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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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One thing that shocked me was that Carly isn't relinquishing her cease-fire with Elizabeth just because Jake's not Josslyn's donor.  Talk about some semblance of growth.

Well, Liz and Lucky signed off on Josslyn getting some kid's kidney - they didn't know it wasn't Jake's. So they did still save Josslyn's life. It's not so much growth as acknowledging the reality that Joss is healthy and they played a part in that. Also, it's the kind word before she finds out Jake is her precious Jason and comes after her, screaming and foaming at the mouth and saying she's going to ruin Liz and Nik's lives. (Not a spoiler, just my expectation.)


ETA: CPP83, you're hilarious, although I think Olivia's baby, Sabrina's baby, Sam's baby with her sister's father, Ava and Sonny or Morgan's baby, and Maxie and Spinelli's baby all fall much higher on the list of unwanted and unnecessary than Jake did. At least Liz and Jason had years of history and genuinely cared about each other aside from their romantic/sexual moments. (I'm NOT saying that the babies cast as Avery and Georgie aren't adorable - just unnecessary, and not a one of those 5 characters are fit to be parents.)

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Hey, hey, hey, hey everybody? Did you guys catch it as well? Did ya??? Oh did ya, did ya, DIDYA?????


Jake looks EXACT-EFFING-LY like Jason!!!!! OMG!! He's like Jason's twin but smaller!!!! He even SOUNDS like a grown man of 45!!!! It's a MIRACLE!!!!!! Praise the all holy and eternally blessed JASASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!


I was ready to have someone run over my brain steam with a tractor before the show was barely five full minutes in.


And just to address Ron directly, without, well most of, the slew of expletives I wish to hurl his way like two ton boulders - for heavens' sake you talentless, self important, immature, haughty, annoying, slaggardly wretch, would you honestly stop patting yourself on the goddamn back like some Soap warrior because you managed to track down (stalk probably) the very same kid actor from years ago and convince (blackmail most likely) his family into allowing him to return in the role of an almost-sorta-kinda dead/zombie tot.


Bully for you, jackass, you managed to raise from the dead one of the most unwanted and unnecessary and ill-conceived in every way imaginable soap children to ever exist and got the original actor back to play the part with hardly any hint of emotion beyond confused befuddlement, but if the characters continue to point this incredibly asinine point out with the added benefit of informing us all that he has actually grown and gotten bigger and taller after FIVE FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!! I think my blood pressure might just explode out the top of my head.


Why oh why do I get the too horrible to even think that it could even be a possibility thought that Ron might just resurrect Sabrina's blanket shrouded infant of nothingness in the same way he has littleJake...?


But that can't happen right? Because it can't....because reasons and the baby Jasus and the Holy Mary Margarita, because nothing so cruel could be done to us, not after everything else this show has put us through, no... ::goes and rocks in the corner and strokes my prayer beads in the shape of a motorcycle::


Why yes, Laura, you have never really ticked off every box on the check-sheet of what it takes to be a "good mother", how nice of your shittily raised son to point that out, nevertheless be an effing adult, tell said shit son to shove it down his pie hole, and just tell the truth!


I am not sure they could be painting Liz out to look any worse right now than if she suddenly held the entire NICU hostage and ate the babies' souls. It's like she's the female A.J now.


I guess they spent so much money on Maura's new wig someone had to take Ava's place for now.


Far be it for me to have any use for Carly in well...any capacity whatsoever, but that being said - when the truth is finally revealed about bigJake/Jason, I am going to need her to morph into some sort of creature that might just resemble a giant Praying Mantis so that she can then literally bite off Nik's head. I would very much appreciate that.


Luke, the time to kill yourself with any sort of fanfare was decades ago. Just open the basement door and fall forward, done and done, stop being so goddamn melodramatic you dried up old tosser.


Oh good god, I told myself I wasn't going to keep doing this, I wasn't, I just... *sighsss* I need a drink...


I snorted Dr. Pepper out of my nose reading this gem. That's a compliment! CPP83 for the new head writer, everyone!

  • Love 2

Lulu WAS lying.  Honestly, her lack of faith and trust in Dante is just as bad as his.


It's pretty bad, but no way as bad as his. She didn't actually think 100% that Dante would definitely tattle on everyone - everytime she started having doubts, Dillon would start whispering, no no, your husband who I have known for all of 2 seconds would DEFINITELY go running to the other cops! And yes, she should have told trusted her husband who has proven over and over to be trustworthy over smelly drunken shambling dad, but that's still a pretty powerful pressure when her dad is asking her to keep quiet.


ETA: It's not even about Lulu for me. Even if she actually had been cheating, I'd be mad at Dante for dropping his pants in about 1.8 seconds.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

I've thought that too.


But today, given his insistence that he wants to BE with Lucas, but can't MARRY Lucas, I wondered if he's already married.  For like, I dunno, a lame green card reason and that's why he can't marry Lucas.


I'm also assuming that he's married already.  But, I'd tweet nice things to Ron for a month straight if his secret is that the last time Britt was in town, she spilled wine on his favorite shirt, so he snapped, killed her, and stuffed her in the freezer, and he's afraid Lucas will find her when they go to put the top layer of their wedding cake away for their first anniversary. 


Did anyone else think Jakeson came off as a bit of a doofus today with the "he's already met two brothers, why not meet the 3rd" line. He knows from Elizabeth that this little boy understands she is his mom, Lucky is his dad, and he has two brothers. Does he (or Sam) really feel it's appropriate to consider attempting to explain that only a few people know that genetically, you are the son of a different man, and he had another son, which makes that son your brother and Sam here kind of your step-mom. 


 Sam seemed like she's more than ready to tell little Jake she's his step-mom, and wants Danny and Jake to have a great brotherly relationship ASAP. Ugh. Sheesh. The wheels are in motion for a Jakeson, Sam and Danny v. Jakeson, Elizabeth and Jake war. There is not going to be peace in this kid's life.


Yeah. Even though we all know that Liz has more than one reason for wanting to keep Sam at a distance, it makes perfect sense that she isn't ready to throw all this information at Jake two minutes after he's been returned to his family. Throwing another (presumed dead) father into the mix would be confusing for a young kid on top of what he's already been through.  


I won't lie.  I want to see this.


Olivia's reaction is the one and only thing I'm looking forward to in that mess of a story line.  


One thing that shocked me was that Carly isn't relinquishing her cease-fire with Elizabeth just because Jake's not Josslyn's donor.  Talk about some semblance of growth.


Only because Ron needs her to still be nice to Liz until she finds out the Jakeson secret.  Then she can spout about betrayal and shit and act like Liz owed her any loyalty. 

  • Love 5

It's pretty bad, but no way as bad as his. She didn't actually think 100% that Dante would definitely tattle on everyone - everytime she started having doubts, Dillon would start whispering, no no, your husband who I have known for all of 2 seconds would DEFINITELY go running to the other cops! And yes, she should have told trusted her husband who has proven over and over to be trustworthy over smelly drunken shambling dad, but that's still a pretty powerful pressure when her dad is asking her to keep quiet.

WTH, I am tired of Lulu's faces, so I am okay with Val+Dante sexy time. Let's do some reshuffle couples.


Bully for you, jackass, you managed to raise from the dead one of the most unwanted and unnecessary and ill-conceived in every way imaginable soap children to ever exist and got the original actor back to play the part with hardly any hint of emotion beyond confused befuddlement

The kid just STANDS THERE and says "hi." I'm fucking beside myself. But if there was any doubt why the demon spawn was resurrected, Sam and Jake cleared that up. "But Luke Spencer killed him!" "No, Luke SAVED HIM."


Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6


I snorted Dr. Pepper out of my nose reading this gem. That's a compliment! CPP83 for the new head writer, everyone!



::Takes a bow and nearly topples over:: I'm here all week! *slurs words* My overall sobriety is in question however...



I think Olivia's baby, Sabrina's baby, Sam's baby with her sister's father, Ava and Sonny or Morgan's baby, and Maxie and Spinelli's baby all fall much higher on the list of unwanted and unnecessary than Jake did




Oh you won't get any argument out of me with any of those choices, heh, it's why I said Jake is just one of the children I feel so about. I targeted him so in my post because of what I perceive to be Ron's constant smugness he keeps interjecting into the show over this whole Jake coming back to life business that is irking me to no end. 


It's as if he's strutting about saying "Anything Guza did I can do better". No, no you can't, you useless hack, you prove so time and time again, imo. Stop lying to yourself, just stop it, stop it right now.

  • Love 5

The secret went out the window to those mostly close to Liz and the Spencers - but not the general public. Liz has tried to have it both ways re: Lucky and Jason since she was pregnant with Jake, that's not new. She said "our son" to Lucky's face when they embraced in joy outside her house. Lucky already introduced himself to Jake as "your father" before he and Luke reunited Elizabeth and Jake. I agree she wants him to be with her in raising their son, now that he has a new face and is not a target as a Mob hitman. 


I get that Monica feels alone, like most of her family is dead or away, but it still annoys me that she is blind to her own hypocrisy (herself as the only mother who ever mattered to Jason, but Jason, NOT Lucky, as the true father of Jake even though Jake barely knew Jason). 


Actually I think the reason she told Carly today that Jake knows Lucky is his dad is because the shebeast has no sense of discretion whatsoever - she said "Jason" loudly in front of Jake (that name doesn't mean anything to the kid) and then started crying. I think Liz was trying to keep Shebeast's freak out to a minimum and let little Jake know what he's capable of understanding over time. I think she wanted to get little Jake away from Sam and Carly because she's lying to their faces about big Jake(son) and feels guilty about it, but I don't feel like that's why she was trying to get Carly to keep her mouth shut to Jake. He just heard from L&L2 what, two days ago, that Lucky is his dad? It's nuts to then directly contradict that to a kid his age. The kid is taking in a lot of information right now about his house, immediate family, hometown, Mom's workplace, etc. as it is. Yes, Liz has referred to Jake as Jason's son often after the "death," but I think that's more her hanging onto her only remaining connection to Jason and the fantasy of what could have been - not because she feels like Jason was the father more than Lucky was. In her anger and pain she spat out why Lucky is Jake's father and he's not the night of the accident, and what she said was essentially true. 


Eh, I don't buy any other motivations from Liz at this point other than covering her lie.  But that's me.  I honestly don't think telling the kid Lucky is his real dad, but Jason was also his dad would confuse him.  Like I said, having an adoptive dad and a bio dad are not abnormal things.  And I don't buy the kid being overwhelmed, he doesn't seem all that put out by his ordeal.  If he was cowering in the corner, I might agree.  I'm not saying lay it all on him right.this.minute.  I just think Monica should know her grandson is alive and get a chance to meet him.


Liz's faces today did not scream concerned mother to me at all.  They all looked guilty and panicky to me.   She is a piece of work, standing there letting everyone tell her how happy they are she got her son back, all the while keeping Jason from them. 

  • Love 8

I think she probably wouldn't mind. She was happy when Jason and Jake got to spend time together even before she had a kid but I think that will probably be more complicated after the truth comes out.

After they got back together I think she was more insecure about Brenda than she was about Liz.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2
One thing that shocked me was that Carly isn't relinquishing her cease-fire with Elizabeth just because Jake's not Josslyn's donor.  Talk about some semblance of growth.

Only because Ron needs her to still be nice to Liz until she finds out the Jakeson secret.


But until then, there's no point for Carly to start railing on Liz. It's not Liz's fault Jake is alive, and everything that happened the night of the accident was done in good faith, as it were. Plus, Joss is healthy. (For now.) If something were wrong with Joss, I can fully see Carly deciding it's Liz's fault because Jake didn't die. You know she'd go there.


And Carly will definitely go there once the Jakeson secret finally (FINALLY) comes out. So I'd rather be spared until then. At least that is something Liz will unequivocally deserve. Have those ear plugs handy, everyone. 


Also I dunno if Morgan and Carly are good things that came out of Elm Street.

I gave that the side eye, too. 

  • Love 4

That reminds me, I forgot to say, I did think it was sweet how Sam was excited for Danny and Jake to meet. I dunno if she would feel quite the same if Jason were around, which is one of the many reasons Jason should have never returned.

Eh, that was completely contrived to me. This isn't anything against the character of Sam, but it's clear Ron has been portraying Sam and Carly as SUPER NICE AND LOVELY to Liz for a reason.

  • Love 4

Eh, I don't buy any other motivations from Liz at this point other than covering her lie.  But that's me.  I honestly don't think telling the kid Lucky is his real dad, but Jason was also his dad would confuse him.  Like I said, having an adoptive dad and a bio dad are not abnormal things.  And I don't buy the kid being overwhelmed,

Not exactly overwhelmed, but he did seem perplexed/weirded out that this lady - who hasn't been introduced as a family member who's missed him - is telling him he's so special as she cries over him. As someone else pointed out, she had a more emotional reaction to seeing the kid alive than Jason's own wife. Yes, Liz feels guilty, but to me Becky played it as protecting the kid from Carly's behavior/mouth, with some guilt thrown in. I saw more guilt and worry in her re: Sam and Danny.


I don't know enough about child development to know if a kid that age is capable of understanding Jason as his parent due to DNA/how reproduction works, but Lucky as his dad who was raising him along with his mom prior to the Cassadine Island years.  Also, it's tricky here because Lucky is NOT an adoptive dad. His name is on the birth certificate as father of Jacob Martin Spencer; Liz and Lucky were married when he was born.

That reminds me, I forgot to say, I did think it was sweet how Sam was excited for Danny and Jake to meet.


I'm hesitant to say this because I like both Sam and Liz and am not looking to start anything, but the first thing I thought of when Sam started gushing about how great it is that Danny can meet his big brother was "this is the same kid that you let a crazy woman take.  If it had been up to you, Danny wouldn't have the opportunity to meet his brother."  I know that was a long time ago and everyone has made peace and moved on but it just took me  out of the moment.

  • Love 6

Given that Jake is related to half the town anyway, I don't think Liz is wrong to want to limit how much information he's getting on his second day in Port Charles. He's already getting bounced around from his house to Windermere to GH. Let the kid get his land legs before hitting him with the gory details of his paternity.


ETA: Jake has no scars, so the kidney can't be his. Otherwise, there is no reason.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Not exactly overwhelmed, but he did seem perplexed/weirded out that this lady - who hasn't been introduced as a family member who's missed him - is telling him he's so special as she cries over him. As someone else pointed out, she had a more emotional reaction to seeing the kid alive than Jason's own wife. Yes, Liz feels guilty, but to me Becky played it as protecting the kid from Carly's behavior/mouth, with some guilt thrown in. I saw more guilt and worry in her re: Sam and Danny.


I don't know enough about child development to know if a kid that age is capable of understanding Jason as his parent due to DNA/how reproduction works, but Lucky as his dad who was raising him along with his mom prior to the Cassadine Island years.  Also, it's tricky here because Lucky is NOT an adoptive dad. His name is on the birth certificate as father of Jacob Martin Spencer; Liz and Lucky were married when he was born.


Well to be fair, who isn't wierded out by Carly?  ;)


I also wasn't necessarily saying Lucky is Jake's adoptive dad, I was just using it as an example. 


I guess we'll agree to disagree.  My whole point was just that Monica deserves to know Jake is alive, and meet him.  If Liz wants to keep the word "grandma" out of it, that's fine....but Monica knows this kid is her son's son....so of course she is going to want to at least meet the kid.

  • Love 3

Bored, bored, boring and bored.


When you have like 20,000 secrets and don't bother to reveal any of them, it's no wonder no one's watching.


I did like Laura, up until the end. And Liz fans, don't worry. I found someone that will still be on her side today. Sabrina said that she would have done anything to hold her family together, I took that as an anvil that she will stand by her. Even though they haven't had scenes together in...how long?


I love PS, but Brad annoyed today. And his secret can be kicked into the harbor and die for real, because I DON'T CARE.


Is it too much to ask for something to actually happen on this show? It's like watching paint dry.

  • Love 5

I don't blame Liz for trying to limit the people who come into contact with Jake, since the boy was kidnapped for four years and she has no idea what BS Helena did to the child.


Michael's comment about the family loving Jake made me snort water out my nose, since they had no idea of the connection to Jason until the boy died.


Jake dissing Sam and running over to big Jake was a hoot.


Sam acting all giddy over Jake when we all know she tried twice to get rid of the child.


Jake and Jake scenes were great with the motorcycle and book.


Carly.  Ugh.  Carly will soon camp outside of Liz's house in hopes of seeing Jason's son!

  • Love 6

So is Liz going to want Jason to be a father to Jake now? Is she going to tell Jake that Jaosn is his real father cause I'm confused what's happening.

And please no play dates with Danny. I want creepy little Jake, boring Jason, and creepy IwantJasontomyself Liz confined and away from anyone I like, keep them confined in this campy boring story.

  • Love 1

Jazzy24 -Yes, esp. since Lucky left again because he a) has doubts about his ability to be a father because of "darkness" inside him; b) Nikolas told him hey, you can take off if you want - you're not needed because Jakeson is in the father role to the boys now; c) he felt sad listening at the window and hearing Liz, Jakeson and Jake sounding like a happy family. I really really wish Laura had overheard Nik's conversation with Lucky, then slapped Nik across the face for being such a douche (again) to his brother. I hate that Laura is written to think that Lucky left just to get out of Elizabeth's way re: a happy family with Jason 2.0.


No, she's not telling Jake that Jason/Jakeson is his bio father - at least for now. I think she may tell him *something* when this secret blows up in her face.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Re: Brad and Lucas

Who proposed to who? For the life of me I can't remember. If Brad proposed to Lucas, why did he do it? He already knew he couldn't marry him for whatever lame reason.

Because, MoRon the hack didn't know what the "secret" was then. It's obviiua he's making this pathetc shit up as he goes yet I'm supposed to believe he maps out stories a year ahead. He can take a stadium full of seats with that one.

Hey MoRon,

If you stopped writing stage directions, you might be able to write have more details, cohesion, and continuity in your stories.

Tired viewer

  • Love 7

I thought GF did a great job with those conspiratorial scenes. The problem is the very end let them down. I didn't see Nikolas convince Laura - he brought up her hiding him away, and then she just folded because the scene is out of time. No way. I can potentially buy that Laura would keep this secret given what she's done in the past, but they would've had to have much longer, more densely-layered scenes full of history - like, knowing that Jake is a target for all of Sonny and Jason's old enemies, that a bullet can come through the window anyday, that Jason is a public menace, 'remember all your years on the run from Frank Smith, what happened when Luke and Sonny brought the mob war into your home with Lulu,' etcetera etcetera. They could have sold it. Genie was doing her best. But the writing stopped dead, presumably because Frank has a stopwatch. I have a fairly high bar for buying that Laura would do this, and they did not meet it.


Elizabeth's permanent expression and disposition at this point is Guilty Bitch. No wonder she doesn't want to spend time around Carly. She knows that when the truth comes out, there will be nowhere on Earth for her to hide. Nothing will stop Carly.


The Brad shit is so stupid, because a) it's on maybe twice a month at best and b) I have seen this story a million times on soaps, and it's always about neutering the gays - they're married to a woman, or they just drunk-fucked some chick, and now there's a wife or a baby, or a wife with a baby on the way, and oh let's all play with our babies and be domestic and less sexual, or spend our time in a quasi-triangle with a woman and it is SOOOOO FUCKING STUUUUPPPPIIDDDD. I don't care. Please, do anything else. And no, a closeted-to-my-family-at-age-35 story is not exciting in 2015. It's not.



Through a series of events Brad eventually realizes that he was actually killed by Vincent that night, and was unknowingly dead the entire time he was working with Cole. Because of Cole's help, Brad's unfinished business – rectifying his failure to understand and help Vincent – is finally complete. His soul is now at peace and he is never seen or heard from again.


I like Brad but you're doing the Lord's work.


It's been a year already. I hope we never find out. I just want her to go.


Same. Rosalie can bounce. You can cut to her dead body on the floor, killed by Helena Cassadine, and have Dante and Nathan reveal her secret in dialogue. It's fine. Move on.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 15

I love how Sonny thinks he's some arbiter of etiquette by scolding Julian to learn some manners. People with good manners don't point out the bad ones of others, Sonny. 


Sonny hit a nerve with that one; I haaaaaaaaate it when supposedly well mannered people do that to others. 


Assuming the Jake/Jakeson/Jason reveal isn't until Nov, what are we supposed to be excited to watch until then? Luke leaves in a couple days (episodes?), and there really, really isn't anything to give a hoot about story-wise. 


Maybe, Dr. Cox from Scrubs can come to PC and tell off everyone in the hospital? 

For me, the most annoying part of Carly seeing Little Jake was when she started to simper abuot how Jason was her bessssssst friend....her BEST friend.......Best Best Ever friend !!!.


Good God, you are over 40 years old - stop with the BFF shit. 


That's because she can't say "Jason is my Huzzzband! which makes me your stepMOMMEEEEEEE!" She will never, ever get Jason to be in love with her or marry her, so she has convinced herself that they are the bestest friends that ever bested.

  • Love 8

I have reached the point where I will be more amused if no one else EVER finds out that Jackson is Jason. I could go for Monica taking to him as an adopted Son but other than that I am good, and it would be kind of an amusing note and wink and nod to the viewers that he is back.


The reason I feel this way is that I do not think I can stand the "Hail Holy Jason's" that will come with the reveal. I may barf

  • Love 1
The Brad shit is so stupid, because a) it's on maybe twice a month at best and b) I have seen this story a million times on soaps, and it's always about neutering the gays - they're married to a woman, or they just drunk-fucked some chick, and now there's a wife or a baby, or a wife with a baby on the way, and oh let's all play with our babies and be domestic and less sexual, or spend our time in a quasi-triangle with a woman and it is SOOOOO FUCKING STUUUUPPPPIIDDDD. I don't care. Please, do anything else. And no, a closeted-to-my-family-at-age-35 story is not exciting in 2015. It's not.



I love this post. I'm going to put on a latex Faison mask and  throwing fondue all over it. Nothing about the above is good story.


B&B is doing a Transgender story that pretty damn good, IMO. They surprised me with the story not being all camp or all cliches. I'm enjoying the story line and this is from a person who only started watching B&B for SK . Hell, i'm enjoying a couple of the story lines. I can't say that about GH. I'm slightly interested in 1 1/2-2 scenarios/questions but that's it. 


I shudder thinking about how Ron would write a transgender story. Hell AMC's Zarf would seem like Shakespearean Theatre. Also, I'm now mad at MoRon for making me remember Zarf/Zoe.

  • Love 1

I forgot to mention this earlier, but it cracked me up when Carly said how together Sam was about Jake returning and all the feelings his looking like Jason was bringing up. Sam said, "I've had a long time to adjust to Jason not being around" or something like that. Yes, the same amount of time as Carly. But of course Carly's pain trumps everyone else's.


I hate that Laura is written to think that Lucky left just to get out of Elizabeth's way re: a happy family with Jason 2.0.


I don't get why Laura is okay with that. Jake isn't Lucky's only kid. Two other boys don't have their father around. It's a terrible, sloppy way to get Lucky offscreen.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

That is brilliant, LeftPhalange! Who's he looking at in that screencap?


I personally am so very amused that 'Jason's first born son' is utterly uninterested in chatting with Jason's wife and 'BFF'. Also, laughing that his 'don't know you, don't care' attitude went completely over Carly's head. Yet he seems to be forming a nice bond with Grandma Laura. Love that. 

  • Love 4

I forgot to mention this earlier, but it cracked me up when Carly said how together Sam was about Jake returning and all the feelings his looking like Jason was bringing up. Sam said, "I've had a long time to adjust to Jason not being around" or something like that. Yes, the same amount of time as Carly. But of course Carly's pain trumps everyone else's.



I don't get why Laura is okay with that. Jake isn't Lucky's only kid. Two other boys don't have their father around. It's a terrible, sloppy way to get Lucky offscreen.

Sam said that in the context of raising Danny without his dad there; that Elizabeth now gets to raise Jason's son without him around....which I still think sounds stupid because Elizabeth and Jason weren't together when she was raising Jake as a toddler. Liz had Jake with her when she saw Jason here and there, but he was not a parent in any capacity (except for the saving Jake from two kidnappings stuff).


As for Laura - what you said. Wish I could like that comment 1,000 times. Cameron was Lucky's son from the time he was a baby, although he knew who Jason was. Aiden knows Lucky is Daddy and had no exposure to Jason whatsoever. I hated that Lucky saw Jake in the window, no Cam or Aiden in the scene, and just left because the two adults and one kid sounded like a happy family. Cam and Aiden's health and happiness is just as important as Jake's. It's the sloppiest, most lame way possible to write Lucky out of GH again.

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