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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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For the love of all that is holy, can we please get 'Amateur Night at the Roxy' off our screens? The horrendous acting choices of Roger Howarth in the trial scenes - I can't even.


And then there's Bryan Craig. What the hell happened to his talent? He actually had some, at one point, but the mess with Kiki - oy. And then the lathering Carly gave Sonny - you're right, you were always right - barfaroni!


The only one I liked was Dante. SadSack Valerie needs to suck it and could we get someone who doesn't come across as a demented chipmunk for Lulu?


And Tracy and Paul.  Thank God for some adults.

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Sonny ranting that Ava has to pay for murdering Connie when he not only didn't pay for murdering AJ, but actually reaped rewards from it (Carly, Avery, etc.) made me want to rip my ears off.


It doesn't actively enrage me, but I'm really not digging the Lulu/Dante/Valerie/Dillon quad.  The whole foundation it's built on is shaky at best.


Paul and Tracy are kinda cute, but I'm convinced he's the new Big Bad who's sabotaging Sonny's business so it's hard to care.


Shut up, Kiki.


I think it's possible Paul is Sonny's new "enemy", but also possible that if he is involved in the mob, that he is working to bring someone down. Much like last time-in the beginning, he was a willing partner with the Cartel. Cesar Faison wouldn't have called him a traitor, unless at one point, he was voluntarily on their side.  It wasn't until he realized they were willing to kill to get what they wanted, that he wanted out, and they gave his daughter the virus they also gave Tiffany Hill.

All that history to say, if they now want to say Paul is a willing mobster okay with having people bumped off-they definitely have "reinvented" the character. Yes, people do change, and it's quite possible that once again he's just in over his head. I speculated when he first came back that he could even be feeding Anna or someone else information, and that's also a possibility. I have to say, I think Tracy wouldn't care about him taking anything from Sonny-but she might have an issue with Paul  letting that violence touch Dillon. Scratch that. She'd definitely have an issue with that end of it.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I don't think Tracy would care about Paul targeting Sonny, per say.  But I think she would care about being lied to again. 


And I think, if this is the case, the show would work overtime to make Paul look like an "evil mobster" and Sonny like "a mobster as pure as the driven (bloody) snow" so who knows what character-destroying stuff they would come up with.

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I don't think Tracy would care about Paul targeting Sonny, per say.  But I think she would care about being lied to again. 

It's interesting that Paul used the word "allies" at first, and then Tracy asked about being at war. I wonder if his comment about the Qs always at war, and this request for them to be friends, is leading up to him asking for her support in taking down Sonny. He must have at least heard about Michael having custody of Avery, and that Sonny murdered AJ Q.

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And then there's Bryan Craig. What the hell happened to his talent? He actually had some, at one point, but the mess with Kiki - oy. And then the lathering Carly gave Sonny - you're right, you were always right - barfaroni!

Collapsed under the weight of douchitude?

At first I thought that story about him overdosing on advil on his first day filming was cute*, but looking back it was probably a bad sign lol.

*He felt sick and kept taking advil because he was too afraid to say anything, and eventually he said he felt like he was gonna die and they had to take him to the hospital.

Barring that, maybe he's trying to play the "low" of bi-polar or something, and he thinks it means no emotion?

  • Love 5

I don't think Tracy would care about Paul targeting Sonny, per say.  But I think she would care about being lied to again. 


And I think, if this is the case, the show would work overtime to make Paul look like an "evil mobster" and Sonny like "a mobster as pure as the driven (bloody) snow" so who knows what character-destroying stuff they would come up with.

If they start writing Tracy more in character, she won't just take his word at face value about the business and making all that money. I mean yeah, she's a little naive when it comes to men, but since they are not writing them as a romance at this point, I would think her head would be doubly clear. No sentiment-at least not a lot-to cloud it. She's too shrewd to just shrug it off-in fact, she might even suspect Paul was trying to divert her from questions about the money-IF she were written right. Because perhaps that is exactly what he was trying to do.

The positive about today's episode = Jane Elliot. Tracy looks terrific (this hair style is much more flattering) and it's nice to see her have a real conversation. No rage, no crying over Luke. Just having good scenes with her ex about where things stand, and their son.


Yes, Vive le difference! No more scowling, ragey, weepy, creepy Luke, with his odd influence over Tracy. Now she has an ex who, as far as we know, isn't a moody rapist and misogynist. I don't think it was in character for Tracy to defend feelings of loneliness or missing Luke today. She has had more than enough evidence and hearsay to know that he was a hysterical sociopath, and she is well-rid of him. If anything, Tracy ought to be having therapy to teach herself to choose better men than Teh Big Creep.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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For the love of all that is holy, can we please get 'Amateur Night at the Roxy' off our screens? The horrendous acting choices of Roger Howarth in the trial scenes - I can't even.


Agreed. I was away from the screen and only listening during part of the trial mess, and all I could think was, "With that tone of voice, if I were the judge, I'd threaten him with contempt of court." Not exactly the way most people would choose to play someone who is trying to convince a courtroom that he wants to confess.  There really are not enough words in.the.world. for me to express my dislike for him. 

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Consciously I know the Dillon/Lulu scenes were terrible, but for some reason I really liked them. IDEK. I think it's because I was looking at ER's instagram yesterday and now find her super endearing. Plus I just like Dollar Store Dillon.


Tracy looked fantastic today. Like I was taken aback by how beautiful she was. She must do her own hair and makeup. I like her and Paul together a lot.


I watched some of the Valerie/Dante scenes, but I couldn't continue. There's no chemistry there and Valerie sucks now. Sigh, so much potential with her and they killed it.


I didn't watch anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I watched some of the Valerie/Dante scenes, but I couldn't continue. There's no chemistry there and Valerie sucks now. Sigh, so much potential with her and they killed it.



Brytni playing a women pregnant with the love child of the man of her dreams, walked through the scenes with as much emotion as I show taking the trash out to the can near the car. Less, because I am usually taking something smelly out.


No emotional projection of joy, no shame, no being worried, no scared, no nothing.


Although, I half expected Lulu to have tripped and fallen on Dillon's peen given all the foreplay 'reading pap at the table alone together' extended scenes.

  • Love 1
The horrendous acting choices of Roger Howarth in the trial scenes - I can't even.


I don't know why he's being indulged like this. Franco is a SERIAL KILLER. Glibness doesn't work.


Morgan has either no emotion or too much emotion. That's not being bipolar.


Ugh at Sonny screaming "What goes around comes around!" at Ava. Yeah, for the wimmins.

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Consciously I know the Dillon/Lulu scenes were terrible, but for some reason I really liked them. IDEK. I think it's because I was looking at ER's instagram yesterday and now find her super endearing.

I WISH I liked ER's Lulu. I've tried SO HARD. Seriously. But...she's the worst Lulu. And I'm counting the dark-haired '90s Lulu.

  • Love 3

 I don't think it was in character for Tracy to defend feelings of loneliness or missing Luke today. She has had more than enough evidence and hearsay to know that he was a hysterical sociopath

It was in response to Paul bringing up Luke- she didn't appreciate Paul comparing him dumping Jenny for treating to what she'd been through with and because of Luke. I think she was right to point out that Paul has no clue. Also, Tracy never liked Jenny. I think I remember she thought that Jenny was unworthy of being a member of the Q family (certainly beneath her own class/standing, anyway) so she felt insulted at him talking about her and Luke in the same context as Jenny. WE think Luke was a hysterical and disgusting sociopath, but Tracy does not think that way. She genuinely feels he wasn't responsible for any of his actions, unlike any bad choice Jenny ever made.

I WISH I liked ER's Lulu. I've tried SO HARD. Seriously. But...she's the worst Lulu. And I'm counting the dark-haired '90s Lulu.




90s Lulu was awesome. There was no cuter kid. :p



I liked JMB Lulu in her last years most tbh. I felt like in her first year or 2 she was shoved down my throat. Like how many guys were lusting after Lulu at one point Spinelli, Dillon, Milo etc. it was tiresome. 


2006 it was fine. And then they realized people liked her and they tried to turn her into mini-Carly for two years. And JMB got those bangs with didn;t help. Why girl, why.



Valerie isn't pregnant, Dillon was messing with Lulu.


Oh, they could still be faking us with a fake out. Fake out! double helium triple psych fake out!*


*I don't know if you remember Francie, but this is TM you.



Tracy looked fantastic today. Like I was taken aback by how beautiful she was. She must do her own hair and makeup. I like her and Paul together a lot.


Ever since her hair got longer JE has looked amazing. ugh if they try to do Paul/Sonny it's gonna be so bad. This guy has presence just by standing there.

Edited by ulkis
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The intern who googled 'mumblecore' to make it seem like Dillon knew what he was talking about, neglected to mention what mumblecore actually was. That dialogue was nowhere near naturalistic or improvised. No one outside of a really bad episode of "Dawson's Creek" talks like that.


"I came here to say what was left unsaid" Blech.

  • Love 3

Consciously I know the Dillon/Lulu scenes were terrible, but for some reason I really liked them. IDEK. I think it's because I was looking at ER's instagram yesterday and now find her super endearing. Plus I just like Dollar Store Dillon.


Tracy looked fantastic today. Like I was taken aback by how beautiful she was. She must do her own hair and makeup. I like her and Paul together a lot.


I watched some of the Valerie/Dante scenes, but I couldn't continue. There's no chemistry there and Valerie sucks now. Sigh, so much potential with her and they killed it.


I didn't watch anything else.


Request for someone who gives no craps about Valerie/Dante/Lulu to tell me how they read the scene with Valerie putting her hand on Dante's arm: did that seem more "why are you putting on your hand on my arm" from Dante or was that supposed to be sexual tension, like "oh man your touch burns me but I can't reciprocate" lol? I'm not being sarcastic. Thanks in advance.


I don't really care that much to be honest but what the hell Bryan Craig hasn't posted anything today, so I might as well ask.


ETA: Hayley Erin is gonna win an Emmy next year, isn't she. oh man.

Edited by ulkis
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Request for someone who gives no craps about Valerie/Dante/Lulu to tell me how they read the scene with Valerie putting her hand on Dante's arm: did that seem more "why are you putting on your hand on my arm" from Dante or was that supposed to be sexual tension, like "oh man your touch burns me but I can't reciprocate" lol? I'm not being sarcastic. Thanks in advance.

I saw Dante's reaction as "Damn, dog, inappropes!" [/Pam Poovey, Archer]

But I was only half paying attention, tbh.

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I think I'm actually more annoyed by the Lulu/Dillon side of the quad, with her trying to push baby rabies on him and his script filled with anvil-y PARALLELS to what's going on in the quad.


I can't buy Dillon/Lulu because of the obvious revisionist history. And I like how the show mentioned Dillon "dating" Georgie. Hello, hacks. They were MARRIED. Drives me insane. No one even tries anymore.

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In what UNIVERSE has Ava been lying about Denise for a year??? Listen, you idiotic dunce, I remember what was happening a year ago. Ava hadn't even given birth yet. Sabrina was trying to kill a not yet born Avery, so don't think you can try and rewrite history on me. And take your attitude, shove it up your ass, and go drown in the harbor with your POS father and your harpy of a mother. But just die already and soon, because any minor residual liking I had for you is now completely gone.


That quad of Lulu/Dante/Valerie/Dillon is beyond boring. Add in Maxie and Nathan and you have a really sad excuse of a late 20 something/early 30 something set. Seriously?


Tracy and Paul were the only ones who didn't annoy me today. And the judge. I've liked her the entire time.

  • Love 6

Way to go, writers!  Now you're ripping off Bill Muray's improvs ("I rewrote the neck tie scene without the neck tie" is from Tootsie) in your effort to be cool and edgy.

Oh Ron, we certainly aren't rid of you yet, are we?


So, I don't even follow #GH during the show's airing anymore.  But what I've seen from social media is that Bryan Craig's mom was revealed as Silas's murder -- do I have that right?

Edited by Francie
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They were in a kidnergarten marriage, I can buy people not saying it cause they don't feel like putting in the whole disclaimer about the details. I don't think it's a continuity mistake.

That said, still a lot of overblowing of the Lulu/Dillon relationship still going on.

Please don't use the phrase "kindergarten marriage." It makes me think of Spencer and ...


I'm so not finishing that thought.

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Yup. He OD'ed on advil.


I remember he used to make a whole bunch of "is GH up on youtube yet?" tweets when he first started, heh.

Good times. Bless him.


So, seriously

ABC's way out of this mess is double down on Kiki, Maxie, and Morgan, with a helping of Franco and Nina.

.  It was nice knowin' ya, GH. We'll always have youtube.

Don't laugh, they gave an Emmy to Kiki 1.0, and Natalia L.  The bar isn't set very high.

Fixed it.

  • Love 4

I'm not normally a day-napper unless I'm sick but yesterday I took a very lovely one hour nap from 3pm-4pm.

It was awesome not watching TFGH and apparently I pretty much missed nothing worth watching.

I can get used to this, my blood pressure is very happy with my choice and The Barge is a very lovely place, there's internet there so I can still read all your awesome comments.

Thank you to everyone taking it for the team.


Oh, and even though I didn't watch, piss off Valerie, prepare to be tocked. (please, let it be a tock because Dillon-joke or not, we all know she's pregnant from her One True Love, you know, her cousin's husband.)

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I would have thought MB would be giving him pointers. I don't think BC is being led astray, but I do think he's just giving his interpretation of whatever Maurice is saying. I guess they are really trying to make Morgan into a mini Sonny, which is kind of sad. One is more than enough.


Well, he's got a lot of Carly in him too though.


And he is a lot like Sonny, but he hasn't killed anyone, so if they're doing this to make Morgan look less like a brat, they don't need to do that to accomplish that. Just have the guy express more conflict once in a while, or some emotion deeper than a mud puddle.

Are we taking bets on when Val will get knocked up for real after she and Date have sex again? I'm thinking by November. 


If they do sleep together again I don't think they will have sex again until after the first time is revealed. If they do . . . well, man, I don't even know what I would say. Just not gonna watch that episode.

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Sonny plans on revenge killing Ava but still expects Michael to be A OK with him killing AJ. What a tool.


  I wouldn't call Sonny a tool because tools are actually useful, which is way more than I can ever say for Sonny. As for Sonny's shrieking to Ava, "What goes around, comes around!" sure it does-unless one gets pardoned by the Governor.  



I like Brad & Rosalie's friend chemistry.


  I respectfully disagree. I don't even see it, much less like it. Brad's being married to Rosalie is yet another example of RC's deep-fried fuckery. I've never had any use for Rosalie & shoving her in a quickie, bullshit marriage with a character I actually like isn't going to change that. I swear, Ron had pulled so many things out of his ass before he got fired that his scripts weren't just scripts; they were colonoscopies.

Edited by DollEyes
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