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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think actually they got to rehearse a lot for the live shows, a lot of the actors have had instagram pictures for weeks of them rehearsing. Regular taping, they get no rehearsals and one take. Some of the actors rehearse on their own time apparently sometimes but otherwise? there's no rehearsal.

I didn't realize that got one take with no rehearsals. In that case, I'm surprised that the show is as good as it is, and I'm kind of impressed with (most of) the actors. Actually, even RP and the like- it must be really hard to have a new job and try to flesh out a new character without practice or a few takes.

I liked that Julian ratted out Jake to Sonny, then called Sloan and told him that he ratted Jake out and that Sonny and Shawn were going after him.

I don't care that Julian is trying to have it both ways. A mob boss is actually using his brain. That's new.

I thought Julian wasn't so much ratting Jake out as he was just giving Sonny a semi-plausible name and story as a way to set him up. I didn't think Julian really wanted Jake hurt or killed; he just didn't care if got hurt so long as it helped screw Sonny.

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I didn't realize that got one take with no rehearsals.

They do block the scenes, so it's not as if everyone's shooting a scene cold. But they don't redo a take unless there's some glaring mistake, like someone getting caught in an ER cubicle curtain. And even then, we've seen some slammed doors shake precariously in their frames, so it probably depends who/what makes the mistake and what time of day it is.

They do block the scenes, so it's not as if everyone's shooting a scene cold. But they don't redo a take unless there's some glaring mistake, like someone getting caught in an ER cubicle curtain. And even then, we've seen some slammed doors shake precariously in their frames, so it probably depends who/what makes the mistake and what time of day it is.

I believe Jane and/or Fin told some story that during a scene they had together, a piece of the set actually fell and they had to stay in character and keep going because they only had the one take.

Truth be told, I was not so secretly hoping that they'd use Carly's foyer set, someone would slam her front door and the set wall would just fall. The last time someone slammed that door the whole set visibly shook.

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Truth be told, I was not so secretly hoping that they'd use Carly's foyer set, someone would slam her front door and the set wall would just fall. The last time someone slammed that door the whole set visibly shook.



One funny story Julie Marie Berman told once, when Olivia was in a coma from LSD, and Lulu, Steve, Connie/Kate and Dante were praying around her, Scott Reeves closed the hospital room door and she said it sounded like a fart and they were all trying to keep from cracking up.

Edited by ulkis
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Take out Anna's and Dante's names from the hat, and I'm on board.


Add in a few extra slips of paper with Nina and Franco's names please. 


Since I mentioned Sloane, I agree with the posters who are turned off by the new guy. OriginalSloane was certainly easier on the eyes. I think, however, that either TPTB felt he was too young to hook up with Anna (NEVER!) or that Ron has dreamed of poaching GMcC for years, even though I can't remember the last soap he did.


GMcC was pretty good back on AW when he was Morgan Winthrop, but maybe he's fallen into some bad habits? Or was directed to be that hammy? 


So Shawn is going after Jake; what possibly could go wrong?


Depends on who is standing bedside Jake at the time! 



On the other hand, I'll miss Carlos, the actor was always turning this shit into something watchable.


I'll miss Carlos and his hard rolled Rs. 


Sonny had a line about Julian never taking responsibility for anything.  His head should have exploded.


Sonny and Shawn say that shit all the time and never burst into flames or get hit by lightning. 

  • Love 5


Depends on who is standing bedside Jake at the time! 



I want to know why he even shoots in the first place. Does he not survey the scene first?  I mean I know Sam and Hayden are both tiny women, but he either doesn't see that Jake isn't alone or he doesn't care.  I get maybe not caring about Hayden, Shawn doesn't know her, but shooting while Sam is there?  Sonny wouldn't be happy, and Shawn does have links to Sam.  He dated her mom, TJ is dating her sister. 

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to a lesser degree being dissatisfied with Luke's stories over the past few years.


You mean the storylines he was largely responsible for lo these many years?


I loved seeing the Anna/ Duke flashbacks. I wasn't watching when they were a big couple back in the day. That is the good I saw this week.


The bad? Good lawd is MS just left to her own devices as The Nina? Because she was even worse than normal. Why oh why is she still employed?

Edited by hypnotoad
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And then Jason has a memory flash of Sam being shot in his arms by Manny, but decides not to explore what it means with anyone…except Liz who tells him he must be feeling guilty that he couldn't protect Sam at the garage.

Ugh. I can see this playing out. Next scene is Nik and Liz arguing about Jason, while saying Jason loudly in a semi public area.


And someone like Patrick overhears and decides to do nothing, so yet another person knows the secret and it's dragged out even longer.


Are we thinking November sweeps is when Jake will finally find out who he really is?

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I hope they let Promo Guy go crazy on the "Omg Jason has his memories" promo. That other promo was lame. I want a grand one.

"The man they mourned...." insert Sam and the box of pain, Carly with her mouth open, and Sonny looking confused...."has been alive in front of their faces..." Shots of Jake. "This whole time." Carly screeching "Jassssoonnn!" "This November, Jason remembers. .." Sam and Jake. Then promo guy has to say the "O M GH" thing and cries a little.

  • Love 3
Are we thinking November sweeps is when Jake will finally find out who he really is?


Yes, November sleeps, er...sweeps...2020.

Lol, no. Patrick will continue to live in his bubble of innocence and righteousness.


In this case? Good. Sick of EVERYONE being ripped to shreds for the Holy Hitman. He should've remained Under The Sea with Who.

  • Love 10

I hope they let Promo Guy go crazy on the "Omg Jason has his memories" promo. That other promo was lame. I want a grand one.

"The man they mourned...." insert Sam and the box of pain, Carly with her mouth open, and Sonny looking confused...."has been alive in front of their faces..." Shots of Jake. "This whole time." Carly screeching "Jassssoonnn!" "This November, Jason remembers. .." Sam and Jake. Then promo guy has to say the "O M GH" thing and cries a little.

I hope Sam's "Bedroom Stuff" is still in the living room in November.

  • Love 2

And someone like Patrick overhears and decides to do nothing, so yet another person knows the secret and it's dragged out even longer.


Are we thinking November sweeps is when Jake will finally find out who he really is?

That's my guess, unless Ron discovers a new shiny thing (probably a penny) which pushes the reveal to February or May sweeps 2016.


I can see Luke's exit as the big November sleeps event pushing this Jakeson shitfest until Spring 2016.

Fortunately, that kiddie killing rapist drunk Lewq is exiting in July, an important sweeps period for the affiliates.

And considering Billy's contract is up in Sep, Ron would have to be deeply stupid to wait until Nov to reveal Jake is Jasus. Oh, wait . . .

Edited by Tiger
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Well it ended after a super extended long pause which left them all looking as if they weren't sure when the scene was supposed to end and were feeling tempted to kind of glance to the side as if to be given a cue on what to do next.


It does not appear that the soap pause works in real time, heh, because the true awkwardness of it becomes all the more obvious when you have people just stop talking and then stare at each other as if they have suddenly had a brain frat and can't remember what they were about to say next. 


I would like someone to explain this to me like I'm Morgan, why did Maurice seem as steady and focused as I've seen him in maybe a decade during the live show but yet when he's taping he's all over the place? Maybe he gets too easily distracted when they're taping but he knew he only had one shot doing his scenes live.


But there were so many other characters I would have preferred watching act live than 95% of the group that was on today, starting with Ryan/Lucas and Parry/Brad together in bed...something tells me that they might have just gotten a right bit naughty with each other, heh.


And I will say this, for me, watching Anna shoot an unarmed man is just more of Ron's twisted bs with having people commit heinous acts like they're going out of style.


Even if the target/s might be worthless wet sacks of human flesh, but still they aren't armed or showing themselves to be an immediate threat so there is no reason to take a kill shot in that situation. Anna was already put in this position as well when she going to gun down Jakson while handcuffed to the table,


I just...to me it is unnecessary and it makes her seem far too much like a Sonny, shooting and killing someone based solely on her emotions and committing a serious crime without just letting the law get involved.


Anna is good enough and smart enough to take someone down without murdering them, whatever her personal feelings. She could have just stuffed Carrrrrrrrlos in another hole for instance... 

I was  hoping someone else actually did the shooting. Anna was the only character left on the show I liked. Now she is a female Sonny. looking  some one in the face and shooting them is disgusting. This came just before watching the jury come I where the scum who blew up the marathon finish line .They also killed a cop in cold blood. Duke was no better than Carlos, so Anna taking revenge was ludicrous.

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shallow thought - IMO, the only thing attractive about MS is her hair. But yesterday she had her hair in a towel and then under a veil. And without her hair, all yuo see is her face which is really not that attractive at all.  Again, merely IMO. And her "acting" - wtf was all that? She was doing what she wanted, prancing about and jazz handing all over the place. She was my least favorite "live" performer, hands down. Even RH could not save her - he actually played it straight and she would not give him anything to work with. What a mess.

  • Love 7

shallow thought - IMO, the only thing attractive about MS is her hair. But yesterday she had her hair in a towel and then under a veil. And without her hair, all yuo see is her face which is really not that attractive at all.  Again, merely IMO. And her "acting" - wtf was all that? She was doing what she wanted, prancing about and jazz handing all over the place. She was my least favorite "live" performer, hands down. Even RH could not save her - he actually played it straight and she would not give him anything to work with. What a mess.

What in flying hell was that? Franco and Nina are on some bizzarro show. I can't figure out what their purpose is. Someone explain to me like I'm 5 what that is please?


Random thoughts


Live show was pretty good. MB surprised the heck out of me actually, no stumbling whatsoever. 


Lizzie has gone off the deep end, this won't end well for her. At least she realizes she's giving up everything to be with him. Me thinks Nik will be there for her when it all comes out, kind of like them having this secret together. Yeah I like Lake but Liason is a whole other kettle of fish and it was clear tptb never wanted to commit to them fully and never fully well.


Hayden can shuddup yeah the truth will come out but she doesn't know crap about Liz to talk and knows even less about Jason.


Finola was awesome as distraught Anna, absolutely MVP of the show. Can't believe she actually shot Carlos.

  • Love 3

I was amused to see how many of the scenes were super short or cut so that the actors would not have to remember a bunch of dialogue all at once. Julian was given a lot to say while Shawn and Sonny just stared at him darkly. The actor began to rush himself and the scene almost fell apart a couple of times. Sonny smashing the barware was UCG for me.


I thought Kelly was a nervous wreck, abandoning her usual languid half-asleep delivery to act alive for once. She too started speaking too fast so that she was hard to understand after awhile, like Julian.


Teresa and Anna were good--very professional, as was Carlos. Anna's grief should not have broken through to make her shoot Carlos, though. I think she would have called for backup.


And finally, I wonder if the actor turning the credits on Monday will be AJ himself? Failing that, I vote Stone or Robin.

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^ Did you catch when Franco or Nina said something about having one minute and 7 seconds for something, maybe about why he was sorry? I don't remember. I immediately thought it was something meta-y, like all the "live" talk, and all I could think of was scene length. And then I immediately forgot all about it. But it had to mean something, because otherwise why 1' 7"?

  • Love 1

 Duke was no better than Carlos, so Anna taking revenge was ludicrous.


That is one of the many things that are ringing hollow with all of this. 



I'm waiting for Sloane and Nina to be in a scene together. That would be UCG.


LOL!!!! Can you imagine? Any other scene partners they had would be exhausted by the end of that workday. 

  • Love 3

It might be nice to see Alan hold the cards. Billy Miller can go hug him, so at least one of Jason's parents will interact with him. Because for the love of Corinthos Coffee, we all know Monica can't see her dead kid.


I would love to see him back for that, but SD's health hasn't been the greatest in recent years, and even something that simple might be too much for him to return for. 


And just to clarify:


When I suggested Stone/Zander being back the other day, I did just mean to flip the cards during the credits like Lily did, just a fun thing for the live shows; obviously undoing their deaths (especially Stone's) wouldn't be right. Well, okay, maybe Zander, but Stone's death is one in daytime that should NEVER be retconned. 

  • Love 4

Watched Fri (did you know it was live?) and some really good stuff....MB (surprisingly...I thought he would be the flubber) BH, BM, KeMo, WdV, FH (as always) Carrrrlos (can't remember his name) RB, TC....


Bad stuff....SB, VA (but considering who she had to work with I'll kind of give her a pass).


Just plain ugly stuff....GMc (I've seen better acting at a middle school play)  MSt and RoHo (whom I have always liked but they have given him shit on a stick to work with *I'm looking at you MSt*)


But, but, but....why kill off my Carrrrlos?!?  I'll miss that voice, the eyes and that sexy beard....;-(


That chick at the end was stoned/drunk outta her mind.  WTF?  I know from stoned/drunk (12 yrs playing in blues clubs.  I've seen it all).  And RIP BB!  You were the best!


Looking forward to tomorrow.  It's my day off so I can watch real time.

Edited by OhioSongbird

I thought FH did an excellent job as always. I thought TeCa and the actor who plays Carlos (who's real name escapes me right now) held their own against her. I thought the Rebecca/Becky/Tyler trio did well although i felt Becky was channeling her inner Susan Lucci with very dramatic speech patterns (that's good thing, not a slag). I thought KeMo came across a wee bit too dramatic, like she wasn't sure if she should kick BM in the family jewels or stick her tongue down his throat. The Shawn/Sonny/Julian trio was a bit of a mess. WDv looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh, then when he was gone Shawn/Sonny went on a bit of a rant that seemed a bit extreme. GMc was absolutely awful and poor VA looked terrified, either because she nervous of being live or because she didn't know how to react to GMc's over the top wackyness. RH and MSt were complete nonsense and unecessary as they always are.

  • Love 2

It might be nice to see Alan hold the cards. Billy Miller can go hug him, so at least one of Jason's parents will interact with him. Because for the love of Corinthos Coffee, we all know Monica can't see her dead kid.





(Sorry, but this never gets old)



A few things I noticed on this dumb show, Nina's wedding gown is fucking extremely ugly and Sonny's bar cart looks like it was a walmart special.


The amount of times he goes through them, I'd think his "people" replaced it with the cheap shit along time ago.  Even rich mob bosses need to budget sometimes.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 4


And just to clarify:


When I suggested Stone/Zander being back the other day, I did just mean to flip the cards during the credits like Lily did, just a fun thing for the live shows; obviously undoing their deaths (especially Stone's) wouldn't be right. Well, okay, maybe Zander, but Stone's death is one in daytime that should NEVER be retconned. 


I'm assuming this is now at the top of Ron's "to do" list


It might be nice to see Alan hold the cards. Billy Miller can go hug him, so at least one of Jason's parents will interact with him. Because for the love of Corinthos Coffee, we all know Monica can't see her dead kid.


It's a little ridiculous that Monica, a pillar of the community, who had family on the almost exploded boat, hasn't yet seen Jake face to face. I can only believe then that the minute she does see him, she'll see through the plastic surgery and say "OMG Jason, you're alive!" ... at least that's how I would write it... mainly because a cornerstone of soaps is that mothers always know their own children 'somehow'.. and also because it would totally embarass all his supposed loves (Carly, Liz, Sam and of course Sonny) that they had no idea it was him. I think it's very telling that Spinelli of all people was certain Jake was Jason.


Speaking of Spinelli, glad he's gone.. his creepy gushing over Jake and Nathan came off less as a self esteem issue and more of a closeted gay man issue. Being gay myself, I think it would be a great story but this show would never go there. Like Sonny's magical penis makes every woman pregnant, Jason makes every one fall for him... women swoon and he makes straight men (Franco, Spinelli) turn gay. At least we don't have to experience Steve Burton's insuffrable ego in the role. I have decided that's a plus. :)


I'm very happy with TotallyEvilNick! and TotallyEvilLiz! - I think that they should become a couple, just hit the gas and not look back.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 7

So I was away on vacation all week and just finished binge watching GH. While I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's comments, I just have to ask: was the cameraman drunk during the live episode? There were at least two or three instances where he/she completely screwed up the shot. Once at about the :23 mark when Sam and Jake were talking in the garage. Suddenly the camera was on Sonny's arm where I guess Mo was warming up for his next scene. Another was when Anna and Sabrina were at the apartment and we got a shot of Sabrina's arm.

All in all, I thought most of the actors did well but don't for the life of me know who that buxom chick was at the end with the credits. Whoever she was, I hope she doesn't quit her day job!

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