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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oh Scotty, swoon!


...but, what the fuck, Bobbie and Scotty got back together off-screen?


I thought Bobbie and Scotty got back together when Fluke went all Mike Tyson on his ass? I mean, I can't remember much, but she went to see him in the hospital and I kind of thought they were back together after that. But I could be wrong.


In any case, Scotty was everything. Anyone that reminds Sonny he is a complete asshole is A-OK in my book.


I'm with peachmangosteen, aside from Franco/Nina/Nathan, I kind of liked this ep. Lots of people and a good soapy ending, with Tracy looking genuinely shocked. Hell, they even sprang for a few extras.


Shallow: didn't like Lulu's dress what with the weird lengths going on. Looked like it couldn't decide. Color was good for her though.


I would have liked to see more of Brad and Lucas, and less of almost everyone else at their celebration.


Finally, I don't care, I liked Ava today. And loved the beer in a can shoutout!

  • Love 6

In any case, Scotty was everything. Anyone that reminds Sonny he is a complete asshole is A-OK in my book.


And that mutant creeping little horror didn't even have the grace to look even a bit embarrassed when Scott brought up Karen.  He had the gall to actually look peeved at the mention.  He's such a smug psychotic little cretin - I wanted Scotty to really hurt him and give him a good punch in the moobs.  

Then we had to hear Valerie say that now she "could see where Dante got his looks".  And of course Sonny smiles cuz someone complimented him.

Dante got nothin but nothin from that dime store gnome other than a bullet in the chest.

  • Love 13

When the name Karen Wexler was mentioned, I was reminded of how long and how deeply I hate Sonny. He told that poor girl that she enjoyed her molestations before he screwed her. If Scotty knew that Karen was his daughter at the time, I think that he would have killed Sonny in cold blood and would have the admiration of everyone who was in PC at the time since there weren't many Sonny apologists.

  • Love 10

And that mutant creeping little horror didn't even have the grace to look even a bit embarrassed when Scott brought up Karen. He had the gall to actually look peeved at the mention. He's such a smug psychotic little cretin - I wanted Scotty to really hurt him and give him a good punch in the moobs.

Then we had to hear Valerie say that now she "could see where Dante got his looks". And of course Sonny smiles cuz someone complimented him.

Dante got nothin but nothin from that dime store gnome other than a bullet in the chest.

Well, he did get his hobbit like height from him, poor boo. Funny, no one ever mentions that similarity.

I did like that Dante did not smile when she said that.

  • Love 9

Didn't Sonny and Scotty have this same conversation and same mention of Karen when Guza was around, or am I hallucinating?

Yes. In fact it was far worse than this one. While I hate Sonny and love Scotty for being one of the few people not kowtowing to the jackass, he did have a slight point about Scotty needing blame someone for Karen's accident, but dumbass Sonny did bring up Karen this time around. Last time it was right after Karen died and Scotty went after Sonny for hooking her on drugs and making  bad situation worse for her. Sonny then came back with sleeping with underage, abused Karen because he cared about her, then accusing Scotty of being an unfit father cause he had no clue about Karen being his while she was growing up. When Scotty counter with that fact, he called it his failure. Scotty then tried to attack him, but agents stopped him for no reason.


Can I saw I also hated the rewrite of Scotty killing Rick Webber (which seems to be the Duke Lavery death of time) was Kin Shriner even on set the day Laura killed Rick? Fuck Guza for dragging Scott further into L&L's shit.

  • Love 2

Why was Laura shaking? It was so bizarre to me.

They made her watch an episode of the show.


Nailed it.


Carly being all goosey and excited about Lucas and Brad....I just can't ever believe it when Carly is happy for anyone other than herself.  It's rather scary, actually.


Yea, it gives me the heebie jeebies. And LW plays it so OTT fake, which I appreciate, but it just adds to the weirdness of it.


Shallow: didn't like Lulu's dress what with the weird lengths going on. Looked like it couldn't decide. Color was good for her though.

Oh yea I meant to mention that, too. That dress was awful. The hi-lo was bad enough, but that belt. Shudder!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

We had the anvil that Ava is back for her daughters, so cue Avery getting sick and needing her bone marrow back. Bonus (if you want to call it that): It's finally ascertained who her actual father is.

The last time the show even hinted that Carly messed with the test results was months ago, when Michael showed up to take Avery Bavery from Greyskull and then Mooch, Capps, Moobs, and Snarly played Monopoly.

There was a cableguide spoiler about Carly having a secret, but then she wasn't even on that day.

I almost wonder if Ron is for once pacing things appropriately and is waiting for Michael & Sabrina to be together and happy and simultaneously having Morgan's life even more of a mess before revealing that Cappy is the baby's real father.

I think it would be incredibly soapy and genuinely interesting if Michael & Sabrina worked with Sonny & Carly to keep Avery away from Morgan & Ava, first by using medical shenanigans to conceal the truth if she gets sick, then using the courts and then mobular means.

Since Jewelz is getting out of da bidniss, let Ava try to take over with Morgan as her boy toy.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 1

I didn't like Laura's shoes, either. Actually, I've seen that style of shoes practically everywhere, and I hate them.  But no surprise, and just like dubbel zout said, Genie looks FANTASTIC. I have no problem with what she was wearing. I'm hoping she'll say that she no longer needs to back to France for treatments, either. I want this part of her "history" to just die. If only because that whole thing of her continuing her meds or whatever so she wouldn't go back into a catatonic state, and that the drug Robin came up with, was a temporary cure. Because you know, how else would they have written out Laura after Genie returned for Luke and Laura's 25th anniversary? Bad enough to insult me with it being a fake.


Speaking of fake, I'm surprised Tony didn't correct Luke's line about how Tracy was going to marry him again, as if this would be the first, real marriage after the "fake" Vegas one, considering that they did already marry for realzies after that.  When he signed his name Wylie E. Coyote on the pre-nup.

  • Love 1

Why do I feel like Luke/Fluke knew precisely when to give his speech setting up Tracy as the love of his life and Guiding Star so that Laura would come walking in on cue at its apex? Somehow I get the skeevy feeling that Luke/Fluke is orchestrating the speech and Laura's appearance, and maybe Laura isn't Laura at all? Or maybe she's been hypnotized or drugged to respond on cue? Maybe the party had to be suddenly organized because that was the only night they could get Laura to be in PC and pull off whatever Luke has planned?


When are the people of PC going to realize that Luke/Fluke is only interested in manipulating them, organizing the spotlight on himself so he can hurt others or make them feel like crap? I feel so protective toward Tracy. I think she is riding for a fall.

Luke's face when Dillon told Tracy to reconsider the proposal was telling.  It was more of someone wondering if they were going to be exposed versus someone wondering why there'd be an objection.  Then we get Olivia's warning to Dante that Luke is still not to be trusted.  Luke of course getting the Tim Spencer tattoo, visiting old Spencer haunts, etc...  All while looking sincerely sorry but sounding like it's boring him to be there.


I like the new Dillon.  I don't know the old one but this one is handsome, not too wooden.


Alice looks weird.  She looks very different than she did a few months back.  Is the actress sick in real life?


The Ava Silas scenes were worse than the ones in the NYC hospital storage room.  I'd have thought Silas was complicit in Ava's new identity.  He kept grilling Kiki until she brought up Ava.  Seemed like he was expecting it.  Then he got so angry about it.  Made me think that he was in on it but not the plan to return to PC, at least not yet.  Did like how he kept calling her Ava and she finally cracked. Didn't like how she threatened him.  Serves Silas right though.  Ava is an ungrateful witch. 


I don't remember Delia looking like Stevie Nicks but it's been decades so maybe...  Maybe all the years of trying to fit in made her snap? 


Why is Michael just blabbing about company plans in public?  Especially to a relative of someone who stole company shares?  Where did Rosalie stash the extra money?  If she gave the Q cash to Nina, and then was supposed to get replacement cash from Nik to return to Michael, how could she do that while Michael and Nik were together?  Bundles of cash in her handbag? 


Franco can FOAD.  Nathan should have either gone through it or not even tried.  Not making him appear to be a good detective.


Anna looks good.  So did Jordan.  Val is making weird creepy expressions.  I liked her skirt but that smock top was institutional. 


Laura's return... I don't know what era that outfit is from.  80s?  Don't get the shaking. Tracy should be grateful, she's dodging a bullet here.

  • Love 2

They have this conversation as often as Scott and Luke go at it over Laura, which is pretty much every time they see each other.

Only in that instance, it completely warranted and I hope he never lets it go. Dude hooked an abused girl on drugs, got her to strip and slept with her and has absolutely no remorse. If you watched Karen's relapse on Port Charles, she was in so much pain and lashing out Scott, he looked pretty helpless. In addition, Karen watched Kristina, Lucy and Scotts adopted daughter, while high and Kristina's birth mother found out and used it in the custody trial, so Scott was put through the wringer.

  • Love 3

Since RC has been writing this is the first time Karens been brought up.Back in november when sonny was arrested for AJ.I remeber Bobbie acting like scotty had an grudge aganist sonny for no reason.Now I have no problem with scott mentioning sonny getting his kid hooked on drugs ect.I mean if we have to hear Sonny is the greatest father ever.I mean they don't go around claiming scott was a great father despite the fact that he put serenas safety first when she was a baby and left town with her after she was kidnapped as a baby.Probally the only unselfish thing he ever did in his life lol.

Edited by Harmony233
  • Love 2

Did anybody LOOK at how awful Tracy looked in that dress they made from the drapes at Tara?  I was expecting to hear she was on her way to Atlanta, saw it in the window and just HAD to have it!  Jane Elliott is an attractive woman, very individual in her looks, and the managed to make her look like Marjorie Main on a bender.

Laura looked great.




Yo' Peeps! This is all about Genie Francis making her (literally) wobbly comeback while Jane Eliot (She who has for months been toting that heavy load trying to play opposite the Gasbag during his egotistical crapfest) has to take a few steps back and make way for the Queen. Somebody in Wardrobe Central was told "Dude, make Jane fugly 'cause her strength and elegance and beauty might overshadow the Queen."


Jane Eliot, there is a special place in Heaven for you!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 6

Though I don't care a flying fig about the Nina and her Franco, it's  irksome to hear Nina claim so adamantly that she never kidnapped AJ, and (in the preview) Silas saying he knows she is innocent. Yes, Silas was the kidnapper THIS TIME, but what do we call running away to Canada with a newborn just after it emerges from its mother? It would make sense (i.e., be LOGICAL) that Nina was just up to her old tricks, waiting for another opportunity to get AJ, especially if she was never punished or escaped on a technicality the first time, which seems more serious. This whole story gives me a headache.

  • Love 6

Though I don't care a flying fig about the Nina and her Franco, it's  irksome to hear Nina claim so adamantly that she never kidnapped AJ, and (in the preview) Silas saying he knows she is innocent. Yes, Silas was the kidnapper THIS TIME, but what do we call running away to Canada with a newborn just after it emerges from its mother? It would make sense (i.e., be LOGICAL) that Nina was just up to her old tricks, waiting for another opportunity to get AJ, especially if she was never punished or escaped on a technicality the first time, which seems more serious. This whole story gives me a headache.


On the other hand, the "former bad person tries to go straight, hits an obstacle when he/she is falsely accused of committing a crime they once committed but didn't in this case" is a classic soap trope.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 3


Alice looks weird.  She looks very different than she did a few months back.  Is the actress sick in real life?


Bergen had a recurrence of her cancer a year or so ago, I hope she's not having another battle to fight.


Love JE's hair, make up and blouse, hated the skirt.  I was waiting for her to start screaming "I don't know nothin' about birthin' no babies Miss Scarlett".


Hate Nina, hate Franco, the actor playing Nina's brother (can't remember actors name) is dull as milquetoast. 


Carly seemed completely disingenuous in her happy, happy for Lucas and what's his name.


Valerie, here's a hint, when you're standing in a group of people, maybe you shouldn't stand there in your ugly dress with your legs 8 feet apart, even if you have incredibly toned legs.


May Sonny's tongue develop large, festering blisters for even mentioning Karen's name.


I think it might be time for Lynn Herring to cut off some of the hair.


Kin Shriner's forgotten how to effectively throw a screen punch.  Maybe he needs to go back and watch the balcony scene again.


 and last but not least, Laura.  Genie looked fabulous and wobbly or not, I want those shoes.  So happy to see her on my screen again!!!

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 4

Genie Francis looked great. That said, I did not like her Rythym Nation outfit. 

I thought it was obvious that she's supposed to look young (er) and beautiful/sexy in that outfit in contrast to Tracy appearing old/matronly in that Gone With the Wind-esque skirt. Also, I think it's supposed to serve as a reminder to the audience that she is the mother of Luke's young, beautiful daughter (currently the only child of his in Port Charles). I know GF is a lot younger than TG in real life; not sure about JE. I assume Lulu will be overjoyed to see her mom, in contrast to Tracy appearing to barely restrain herself from attempting to scratch Laura's eyes out for returning at this time. For reasons I'll never understand, Tracy has this on-going desperation to be seen as the great love of Luke's life (rather than Laura). It has seemed like the one reason Tracy has never flat-out hated Laura was because she deeply cares for Lulu, and felt that would show an insensitivity toward Lulu's feelings/make things awkward for her. 

  • Love 6


I know GF is a lot younger than TG in real life; not sure about JE.


She's the same age as Tony, so she's 15 years older than Genie.


For reasons I'll never understand, Tracy has this on-going desperation to be seen as the great love of Luke's life (rather than Laura).


Tracy has always been incredibly insecure around any women who had previously been involved or might be involved (Jenny Eckert) with her husband of the moment. In the case of  Susan Moore, she and Tracy's husband were having a very public affair.  Her insecurity manifests itself as uber bitch.  

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 6

I love Tracy but I think she is and always has been frightened of Laura's place in Luke's heart. That being said, there are better ways to express it

than the scene ABC posted from Monday's show - where Tracy basically jumps immediately to attacking Laura for appearing to 'upstage our party.' IMO Tracy would not do that at this point in the characters' shared history, and it's catty, vapid and high school. It's too broad, but it's the note Ron almost always goes for - especially when he's trying to pad an hour. Spend the first two acts on people attacking the new arrival and talking over them or in circles before they are allowed to get to the point. Ugh.

Edited by OnceSane
added spoiler tags
  • Love 6

They have this conversation as often as Scott and Luke go at it over Laura, which is pretty much every time they see each other.

I didn't know the Karen history so looked it up.  What didn't make sense to me then though is why Sonny mentioned it, it didn't seem to fit the conversation at all.  So that means Sonny mentioned it as a dig to harass Scott.  Yet, Sonny's defense was that he cared for Karen.  That whole thing made no sense at all.

  • Love 1

I didn't know the Karen history so looked it up. What didn't make sense to me then though is why Sonny mentioned it, it didn't seem to fit the conversation at all. So that means Sonny mentioned it as a dig to harass Scott. Yet, Sonny's defense was that he cared for Karen. That whole thing made no sense at all.

This is MoRon were are talking about.there the answer is always because....reasons.

I watched Friday's episode and have to agree that alot of the dialogue and editing were clunky.

MSt's acting style was annoying as hell too.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

I didn't know the Karen history so looked it up.  What didn't make sense to me then though is why Sonny mentioned it, it didn't seem to fit the conversation at all.  So that means Sonny mentioned it as a dig to harass Scott.  Yet, Sonny's defense was that he cared for Karen.  That whole thing made no sense at all.



I will always hate Sonny for what he did to Karen. His claiming that he did it because he cared for her will never buy him my forgiveness.

  • Love 5

I thought it was obvious that she's supposed to look young (er) and beautiful/sexy in that outfit in contrast to Tracy appearing old/matronly in that Gone With the Wind-esque skirt. Also, I think it's supposed to serve as a reminder to the audience that she is the mother of Luke's young, beautiful daughter (currently the only child of his in Port Charles).


My first thought was someone wanted her to fall on her ass, and I wondered if she was going to go into a cake like Jack on DAYS (Matt Ashford and Genie must be tied in poorly written returns by this point).


My second thought was that someone in wardrobe was trolling Y&R for their disastrous Genie promos in 2011, which seem to have vanished from the Internet, perhaps in a sign that there is a divine being in control of this universe after all.


I did see this photo, which sums it up:



  • Love 2

Ha ha So Genie keeps her dom/biker chick outfit in the back of her closet for those times when she's trying to make a comeback on a soap? The irony was apparent to me when she appeared in the outfit at the engagement party and its tough-girl tone was immediately undercut by her darting eyes and nervous lip-biting. I waited a couple of beats for her inevitable welling teary eyes, but I guess crying is reserved for Monday. Paris should have given you more chops than that, Laura.

  • Love 1

Scott has every right to hate Sonny until the day after kingdom come. That doesn't mean I want to hear about how Sonny drugged Karen every time Scott sees Sonny, just as I'm sick and tired of Scott reminding Luke that he raped Laura. It's become a go-to insult, which makes it lose its power, IMO. 

But this is the first time since Scott returned and shared a scene with Sonny that he brought up what he did to Karen. His Luke and Laura animus is tiring because he should have kept moving even after he and Lucy divorced, but Sonny hurt his daughter, a girl that he held in high regard, and it must twist the shiv that Sonny has children and grandchildren of his own while Karen never got to fulfill whatever promise her life held. When Sonny was arrested for murder, I don't blame one bit for doing gloating about it, and now being pissed off that Sonny skated for murdering someone. 

  • Love 8

Didn't Karen & Jagger have a kid they named after Stone that appeared one of the Night Shift seasons?

I distinctly remember Jagger and his son staying with Robin when she was living in SWSNBN'ed former loft that mysteriously kept adding and subtracting bedrooms.

Jagger did have a kid named Stone during NS II. I can't remember if he was Karen's.

SWSNBN's loft added a second bedroom when she became a foster parent. That 2nd bedroom disappeared after NSII and became a loft only again.

I actually think its kinda sad that Luke is probally the closest thing Tracy has ever had to true love.


I guess you can make an argument for Larry Ashton? 

The boy was too young to be Karen's kid.


His mother was someone else.


Plus Karen and Jagger divorced on PC


And by the time NS2 was on, Karen had been dead from a car accident for 5 years. 

I'm sorry but I have hated Tracy for a long long time.  She is snotty, rude and mean.  JE is fantastic, but even she can't make me enjoy such a witch of a character.  The only times I have ever remotely felt sorry for her was when Lila and Edward died.  So I don't feel bad at all that she has fallen for Luke's shit yet again and is probably going to get hurt, yet again.  

  • Love 11

I'm sorry but I have hated Tracy for a long long time.  She is snotty, rude and mean.  JE is fantastic, but even she can't make me enjoy such a witch of a character.  The only times I have ever remotely felt sorry for her was when Lila and Edward died.  So I don't feel bad at all that she has fallen for Luke's shit yet again and is probably going to get hurt, yet again.  


I agree wholeheartedly.  I've always wanted to love Tracy but she's made it impossible to see any smack down as anything but karma.  Right now I'm frustrated because she has become such a patsy and enabler to Luke, with no apparent sense of self-preservation.  In addition to being nasty and dismissive to anyone who questions her choices or loyalties, she's often just downright mean for the fun of it.  


She reminds me of those BDSM dominatrixes in bad novels that answer to a master herself (a "switch").  She is queen bitch to anyone with the misfortune (or fortune, different strokes after all) to be under her power but in the end has to bow her own head.  Luke holds the whip over her and points her towards victims he wants attacked.  It would  be funny if it weren't so pathetic and repetively boring.

  • Love 5

I know I'm just spitting in the wind, but neither Ron C. or, apparently, Ilene Kristen actually remember anything about what Delia Ryan was really like.  She might have had bad taste, but she desperately wanted to have good taste.  She might have had poor taste in people, but she also avoided anyone that wouldn't have passed Ryan or Coleridge muster.  Hence, no DeMuccios or like types.  

And, she used good grammer, was insecure enough to agonize if she didn't appear to be a "lady".  

And man, this Delia is no lady.  Roger Coleridge wouldn't have given her a passing glance, and Maeve  just wouldn't have allowed her to be like this.

We're seeing Ilene Kristen giving us her Roxy Balsom and calling it Delia Ryan.


F*#K you, Ron C.

I imagine that this could be overheard in the writers room upon the casting of IK as Delia how many ever months ago that was "just write her like Roxy, no one will remember, or care about a show that's been gone for decades and those that do are easily blocked from commenting on the GH Twitter feed".

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 3

In addition to being nasty and dismissive to anyone who questions her choices or loyalties, she's often just downright mean for the fun of it.


Me being shallow here but Jane also has a terrible habit of pointing her finger to make a point but unfortunately her fingers are kind of gnarled and turn downward so it's very awkward as she points  - I die of second hand embarassment every time she does it.

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