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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Correct. GF played it like Laura was nervous and feeling a bit emotional at seeing and talking to Luke (like going to him due to serious trouble for either herself or Lucky) and then Tracy blocks Laura and starts acting like a nasty shrew in Laura's face - assuming Laura wants to "suck" Luke back into her mess/drama and get back together with him. She did everything except actually snarl and try to bite. Laura shed a tear or two during Tracy's tirade and was like yeah, I get it, thanks for spelling that out. Let Luke speak for himself, please. They went into that room where Levi had attacked Nathan, and then we didn't get to hear the conversation. Then they returned to the "party" looking like they both knew about something very sad or dangerous going on.  


I was hoping maybe to check back in with GF but it doesn't sound like there were any good Laura scenes today?  

  • Love 4

I love how Anna said goodbye to Patrick and Emma off screen.



And probably did it through messages on Twitter. 


Anna: 'Gotta head out and sprinkle Duke on some Scottish hedges, lol, #kiltsrule'.





Or any of her actual, longtime friends, like Mac and Felicia (who?).


I hate how Ron has reduced Anna's entire world/support system to Sloane just to prop his groddy toolshed ass.




Ron can't be bothered with such "townie" concerns as friends and family and such. Anna needs to keep humping the new guy to give him purpose.


But now that Anna is gone who will serve as Sloane's "fluffer"? I am going t guess Jordan which would be...not an improvement at all, imho, from Shawn. 

  • Love 8

Ava to Avery: I have a secret to tell you. But you are the only one who knows…I'm your mommy!

Every character on the show and the entire viewing audience: We figured that out from the moment you appeared.

So fucking dumb, as was the whole Laura has a sekrit only Luke can know!

Get it, Morgan. I can't wait for Kiki to find out that along with Michael and Morgan no longer fighting over her, Morgan was/is two seconds away from banging her Aunty Momma.

  • Love 9


180’d back to thinking Sloane is creepy.

And he keeps bringing up the murder almost as though to keep her in line.  


"You KILLED Carlos Riverrrrrrrrrrrrrrra and I helped you dispose of the body"    in other words,    you owe me.  


More mob shit that this show could do without.

Well, someone has to replace Julian as the big bad going up against the wonderful but misunderstood Sonny.  I just sprained my left eyeball with that eye rolling.  

  • Love 6

And he keeps bringing up the murder almost as though to keep her in line.  


"You KILLED Carlos Riverrrrrrrrrrrrrrra and I helped you dispose of the body"    in other words,    you owe me.  



He's barely one step away from, "Sleep with me again or I'll turn you in!"


At which point, she'd probably just drill a few more bullets into his heart.

  • Love 4

I hate how Ron has reduced Anna's entire world/support system to Sloane just to prop his groddy toolshed ass.

Well, that's the only way her "story" makes sense right now ... for the writers to completely ignore that she has family and friends she could and should turn to, and therefore doesn't need to go crazy, accept sympathy from Dr O without rightfully beating that bitch to death, and/or rely entirely on Sloane.

I'm convinced the writers are just fucking with us about Robin at this point.

  • Love 8

I get why Tracy is so furious at the interruption. Just when Luke is feeding her that queen-bee jelly of public praise, when she's most ego-enthralled, the rug is pulled out from under her.  And it doesn't make sense that Laura would arrive fresh from Europe all finely dressed at a party that is supposed to have been thrown together more or less on the spur of the moment. Something is fishy, and it ain't the caviar.


Though on cue as usual to well up with tears, Laura has a triumphant little smile flirting around the corners of her lips. She's enjoying stealing Tracy's limelight. Luke is either an utter fool, playing into her games, or he has set the whole scene of events up himself to bolster his own gain and power. All the guests are part of this drama too. I suspect that Luke/Fluke wants eyewitnesses that he generously put his own happiness aside, sacrificing his plans with Tracy to help Laura.

  • Love 1

But now that Anna is gone who will serve as Sloane's "fluffer"? I am going t guess Jordan which would be...not an improvement at all, imho, from Shawn. 


It's a downgrade, if you ask me.  They're both criminal toolbags, but Shawn was much hotter. 


Given that this is Morgan, and he's not exactly Mensa material, I hope Ava covers tomorrow with some ridiculous lie that no one with two brain cells would believe, to explain her "I've missed you" comment in the previews, and he continues on and screws her.  I so want to see Kiki deal with Morgan going from her to her mother AND from her to her aunt.  

  • Love 11

Let me know when my girl is back. I know she was on for like 2 straight weeks but I miss her. Pffft.


I'm ready to see Sam again but she needs to talk about something other than Jakeson. If Lucas insists on marrying that flea then Sam can help plan the wedding. Or work a case.


I expect for Morgan to be gross and stupid, but Ava is a grown ass woman and supposedly a 'badass' mob bitch. If she has sex with him again I'm going to think even less of her than I already do. Is she that gross, pathetic, and desperate that she can't find someone who hasn't declared his love for her daughter? At least when they got together the first time he and Kiki had already broken up.


If someone's ex is going to come to town it should be Lucas'. I don't give a shit about Brad or any of his family or exes.


Luke hasn't shown any romantic interest in Laura n quite some time so I don't know why Tracy feels the need to act like this.

  • Love 2

I actually forgot Silas and Nina were married. I was like, hmm why are they chatting? Than I realized I don't give a crap and played candy crush.

I still say the real story is that Silas bored the Nina into that coma. Just like he bored you so much you forgot they were once married. Fair warning "boring" has very dangerous side effects.

  • Love 3

I get why Tracy is so furious at the interruption. Just when Luke is feeding her that queen-bee jelly of public praise, when she's most ego-enthralled, the rug is pulled out from under her.  And it doesn't make sense that Laura would arrive fresh from Europe all finely dressed at a party that is supposed to have been thrown together more or less on the spur of the moment. Something is fishy, and it ain't the caviar.


Though on cue as usual to well up with tears, Laura has a triumphant little smile flirting around the corners of her lips. She's enjoying stealing Tracy's limelight. Luke is either an utter fool, playing into her games, or he has set the whole scene of events up himself to bolster his own gain and power. 

Laura was not "finely dressed" - she was wearing dark clothing instead of a fancy dress or expensive-looking suit, had regular makeup, and no fancy hair style. It didn't seem like she was intentionally crashing a party. I believe the last she knew, either Lulu or Luke owned the Haunted Star. She clearly has not been in touch with Lulu and Dante or Luke, so it seems very unlikely she found out about party and decided to show up specifically to steal Tracy's 'big moment'. I thought Laura's faint smile was because he's willing to give her the respect of speaking with her, due to all their history and two shared children ... that he's unwilling to order her out without a word explaining why she's there just so Tracy will feel superior about his love and ultra secure that he sees Laura as Tracy feels  Laura *should* be seen - a weak loser from Luke's past who happens to be the mother of two of his children.  Laura has no need to play games. Also, Laura is more or less the opposite of Tracy: she's still an attractive, relatively young woman with positive aspects in her personality, and has some professional history that is not tied to a family business. She could do a helluva lot better than Luke.  Tracy acting like Luke is some grand prize that she wants to stomp Laura to keep just makes Tracy look pathetic.  

  • Love 16

The Port Charles airport has really gone downhill: Anna had to fly to JFK to get a flight to Heathrow. You used to be able to fly to anywhere nonstop.


"From her mother's womb, untimely ripped!" Leave the Macbeth to Shakespeare, Ron.


And he keeps bringing up the murder almost as though to keep her in line. 

"You KILLED Carlos Riverrrrrrrrrrrrrrra and I helped you dispose of the body" in other words, you owe me.

He's barely one step away from, "Sleep with me again or I'll turn you in!"


That's how we know it's true love: A man is threatening a woman. Go throw yourself in front of a hail of bullets, Sloane.


I wish someone had overheard Ava tell Avery she was her mother. I'm so sick of "private" conversations being held in the open. Also, LOL that Ava thinks the Denise wig is "big hair."


STFU, Bobbie. You're always going back to Scott, who admittedly is no Luke, but he's no Boy Scout, either. 


Ugh, today was one giant tiresome rehash of history that was never interesting in the first place.


So I was mildly distracted during Friday's show, but didn't Silas say that they only took Ava's blood but if they swabbed her cheek or tested her skin she would come up as a match to herself?

There is no way the PCPD would let that go.


Yes, Silas said if they swabbed Ava's cheek, she'd match herself. But this is the PCPD. Ava's true identity won't be discovered by anyone on the force; it will happen because Avery gets sick somehow.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Why was Bobbie shading Laura at all?  They were on good terms when Laura was last in town.


Because Bobbie (and any other characters that that fuckwit didn't "create") isn't a character that the fuckwit created, so per usual, will go and write her out of character because he can. According to "his" vision of history.

  • Love 7

I like Michael, but he is dumb (today, anyway). I liked baby AJ squealing for/reaching toward Michael (in protest??) when Ava was holding her and he stepped out of the room. So disappointed that Michael wasn't suspicious about Ava's "I Love yous" and tears. Now, Morgan being a dumbass is totally believable. However, him initiating a kiss shocked me. Kiki walking in at the moment would have been perfect - so of course she's out looking for Denise. 

RC always dumbs down GH characters when he wants a ludicrous storyline to play out.  I get that he wants people to believe that Denise isn't Ava, but the characters should at least VOICE their suspicion.  Michael should have been very hesitant to let Denise into the Q mansion, let alone being nice and sweet to her.  She's stilla  Jerome afterall.  RC didn't even allow Michael to state that she looked exactly like Ava.  It was stupid.  Julian just lets her move into his house, not even asking why she suddenly needs a place to stay.  


When RC dumbs down characters for the sake of stupid plot points, it annoys.  Also, Ava is showing that she cares more about Avery than Kiki because this is the second time she put Avery ahead of her eldest daughter.  I don't care if Ava is Avery's mother.  She's better off with Michael.


Sloane acting like he and Anna are or should be in a relationship is creepy...Ewewewewew. Begging to be her friend and sheepishly giving up the idea that they'd be together just makes him look pathetic.




Sorry, but I am LOVING Sloane and Anna, and I didn't find anything creepy about him going to the airport to see her.  He clearly has deep feelings for her, and so it would have been OOC for him to just be "Oh she left?  Okay, whatever."  He just slept with her, and so I would expect him to react upon finding out that she's now leaving the country.  He didn't demand she stay or guilt her or yell at her.  He put his heart on his sleeve, and told her that he'd back off and they could just go back to being friends, and that he would always have her back. He just didn't want her to leave.  How can I not like that about him?  Sorry folks, I like Kyle, and I really like him and Anna together.  I saw nothing weird or creepy about any of their scenes.  I loved it all.


Well, in Morgan's defense, he did ask Kiki to fool around and she refused! she refused him! What would you expect of any man related to Sonny?

He really was acting like Sonny, wasn't he?  It's another example of dumbing down characters.  If Morgan can't figure otu that she's Ava, and he's actually hitting on Aunt Denise because Kiki turned him down a second earlier, then he really is as horny as his father (and Ava).

  • Love 1


Because Bobbie (and any other characters that that fuckwit didn't "create") isn't a character that the fuckwit created, so per usual, will go and write her out of character because he can. According to "his" vision of history.


To an extent I agree with this, but Bobbie & Laura have always run hot and cold.  She hated Laura at first, but then swung back when L&L got married.  She was thrilled to see them in 1993, but then went off on both of them about how they were raising Lucky.  She also talked to Tony about how entitled Laura had always been.  Then she went through a period where they were fine.  These two have always had a very complicated relationship, to say the least.

  • Love 6

Out of context, I could see how Anna and Sloane might work.

But didn't he come to town hell bent on bringing her down for hurting poor little Faison (barf)? Wasn't he in league with the endless network of bad guys to steal her job and rig the mayoral election for ... reasons -- are we not supposed to worry about that anymore? This is why it's hard to accept she should trust him. Also, she JUST lost the supposed* love of her life, again, and went nuts and killed his killer ... is this really the best time to start up a new relationship?

As usual, there are a few kernels of interesting ideas that don't quite fit because the writing is all over the place and tone deaf (I'm sure all the angry Duke/Anna fans are super happy she's being rushed into this new coupling...)

* I have always been more of a Robert/Anna shipper, myself.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 11

I always hate it on this show when a group of people decide to barf on a character that they, in reality, would like (Laura, AJ) and say that some shitbag (Luke, Sonny, Tracy, sorry, but she is) is just somethin' great. It's the lack of variety of points of views that disturbs me.


I really wish Laura would have said something like 'shut up you bitch and let me talk to a man I've known since you failed to give your father his medicine during a heart attack" (Yeah yeah I know Edward was faking it but she didn't know that).


However, it IS in character that Tracy would be crazy like this, she's always been incredibly insecure about Luke and Laura - as well she should be. And she didn't think that getting engaged to the man with the legendary love was going to go unnoticed by that love?  well, then she's just dumber than a box of hair.


But I just keep thinking of the upside: Luke and probably Laura will be gone from the show for good by the end of the summer. Luke has long since overstayed his welcome and no one since the 90s has known how to write for Laura.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 18

I'm so confused. At first I was all "woo-hoo! Bring on Morgan and Ava!!" Then it turned into "Wait, they don't seem to have any chemistry..." When Ava screwed up and said she missed it, I thought Morgan had set a trap for her. But it's Morgan, and that seemed a little too complicated for him. But I can't believe he'd really start kissing Denise. Like I said, very confused.

I absolutely do not want Tracy marrying Luke, but why the hell did the show have to put her through this? It is not at all the only way to write out Luke. I hate it.

  • Love 4

I was home from work and watched today.  Now, I am more out of touch with this show than I have ever been and this is what struck me.


I hate when shows do what they did with Luke and Laura today.  After this commercial break, we'll explain what desperate situation caused Laura to come back to Port Charles.  No, after this commercial break.  No, after this one. This one?  Psych, they totally talked about it during the commercial break.  Don't you love the mystery of it?  Hint:  No I don't, 'that mysterious thing' trope makes me think you are inept and disrespecting the audience and destroying the show.


Lulu running around supporting Tracy and not stating the obvious theory makes me sure that Lucky is in some kind of trouble.


So baby AJ is in Michael's custody?  Last I heard Sonny was the father with an outside chance they could make Morgan the Dad.  So how does Michael have custody?  Why is the baby named AJ?  Did they make AJ or Michael the father through some drunken one night stand or retcon?


The guy played by the actor who played Cass' brother on Another World that had a drunken one night stand with Anna... he's Faison in disguise right?  There was a really creepy moment of Faison-like obsession going on there.


And Duke is dead?  Is Robin still kidnapped?  Has anyone noticed?


Why did they recast Dillon with mini-Ned?

Edited by ParadoxLost

So, Sloane went from weepy teenage girl to batshit cray creepy stalker in like two seconds, it was kind of scary. If he hadn't been such a completely miserable ass to her for so long, I could get behind this pairing more. Hell, I normally would be all over it due to chem, but then he just acts like he did with the ordering Anna around and I just can't. Fin has been such perfection for so many weeks now, I am going to miss her being completely awesome while she's off making her movie. Don't know what the hell they're going to do with Sloane, and I'm afraid to find out.


I wanted to be neither Team Laura or Team Tracy because Luke sucks so much, neither woman deserves to be saddled with him. But I've never been a huge Tracy fan. Jane is a wonderful actress, but Tracy irks the hell out of me. When I want her to be a bitch, she's passive and stupid. When I want her to be nice, she's a stark raving bitch. Just get JJ back on my screen, kay? And let him have a scene or two with Dante.


The little C story of Brad and Lucas' wedding deserves more airtime. But I'm also getting tired of the big secret of Brad's family. Out with it already.


Could have totally done without the scenes of Nina, Silas and Kiki entirely.


Hah, Ron is really trying to get me to not say mean things about him. I've only been wanting those two to kiss again for a year and a half, it feels like. So I will be nice for the rest of the week, while I'm still floating on my AMor feels. The rest of you though, I expect to pick up the slack.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 5

Silas was cracking me up today. ME's face when Nina called Franco a donkey was genius.


I don't really know why but I enjoyed this episode.


So did I.  And I'm mildly surprised.  On one hand, we had some good acting by FH, GF and JE today (sorry Geary, but the "my dentures fell out" look doesn't qualify).   On the other hand, it is 112 degrees in my backyard so I might have a slight case of sun fever....


I'm on record with how much I've disliked Sloane since he first showed up and this recast hasn't done much for me - in fact, usually just the opposite.  But I enjoyed him and Anna saying good-bye at the airport today.  If I block out all the backstory on the guy hating on Anna and trying to bring her down, I thought the actor did a good job today, playing a guy with an investment in his feelings for Anna.  And, divorcing all the background crap on Anna in the recent past, I really loved how FH played her temporary exit from Port Charles today.  I think she does a great job even with mediocre writing, and I also think she elevates almost anyone she shares a scene with.  I'm going to miss her.


Michael, meeting "Denise", just sort of shrugged off the "I'm Ava's EXACT TWIN!!) comment when meeting her at the door.  He sorta raised his eyebrow, as if thinking , 'this is Port Charles, what else is new?'   And that baby remains the cutest damn kid on daytime!


But...Morgan was enrolled at Vanderbilt, a top-20 university! LOL


I  think Morgan went to the nearby and often-confused-with, VanderDick University.  He was immediately interested when he was told he'd be able to matriculate there.  Of course, Morgan was thrilled to be going to a place where he'd be encouraged to matriculate, since his mother was always complaining about how stained he was making her bedsheets.   Imagine the registrar's shock by what Morgan submitted as his student essay on why he should be accepted at VanderDick.  He still thinks size beats all.

But he has proven to be a worthy alumni.

Hence his tongue down the throat of his girlfriend's just-met, "Aunt Denise".  Morgan's enthusiastic way of saying hello is one reason Grannie Bobbie always just waves at him from across a crowded room.  And Max is still trying to forget how Morgan thanked him last Christmas.



I will say this again.Tracy could do better than Luke. Laura could do better than Luke. Even Heather "don't call me crazy" Webber could do better than Luke. ANYBODY would be better than Luke.


The corpse of Bill Eckert could do better than Luke.  It's Tracy's doom that she's never been able to care about a guy who was worth a damn.  Of course, it might have been possible if she wasn't such a constant harridan.  And I like Tracy.  But an easy woman to be around, she isn't.  I'm really glad that Dillon is back in town.  With Geary leaving I've been afraid we'd see JE deepsixed the same way Monica has been.


I'd love it if whatever adventure Luke and Laura might be going to have got hijacked by Tracy going along.  It would be so much more fun to watch.

Edited by boes
  • Love 2


and then Tracy blocks Laura and starts acting like a nasty shrew in Laura's face - assuming Laura wants to "suck" Luke back into her mess/drama and get back together with him. She did everything except actually snarl and try to bite.


I mean I know Jane Elliot is a good actress, I do, but Tracy just bugs the hell out of me. She is just a giant irk every waking moment of every day. Wasn't she the one who was hesitating about jumping into an engagement to Luke? Then 5 seconds later she's peeing all over him. Why does she have to be written this way? Laura would have no way of knowing there was a last minute engagement party going on and she could be in town for a million other reasons. The stupid just hurts.


Luke isn't worthy of either Tracy or Laura at this point. But I will say this: I don't care how many times TG says Tracy is the love of Luke's life - I don't buy it. Laura is the love of Luke's life. Period. Luke has seldom if ever treated Tracy with real love.


So wait, Michael just let Ava ... I mean Denise in the door and never questioned anything?!? Morgan just starts making out with Denise (or did he know it was Ava? Not going to lie, I started hitting the FF button)? Isn't Kiki going to be thrilled with that news? He banged her, her mother and now her 'aunt'!


Sigh. This show really hurts my head. Anna is leaving town and we get a goodbye scene with Sloane but none of her actual friends?!? Way to go RC!

  • Love 11


I'd love it if whatever adventure Luke and Laura might be going to have got hijacked by Tracy going along.  It would be so much more fun to watch.


The only adventures that I can recall being fun to watch were the ones where Luke and partner were enjoying the adventure, danger, and semi-criminal behavior way too much and third party stick in the mud was cringing at the exuberance and lack of seriousness with which the other two were treating everything.


So, I think we are doomed to no fun because Luke has been a miserable bastard who doesn't enjoy much of anything for years.  Since TG seems to think this is appropriate to the character, I'm not expecting a last minute reprieve.


I like anything that makes Kiki suffer


I love that so many of us can rally around this statement.


Since tomorrow is a random Tuesday in June, I'm thinking nothing will get outed tomorrow. Ava actually said, "I missed this" in the previews, not "you", so my guess is that she'll talk her way out of it by saying that she just meant she missed being with someone in general, not specifically him.

  • Love 4

I will say this again.Tracy could do better than Luke. Laura could do better than Luke. Even Heather "don't call me crazy" Webber could do better than Luke. ANYBODY would be better than Luke.


Preach it! Tracy may be smart enough to see through Luke's manipulations, but he feeds her ego with that perk I call royal jelly: jewelry, compliments on her sexual prowess, and personal flattery by the trowel-load. Those are Tracy's buttons. Although she is vain, hot-tempered, and even shrewish at times, Luke can stand her and even gets what he wants from her by serving up the jelly with good timing. So their sad dysfunctional relationship continues, probably because he still wants to ruin ELQ.


I haven't seen Luke and Laura interact in the last twenty years or so; I wonder if he's had to change his tactics with her.

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