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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is it because she already knew that Luke was driving down that street?


Hells knows all. 


I wonder if she was expecting all the other people that were driving down that street at the same time Luke was?  During the original storyline, it was practically a parade.  LOL

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Yep, I've been thinking the same thing. Luke's last scene should be with his baby sister period. I know all about Luke and Laura and what they did for the show, I've been watching this show since the 70's. But Luke/Bobbie and Ruby were the base of the Spencer family so yes, where the hell is Bobbie?


Valerie, I can't, good lord she's pathetic. I will never understand, well I guess I can if a woman's brain is in her vagina. But if a woman truly has the capability to be introspective she should ask herself WTF is so attractive about a man who cheats on his wife? Really? How is that charming or attractive in any way? How is this man your hero? Do you really think that you are so much more special than his wife that he won't be cheating on you eventually? Oh well, I guess that doesn't matter to women who find themselves in this situation.  Let's not even mention how he's screwing up his kid(s) lives. 


Valerie is so full of shit, from the time she knew she was attracted to him her so called "friendship" should have ended. They kiss, then she shows up at the apartment the next day, please. At least stop having the actress play it like she's really nice and sweet  underneath it all. Let her act like her cousin Carly acted, where we the audience new she was out for vengeance and destruction. Gosh, I still love Carly, good times, good times back then.

And Dante, you clearly are a chip off the old block, pathetic.

  • Love 5

Valponine and Liz are gonna end up having nervous breakdowns on the same day. And that "nothing will come of our night together" was probably a pregnancy anvil, but it would be better if Lulu got pregnant with Dillon's baby or whoever. That would kill Dante.


The Lucky/Luke scenes were nice, although there was a shade too much asskissing from Lucky.


So psychoJake got a flight from Greece to America with no problems, eh? No fear, no hesitation, no nothing? Okay!


Sam and Nikolas should have hot hate sex. Don't care.


Genie Francis is beautiful.


"Oh, honey, nothing you can tell will make me mad at you." I'm just gonna call Jason Cowboy Miller from now on.


so Jake has the same personality still? Is that confirmation that (and by extension Jason, since they were exactly alike!!!definitely Jason's kid!!! Not Lucky's!!!) this psycho demeanor is perfectly normal?



I swear Port Charles has a wormhole in it to other countries, so no one has to ever go through customs or show passports (unless it's part of the plot)

  • Love 2

But it was some other random kid whose kidney is floating around in Joss so it's okay! #eyeroll


I forget - how did AMC explain away Jesse supposedly having his organs donated?


Somebody ran over to Costco and bought the Big Bucket 'O Organs and used them instead of Jesse's.  


They also brought back the jumbo bag of string cheese, I think......But I KNOW they had dip - special that day....

  • Love 5

It's legit cracking me up that this show is still going with the "Lucky is Jake's father in every meaningful way" party line, but he's going to leave again.


PLus, at this point, the only parent Jake has in a "meaningful" way would be Helena.  Which means he'll have fabulous taste in shoes and a yen for long-winded psychotic torture sessions.

Jake isn't even Aiden's father in a "meaningful" way.  

Which means, hopefully, some other man will teach the kid how to shave when the time comes.

Edited by boes
  • Love 3

I swear Port Charles has a wormhole in it to other countries, so no one has to ever go through customs or show passports (unless it's part of the plot)


Nobody in other countries wants to TOUCH most of the people from Port Charles.  I mean, would any of us want to do a body search on Luke or - shudder - Sonny or Carly?

And Laura is transported everywhere on the wings of angels.  And I'm stickin' to that!  lol.

  • Love 4

I LOVE that Not Dead Jake told Lucky he doesn't have a mother.


What the fuck is Val going on about? Did she really say something about having to let Dante go? Bitch, he was NEVER yours, he NEVER claimed to be yours and he NEVER made any promises to you. He fucked you one time and that's it. You're the side chick so know your place and STFU.


This Not Dead Jake crap is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. It's just too much. TOO FUCKING MUCH.

  • Love 13



Valerie is so full of shit, from the time she knew she was attracted to him her so called "friendship" should have ended. They kiss, then she shows up at the apartment the next day, please. At least stop having the actress play it like she's really nice and sweet  underneath it all. Let her act like her cousin Carly acted, where we the audience new she was out for vengeance and destruction.

I agree. Her anger toward Lulu for taking off on Dante, lying to him, and being so certain that Lulu was cheating on him with Dillon, made me roll my eyes. Looking so hurt while they talked, and then crying to herself because Dante wants his marriage and isn't acting torn between her and Lulu makes her look really pathetic. I think she's going down the road of being some sort of hybrid between Carly and Lisa (sneaky and vindictive yes, but I don't think she'll take Rocco to scare Lante and then play it off like they just went out for ice cream, for example).

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Luke  and sonny seem alike whereas they seem to prefer there male kids although I'll agree that Luke and Lucky have a special relationship.I do feel a little bad for Lulu though even though I'm not a fan.Scotty seems to prefer Serena even if shes not on screen guess I can't blame him for that his sons weren't exactally great lol.

  • Love 1

What the fuck is Val going on about? Did she really say something about having to let Dante go? Bitch, he was NEVER yours, he NEVER claimed to be yours and he NEVER made any promises to you. He fucked you one time and that's it. You're the side chick so know your place and STFU.


Val hasn't been around long enough in any case for me to give a crap about her "feelings" about much of anything other than her briefly-seen dead mother.  Otherwise, I don't care.  At all.  And having her as a partner in messing up Dante's life makes me care even less than zero.


This is classic bad Ron C.  He dumps a new character front and center, gives them instant angst, and then expects the viewers to give a rats ass.  It's always a failure.  He did it on OLTL all the time - just think "Ford brothers and mother", if you can stomach the memory.  And he's done it numerous times on GH.  


  • Love 9

Soap villains always have a selection of corpses to choose from to assist in their nefarious deeds. I wonder if they're in touch with Mr. Sinister of X-Men fame who always has clones lying about to harvest or send off to marry people?

Helena and Sinister would get along shockingly well.

THAT'S where Robin is!!

You just know Hells and Sinny do lunch and bitch about the Spencers and Summers/Greys over white wine, and then instead of fighting over the check fight instead over whether to freeze or clone the waitress. Edited by Tiger
  • Love 2

Val hasn't been around long enough in any case for me to give a crap about her "feelings" about much of anything other than her briefly-seen dead mother.  Otherwise, I don't care.  At all.  And having her as a partner in messing up Dante's life makes me care even less than zero.





This. When she was so upset today, I was thinking, "Who is this chick and why do they think I care she's sad?"

  • Love 5

During the scene with Luke & Lucky after Laura took Not Dead Little Jake off-screen, I kept thinking that this was not Lucky & Luke wandering down memory lane, but really JJ/TG doing it. There was something about the way the two were delivering the lines that it seemed like their own little goodbye to their relationship. I was getting a little verklempt. 




  • Love 8

Val hasn't been around long enough in any case for me to give a crap about her "feelings" about much of anything other than her briefly-seen dead mother.  Otherwise, I don't care.  At all.  And having her as a partner in messing up Dante's life makes me care even less than zero.


This is classic bad Ron C.  He dumps a new character front and center, gives them instant angst, and then expects the viewers to give a rats ass.  It's always a failure.  He did it on OLTL all the time - just think "Ford brothers and mother", if you can stomach the memory.  And he's done it numerous times on GH.  



It's not even like Dante and Val slowly developed feelings for each other and now she's hurt and confused because he won't leave his wife for her. That situation would still be fucked and Val would still look bad for willingly getting involved with a married man, but it would be slightly better since the feelings would be mutual. In this case, Val is planning a future with a man who has shown no romantic feelings for her at all. I guess she never got the memo that it's possible to have meaningless no-strings-attached sex. 

  • Love 5

You know it's bad when you don't want your fave to return, you just want them safely away from this mess and the actor to have something better to work on, lol.

Allegedly the star of the film, Jonathan Rhys-Myers is back in rehab.

And since Nik's been trying to get in Liz's knickers for the last year or so, he definitely would have brought back Jake to her.  That would have been his golden ticket!

"I did it for yoooooouuu, Liz".

Oh wait, wrong Eastern European villain . . .

During the scene with Luke & Lucky after Laura took Not Dead Little Jake off-screen, I kept thinking that this was not Lucky & Luke wandering down memory lane, but really JJ/TG doing it. There was something about the way the two were delivering the lines that it seemed like their own little goodbye to their relationship. I was getting a little verklempt. 

I was thinking the exact same thing. This was JJ and Tony. I have always read how JJ was taken under Tony and Genies wing and loved the kid to death. And it was reciprocated.. I kept thinking it so I didn't want to throw something at Lucky for being nice to rat Luke. It was really nice that JJ came back to say goodbye. Of course Laura got the short end of the stick as usual. If Genie is dumped ,so is the show. I am a sap story sucker and  Looking forward to Liz seeing Jake.He will be like Cam soon upstairs playing . JJ was back was Aiden the real Aiden the other day.?

  • Love 4

It's not even like Dante and Val slowly developed feelings for each other and now she's hurt and confused because he won't leave his wife for her. That situation would still be fucked and Val would still look bad for willingly getting involved with a married man, but it would be slightly better since the feelings would be mutual. In this case, Val is planning a future with a man who has shown no romantic feelings for her at all. I guess she never got the memo that it's possible to have meaningless no-strings-attached sex.

Well, that's not completely true. He did tell her there was a connection and then he told her they would not have slept together if there had been nothing there and then he kissed her again. He was probably saying it to make her (and him) feel better after he said it was a dumb thing to do, but he should have just ripped the band aid off.

  • Love 2

Lulu, your kid is sitting right next to you. Whispering isn't going to make him not hear you. LOL. And LOL that Carly, of all people, is the one to call Lulu on the carpet for running off with Dillon leaving her kid behind. Quick, Carly—name all your children in their birth order!


And Carly's sudden concern for Liz is laughable. I buy Carly swallowing the urge to snipe, and that's it.


Jake's "Hmm" face and stroking his chin was hilarious. That kid looks like he's sizing up how to gut people where they stand.


Valerie. Gurl. YOU DON'T KNOW THESE PEOPLE. I believe I have found my new rage blackout story. 


Becky has been looking stunning lately. That simple ponytail and makeup really works for her.


This was JJ and Tony. I have always read how JJ was taken under Tony and Genie's wing and loved the kid to death. And it was reciprocated.


Those three share a very special bond, and you always see it onscreen. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 11

Lulu, your kid is sitting right next to you. Whispering isn't going to make him not hear you. 

I forgot to comment on this - did you see how the kid was staring at her in horror, when she was talking to Carly about stuff that a toddler should not be hearing. It was hilarious. Reminds me of some of little Avery's reactions. 

  • Love 3

Tony & JJ's scenes were wonderful.  Those two  have always just been so in synch and Genie too.  The three of them together are a force. I do love my little Spencer family and the cherry on top of the sundae for me was hearing Luke finally admit, after a decade of whining, that the choices that made him the happiest all came from loving Laura.


I think I'm going to have to rewind that part again.   

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 21

Somebody ran over to Costco and bought the Big Bucket 'O Organs and used them instead of Jesse's.

They also brought back the jumbo bag of string cheese, I think......But I KNOW they had dip - special that day....

You sure it wasn't the gallon jar of mayo?

Maybe Joss is a mutant and never actually needed kidneys. It makes as much sense as anything else on this cluster fuck of a show.

Why has nobody snapped Helena in two like a twig yet? God, I can't stand that this insane old bitch is practically immortal. Kill her, Laura, DO IT! You've gone nuts and killed for far less before!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 7

Came to the thread to find out if I wanted to spend five hours catching up on all of this week's episodes on Hulu.... and I think the verdict is 'no'... I don't know that I can stomach a little Jake back from the dead when his father, who is also going by the name of Jake, is also back from the dead.


Speaking of back from the dead - did they explain how Helena took care of Jake while she spent two years being reanimated in Dr. FrankenRon's laboratory? Or did Robin not only come up a way to bring the dead back to life but also took time to care for (and then withhold information on) Jake?

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Omg, I'm on the Tuesday episode and I want all of the alcohol.

Ew. Valerie and Dante had sex in his marital bed. And shut up Liz. You just dusted Aiden off and pulled him out of the closet for one holiday that wasn't Christmas.

Lol @ Jason saying "Carly says Jason's great for her, but not that he's great." Oh, dude

Dikolas knew the Zombie Spawn of Borg was regenerated. Beep boop bop. .

  • Love 2

Are Carly and Valerie cousins? Val is Luke's sister's child, right? So is that Bobbie's sister, too? I really wasn't paying attention. The actress annoys me. And so does Luke. And it was all explained during the Fluke storyline which was unbearable, even by GH standards.

On another note, the way they yada-yada'd Jake's return was masterful. I've never seen less fucks given for trying to make sense.

Edited by PJamma
  • Love 13

Are Carly and Valerie cousins? Val is Luke's sister's child, right? So is that Bobbie's sister, too? I really wasn't paying attention. The actress annoys me. And so does Luke. And it was all explained during the Fluke storyline which was unbearable, even by GH standards.


Yeah, Valerie and Carly are first cousins as well. 


On another note, the way they yada-yada'd Jake's return was masterful. I've never seen less fucks given for trying to make sense.


Perfect way of describing it.

Edited by ulkis
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