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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Here's the sad thing - if they hadn't been so intent on pushing Samtrick we could have had a real interesting story of Silas/Sam versus JaSam when the reveal happened. Sam would have been in a long term (years vs months) relationship with Silas and being a family with Danny. Patrick could have still been a good friend and a voice of reason to her when Jason gets his memory back since he had been in the same position before.

Added bonus, he would be immediately suspicious of what was going on with Robin since she said Jason was dead.

Silas would still be relevant, Patrick would have a purpose and the love triangle and storyline would make a hell of a lot more sense than what is currently onscreen.

They could even have Liz helping Patrick since they're besties and have that relationship develop into something as they try to figure out what happened to Robin. They've always been the most logical couple for me anyway, especially with Robin and Lucky out of the picture. They should have been the next generation hospital anchor couple. Like CarnAJ should have been the new Alan and Monica.

  • Love 3

Logic would also say that Nik, Liz, Patrick, Sam, etc, would have already questioned that, though. So clearly Ron doesn't care. So it's time for Patrick to be portrayed as the asshole he has always been, IMO.


Meh, agree to disagree. I - until Ron - basically liked Patrick and while he could be a douche, I also thought he had a good side, too.

  • Love 12

Meh, agree to disagree. I - until Ron - basically liked Patrick and while he could be a douche, I also thought he had a good side, too.


I still don't know why Patrick is considered a piece of shit by some for not being concerned about Robin when her own damn parents - who happen to be super spies with extensive knowledge of the Legion of Doom and how they operate - have shown no concern for her either. As far as I'm concerned, if Patrick is to be considered The Worst then so should everyone else who cares about Robin, ESPECIALLY Anna, Robert, and Mac.

  • Love 9

I still don't know why Patrick is considered a piece of shit by some for not being concerned about Robin when her own damn parents - who happen to be super spies with extensive knowledge of the Legion of Doom and how they operate - have shown no concern for her either. As far as I'm concerned, if Patrick is to be considered The Worst then so should everyone else who cares about Robin, ESPECIALLY Anna, Robert, and Mac.


Yes. And I had mentioned at least Anna before. I also agree that they should be as smeared as Patrick has considering they don't seem at all concerned about Robin acting strangely either.

  • Love 8

It really is terrible writing. Robin's parents thought she was dead. Even if she was calling and skyping regularly there is just no way that they wouldn't be dropping in on her periodically just to check in on her - especially since they have the resources to do so. 

Couldn't RC have the same effect if he'd had her parents rescue a Coma!Robin a few months ago? He could still be waiting for KMc's availability/story timing for her to wake up - but her family and loves ones wouldn't look like such assholes 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

I kind of liked how queasy Ned and Julian looked when Patrick told them Olivia was going to have the baby at the MetroCourt. I'm tired of Olivia's contempt for Julian, though. You willingly fucked him, lady. Deal with it.


LOL that Jordan checked Bruce for a pulse. She put two bullets into his chest. Unlike other people, she actually hits her intended target in the right place.


Particularly the Anna/Sloane stuff. Like what even was happening there? It's all so embarrassing.


Ugh, yes. And he wouldn't look at her when he was talking to her. He's such a smug asshole. I really dislike Sloan and the actor who plays him.

  • Love 7

I still don't know why Patrick is considered a piece of shit by some for not being concerned about Robin when her own damn parents - who happen to be super spies with extensive knowledge of the Legion of Doom and how they operate - have shown no concern for her either. As far as I'm concerned, if Patrick is to be considered The Worst then so should everyone else who cares about Robin, ESPECIALLY Anna, Robert, and Mac.


This is true, but the other side of the coin is that Patrick completely disrespected Robin while she was actually here, so what puzzles me is why he'd be expected to care now that she isn't around. Like, a psycho was screwing around with her HIV meds and he did nothing, but Liesl/Faison/Jerry Jax kidnapping her is something he's really going to worry about?

  • Love 2

I don't understand why the Show bothered to put sandwiches in front of Liz and Jake when they were hashing out their future relationship.  Later after they had stepped away from the table but were still talking, we could still see Liz's pristine sandwich, which looked undisturbed. Couldn't she take one bite? Or maybe it was a false sandwich, and one bite would have spoiled the Show's reusing it for next time.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Tony G. can be *so* infuriating.


I never thought I would be happy to see him retire; now, I can't wait for him to leave. I'm just afraid of *how* they're going to write him off. 


I read that article - in some ways, he is very astute - but in others...


Luke and Laura *made* him a household name. I wish he was more respectful of it.


Ugh. Such a bullshit artist. He was a lot more honest when he was younger.


And, back to show - why was Julian so unknowledgeable about childbirth? I found that very odd. I've never had children, but I know some things.


Maxie and Nathan - such a snoozefest. They are *very* boring together. As much as I love Spixie, I think Ellie and Spinelli and very sweet together.


Shawn is so fucking dumb. Oy. 


Poor Duke :(  I wanted him to get away with Anna (although the lead-up to it - and Anna's conversation with Sloane made *absolutely* no sense).


Patrick and Sam - boring. FakeJake and Liz - boring. Nik (and whoever he's boinking) - not as boring.


Where is Aidan? Joss? Bueller?

  • Love 3

Used by whom?


If he has to be guilted into forging a relationship with his son then I hope he remain Liz' captive for the rest of his life.



I meant he would be urged to go back to Sam because they have a son.


When did Liez Fibber fake her death?


I remember it was to cover a pregnancy leave of BH.  Liz went to see her parents in Europe, so she could be away while her death was faked.  I can't recall the exact scenario, but Helena was involved.  Could have been to fool Helena into thinking she was dead to avoid threats from her.  Nik was in on it, I think.  



When did Liez Fibber fake her death?


It was during the "Lucky under Helena's control" storyline.  Helena thought that if Lucky started to remember his feelings for Liz, she's lose some of her control, so she wanted Liz killed.  Laura, Nik and I think Bobbie were all in on it.  



I remember it was to cover a pregnancy leave of BH.


Yes, back in the days when they didn't write in every pregnancy when the actress was pregnant.  I miss those days (and the big purses, tall chairs and oversized coats they used to hide it).

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 4

It was during the "Lucky under Helena's control" storyline.  Helena thought that if Lucky started to remember his feelings for Liz, she's lose some of her control, so she wanted Liz killed.  Laura, Nik and I think Bobbie were all in on it.  



Yes, back in the days when they didn't write in every pregnancy when the actress was pregnant.  I miss those days (and the big purses, tall chairs and oversized coats they used to hide it).



I agree.  Writing in Olivia's pregnancy was so unnecessary.  The show at this point does not need another baby and no way does it need one for Olivia and Julian.  It would have been easy to write something else.  The cast is so big they could have done nothing at all.  

  • Love 3




Yes, back in the days when they didn't write in every pregnancy when the actress was pregnant.  I miss those days (and the big purses, tall chairs and oversized coats they used to hide it).



By any chance was it when Becky was pregnant with her first son in 2001? If so, no wonder. Becky was a relatively young mom, and Liz even younger--barely out of high school--so in this particular case it made sense. 

  • Love 2

  Once upon a time, a long time ago, Nik and Liz were characters I respected, even admired, but those days are long gone and their recent actions in general and regarding Jakeson in particular prove it. First, Nik. Despite his recent actions, I won't call Nik a dick because dicks are useful sometimes, which Nik isn't anymore. Letting Valerie crash at the castle as a favor to Lulu in order to keep her away from Dante doesn't even begin to eradicate all the shit he's pulled over the past few months. Nik's actions have not only hurt Jakeson, Sam-his own cousin0and Danny, they've even managed to hurt Robin. Now that Nik has exiled Helena and taken over the family, he could easily learn the truth about Robin (if he hasn't already) and set her free to at least be with Emma & Anna again, if not Patrick, but he's too busy trying to steal ELQ to do the right thing.   Nik has been so obsessed with living up-or rather, down-to the family name that he's neglected his own son, with disastrous consequences. If Nik had bothered to take his head out of his own ass (and Hayden's, for that matter), he would know that Spencer's biggest problem isn't the ugliness without; it's the ugliness within. Ever since Spencer was born, Nik has spoiled him rotten and Spencer is rotten because of it, but instead of making Spencer his top priority, Nik has turned to the dark side. Spencer's elitist attitude towards "townies" in general and Cameron in particular is bad enough, but the sandbag incident at the NB was beneath contempt. Where the sandbags landed isn't the point; Spencer's resorting to assault/attempted murder in the first place, using his obsession with Emma as an excuse is.  Like I've said before, if Patrick refused to let Emma anywhere near Spencer again given his treatment of Emma, I wouldn't blame him. The fire that scarred Spencer was an accident; Spencer's sandbag attack was deliberate. Cameron & Emma could've been seriously hurt or worse, but Spencer was too busy feeling sorry for himself to care. As for Spencer's using The Phantom Of the Opera as his costume inspiration, spoiler alert, Spencer-he dies! And over a little scar. Talk about much ado about nothing. Spawn got burned to death and sent to Hell, but instead of perpetually wallowing in melodramatic self-pity, he became a superhero.  And all it took for Spencer to see the light was a visit from GhostMom Courtney? Give me a break! I couldn't stand Courtney when she was alive and her being dead hasn't made her any easier to take. As for her being more popular than, say, Stefan, my vote: bullshit. Nik's recent choices, professional and personal, are vintage Cassidine, which is not a complement.  Contrary to Nik's excuses, one's family isn't one's destiny. Dante and Nathan's families are just as bad or worse than Nik's, but it hasn't changed them for the worse. Nik isn't "taking back [his] life"; he's destroying the lives of others, Speaking of which, that leads me to Liz.


  I wasn't a big fan of Liz at first, but her relationship with Lucky after she was raped changed her for the better, or so it seemed. Just like Lucky had brought out the best in Liz, Jason brought out the worst in her, especially now. However, instead of being fair to Jason, Liz has chosen to play God with his life once again. Liz's obsession with Jason has clouded her judgment before, but never this badly. Unlike Liz's previous lies to Jason, this one not only hurts him, Sam and Danny, it hurts Michael, Monica and to a lesser extent, Patrick, Emma, Julian, Alexis and Cameron, the latter of whom I feel the sorriest for because if anyone epitomizes the saying "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your relatives," it's Cameron. For my money, Nik and Liz are even worse than Ric because Ric doesn't know Jake's true identity. I'm also among those who think that what Liz is doing to Jake is mental and emotional rape because Old Jason at least knew who he was and he had a choice; Jake doesn't first because of Ric and now because of Nik & Liz. I not only think that Nik & Liz deserve whatever karmic bitch slaps they'll get for this bullshit they're pulling, if they come from Sam, Michael, Monica or Ric, they'll be even better.

  • Love 15

I swear, the more eloquent posts I read from y'all about Spencer, the more he reminds me of Bart, that demon child from V.C. Andrews's Flowers in the Attic saga.

I'm currently rereading those books. I'm almost done with the first one. Bart is definitely twisted demon spawn.

OT: IMO, the way he is currenrly wriiten, Spencer is a demon Cassidine spawn..


By any chance was it when Becky was pregnant with her first son in 2001? If so, no wonder. Becky was a relatively young mom, and Liz even younger--barely out of high school--so in this particular case it made sense. 

Yes; her second pregnancy was when TPTB wrote a pregnancy for Liz, she left Port Charles, then off-screen Audrey called Ric to let him know Liz had given birth to a son. (IRL, Becky had her daughter.) Sometime later, she returned to Port Charles with infant Cameron. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama

Can't these people just die? I mean you get shot and then you die, the end.       


I have been waiting so very long for someone, anyone, to just...the last person of any substance to truly die on this show was A.J...I can't even get into how wrong that is. 


And all the time this cast just keep growing bigger and bigger!


What do those slaggards smoke over there to keep coming up with this crap?


Finola still knows how to throw a slap around, heh, and William reacted very well. I still think  it's a waste they didn't go with a pairing between them, especially with all their past history considered.


But Anna can take a stadium's worth of seats getting on Julian's case about putting a hit on Duke, as if she didn't know Duke was giving as good as he got, because she knows full damn well that her precious Duke ordered a hit on Jordan now, and if she hadn't been aware or awake it would have gone off without a hitch, even with him "calling it off" and she would have been found dead in her bed and what then for T.J.?


Would Anna be sobbing over Duke's worthless hide while a young man mourned his last parent's senseless death, especially if he found out the truth, that she was killed because Duke found out she was an undercover agent due to Anna not protecting her well enough. Duke was willing to murder one of the "good guys" in cold blood, so Anna's tears ring so very hollow to me.   

  • Love 9

The Carlos actor is decent but the character has run his course, and there are waaaaaay too many characters on.


I just hope they try to get Tristan Rogers back cause I can't see Sloane/Anna lasting too long.


I can't stand LLC/Olivia in dramatic mode. So much trembling and shaking. Doesn't help when FH is in the same episode giving a great performance. Did anyone know what she whispered to Julian after she said she'd come after him with her bare hands? I couldn't make it out.


I love Tracy's longer hair.

  • Love 8

I just hope they try to get Tristan Rogers back cause I can't see Sloane/Anna lasting too long.

A POX on you, ulkis! I don't want Tristan anywhere near this clusterfuck, unless it's a one dayer, where he comes in with Robin, to 'splain to EVERYONE where she's been and who had her, and that he was taking her with him to heal. And only Emma can join them.

  • Love 5

He's going to look like Laura's dad when Genie comes back.  She's looking amazing these days.


For all his disdain for the Luke and Laura love story...whenever Tony Geary sees Genie, Luke literally lights up. There's a spark in his eyes. I'm not blind and I saw it happen on the Haunted Star, when Laura showed up in February 2 years ago. It was two years ago, right? or was it last year?

  • Love 9

He's going to look like Laura's dad when Genie comes back. She's looking amazing these days.

Ha, you underestimate how the top notch GH hair, make up and wardrobe team will have her looking like a haggard old lady.

I thought TR signed another one year deal with Y&R. I agree 1000% with, ScorpiosRule. I don't want TR/Robert anywhere near this clusterfuck.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 3

For all his disdain for the Luke and Laura love story...whenever Tony Geary sees Genie, Luke literally lights up. There's a spark in his eyes. I'm not blind and I saw it happen on the Haunted Star, when Laura showed up in February 2 years ago. It was two years ago, right? or was it last year?


Two years ago, I think.  And you're right.  That scene when he first saw her on the boat was pretty magical.

  • Love 5

Two years ago, I think.  And you're right.  That scene when he first saw her on the boat was pretty magical.


And then Genie's/Laura's smile. The only other actors that I know who have that spark and sizzle still after so many years, are Dharmendra and Hema Malini--two Bollywood actors...who are now in their 80s and 60s respectively. Oh, and they just happened to be married to each other. And are the only actors to have played each others' love interests the most since the 1960s.


Ahem. Sorry. Topic.  I wonder how many vintage/classic flashbacks we'll get during Luke's exit?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 3

If Laura leaves with Luke, they should have Lulu leave too but they probably won't. (Nu)Lulu as the remnant of that part of the Spencer family is kinda depressing.

Once again, a character with history on the show is killed off, yet fucking useless Franco lives.  Anyone got any liquor they'd like to share with me before I punch a hole in a wall?


I'm fine with Duke leaving but yes, why is Franco still here?

  • Love 1

I'm fine with Duke leaving but yes, why is Franco still here?


Duke's been written so poorly since he came back that I'm not up in arms about his particular exit -- it's just the principle of the thing.  Frank and Ron will gladly get rid of a character like him, but they'll keep Franco around until Ron's keyboard is finally pulled from his cold, dead hands.

  • Love 12

Luke saying goodbye to Robert  - 1983




Luke saying a very tearful and heartfelt goodbye to Aunt Ruby (and his very close friend).  I remember when Luke expressed every human emotion there was.




Luke and Laura leaving the Mayor's mansion and leaving PC




Does this stuff have any meaning to those who didn't see it originally?  Maybe people get attached to characters that they started out watching.



  • Love 4

Duke's been written so poorly since he came back that I'm not up in arms about his particular exit -- it's just the principle of the thing.  Frank and Ron will gladly get rid of a character like him, but they'll keep Franco around until Ron's keyboard is finally pulled from his cold, dead hands.



My principle is stop bringing dead characters back just to kill them again.  First AJ and now Duke.  Just stop.


And before they kill them they have to decimate them.  I mean WTF?

  • Love 13

I wish I could care about Federal Agent Anna's tearful goodbye with her mobster boyfriend and passionate promise to end another mobster, but for some reason it's ringing hollow. Oh yeah, because she didn't give two squirts of piss that Duke planned to have Jordan killed. Just all "Bygones!" about it since she wanted to run away with him. Oh and he tried to call it off; well, all's forgiven then, champ!

I really thought Ned and Olivia were going to pretend the baby died to keep Julian away, I'm glad the show didn't go that route.

Did anyone else think Patrick seemed a little "Fuck dis baby! I wanna cut someone open like the rock star I am!" when Duke came in with a GSW?

I'm loving the Tracy/Michael interactions, there's just something kind of cute about them. I think, in part, it's just the wonderful influence/effect JE and her talent have on the younger actors. Michael asking for some snacks made me tee-hee.

Sabrina and Carlozzzzzzzz…amazing how Sabrina gets right back to boring away from Michael (they are fine when they aren't kissing). And she brings Carlos down.

Didn't care about a block of wood questioning why a stump had a gun. Sloane's idea of perpetuating the misconception just sounds terrible.

I guess they aren't doing live West Coast shows after all. I'm glad, I think once a day is enough for the live ones.

  • Love 1

Finola still knows how to throw a slap around, heh, and William reacted very well. I still think  it's a waste they didn't go with a pairing between them, especially with all their past history considered. 


This squared.

If hate-sex had to happen why did they waste it on Julian and Olivia? All because she's pregnant in real life they had to go for another WTD story when Anna and Julian hate-sex would be so much more satisfying, especially, as you mentioned, with all their past history.


And why did Jordan lie about who tried to kill her? Why didn't she admit it was Bruce, that Duke ordered the hit? Because she lurves Shawn? I'm confused and annoyed that I even care.


I guess I just have a weird soft spot for Julian.


For the love of sweet Jasus, can we please just say no to all future mob stories? I just can't anymore with this garbage. The only time we get hospital stories are when there's a mob-related something or other for the most part.


Stupid show just keeps getting stupider.

  • Love 3

I kinda liked this ep. I don't even know why really.


Jordan's hair is magnificent. I'm over her because Shawn ruined her so I fast forwarded her scenes, but her hair is just beautiful, even in ffwd.


The Tracy/Michael scenes were great. More please. Also, is Monica alive or?


I liked the Sabrina/Carlos scenes. I actually really like Sbarina now. She's one of my faves. I'm so ashamed.


The day player nurse's reaction to Patrick running out to work on Duke was fucking amazing. His face, man, I laughed out loud. If you didn't notice it, go back and watch because it's so hilarious.


If you watch the Jake/Nathan scenes and anything with Sloane as if it's a comedy they're pretty fun.


FH was amazing in every scene, but I really don't even care about this shit.

  • Love 6

I guess they aren't doing live West Coast shows after all. I'm glad, I think once a day is enough for the live ones.


They're doing two back to back -- 2PM and 3PM Eastern (I'm guessing they feel like it has to be live for the 3PM NYC market).  There's only going to be a 90-second turnaround before they start over again.


As a West Coast-er, I'm kind of disappointed that we don't get a performance of our own, but I'm used to being an afterthought when it comes to live programming; plus I won't get to see it until I get home from work anyway.

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