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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Seriously. Lucky shows up, tells her he was kidnapped, but doesn't have time to explain that. Jake didn't save Joss; end of story. Big news, here's Jake. Then he says she'll do fine explaining to Cam and Aiden that their brother is alive, she'll be a good mother raising the boys, and leaves?! I get that we're supposed to understand it's not goodbye, he'll be in contact, but come ON. He should be there at her side to tell the boys about their brother, to help him integrate into life with the family. They haven't had the boy checked out by doctors, so they have no way of knowing if he is, in fact, okay and it's safe to have him in the house with his mother and brothers. There's no way they can know he's just fine after spending what, 48 hours or less with him? GMAB. Lucky of all people should know that is a very bad idea after the year he spent living as Helena's prisoner.

Lucky looks SO bad here, IMO. Cool, you found the kid! But now you're leaving Liz to raise the dudes by herself AGAIN? Because of the ~darkness~ inside you. I can't with this. At all. Like, I get the nostalgia the actors bring, but this is bad storytelling x 63673738834555. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 8

That's what's bugging me here - Lucky knows exactly what kind of manipulation Helena is capable of.  This is exactly what she did to him, faked his death and held him before allowing him to rejoin his family after she brainwashed him.  You'd think he'd want to be around both to keep an eye on things and watch for any signs that Jake is like he was and just because the son he believed was dead for years is alive and well and he'd want to spend time with him.  If he was working for the WSB and couldn't stay, that would make some sense, but just him cutting out the second Jake gets settled in without even sticking around to see ALL of his sons is just unfathomable.  I can't believe that they couldn't even squeak in one little scene of him with all three boys.  Just leave the whole explanation to the boys off screen (because we're never going to see any real explanation on screen anyway), and show us Lucky, Liz, and their three boys sitting together in her living room.  Something. 


Dammit!  I said I wasn't going to complain about the writing today.  Nobody read this until tomorrow! 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 15

That's what's bugging me here - Lucky knows exactly what kind of manipulation Helena is capable of.  This is exactly what she did to him, faked his death and held him before allowing him to rejoin his family after she brainwashed him.  You'd think he'd want to be around both to keep an eye on things and watch for any signs that Jake is like he was and just because the son he believed was dead for years is alive and well and he'd want to spend time with him.  If he was working for the WSB and couldn't stay, that would make some sense, but just him cutting out the second Jake gets settled in without even sticking around to see ALL of his sons is just unfathomable.  I can't believe that they couldn't even squeak in one little scene of him with all three boys.  Just leave the whole explanation to the boys off screen (because we're never going to see any real explanation on screen anyway), and show us Lucky, Liz, and their three boys sitting together in her living room.  Something. 


Dammit!  I said I wasn't going to complain about the writing today.  Nobody read this until tomorrow! 


Silly KerleyQ! You're forgetting one very important salient point: That the regime that wrote that story line for Lucky is no longer the regime that is writing the Jake is alive story line! History? What's that? Oh, see? Jake is alive! History! And that's enough. They don't care about the pesky little details of what actually took place when they weren't in charge. Because that didn't happen.

  • Love 3

Is anyone else now thinking Nikolas will be the reason for Lucky's abrupt departure from Port Charles?


I worry Ron is going to make Nik completely and permanently irredeemable. 


Seriously-- I hope Liz hightails it to GH to get some DNA tests (not that they couldn't be tampered with). And I'm not even going to start complaining about the implications that the hospital declared the wrong kid dead, harvested the kids organs, and handed over the wrong kid to Liz and Lucky to bury. Let's not think too much about that.


Is it wrong that I want Dead Fake Jake's parents to sue the hospital and bankrupt it? Because what the fuck. What kind of life is this. 


I'm glad Jordan told stupid ass Valerie to keep her trash drama out of the workplace. I hope she has the same conversation with Dante as well. 

  • Love 4

I don't understand how someone told Patrick and Robin that little Jake was brain dead off screen, of course when I definitely remember him flatlining on the OR table in front of them with Jason looking through the window.


Pfffft. Different regime. Ron ain't got no time to give a shit about real history when he can half-ass his own.

  • Love 4

If it's the photo we saw on Friday (haven't seen today's ep), it's 5-years-ago Jake. (How could it be current Jake?) The kid hasn't changed much since then, and he's got similar hair now. 

That's why I asked...I just thought maybe they messed up with the pictures.  I don't have kids so don't know how much they change in 5 years.  This kid hasn't changed much at all.

I can't believe they let Monica say all those nice things specifically about Jason Q, not the hit man he turned in to.


I know they only have JJ for a limited time but jeeze. He's being Robin-ed here, but worse because he's not being held hostage. I know this Jake story is really suppose to be about Jason (what else is new?) but still.


Keep digging that hole deeper, Dante. No, wait, just confess, idiot! I guess he lost custody of the town brain. But to who?

  • Love 3

Not always.  When he first came into the Q household, she told Alan to "get that thing out of my house".  She also used him as a basketball once when he was a baby.  The slobbering started in the mid-90's and got progressively worse with each passing year.


Yes, thank you. I get a little put out when people complain about how Monica always favored Jason over AJ. She consistently emotionally abused Jason when he was a toddler and eventually grew to tolerate him (I wasn't watching during the 90s, so I missed the slobbering years), but that little story she keeps telling about how even though he wasn't her biological child, she loved him the first time she held him makes me want to make farting noises with my armpit. When she told that story to Jakeson today, I was wishing his memory would suddenly return and he'd have a flashback to her screaming, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" when his 3-year-old self reached up for a hug.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 4
Keep digging that hole deeper, Dante. No, wait, just confess, idiot! I guess he lost custody of the town brain. But to who?



For a moment, I thought we were going to get a story where he didn't realize she didn't know everything, and he apologizes, she says "as long as it never happens again" and he's still thinking she is talking about the sex.  But, nope, she actually made it clear that what she knew about was just the kiss.  And then his dumb ass calls Val the second Lulu walks into the bathroom to splash water on her face and explicitly talks about how they did have sex and he wants her to promise she'll keep it quiet.  Your loft isn't that big, Dante!  

  • Love 5

For a moment, I thought we were going to get a story where he didn't realize she didn't know everything, and he apologizes, she says "as long as it never happens again" and he's still thinking she is talking about the sex.  But, nope, she actually made it clear that what she knew about was just the kiss.  And then his dumb ass calls Val the second Lulu walks into the bathroom to splash water on her face and explicitly talks about how they did have sex and he wants her to promise she'll keep it quiet.  Your loft isn't that big, Dante!  


Especially considering he overheard Lulu talking about her secret in the loft. Maybe he subconsciously wants to get caught, is my fan wank.

  • Love 1



I'm glad Jordan told stupid ass Valerie to keep her trash drama out of the workplace. I hope she has the same conversation with Dante as well. 

Which of course means Val will do the opposite. I assume (no time table here) that Lulu will come to the police station to see Dante, and either overhear Jordan angrily/sternly tell Val that her affair with Dante is affecting the PCPD, or Dante and Val having a conversation/argument about it, or Jordan bitching them both out for their ONS having a negative affect on workplace performance.  I think the Jordan/Val or Jordan, Dante and Val scenario is most likely, because otherwise Val confiding in Jordan serves no purpose.  

  • Love 2

I'm assuming there will rage blackouts from some of you for Jake saying he gets that Jason was a good man before and after the accident, and Monica saying yes he was a good man. But Monica saying that Jason was the heart of the family is a slap in the face to AJ. Bad mother moment there.

The Guza levels of Jason worship still persist, huh? Well, he was certainly the one who got most of the Quartermaines killed because of his decision to join the mob, in one capacity or another.

  • Love 1

I have no problem with Mac and Felicia raising Emma, as she's their granddaughter, but now they have to deal with Danny, too? Monica might enjoy spending town with her grandson, Sam.


I get a little put out when people complain about how Monica always favored Jason over AJ. She consistently emotionally abused Jason when he was a toddler


She's more than made up for that. Jason has been her favorite son for a very long time, even before his head met the tree.


Your loft isn't that big, Dante!


It's probably more private than talking in front of the hospital elevators. Or outside Kelly's. Or on the piers. Heh. 


The scenes with Luke/Lucky/Liz/Jake were so awkward. The actors were great, but it was so slapdash: "Here's Jake; enjoy! Gotta run!" I like that Liz said "We got our son back." Too bad now she'll be murdered in her bed tonight by her demon spawn.


I'm glad TG and BH got a scene alone together. She deserved it. 


The Valerie stuff is so dumb. So, so dumb. I kind of want her to get all revenge-minded and burn the town to the ground instead of moon and be all hurt that her ONS didn't pan out.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Oh my goodness. That's two days straight of watching this show that my crazy allergies acted up and my screen got blurry!


Seriously, Becky and JJ have IT, just like Genie and Geary. I just...I don't have words for how wonderful it was to see them both together onscreen again, and my God, the look on Liz's face when she laid eyes on Jake. Becky totally just blew me away.


And again, the one on one with Lucky and Luke; but FUCK THAT NOiSE about the darkness being in Lucky. Just FUCK IT.


And at least Laura hasn't been dumbed down and that she actually called Nik on his excitement over learning that his nephew is alive...that Lucky is safe after having been kidnapped. And I find it difficult to credit it's because Jason is still alive. I fucking hate that the way Lucky and Nik parted...as friends and brothers, is going to be blown to shit. I could see that plainly in Nik's eyes.


And maybe it's my love for Liz and Lucky, but the way she looked at Lucky as he left...residual feelings? Okay, it's just my rose tinted glasses. But dammit, Becky and JJ just sparkled!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 21

Welcome back, Tony Geary. That is the acting we were used to before you started shrieking!


I'll be the unpopular opinion again and say that for the most part, I loved the entire episode.

This is pretty much where I am . . .this episode in isolation was fantastic, but it falls apart in the context of the overall ongoing seriel. This regime, especially the last year or so specializes in producing episodes that are fantastic when viewed standing alone but are awful in the context of the show as a whole.

For me, it's no different than the Phelps/Guza era of sweeps events that were fantastic as specific stories and then resetting to the same boring status quo the day sweeps was over.

And I get that a show that produces 260 episodes a year cannot produce all great or even good episodes, but there have been periods even under Ron when the show was consistently good and sometimes great.

What is especially frustrating me right now is that I think Ron & Frank have all the pieces of a truly great show, but they're haphazardly arranging those pieces into a jumbled mess instead.

  • Love 4

This is pretty much where I am . . .this episode in isolation was fantastic, but it falls apart in the context of the overall ongoing seriel. This regime, especially the last year or so specializes in producing episodes that are fantastic when viewed standing alone but are awful in the context of the show as a whole.

For me, it's no different than the Phelps/Guza era of sweeps events that were fantastic as specific stories and then resetting to the same boring status quo the day sweeps was over.

And I get that a show that produces 260 episodes a year cannot produce all great or even good episodes, but there have been periods even under Ron when the show was consistently good and sometimes great.

What is especially frustrating me right now is that I think Ron & Frank have all the pieces of a truly great show, but they're haphazardly arranging those pieces into a jumbled mess instead.

If they would just look at what worked in this show and give us more. It really is not that hard to do.

  • Love 1

This is pretty much where I am . . .this episode in isolation was fantastic, but it falls apart in the context of the overall ongoing seriel. This regime, especially the last year or so specializes in producing episodes that are fantastic when viewed standing alone but are awful in the context of the show as a whole.


Thank God it's warm!  I swam in from the barge to watch Friday and today's show, and as single episodes they were worth it.  I just had to stay in the moment, and not think - at all - and just enjoy the feeling, the characterizations, the one-on-one relationships, devoid of the shitstorm that surround them.  And, I enjoyed Liz and Lucky, even Lucky and Luke, and Laura and Nik.

I ff'd through the rest.  I can't, I won't watch this contrived Dante/Valerie crap.  It's so bad I actually want Olivia to return - Olivia, people, I NEVER want Olivia EVER, but she'd fix this storyline ASAP by drowning Valerie in a vat of her sauce.


Oh my goodness. That's two days straight of watching this show that my crazy allergies acted up and my screen got blurry!


Seriously, Becky and JJ have IT, just like Genie and Geary. I just...I don't have words for how wonderful it was to see them both together onscreen again, and my God, the look on Liz's face when she laid eyes on Jake. Becky totally just blew me away.


And again, the one on one with Lucky and Luke; but FUCK THAT NOiSE about the darkness being in Lucky. Just FUCK IT.


And at least Laura hasn't been dumbed down and that she actually called Nik on his excitement over learning that his nephew is alive...that Lucky is safe after having been kidnapped. And I find it difficult to credit it's because Jason is still alive. I fucking hate that the way Lucky and Nik parted...as friends and brothers, is going to be blown to shit. I could see that plainly in Nik's eyes.


All the crap that has gone down between Liz and Lucky, all the nonsense Lucky has done, all that crying, Liz's absolute lack of any moral center, her fickleness, yeah, none of that went away, but today, just for today, those two were so good to watch together.  So good.....It's ruined long term, I know, even short term, can't go back and redo the crap that Guza and Pratt did, but I saw a little of that magic again.  And I didn't even mind Luke, especially talking to Liz.  I didnt' care to hear about Lucky's "darkness", but okay, the excuse for him leaving has been given.  Just for today, ok.


But, I couldn't help wondering what the hell daycare on Cassadine Island must be like.  Is there a Harry Potter type poison class?  Did Helena teach the little tyke how to tie hangman's knots?   And every now and then I was reminded of Rosemary's Baby, when the Mia Farrow character says, "What have you done to his eyes???"  And Roman Castevet replies, "He has his father's eyes".........Cam better sleep with a crucifix and a pistol under his pillow, and Spencer should be having nighmares about Cousin Jake.  This is one kid you don't want to cross.  


It was nice seeing Monica and I liked her and Billy Miller together.  When I think of him as Billy Miller and not Jason, I like him better.  Those scenes were nice until Monica said Jason was a good man.  Ahh, nope, not so much.  He was a KILLER.  And the thing is, post-accident Jason was never even that nice to her.  

I think I liked these scenes, come to think of it, because Billy Miller has so much more warmth than Steve Farret Phelps ever had, and it showed today in his scenes with Monica.

  • Love 8
I like that Liz said "We got our son back."



One of my favorite parts of the episode.  No matter what any writer does to them, I will always love watching BH and JJ together.  They're magic.  



and Spencer should be having nighmares about Cousin Jake.  This is one kid you don't want to cross.




If Jake manages to go all Firestarter on Spencer, I wouldn't be mad.  

  • Love 15

Oh! In all my gushing, I forgot to mention, like I did the other day, that there is something seriously wrong with Jake. He seemed congenial enough when he was introduced to Liz; but when she hugged him, his eyes were dead. I mean D-E-A-D DEAD.  Then he's all smiles again. And I don't think it's lack of talent on the actor's part. I'd say it was talent, to be switch back and forth like that.


And Aiden! Is it just me, or does he remind anyone else of original wee Cameron-he of the starting fires? Just me, then? Ookay.

  • Love 3

And maybe it's my love for Liz and Lucky, but the way she looked at Lucky as he left...residual feelings? Okay, it's just my rose tinted glasses. But dammit, Becky and JJ just sparkled!

Not just your glasses. Those two sparkle! I saw a longing for him to stay in her eyes. But I also felt like I saw it in Lucky, too. She said she was seeing "Jake," and the way Lucky said that's wonderful ... I think JJ played it like that's what he feels is right and polite to say, but he said it without any enthusiasm. (Yet there was genuine happiness in his face in reaction to hearing that Josslyn is cancer-free after 5 years.) Also, "There's that name again" re: bedtime story reading. Definitely not a voice of happiness, lol. It's like he does and doesn't want Elizabeth to move on at the same time. He left in part to get out of their old pattern - but this is still HIS family where another man is reading to his son(s) and being romantic with Liz. When he was telling Luke he just wanted to be there with his kids ...I felt like he still loves Liz, too, but can't say that because a) he feels like a dark mess who can't BE a family man in the foreseeable future  b) L&L2 weren't a healthy match the last time and c) she's seeing someone and he's unaware that is actually Jason and the situation will implode anytime now.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 10

Oh! In all my gushing, I forgot to mention, like I did the other day, that there is something seriously wrong with Jake. He seemed congenial enough when he was introduced to Liz; but when she hugged him, his eyes were dead. I mean D-E-A-D DEAD.  Then he's all smiles again. And I don't think it's lack of talent on the actor's part. I'd say it was talent, to be switch back and forth like that.


When he was in the background using the computer later, I was thinking "oh, you'd better go check what he's doing online!"  Because that kid is either ordering explosives or chatting with Helena. 

  • Love 6

I'm still pressed I never got Lucky, Liz, Lulu, and Dante hanging out together during JJ's last stint. THERE I SAID IT. I don't care if it's a longing for sheer fanfic fluff.

It would take fan fic to get a compelling story with them, rather than the incoherent mess GH has become. Fan fic could even give Valerie some depth and motivation as a character, as opposed to serving as another walking Ron Plot Device.

  • Love 1

Oh my goodness. That's two days straight of watching this show that my crazy allergies acted up and my screen got blurry!

Seriously, Becky and JJ have IT, just like Genie and Geary. I just...I don't have words for how wonderful it was to see them both together onscreen again, and my God, the look on Liz's face when she laid eyes on Jake. Becky totally just blew me away.

And maybe it's my love for Liz and Lucky, but the way she looked at Lucky as he left...residual feelings? Okay, it's just my rose tinted glasses. But dammit, Becky and JJ just sparkled!

I've been extremely wishy washy on a Lucky recast, but after today I am firmly against it. I'm not fond of the "darkness inside me" angle and everything was way too rushed, but I realize JJ had scheduling restraints and all things considered this angle for an exit isn't all bad.

My hope is that tomorrow Lucky leaves to go investigate something, though what he is investigating is left vague; my fear is that Nik does something like bonk him on the head and have his goons take Lucky prisoner so we're left with both Lucky & Robin as prisoners indefinitely.

ETA: why didn't Guza just do L&L2? Maybe I'm crazy but I swear either Jonathan or Becky gave an interview around his exit where whoever it was explicitly stated he or she wanted and thought they were getting L&L2 when Jonathan came back.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4


and Spencer should be having nighmares about Cousin Jake.  This is one kid you don't want to cross.

If Jake manages to go all Firestarter on Spencer, I wouldn't be mad.


Please, let this happen.


When he was in the background using the computer later, I was thinking "oh, you'd better go check what he's doing online!"  Because that kid is either ordering explosives or chatting with Helena.


She's probably activating his trigger word.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

I've been extremely wishy washy on a Lucky recast, but after today I am firmly against it. I'm not fond of the "darkness inside me" angle and everything was way too rushed, but I realize JJ had scheduling restraints and all things considered this angle for an exit isn't all bad.

My hope is that tomorrow Lucky leaves to go investigate something, though what he is investigating is left vague; my fear is that Nik does something like bonk him on the head and have his goons take Lucky prisoner so we're left with both Lucky & Robin as prisoners indefinitely.

I will never acknowledge a Lucky recast. You just don't recast Lucky or Robin at this point. Does that mean they both have to be prisoners, though? No. They can each be off-screen with their kids!!! Who, btw, are never on-screen, anyway. Just ask Sam and Patrick.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 7

But, I couldn't help wondering what the hell daycare on Cassadine Island must be like.  Is there a Harry Potter type poison class?  Did Helena teach the little tyke how to tie hangman's knots?   And every now and then I was reminded of Rosemary's Baby, when the Mia Farrow character says, "What have you done to his eyes???"  And Roman Castevet replies, "He has his father's eyes".........Cam better sleep with a crucifix and a pistol under his pillow, and Spencer should be having nighmares about Cousin Jake.  This is one kid you don't want to cross.


When he was in the background using the computer later, I was thinking "oh, you'd better go check what he's doing online!"  Because that kid is either ordering explosives or chatting with Helena.


I was thinking l'ilJake was checking his facebook groups "Cassidine Island Captives", "Port Charles residents that have returned from the dead"....(where he would see his father, his "real" father, his grandfather, his grandmother among others) and "People brought back to life by Helena"...where he would meet bigJake

  • Love 5

Lucky of all people should know that is a very bad idea after the year he spent living as Helena's prisoner.

"He'll go through a period where he's all shouty and yelly, then another where he's dumb as a box of rocks and people call him "Jerry", but then he'll be back to his old self!"

Not much I can say here that hasn't already been said. L&L2 are absolute magic together.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 6

Ok, so I re watched without a 5 and 7 year old in my face and I take back being underwhelmed.   I am actually really grateful and impressed by Becky's performance.  She dialed it way back, and didn't do the shrill voice once.  It was refreshing and pretty powerful.  I especially love her reaction right after Lucky says "He's alive" and it cuts to commercial.  I love her deep breath and the way she moved her mouth (sorry its hard to describe).  And of course, I loved the "Our son" moment.

  • Love 5

Retcon or not on the baby Jason backstory, the Monica/Jason scene was wonderful. This is what I always wanted for the Jason recast - him with the Q's, him being lighter, being a different man with some of the same traits. I hope they keep that up. Miller comes alive most with the Q's and the ELQ crew, with fun capers, and amazingly, with Kelly Monaco. For all his flaws, RC is one of the few writers who'd ever have the balls to talk about Jason Quartermaine and not Jason Morgan and bring him back, and I hope they actually follow through on bringing on a hybrid version of the character like I've always wanted. For Ron, episodes like today are usually a major piece of foreshadowing, but he's also disappointed me countless times that I can't be convinced we'll get a 'new' Jason til I see it for a month. If I do. But the energy is all right there with BM and the right people.


I was stunned they let the Luke/Lucky scene on the porch run that long - 30-Second-Cuts Uncle Frank would probably only allow that for Tony Geary and JJ. I don't know who they let write that material, or the Monica/Jason stuff, but with most of the dialogue and the length it actually felt like the pre-Ron/Frank GH again for a few amazing minutes. It wasn't perfect - I have no idea what the hell Lucky was talking about with his 'darkness,' but I have a feeling it may go back to Helena and his brainwashing - and despite all that, I thought the writing and the performances sold it. It was certainly TG's best work in at least four or five years. He reminded me of what he used to be capable of, with real dialogue and real time. He was wonderful, as was Jonathan. I also appreciated the fact that the writing, and Luke, made a point to seemingly implicitly reference what he'd said before at the diner; that Luke had made a fatal error turning away from his life with Laura and the kids and into his 'darkness.' TG also deserves credit for playing it to the hilt. They said something like it the other day as well, so if nothing else, Ron has laid the groundwork for a potential LNL reunion if he can ever make Tony agree.


The only problem? They seriously rushed Liz's reaction to get all this in. That woman should've been fainting dead away, she should've been on the floor, quaking and shrieking. Instead they just dropped her on him, boom, and she's rolling with it! Becky Herbst did her best with way too little. This should have been two days divided between her reaction, then the aftermath with L&L on the porch.


All in all, though, despite the flaws and several other bum storylines featured, so much of today's show was just a testament to what the show could do with a little more time and care for performers and characters, and the day-to-day writing.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 18

The only problem? They seriously rushed Liz's reaction to get all this in. That woman should've been fainting dead away, she should've been on the floor, quaking and shrieking. Instead they just dropped her on him, boom, and she's rolling with it! Becky Herbst did her best with way too little. This should have been two days divided between her reaction, then the aftermath with L&L on the porch.


Seriously! I was expecting a fainting or at least a collapse in his arms.

  • Love 5

I've been extremely wishy washy on a Lucky recast, but after today I am firmly against it. I'm not fond of the "darkness inside me" angle and everything was way too rushed, but I realize JJ had scheduling restraints and all things considered this angle for an exit isn't all bad.

My hope is that tomorrow Lucky leaves to go investigate something, though what he is investigating is left vague; my fear is that Nik does something like bonk him on the head and have his goons take Lucky prisoner so we're left with both Lucky & Robin as prisoners indefinitely.

ETA: why didn't Guza just do L&L2? Maybe I'm crazy but I swear either Jonathan or Becky gave an interview around his exit where whoever it was explicitly stated he or she wanted and thought they were getting L&L2 when Jonathan came back.

It was Jonathan. he said he agreed to return because they said he would be reunited with Becky. when he signed they did what they wanted. I liked Siobhan but they put JJ'S emotions on a merry go- round. Watching a pill under the couch??? He left and it turned out better for him. He got Nashville, now his band is getting work .No more soaps win win ,except for the fans judging just from the last two shows. I have actually been enjoying the show this last two days, .Did I say that ? Well judging from what has happened if Re-Ron is his usual self he will find a way to completely ruin it. Lucky went through hell after being controlled by Helena ,what will lilJake do. ? He has no mother ,that doesn't sound good for Liz. .WELL LIZ ands Lucky certainly have it. I am not surprised they always have. Nick did look guilty, so what does he know more than Jake is Jason. One think ticked me off, I was enjoying Monica with Billy Miller, until she said Jason was a good man, did she mean a good shot when it came to killing for Sonny. At least she didn't say AJ was the bad son, a drunk who smashed sainted Jason's head in a tree. How many days before we are all back on the barge. The weather here has been nice so swimming back is not out.

I was expecting a little more hysteria from Becky. Maybe, it was a time constraint thing but I was sort of hoping for her to almost touch her son and pull away like it wasn't real. I guess she did the hysteria thing with Lucky but one she she saw Jake for the first time I expected more. That said, it was a nice couple of scenes. Tony Geary has really miss been knocking it out of the ballpark. Too bad he hasn't or didn't want to the same for the last 5 years. Now, who is left on the goodbye Luke train? There's got to be one on one scenes with Bobbi & Scotty, right? Even, Leslie Charlston got to have a scene with Geary and she's been gone for months & months.

  • Love 1

I think Liz's reaction was supposed to mimic what Ron wants the audience to behave like; just be happy and emotional and accept "Helena." Don't ask any questions.

Because, to be real, Jake being alive completely makes Robin and Patrick, the hospital, and every other character who came into contact with Jake that night look like complete idiots. While Hells, once again, looks like some super amazing genius.

  • Love 5

Reading the last page, I have to laught that Lucky's disregard for a possible Jake brainwash is the most complained about issue of this storyline.

They brought back someone whom we saw die on screen. Organ donation and all. Hold the presses right there. Everything and anything that follows is going to pure crap.

Do we really expect the telling of this storyline to make sense in anyway? Has any of the storylinees this regime has produced for over a year now made any sense?

The headwriter came out and said he pulled this Jake stuff right out of his ass .... at the last minute.

Anyhoo, glad the only time I waste on this shit show is periodically check in her for rating news.

  • Love 1

They brought back someone whom we saw die on screen. Organ donation and all. Hold the presses right there. Everything and anything that follows is going to pure crap.

Do we really expect the telling of this storyline to make sense in anyway? Has any of the storylinees this regime has produced for over a year now made any sense?

The headwriter came out and said he pulled this Jake stuff right out of his ass ...


The precedent this sets, too, is scary. Ron will resurrect Blanket in a year.

Because, to be real, Jake being alive completely makes Robin and Patrick, the hospital, and every other character who came into contact with Jake that night look like complete idiots. 

Especially because Robin and Patrick knew Jake well; Elizabeth was/is their neighbor and best friend! It's absurd that these two doctors would look down at a boy (even with head and body trauma) and not realize this was a different child. If almost any doctors other than Patrick and Robin had been there, this might be plausible. But any scheme of Helena's has involved significant planning and scheming, with details worked out. She did not orchestrate Luke hitting Jake, so she could not possibly have an injured clone or whatever ready to go for the occasion, or get the timing perfect to kidnap the injured Jake from the hospital. Someone being rushed into a hospital for emergency surgery is always surrounded by people.  

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Is anyone else besides me surprised that Ron actually wrote Lucky saying Joss' kidneys couldn't have been Jake's? Not even that she only had one of his kidneys; just that they couldn't have belonged to Jake. I guess after Helena explained how Jake survived during a commercial break, I didn't expect anything about kidneys to come up at all.


And I'm sorry, but I can't help it: Why the fuck are they STILL saying that this all happened FIVE years ago? 2011 was FOUR years ago. Gah. 

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