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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Off-topic: And it's not like Ron is completely incapable of writing a gay character that way.  On OLTL, no matter the personal crap he had going on, police officer Fish was always able to stow it away when the job demanded it and he helped save the day on several occassions.  Siiigh, Kish.


Agreed.  And while there was a lot of crap he wrote on OLTL, there was more good IMO.  And the KISH storyline and characters were one of them. 

Where did that guy go??


My God, GH just posted its Throwback Thursday Action Sequence:   I want to cry, What happened to that show? Even characters I do not like, (I'm looking at you Sonny and you Jason) use to spark. When was the last time we had a good fight scene, some real action, some adventure, some romance?


Remember Luke and Laura arriving in town in the Pink Cady? Now we get Joss throwing water balloons

Remember Sonny and Brenda in PR? Now we get Felix and Brad talking about the Golden Girls.

Remember Frisco in the show down in the Asian Quarter? Now we get Levi doing yoga.

Remember when Grant was so crazy it was scary? Now we get Nina who is so crazy it is funny.

Remember Lucky making his way to Port Charles all on his own and on  the run from Frank Smith's men? Now we get Spencer doing his impersonation of a Gay Six year Old Count Chocula


As much as I hate Franco and Nina and many others on the screen I do not believe that there is an unusable character on this show, just a writer who no longer seems to care.

Edited by Fylaki
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The shower bugs me. Everything is visible from the waste up,


Don't they use a higher wall for the shower when a woman's in there? The last time Britt was in there, her boobs were covered.


Where did that guy go??


Which one? Scott Evans (Fish), had some legal problems relating to drugs a while back and is hopefully working through it. Brett Claywell (Kyle) hasn't done much since, if his IMDB page is accurate. So both of them seem available.

Edited by dubbel zout

dubbel zout, I think boes was referring to a version of Ron Carlivati that could write a story that doesn't suck donkey balls, where did that guy go lol.


As for the Kish boys, FWIW, Scott Evans is in some movie that's coming out next month and Brett Claywell is running some kind of video game-related business/web site.


Oh, on-topic?  Uuuuuh, Sonny sucks?

Edited by TeeVee329
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That guy never existed.



LOL is right. I'm as dumb as Ron!



Gasp!  I will not stand for such self-hating language! :)


NOBODY is as dumb as Ron - ever.  I too will not stand for such language.  And I agree, it's impossible to believe that there was a time I didn't loathe everything that Ron C. came up with.


From KISH to Felix.....how the hell???

Which was the same problem with Kristina as well (related to the two guys). I don't get what Ron is thinking, having her go back to Morgan so soon. Well, I kind of get it. Michael and Kiki suck. 


As much as I would like to see Michael in a more dynamic pairing, that means Morgan then gets stuck with Kiki.  (Because Michael/Kiki and Morgan/Kiki are apparently our only choices).  Talk about a no-win situation!


The episode did air on the WC, I watched the episode and immediately regretted it. It was everything back to business as usual in all the worst ways possible.


Here's a quick little recap of the day. I may be missing some of the show, there may have been a few times I blacked out from all the stupid coming at me -


Maxie was wearing quite possibly her most unfortunate outfit to date, think Little House on the Prairie meets Chainsaw Massacre, they aired a scene showing that Levi did in fact swipe Nathan's phone and called in on himself, Sam decided telling Silas that Patrick only "thought" about killing Rafe on the table but didn't actually go through with it or so he claimed, which somehow proves he's innocent and she doesn't get why Silas wouldn't just believe him too, the Nina was being useless and eavesdropping on their conversation, Anna and Patrick had what I can only call one of the most bullshit riddled conversation involving Robin to date, and Dr. EvO wants Patrick's help to counter the lawsuit Silas intends to bring against the hospital over Rafe's death. Oh right, and the scenes with Nik and Liz and Britt happened and I just can't even...I think they were the main cause of the blackouts.


Edited: Because now that the episode has aired I can display my disgust as openly as I need 

Edited by CPP83
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As much as I would like to see Michael in a more dynamic pairing, that means Morgan then gets stuck with Kiki.  (Because Michael/Kiki and Morgan/Kiki are apparently our only choices).  Talk about a no-win situation!



I think that Kiki and Levi should hook up and keep on annoying each other.They are two of a kind and deserve each other.

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I thought up some more character thread titles:


Felix DuBois: Even Less Sex Appeal than Dorothy Zbornack


Olivia Falconeri: From Bensonhurst, with Marinara 


Dr. Liesl Obrecht: One Bad Mutter (Shut 'yo Mouth)


Dr. Monica Quatermaine: It's Her house; Alan Gave it to Her


Epiphany Johnson: Black? Fat? Sassy?  Of Course She Sings!

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but it squeeked me out a little that they acted like it took HOURS for him to die. Usually if a machine is keeping someone alive once it is off they died quickly. I didn't see the point in making it appear he suffered all that time laps before he died.


Actually, from my personal experience, they got that part right.  My grandmother had to be taken off of life support when she had no brain function and it did take hours for her heart to stop once the machine was turned off.  But, there was no suffering.  Just like they showed with Rafe, it was very peaceful and we all stayed with her, although we maintained physical contact with her.  I agree with the poster that said it was strange that no one was at least holding his hand.


I can't with Maxie anymore.  She's being so horrible that I am beginning to feel like she deserves whatever scam it is that Levi is running on her.  She has some nerve to throw a guy out who is legally subletting the apartment.  I assume he would be within his rights to throw Maxie and Levi out on their asses. 

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
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Anna Devane: Badass British Babe




It's truly a shame that the parenthetical (Barely See) could not apply. Sigh.


Felix DuBois: Even Less Sex Appeal than Dorothy Zbornack


Olivia Falconeri: From Bensonhurst, with Marinara


Dr. Liesl Obrecht: One Bad Mutter (Shut 'yo Mouth)


Dr. Monica Quatermaine: It's Her house; Alan Gave it to Her


Epiphany Johnson: Black? Fat? Sassy?  Of Course She Sings!


These I like too. Especially the Monica one.



Knowing Ron, I'm assuming we're nearing the part of the story where Maxie realizes what Levi is all about and that she really wants Nathan, but Nathan will have already moved on (to Rosalie? The long-rumored Anna Donely?) and then Maxie will pine for him.


  Which will be the part where I like Nathan/New Girl much better than Nathan/Maxie.


  Ugh, I hope not, re Rosalie. I'm down with Nathan's hooking up with someone else, but the only Anna I'll accept him with is Anna Devane, so that she can get her cougar on and Nathan's a huge upgrade from Duke.  Rosalie doesn't deserve Nathan. Between Madeline, Dr. O., Britt, Nina and Maxie, the last thing Nathan needs is another shady bitch in his life and Rosalie's one of the shadiest. Nathan deserves better.


    Nathan definitely should put Maxie on blast for the way she's been treating him. Nathan has gone above and beyond for Maxie where Georgie's concerned, only to be repaid with scorn, insults and accusations. Since Nathan has risked his career and reputation for Maxie's sake when he didn't have to, the least she could have done re the ICE situation was given him the benefit of the doubt. When Maxie learns the truth about Levi, she'll not only owe Nathan a huge apology, if she does want Nathan, he should make her earn him because if any guy's capable of finding dates in PC, it's him.   

Edited by DollEyes
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What is the WC?


I think that Kiki and Levi should hook up


My eyes!


She has some nerve to throw a guy out who is legally subletting the apartment.  I assume he would be within his rights to throw Maxie and Levi out on their asses.


Mac is paying Maxie's rent, I believe, so Maxie can STFU. Nathan needs to tell Mac what's going on there. There's no way Mac would let Maxie throw Nathan out.

Edited by dubbel zout

Does anyone know how many characters are on the show? I've heard it's close to 30 but I'm too lazy to figure it out.


Get ready to be floored. It is 50! I did count all 4 children and Carlos and Sabrina so could also be 44(contract and reoccuring). Days and Y&R boards here have these character elimination threads I had thought about starting one here. Instead of 3 votes round 1 GH would need 5 votes.


That is a whole lot of folks to write story for.

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Actually, from my personal experience, they got that part right.  My grandmother had to be taken off of life support when she had no brain function and it did take hours for her heart to stop once the machine was turned off.  But, there was no suffering.  Just like they showed with Rafe, it was very peaceful and we all stayed with her, although we maintained physical contact with her.  I agree with the poster that said it was strange that no one was at least holding his hand.



Back in my pre-med days, one of my first assignments as a volunteer at the local VA was to record the time of death of a guy they had just removed from life support in ICU.  The rest of the staff had other patients and the patient had no family, so he was lying alone.  I took my books went into his room, intending to study.  


This guy was in rough shape, looked homeless and alone.  He was completely out of it.  All I had to do was watch the machine and record the TOD when the heart monitor stopped.  I was young and had never seen anyone die before.   This guy was someone I would have never voluntarily touched if he was awake, and I had a lot of homework.  But...I found myself sitting by his bed, holding his hand, and talking to him.  It was a beautiful day outside, I talked about that.  I chatted about my studies.  Whatever I could think of.


After about an hour, he died, quietly and peacefully.  I collected my books and went back out onto the ward.


I think it's human nature to reach out, to touch, to connect with the dying.  GH missed the boat here.

  • Love 16

Felix DuBois: Even Less Sex Appeal than Dorothy Zbornack


Olivia Falconeri: From Bensonhurst, with Marinara

Dr. Liesl Obrecht: One Bad Mutter (Shut 'yo Mouth)

Dr. Monica Quatermaine: It's Her house; Alan Gave it to Her

Epiphany Johnson: Black? Fat? Sassy?  Of Course She Sings!



My contribution:

Dr. Monica Quartermain "I used to be on this show".

Edited by onemoretime
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Even on a re-watch that Patrick and Anna conversation was such a wtf convergence of Ron's special brand of bullshit it still just-I can't even.


So poor Emma goes to Anna, informing her Nana that her mum and dad are getting divorced, thanks to that idiot deciding it was perfectly fine burdening a little girl with that sort of crap, and now Patrick has had time to ask Alexis to draw up the divorce papers but he still hasn't discussed it with Robin, or perhaps he has but we just weren't made privy to that conversation...and then Anna basically pats him on the back for it? The fuck?

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Wow, what a shock!  Levi called ICE on himself!  And he's gonna be thrown in jail if he goes back to Australia!!  Also...HATE....HATE how dumb they are making Maxie here.  I'm sorry, but even at her worse, she was never this bad.  Why must this team insist on making all the women on their shows stupid.


I think even sweet, kind Lila Quartermaine would be offended by the idea of Lila's Kids.


Have we hit rock bottom yet with Nina?  No?  Will we when she goes, inevitably, "Superstar Arms!" and thrown Sam off a roof?  And am I the only one getting a lesbian obsession vibe from Rosalie?  Or is she being paid more by Magda to keep Nina away from Silas?

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Patrick and Anna's conversation also seemed like a checklist of viewer complaints.  "See, Robin has been talking to Emma, Patrick just said so!  See, her loved ones do maybe think she had PTSD!".


Also, I'm sad that Anna/FH and Dr. O/KG were finally in the same place, but they didn't throw down.  Boo!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Even on a re-watch that Patrick and Anna conversation was such a wtf convergence of Ron's special brand of bullshit it still just-I can't even.


So poor Emma goes to Anna, informing her Nana that her mum and dad are getting divorced, thanks to that idiot deciding it was perfectly fine burdening a little girl with that sort of crap, and now Patrick has had time to ask Alexis to draw up the divorce papers but he still hasn't discussed it with Robin, or perhaps he has but we just weren't made privy to that conversation...and then Anna basically pats him on the back for it? The fuck?

What? What in the BLUEDILLY FUCK?! Are you saying Anna agrees with this passive aggressive douchetastic move of Patrick's?

Oh, wait. If we get all up in arms, that douchetasticprickofafuckwit will tell those on Twitter that Patrick and Robin agreed to a divorce, and it's sooooo boring to actually show us that conversation.

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