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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So, basically please, please, please don't anyone else stop watching this dreck. WE. NEED. THE. NUMBERS!

They need a continuity person or a story board they can all see. The details they drop during stories is insanely pathetic. Why have the details if they are pointless to a story.

I don't understand how any of them thought this half-assed crap was sweeps worthy.

Was Fin on today?

OTT: I love Daria.

Yes, from the guy who recently tweeted a picture of Audrey Harding [sic].


Jaysus, there's yet MORE unfolding?  I can't scan fast enough as it is.


Yes, Fin was on today!


Daria rules.

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Say it with me. He is not Jason.


Those memories were planted. They left no long term impression because they were false memories.


My story ......


If he's not Jason in the end, I will laugh and laugh. I never wanted Jason back anyway, because Jason, in any form, is awful boring, or just awful.

I want AJ. The interesting brother.

I'm not DVRing it at all and I'm debating watching on Hulu, too. I'll find another way. I might make an exception for Robin, I haven't decided. And if they're putting off busting Liz that gives me even more time.

I have been waiting almost a week even on Hulu, even when I hear something interesting. I am that bored with the show.

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Greenlee (again, I typed that by accident): "that makes me fluttery somewhere just north of my thighs." The trying too hard is painful.


I refuse to believe this actually happened. Refuse. No. I just. No. I won't accept this.


I am still in a full on rage blackout over this ep. The whole shit with them apparently retconning all the flashes Jason did in fact have of Sam and Danny was bad enough. Everything with the custody trial was just beyond. But Michael. Fucking Michael. I am just insane with rage.


The best part of this episode was Julian's amazing wtf face while Michael was waxing poetic about Sonny.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Did anyone else think Ava must be recording Sonny threatening her life? That must be the "strategy", that Paul told her was a sure thing. And Carly is a witness! Hopefully, Maybe, Please?


Oh yeah, that was telegraphed loud and clear when she stuck her hand into her bag before sashaying over to Sonny.

I would pay good movie for any character to do a drive-by and point at Patrick and say, "Look who's the Sabrina of the situation now?"


I'd even not mind if Franco did it.


I can't lie this made me laugh until I cried!

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I can't believe these motherfuckers are dragging this shit out even longer. NO ONE CARES ANYMORE. Expose bitch face Liez Kerrigan, let people drag her, and then lets move the fuck on. It's like these dumb asses don't even understand basic concepts of story telling. And how pathetic that Jason is a bit player in his own story. Just dumbassery at every level. 

  • Love 9

And LOL @ Patrick already being pathetic. Didustoplovingme?!?

Was that the preview? Not just pathetic, really poorly choice of words because she just found out a few minutes ago that Jake is Jason.  "Yes, Patrick, I stopped loving you 10 minutes ago, the moment I realized I was looking at Jason's face."  Hey dipshit, pretty sure she's been showing you all along with her behavior that she's been trying to talk herself info loving you but you cannot compete with her great Jason.

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Don't they count if you watch within the first 72 hours after initial airdate?

I watch on Hulu-which probably counts in some way, since they can track views-but I don't DVR this show anymore and haven't for almost a year.

When you watch and what you watch only counts in the actual ratings if you are a Nielsen family. If you are a Nielsen family, then your viewing counts all the way up to 7 days. However, the same day/live numbers are the ones that are typically reported as the ratings numbers. The important number as to a show's fate is actually what you watch within 3 days with the commercials because it's the commercial viewing that sets advertising rates. If you aren't a Nielsen family and are watching in some way that tracks views (ie: Hulu, On Demand, etc), that just is used to show watching trends, but it doesn't count in the ratings or really help all that much with regard to a show's fate. 


Did anyone else think Ava must be recording Sonny threatening her life?


Probably. I was sure she was toting a gun in that purse, and was going to pull it out and shoot Sonny in the face right then and there, with Carly staring in horror. I couldn't believe Kiki propping Sonny and hurting Ava so much. I hope Kiki ruins her life and her body with a drunk driving accident. And is Michael hypnotized or brainwashed? There's no way he can really believe his own words about Sonny and AJ. If those affadavits from Sonny's other kids are true, what are THEY thinking? Is Dante just so dazed from his marriage implosion that he can't think rationally?


Robin WAS mentioned once today--Paul mentioned her name to Anna, who practically spat in his face and said she didn't want to hear him mention Robin.


Maybe Sonny will indeed get custody of little Avery today...and then a horrific accident will occur to her too, and it will prove to everyone how they were wrong to prop and excuse Sonny. There's plenty of guilt to go around.


Was that the preview? Not just pathetic, really poorly choice of words because she just found out a few minutes ago that Jake is Jason. "Yes, Patrick, I stopped loving you 10 minutes ago, the moment I realized I was looking at Jason's face." Hey dipshit, pretty sure she's been showing you all along with her behavior that she's been trying to talk herself info loving you but you cannot compete with her great Jason.

It's ridiculous. And you'd think he'd get it as he also reunited with his back-from-the-dead wife and dropped Sabs. But watch him tell Sam tomorrow that he made a mistake. Shit on Robin some more, show!

  • Love 1

I can't believe these motherfuckers are dragging this shit out even longer. NO ONE CARES ANYMORE. Expose bitch face Liez Kerrigan, let people drag her, and then lets move the fuck on. It's like these dumb asses don't even understand basic concepts of story telling. And how pathetic that Jason is a bit player in his own story. Just dumbassery at every level.

ITA, but per Nathan Varni, keep watching as the story continues to unfold.

So, did Fin do anything Emmy worthy? If not, WTH was FV's tweet about?

Sonny murdered an innocent, unarmed man in cold blood and yet he ends up pardoned by the governor, has his shit for brains kids falling all over themselves to praise his "parenting skills" and is actually in court not as a defendant facing life in prison but instead is vying for custody of a real, live, actual baby.


The Sonny propping was disgusting today, especially the AJ part. I'd have a lot more respect for the show and character if they just embrace Sonny as the show's resident evil instead of whitewashing all of his crimes. 


As for the big reveal... splat! What a disappointment on so many levels. However, I did feel for Sam, and I wanted to slap the crazy out of Liz. I didn't hate Carly either, which is saying a lot. The Carly/Sam hug, with Lucas in the background of his two sisters, was actually very sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing Carly and Sam taking turns bitch slapping Liz around PC. The reveal that Liz knew for months better make a  bigger bang than today's lame shit.

  • Love 8

So is perjuring himself Morgan's first felony? Maybe Max and Milo can stop off and buy him a congratulatory cake.

Lord, the Sonny propping today was ridiculous. The Governor sent the judge a letter saying what exactly? "well, I abused my power and hand-waved away a life sentence for murder because that mobster sorta-kinda saved my daughter."

  • Love 7

Well, that sucked.


Morgan should have been arrested for perjury. No, you little Sonny Slime Jr, you didn't go to boarding school out of your own choice. You didn't want to go, and then you used it as a reason for being such an asshole when you came back to town.


Kiki needs to die. And although I will forever hate her for selling Ava out (she should be Nina's daughter, she sure as hell ain't a Jerome), the thing that bothered me the most besides the endless ass-kissing of Sonny was when she thanked him for saving HER FRIEND, TJ. Um, jigga what? Since when the hell are Kiki and TJ friends? When have they ever hung out? When have they ever even spoken before the Dante/Val reveal at the Haunted Star last week? I know I trashed KA, but I would rather see this from her than this stringy blond thing.


Okay, in seeing the hug in the context of the entire show, I liked the CarSam hug. LW is great at that kind of thing. Poor Sam. KeMo did a great job, I thought. Everyone else was pretty meh. Liz was beyond gross. I liked Carly telling her that playing house time was over.


I'm glad Ava isn't taking this lying down. She'll go down fighting all the way.


Patrick, I could say something about him, but then I'd have to care about his reactions and either way I just don't. He's such a void for me.


To sum up:


Can die any time now - Sonny, Morgan, Kiki, Michael, Liz. Yes, I'm saving Carly for now. Mainly due to LW, but Carly gets props for the hug.


Needs to tell everyone to fuck off and die - Sam, Ava, Anna. Those are my three faves and I'm sticking with that.

  • Love 9

Kiki needs to die. And although I will forever hate her for selling Ava out (she should be Nina's daughter, she sure as hell ain't a Jerome), the thing that bothered me the most besides the endless ass-kissing of Sonny was when she thanked him for saving HER FRIEND, TJ. Um, jigga what? Since when the hell are Kiki and TJ friends? When have they ever hung out? When have they ever even spoken before the Dante/Val reveal at the Haunted Star last week? 


And of course, nobody points out that the reason TJ was in danger and kidnapped in the first place was because of his association with Sonny.  GAAAHHH!


ETA...oh wait, was TJ one of KA Kiki's frrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnndddddddsssssssssss when she did that number at the Nurses Ball'?  No wonder they're so close, all those hours of dance rehearsal! #eyeroll

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Emily was a hideous human being, but I can agree that she would not like what was happening to Jason. She would not approve of what Liz and Nikolas are doing, but not because she was a decent human being, she certainly wasn't, but rather because like so many women, she was obsessed with Jason and believed wholeheartedly that he was good and decent and always righteous. Anything that involved 'wronging' Jason in the slightest was a terrible, terrible thing in her mind.


So glad that bitch is dead.

[/quote I've hated her since the day she had the unmitigated gall to ask AJ to allow Jason to keep michae. I almost fell off my couch when she couldn't understand why he wouldn't? BIG MISTAKE TODAY. I WATCHED THE SLS named Mykill returned today. I wanted to reach through my tv and strangle him and Kiki .Would have loved to have seen Jake say, no I am NOT Jason , I don't kill for the mob, and I don't want the stalker on my back. I am back on the barge, and will not be tempted to watch Days, if I'm not home don't care.Looks like more court tomorrow. Kiki really is a piece of work, my mother kept my father from me, and is a murderer ???Where was she looking when she made these statements???At saint Sonny. I can't believe I watched today. Then I DELEATED MY dvr.

The Sonny propping was disgusting today, especially the AJ part.


I was mildly interested in tuning in today to see how the Jason reveal played out, but this?


Not watching this horseshit.  Ever.


As a matter of fact, I'm just about ready to call up my local ABC station and tell them how much I am enjoying GMA and how I would give anything for it to expand to an extra hour...


#Cancel GH.

Edited by yowsah1
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So is perjuring himself Morgan's first felony? Maybe Max and Milo can stop off and buy him a congratulatory cake.


I think that would be shooting Max when he (briefly) worked for Julian's mob.

Man, I had forgotten all about that.  Shocking considering what stellar storytelling it was...


My one hope is that Ava's recording of Sonny threatening her loses him custody.  At least that will make sitting through today's Patriach Corinthos Parade semi-bearable.


(BTW, I love how Avery's name is now Avery Jerome Corinthos.  Because in the six days he had custody of her Sonny could get her name changed--and yet not delete the Jerome even though he wants to delete Ava from her life.  Logic, writers, logic.)

Does Kiki even know TJ, let alone call him a friend?  I don't recall them ever hanging out, other than maybe he brought coffee to her table at Kelly's.

Yes, she was chatting with Molly and TJ at the Halloween party/fundraiser - before Dillon played the reel and the drama started. I think she just knows of TJ because he's dating Molly, the sister of her late father's ex-girlfriend.

I think that would be shooting Max when he (briefly) worked for Julian's mob.


I believe drugging someone was a felony too. Dante said it was a "class D felony", but who knows if it was just something they pulled out of their butts. And he already perjured himself before this. He lied in the Silas murder trial, but that was to screw over Franco, so it was for a good cause.


Plus Morgan probably just accidentally commits felonies out of sheer stupidity on a daily basis.

I realize we're not yet even half-way through sweeps, but there are no signs that it's going to get any better. Does anyone recall a more boring sweeps than this one?  


I actually think last February was more boring (are we counting July as a sweeps month?) It began with the boat party where Nothing Happened Except Luke Slamming a phone, the infamous guv'nuh, and all those random guest stars from ABC Family shows and ABC friday night shows that no one watches. And of course, last November was actually decent, by GH contemporary standards. 

  • Love 4

See, now tomorrow would be a great episode if this were the old GH. The old GH would have Jason break up with Liz until he figures out how to process everything, the close call of being found out and the guilt of it all should/would be sending Liz to at least schedule an appointment with Dr. Colllins or the new replacement, and Sam and Patrick would have lengthy conversation about putting their relationship on hold while Sam figures out what to do about Jason. Patrick can offer solid advice about how it might not be everything she wanted, that he's changed and she will have to learn to aceept that, and that he might not want her back. Patrick should/would be sympathetic and put his feelings aside to offer friendship.


Instead, we get more Liz manipulation, and Patrick not accepting that he's been Sabrina'd. Patrick. The guy who ignored his sobbing fiance to run and make out with his recently back from the dead wife, in the church, in front of all of their friends and family.  The guy who knows no one in PC has been allowed to get over Jason's death.  And yet he actually can't believe that Sam needs to figure out her relationship with her not-dead husband?? Aaaand this is why they are winning in the ratings, folks. The writers aren't even trying. Ugh.


Let's hurry up and get Robin and Robert in and out of this fuckery so I can go back deleting this shit from the DVR. Sorry, Genie, I'll check for you in online clips but I ain't sitting through an hour of this shit for a few Laura glimpses.  #fuckthisshit  #deadlastforareason #cancelthiscrap

  • Love 2

Patrick. The guy who ignored his sobbing fiance to run and make out with his recently back from the dead wife, in the church, in front of all of their friends and family. The guy who knows no one in PC has been allowed to get over Jason's death. And yet he actually can't believe that Sam needs to figure out her relationship with her not-dead husband?? Aaaand this is why they are winning in the ratings, folks. The writers aren't even trying. Ugh.

This writing crew is more likely going to have Patrick tell Sam that he made a mistake in choosing Robin and Sam should rethink going to Jason.

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I believe drugging someone was a felony too. Dante said it was a "class D felony", but who knows if it was just something they pulled out of their butts. And he already perjured himself before this. He lied in the Silas murder trial, but that was to screw over Franco, so it was for a good cause.


Plus Morgan probably just accidentally commits felonies out of sheer stupidity on a daily basis.


I actually think last February was more boring (are we counting July as a sweeps month?) It began with the boat party where Nothing Happened Except Luke Slamming a phone, the infamous guv'nuh, and all those random guest stars from ABC Family shows and ABC friday night shows that no one watches. And of course, last November was actually decent, by GH contemporary standards. 

I honestly can't remember one thing that happened last February.  So, congrats -- it wins!!!

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Now that has been revealed that Jake is Jason, I demand once it is common knowledge, a reporter asks Governor!Sonny!Fanboy if he believes the rumors  that the bombing of the boat was staged, because his son is married to Luke's daughter and Jason is his best friend.


I loved how annoyed Sonny was when it was brought up that Sonny murdered someone and how he stated with a straight face he did his time and the governor pardoned him. I mean mere months for premeditated murder is doing your time. And I have to say it took some balls to ask the Governor to move up a court date after he pardoned him him for murder. I thought the governor was having problems because off what he did for Sonny.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Um, did Patrick seriously say at the beginning of the ep that the DNA test had to be wrong, maybe Spin manipulated the facial recognition software somehow?


I just...why? Spinelli loved Jason and Sam like they were his parents, pretty much! He knows how much JaSam loves each other, how much Sam grieved him. Why would Patrick even make the suggestion that Spin would ever be so cruel to prank his Fair Samantha that way?

Edited by LexieLily
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Is February 2015 when they blew up rhe Spencer childhood home with explosivesyet only the basement was destroyed?

Let's hurry up and get Robin and Robert in and out of this fuckery so I can go back deleting this shit from the DVR. Sorry, Genie, I'll check for you in online clips but I ain't sitting through an hour of this shit for a few Laura glimpses. #fuckthisshit #deadlastforareason #cancelthiscrap

I'm not watching the DVRed shows until people her confirm Robin or Robert are on. I don't trust TIIC to have me watch a whole show in order to get a 5 second scene at the end of a episode.

I gave up this show a few months back because I couldn't take it anymore. Ron was doing his best to destroy characters I love from my childhood.

I had to stop watching the few Anna scenes. Hell, I still want Robin to slap her when she returns.

Duke chose Sonny and the mob over Anna!

Scotty fathering Franco! Heather being BSC cartoon character. All the villains becoming cartoon characters.

  • Love 3

Um, did Patrick seriously say at the beginning of the ep that the DNA test had to be wrong, maybe Spin manipulated the facial recognition software somehow?


I just...why? Spinelli loved Jason and Sam like they were his parents, pretty much! He knows how much JaSam loves each other, how much Sam grieved him. Why would Patrick even make the suggestion that Spin would ever be so cruel to prank his Fair Samantha that way?

Patrick had weird ass dialogue bc he knows what happened with Helena and Jason and Robin. So when Jason was wanting answers, he had the ability to at least tell him, "You were shot. The Cassadines somehow put your ass in a icebox. Robin was threatened/left to save you, and we don't know what happened after that. Robin said you died." This show always wants to ignore the substance. They would rather Patrick stand there and go "why don't u love me?"

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