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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't remeber the youung characters having babies as soon as they get out of teens.

I readily admit that my perspective may not be based in reality. I never have any idea how old any of these people are at any given time. I think it's partly because of wonky SORASing and partly because I have a terrible memory about even my own life, even worse about this show.

I always thought it was weird that AJ nor Ned for that matter never had any long lost kids.


They were in stories that made that unnecessary. I always feel like it's a desperation move to bring in an unknown kid. Nik worked because he helped Lulu, and the time line for his birth made sense in everyone else's stories. He's kind of the exception that proves the rule. Not like Franco being Scott's son, where Ron jammed it into a spot that was fortuitous.


I'm not sure Sam as a Cassadine adds anything to her character—she blends with the Davis Coven, but her last name might as well be Smith for all the distinction she gets being Alexis's daughter. Or Julian's, for that matter.


I guess Carly works, but that's mostly because she had a really good introduction and a really good actor playing her. But again, after the reveal, the fact that she's a Spencer didn't add much. Luke never had much use for her, and Bobbie was relegated to clucking over the backfiring of the latest crazy plaaan.

I'll admit that I hate Carly but what drove me crazy about that recton was that Bobbie obessed over having an baby of her own for years.Yet it was never mentioned thst she gave a baby up for adoption.I would think in all of her obessing over it she'd wonder about her child she gave up ect.


I don't have an problem with long lost kids but truthfully can't remeber the last time an lost lost kid story actually had an point lol.

Edited by Harmony233

They were in stories that made that unnecessary. I always feel like it's a desperation move to bring in an unknown kid. Nik worked because he helped Lulu, and the time line for his birth made sense in everyone else's stories. He's kind of the exception that proves the rule. Not like Franco being Scott's son, where Ron jammed it into a spot that was fortuitous.


I think I could've enjoyed a Heather /Scott child - just not Franco


I'm not sure Sam as a Cassadine adds anything to her character—she blends with the Davis Coven, but her last name might as well be Smith for all the distinction she gets being Alexis's daughter. Or Julian's, for that matter.



I think without Stefan, the Cassadines, as a family unit, are less relevant. Guza never really bothered to develop a relationship with Sam/Nik and Helena never extended her vendetta against Alexis to her daughters. I think the time Sam spent separated from Jason and building relationships with the Coven were very good for the character. Of course, I love the Davis Coven and it makes sense to me that Alexis has been more concerned with her own children than with her adult nephew - except now. She should be all over Inexplicably!Dark!Nik. 

But yeah, Julian and the backstory with Alexis/Julian never really worked for me.  Julian (who would've been a grad student at the time?) wouldn't have bedded a high school student in the back seat of a car and WdV doesn't work for me 

Edited by Oracle42
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The Cassadines of today are so pedestrian and dull.  When they first returned, there was a feel to them that was exotic and aristocratic. That old world, upper crust gothic existence was both original and vibrant. Stefan, Nikolas, Alexis and Helena all fit into that mold beautifully. The casting was superb, the aura around the family was fantastic and even the writing was top notch.


Now? We have Sam and Nathan as Cassadines. Nikolas named his first born Spencer. He's a terrible parent. Alexis, Molly and Kristina have virtually no connection to the Cassadines. The medallions are long gone. The kid is a snotty joke. Helena, despite Constance Towers best efforts, is laughable anytime she is on screen.


Stefan not being around for all of this is a relief. If any writer wants to take on rebuilding the Cassadines, they need to watch the re-introduction back in 1996, dump Sam and Nathan, have Helena kidnap Spencer to be renamed offscreen and bring the family back to their huffy gothic glory. Then bring back Stefan.

  • Love 7

I've been watching for about 8 months now.  In that time, the entirety of Sam/Patrick has been sex scene aftermath, and talking about Jason.  Now this is a serious question: were they ever anything more than that?


Unfortunately, no. The previous head writer had a knack for ruining or ignoring anything that might have potential. 

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Why are the make-up people practicing extreme contouring on RPW?  I thought his face was odd but he looks like a normal person in this picture and BS looks beautiful. What are these people doing? Are they having some sort of competition to Fug up the actors? 



Edited by Oracle42
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That second photograph of Brytni is gorgeous! Why does she look so lousy on my tv?


Sonny has now had five kids by four women. WTF?


I'm in it for the actors I fell in love with all those years ago, not the newbies.


Sorry. I got nothing else.


N.B. Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian peeps!

Edited by fishsanwitt
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Why are the make-up people practicing extreme contouring on RPW? I thought his face was odd but he looks like a normal person in this picture and BS looks beautiful. What are these people doing? Are they having some sort of competition to Fug up the actors?



I dunno, he still looks pretty shiny/waxy to me there.

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Sonny has 5 children:

Dante - Olivia BabyMama

Michael (adopted) - Carly married to Sonny

Morgan - Carly married to Sonny

Kristina - Alexis BabyMama

Avery - Ava  BabyMama


4 dead babies:

Lily pregnant and  married to Sonny when she was killed

Carly - miscarried before they got married

Sam - would have been a BabyMama but their daughter was stillborn

Claudia - married to Sonny (and sleeping with Ric) when Kristina caused the car accident that caused her to miscarry

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That little kid that plays Jake creeps me out so much. He reminds me of the twin boys in  a little obscure terror(can't really call it horror since there's really no blood or gore) movie called "The Other", based on the novel by Thomas Tryon.  Norma Connolly(Aunt Ruby on GH) played their aunt in this. There's also Victor French, John Ritter, Diana Muldaur, and Uta Hagen. If you like scary kids, and movies that are creepy(but yes, slow paced-it's atmospheric, not action oriented) that stick with you long after it ends, give this movie a go. I watched it first about ten years ago, and I won't lie: those kids got under my skin so much, I had to sleep with the lights on right after watching it. Anyway, if they ever did a remake, that James Nigbor could play the part.  The movie is available now on Netflix by mail, and you can purchase it-but if you do, fair warning that one version of the DVD back cover does give away a major plot point that is revealed halfway through the movie.

Shameless plug over. Oh, and to tie in back into GH-I totally think, after Friday's show, that it's gonna be little Jake that reveals the truth.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Michael being more upset over a broken promise instead of a man being dead shows how completely f'd up the characters are in relation to Sonny. I wish AJ wasn't dead just so he could come back and deprogram his son.

remember when AJ tried to deprogram Michael .To show him he loved him and wanted only the best for him. He kidnapped him to de program him. he finally gave up, saw he wasn't getting through to him and returned him .Only to end up dead. Guza went so far as to have Michael be crippled AJ's killer. Until fans rebelled and wouldn't accept a child putting a pillow over someones face who can't even stop them.His crippled father. When this AJ my favorite Billy Warlock shot Alan ,out of fear because he was calling Jason to come there. . That was the end of GH for yeeaarrs. for me. I was on the barge and didn't even read the boards. Everyone says AJ ran Jason into a tree. Jason crippled AJ , why for taking his own child. Little by little TIIC ruin any good someone by mistake writes. I want to thank those of you who suffer through this and come on board. I can't and I won't. I hate Sonny and as long as he is no 1 with tiic I will just not bother.

  • Love 4

Dear Show,


I don' t care


  • That Kiki is a drunken mess, especially given how dismissive she was of AJ's problems and how gleefully she signed off on "Operation Alcoholic"
  • Whether or not Franco and Nina are Having The Sex
  • About Morgan a) trying to act like his relationship with Kiki, particularly the second round of it, was ever serious or b) him trying to act like Ava somehow forced him into cheating on his girlfriend
  • For Jordan being ridiculous about the Valerie/Dante stuff.
  • For Dillon acting like a creeper.


Signed without love,



Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 14

Kiki throwing her drink at Ava was the only entertaining part of the episode.


 Haven't watched- guess it's too much to hope that the booze got on her and someone might come along and accidentally fling a match in Ava's direction. I cannot believe this stupid cow is a front and center character on this show. She isn't even ENTERTAINING. I can take useless characters like Ava and Sonny if they do something fun.

They don't even do that.

I LOVE Jordan's dress. A bit inappropriate for a police commissioner, but it's fantastic on her. I HATE Valerie's hospital-gown top.


"You knew how to make me feel good, didn't you?" Ew, ew, ew. Can Rebecca Budig please be put into another story? Nik is so, so gross.


The Nina/Franco sex talk could have been kind of moving if MSt had put some pathos into it. Instead it was flailing hands and baby talk.


Were those really shots that Lauren was slugging down? The glasses looked at least two times too big. Also, HE needs to stop holding her pinkie out. The cop arresting her had an unfortunate lisp.


Of course Sam sprains her ankle. Maybe don't go sleuthing in five-inch pumps, you nitwit. Gah.


All the women have white nails; did the show get a deal on that polish along with all the gray paint?

Edited by dubbel zout
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Of course Sam sprains her ankle. Maybe don't go sleuthing in five-inch pumps, you nitwit. Gah.


I love Sam but if her butt don't get out of those high heels I'm going to scream.

It reminds me of Jurassic World when Bryce Dallas Howards character ran through an entire movie, through forest, rocks, hills and crazy terrains with 6 inch heels on.

Seriously what is the POINT of those JaSam scenes?  I really thought he would have some sort of flash back to when she hurt her ankle the other 3 times with him, but no....nada.  Not even a "oops we are in a tight space very close together, feel the tension?" scene....Just a lot of running around and climbing.  I'll admit it was cute when he carried her around like a little doll (my god, she is tiny), but seriously...that's it???  I couldn't really hear the dialogue, but I assume it wasn't earth shattering.


ETA: I heard Kelly say once that she prefers/wears heels because she is sooo much shorter than most of her costars.,  The past few weeks she had to wear flats because she hurt her foot and the difference was pretty big.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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All the mind bleach at Walmart couldn't make me forget the mental picture of uber-coy Neens playing doctor with Franks in their first (gasp!) sexual encounter. Ewwwwwww doesn't begin to cover it.


Somehow the scene of little Kiki throwing back multiple glasses of water doesn't move me. I thought for sure she would be a drunk driver.


Jakeson and Sam playing Pink Panther at the Cassadine's was eye-rolling.Too bad Sam just sprained her ankle--I wish she had broken her neck, and Patrick could have glued her back together.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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For Jordan being ridiculous about the Valerie/Dante stuff.



The Jordan stuff is sooo annoying. Why is she not telling Valerie to grow the hell up and get a poker face about her personal issues already? Instead she's yelling at Dante like Valerie is a friggin' teenager. And, what? "I told you sleeping with Valerie would cause trouble?" It's not like he told her he was planning on it beforehand. And Dante needs to get out of delusional la la land already and tell Lulu, but he won't, and Lulu's dialogue was sooo stupid. "We're happeeee!" Lulu and Dante's dialogue was never, "I'm happy! I'm happy too!" even when they were "happy". The guy who plays Dillon is awful. ER was not that much better. Hayley Erin is atrocious, and MSt was her twitchy self as usual. I remember when I thought GH mostly had good actors, sigh.


God, Michael and Morgan should punch Sonny in the face tomorrow.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 8

Damn that was a boring show. Kiki just needs to STFU. Nina bought that apartment, so she can do anything she damn well pleases with it. If Kiki wants to preserve her father's memory, she can put a shrine in her bedroom. Or maybe get a job and buy the apartment herself. She has no right to demand that the walls remain that hideous gray color or keep the black leather sofa.


As others have noted already, perhaps Sam should find more sensible shoes to go climbing parapets at Wyndemere. She's lucky she only sprained her ankle and didn't break her damn neck!

  • Love 1
The guy who plays Dillon is awful.


He's terrible, but so is the story. A better actor would only make it marginally less dreadful. 


It wasn't as bad when she wore her jacket, but without it I wondered "Who let this poor girl walk out of the hospital without her real clothes?"


I know. The sad part is the shirt fabric is really cute—what's not to love about polka dots?

Edited by dubbel zout
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All the women have white nails; did the show get a deal on that polish along with all the gray paint?


I have been really fixated on that. Probably because the show is, you know, really bad.


But anyway tbh I did mostly enjoy this episode. I watch it as a comedy. That being said, I did fast forward like maybe 75% of it so.


I am so glad I skipped the Nina/Franco scenes. They sound like the kind of second-hand embarrassment I just can't take.


I think Valerie and Dillon have some chem and I like their scenes, but the story overall is just so bad. Sigh.


I don't really remember anything else lol.

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