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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And, as I mentioned earlier, it's ludicrous Mac is not there.


Yes, the closest friend Duke has had the last couple years should be there (not to mention Anna's former brother-in-law), along with Anna's current best friend, and long-standing friend, Felicia.


Did I mention I hate this show?  Why can't I quit you?  Actually, I'm just kinda, sorta back while Finola's front and center these few weeks. Then I'm sure she'll be rotated out and someone like Maura or Michelle will be back, front and center. Then it'll be easy to skip out.

  • Love 4

I wonder if it's time to just consider recasting KMc as Robin. the story clearly needs her (in my opinion) and i get that KMc wants more time for directing and stuff, but... so? Like ,  it is not making sense that everyone is ignoring her. And now Anna is brokenhearted and she's not going to call her? or Robin go to her? like. for-reals, show. 

  • Love 3

While I hate the character of Liesl Obrecht, I do think Kathleen Gati is ridiculously talented and it's a waste that she's forced to play a villain.  Finola and Kathleen in that scene totally killed it.  Finola needs to give lessons on how to cry beleivably without resorting to chewing the scenery because there are so many who could learn a thing or two from her (yes MB, I'm looking at you).

  • Love 8

I wonder if it's time to just consider recasting KMc as Robin. the story clearly needs her (in my opinion) and i get that KMc wants more time for directing and stuff, but... so? Like ,  it is not making sense that everyone is ignoring her. And now Anna is brokenhearted and she's not going to call her? or Robin go to her? like. for-reals, show. 


I don't think they want to recast her. They think using her as ratings stunts is a good idea, unfortunately.

  • Love 5

Yes, yes, and no. He was one of her godfathers. But who cares? She's in Paris living the dream ex-pat life.


Actually, her official godfathers were Frisco, Sean Donely, and Buzz Stryker. But of course, as her stepfather, he was close enough to be one of them. 


ETA: Unless he was named as one of her godfathers later on, after he and Anna got together?

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2

I wonder if it's time to just consider recasting KMc as Robin. the story clearly needs her (in my opinion) and i get that KMc wants more time for directing and stuff, but... so? Like ,  it is not making sense that everyone is ignoring her. And now Anna is brokenhearted and she's not going to call her? or Robin go to her? like. for-reals, show. 

I've said before that Rebecca Buding should have come on board to play Robin.  It could even be like the Becky's of Roseanne, where both actresses played the same character.  I know Rebecca's a bit older than Kim, but it would work -- I thought -- as a replacement Robin.


Instead they brought Rebecca on board to be this horrible, non-sensical character.


I. hate. this. show.

  • Love 1

And as much as people like to use the "KMc isn't there" excuse, like is she not going to wrap it up at least in the next few month to late this year? Or will Robin be a hostage for 5 more years? Because even if Anna won't be able to "find" her now, how are the writers at least not having anything lead up to that story?


I've been meaning to ask this question for some time, and maybe it's been asked and I missed the answer, but with Helena being imprisoned on Coney Island or Iceland or Swallow Falls or  whereverthefuk, WHO is holding Robin hostage anyway??   It was Helena who hustled her off and threatened Patrick and Emma, right?  

Or are those martinis I drink to get through this show starting to affect my wizened little brain?

Edited by boes
  • Love 2

Dunno.  I think I'm firmly on the set up for Carlos not to be the killer bandwagon.  (That gun left behind?  Weird.)  I also thought it weird T.J. wandering around the docks that time of night.  I'm not on the T.J. was up to no good bandwagon yet, but I did think it a very odd way to set up that conversation between he and Shawn.


News usually travels like wildfire through PC, but not one of Anna's friends heard about Duke's death?  She had to rely on Dr. Obrecht for comfort?  Oy.


Also, Alexis?  Get over yourself.  You clearly mistook Julian for one of the good mobsters, and we all know Sonny has that job all sewn up.

  • Love 2

Alexis clearly is not a good defense attorney. And has never seen Anatomy of a Murder. You don't ask a question that may cut off avenues of defense. Now that she knows Julian ordered the hit, she can never present the argument that the evidence points to the fact that he didn't. She knowingly cannot present an argument that she knows not to be true.

She actually can present an argument that Julian didn't do it in her opening and closing, and questioning of witnesses. She just can't suborn perjury, which means she can't put Julian on the stand if he's going to say he didn't do it. Defense attorneys get more leeway than prosecutors on this kind of thing.

At this point, I wouldn't mind a Robin recast, just to get some sort of closure and so that Patrick and Anna don't keep getting beaten up for completely ignoring her situation. Leaving her kidnapped or "in Paris" indefinitely just isn't working. Have her come back, free, realize she doesn't really belong in Port Charles anymore (most of her historically close friends and family are gone, or have moved on), and then actually move, with references to Emma visiting her occasionally. Or hell, have the recast stick around and build new relationships, do her research at GH or Michael's clinic, fall in love with .. someone who is not yet on the canvas. I've completely ignored the situation, but it is a shame they've left it this way, and it wouldn't be too hard to fix.

  • Love 5

I've been meaning to ask this question for some time, and maybe it's been asked and I missed the answer, but with Helena being imprisoned on Coney Island or Iceland or Swallow Falls or whereverthefuk, WHO is holding Robin hostage anyway?? It was Helena who hustled her off and threatened Patrick and Emma, right?

Or are those martinis I drink to get through this show starting to affect my wizened little brain?

I don't even think Ron knows the answer to that question. I'd assume she's being held by Helena's minions.

Robin needs to be written off and given an ending as respectfully as they're doing for Mr. Tony Geary. Kimberly has been on this show and has been a cheerleader for this show since she was a CHILD. Almost 30 years later, they can at least just write off the character with dignity. A recast isn't the answer. Patrick ain't that important.

  • Love 5

I wonder if it's time to just consider recasting KMc as Robin. the story clearly needs her (in my opinion) and i get that KMc wants more time for directing and stuff, but... so? Like ,  it is not making sense that everyone is ignoring her. And now Anna is brokenhearted and she's not going to call her? or Robin go to her? like. for-reals, show. 



I don't think they want to recast her. They think using her as ratings stunts is a good idea, unfortunately.



What? If they recast Robin, then the fuckwit would have to give up airing that Asian Quarter Anna/Robin reunion he loves to keep trotting out in flashbacks. I can hate him for doing it, but that scene never fails to affect me. But I'm still not giving him any kind of credit or kudos for using it.


I've been meaning to ask this question for some time, and maybe it's been asked and I missed the answer, but with Helena being imprisoned on Coney Island or Iceland or Swallow Falls or whereverthefuk, WHO is holding Robin hostage anyway?? It was Helena who hustled her off and threatened Patrick and Emma, right?

Or are those martinis I drink to get through this show starting to affect my wizened little brain?

MoRon doesn't have a clue as to who is holding Robin.

Regarding recasting to wrap up Robin's story, IMO there is no need to recast. KMc, lives in California and via her instagram and twitter feeds doesn't work every minute of every day. She enjoys life and goes to the beach, has dinner with friends, hangs out with family and takes mini trips to refocus.

The way they tape she could come in and wrap this crap up in one day. IIRC, Kassie Depaiva taped seven shows worth of material in 2 days. Craptini don't WANT to wrap this shitfest up. If these asshats follow their typical MO, Robin won't show up/be thought about until people are married with kids on the way!

KMC/Robin totally deserves a respectful exit.

MoRon is a talentless repetitive hack with a single minded unflexible tunnel vision when it comes to stories.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 9

To clarify my statement above, because I over-simplified it: Alexis can make potentially misleading statements, but not tell straight-up lies. Things like "the evidence shows my client didn't do it" or "there's no proof that the witness saw my client" or "my client said he didn't do it." So, not directly saying "I know he is innocent" but rather suggesting he is innocent even though she knows it isn't true. Hope that helps.

  • Love 3

I don't think they want to recast her. They think using her as ratings stunts is a good idea, unfortunately.


I know. which is so dumb. And I feel that it is decisions like these that are killing  Soaps. like. yes we like it fluffy, we like the romance, but we shouldn't sitting here every day beating our head over simple things because we can toss out a legacy actor for a ratings boost. Write good stories and people would watch and you wouldn't need a ratings boost, SHOW. 



I've said before that Rebecca Buding should have come on board to play Robin.  It could even be like the Becky's of Roseanne, where both actresses played the same character.  I know Rebecca's a bit older than Kim, but it would work -- I thought -- as a replacement Robin.


Instead they brought Rebecca on board to be this horrible, non-sensical character.


I. hate. this. show.


I think Rebecca as Robin would totally have worked out. 

I hate this show too. I am remembering why I stopped watching

least i have you guys to vent with, even though i am lost with like a good chunk of this show. (which i think is a good thing)


What? If they recast Robin, then the fuckwit would have to give up airing that Asian Quarter Anna/Robin reunion he loves to keep trotting out in flashbacks. I can hate him for doing it, but that scene never fails to affect me. But I'm still not giving him any kind of credit or kudos for using it.

is that the one with Anna in the ambulence, and Rob in is running in slow motion with Anna and they hug?



also - Alexis. shut the hell up. it pisses me off they keep Mob Molling her. 

I like Alexis for the most part but it's times like these when I want someone to slap some damn sense into her. STOP FUCKING CRIMINALS you idiot. You obviously can't handle being in a relationship with a mobster, which is fine, so stop it. Just stop.


So I guess Dr. O. acting like a halfway decent person for once with Anna means we're supposed to forget that she's a psychotic terrorist? Fuck that.

  • Love 11
Another dose of STFU for Alexis. You know he's a mob boss, you got back together when he was a mob boss AND after he said he wouldn't leave…yet you still got butt hurt feels that he does his job AS A MOB BOSS? Have all the seats. Yes, that one too. You don't even have to save one for Olivia's deserving ass because she's rocking and rolling in her wheelchair. Olivia has no room to bitch (or ask her cop son to help her run away from her problems) about Julian. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, nor, apparently, can you teach a middle-aged mob apologist how to use birth control




Preach it.


Mob bosses generally try and kill each other unless they're friends or allies. Duke nearly had Julian carted off to the marshlands or swamp or bayou, whatever, if Jakson hadn't gotten involved since Julian apparently has no bodyguards whatsoever.                   


Everyone is acting as if Julian had the local priest gunned down, GTFO with that considering all that Duke did, and nearly had done, and I can't even begin with Sonny, the head honcho over the whole organization.   


Both Duke and Sonny proved themselves more than willing and ready to kill law enforcement in cold blood without hesitation but somehow they're the "good mob goonies" that must be mourned and applauded.  Ffs...


I do wish that Olivia had fallen into a coma right now because she's even more insufferable than usual.


She wants to act as if she slept with a dog from the pound and yet she practically threw herself at Sonny how many times, basically repaired the relationship she kept claiming she never wanted her son to ever have with him, and acts like Sonny is still her long lost love half the damn time and takes up for him whenever possible.  She's just wretched and vile to me. She's getting up there with Carly in my book.


And speaking of Carly...bullet to the base of the skull, stat.    

  • Love 8
I like Alexis for the most part but it's times like these when I want someone to slap some damn sense into her. STOP FUCKING CRIMINALS you idiot. You obviously can't handle being in a relationship with a mobster, which is fine, so stop it. Just stop.

Yeah, that's the issue. She knows the deal, so she needs to stop acting as if all the violence and stuff is so surprising.


LOL that Sonny really couldn't care less about Carly's big unmasking of Ric as a liar.


Why is Dr. O still harping on Jake not paying his hospital bill? Nik took care of everything. There's no debt. I'm with her on telling Anna it was time to let Duke go. Six hours is a long time with a dead body.


Putting guards on everybody has never done any good. Carly and Jordan should have just told Sonny they'd take care of their kids themselves. They're better shots than the men, that's for sure.


Shush, Olivia.


This story drives me absolutely bonkers. It's so stupid on every possible level. 

  • Love 5

 I'm just gonna leave this here...


Billy Miller is a good looking guy and i very much enjoy suits over t-shirts. (falls over at him looking at Elizabeth in the last scene today)


And I like how he brought out a different side of "Jason" (Jake) Whatever! :). I liked Steve alot but I'm totally on board with Billy. He is more my type, haha!

Edited by emjohnson03
  • Love 7

I like Alexis for the most part but it's times like these when I want someone to slap some damn sense into her. STOP FUCKING CRIMINALS you idiot. You obviously can't handle being in a relationship with a mobster, which is fine, so stop it. Just stop.


Alexis spent YEARS, fuckin' years lecturing Sam on the evils of being involved with a mobster. And that totally made sense to me because that's what a responsible parent should do - so watching her with Julian has been obnoxiously stupid on every level.


To add insult to injury? Julian sucks at being a mobster. He should just let Ava be in charge and run his damn newspaper

  • Love 12


I liked Dr. O shutting down Liz when Liz wanted to leave yet another shift to check on Jake.


Her snark on Liz today was a thing of beauty. The line about the Hindenberg was great, as was her other one in reference to the "little death". But damn, Liz just doesn't like to stay put on the job.


Alexis and Olivia are two peas in a pod. I think I might be looking forward to LLC's maternity leave. Olivia's bitching about Julian has become almost unbearable.



Alexis spent YEARS, fuckin' years lecturing Sam on the evils of being involved with a mobster. And that totally made sense to me because that's what a responsible parent should do - so watching her with Julian has been obnoxiously stupid on every level.


To add insult to injury? Julian sucks at being a mobster. He should just let Ava be in charge and run his damn newspaper


Has Alexis ever flat out said to Sam that her own choices in men absolutely SUCK? Because she should.


KeMo looked gorgeous in the previews.

  • Love 3

Damn, this Show......


So FH was fabulous, once again.   I remember when I first saw her on GH, I'm amazed that I didn't like her.  I think I thought she was too intense, or something, but what she really was, was so much better than many of the actors.  IMO she's only gotten better.  Oh, there's plenty to criticize about her storylines and her OOC behavior, especially regarding Robin, but she's the one who has kept me watching more than any other performer.  Her cold rage today with Jake was scary good.

Then that bonehead with the huge jaw and forehead, whatshisname with all the grease in his hair, bursts in and almost brings the scene down with his ineptness.   But nah, FH still saves it.


And also, thank God for Dante.  He was so good in his scenes with Olivia.  He's another one who consistently manages to rise about the material he's given.  Those reluctant mantears of his - adorable.  And even though I'd usually see Olivia made into a pasta sauce, with Dante, I even like her a bit when he's with her.

BUT I'm ready for Olivia to go on the run for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong, loooooooooooooooooooooooong time.


I just want somebody to give Julian a nuclear wedgie and then mock him in gym class and the cafeteria until he cries.  What a total dweeb he is - and like a total dweeb, he thinks he's just too cool for school.  Alexis breaking up with him again did nothing to improve her standing in my eyes, since she does it every other month.  But of course we were left with Julian once again hitching up his pants and putting on the pout.  Now how come HIS tears had the oppostive effect on me that Dante's did?  Maybe because Dante is a decent character portrayed by an even better actor and Julian is just.....not?


WaYYYYYYYY too much Shawn today.  And talk about hitching up his pants.  We get it, Shawn, you're a BIG guy.  Too bad all your brains are in your fat ass.  

I did enjoy Mumbles the Moobster forgetting his lines when he was trying to put together a plan to take down Julian while protecting everyone else.  He had all the physical presence and sense of intimidation of Sherri Lewis and LampChop.  

Edited by boes
  • Love 8


Seriously. And whenever Dante is actually mad at him, she's just like, "he's your father honey!" Shush, Olivia.



Didn't she push for him to "forgive" Sonny for the whole bullet in the chest ordeal as well? I mean...she is like the worst. Of course Dante loves her because she was all he had growing up parent wise, bless the child, but really she is no better a parent than a blind moose.      


I swear she sounds like one half the time she's sobbing/wailing as well...


I still can't get over that she wants him to help her take the baby and run, because that worked so well the last time she tried it. She's such a piece of work I don't...I just really don't like her, at all. Not at all. 



I think this show is actually getting more mob-tastic than it was, even in Guza's wildest dreams ....




Oh I agree. I think it absolutely is but it's even worse now than anything Guza ever dreamed up because Ron seems, imho, incapable of stringing together two cohesive ideas.    


Guza was too flawed for words but he could make up a storyline that could really impress you. Even at his worst he could still make something good happen. It often didn't last but it was there, there was some evidence something of a positive note had gone on.     


But in Ron's case we get Dr. O "Chicken Soup for the Soul" comforting Anna because "reasons".


Sure, why the hell not I mean, who else could possibly come in and lend Anna their shoulder, oh wait...Mac, Felicia, realKevin, Lucy, hell even Patrick.            


But Ron wanted those two to work together, the past three years of his crap ass writing for them be damned where they were cutthroat enemies who nearly killed one another multiple times.       


At this point it is just beyond all help to me, this show. Until Ron is finally canned this is the "best" we can expect, imo, and that is such a depressing thought to me.    



IA its ridiculous and the thing with Julian is he has a newspaper personally I'd rather see that and it could give some characters some job opportunities and where's the ambitious characters at?




Oh how I wished they would have made Julian a doctor instead of another mob kingpin loser. I knew they'd never let him win against the "machine" that is Sonny, no other villain on this show ever has.


But I would have enjoyed seeing Sam having a noncriminal for a father for once.   


I thought it would have worked really well if Julian had been the cancer specialist brought in to treat Danny, and then after he gets close to the family, to Sam and Danny, maybe even Alexis, when they started testing people to find a bone-marrow match he would volunteer and then the truth would come out.


But no-no, instead I get a mob boss who has the worst hit-man in the world next to Shawn, no bodyguards are ever around to keep him from getting slapped/punched/attacked, and really he has never been given a real reason why he would want to go back into the mob anyway. He has the gallery, the newspaper, and a budding family, he had time to cut ties to the mob after he got out of prison.  


It's just more of Ron writing whatever the hell he wants to. He wants a mob war so we're getting a mob war whether we like it or not. But we better like it or else he'll take to Twitter and block us all

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

This is how bad it was.  I blocked Dr. O completely.  


I know some of you like her and I can see why.  But I so LOATHE her that I can't see any good things about her at all.  For her to come anywhere NEAR Anna today was......fist-through-screen time, except I'm getting used to Ron C and his messed up crap.  She's a total psycho, a baby snatcher, a kidnapper, a torturer, and every other freakin' awful thing a cartoon villian can be - so of COURSE she's Chief of Staff.  

And nobody's murdered her yet.

And she's the one who comforts Anna.


Oh, the things I'm thinking that I just can't write.

  • Love 9

To be fair, Sonny isn't Molly's dad, Ric is, and Ric isn't actually a mobster. An off-and-on psycho stalker, sure, but not a mobster. :-P

Ric is the mobsters brother so her uncles one. Both her sisters have different mobsters for fathers. Ric also kidnapped carley and held her captive although  to me he should have gotten a medal for that. He does belong in jail. I like Molly . not her fault who her relatives are.

I've said before that Rebecca Buding should have come on board to play Robin.  It could even be like the Becky's of Roseanne, where both actresses played the same character.  I know Rebecca's a bit older than Kim, but it would work -- I thought -- as a replacement Robin.


Instead they brought Rebecca on board to be this horrible, non-sensical character.


I. hate. this. show.


One of the strengths Robin had (or had in a better era of the show) was warm relationships with a variety of people, and a down-to-earth quality.


Rebecca is so hard and struggles to ever play warmth or caring. 


She and Carly basically would have become the same character.

Olivia need to realize that Julian is no worse than Sonny. At least Julian didn't shoot Lucas point blank in the chest.


Give him time...


Actually they'd have him accidentally cause someone else to shoot Lucas in the chest, just so we'd know he's still a woobie.

  • Love 2

Ric is the mobsters brother so her uncles one. Both her sisters have different mobsters for fathers. Ric also kidnapped carley and held her captive although  to me he should have gotten a medal for that. He does belong in jail. I like Molly . not her fault who her relatives are.


Oh, well, sure. And FWIW I like Molly too, and I think she's better off having Ric the intermittent psycho for a dad than Sonny the mobster. At least Ric's never tried to kill her.


If anything, its an interesting metaphor for the show in general - that Carly hates Ric because of the panic room, just like she hated AJ for pushing her down the stairs (a thing that actually didn't happen), but she can't reliably keep her hands off Sonny, who shot her in the freaking head.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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