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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Well, I'm enjoying the heck out of this sweeps! Jake not so sure that Jason Morgan is the type of man he'd want to be. My NULOCH increasing every second since Carly found out. The acting all around has been great in my opinion. I didn't think Patrick was rewriting any history when talking with Sam, nor do I think he was whining for her to instantly choose him. He was quite empathetic while also giving her advice he thinks he's learned--that things aren't going to be exactly the same between her and Jason. Patrick is disillusioned with love because he truly believes that he and Emma weren't enough for Robin anymore. I'm going to continue not docking him any points for functioning within the reality he knows, which is one in which Robin left of her own free will, with her own claim to be a changed person from whom she was before. I think Billy Miller's doing great and Kelly Monaco exceptionally well. 


And Sonny lost custody of Avery! He did it to himself, too! So beautiful.

  • Love 13

One of my favourite parts was Sam and her not so subtle implication that like the bike, she was also Jason's property. Sexy! Sooooo romantic too!

I thought Borg was very unromantic, but I think that's an extreme spin on it. I think it harkens back to what Liz said - "I thought by now you'd belong to me and I'd belong to you." Mutual ownership, if ownership was what anyone was implying, which I don't think they were, not the unequal kind suggested. Maybe crazy Liz isn't the best person to quote, but to mix my metaphors up, love the quote, hate the quoter.

  • Love 4

Did that man-child Sonny actually blame Carly for his own failure to behave like an adult?  Seeing men expect women to be their social and moral gatekeepers makes me want to spit nails.  Especially when that man behaves like a spoiled, petulant, undisciplined child and is a selfish SOB.  Can anyone tell me how he managed to become the supposed head of a major crime family?  With this behavior, he should not have made it off the streets of Bensonhurst.


Good, though, to see Carly in Guza-character (sarcasm font).  In spite of Jake's needed absorption with his identity and the mothers of his two sons, Carly needs him.  And we all know what that means.  

  • Love 4

Carly's tears and childish demands to make Jason fix her relationship with Sonny are neurotic and outrageous. She's actually in hysterics that Jason has returned, alive. He must realize that he can have no peace in Port Charles. Does anyone know why she has this unhealthy obsession with Jason?


After reading the background of the Carly/Jason relationship, I can partially understand her obsession, but she's still OTT neurotic.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

The judge should have given the baby to anyone else, Ava nor Sonny should have been options. Foster care or over to one of the normal siblings like Dante or Michael, cousin Sam. Someone else should have been awarded custody.

The judge should have given the baby to anyone else, Ava nor Sonny should have been options. Foster care or over to one of the normal siblings like Dante or Michael, cousin Sam. Someone else should have been awarded custody.


  • Love 7
If show wants me to root for disgusting Ava, making her the female Sonny (pays for about half an hour then it's all good) is NOT the right road.


MW just rocks her scenes.  As much as it is disgusting that this show has NO (see ya JT) contract actors playing doctors, if I have to watch 'exciting' people who get off on violence, I am entertained by MW's acting.  I LOVE MW but hate the character.  MB's horrible acting and TPTB's idiotic choice to make him the pillar of Port Charles is made all the more glaring.


It's not just the writing, the director also needs an 'F' for both reveals during sweeps.  It's like someone slipped a roofie into the punchbowl that the major actors in the dante/val and jason/jake reveal scenes.  A particularly low point was the staging of Liz's pre-wedding scenes.  The choreography of the kids and Liz's friends gifts was some of the WORST soap I have seen in my lifetime.

  • Love 5
The choreography of the kids and Liz's friends gifts was some of the WORST soap I have seen in my lifetime.


From what little I've seen of this show since September, the staging and camera work is truly awful.  Like they've clearly messed up awful, and they don't bother to fix it. Either people or the cameras have missed cues. The supposedly wonderful scenes with Anna and Paul on Monday were 50% a profile shot of the two of them, so you couldn't see any expression on either of their faces. 


It's not cable access bad, but there's nothing on broadcast or cable television currently as bad as this. Maybe local television newscast bad? You know, where you see someone's hand steadying the set every once in a while.

  • Love 2





Wait. can someone catch me up?

Sonny lost custody of Avery? How/Why? What happened? 


And colour me shocked that  Sonny lost something

(also why is he in a wheelchair?)


While the custody hearing was in recess, Ava got under Sonny's skin and he lost his temper, threatening to kill her.  Ava was recording the conversation and Scotty got it admitted before the judge, who ruled in Ava's favor.  Naturally, this was somehow all Carly's fault for not being there.


Sonny's in a wheelchair because the show is trying to get us to sympathize with him he saved his adopted minority son TJ from a kidnapping that only happened because of his association with Sonny and got shot by Paul.


How did Sam get home after dropping off the motorcycle?


As others have said, Patrick and Liz's houses are supposed to be in the same neighborhood.  Presumably, she walked.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

How did Sam get home after dropping off the motorcycle?

As others have said, Patrick and Liz's houses are supposed to be in the same neighborhood.  Presumably, she walked.


I guess she figured the least she could do was get the motorcycle out of Patrick's garage, where it has been sitting in protected glory, emitting beams of golden light,  while he's been parking his car outside since she moved in. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 9

I have been reading the comments here and when I read what FUCKERY Patrick was spouting, I had to go in my room, turn out the lights and breathe deeply, trying to push out the GLARINGRAGE, that emcompassed my being because I knew if I started posting, I would have broken this site.


So after finally getting some sleep (a rarity these days), I am not saying anything except that in Patrick's selfish words (I've yet to watch--I'll be needing my Johnnie to do that), does he not realize, that IF he didn't go back to Robin, he would be with Sabrina, which means that Sam would never have been his fuck buddy? That this conversation with Sam would never have taken place if all the other events, Jason returning not knowing who he was, etc.? Dumbass, selfish, fucking maroon.  And that's being kind.  The fucking writers can fucking write whatever they fucking want, but I FUCKING remember what I fucking saw on my fucking screen in March of fucking 2013, when Fucking Victor fucking threatened Robin and her loved ones and when this fucking putz that looks like Robin's husband, also fucking threatened to kill Victor if anything happened to Robin.  And I will fucking blame fucking Patrick for not seeing through Robin's lies when she told Anna and Patrick she was broken and leaving, when this FUCKING ASSHOLE knew something wasn't right when she broke up with him and told him she was with Nikolas. So, yeah, I'm not giving him any slack or passes and go there, there, Robin chose her work over you and Emma. For someone who Fucking has always fucking said he knows Robin. Fucking ARSEHOLE. Douchetasticratbastardfuckingpig.


At this point, I want Robin to take Emma and leave with Stone's Doppleganger, and Fucking Patdick can fall into the bottle with that thing that passes for hair on his fucking head.  And why Kimberly agreed to come back to this fucking insult of a story and further assasination to her character is well beyond the beyond of my understanding.

  • Love 9

I did, however, see Jason saying that, from what he's heard about Jason, he's not sure he wants to be him.  Please don't let that ever change. 


This was the best part of this story since it began. If this was the real reason Jake wasn't so keen to step back into being Jason then maybe I could actually like this story.


You know what would be hilarious?  If Jason got on the bike and just rode out of town.  "I got this sweet Harley, see ya suckers!"


This is what should really happen. It's a win-win in every way. It's funny as hell and it means we don't have to put up with fucking Jason anymore.


I think the major difference between the two is that Sonny is unjustifiably deified and beatified by so many people in Port Charles.  Ava is treated like she should be and rightly vilified.  It's easier to root for Ava since she actually is treated accordingly by the people around her.  Sonny is so rooted against on here (and actually in other places) because he, on the other hand, is not.




I'm pretty neutral on Patrick and up to this point I've been more inclined to defend him, but holy shit he lost me today. That was so bad. I don't see how they think they can do a credible Scrubs reunion now. But they obviously don't care about making sense or putting out good product. They think just bringing Robin back and half-assedly reuniting Scrubs will make all the viewere sing their praises and #FallInLoveWithGH. No.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

Here we go again with the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity.  Her having the gall to call him on the night his entire existence imploded because SONNY is in a bad place and CARLY needs him....there are no words.  Jason should run for the hills while he still has the chance.


This is but one of the many reasons why Jason should've stayed dead: so that Sonny and Carly can put on their big boy/big girl pants and clean up their own damn messes.


If you're stupid enough to threaten someone in a frakking courtroom, you deserve whatever you get.

  • Love 7

I didn't think Patrick was rewriting any history when talking with Sam, nor do I think he was whining for her to instantly choose him. He was quite empathetic while also giving her advice he thinks he's learned--that things aren't going to be exactly the same between her and Jason. Patrick is disillusioned with love because he truly believes that he and Emma weren't enough for Robin anymore. 

That's not quite what I saw. Yeah he wasn't whining for her to *instantly* choose him, but he was definitely implying that her marriage and feelings for Jason were history whereas what she has with him is real and now. (That seemed pretty blatant when he was all, 'we'll figure out if you're still legally married.') I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he did hate Jason and has always believed himself to be the better man. Patrick saying "it wasn't the same" re: Robin is crap. He got furious that she didn't come back running back to wipe his non-existent tears when the premie he conceived with Sabrina died. Later, a combination of his hatred for Jason and his overblown ego didn't allow him to see that perhaps Robin was under duress when she was in that lab and telling him to leave the clinic. The biggest thing that changed between them in the two years she'd been gone, apparently, was his ability to read her behavior. He figured things out pretty quickly under similar circumstances with Jerry Jacks some years before the two had Emma and got married. 


What stood out to me is that Sam clearly respects the love/marriage/family Patrick had with Robin, and has shown respect for Robin being Emma's true mother as well as Jason being Danny's true father. That is in sharp contrast to Patrick wanting to make Sam Emma's mom and his current words about the JaSam marriage as well as his own. The scenes told me that this is all about Patrick's feelings and Patrick getting what he wants - Jason out of the picture in Sam's life, if not Danny's.  

  • Love 6

I just....the thing about Patrick is he had ZERO dialogue that he feels this way about Robin because she ended up leaving and not coming back and they haven't spoken. He could have easily told Sam, "I chose her and look what happened! She left me to save Jason and never looked back!"

But no. He was specifically referring to when she came back from the dead, BEFORE she left to save Jason. He said that they tried to go back to the time from before she was taken, but couldn't. That the love wasn't the same. The love wasn't enough. It was the worst day. His new life was shattered. It was a mistake to choose her based on past memories.

  • Love 2

 That the love wasn't the same. The love wasn't enough. It was the worst day. His new life was shattered. It was a mistake to choose her based on past memories.

I guess I was inferring a bit - I took "love wasn't enough" as referring to Robin leaving to save Jason and then staying at the clinic to continue the work. I feel like he blames Jason, and Robin and their connection for him losing the life he had with Robin and Emma. It seemed like the stuff he was saying had everything to do with his feelings regarding Jason being history/inferior (plus wanting Sam for himself of course), the anger he has toward Robin now and the idea "Robin left me for him, now Sam wants to go back to him, so I lose both of them? Hell no!! Jason doesn't get to win."

  • Love 2

What stood out to me is that Sam clearly respects the love/marriage/family Patrick had with Robin, and has shown respect for Robin being Emma's true mother as well as Jason being Danny's true father. That is in sharp contrast to Patrick wanting to make Sam Emma's mom and his current words about the JaSam marriage as well as his own. The scenes told me that this is all about Patrick's feelings and Patrick getting what he wants - Jason out of the picture in Sam's life, if not Danny's.  


All of THIS. And, based on what I saw yesterday, it appears as though Sam thinks of both children - her own son and Patrick's daughter - more than Patrick does, in as far as how will this effect them. She was the one worried that Emma will wake up tomorrow and she [sam] won't know what to say to her. She took on the responsibility and guilt of Danny now being confused because she was the one who invited Patrick to take the role of father figure to Danny, and now Danny's true father is alive. Patrick's half-assed "I'll talk to Emma tomorrow" doesn't hold much water with me when Sam was the one who initiated the conversation re: Emma and Danny.

  • Love 2

I guess I was inferring a bit - I took "love wasn't enough" as referring to Robin leaving to save Jason and then staying at the clinic to continue the work. I feel like he blames Jason, and Robin and their connection for him losing the life he had with Robin and Emma. It seemed like the stuff he was saying had everything to do with his feelings regarding Jason being history/inferior (plus wanting Sam for himself of course), the anger he has toward Robin now and the idea "Robin left me for him, now Sam wants to go back to him, so I lose both of them? Hell no!! Jason doesn't get to win."

I totally get what you're saying. Don't think I don't. But for me, I'm going to need that dialogue. Straight up. I'm personally way past analyzing Patrick or trying to understand the "layers" of his words. I need the words to come out of his mouth.

For example, if this show even considers reuniting Robin with Patrick, I NEED him to say something like, "This whole time you were a prisoner and I was just happily living with Sam, too obsessed with myself to even think that something could be wrong with you. How can you forgive that?" This show HAS to at least acknowledge that.

  • Love 4





While the custody hearing was in recess, Ava got under Sonny's skin and he lost his temper, threatening to kill her.  Ava was recording the conversation and Scotty got it admitted before the judge, who ruled in Ava's favor.  Naturally, this was somehow all Carly's fault for not being there.


Sonny's in a wheelchair because the show is trying to get us to sympathize with him he saved his adopted minority son TJ from a kidnapping that only happened because of his association with Sonny and got shot by Paul.



As others have said, Patrick and Liz's houses are supposed to be in the same neighborhood.  Presumably, she walked.



Of course it's carly's fault. Carly would have been all. sweetness and light or whatever crap she'd do to calm Sonny down (watch me roll my eyes right out of my head lol)


thanks for the catch up. 

  • Love 1

I think the only good writer on staff is writing only for sam. In this ridiculous story, she is the only one saying the right thing, doing the right thing and caring about the right things. It's so heavy handed. Everyone else is selfish, grasping, stupid and pathetic.

What really annoys me about Patrick's dialogue is this is the shit that he should have said about Robin before she left in 2014. End the couple. Say it's just not the same. Let her live her life in another town.

But no. This show decides to make Robin a prisoner AGAIN to SAVE PATRICK'S LIFE (along with her daughter and mother) and how is she repaid? Patrick saying their love was never there, anyway. Like. Stop. It. Show.

  • Love 1

All of THIS. And, based on what I saw yesterday, it appears as though Sam thinks of both children - her own son and Patrick's daughter - more than Patrick does, in as far as how will this effect them. She was the one worried that Emma will wake up tomorrow and she [sam] won't know what to say to her. She took on the responsibility and guilt of Danny now being confused because she was the one who invited Patrick to take the role of father figure to Danny, and now Danny's true father is alive. Patrick's half-assed "I'll talk to Emma tomorrow" doesn't hold much water with me when Sam was the one who initiated the conversation re: Emma and Danny.



Patrick's attitude towards the kids in this situation has always rubbed me the wrong way, though in general his attitude does.


He acts as if it's no big deal for children to have a parent, or someone taking on a key parental role just up and leave without much explanation or without there being any real time for them to adjust and cope.


Sam of course is the responsible one, at least she's trying to be, as she worries about what the future holds. The last thing any good parent wants to do is put their child/ren in a position of uncertainty.


You don't want them to feel insecure and scared about things always changing and losing people and not having much stability in their lives. It's a horrible way to live as an adult, let alone a helpless little one, so it was nice to see Sam trying to acknowledge the true fuck up that has occurred and the lives that are about to be changed forever whether they like it or not.


Patrick, however, as usual with his 80s chess master hair cares only about what he stands to lose and what he may have to give up.


He is a smart man so it's clear he always knew he could never compete against Jason when it mattered most. He couldn't even win the day over the ghost that was Sam's dead husband, it took half the town and a blind Chinese grandma to make it happen. He knows Sam would never pick him over Jason if Jason decides to try and reclaim his old life, especially since he is Danny's rightful father as well.


Patrick is a selfish worm and his exit can't come soon enough.

  • Love 2

The only way it will all make sense is if Patrick isn't Patrick. (Or if he's under some Helena mind control.)

Um. Unless "Patrick" is going to rip off a mask to reveal the face of someone with a penchant for terrible fucking haircuts? No, I do not think this is going to "make sense"

Based on what I am reading in this thread, I am hoping and actually expecting that Kim & Jason will exit with this Patrick being exposed as a fake, with Robin leaving to go find the real Patrick while leaving Emma with MAC & FELICIA.

He acts as if it's no big deal for children to have a parent, or someone taking on a key parental role just up and leave without much explanation or without there being any real time for them to adjust and cope.

Have Sabrina and Emma ever interacted since poor Emma lost her first Replacement Mommy?

This is why I hope the writers will show or allow Sam to try to stay in Emma's life somehow and have some type of relationship with her, or at the very least consider it. And let Emma and Danny stay friends and play together. SamTrick has been together for a little over a year and lived together for months, in GH-timeframe. I'm sure Emma and Danny have gotten used to each other.

If Emma was a real person and not a character she'd be in therapy by now with everything that has happened and changed for her in the past two years.

Edited by LexieLily

I don't understand why Carly is getting away with public freakouts over needing Jason. How could she ever justify having dibs on Jason's time, attention and help more than Liez, the woman he had agreed to marry, and Sam, the woman to whom he really is currently married, and with whom he has a child? Compared to those two women, Carly is a "friend without boundaries" (HUH??) using hysterics to try to distract and monopolize him. I know that they are in shock, but why do Sam and Liez permit Carly's audacity? They should both shame her into silence. He has his own future to concentrate on. Carly is trying to use emotions to destabilize him when he is vulnerable.


Carly needs a big ugly shock.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3

I don't understand why Carly is getting away with public freakouts over needing Jason....Carly is a "friend without boundaries" (HUH??) using hysterics to try to distract and monopolize him. ...

Brings me back to whatever faux emergency she needed Jason for the night Michael confessed about his rape. Jason was like, "I'll deal with your shit later but right now, GTFO of my apartment." She of course, didn't listen. 

I have been reading the comments here and when I read what FUCKERY Patrick was spouting, I had to go in my room, turn out the lights and breathe deeply, trying to push out the GLARINGRAGE, that emcompassed my being because I knew if I started posting, I would have broken this site.

So after finally getting some sleep (a rarity these days), I am not saying anything except that in Patrick's selfish words (I've yet to watch--I'll be needing my Johnnie to do that), does he not realize, that IF he didn't go back to Robin, he would be with Sabrina, which means that Sam would never have been his fuck buddy? That this conversation with Sam would never have taken place if all the other events, Jason returning not knowing who he was, etc.? Dumbass, selfish, fucking maroon. And that's being kind. The fucking writers can fucking write whatever they fucking want, but I FUCKING remember what I fucking saw on my fucking screen in March of fucking 2013, when Fucking Victor fucking threatened Robin and her loved ones and when this fucking putz that looks like Robin's husband, also fucking threatened to kill Victor if anything happened to Robin. And I will fucking blame fucking Patrick for not seeing through Robin's lies when she told Anna and Patrick she was broken and leaving, when this FUCKING ASSHOLE knew something wasn't right when she broke up with him and told him she was with Nikolas. So, yeah, I'm not giving him any slack or passes and go there, there, Robin chose her work over you and Emma. For someone who Fucking has always fucking said he knows Robin. Fucking ARSEHOLE. Douchetasticratbastardfuckingpig.

At this point, I want Robin to take Emma and leave with Stone's Doppleganger, and Fucking Patdick can fall into the bottle with that thing that passes for hair on his fucking head. And why Kimberly agreed to come back to this fucking insult of a story and further assasination to her character is well beyond the beyond of my understanding.

This is a glorious rant! I believe KMc came back to escort JT off. They like and reapect each other. She never wanted him to resign in the first place

That said, the writers and PTB have fucked up royally. Why would any Scrubs fan let alone a Robin fan want Robin to get back with Patrick the douche! I want Robin happy with someone that loves her, not with a fickle whoring man child.

If I can't have Robin and Lucky (Rocky would have been awesome), I'll take a Stone doppelganger that loves her and worships the ground she walks on.

Why couldn't just one of these idiots read cmahorror's fanfic and plagerize.

  • Love 4

What really annoys me about Patrick's dialogue is this is the shit that he should have said about Robin before she left in 2014. End the couple. Say it's just not the same. Let her live her life in another town.


Exactly this.  Robin and Patrick should have bittersweetly realized that too much had happened during their two years apart and that they couldn't be together.  Then, have some big hospital in NYC or somewhere else close by give Robin a huge research grant to continue the work she did in captivity and then make reference to Emma and Anna periodically going to visit and that she and Patrick have a cordial, co-parent relationship.  Done.


I don't have quite the hate-on for Patrick, though.  I think a lot of this writing for Patrick is actually about Jason/Sam.  They are the IT, the end game, Liz and Patrick are the obstacles and they, for some reason, have decided Patrick can't act conflicted, he has to be all-in.  I also think there's a lot of the typical soap mishandling of off-canvas character (i.e. Lucky) at work, made worse by the decision for Robin to have been abducted.

  • Love 4

But the show's priority is playing Jason and Sam as star-crossed, will they overcome the odds and get back together, blah blah blah.  Therefore, Patrick can't dump Sam for Robin, Sam has to dump Patrick for Jason.


The writing for Patrick yesterday was stupid, don't get me wrong.  But I find I'm laying the blame on the writers making Patrick a cog in this Sam/Jason machine than on Patrick himself, if that makes sense.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

If the writers were going to do that, and I agree that seems to have been the plan all along, it should be obvious that part of the motivation for this relationship with Sam was anger at Jason/Robin. That didn't have to be his entire reason and it could have changed over time but JT is capable of playing complicated, somewhat contradictory motives - the writers just don't seem capable of writing them

  • Love 1

I totally get what you're saying. Don't think I don't. But for me, I'm going to need that dialogue. Straight up.

I don't think the audience is going to hear Patrick acknowledge his real feelings about ending things with Robin to any of the Jason lovers in Port Charles, esp. not in a conversation with Sam, because it would expose how much he truly hated Jason and was disgusted she would sacrifice time with her own family to save him for anyone - even Danny. What he told Sam was a revision of history twisted by his current anger with maybe one surface line of truth, "Love wasn't enough" meant to make her believe that trying to reunite with Jason was likely hopeless and something she would end up regretting (versus choosing to marry his sparkly awesome life-saving self). He honestly sounded like a more sane version of Liz (in how she tries to keep Jason with her) to me. 

  • Love 1

Ok, the writers are just trolling us now with that Sason stuff today.  I half expected Sonny to try and make out with him.  My god, the dude had more of a reaction than JASON'S WIFE.  He was shaking!


I am still cracking up here.


"I need", "we need"....Sums up Sason and Jarly in a nutshell.  Sam has only ever been the one to put Jason's needs ahead of her own (during his memory loss).  I have a feeling (or a hope) it will play out that way again.

  • Love 7

I tried watching again today for Genie Francis and couldn't do it.  Carly and Sonny are the two most selfish mother fuckers to ever inhabit the soap world.  The term emotional vampire doesn't even begin to cover what they are.


And then there's Nina and Franco.  Awful. 


How can TIIC build a soap around so many reprehensible, gross characters?

  • Love 11

Jason removing Sonny's hands from his like Sonny's hand is possibly contaminated/Sonny has no clue about personal space made me laugh. Jason telling Carly and Sonny "NO" and walking out on them as they're begging him to step back into his old life is a beautiful thing. AND he mentioned hearing about the beginning of Jason Morgan from Monica!  


So Lulu is having a Carly-esque self-destructive moment? Lovely. 


Laura is not wrong in how she's advising Dante, but I expected some anger from her instead of calm. I guess that's how you turn out after spending so many years with a douche like Luke.

  • Love 9

But the show's priority is playing Jason and Sam as star-crossed, will they overcome the odds and get back together, blah blah blah. Therefore, Patrick can't dump Sam for Robin, Sam has to dump Patrick for Jason.

The writing for Patrick yesterday was stupid, don't get me wrong. But I find I'm laying the blame on the writers making Patrick a cog in this Sam/Jason machine than on Patrick himself, if that makes sense.

I guess I just find it sad that even with Patrick's exit and Robin's return, they still can't do right by the characters.

It's SHAMEFUL no one has mentioned Robin yet.

  • Love 1

Jason telling Carly and Sonny "NO" and walking out on them as they're begging him to step back into his old life is a beautiful thing. AND he mentioned hearing about the beginning of Jason Morgan from Monica! 


Ooooh!  I missed most of today, but that sounds worth catching up on!  I didn't mention yesterday, but I liked what Jason said about not being psyched about every aspect of being Jason Morgan.


The other thing I caught today was Dr. O snidely asking Nina if she was dressed up so early because she was due in court for arraignment, which made me laugh despite myself.  Oh Kathleen Gati!


So did Neens get that job with Julian?

Edited by TeeVee329
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