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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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You know, Jax should call Jerry and tell him that Robin is off-limits, if he wants to continue having a relationship with him and Dear Mum.


Probably won't work, but I can't imagine that Jax wouldn't do something if told that his bastard of a brother has been complicit in keeping Robin hostage all these years.  After all, Jerry did bring up Jax and his mother today.

  • Love 6

Also, P.C. asks, "who"?

re: Nik in a fight with Jason, if I were Nik, I'd assume I could beat NuJason too.

What is the poooooooooooint of the baby being Carlos'? It would make sense if Michael was still mad at Sonny but they're chummier than ever. It better be Michael's at some point, I don't care how improbable.

Meathook 2.0? I fear it may be headed there.
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Unpopular opinion - The Robin stuff was boring. I don't think she hung the moon like most here. Though I like the actress, I always thought the character was just okay. I just don't care about any of them i.e. Robin/Patrick, Anna etc. and think KMc, FH, TR etc were dull as dishwater in their scenes. No excitement. No passion. No urgency. No nothing. Very dull.


Another unpopular opinion - I loved Carly telling Liz to go take that ring off. LOL. I was like sing sister. I mean really. Is Liz that delusional? And to think I used to love that character. What has happened to her??


I had those same unpopular opinions too. 


The way that whole Scrubs scenes played out had me scratching my head but then I remembered these two head-writers have shitted on every other storyline. So, I kept it pushing. 

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Nik going off the balcony made my year. 


I'll take Robin, Anna and Robert together in any scene I can get. 


Dear Patrick - what a lame-o kiss!


I really don't care about the Michael and Sabrina storyline, but I almost fell off my chair when Sabrina said "Carols" without the accent. 


Glad Tracy found out about Paul and Ava. I hate it when my girl is being played as a stooge.  

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Since when do these fakakta writers care about the real fans of this show? I see it as the opposite. If by placating the Liz fans, they think to make her look more delusional, pathetic and even more out of character? Then that's a huge big FAIL. Hell, making her keep this secret was fucking out of character. They wrote themselves into a corner, with no idea or plan what to do when it all came out.

So no, I don't see this as "placating" the Liz fans. At all.

Which is why I said "attempting".

I think they're making bad choices and it's a disservice to the character.

if they decided even now to make this whole lie about Liz sabatoging her own happiness or dealing with abandonment issues - they'd at least be able to pull some character growth out of this mess.

As it is, Liz has just doubled down on crazy eyes and bitchery and since she's not actually being attacked, her tantrums and victim claims make her look like a nutbar

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

I presume that Nik went off the balcony so that he can have a CT scan and we can find out that he's had a brain tumor all this time. The only thing more prevalent than going over a balcony in Port Charles is having a brain tumor.


Liz sitting in the snow, next to the dumpster, crying. Heh.


Paul and Ava are so gross, and their dialogue makes me wish for the relative sophistication of pornography. I felt bad for Tracy because she's always the sad sack, but it did crack me up when Paul was like, "look! It's a brooch! I bought it for you!" as Ava is lolling around being disgusting right behind him.

  • Love 5

I FF the Robert/Anna scenes with Jerry. They were so boring.


I enjoyed the Scrubs scenes. Though Patrick kissing the side of her mouth was weird.


Liz lurking around looking for Sam was pathetic. And her on the roof alone during the montage was comical. I wish someone would lock the door and leave her up there.


I liked the Sam/Jason scenes. Even though KeMo is doing most of the work to generate chemistry. Carly spying on them was amusing.


Nik flying over the edge was hilarious.

  • Love 7

I watched the Scrubs scenes. (Thanks to the clipper!) I....liked the kiss Patrick gave Robin. I didn't expect him to stick his tongue down the throat of what he thought was her dead body, so the restraint worked for me.


I guess I'm just so glad Scrubs are together that the mechanics of it don't matter to me in the end.


Win-win for me!

  • Love 4

Oh for fucks sake, you have Sam and Nikolas at the SAME LOCATION and she misses him by 10 seconds??  Really?  I am going to be LIVID if she doesn't get some kind of reaction to him.  And if he is really hurt and she CAN'T read him the riot act because poor widdle Nikolas is hurt I will be pissed too.  So dumb.  I just can't fathom how the beats of this story have been so badly botched.


I love that Molly was cordial to Liz, but her face was still all "bitch please don't talk to me about my sister". 

  • Love 14
I FF the Robert/Anna scenes with Jerry. They were so boring.


I have to admit that when I read this first line, it felt like a dagger in the heart to this RNA "ride or die" fan. I'm so used (and spoiled) to read "except for Robert and Anna, the show sucked," and variations of that.


But I just watched the RNA clips. And this is my re-enactment.


Jerry:  The only problem is that ..


Me:  SHOOT!! Shoot him, Anna!!


Jerry: .... avoided.


Me: Right between the eyes!!!!


Jerry:  .... Rome ....




Yeah, those scenes were pointless and filled with drivel. Heaven help us when Robert and Anna can't save a scene.

  • Love 3

Francie, if it makes you feel better I did feel bad for thinking they were boring. But they did nothing for me. Pointless filler. 


Ha, thanks. :)  I definitely get that everyone has their own likes & dislikes and I try damn hard to respect that. But that's still nice to hear, errr, read.



Of course that got cut. Of. course. it. did.


I do not have a healthy relationship with this show.  It's hurtful and cruel, and yet I keep coming back for more. I truly need an intervention.

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Even moreso than Liz, the writers have done zero, zilch, nooothiiiing with Nikolas in all this fallout.  When the fuck is Rebecca Budig gonna spring her trap on him?



I assume that, right as she's about to spring her trap, she'll get distracted by his princely penis and decide she wuvs him and can't possibly hurt him like that.  


On a purely shallow, shallow, shallow note, I was loving the polish on Kimberly's toes. Apparently, Robin was able to get a pedicure done, yet the show dresses her like a frump while she's being held hostage. Alrighty then.


I believe it says everything about the state of this show that I'm sitting here going "well, maybe I'll FF so I can check out Robin's pedicure..." 

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I am so sick of everyone crying. Stop the goddamn waterworks, take a Valium with a Lithium chaser, whatever it takes, but stop with the weepy, snottiness.


I got exactly what I expected out of the Robin and Helmet head scenes which is zip, nada, nothing.


Maybe everyone was tired, maybe they all wish they could have gotten to watch India live, maybe Kym really wished she didn't have to wear that crooked splotch of strawberry jam against her frumpy scrubs like she's a messy eater at lunch, I don't know but the energy levels were so low the scenes seemed lie mere afterthoughts after a full day of shooting and everyone wants to just go home and shower and stop pretending like they like each other.


It was bad.


I wondered if they could pull some magic out of the rabbit hat hole but no, imho, it was just bad and tiresome and boring.


Why won't someone, anyone, put a bullet into Jerry already? Honestly I don't care how he meets his end, just that he needs to.


Billy should have been A.J.'s miracle baby from some high school ONS come to town to claim his Q heritage. Or maybe he was the twin of Jason's that everyone believed Franco to be during that godawful period. I don't care which way they went with it, but making him Jason was just a raw ass mistake.


Sam getting all googly eyed at him again is...depressing.


Paul and Ava rutting like farm animals was unseemly and reproachful. Whomever keeps putting those two together needs to take a flying leap as Nik did.


And speaking of that...the hell? The restaurant is supposedly on the top floor of the Metro Court and Nik goes ass over heels and face over the edge and somehow doesn't end up a human pancake? What broke his fall?


Did Laura race outside and use her ginormous teased hair poof to save him? Or did his massive ego balloon out just in time? Maybe he landed on Mac and Felicia hurrying to make it to gala after selling their quota of ribs for the evening, not like anyone would notice or miss them.


And speaking of missing faces, where the hell is everybody for this bloody gala??? Where's Lucas (Who? And Brad - Huh?), or Bobbie, or Scotty, or Lucy, or real!Kevin?


Are these writers so aware of their own ineptness that they not dare try and mix so much history together at one time for fear the show might implode?


My blood pressure...god, I hate this show.

  • Love 2

I was waiting for someone...anyone..Patrick, Anna to interrupt Robin painfully apologizing about her lying and staying held captive to protect everyone. BUT NOONE DID!  Holy shitballs!   Is it too much to ask for Patrick to have stopped Robin saying she was sorry by declaring how SORRY HE WAS...OR HOW THANKFUL he was for all she sacrificed...and saying this stuff when she isn't under the influence of her own life saving drug. Say it to her actual face. And Robin the guard didn't save your life. He helped you! You saved yaself girl!!!


I think I can predict how Robin's reunion will be with the town of PC. She will be grossly apologizing to Jason, Liz, Carly, hell why not Franco for everything.


This show really needs to be cancelled!


PS. I hope KMc only came back as a favor to JT. After this she needs to finally leave this shitastic show and never look back! The character of Dr. Robin Scorpio & KMc deserve better.

Edited by rags
  • Love 9

The GH: Espionage writing was total horse shit, like the show on the whole, but Jason, Kim, Fin, and Tristan still had me jumping on the couch like a deeply closeted scientologist.  

This show is so raggedy. 


I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but to me it looks the production values are literally crumbling from episode to episode.  Did Uncle Frank run out of money before the end of the year and had to resort to having a bake sale to finance production?


I hope Genie, Tristan, and Kim made him pay through the nose for their services.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 6

While on one hand I can understand Michael bringing out his inner Corinthos to yell at Sabrina about the baby/truth, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure I remember that Sabrina didn't have much of a chance to try to tell him the truth before he jumped to the conclusion that it was his child and started trumpeting the news all over town. It's too bad the writers didn't give her a chance to gently remind him about that today. 


And, the "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" scene pointed out to me all that is wrong with the show right now. This song, IMO, more than any other holiday song, is one that is almost guaranteed to bring at least a tear  to the eye and a pang of nostalgia to anyone over the age of 25. There should have been a montage of people in love toasting each other, people who were once in love nodding to each other for what once was, people who were unhappy looking wistfully at the people they were unhappy with as they remembered better days, and single people enjoying the company of each other, with lots of twinkling lights and lens flare synchronized to the song. But GH has very few people who fit into those categories  and even fewer of them were at the gala. There was a chance to have a big, tug-at-the-heartstrings, emotional roundup for the year scene with what is essentially the audience's surrogate family, and it was blown. Shame on everyone associated with the show. 

  • Love 6

Robin painfully apologizing about her lying and staying held captive to protect everyone.

Her multiple apologies were mostly about respecting Samtrick, not about being a prisoner. She said it mainly after telling Patrick that she never stopped loving him and when she said she wants to spend time with him now that he's there. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable bc she thought he was happy and with Sam.

I do think Patrick should get a chance to give his POV, though, and I hope that's coming up. Hopefully Frank had a good day when that script was being written. Hee.

  • Love 3

What is the poooooooooooint of the baby being Carlos'?


It's so fucking dumb. Like it fills me with so much fucking rage. Just fuck it's so damn dumb. Excuse my language but I'm livid over this shit.


That being said, I kinda liked the Michael/Sabrina scenes, if only because I thought TeCa was really good in them. She's come a long way. Maybe there's hope for HE/Kiki after all!


I ffwd the Ava/Paul stuff. I just can't anymore. They are so gross like it's honestly disgusting to me. And how embarrassing for MW and RB. They're better than this.


I was bored out of my mind during the Robin stuff. The actors didn't sell it imo. To be fair though it was really bad so I can't say I blame them.


Nik's 'fall' off the balcony made sitting through these past 2 eps worth it tbh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
Robin painfully apologizing about her lying and staying held captive to protect everyone.



On the one hand: oh, for fuck's sake.  


On the other hand: the painful, painful, painful stupidity of her going off with Victor in the first place, without cluing in the super-spy parents who had just rescued her.  Just -- no.   Robin would never be that fucking dumb .... so out of character.  


And Patrick going along with it and not running off to tell Anna what was really going on, for as long as he did ... and Anna not figuring anything out for so damn long ... and the idea that Robert and Mac were offscreen doing fuck-all for so long while Robin was claiming to be "broken" and Anna's life was going up in flames (along with her brain) ...  it was all just so fucking, unbearably stupid.   And out of character for everyone involved. 


I'm relieved they finally ended this ick on a happy note, but there's no blocking from my mind the irreparable damage Ron did to all of these characters and the very fabric of the entire show.   The wrap-up also sounds unbearably lame.  


Although I do pity these current writers -- they were left with a giant steaming pile of crap.  And the one thing that might have salvaged this show was something drastic like a "re-set" ... which they were probably afraid to do, or were perhaps told not to do, since it might be seen as too "out there" after Ron's pure insanity.    


Of course, if Jerry and Helena are allowed to continue to live after all of this ... I disdain these writers, as well.  

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More than anything, I'm just relieved that Robin's Abduction 2.0 is O-V-E-R.  A lot of Internet trees won't have to die now under the weight of our complaints about it. 


In other news, are they now not even allowed to utter Felicia's name?  Nobody mentioned that she was watching Emma in Paris and would, you know, care and be happy that Robin's alive and safe.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

More than anything, I'm just relieved that Robin's Abduction 2.0 is O-V-E-R. A lot of Internet trees won't have to die now under the weight of our complaints about it.


I'm personally done talking about it. I've analyzed it and bitched about it in so many ways, so many times, that there are no other words to use. I'm out of words!

Robin is smiling, I get to see KMc opposite Fin, Tristan, etc. And, of course, Kim and JT probs acting together for the last time. I'm content.

  • Love 7
It's so fucking dumb. Like it fills me with so much fucking rage. Just fuck it's so damn dumb. Excuse my language but I'm livid over this shit.


That's why I was wondering if the actress was leaving the show. I mean I assumed she'd eventually go off for her maternity leave but that's the only point I could see to not just making the baby Carlos' but bringing him back from the dead. I guess she goes off to Puerto Rico or whatever to be with him and their baby?


I mean I know she certainly seems adamant about not wanting the kid to be Carlos' and hoping it was Michael's but yeah there was just no other point to this. Well of course I guess the whole "Sonny raised Michael who isn't his biological son so Michael will do the same?" But yeah this is still stupid and pointless. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I am of course, relieved Robin gets her happy ending.   


I'm also going to pretend that real Anna is going off with Robert now, and has hired a doppelgänger, fake "Anna" to stay behind in PC to throw off Faison or anyone else who might come back to try and hurt anyone in the family again .... happy endings all around!


Makes about as much sense as anything actually happening on the show, right?   

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