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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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In other news, are they now not even allowed to utter Felicia's name?  Nobody mentioned that she was watching Emma in Paris and would, you know, care and be happy that Robin's alive and safe.


It would not remotely surprise me to find out that none of the current writing staff knows/remembers that Felicia was a pretty big part of teen Robin's life. 

  • Love 6

It would not remotely surprise me to find out that none of the current writing staff knows/remembers that Felicia was a pretty big part of teen Robin's life. 



"Do you think that it might be a good idea to involve Mac and Felicia in Robin's story?"


"Why would Regina even care?"


"It's Robin - and they are her aunt and uncle."


"Whose? Rosemary's?"


"Robin's. And yes, Mac is her dad's brother."


"Well it's too late to pretend that Rachel would care now anyway."


"Robin would care a lot, actually, if you go by their history..."


"DON'T SPEAK SUCH BLASPHEMY! Historical reference or relevance has NO place on this show!"

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 15

"DON'T SPEAK SUCH BLASPHEMY! Historical reference or relevance has NO place on this show!"



.... Unless it's used completely inaccurately or to bring back a character who should've stayed dead (the entire cast of villains, including that dipshit Julian), or at least would've been better off dead rather than written terribly and then killed of again *cough* Duke and AJ *cough*.

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I'm not sure where this goes, but I just had a light bulb moment.  Nathan Varni is assigned to 3 ABC shows:  1) GH; 2) Once Upon a Time; and 3) The Middle.


Is it a coincidence then that Patrick and Robin had a Sleeping Beauty/Snow White moment?  Is Nathan Varni -- or ABC -- overapplying the concept of company synergy?


I've noticed before that both GH and OUAT have a fucked up canvas with outright villains and murderers as romantic leads and heroes. 


Is Nathan Varni actually coming up with these ideas and passing them along to the shows?  Is he trying to have some sort of creative input?  If so, he must be stopped.

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Previews...Rebecca Budig, girl, get some self-respect.  Nikolas tried TO MURDER YOU.  You should be doing cartwheels that he's been fake parapet-ed.


I really hope tomorrow she pauses after he goes over, smiles a little, then quickly looks around like "oh shit I am supposed to be playing the lovestruck girlfriend" and gets back in character.  If not....Well I might have to turn in my Hayden pre-fangirl card.

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With Patrick gone, Liz is going to be short on friends. I hope they either let her character go full-on bitch and wreak havoc on PC or fade into obscurity.




This show has spent months trashing this character over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again to service this horrible, shitty story.  If TIIC want to win some viewership back, they better damn well spend at least as much time and effort building Liz back up as they did destroying her.


Since when do these fakakta writers care about the real fans of this show? I see it as the opposite. If by placating the Liz fans, they think to make her look more delusional, pathetic and even more out of character? Then that's a huge big FAIL. Hell, making her keep this secret was fucking out of character.  They wrote themselves into a corner, with no idea or plan what to do when it all came out.


So no, I don't see this as "placating" the Liz fans. At all.


Neither do I.  If the new writers had wanted to "placate" the Liz fans, they would have found a way to write her out of the Jason story with at least some of her dignity intact.  (If Ron had any interest in pleasing the fans, he wouldn't have dragged Liz into that clusterfuck in the first place.  But, alas, he didn't and he did...).  The new writers had plenty of time to craft and script a story that would have ended things in a way that Jasam fans AND Liz fans could accept.  But instead, they just kept doubling down and doubling down on making Liz a crazy, desperate, psycho, evil, liar. 


They wrote this.


They, quite deliberately, wrote this like this.


They offered Liz fans not one tiny shred of hope that her character would be redeemed.  They made sure that every character in this story except Liz - EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. CHARACTER. IN. THIS. STORY. EXCEPT. LIZ.- had a soft landing or a romantic backup all ready to go.  (If you think Nik is going to suffer any consequences for putting the whole lie into motion, or for sexing up the woman he tried to have murdered, you'll be waiting until the Twelfth of Never.  I'm calling it now - the fall off the building is going to be his redemption.  Hayden will realize she luuuuurves him and save him from losing ELQ.  And no one will say so much as a cross word to him about the shit he pulled.  Verbal and emotional beatdowns are reserved for Elizabeth Webber).  Even now, when the truth has come out and the story should be turning towards Liz's path to redemption - nope, the writers are still gleefully painting her as a crazy, desperate, psycho, evil, liar.  Hey, Liz fans, guess what GH gave you for Christmas?  A scene of your favorite character a crumpled wreck in the snow, next to a dumpster!  Doesn't that just fill your heart with love and goodwill towards the show that did this to her?


Fuck you, GH.

Fuck you.

  • Love 10

Hey, Liz fans, guess what GH gave you for Christmas?  A scene of your favorite character a crumpled wreck in the snow, next to a dumpster!  Doesn't that just fill your heart with love and goodwill towards the show that did this to her?


Fuck you, GH.

Fuck you.

For what Liz pulled she deserves devastation and this type of end into the new year. But what bothers me is that this won't be rock bottom. The writers aren't interested in giving her any depth or growth. While I enjoyed some of Liz's bitchiness last week directed toward the waste of space sam (who is over Patrick in a hot second and smiling like a schoolgirl because now that her friend Jake who she had no feelings for has his name changed to Jason she loves him which makes her no different from Liz but I digress) I find her response to being outed very bizarre. I wonder what the writers were going for. It's frustrating to say the least. All I want for christmAs is for Liz to never share scenes with Jason again!
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It feels like they're just redoing 2006(?) where Drunk!Sam wandered around carrying giant bottles of booze, dropping drunken truth bombs and fucking shit up -

Problems with that:

1. It is TEN YEARS LATER; they are in their thirties with children.

2. Liz and Sam are very different characters. This does not work for Liz. At all.

However, Sam actually did get a redemption afterwards and Liz actually being sorry would go a long way for me. I don't have a ton of faith in the ability of these writers to do a decent redemption but if Altman was at all responsible for early Ewen/Liz - Liz's story should get better - eventually

Edited by Oracle42
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When I saw Liz on the roof with such meager protection from the elements in December, I thought, "Oh, no. They're not going to do 'hypothermia' again, are they?"


I have not seen much of Hayden yet, and it's totally unfair, but when I was watching AMC many years ago, Greensleaze was such a vile piece of work that I had instinctive hatred for Hayden just for having the same face. That was back when she was taunting the gay girl by calling her "Lesbianca." Unfortunately, Hayden seems too close to the same type. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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When I saw Liz on the roof with such meager protection from the elements in December, I thought, "Oh, no. They're not going to do 'hypothermia' again, are they?"


No chance of that in real upstate NY this year since Christmas Eve is forecasted to be 72! Can't believe it myself, considering the last two years were buried under snow, but there it is. It's also supposed to be in the 50s here on Christmas Day.

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they better damn well spend at least as much time and effort building Liz back up as they did destroying her.

Well, I don't trust the writers not to screw that up either. Does anyone remember how Liz was redeemed after Niz and her breakdown? Wasn't she stuck with the lame "caring for Ma Walton" story. Even if she gets a redemption- it will suck.

Well, I don't trust the writers not to screw that up either. Does anyone remember how Liz was redeemed after Niz and her breakdown? Wasn't she stuck with the lame "caring for Ma Walton" story. Even if she gets a redemption- it will suck.


Writing a redemption story for Liz would be so easy.  Just have Nik, Laura, Maxie, Nina, Franco, and two of the blacks say "she is a good woman who loves her children".  Instant redemption!

  • Love 8

Good Lord, Carly & Sonny fans are kissing LW & MB's ass about their parts in the movie, Joy. And those two are just eating it up. Especially LW. Just what we need.


I'll give her a pass. LW has been in soaps all her life and only soaps. I don't think even a tiny bit part anywhere else. It must be fun for her.

Edited by ulkis
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It looked for a split second to me, that Richard Burgi had a hard time getting out "it's a brooch!". Almost as if he was trying not to laugh. That was pretty funny, all ickiness of the scene aside.

He'll get ELQ back for Tracy(still think he's been involved somehow with Nikolas all along anyway) in exchange for her silence, I think. And she'll have to deal with possibly letting it go again if she opens her mouth. I think Monica's comment about Tracy giving away her heart and her stocks the other day, was foreshadowing.


I tried to catch up on the last week or so. I can't figure Paul out, and it's a shame he'll probably go the way of the fishes. In his conversation with Carlos, he actually seemed to care about the Q's finding out about Sabrina's baby not being Michael's. The actor can play layers, it's too bad we rarely get to see it.

And are we supposed to assume Carlos himself is the one Paul has been on the phone with all those times in secret?


Oh, and I stopped to watch some of Liz's scenes. Is it bad of me that now that she's more like old Liz pre rape, I could like her? I know Becky thinks a lot of it is OOC. I don't-Liz has always been selfish. It's just that all that "badness" got buried after the show tried to redeem her with the rape. IDK.  I like her not giving a care what people think of her. It makes the character watchable-much more watchable than her walking her kids in the park and folding laundry.

Too bad she won't stay this way.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Bonus Robert and Anna scene


We always knew the show was better offscreen, but I never thought Show itself would prove the point.


Previews...Rebecca Budig, girl, get some self-respect.  Nikolas tried TO MURDER YOU.  You should be doing cartwheels that he's been fake parapet-ed.


"Nothing can defeat the penis!" /Xander, BtVS 'Twas ever thus.


It looked for a split second to me, that Richard Burgi had a hard time getting out "it's a brooch!". Almost as if he was trying not to laugh. That was pretty funny


I loved the desperation of it: "Pay no attention to the naked lady in the bed behind me. Look—shiny jewelry!" Hee. Thank Jasus Tracy wasn't having it. Also, a brooch? Paul, Tracy is not a brooch person.


I think a lot of Liz's story has been OOC, but that train sailed a year ago. I have no hope Nik will get even a quarter of the contempt Liz is getting, so I don't really care if her "redemption" is half-assed. Everything else about this fakakta show is.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Writing a redemption story for Liz would be so easy.  Just have Nik, Laura, Maxie, Nina, Franco, and two of the blacks say "she is a good woman who loves her children".  Instant redemption!


It's not that easy. They need to put Nik, Laura, Maxie, Nina, Franco, two of the blacks, 4 day players and the mayor on a bus. A bus that's ON FIRE. Liz leaves GH before her shift ends to save the people on the bus. She does, natch, and the mayor gives her a full pardon. Like, duh.

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I think it's beyond bizarre that Liz's children have, poof, vanished the last month or so.  She tosses off lines about how they're just devastated, but wouldn't that hold more weight if we saw what's going on at home?


And are we really to believe that Jake in particular is totes not acting out right now?

Edited by TeeVee329
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We always knew the show was better offscreen, but I never thought Show itself would prove the point.

They always prove this, now its just the new writers instead of RC. There was the scene between Bobbie and Lucy where they put their rivalry behind them at the Nurse's Ball in 2012(?) which was cut and put online as well as a scene when Brenda blamed herself for Jax leaving her to "dead" Robin. Instead, they only had scenes making the women look as awful as possible.

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So Sam wants her killer Jason back so she can love him.  Hate her with the fire and heat of all the stars in the galaxy.  If they have to have Jason with a petite brunette then bring back Steve Burton and Vanessa Marcell.  They actually had chemistry together which is something extraordinary since they didn't have chemistry with anyone else.  I find the actress who plays Sam to be so bland that she would fade into the woodwork even as a candy striper walking down the hall at GH.

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Since that stupid dead unnecessary brat was unnecessarily brought back to life they should at least have the decency of having him attack Lizard Liez. I also wouldn't mind seeing Cameron burn down the house. For the grand finale, Dead Now Alive Jake should walk out the house while Lizard Liez is having a tantrum and get hit by a car again. 

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So where are our handsome newcomers Andre and Curtis?  I always hate when they introduce new characters but only show them in such little bits and pieces that you forget that they were even added to the show.  Andre had some good scenes with Anna in the beginning so it would've been nice if they had found a way to incorporate him into the drama yesterday involving Anna, Robert, Jerry Jax, etc.  As for Curtis, two of the characters he's had scenes with, Hayden and Jordan, were both at the gala.  Couldn't they have had Curtis crash the party wearing a tux and looking simply divine wearing it?  They need to let us get to know these people if they're going to be regulars.

Re the last two episodes, my eyes still haven't stopped rolling.  Monica's making nice to Carly, seeing Tracy get her heart broken again & all things gala-related were cringe-worthy, but Nik's picking a fight with Jakeson and Hayden's defending Nik like he never tried to have her killed was gold-plated batshit craziness. Jakeson's not my favorite character by any means, but Nik  has deserved to have every square inch of his sorry, lying, evil ass kicked for months and if  Jakeson had to do it, then so be it.


   Re Robert, Anna & Scrubs, the moment Jerry started monologuing, either Robert or Anna should have shot him in the kneecaps & if Jerry bitched about it, they could have said something like, "at least we didn't kill you-for Jax's sake."  Scrubs' reunion was pretty meh-worthy, but at least it didn't make me want to kill my TV, unlike, say, Liez, Dikolas, Dante, Valerie & WE (-2) NEVER CARED.



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I understand the appeal of the Jerry actor, but this character needs to be killed finally, and his body parts buried in the four corners of the earth so he will never come back. Ditto for Helena and Faison and all the other untouchable "super villians".

Then the actor can come back as a cute surgeon who develops a complex because everyone keeps going "AGGH!! -- oh, sorry Doctor, I mistook you for that gross monster it took us so long to get rid of."

Then the writers can try to come up with an original idea for once.

ETA: I don't buy for a second Jax would care what happens to Jerry at this point.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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So, are we supposed to think that Nik "fell" on purpose, or that Jason really did push him, and it was just a horribly choreographed fight? 


I was thinking he did in on purpose, but the absurdity and plot holes don't line up....so on this show it could still be a canon thing.  How did he know Jason was up on the terrace alone?  Did he know there would be something under to break his fall (I am assuming this happens since I haven't seen any TC leaving spoilers)  I think it was just a badly choreographed fight, but most on this show are.

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He is inexplicably attached to his psychotic murderer of a brother, much the way the Corinthos children are inexplicably attached to Sonny.

I do understand and if Jerry were to end, I think Ingo Rademacher needs to return. They had a good relationship before with Julian Stone in the role and even with Roche in the role, the very least they had the show do was have Jerry be protective of Jax and his only biological child. He tried to prevent Jax from returning to town and gave Joss one of the doses of the antidote during that bioterrorism plot in 2012, and I do think it comes from a far less selfish place than Sonny's love for his children.  You can't undo an entire childhood to mid adulthood of a loving relationship, especially since your formative years and with a mother that also raised both of and probably feels incredibly guilty over Jerry. I actually think Jax has done better than most trying to keep distance between the two of them. It actually pissed me off in what, '08/'10 when Sonny said Jax shouldn't give a crap about his brother being killed (and he said it with a smile. Sonny, Carly and in a since Jason Morgan (not Jason Q) are only children as that is how they were raised and don't understand the strength between siblings.

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I do get that. But after Jerry tried to cause mass destruction in PC at least twice - and targeted Jax's good friend Robin for particularly sadistic treatment on at least three occasions - Jax should maybe come to terms with the fact that this is no longer the brother he once loved.

He would be sad about it, but I think he would understand if Jerry was shot dead at this point.

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I do get that. But after Jerry tried to cause mass destruction in PC at least twice - and targeted Jax's good friend Robin for particularly sadistic treatment on at least three occasions - Jax should maybe come to terms with the fact that this is no longer the brother he once loved.

He would be sad about it, but I think he would understand if Jerry was shot dead at this point.

But there is the problem. Jasper Jax isn't involved in the story, so if Jerry dies, we will only hear about Jax and his mother's reaction off screen. Jax was in important character, he deserves more consideration than that. 

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I think we can all agree that Jax's complicated feelings about what his brother turned into, and why it's sad for Jerrys family that Jerry needs to be stopped for good at this point, would make for some compelling TV.

So of course we will never see it.

I retract my earlier statement that Jax wouldn't care at all about Jerry dying. But I think he would totally understand and not hold it against Robert and Anna if they rid the world of Jerry.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Is it just me or are these scenes with Sam, Sonny, and Carly bi-fuckin'-zarre.  Why is the show acting like Carly and Sam are BFFs or that Sam and Sonny are super close?


Regarding Carly & Sam:


They may not be BFFs, but I do get the feeling Carly has at least accepted the importance of Sam in (pre Jake Doe-era) Jason's life, and may sympathize with her over Jason being back.


Also, they both think Liz is cray cray. That should help them bond, too.

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I really don't care--Liz is never my favorite, and she is worse now this guy rotation; Jakeson is boring and the actor plays him like Jax is mentally challenged; Memory girl is silly; Jordan seems to have taken a passive pill; and I kind of wanted DikNik to die.


As for Cadet Val in her daddy size jacket, HornDog Dante making out in uniform, and LuLu and her personal crime boss of niceness, I will give it to Val solely because I dislike Lulu more. That's not very good.


That being said, this is better than 99% of Ron's nonsense.




WTF keeps a camera in a rifle case? Seriously?

Edited by Happywatcher

Hell, if they can redeem Franco and Dr. O; I am sure that they can find a way to redeem Jerry.

None of these characters have been redeemed. Dr. O has taken a break from evil doing, and Franco has made a lot of excuses, but neither are sorry for anything they've done. The audience has just basically been told to suck it up and accept that they're not going anywhere.

Sean Donnolly was redeemed. Anna was redeemed. Con artist Holly was redeemed in the 80s. Selfish Scotty was redeemed by his love for Dominique in the 90s.

They haven't done a decent, actual redemption arc on this show in eons. And they also do not seem to understand what lines characters should not cross in the first place to remain viable.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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