saw romantic chemistry between Jackie and Kin for the first time in forever the other day. It would work if not for, y'know, everything.

Talking about Sonny and people calling him out on stuff reminds me that Sam needs to find out about Morgan/Ava/Sonny so we can hear this again:




That's the one thing Steve Burton never stopped being good at, the dry humor. Not the reaction shot, because Steve had millions of non-reactions, but when it came to deadpan comedy onscreen he could be very funny.


Kelly Monaco has always been very gifted with comedy, but unfortunately any attempts to play Sam as lighter or more of an overt vixen stopped years ago when Frons(?) killed Liz and Jason and Sam was brought back into the inner circle of Jasus. I dug Sam when she was dating GV's Lucky, doing that weird talk show and just making mischief.

Edited by jsbt
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Today's opening scene made me nauseous, that was so foul and cheesy.


The vibes I got from Michael and Kelly today reminded me so much of their PC days, where has that been dammit? They're such a natural fit together, imo, but they've been held captive by Ron's bs story lines, first the Nina invading their lives and now this crap with Patrick, who is just so conveniently keeping the truth that Jason is still alive and being helped by Robin from Sam, his "good buddy"... but it was nice to see them just getting to act and react with each other, I've missed having scenes where they actually come alive together and don't look as bored and utterly disinterested as I feel.


I won't even comment on their "goodbye" ending however-I'm just going to take what good I can and leave the rest.


The Nina with Franco might be the worse on screen combination to date that Ron had mushed together. I felt like my brain was being put into a blender watching those two. 


At least Julian is now aware that Sonny killed AJ, and got one over on him finally. That information better not mark his end though or I am done with this show, just done. If Julian gets killed off and yet Duke and Shawn and Sonny and other laggards get to roam about? It'll be a cold day in hell when I'll accept that ending. 


Patrick needs to shave.

Sonny's tantrum/ "Son of a bitch!!" scream on the roof of the hospital is HILARIOUS!! He's so confident he's got the upper hand and then Ava gets away w/Julian - I'm so very amused. 


Not feeling Silas' pain. I do, however, buy that Sam is heartbroken that she felt she had to break up w/Silas.


Molly looks beautiful. She's got a stand-up boyfriend there, encouraging her to go back and live w/her mom. His smile at their reconciliation is just so sweet.


Good Patrick & Anna talk - yes Patrick you should jump at the chance to take Anna up on her offer. Anna taking down Dr. O would be fun to watch.


NotTodd!Franco, Carly, Nina - not worth it. And again, go DIAF Sonny!

  • Love 4

I really appreciate the abundance of hospital scenes lately, and I hope that is something they keep up. The Julian-Ava escape to the roof was awesome, and  Sonny's reaction was priceless. I'm also continuing to enjoy Franco-Nina. Even if they don't do something romantic with it in the future, I just like the friendship...Franco needs friends, besides Kiki.  Another thing I like is the amount "movement", so to speak, going on recently. I liked that people don't just stand around in the same scenery, with the same perseon for the whole 45 minutes. This week in general, I've really been enjoying watching the show, so Ron must be doing something right, which I hope sticks.

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Julian and Ava fucking won for me today.

Sonny you are like dumber than fucking I imagined. Shawn can't shoot a gun, so of course you put him in charge with Ava. You take her booze, but not the phone? Well, okay. Roof tantrum was amazing. Fucking amazing.

I like Franco/Nina because Roger and Michelle have natural chemistry. My bf who only watches to make fun of Sonny occasionally, said that yes Carly does have something to worry about.

I do hope one day someone loves me as much as Silas and Patrick love themselves.

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Again I only watched the last 20 minutes (having to watch an 8 month old who just learned how to crawl and climb on things is very attention grabbing).  Color me surprised I didn't hate ME's delivery today.  It may have to do with my girl freeing herself from the soul suck that is Silas, but I'll take it.


Sonny's yell was hilarious and Patrick looks like a lumberjack. That's all I've got.

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"Don't shoot! The baby on board might be mine!"



I had absolutely NO idea what Sonny yelled at the end other than 'don't shoot!' so thank you for posting that. But I really wanted Shawn to shoot. Because then it would've ricocheted off the helicopter and hit Sonny in the head, thus putting us out of our misery and freeing Ava for good!


And I want a pony.

  • Love 8
Sam finally dumped the bore Silas. Now how long till Sam/Patrick are doing the nasty and Jason comes back.




As if this show needs more horrors packed onto more horrors in rapid succession.


My guess is that when it comes to dying, Franco takes after Heather, who has more lives than a cat.




Plus they just made a painting loft/room for him at the hospital, gotta make sure they put it to good use. How much fun was that after all, letting Carly overhear a woman groaning and moaning while going through some sort of painting "soul cleanse" which sounds an awful lot like Cinemax at night.


Plus they just made a painting loft/room for him at the hospital, gotta make sure they put it to good use. How much fun was that after all, letting Carly overhear a woman groaning and moaning while going through some sort of painting "soul cleanse" which sounds an awful lot like Cinemax at night.


If I was an art therapist in real life, I might think about filing a class action law suit, or at least issuing some kind of press release explaining that actual art therapists aren't SERIAL KILLERS with no training and don't inspire patients to paint-related orgasms.  But that's just me.

Edited by TeeVee329

Plus they just made a painting loft/room for him at the hospital, gotta make sure they put it to good use. How much fun was that after all, letting Carly overhear a woman groaning and moaning while going through some sort of painting "soul cleanse" which sounds an awful lot like Cinemax at night.

It's about time Carly feels the fear of being easily replaced. 

  • Love 3

"Don't shoot! The baby on board might be mine!"

Thank you Sonny, for scrumbling (scream-mumbling) the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.

After the above my thought was "Um, sonny, you do realize it's your grandchild if it isn't your baby." Therefore, still related to you.

Color me shocked that they had Sam/Silas break up & are possibly going there with SamTrick. I never expected this much.

That blue dress did nothing for LW. There was something about the design & fit in the front.

LW is in trouble because IMO, RoHo & MSt actually have chemistry. Who would have thunk?

Dear, Ron

Patrick comes off as a fuckingidiotdouchecanoe when he talks about Robin as if she is free & working at the best facility ever of her own volition. He knows Robin was forced into this decision per your own writing.



Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 9

I disagree vehemently. Franco doesn't need nor does he deserve any friends because he is a FUCKING SERIAL KILLER. He, along with the midgety moobster, should be the town's Pariah...shunned...tarred...held in contempt.


Franco is also a liar because Kiki is in no way a "good person".  Better descriptors would be "annoying person", "snarling person", "person who can't mind her own buisness", and "person who jumps off piers with her legs spread wide".

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

I've been watching since the mid 80s and I feel like she's (JZ) always had the baby voice. Drives me nuts.  And what she did to her face? So sad... I know a lot think she looks better, but it's still horrific to me.


She used to do it, sure, but it was never like this to me. There's a weird sort of rhythm thing going on with her voice now. It's either baby voice or gabbing really fast or very deep notes. I look at her work in some old Labine episodes, or some of the confrontations with Sarah Brown's Carly and I don't see any of that.


If Ron hadn't been trying so hard to make Sabrina & Purina happen SamTrick could have been developed over a year ago. This story wouldn't be rushed or feel like a beat for a plot point. Robin could have still returned, there could have been upheavel between Robin/Patrick/Sam, she could have left for the same stupid reason & then the slow buildup back to Samtrick. Patrick knowing the truth yet having real feelings for Sam & not wanting to lose her etc. Then Robin returns & all hell breaks loose.

I'm a Robin fangirl but would have loved to have seen the above. All the actors would have needed as halfway decent writing because they can bring the emotions. Can you image the tears between all three? I would have been a puddle.

IMO, instead we had an incompetent chemistry-less actress, who was constantly propped, shoved front & center for a year & a half.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Just a reminder, folks, that this is a thread about current episodes. What this thread is not about: Ron's tweets. 

Can you imagine if it was? You wouldn't be able to keep up. 


I'm so happy to see soap vets like Bobbie, Scott and Lucy, I just wish this wasn't their story.

Why can't Lucy be involved with Julian's publishing?A beauty mag or some such thing? Scotty could be doing  mayor stuff tied into this whole brownstone reno somehow and weave it into ELQ's business dealings, and Bobbie could be involved in hospital shenanigan's or butting into Lucas' love life or something. 

  • Love 2
After the above my thought was "Um, sonny, you do realize it's your grandchild if it isn't your baby." Therefore, still related to you.



I need at least one person onscreen to explain to the Moobster that you shouldn't want to kill a pregnant woman regardless of who the baby's father is. But, aside from that, in this particular case, if the baby isn't your child, it's still your grandchild, so your reason for not killing her, right this minute, should not solely be "that might be my baby she's carrying." Asshole. 

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Morgan = Kristina. In other words, who?




When Alexis was complimenting Sonny on being such a "good father" to Kristina I was expecting him to blink and give that mouth partly open, just coming out of a binge stupor look at her and say, "Wait-who's that?"


Because really, the only reason he remembers any of his offspring is often because they're shouting at him or someone is shouting at him on their behalf and they keep using the word "dad" so he just puts two and five together.

  • Love 4
Julian and Ava fucking won for me today.


Ok, so I totally read this a different way at first.  "Wait, WHAT?!  Aren't they siblings?!" 


Although, where did this Ava come from, anyway?  I thought Julian's sister was Crazy Olivia Who Caused Anna's Elevator Miscarriage.  


I will address Felicia's intelligence level in the history thread.


BestestAuntEver, I can't even think about anything involving Robin anymore, because my brain has a rage-fit and melts.


I'm kidding. I could barely type that. I was giggling so hard. But for realsies, I think Carrlos better pop up soon. I miss Puss In Boots.


I think Ron indicated this week that he is gone ("Carlos is in prison") but that could change at any moment with these guys. As did their original plans for Carlos, which stopped dead due to rewrites when they whisked him off to the pokey.


I think GH, unless it's at its absolute worst (which happens some days, especially Franco-heavy days), is still entertaining. That doesn't mean I find it very good anymore, because I don't and haven't in over a year. I think there are shadows of good ideas and plots, good moments and bits, scenes and stints here and there, but I think the show is a fucking mess. Very entertaining, but not good.

Edited by jsbt
Although, where did this Ava come from, anyway?  I thought Julian's sister was Crazy Olivia Who Caused Anna's Elevator Miscarriag




Supposedly she was another of Daddy Victor's illegitimates.  Though god forbid Ron ever wanted to bring the older brothers back into the mix somehow.



BestestAuntEver, I can't even think about anything involving Robin anymore, because my brain has a rage-fit and melts.




All I could think, beyond the fact that Patrick apparently has stopped looking into mirrors while getting ready to go out into public, while watching and listening to him today was as a Sam fan first I am supposed to think he's a catch for her? That he's a step up from her other options? That egotistical, assy, self centered and self absorbed, unshaven and chronically unfaithful jerk?


Yet again Patrick releases Robin to do something she truly feels that she must, she isn't hiding the truth from him, he knows full well where she is, what she's doing, and that she has every intention to return to him, but then after a while he changes his mind, gets an attitude about it, plays the ultimate "woe is me" victim card and ends up in bed with another woman to soothe his ego, I mean "feelings". I think his behavior is just repulsive.

Edited by CPP83
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Did Sonny actually tell Shawn not to shoot at the helicopter, in case it crashed, because the baby could be his?  Um, I guess it'd be okay, then, if the baby was just Morgan's?  Did I mishear that?  Surely, even Sonny is not that sefl-absorbed? 


What am I saying?  Of course, he is.


And Patrick.  Did he really say "complicit" instead of "implicit", like closed captioning said?  'Cause I don't think that word means what you think it means, writers. 

Edited by Fellaway
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And Patrick.  Did he really say "complicit" instead of "implicit", like closed captioning said?  'Cause I don't think that word means what you think it means, writers.




Now now, we can't nitpick them for not knowing what words mean, after all they keep putting Franco and Carly together as a "romantic pairing", Sonny is a "honorable man", and Shawn is a "good shot".

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Well, Ron has done the impossible.


I have two nieces {30and32} who began watching this show in utero and haven't missed an episode. Until mid June when they both independently decided enough horseshit already and deleted it from their line ups.  They know every family history, who screwed whom, who is someone's secret love child and even what Bobbi and Monica's real faces look like, but they told me they are thru.  Not interested in the tripe that passes for storylines anymore. Levi and Franco becoming an art therapist were the final straws that broke a very heavily loaded camel's back.


Can't say I blame them.....

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I feel like Morgan's attitude towards Sonny is the appetizer to Michael's entree of rage when the AJ reveal happens. 


I liked Morgan's attitude even better than rage though. It was apathy, which is better than hate when it comes to Sonny. Also his faces of awkwardness when Ava was going on about the baby fluttering.

Ugh I felt so much annoyance today when Carly was like, "oh I think in time Morgan will get over it." WHY DO YOU WANT HIM TO GET OVER IT? Don't you care a LITTLE that Sonny slept with Morgan's girlfriend and may have impregnated her, Carly? (Rhetorical question, I know the answer.)

I liked that Ava was able to get away from Sonny, even if it might be temporary.

I kinda can't buy that Sonny wouldn't see shooting down Ava as a good opportunity to be rid of the whole mess altogether instead of a saint like "no my bebe must saved" but whatever. Sonny's delusional enough to think that gives him brownie points with God I guess.

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It just came to me, in Sonny's mind the reason he wouldn't have cared if Ava did die while carrying Morgan's baby is because in that twisted, sick, psychotic brain of his he'd think that he was doing his son a favour.


Killing his own kid? A step too far, because that only happens "accidentally" and they always survive anyway. But an unwanted grandchild is fair game. After all, Morgan should have never been with Ava in the first place, let alone end up having a child with that "bitch", as Sonny loves to call Ava by her pet name so often, so if he got rid of them both then he will have "freed" his youngest son from the "man hungry clutches of that horrible, awful, slut" Ava, the end.


Never-mind all manner of ethics and morals and human decency, that's just how Sonny rolls.

Edited by CPP83
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