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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Speaking of Ric, it's too bad we haven't seen his reaction to a) Jason, who he hated, being alive and b) Jason having secretly been the one he was in competition with for Liz all that time.

*sigh* because RH would be awesome, and apparently-- show doesn't have room for that.


My LiRic-loving heart wouldn't mind seeing Liz as an outcast, on more equal footing with Ric (who always thought she was too good for him).


It doesn't matter how crappy the story is-- I just love those two together.

  • Love 7

What if both Nik and Jason turned on Liez. I know it will never happen, but what if. Without Lucky, Nik, or Jason I don't know what she would do. I guess sniff around Ric again, who would allow it because he's pathetic. 

Or maybe what she did before: go about her life, raise her boys on her own and go to work everyday, without a single substitute dad for kids. Gram can't always be around, no, but if if this show wasn't so hell bent in keeping the SORAS train from her house (but letting the deSORAS train make regular stops) a teen!Cameron would be taking the slack of caring for his brothers. 

  • Love 6

So I'm guessing this was the reason for this baby storyline no one cared about? Carlos will likely kidnap Sabrina, which allow the actress to be off-screen for her maternity leave. This is the best the writers could come up with for the actress to go on maternity leave? A baby from a sex that no one saw or knew happened until they needed it to happen, with someone who was supposedly dead for like nine months? Couldn't they have just had alive again Carlos kidnap her without the baby storyline?

  • Love 3

Okay, I know that Michael is not the sharpest tool in the shed, like Morgan isn't capable of doing long division, or any division, or addition, or subtraction, or how to count to five on one hand, but I digress, that aside is he really so dense he doesn't know how to look at a sonogram properly? 


I will cut anybody some slack here. I've had sonograms done on myself and never been able to make sense of anything on the screen, even when the organ in question was being pointed out to me.  (I've also never seen a sonogram as clearly showing a face as that one did.) Michael saying the baby looked big impressed me. 


I'm just cracking up that Valerie and Dante seem to think they'll be able to totally subvert the no fraternization thing.  Yeah, because Valerie has such a poker face about it all.  She couldn't even pretend nothing was going on when nothing was going on.  


Let's not forget that after they decided to play it cool, she immediately got them into a conversation IN THE  STATION WHERE THEY WORK about who'd be going out which door to avoid gossip, and then came back and cornered him again less than 5 minutes later. Please. 7th graders are more subtle than that. Even if their mothers have died. (Sorry about the yelling, but I'm sure the rage blackout folks understand.)



So I'm guessing this was the reason for this baby storyline no one cared about? Carlos will likely kidnap Sabrina, which allow the actress to be off-screen for her maternity leave. This is the best the writers could come up with for the actress to go on maternity leave? A baby from a sex that no one saw or knew happened until they needed it to happen, with someone who was supposedly dead for like nine months? Couldn't they have just had alive again Carlos kidnap her without the baby storyline?


Or, as much as I like having JVP on the screen, couldn't she just have been pregnant w/ his child, with him still dead, and then gone home to PR so Carlos's parents could meet their grandchild? 

Edited by rur
  • Love 7

I half-expect him to bang Maxie before this is all said and done.


That would have been better. The whole story should have been Nathan goes off on the adventure with Lulu, Maxie and Dante give in to despair and have sex. There, I just saved GH the cash they shelled out for two newbies and gave two contract players who have been sitting on the bench for months something to do. Give me Bryan Craig's chocolate emmy that Kelly Thunderbolt made for him.

  • Love 10

They're saving it for later. For when Dante is pregnant and doesn't know whether Lulu or Valerie ... no, wait ...



Sonny will take all the credit, mark my words.


I would actually pay for this to happen just because I am most certain it would cause Captain Moron's head to implode with super shocked wonder and amazement.



I will cut anybody some slack here. I've had sonograms done on myself and never been able to make sense of anything on the screen, even when the organ in question was being pointed out to me.  (I've also never seen a sonogram as clearly showing a face as that one did.) Michael saying the baby looked big impressed me.




The new 3D sonograms remind me very much of the "Outer Limits" to tell you the truth, heh, but Michael's own admission was what I was getting at. He admitted he thought the baby looked fairly large, it really shouldn't be that hard for him to put it together, unless he thinks she'll be giving birth to a 2 year old before all is said and done.




It looks like Ava would fuck a duck to get what she wants.




Please don't give them any ideas. 

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Dante needs a Lisa Niles in his life.


You know, before I wasn't feeling the "Valerie is going to go nuts" vibe, but now on, because of what Nathan said about Valerie not deserving to be a rebound. Dante will reject Valerie eventually, and she'll go stalker on them and it will be Dante and Lulu's fault, but mostly Lulu's, that Valerie is too stupid to realize dating a married man might mean she's a rebound.

It looks like Ava would fuck a duck to get what she wants.


That would be better than Paul/Ava.


I think chemistry is an overrated concept, but these two are a shining example of anti-chemistry. Ensign Mayo has more chemistry with people around him than those two have together.

  • Love 4

Paul and Ava could have chemistry if their pairing was given even a modicum of decent writing. Ava keeps waffling between he's the worst ever and screwing him on the nearest flat surface. If she's going to be mercenary about it, be mercenary. Gah. This could be yet another rage-blackout story, but it's so poorly written I can't be arsed to care, despite the hotness of Richard Burgi.

  • Love 7


Perhaps if she doesn't deserve a rebound, little plucky orphan cadet Valerie should date a man who isn't still married

I know that not only Val should take the heat from the affair, but she is messin' where she shouldn't be messin', so when she gets some consequences, i won't feel bad for her.

Yes, please Dante, take off your wedding ring if you want to "date" other women.

I like this "new" Maxie, I just hope this their scheme isn't stupid, it won't be stupid will it?

  • Love 6

I like this "new" Maxie, I just hope this their scheme isn't stupid, it won't be stupid will it?


This GH. More to the point, this is Maxie. What do you think? ;)


imo, if Frank could see past his own ego, he would do the following changes:


-get rid of Ava (I like Maura West, I do, but I think they've hit a wall with that character), Nina, and Franco. pronto.


-recast Morgan


-have Dante grovel and Lulu reject him. Then they can both move on without looking, respectively, him like a douchebag and her pathetic.


-cut Nathan, cut Sabrina, and try Michael/Maxie


-have this Paul be an imposter, and have Richard Burgi be Paul and do Tracy/Paul for real



I know other changes must be made, but I'm not sure which ones are most important

  • Love 6


This GH. More to the point, this is Maxie. What do you think? ;)


imo, if Frank could see past his own ego, he would do the following changes:


-get rid of Ava (I like Maura West, I do, but I think they've hit a wall with that character), Nina, and Franco. pronto.


-recast Morgan


-have Dante grovel and Lulu reject him. Then they can both move on without looking, respectively, him like a douchebag and her pathetic.


-cut Nathan, cut Sabrina, and try Michael/Maxie


-have this Paul be an imposter, and have Richard Burgi be Paul and do Tracy/Paul for real



I know other changes must be made, but I'm not sure which ones are most important


-  Cut Kiki.  Introduce Serena Baldwin and Christina Baldwin/Collins.

  • Love 5

I continue to be so fucking mad at this bullshit Sabrina baby story. It could actually be a decent, fun, heartwarming story but no they decided to do all this bullshit. Like it boggles my mind. And now Carlos is going to kidnap Sabrina. Like honestly I have no words for how stupid this is. I can't write for shit and I could've come up with something better than this. 


Ava/Paul give me the heebie jeebies. I couldn't even look directly at the screen today when they were slobbering all over each other. Shudder. I'm going to have nightmares!


Dante, Valerie, and Nathan can all go now. I can't. This story's main purpose seems to be to prop Valerie and like I just can not wrap my head around it. But at least Lulu and Maxie are getting good material out of it. I hate Valerie, so I'm not gonna be mad at them trying to fuck with her, but it is annoying that they're going after her and leaving Dante alone. 


I loved everything with Tracy and Monica, separately and together. But most of it was ruined by the fact that Paul is evil and Sabrina's baby is Carlos'. Sigh, so many wasted opportunities.


All that being said, I actually thought today was a pretty decent ep lol!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7


Who the hell is coming up with this bullshit that he would give Lulu the same amount of time to get over his infidelity as one is given for a credit form approval or else he's back in bed with her bonkers cousin?


Why have Dante and Val been so eager to get it on if they have an opportunity for even the shortest time? My theory is that the Lante marriage was a victim of Glorious Reckless Sex syndrome. Dante was ripe for it because he was may have been tired of being "Egg Fertilizer Extraordinaire" or the Daddy part of "Mommy-and-Daddy". Bulletin to Lulu: men and many women don't want to be reminded that every coitus is a chance to make a sacred fertilized embryo. Additionally, from what I've heard from friends and family, the medical procedures for making a baby both naturally and medically when a couple is having fertility problems are painful, expensive, drawn-out, and embarrassing.


It's said that every time King Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon made love, she first crossed herself and prayed that their sex act would result in a pregnancy. That's what I suspect had started happening with Dante and Lulu. So then hot babe Val came along, chasing Dante and just enjoying the sex and even getting highly annoyed about pregnancy rumors. Dante's Libido up and cheered. I doubt that he even thought about the adultery aspect until much later in the afterglow.


And now Val and Dante have apparently discovered a rich sexual compatibility that drives them together at every opportunity. I'd like to see the Show recognize that, because it would explain how the couple was overwhelmed by their Libidos. Physically and mentally, they are in the groove together, having discovered a sexual depth they didn't realize was possible and hadn't experienced before. It could be very amusing to see them as a couple get more and more reckless and daring--especially since they work together--trying to get away with public sex (perhaps on stakeouts, or in the interrogation room, or hidden away in a deserted spot instead of working) for the excitement and thrill of possibly getting caught. It could be passionate, exciting, and even comedic to observe them taking wild risks and getting away with it. Then if they were caught in a big scandal (Headline: "Port Charles police having sex on duty,") Lulu could have a sense of revenge for being rejected, and Jordan would have to clean up the publicity mess. Wily Paul might use the opportunity to put his own hand-picked Commissioner into office.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

I "stumbled" across the Monica/Tracy and Michael/Tracy while "wandering aimlessly on the internet" and let me just say, I LOVE THE Q's.

Leslie, Jane, and Chad have that magical "IT" factor when it comes to familial chemistry.

I truly hope that Uncle Frank is tossed out on his ken-doll-loving assistance, and that his replacement brings back Sean as AJ, Wally as Ned, and Adrianna as Brooklyn.

  • Love 5

This Carlos is the baby's father thing is just the dumbest.  


If TeCa isn't coming back after mat leave, then fine, have Carlos be the baby daddy and they go away together.  But if TeCa's coming back then what?  She picks back up wtih Michael?  She continues to try to pass off the baby as his?  


The easiest thing to do would have been to have Sabrina get attacked because of Michael's connection to Sonny and have to go off to the island to be protected.  Then she comes back after TeCa's mat leave and finishes of Sabrina's pregnancy on screen and she has a Quartermain heir.  


Nobody was asking for a Rivera heir.  

  • Love 5

Valerie and Dante's behavior is reprehensible, but I really wish they'd stop using words like "slut/whore/bitch/tramp" to describe her. Just call them both awful, selfish people and leave it at that.


I loved Tracy's top.


LOL at Carlos in his scrubs disguise. Also love that JVP worked in a little dance. Hee.

Dante is the one folks should be calling "bitchslutwhoretramp". He is the one who broke his marital vow.

I don't understand why the show hammered down that the baby is definitely Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos'.  They decided to introduce this WTF WTD element in the first place, why pull back?

With Jean and Uncle Frank behind-the-scenes, the baby's paternity will flop back-and-forth at least a dozen times.

*sigh* because RH would be awesome, and apparently-- show doesn't have room for that.


My LiRic-loving heart wouldn't mind seeing Liz as an outcast, on more equal footing with Ric (who always thought she was too good for him).


It doesn't matter how crappy the story is-- I just love those two together.

I want to make-out with this post in front of a stockpile of guns.

  • Love 1

Unless they decide to make Sabrina's womb extra roomy, they are determined to make this baby hers and Carlos', so does that then mean Michael is going to finally come full circle and pull a Sonny with Carlos?


Hang him up high and berate him with threats and demands that he give up all rights whatsoever to the baby so he can adopt he/she and raise them happily every after with Sabrina?


I just have a feeling those slaggards would feel it "poetic" to have such a thing happen and... I cannot even finish.




That's a job for Dante's dad.


"Damn it Dante! I didn't see your face behind those boxes of Christmas gifts you were bringing in!"



And then that'll send Dante into emergency labour and god help him then because if Sonny doesn't know where the towels are, how is he going to help his son give birth? He better hope Max is lurking nearby.

  • Love 2

Hey, remember that time that Sabrina said that Britt lying to a man about her baby being his was the worst thing a person could do?


And remember that time Felix thought Brad was human waste for helping his friend lie about the paternity of her baby?


This reminder has been brought to you by "Hypocrite Hospital".



"Because having moral standards only matters until you yourself land in deep shit".


*The More You Know tagline sparkles across the sky with a 'ting!' sound effect*

  • Love 9

Unless they decide to make Sabrina's womb extra roomy, they are determined to make this baby hers and Carlos', so does that then mean Michael is going to finally come full circle and pull a Sonny with Carlos?


Hang him up high and berate him with threats and demands that he give up all rights whatsoever to the baby so he can adopt he/she and raise them happily every after with Sabrina?

They certainly seem to be going with some version of history repeating itself, but I feel like Michael is the Tony Jones to Sabrina's Carly, with Carlos in the AJ role - the guy who doesn't want to believe this woman who matters to him would abandon him/screw him over because she wants to be with Michael and does not want him to be the baby's father.

  • Love 1

You know, before I wasn't feeling the "Valerie is going to go nuts" vibe, but now on, because of what Nathan said about Valerie not deserving to be a rebound. Dante will reject Valerie eventually, and she'll go stalker on them and it will be Dante and Lulu's fault, but mostly Lulu's, that Valerie is too stupid to realize dating a married man might mean she's a rebound.


If they're going to do an homage to Lisa Niles, can it please be complete with Dante's brother, Morgan, going to jail for killing Val?  I'll need to put that in my letter to Santa. 


Unless they decide to make Sabrina's womb extra roomy, they are determined to make this baby hers and Carlos', so does that then mean Michael is going to finally come full circle and pull a Sonny with Carlos?


Hang him up high and berate him with threats and demands that he give up all rights whatsoever to the baby so he can adopt he/she and raise them happily every after with Sabrina?


I just have a feeling those slaggards would feel it "poetic" to have such a thing happen and... I cannot even finish.


I fear we'd get something along the lines of Michael eventually telling Sonny and Carly that he totally understands now why they did what they did to keep him away from AJ, because he feels exactly the same about keeping Sabrina's baby away from Carlos.  And then I'll stroke out.  

  • Love 4

The new 3D sonograms remind me very much of the "Outer Limits" to tell you the truth, heh, but Michael's own admission was what I was getting at. He admitted he thought the baby looked fairly large, it really shouldn't be that hard for him to put it together, unless he thinks she'll be giving birth to a 2 year old before all is said and done.


Maybe he saw Danny and thought that large babies ran in the family.

  • Love 3
I fear we'd get something along the lines of Michael eventually telling Sonny and Carly that he totally understands now why they did what they did to keep him away from AJ, because he feels exactly the same about keeping Sabrina's baby away from Carlos.  And then I'll stroke out.




Oh but of course, heaven forbid the baby be raised by one of those "bad mobsters" they hate so much. Hey, he might even throw in a line about raising the baby as a "Q" as if that would make up for it, despite the fact that Michael himself has been playing mini mob mogul since Sonny has been incapacitated.




I'm preparing to rage about the hypocrisy. 


Michael: Mom, Dad, you have to help me.  We have to do whatever it takes to ensure Sabrina's baby isn't raised by a violent, gun-toting mobster!  What kind of father would he be!



And then Carly will probably snort that at least Carlos isn't a "drunk" like A.J. was because any knock against that fatty must be included when Sonny is busy helping his eldest steal his own baby like any good daddy would.




Maybe he saw Danny and thought that large babies ran in the family.



*Snorts* Heh heh heh...love it.

  • Love 1

Why have Dante and Val been so eager to get it on if they have an opportunity for even the shortest time? My theory is that the Lante marriage was a victim of Glorious Reckless Sex syndrome. Dante was ripe for it because he was may have been tired of being "Egg Fertilizer Extraordinaire" or the Daddy part of "Mommy-and-Daddy". Bulletin to Lulu: men and many women don't want to be reminded that every coitus is a chance to make a sacred fertilized embryo. Additionally, from what I've heard from friends and family, the medical procedures for making a baby both naturally and medically when a couple is having fertility problems are painful, expensive, drawn-out, and embarrassing.


It's said that every time King Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon made love, she first crossed herself and prayed that their sex act would result in a pregnancy. That's what I suspect had started happening with Dante and Lulu. So then hot babe Val came along, chasing Dante and just enjoying the sex and even getting highly annoyed about pregnancy rumors. Dante's Libido up and cheered. I doubt that he even thought about the adultery aspect until much later in the afterglow.

Lulu hasn't seen Dante as "Egg Fertilizer Extraordinaire" in a long while, because, as I have mentioned in a previous post, she is fucking infertile. (Laura might want to give Lulu the good news that the bitch that helped the man that ruined her baby making parts, is burning in hell with her precious Mikkos). If those two were having sex in the last year, it wasn't for procreation. That would be for an oops!pregnancy. The only person now going to be seen as an incubator is Lulu, as she was about to put her body through hell to have his kid that he seemed pretty on board to have. I am pretty sure it that it was Dante that talked Scott into dropping charges against Dr.O, after she kidnapped their son and held Liz at gunpoint in her house,  in order to get back the one remaining Lante embryo. Up until June, Dante and Lulu didn't seem to have any problems, aside from Johnny bump, and even with all the yelling going about him, if one found about something, like Dante threatening Johnny, she would confront Dante head on. 

And now Val and Dante have apparently discovered a rich sexual compatibility that drives them together at every opportunity. I'd like to see the Show recognize that, because it would explain how the couple was overwhelmed by their Libidos. Physically and mentally, they are in the groove together, having discovered a sexual depth they didn't realize was possible and hadn't experienced before. It could be very amusing to see them as a couple get more and more reckless and daring--especially since they work together--trying to get away with public sex (perhaps on stakeouts, or in the interrogation room, or hidden away in a deserted spot instead of working) for the excitement and thrill of possibly getting caught. It could be passionate, exciting, and even comedic to observe them taking wild risks and getting away with it. Then if they were caught in a big scandal (Headline: "Port Charles police having sex on duty,") Lulu could have a sense of revenge for being rejected, and Jordan would have to clean up the publicity mess. Wily Paul might use the opportunity to put his own hand-picked Commissioner into office.

If anyone owns the rich sexually compatibility, it is our own balding bipolar werewolf and the over mannered murderous cougar, which is probably why Paul and Ava fall flat, because we have seen Ava actually scorching hot chem with someone.


I never thought they had much chemistry. All I saw was Valerie, unconsciously admittedly, planting the seeds that Lulu was up to something with Dillon and insinuating that Lulu might have some sort of problem with her and Dante that was somehow being projected through Maxie. Then after the one night stand was discovered, yelling at Lulu in front of Dante, ordering her to forgive Dante to make Lulu look like some unreasonable shrew and her to look like his ride and die chick.  I honestly hope this storyline gets carried out and Dante does himself in, then he can't blame Lulu.


Instead of calling Valerie a slut, which honestly don't think she cares about because she thinks she is just following her heart, I want someone to relate Valerie's role in Lante's destruction to Luke's role in breaking up Scott and Laura. Luke fell in love Laura and her, admittedly by her, inappropriate attention towards him. While Laura wasn't a willing participate like Dante was with Valerie, they kept it a secret between the other from the respective spouses, and Valerie, much like Luke, began seeing the competition as someone somehow unworthy of the person they had fallen in love with and began to vilify the other person. All we need is for Laura and/or Tracy to start taking Valerie's side over Lulu's and we are all set. She might brush off being called a slut, but if she is compared to being anything like her Uncle Luke, she might start examining her actions.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

I caught up today. Oh my.

Some thoughts:

Billy Miller was actually great in scenes with JT, KeMo, and the "Jason yells at Carly" one. Then he went back to BH and it fell flat. I also thought that it still would be hilarious if he were actually AJ or an AJ son.

Um... so... Nina put on a long dress and more eyeshadow? Maxie does makeovers as half assed as she does everything else.

Dante is not here. This is a masked Dante.

Still waiting on the Sonny Wheelchair Flip.

What if both Nik and Jason turned on Liez. I know it will never happen, but what if. Without Lucky, Nik, or Jason I don't know what she would do. I guess sniff around Ric again, who would allow it because he's pathetic. 



Liz would go to work, raise her boys and get on with her life. Nik and Lucky left town in 2011, Jason died in 2012, Ric left town in 2009, and somehow Liz managed to have a life and was not interested in her exes whereabouts!

So I'm guessing this was the reason for this baby storyline no one cared about? Carlos will likely kidnap Sabrina, which allow the actress to be off-screen for her maternity leave. This is the best the writers could come up with for the actress to go on maternity leave? A baby from a sex that no one saw or knew happened until they needed it to happen, with someone who was supposedly dead for like nine months? Couldn't they have just had alive again Carlos kidnap her without the baby storyline?


Maybe TeCa is not returning from maternity leave and they did not want Michael with a kid?  There are a few comments on other boards that want Serena Baldwin back in town paired up with one of Sonny's kids that would send Scotty and Lucy through the roof!

I half-expect him to bang Maxie before this is all said and done.


I was hoping Britt messed up the surrogate plans and implanted Maxie with Dante's sperm.

I just watched the Liz/Carly scenes from two days ago and wow BH was great! I hope Liz keeps that attitude after the secret is out whenever that is.


This!  I fell in love with Elizabeth Imogene Webber back in 1997 when she first came to town and did not take shit from anyone, and I mean she was sassy as hell.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 4

Also, Sabrina said something about Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos being too dangerous for her and the baby to be around...but she's fine letting her child become a part of Sonny's family?

Hey! Sonny loves his family more than anything…except power, money and his latest slampiece (as long as she knows her place, amirite?).

And when you've been shot in the chest (or head) or almost blown up or raped in prison…all you need is love. The oh so healing love of an aging raging mobster who can't find his own damn towels or carry his own damn girlfriend up the stairs.


  • Love 11

Just watched three shows back to back (minus yesterday's San Bernardino interruption) sans alcohol. It was as awful as I thought it would be.


I'm pretty much Team Sam needs to tell everyone to fuck off. I really hate that she doesn't really have any friends. I mean, Spinelli but he's not around. And I can't stand to hear his lovefest of Jason, so that's not really a good option. I want Sam to have a Thelma and Louise type friendship with someone.


Nina can fuck off and die. Slowly and painfully. (And Liz can do the same right next to her.) By all means, let's pretend that just because you're getting a makeover, that it totes excuses you drugging and molesting a pregnant woman, denying her medical care for both her and a newborn, forcing her to give birth on the floor, then ripping the baby out of her womb, and kidnapping her to another country, leaving said woman to die. I despise that she's skating for all of this, and that she still continues to exist.


TeCa is looking gorgeous, but she can bye Felicia her way out of here. God, Carlos was both creepy and hilarious in that disguise. His jumping around on the dock was pretty hysterical.


I have absolutely no problem with Monica trashing Ava. It's her right, and she didn't say anything that wasn't absolutely true. However, it irked me that she demanded the art, but then said she didn't like any of it. Then go somewhere else and get it. You don't really get a choice. I really like that blue-green color on Ava, though. Very flattering to her skin tone. That's about all I can say on those scenes. It was slightly more tolerable kissing than usual between them.


I can understand Laura's viewpoint, but she's becoming annoying as hell. She rocked the hell out of that white coat though. Fabulous.


I honestly don't know why I watch expecting this show to get better. It slowly gets worse, day by day.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 9

I'm pretty much Team Sam needs to tell everyone to fuck off. I really hate that she doesn't really have any friends. I mean, Spinelli but he's not around. And I can't stand to hear his lovefest of Jason, so that's not really a good option. I want Sam to have a Thelma and Louise type friendship with someone.


Sam and Maxie used to be friends but most of the female friendships have disappeared completely in the last few years

  • Love 6

Sam and Maxie used to be friends but most of the female friendships have disappeared completely in the last few years


 I know they used to be friends. Their two-second scenes still excite some of us. Maxie/Lulu and Dante/Nathan are pretty much the only friendships in town that we regularly see. That's pretty sad. And gag me with Maxie and Nina becoming friendly.

  • Love 4
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