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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had the chance.

During Olivia's first few months on the show, before Dante showed up, I thought her last name was Fuckacanary.


Hah, me too! I posted that back in the TWoP days.



Wasn't Alexis violating client confidentiality when she blabbed to gossipy mother-in-law Olivia and the other listeners that she had served separation papers to Lulu and Dante?



That was my thought, too. I was trying to rationalize it, but any way you look at it, I think she did.

Edited by DanaMB
That baby....just slays me.


I hope she doesn't get too talkative and they recast. She's so adorable.


So, Morgan, Anna, Jakey (probably with Lizzy beside him) -- soon the entire town will be seeing the new shrink.


Jesus knows this town needs intensive therapy.


Wasn't Alexis violating client confidentiality when she blabbed to gossipy mother-in-law Olivia and the other listeners that she had served separation papers to Lulu and Dante?

That was my thought, too. I was trying to rationalize it, but any way you look at it, I think she did.


I give Alexis a pass here, because a) it's Dante's mother, b) Lulu hasn't been shy about telling people about her marital issues, and c) is it really that big a deal? The papers will become public notice soon enough. If Valerie can know, so can Olivia, IMO.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  • Love 2

I give Alexis a pass here, because a) it's Dante's mother, b) Lulu hasn't been shy about telling people about her marital issues, and c) is it really that big a deal? The papers will become public notice soon enough. If Valerie can know, so can Olivia, IMO.


I give it a free pass because there is no way Olivia would not know in the first place. She would/should be barging into the loft, creepily forcing Lulu and Dante to sit next to each other and sleep next to each other, feeding them pasta and demanding that they all talk it out.

  • Love 7

E for effort on the Thanksgiving eppy, at least they tried right? Please end this Samtrick/Lake shit now show, it's painful to watch. Sam is fooling herself, Patrick is a doormat. I have no idea where Liz's head is at now, sometimes she looks like she's owning it others well guilt is all over her face. I must say though Jason explaining he didn't have his memories back but pizza was easy and fast was rather priceless. 


I didn't mind the Julian/Alexis thanksgiving with the girls and Leo, heh. I didn't like Kristina being a bitch to Ava but I attribute that to the fact MW makes Ava rootable in a effed up way.


Anna and the new doc in town, jury still out but FH spins shit to gold and new doc is really cute/shallow.


Lante/Val obviously there is an attraction there between Val/Dante but puzzled why he isn't fighting for his life with Lulu...


Still love seeing Laura on my screen, she needs to be on more and be the voice of reason for everyone and everything.


No Sonny = awesome show regardless

  • Love 5

Danny, Jake, Adien, Cam, Joss , Emma and Spencer. GH has far to many kids. Jake should have never been brought back, in fact one or two more being shipped off to boarding school would be a good idea.


I understand why people are asking where Can and Adien are at the Q dinner but the likely answer is that the show did not want to pay for them to appear I have always been opposed to too many rugrats on a soap, I hate SOARS and I think that they become unmanageable. Robin worked because she was mostly the only kid on the screen. Same with Lucky. Even Emily at the Q's was an only since Jason and AJ were grown. By the time the 4 Musketeers came around Em, Lucky, Nik and Liz were teens. When the kid is by themselves the process works,when there are a pack of them they need to be not seen and not heard. That is why, if Patrick leaves, I am not opposed to Emma being shipped away as well

I know that I am the only one that sits at this table, but it is why I wanted Cam SORASed to Molly's age (seeing as he was born before her and her dad and his mom were married at one time. Ric even referred to Liz as his ex wife recently) instead of the de-aging we received. It doesn't help that Guza had his fair share of babies born, usually with Mike and/or Adele as the common ancestor and FV/RC would make characters pregnant or write in someone's pregnancy.

  • Love 2

So are we being shown that Liez has ultimately succeeded with her long-term plan not to inform Jakeson that he was Jason? Jason appears to be TeamLiez, telling everyone (even Monica) that  he doesn't remember that other personality, and that he prefers his life with Liez. Even if someone spilled the beans now that Liez knew all along, wouldn't Jason just shrug and actually defend Liez's efforts to keep their world together?

  • Love 1

Show seemed to be trying very hard indeed to bless and glorify Sonny's family when they had their <sarcasm>adorable</sarcasm>Thanksgiving meal in the hospital. Carly is practically a Madonna again to Sonny (hated her self-congratulatory smirk). Are their troubles with Morgan supposed to echo normal struggles within most American families? The Sopranos and the Corleones occasionally had normal family moments, but the rot was just under the surface. We weren't allowed to forget it, much less see it diligently whitewashed.


Paul and Ava seem to be the center of the most notorious mob activity now (with their expected "restricted delivery").


And next week's previews are showing Valerie and Dante ensconced in the Lante marital bed grinning sheepishly after their apres-football score, and Lulu going ballistic. Lulu should just burn those sheets. Except that she did sign the separation papers before Dante did.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

This! RC wrote Sam as the victim from the second he had Jason a man that collected babies ask his wife to abort her baby.


That wasn't for Sam's sake, that was because RC wanted to reunite KeMo/ME. He was dirtying up Jason and writing both Sam & Jason out of character for the sake of his OLTL implants.

Please Also See. Carly/Franco & Sam/Silas, Ewen the Evul!Goatherd

Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had .

He should've been a Jets/Mets/Nets fan instead of a bandwagon Yankees fan

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6



Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had .


He should've been a Jets/Mets/Nets fan instead of a bandwagon Yankees fan


The Nets didn't come to Brooklyn until the last few years. Before that they were in New Jersey. No way would Dante have chosen the Nets over the Knicks as his team while growing up. Ditto for the Jets. As for the Yankees, he probably did become a fan as kid when the Yankees kept winning in the 90s and early 2000s.


I cannot explain why Sonny became a Yankees fan or the Quatermaines.

  • Love 1
I kinda liked Molly softening a bit to Julian upon hearing he'd tried to get Ava to go for joint custody with Sonny.  Obviously, she hasn't gone the full way, but she at least seems willing to try and meet him halfway.


What flashed through my mind when I saw Molly taking Julian's hand at the Thanksgiving table was, "Wow, such a great mom you are, Alexis. Encouraging your daughter to forego her instincts and dislike of a multiple murderer, all because you're getting some peen."


I know there are many murderers on this show. I know Molly's own boyfriend threw in with a mobster and murderer. But I'm going to stand my ground that I have the right to be judgmental about that vain, insufferable, felonious idiot.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 3

Did Lulu really say she gave Dante separation papers with the hope that he would tear them up? 

Dante has been agonizing for months over trashing his marriage, yet he takes a millisecond to decide that yes, he does want a second helping of Valerie.  Dude's not even drinking this time.

But hey they only screw on holidays right?

  • Love 6

Lulu should have known not to leave Dante alone on a holiday. Is there anti-Viagra she could dose him with? Security alarm his undies?

There was a Cameron Diaz movie a few years ago when she played a mistress and Leslie Mann played the wife, and when they found out about each other teamed up to make the guy's life hell. At one point in the movie, they douse him with estrogen and he starts developing breasts.

I can't see Emme's version of Lulu doing that, but I could see Carly and/or Maxie doing it.

ETA: actually, Carly, Maxie, Laura, and Tracy teaming up to humiliate Dante could be really fun story, especially if Tracy was work in her own agenda against Carly as revenge for turning Brooklynn into a ho.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

Yet another reason for us to hate Tom Brady besides DeflateGate. Dante and Valerie bonding over their shared mutual dislike of the Patriots. And Dante, a Jets fan, really? You deserve crap for that almost as much as you do for dropping trou and screwing your wife's cousin in her bed, AGAIN. Okay, not really, but I hate the Jets. My ex-fiance was a Jets fan, enough said.


Dolphins at Jets this weekend! FTJ! I never seen Dante wearing any Jets jersey or other items. He's too embarrassed to wear them? Too green I guess... 

  • Love 1

We'll just have to agree to disagree here because IMO, Liz has been written to know she has done wrong until Jasam needs a bad guy, and then they drag her back into it.  Sam absolutely is written as perfect and a saint. She's never allowed to be the bad guy, she's never allowed to be wrong. Even Carly and Sonny are written as being wrong occasionally, but not Sam. Everyone is always doing bad things to her. She's the perpetual victim. 


There was no need to destroy Liz in this story just for the sake of Jason and Sam. They could have easily played this as Liz being in the dark too, but they had to have a bad guy to be the big bad evil vs Saint Sam. It just wasn't necessary. Liz already played the bad guy for Jasam in the Danny paternity mess. She paid her dues with this couple. Its obvious that Jason and Sam are the endgame couple here, but apparently, they can't put them together without other characters beiing destroyed in the process.


Hell, even Patrick can't think about Robin, because its all about poor Sam, and her husband being back. Emma flat out said that she didn't want to talk about Robin, she was just worried that Sam was going to leave. Its beyond propping at this point because the writing is so heavy handed. Liz is an evil bitch, and Sam and Jason are the poor innocent little victims of her evil plans. Its lazy, and only makes me root against Jasam even more.


It would be one thing if I thought that the writers had any plans to redeem Liz after all this bullshit, but she's nothing but an obstacle for Jasam, who will just be backburned once this is all out. She'll be alone, probably have her kids taken away from her, while the writers just move on. Its gross that a veteran character is being treated this way.


Hi, everybody - I'm back after a long illness.


Anyway, I do agree with this post, and I think that the writers have trashed Liz' character so much that the only way she can possibly be redeemed now is to have some kind of psychotic break and end up being committed.  I really dislike the "two women fighting over a man" thing with Jason - it makes both Liz and Sam look desperate.  So, what I see in this story line is "women cannot live without a man", and "women lose their minds over a man", and, finally "lying woman cracks up when the guilt and 'losing her man' finally take her down.  Yuck.

  • Love 13

Danny, Jake, Adien, Cam, Joss , Emma and Spencer. GH has far to many kids. Jake should have never been brought back, in fact one or two more being shipped off to boarding school would be a good idea.


I understand why people are asking where Can and Adien are at the Q dinner but the likely answer is that the show did not want to pay for them to appear I have always been opposed to too many rugrats on a soap, I hate SOARS and I think that they become unmanageable. Robin worked because she was mostly the only kid on the screen. Same with Lucky. Even Emily at the Q's was an only since Jason and AJ were grown. By the time the 4 Musketeers came around Em, Lucky, Nik and Liz were teens. When the kid is by themselves the process works,when there are a pack of them they need to be not seen and not heard. 

I actually don't mind all of the over abundance of kids and babies. First of all, it helps to bring the show down to earth. Second of all, the future of GH is literally being born and raised in front of our eyes. Some day in the future, the cohort of all the young children on this show is gonna make for a nice teen/young adult scene. And the best part? All of them will hail from at least one of the legacy families. 

need to say that for Anna a relationship with Andre has to be better than her last three relationships with Luke, Duke and Sloan,.



I hate Luke so  much the thought of Anna Devane {of all people} involved with a creep like that makes my watermelon martini

stick in my throat.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 3

I actually don't mind all of the over abundance of kids and babies. First of all, it helps to bring the show down to earth. Second of all, the future of GH is literally being born and raised in front of our eyes. Some day in the future, the cohort of all the young children on this show is gonna make for a nice teen/young adult scene. And the best part? All of them will hail from at least one of the legacy families. 

I thought you said "one legacy family" and I thought pretty much.   Then I reread it and it said one of the legacy families. I have no real problem with Emma or at least Rocco in theory (the storyline for his creation stunk), as it seemed somewhat thoughtful to who their parents were. The flip said of having butt loads of kids being born to these legacy families, more often than not being only half sibs to others, you get a very incestuous gene pool, like DOOL had (or maybe still has, haven't watched in a while) where who ever you date might be the half sibling/cousin of your half sibling. Maybe I find this in my own life, but when someone has a boat load of children, they usually have all of them or most of them with only one other person. It doesn't help that the TIIC have poor planning. In the 80s/90s the children were pretty spaced out and distributed  to various families with very little overlap, now not so much. Avery and Rocco are descended from Sonny, Leo is Avery's half cousin and Rocco and Danny's half uncle. Carly's gave birth to the only children of both AJ and Jax, while she has another with Sonny. Sonny now has 5 biological living descendants, while Tracy only has 3 so far. Besides, there is nothing wrong with having a few completely unrelated characters on the canvas, teens included. Brenda was one of those teens.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

It's really gross, Cam and Aiden being inconsequential now that the spawn of Jason has returned.  What would have been the harm at having them come along to the Q's? 

Absolutely. I really would like to see a scene of Cam complaining in front of people (or at least Laura) that Mom and big Jake/Jason are all about their brother Jake now, because they are dad and son but Aiden and I are only Spencer boys. We want to spend time with our Gram and Grandma Laura too, not just Jake's grandma.


So Patrick spends Thanksgiving with his fiance and her son at the family home of her back-from-the-dead husband, and leaves his daughter....where? Did I miss a mention of him leaving Emma with some Scorpios to eat turkey? Ugh. 


KeMo did a good job of showing Sam feeling melancholy at seeing Jason with Liz and Jake while being stuck with consolation prize Patrick. I also liked her do-not-engage attitude with Liz. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4

I would love to live in a world where the Patriots lost their undefeated record to the Buffalo Bills. As a Giants fan, I am still bitter about their loss to the Pats.
Having the Corinthos Clan portrayed as Yankees/Jets fans seems just about in character to me.


Its almost comical how bored JT looks these days. He's the living embodiment of how I feel when I watch this show. I am disgusted by Liz. I am disgusted that they ruined the awesome friendship between Patrick and Sam for this pathetic "quad" story. I am disgusted that my beloved Fashion Queen Helena "died" wearing animal print pajamas. I am disgusted by Valerie/Dante.

Robert's appearance can't come soon enough. #NoGHin2016

  • Love 6

The Nets didn't come to Brooklyn until the last few years. Before that they were in New Jersey. No way would Dante have chosen the Nets over the Knicks as his team while growing up. Ditto for the Jets. As for the Yankees, he probably did become a fan as kid when the Yankees kept winning in the 90s and early 2000s.


I cannot explain why Sonny became a Yankees fan or the Quatermaines.


Edward mentioned being a Yankees fan in the 80s when David Lewis played him. Maybe in 1985? I'd have to scour YouTube and find the clip. 

Can I add, in regard to Thanksgiving at Alexis', I thought Olivia's behavior was extremely rude, with her bringing her own dishes to the dinner, without being asked, and insulting Alexis' use of a caterer. It reminded me of the Simpson's Thanksgiving episode where, Patty and Selma brought Swedish meatballs and trout almond, knowing that Marge was making a turkey, and was seen as being rude to Marge.

  • Love 12

Everything Valerie says and does is wrong .....

Finally watched the Valerie/Dante scenes in its entirety and it really looks like everything about respecting Lulu's marriage to Dante was a lie. She initiated those kisses with Dante and started taking off his shirt. For a moment, I thought she would have one of those "Sorry, didn't mean that" and try to leave, but that didn't happen at all. 

  • Love 2


Lulu should have known not to leave Dante alone on a holiday.  Is there anti-Viagra she could dose him with?  Security alarm his undies?

A medieval chastity belt for Dante? Well it would be par for the course for despotic Lulu, who seems to think that she can do no wrong and can embarrass her husband loudly in public places, emasculating him whenever she gets the chance. On top of that, she sends him separation papers that she has signed, childishly expecting him to "read her mind" that she hopes he will tear them up without signing them. Every message she gives him is negative, "we are through" and "I do not respect you." She seems to forget that she was kissing Dillon passionately and tearing her own clothes off, just like she forgets how carelessly she allowed an impression to form that she did not trust her husband enough to tell him why she was going to Canada. ("I'm sorry, but this is Daddy and Mommy's family secret SPENCER (i.e. royal) business that I have to particpate in now--tah, you miserable non-Spencer!"


Lulu is so immature and childish, and overly devoted to weirdo Daddy Luke, who can apparently do no wrong in her eyes. It is no coincidence that she and Maxie are so close and have the same values (felonies like breaking into emails are apparently OK if one is jealous about one's mate). Contrast that with the fact that Dante was still protective of Lulu, ensuring that she did not loudly discuss that felony in the middle of the police compound.  He pulled her into a private room while she was yelling. The fact that he could keep his cool while thinking of her welfare should have carried some weight.


I can understand why Valerie is so attractive to Dante right now. She doesn't berate him, scream and yell at him in public places, shut him out of family business, blabber incessantly about pregnancy and embarrassing "attempts to get pregnant" to the general public. She has some growth to go to increase her maturity, but is trying to become a member of the police force, surely a sobering future. She shows interest in Dante's needs and wants, such as ensuring he gets a holiday meal and sharing his favorite sports games. Valerie obviously respects Dante and does not try to emasculate him if she disagrees with him.


Dante needs to be able to confront Lulu with his needs, and she must acknowledge that he has some. Right now, Lulu is always about her own needs, 24/7 (although she does look after Rocco's needs, which are currently minimal and easily anticipated). Only counseling will save their marriage. They don't communicate--Dante cannot confront her, and thus suffers from painful emasculation. Lulu is a Princess full of herself who needs to develop empathy for the needs of others and how they might be suffering. Counseling could teach her that others have needs, and if she wants relationships she must learn to commit and respond appropriately.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 5

A weird, disturbing thing I noticed was during the Corinthos Morgan Has a Cray Dinner, someone (Carly?) says something about prison food. Kiki and Morgan say it's too soon. Then Michael chuckles and agrees. Like, he's there all "Yeah, it was the food in prison that was the worst thing I experienced. Glad that's done with. "

No, Show. Michael was raped in prison. I don't need him to be all like Lulu and her abortion or Val and her dead mom, but damn. Michael chuckles about prison- the place where he was raped-, forgives Sonny for murdering his bio dad, has his mother stalk him....and we're having a Morgan goes crazy story? Morgan probably has clinical depression from shitty parents, but Michael is the ticking timebomb imo.

But that would clearly stray from Bryan Craig's Emmy reel.

  • Love 14




Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had .




Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had .


The Nets didn't come to Brooklyn until the last few years. Before that they were in New Jersey. No way would Dante have chosen the Nets over the Knicks as his team while growing up. Ditto for the Jets. As for the Yankees, he probably did become a fan as kid when the Yankees kept winning in the 90s and early 2000s.


I cannot explain why Sonny became a Yankees fan or the Quatermaines.

As a Yankee Fan Dante Should be a Giants, Rangers and Knicks fan it is how it runs.


Sonny being from Brooklyn in the era right after the Dodgers left should be a Mets fan since that is where they gravitated in Brooklyn at the time


The Q's are Yankee fans because God is a Yankee fan and they wish to be closer to Him

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