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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The stupid continues to ooze from this show at a steady pace.


The writing is so fucking lazy it's almost putting me to sleep. I don't even have to bother keeping up with anything because I don't give a goddamn about anything that's happening.


I just want Julian to come back, naked preferably, and catch a scene, or ten, of Brad straddling Lucas in his hospital bed as they hoover one another's faces.


Though really, Morgan only knows half of CPR? Half...? He didn't give her any air at all?! I guess remembering to put his shirt back on burned up the eight brain cells that had, somehow, been saved up for the day. And wasn't Michael such a big help assisting him, correcting his technique...it figures Carly and Sonny's sons together can't add up to one useful human being.

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I liked:


Alexis getting to be smart.  Ned getting to take a breather from the Quartermaine closet.  Both of them being sparkly together.  Can we keep him, please?


Nina.  I can't help it, I've always loved a woman fueled by Medea-like rage.  I'm into this.


Maxie and Special Kitty.  The *wacky hijinks* are totally predictable, but Maxie delights me.

  • Love 6

Sorry, show, but I don't care about any of this.  Patrick wanting justice for baby Gabriel.  Sam, Silas, and Kiki suddenly caring and being all concerned about Rafe.  Do.  Not.  Care.


Nina crowing about all the progress she made splitting up Silas and Sam?  Uh, what progress?  She managed to interrupt one date.  Wow, what an accomplishment.  And why does she constantly call Sam trailer trash?  It doesn't really fit with anything Nina would have heard or seen about Sam at this point.  Plus, Sam is living in a penthouse apartment while you're crammed into a crappy apartment with Rafe, Kiki, and Silas, Neens.


Ugh, what fake, lame drama with Alice finding out something about Tracey and Fluke's plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans and immediately being incapaciated.

  • Love 6

I could buy Maxie being vulnerable and getting involved with Levi while she's away.


I can't buy Maxie, after everything she's been through, being this subservient and foolish for this guy. She's just too old for this shit. They write her as a ditz a lot but she is no longer this immature or stupid.


And Jesus, I am tired of watching Kirsten Storms strain to carry gorgeous and well-meaning non-actors like Ryan Paevey. They have tried it many times (Spinelli is not among them, BTW, no matter how sick we got of him) and every time it is the same storyline and every time it fails. I don't mind Nathan in small doses, but he should not have a major storyline where Kirsten is required to carry him. Give him to Finola Hughes as her meat pie and leave him there.

Edited by jsbt
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The Maxie/Nathan stuff was painful to watch. So terrible. So stupid.



Yup. Any attraction Nathan had for Maxie should have died when she had to flail around like a 3 year old instead of being still for two damn seconds. And they lamented not being able to find the key after another two seconds of searching. Great effort there.


Sorry, show, but I don't care about any of this.  Patrick wanting justice for baby Gabriel.  Sam, Silas, and Kiki suddenly caring and being all concerned about Rafe.  Do.  Not.  Care.



I don't care at all about Patrick wanting justice but I do like Patrick, Dante, and Sam mixing it up together. I even like the thought of them interacting with Rafe, Nina, and Rosalie. Nice to see the actors out of their corners for a minute.


I like Alexis and Ned together. Much more chemistry than her and Julian, imo. 


I can't buy Maxie, after everything she's been through, being this subservient and foolish for this guy. She's just too old for this shit. They write her as a ditz a lot but she is no longer this immature or stupid.



I wonder if KSt looking like a precious moments doll keep them writing for her like Maxie is 19, or they just don't know how to default to anything but "ditz" anymore with the character.

Edited by ulkis
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Stop the presses, a Sonny free episode. A moment of silence to rejoice.


I like whenever Sam and Dante get to interact. I don't know why, probably because it's just different. I see no romantic or sparkling chem, but just some professional partner chem. It works well for me.


Turns out I like Nina when she's badmouthing everyone but Ava, so she was good today. "Babykiller" and "cokehead", along with "dippy love child" were quite nice.


Rosalie is quite the entertainment gossip. She must eat up TMZ like no tomorrow.


Morgan apparently did well enough to impress the paramedics.

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I really liked Naxie and Nexis.  And Morgan rubbing Alice's arm as they went into the elevator was a nice touch.   But it made me realize that sadly Alice really is Morgan's only friend.


That said,  I was really looking forward to Argo ripping Beiber-lite's head off.  And then I was hoping Nina would embrace her inner crazy, kill him, and then order Rosalie to clean it up.  Yet the bedazzled baby killing cokehead lives.  Damn.  I'm sure Nina's $500 will go far at Hot Topic, Aeropostle, and The Limited.  


The child of Richard Lansing and Natasha Cassadine should not ao stupid as to gochasing after and then get into a car with a bedazzled baby killing cokehead. 

Edited by Tiger
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Nearly all the characters are one-note, so it's not surprising Maxie's is (still) "ditz." It's too bad, because KSt can do more. I don't think she was carrying RP in today's scenes—they were way too clichéd for anyone to save—and Maxie was in high-squeak mode, which is all on KSt.


I don't care at all about Patrick wanting justice but I do like Patrick, Dante, and Sam mixing it up together. I even like the thought of them interacting with Rafe, Nina, and Rosalie. Nice to see the actors out of their corners for a minute.


Agree. It's practically a breath of fresh air to see characters mixing it up.


Rosalie is quite the entertainment gossip.


As usual, Ron is overdoing it with a tertiary character. I thought it was a waste of time for her to slam Silas to Lauren; Lauren is pretty uninvolved in this whole thing (despite being on Nina's List). And the actor is starting to ham it up a bit too much for my liking. Why hasn't Silas fired her? Where is Nina getting money? I have a hard time believing Silas would give her $500 in cash to carry around.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The scene with Nina/Rafe was the best thing on GH since I thought Roger Howarth was going to do his job every day. Damn, I kinda like that Nina buys people off with no shame.

Uncle Silas was going to give me 400 dollars...

I'll give you 500! Purse!!

And especially the reality that no, Silas will not visit Rafe in prison. Ever.

But shut up Patrick. You never cared about Shamwow neither. Rafe cried more than you did. Unless yelling and growing a beard is the new grieving. You'd think since his brother is in prison for manslaughter he would understand. Someone call Tea Delgado!

Small voice, I did like Patrick yelling at Lauren as the elevator door closed.

  • Love 1
As usual, Ron is overdoing it with a tertiary character. I thought it was a waste of time for her to slam Silas to Lauren; Lauren is pretty uninvolved in this whole thing (despite being on Nina's List). And the actor is starting to ham it up a bit too much for my liking. Why hasn't Silas fired her? Where is Nina getting money? I have a hard time believing Silas would give her $500 in cash to carry around



She wore out her welcome for me by her second episode. Even if the actors aren't terrible the writing and story lines makes them unbearable to watch. I want her to fall down an elevator shaft, with the Nina falling ass over face right behind.


Apparently the Nina has plenty of access to her money, she was lying when she claimed her accounts were frozen, the same as her "useless" legs.


And especially the reality that no, Silas will not visit Rafe in prison. Ever.



The kid is going on the run without filling him in that his wife is plotting against him, I wouldn't viist that little rat either. Of course on the other hand Rafe going to prison would be a dream just because he'd be gone.


Can't they just come out and admit that this isn't really the "real" Rafe? He's just some kid Alison snatched and she left the real Rafe somewhere safe to protect him from Caleb/Stephen if he ever found them, then this imposter can be left to rot and forgotten about for ever and always.

Edited by CPP83
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Where is Nina getting money? I have a hard time believing Silas would give her $500 in cash to carry around.


We know Nina still has access to her Reeves money so I assume she hit up the ATM a bunch of times before coming to Port Charles to put her plaaaaaaaaaaaaans into motion.  Starting up a revenge scheme takes some capital.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I just want Julian to come back, naked preferably, and catch a scene, or ten, of Brad straddling Lucas in his hospital bed as they hoover one another's faces.


I would watch this on a loop all damn day.



Where is Nina getting money? I have a hard time believing Silas would give her $500 in cash to carry around.


Nina told Rosalie (& the physical therapist later) that she's not quite as broke as she led Silas to believe.  She's still rich.


ETA: Several people beat me to it.

Edited by OnceSane

Small voice, I did like Patrick yelling at Lauren as the elevator door closed.


Anyone yelling at Lauren is a good thing. 


Nina told Rosalie (& the physical therapist later) that she's not quite as broke as she led Silas to believe.  She's still rich.


Ah, gotcha. I missed Monday's ep.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Anyone caught the Samtrick chemistry? Also, ME's not caring worked today. I loved one thing where Patrick was throwing his hissy saying Rafe could be in Canada because orphans with no licences have passports, and ME was like whatever dude, chill. He was kinda in cop mode, so I think that's why I liked him. Especially when he was like well, he could be at home.

I don't know if I'm annoyed with Patrick or feel sympathy for the actor. At least everyone tried.

  • Love 1
I would watch this on a loop all damn day.



I just need a little, tiny, scene with Brad sneaking into Lucas' room, that's all. Nothing major-just let them have some alone time to talk, chit chat, and then let Brad strip down to his skivvies and mount Lucas to remind him of why he went all "stalker" with Brad in the first place. Is that too much to ask? Damn show.


What was Patrick yelling at Kiki about?



I'd say for being Kiki, which really is what it all boils down to with her. What's wrong with Kiki? She's Kiki.

Edited by CPP83
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I don't enjoy the Nina storyline but I also am not bothered with how campy the actress is making it.  It's stupid. Play it to full tilt.


Patrick, there is nothing life or death about the accident ANYMORE.  Of course, chasing the suspect on your own is a recipe for success.  I get that he's upset and why he's upset but if I were Sam, I wouldn't be too thrilled with his rantings. 


Rosalie is a bit too gleeful and seems to be setting herself up for a fall.  Dial it back.


Maxie for the love of dog, grow up.  Besides the stupid flailing and treating Nathan like he's an annoying brother, did she really threaten to tell his superiors on him about his lying for her?   If Nathan found any of that attractive, he deserves her. 



Oh God. No. Just no. I want Franco Todd to be smart enough to have made a backup. Call an audible, Roger!

I'm going out on a limb and saying Spinelli has a copy.  He also emailed it to Carly.  So it's out there.  In the cloud.


Yup. Any attraction Nathan had for Maxie should have died when she had to flail around like a 3 year old instead of being still for two damn seconds. And they lamented not being able to find the key after another two seconds of searching. Great effort there.



I don't care at all about Patrick wanting justice but I do like Patrick, Dante, and Sam mixing it up together. I even like the thought of them interacting with Rafe, Nina, and Rosalie. Nice to see the actors out of their corners for a minute.


I like Alexis and Ned together. Much more chemistry than her and Julian, imo. 



I wonder if KSt looking like a precious moments doll keep them writing for her like Maxie is 19, or they just don't know how to default to anything but "ditz" anymore with the character.

Yea Ned!

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Why did Dante need to issue an APB? Maybe Rafe just went for a walk or got tired of waiting for Silas and went home. And I'm pretty sure busting into Silas' place with his gun out was a bit much.


Instead of paying off Rafe, why didn't she give him a big vial of coke and make him snort it all, causing him to overdose and die?


Calm the fuck down Maxie.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I enjoyed Maxie and Nathan today.


Also I think there are new CPR regulations and what Morgan was doing is the correct way now.  It's called Hands only CPRas just 


I was just reading some things at the Mayo Clinic and they suggest that if you aren't trained to use the hands only method.



Edited by jennifer6973
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catch a scene, or ten, of Brad straddling Lucas in his hospital bed as they hoover one another's faces.

In the show in my head, this has been happening all along. Felix went to PR to take care of Sabweena. And yes, it's nice in here.

I actually enjoyed the show. Parts were definitely cliche & boring but I had a hoot watching ME pull out all his moves. He did them all, pursed lip, flare nostrils, look pensively off to the side, hand in pocket & utterly dismisive.

MSt acting choices are....awkward, odd, OTT, bad, choose a word. The actress that plays Rosalie is compotent, but they have her doing to much, as others have said. I don't need all the constant snark & know-it-all attitude from a tertiary character. Especially one, I know is only around so The Nina has a co-conspirator.

KSt & RP have chemistry. The problem is the writing is horrible for them. Their scenes were contrived & cliched.

Yeah, Morgan knows soap CPR. Ugh, either Alice doesn't recover until Luke returns or she forgets what she heard Tracy say.

I could be down for some Nexis. NLG & KW still have good chemistry. Color me surprised that their was follow-up to the annulment paper work.

ETA: Jennifer6973, there is a hands only CPR. The lungs retain a certain amount of oxygen. It works good for those don't have a facemask & don't want to do mouth to mouth on strangers.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Why did Dante need to issue an APB? Maybe Rafe just went for a walk or got tired of waiting for Silas and went home. And I'm pretty sure busting into Silas' place with his gun out was a bit much.


Instead of paying off Rafe, why didn't she give him a big vial of coke and make him snort it all, causing him to overdose and die?


Calm the fuck down Maxie.

As much as I don't want Rafe to die, I'd accept an od into a coma then recast.

And yes, please, calm down, Ms Jones Drake Jones, it's Special Kitty you are cuffed to. It's not your dumb boyfriend. Gee, I wonder why Levi doesn't want to be arrested. Gee, I wonder if Maxie and Special Kitty will kiss. Gee, I wonder who Sam/Dante crash into! Zomg!!

I really liked Naxie and Nexis.  And Morgan rubbing Alice's arm as they went into the elevator was a nice touch.



I like his "wrap it up" motion when Michael stopped to talk to Nathan and Maxie.


Why did Dante need to issue an APB? Maybe Rafe just went for a walk or got tired of waiting for Silas and went home. And I'm pretty sure busting into Silas' place with his gun out was a bit much.



Cause they know he's committed vehicular manslaughter and he didn't say anything and is now missing seems a good enough reason to me. Although they shouldn't need one. The moonlight reflecting off his Claire's studs should be enough to locate him.

Edited by ulkis
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Like, Dante Faloneri is the law. Just make him police commissioner.



[insert 'Anna will finally be under Dante' joke of your pick here]


Homeboy didn't even think to call Special Kitty to help look for someone on the run possibly for a possible vehicular homicide.



Well, Dante just happened to be there, so that's why he asked him to help instead of Nathan "can't find a key" West.

I'm actually wondering if Patrick's outrage at the person (now Rafe) who "killed my son" has more to do with lots of guilt than loss. In a scene with Robin, he'd said "that baby" and he wasn't happy (just generically supportive) about finding out Sabrina was pregnant.  He wasn't focused on the unborn Gabriel until Sabrina showed up at the Scorpio-Drake house to go to Emma's dance recital ... plot point writing since the birth was pre-mature later that night. I think he must feel like crap somewhere inside because (since Robin wasn't the one pregnant) this baby's birth wasn't being awaited with great love and anticipation. Patrick was just getting to the point of accepting that he would be a father again, and was ready to open his heart to this baby, so now he's all twisted up inside (plus telling Emma yes you're getting a baby brother, no you're not, this time you really are, nevermind because your brother died).

  • Love 1
I'm actually wondering if Patrick's outrage at the person (now Rafe) who "killed my son" has more to do with lots of guilt than loss




I think it could be a muddled combination of both, but watching it all unfold to me just shows how very little, and purely shitty, work has gone into the story line. They shuttled off Sabrina, not that I'm complaining, but they have so many characters getting so riled and worked up over a baby that never should have existed, imho.


I'm watching Patrick have a melt down and I could care less - when Michael played Caleb on PC one of the things I always liked was that he could play not giving two shits like no one else's business, he has a knack for acting aloof and the way he's acting is closest to portraying how I feel about things. I just don't care, and they can keep adding more and more characters to this mess but that won't change.


[T]elling Emma yes you're getting a baby brother, no you're not, this time you really are, nevermind because your brother died



Seeing Emma asking in the previews for tomorrow if Robin and Patrick might be getting a divorce...I can't even put into words how I feel about where all of this is leading. Honestly it'd just be a lot of expletives and foaming at the mouth really.

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Delia Reid is a soap legend for me, I don't know if my ABC affiliate ever carried Ryan's Hope but I never got a chance to see it on broadcast (Loving was broadcast occasionally by them and they never aired Port Charles during its whole run) but I sill heard plenty about what a great character she was and how great IK was. She's the reason I looked for Ryan's Hope clips on YouTube. So, I'm thrilled at the idea of Delia showing up for a major storyline.

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I didn't watch today yet, but I am certified in CPR/AED, and it is taught a different way now.  There is no longer really any breathing into the mouth, whereas before it was after every chest compression set.   You can do rescue breaths if needed, I even have a little mask thingy I carry around, but it's mostly just the compressions.  It's exhausting.


Damn, sounds like I missed another shocking reveal. RAFE hit Patrick's car?  Really?  RAFE?  DIDN'T SEE THAT TWIST COMING AT ALL.  Brilliant mastermind that RC.  He gives M. Night a run for his money.


ETA: I was certified for my job (with kids) not as a first responder/professional. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
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I don't enjoy the Nina storyline but I also am not bothered with how campy the actress is making it. It's stupid. Play it to full tilt.

Patrick, there is nothing life or death about the accident ANYMORE. Of course, chasing the suspect on your own is a recipe for success. I get that he's upset and why he's upset but if I were Sam, I wouldn't be too thrilled with his rantings.

Rosalie is a bit too gleeful and seems to be setting herself up for a fall. Dial it back.

Maxie for the love of dog, grow up. Besides the stupid flailing and treating Nathan like he's an annoying brother, did she really threaten to tell his superiors on him about his lying for her? If Nathan found any of that attractive, he deserves her.

I'm going out on a limb and saying Spinelli has a copy. He also emailed it to Carly. So it's out there. In the cloud.

Yea Ned!

Please tell my bitch Maxie really didn't threaten to rat him out? Cause if I was Nathan I say fuck y, move & let the bitch & her freeloading gutter trash Boyfriend fend for themselves

She got herself in this sh@t by doing shit she had no bizz doing. You don't get to act like some vindictive bitch cause you can't have your way. After he risked his livelihood &;freedom so she can get her child back, he didn't have too.

One of the reasons I loved Naxie is that Maxie acted like a full rounded adult with him, he wouldn't put up with her shit, he call her him out & she couldn't walk all over him. I'm a Maxie FF but I don't abide by this shit.

As a Maxie FF it seems to just get worser & worse.

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A better GH example would be if TJ suddenly became an abusive asshole who ripped the heads off of kittens for sport, thereby making Rafe look like the better suitor for Molly.  In that case, TJ would have been Rossened.



And soon we find out that TJ had all along been behind the drugs, because he wanted to get Rafe hooked on coke.  Then he arranged for Rafe to take enough to knock him out for a day, stole his car, ran Patrick off the road, got the car repaired (while wearing a Rafe mask), and returned the repaired car.  Extra Rossening points if we know that it was physically impossible for TJ to have been in place to carry out any of the nefarious deeds he's retconned to have committed.  


The Levi scenes were so bad, I wanted Michael to call Sonny over to take care of him.



Fingers crossed Ava would take the call and handle it.  Odds are much higher that Levi would actually die if Ava was running the show.  

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Okay I think there WAS a rift in the space time continuum today:


First Molly was Alexis blindly supporting and on Rafe's side AGAINST TJ um aren't you mad at your mom for basically doing the same thing?

Then there was Alexis being Molly to Ned. Telling Ned it doesn't matter that you love your mother, you can't trust her.

And lastly we have Maxie laying LAYING I tell you on top of my det Special Kitty and she does NOTHING! WTF! I give up I think she really is braindamaged!


Wow Nina is just the Wheelchair Ninja now. That was some camp. I enjoyed the heck out of it. MS seems to be giving it all the camp she can.hahaha. Totally thought her all up in bieber-lite's face was hilarious!


Patrick can have several seats. The guy is annoying the crap out of me. APB out on Rafe. Acting all huffy, no wait 4th of July time out, gotta take Emma to the park. WTH?

Though I do have to say Patrick and Slias' staredown was about as EPIC as I expected. They had a pocketoff. Silas won. I think he got his arms all the way up to his elbows in those pockets, Patrick could barely squeeze his fingers in his.he!

Edited by Cattitude
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Please tell my bitch Maxie really didn't threaten to rat him out? Cause if I was Nathan I say fuck y, move & let the bitch & her freeloading gutter trash Boyfriend fend for themselves

She got herself in this sh@t by doing shit she had no bizz doing. You don't get to act like some vindictive bitch cause you can't have your way. After he risked his livelihood &;freedom so she can get her child back, he didn't have too.

One of the reasons I loved Naxie is that Maxie acted like a full rounded adult with him, he wouldn't put up with her shit, he call her him out & she couldn't walk all over him. I'm a Maxie FF but I don't abide by this shit.

As a Maxie FF it seems to just get worser & worse.

Maxie said she was going to tell Nathan's boss all the bad cop things he has done.  She didn't specifically point out the lying about the notice thing.  But what else is there?  To quote Red Forman, Maxie's a dumbass.

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But it made me realize that sadly Alice really is Morgan's only friend.


Oh man. My poor baby.


I loved all the Morgan moments in this ep. And, IDEC, I loved the hell outta Maxie/Nathan. And I still love Rosalie IDGAF. The Nina/Rafe scenes were the most awful amazing things ever. I skipped/didn't care about everything else.

  • Love 3

I'm actually wondering if Patrick's outrage at the person (now Rafe) who "killed my son" has more to do with lots of guilt than loss.


It has to do with him wanting to look good to others in Port Charles and make them believe he gave two shits about "that baby", and that's about it.  Patrick only cares about himself, he's Sonny with a stethoscope.  Only Patrick is cunning enough to pretend he cares about other people, but being more cunning and intelligent than Sonny Corinthos isn't exactly a high bar to get over.


telling Emma yes you're getting a baby brother, no you're not, this time you really are, nevermind because your brother died


And we all know how Patrick so hates to be inconvenienced.


Today's show sounds another total and utter complete waste of an episode. Can something remotely interesting happen on this damn show? I used to enjoy the Anna and her underlings comments, but shit, unless and until that happens, I'm getting annoyed that she doesn't have shit to do. 


And when she does get shit to do, the shit is invariably "arrest the wrong person".  Is it too much to ask that TIIC have her be competent once in a while?

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Thanks for the link on the CPR stuff. I didn't know they were doing it differently nowadays, but then again I have absolutely no desire to see Morgan give Alice mouth to mouth. Ick.


Maxie freaked out today by being cuffed to Nathan more than I did this morning at my MRI. Calm down or take a damn Valium. And embrace it, for god's sake. There are much worse things than being handcuffed to a hot cop.


I liked Nina's OTT-ness, the way she vaulted over the table was hysterical.



Edited by tvgoddess
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