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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So we're just supposed to ignore the fact that Olivia got pregnant on NYE, but is 1,000 months pregnant and near term? Sounds legit.


I really do not like Valerie and I'm not sure if it's the actress, or the writing is meant to dictate that there's something "off" about her. I think we're meant to feel sorry for her and see Lulu as mostly paranoid, but I think Valerie is shady as fuck.


Wow! The writers and producer must be loving this story then, being as they like stories and characters that cause viewers to see things differently and debate.  It's the kind of buzz they want.


I think just the opposite in that I don't think Valerie is getting sympathetic writing at all.  In fact, I think the writing for her has been obviously setting her up as a unlikable disposable character whose purpose is to give Lante some semblance of angst.  Being seen as an interloper in Port Charles' one visible happy marriage is not a recipe for winning sympathy and support!  


But, so far, I will defend her against charges of being "shady."  I'm not seeing that - not yet.  The potential is likely there, but, if so, it hasn't been developed yet.  And, on that point, maybe the writers and the actress are doing a good job by creating a sense of uncertainty and ambiguity about where she might go as a character.

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 2
So we're just supposed to ignore the fact that Olivia got pregnant on NYE, but is 1,000 months pregnant and near term? Sounds legit.


Do you want this story to go longer? I don't. I'd buy a three-month full-term pregnancy.


Though of course, the only person Morgan apologizes to through this whole ordeal is stupid Kiki. Because he dragged her into this kicking and screaming.


Yeah, those high-fives looked forced to me. *rme*


You could not pay me enough to sleep in a room with Joss of the Corn. Waking up and finding her staring at you? Heart attack waiting to happen.


Or else she'd start skinning you alive in your sleep. Either way, no bueno.


I am willing to consider a Nikolas and Valerie hook up in the future.


Only if she gives him an STD. Nik has been sleeping around way too much lately. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

I really don't understand why Val just doesn't move in with Snarly and Bobbie. If there really isn't any extra room, she could bunk with Joss and give that child some much needed attention.



LOL.  You mean the Snarly Carly who pushed past Valerie yesterday as if she wasn't with her when her mother died ... and as if she hadn't vowed then to be there for Valerie.  And who now can't even stop to say "how are you?"  That Snarly Carly?

  • Love 6

I just don't find the actress who plays Valerie attractive so I don't really want her with anyone especially Dante. 

Did Rosalie and Michael officially break-up or decide they weren't going forward or what ever or is she just going to find out the hard way that Michael has moved on from assisstant to nanny.  I hope having Sabrina helping Felix means they are going to have her go back to GH to work so Michael won't be getting it with the nanny, that is creepy.

  • Love 1
First off, we don't know if Sonny would have won with the original judge.  He is a criminal after all.  I've got to think someone would have thought twice.



Yeah, I can't imagine any judge not on the take with Sonny would look at his lifestyle and all the harm that has come to his children and be all "yes, you are a perfect parent!  Children will be safe as can be in your care!"  I highly doubt he was going to win no matter who the judge was.  Show just had to throw that in to give a reason for Sonny, Carly, Morgan, and Kiki to cry foul.  

  • Love 9
You mean the Snarly Carly who pushed past Valerie yesterday as if she wasn't with her when her mother died ... and as if she hadn't vowed then to be there for Valerie.  And who now can't even stop to say "how are you?"  That Snarly Carly?


I loved that: "Family emergency!" 


Did Rosalie and Michael officially break-up or decide they weren't going forward or what ever or is she just going to find out the hard way that Michael has moved on from assisstant to nanny.


I think they both knew it was a revenge fuck, though I think they like each other. Just not enough to keep going.


Michael won't be getting it with the nanny, that is creepy.


At least it's age-appropriate, if nothing else. And if not Sabrina, who? 


(Why is my spacing always off? So annoying.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I'm so pissed that Morgan won't be spending any time in a jail cell (and I don't mean the Hilton known as the PCPD holding room).  He's just been such an ass through this whole thing:  "what about innocent until proven guilty?"  Dude, the pills fell out of your pocket and your girlfriend confessed.  Innocent left the station awhile ago.  


I think I hate Valerie.  Like Sonny and Spinelli levels of hate.  


Loved MIchael getting the upper hand and winning one over on poor widdle Sonny.  I laughed.  

  • Love 9
He's just been such an ass through this whole thing:  "what about innocent until proven guilty?"  Dude, the pills fell out of your pocket and your girlfriend confessed.  Innocent left the station awhile ago.


Morgan is so his parents' son. Catch either of them redhanded and they'll still swear they did nothing. Or, in Sonny's case, he couldn't help it because it's someone else's fault.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 12


She's like...a Maxie level of hate, if Maxie's not your cup of tea

I actually like Maxie.  I mean, sometimes she needs a smack upside the head or two but so do so many others!


Valerie, I can't tell if it's the character, the actress, both, the fact that they're using her to come between Dante and Lulu, whom I love, or what, but something is rubbing me the wrong way to the point where I hiss when she appears on screen.  And now they have Olivia championing her and ugh, stop it.  


I must say, for the first time in, well, ever, I liked Nina/MSt today.  It won't last.  

  • Love 1

I gotta say,my Maxie hate has been pretty strong at times over the years, heh.

That said, besides not wanting Dante to sleep with Valerie, I'm neutral on her.

I do wonder if the point of putting her with Nikolas is to have Helena discover there is a new Spencer, but I'd be disappointed if Helena hadn't already known about Val and Pat all along.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1


I hope having Sabrina helping Felix means they are going to have her go back to GH to work so Michael won't be getting it with the nanny, that is creepy.


I could see it being creepy if the baby was Michael's and he was still involved with the mother, or if Michael was a 40 year old man and the nanny was 19 but Michael is single and as stated above, Sabrina is relatively age-appropriate; she's only a few years older.  Awkward vibe maybe but I don't get creepy.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 3

At least it's age-appropriate, if nothing else. And if not Sabrina, who? 


(Why is my spacing always off? So annoying.)

I surprised myself by not vomiting when Michael kissed Sabrina.

I don't know why, but when she's not in Patrick's orbit I can deal with her a lot more than I could before. It's like she's not Princess Sabrina anymore. Can we please keep it that way?


Bwahaha!!! Who am I kidding? Ron ruins everything. Sonny still ruins everything too but I'm giving him a half a second's worth of a pass because the wonderful Hammer of Karma hit him hard today. Thank you Michael, for showing Sonny and Snarly exactly what they did to AJ. Now if he would just hang wee little Sonny from a meat hook....


(I have the same spacing problem on my phone and it's driving me nuts. My fingers are getting calluses from hitting the backspace button so much. And why is the quote box so big? Argh! )

ETA: the box got smaller when I posted, yay, something went right today!

Edited by tveyeonyou
  • Love 4

I really, truly expected Michael to spell out that he was sparing Morgan from the violence of Pentonville, which is more than Sonny ever did for him. Something like, "While I hate Morgan right now, I do not want to see him become a target for violence because his name is Corinthos. Living a lifetime as your son, and having Jax taken away from him (shoots Carly a look), is punishment enough."  Also, I had to shake my head that Carly was falling over herself to apologize to Michael for believing that he was drunk and a threat to the baby, but is still not apologetic that she helped cover up the murder that started all this. (Recall that assuming Sonny is the bio father, the whole reason Sonny and Ava were in that crypt to conceive her was because of AJ's murder.)

  • Love 7


Loved MIchael getting the upper hand and winning one over on poor widdle Sonny.  I laughed.


I thought this whole story turn today was made of stupid.  I didn't like anyone today including my favorite Michael.  The only reason they did what they did was because, I assume, Silas dropped the kid in the apartment?  If it was Nina, let me know, I was fastforwarding her shit.  It was so fucking dumb.  Why would people just assume that Kiki and Morgan kidnapped the kid? Maybe go a little deeper.  You know what's going to happen here, I bet Sonny isn't the father and Morgan is revealed as the father and Michael can't do anything about it because he dropped the fucking charges. Ugh!!!!!!!!!  So dumb and boring.  This is why I never wanted Michael to fight for custody of Avery whatever her name is.  It just leads back to his involvement with his asshole parents and brother and makes me not like him very much.  


Can Morgan be a bigger dick obtuse fuck?  Anyway...

  • Love 1

I really, truly expected Michael to spell out that he was sparing Morgan from the violence of Pentonville, which is more than Sonny ever did for him. Something like, "While I hate Morgan right now, I do not want to see him become a target for violence because his name is Corinthos. Living a lifetime as your son, and having Jax taken away from him (shoots Carly a look), is punishment enough."  Also, I had to shake my head that Carly was falling over herself to apologize to Michael for believing that he was drunk and a threat to the baby, but is still not apologetic that she helped cover up the murder that started all this. (Recall that assuming Sonny is the bio father, the whole reason Sonny and Ava were in that crypt to conceive her was because of AJ's murder.)


I think that was a part of Michael's reasoning, but I think Michael has hit his limit with Morgan and would really have been willing to send him to prison if that's what had to be done (For any fellow history nerds, Morgan has basically become the George to Michael's Edward IV. imo Michael is over trying to spare him.)


Can Morgan be a bigger dick obtuse fuck?  Anyway...


Much like Stavros and the bottomless pit, there is never a limit. Nikolas can never hit his horny and bored limit. Patrick can never hit his clueless limit. Maxie's voice can always go one decibel higher, etc etc.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

You guys are on fire and today's episode was amazing. Not only were Michael and Dante on fire, but Nina, yes THE Nina was actually likeable today. I swear I haven't had any wine since Sunday evening. MSt only repeated two lines today and in general her annoying tics were toned way down. If she remains anti-RAPIST SERIEL KILLER, I may actually learn to tolerate her.

LW is always really good with facial expressions, but she was exceptionally good today. I watched the clip of Maura winning the Emmy and Laura's reaction really endeared her to me. She is a fantastic actress, but I don't think she could fake that unbridled enthusiasm for her co-star.

  • Love 2

OK maybe Michael dating his nanny isn't creepy per se but it certainly isn't romantic.  If he decides he likes Sabrina then he needs to call an agency and get himself a nanny for the baby.  I guess men having affairs with the nanny just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  Anyways Sabrina is way overqualified to be a nanny and General Hospital needs more nurses and doctors.

  • Love 1

I just don't find the actress who plays Valerie attractive so I don't really want her with anyone especially Dante. 

Did Rosalie and Michael officially break-up or decide they weren't going forward or what ever or is she just going to find out the hard way that Michael has moved on from assisstant to nanny.  I hope having Sabrina helping Felix means they are going to have her go back to GH to work so Michael won't be getting it with the nanny, that is creepy.

I don't care for Valerie either, and unfortunately, her mouth is distracting - certainly not her fault, but that's part of it.  The other part is that I hate that she is suppose to drive Dante and Lulu apart based on where this story is going.  As for Michael and Rosalie, they were a one-night stand based on grief sex.  There was never a relationship.  Lastly, I don't find Michael and Sabrina creepy at all.  In fact, they are more age appropriate than Patrick and Sabrina.  I also felt like she was a high school student crushing on the jock senior.  Chad and Teresa are only two or three years apart.


Dante was simply delicious today. Loved him arresting the Dumbshit twins AND telling them to STFU. And I adored Michael once Sabrina left (still awkward to me).

He is a God, and I love DZ.  I'm enduring the Valerie mess simply because I'm getting more of Dante, and yes, him telling the dumbshit twins to STFU was glorious.


Loved MIchael getting the upper hand and winning one over on poor widdle Sonny.  I laughed.  

Sonny thought he had the upper hand.  He would get Morgan off and temporarily give Michael custody of Avery until he got a new hearing (and paid off whoever he had to), and then Michael turned it all around.  "No, I get permanent full custody, and you walk away."  Sonny was NOT pleased.  


I could see it being creepy if the baby was Michael's and he was still involved with the mother, or if Michael was a 40 year old man and the nanny was 19 but Michael is single and as stated above, Sabrina is relatively age-appropriate; she's only a few years older.  Awkward vibe maybe but I don't get creepy.

Agreed.  Sabrina and Michael are closer in age than Sabrina and Patrick ever were, imo.


I think that was a part of Michael's reasoning, but I think Michael has hit his limit with Morgan and would really have been willing to send him to prison if that's what had to be done (For any fellow history nerds, Morgan has basically become the George to Michael's Edward IV. imo Michael is over trying to spare him.)

I don't think Michael would have sent Morgan to prison.  He may have gotten as far as the trial starting before he changed course, but I don't see Michael ever sending Morgan to prison because of what happened to Michael there.  As much as he's furious at his brother, he would stop short of trial, imho.

  • Love 5

I don't think Michael would have sent Morgan to prison.  He may have gotten as far as the trial starting before he changed course, but I don't see Michael ever sending Morgan to prison because of what happened to Michael there.  As much as he's furious at his brother, he would stop short of trial, imho.


Maybe not this time, but Morgan has shown zero regret. If Morgan ever goes after Michael again like this I can see all bets being off.


ETA: ahaha I watched the scene again and what Dante says at the end to Morgan is "do you want me to get a pillow for your entitled ass?" heeee.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

It's days like today, with Michael's awesome walloping of Sonny with the Hammer of Karma, and Dante's open disgust at Morgan and Kiki, that make it so that I can't ever completely quit GH.  I gotta hand it to RC - when he puts together a Sonny* Gets What Has Been Coming to Him For The Last 20 Years sequence, it rocks!


* - And, in this case, Morgan and Kiki as well.


I remember thinking when Dumb and Dumber first cooked up this appalling scheme, "If RC is really going for a parallel story where Michael is the new Jason and Morgan is the new A.J., this scheme will blow up in Morgan's face and turn his entire family against him".  And lo, it has happened.  The spawn of Sonny and Carly is being forced to walk several miles in A.J.'s shoes while his vile parents discover what it is like to have done to them what they did to A.J.  Somewhere in heaven, the dude has got to be laughing his ass off.  Please, RC, let the posthumous revenge continue, to the last full measure!

  • Love 10

I think that was a part of Michael's reasoning, but I think Michael has hit his limit with Morgan and would really have been willing to send him to prison if that's what had to be done (For any fellow history nerds, Morgan has basically become the George to Michael's Edward IV. imo Michael is over trying to spare him.)


Ulkis, I bow down to this comparison - absolutely brilliant!  Now where is that butt of malmsey?  Oh, yeah, Kiki is the stand in for that.

  • Love 4

I could see them tying Morgan's general psychosis back to having some kind of trauma in utero when Sonny shot Carly in the head. He has shown absolutely no remorse for his actions and I don't get why they wouldn't show him having any qualms or sense of guilt. His only apology is to Lauren and that didn't feel all that sincere either. If I were writing I would have Morgan go full tilt, take Lil AJ, Michael, Sabrina, Lauren, Carly, Sonny, Dante, Jason, Monica, and Tracy hostage at the Q mansion & just spill about 20 years worth of tea across several episodes. Ending with Morgan committing suicide. During his autopsy, conducted by a handsome young and brilliant African-American ME, it would be discovered, damage from lack of oxygen or something from that trauma. Lots of ways to spin story there.

I just don't understand how someone looks at these stories onscreen & thinks this is the best story possible, to have Morgan with no sense of remorse or self awareness, and very little agency. Just deny, deny, be butt hurt, deny. No shades to the character. So milk all that single mindedness into several days of great drama for a multitude of characters and really go there.

  • Love 8
Valerie, I can't tell if it's the character, the actress, both, the fact that they're using her to come between Dante and Lulu, whom I love, or what, but something is rubbing me the wrong way to the point where I hiss when she appears on screen.  And now they have Olivia championing her and ugh, stop it.


They're pushing Valerie toward Dante so hamhandedly. There's no subtlety whatsoever. 


Maybe not this time, but Morgan has shown zero regret. If Morgan ever goes after Michael again like this I can see all bets being off.


I think it would be more effective for Michael to completely cut Morgan out of his life. Morgan has always been desperate for attention and recognition, and Michael not giving it to him would be crushing.


I really wanted Avery to cry when Dante asked if the baby was in the apartment. It would have been so satisfying to see everyone's faces.


"Unfortunately in the real world, Morgan, you can't whine your way out of your circumstances." Hee.

  • Love 10

Why does Ron feel the need to drag that Rosalie girl out of the closet once every four months?


Am I missing something? What evidence does Dante have that proves Morgan and My Friends Call Me Kiki drugged Michael?


In two months when Valerie tries to make a move on Dante I'm going to be so shocked. SHOCKED.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 1

Why does Ron feel the need to drag that Rosalie girl out of the closet once every four months?


Am I missing something? What evidence does Dante have that proves Morgan and My Friends Call Me Kiki drugged Michael?

He has Michael's statement as well as Michael's pill bottle with the wrong meds inside and the baggie of pills Morgan had in his pocket.

  • Love 3

I just don't understand how someone looks at these stories onscreen & thinks this is the best story possible, to have Morgan with no sense of remorse or self awareness, and very little agency.


If he did, the audience might turn on "good girl" Kiki and we can't have that.  Blech.


I still think it would have been a better story if Kiki seduced Morgan into this scheme to get custody of Avery and duped him to get custody for herself.

  • Love 2

I wasn't impressed with the set up to today - the scene in Michael's office the other day was pretty terrible and not the kind of BAM it should have been.. but the fallout for it with getting AJ and Rick to drop the challenge in exhange for Morgan and Kiki's freedom was pretty good. It's days like these (as few and as far between as they are) that keep me a viewer.  And more of Dante the asskicker. That's some good stuff.


But having said that the whole Qshares/ Franco/Ned/Nicholas thing would be greatly helped if we had some sort of idea of why Nicholas wants ELQ in the first place - he's bored so it's something to do?... I dunno. As it is it just seems stupid... what's at stake? I can't care if I don't know what's at stake.


Valerie doesn't bug me and I can believe her with Dante more than I can believe Lulu as she's being written right now.... between the baby rabies, the blind Luke devotion and the general shrewishness.

  • Love 5

Sonny thought he had the upper hand.  He would get Morgan off and temporarily give Michael custody of Avery until he got a new hearing (and paid off whoever he had to), and then Michael turned it all around.  "No, I get permanent full custody, and you walk away."  Sonny was NOT pleased.  

That's because Sonny is delusional, thinking of himself as an always powerful man who could get his own way because, as he's said recently, he believes he made Michael who he is now and would be able to "break" him. Morgan is his own dumbass spawn who would do whatever Sonny wanted.  Sonny has never really allowed himself to acknowledge Michael's DNA and truly doesn't get that Michael, the grandson of Drs. Q and great grandson of Edward, is smarter than he could ever hope to be (the gun shot wound affected his impulse control, but not his intelligence). 


Show has had Morgan go from one extreme to another. Young pre-teen/pre-SORASed Morgan looked up to Michael, and really adored Dante. He was a good, sweet kid until Carly sent him to military school to get him away from Sonny, and then we didn't see him again until BC was cast as young adult Morgan. Years of parental neglect, having Jax removed from his life, and pent-up jealousy of Michael being the favorite (along with inheriting stupidity from his parents) have created the perfect storm: a guy who irrationally hates his older brother and will do anything to destroy him to gain his family's loyalty/his father's love. He is impulsive and doesn't think about the future or consequences - he is absolutely Sonny and Carly's spawn. In the past, Jason was around to save them from themselves, or at least do damage control so the worst of the consequences wouldn't 'bite' them constantly. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 8

Dante approached godlike status today.  For the longest time I wasn't much of a fan but those days are far, far in the past.  His utter lack of patience with Morgan and Kiki and him brushing off Sonny like a noisome gnat were SUCH things of beauty.  He walked into that apartment like the adult he is to confront that roomful of toddlers and OWNED each and every one of them.  And he did it like a grown up does - with relentless truth and absolutely no time for nonsense.  No wonder they were all looking at him with a combination of awe, and considering the lack of brain power, an equal amount of incomprehension.  Whipping out those handcuffs was perfect, along with his barely concealed irritation with their idiotic behavior.


Olivia hasn't been a favorite of mine and for good reason, considering how she's backed up Sonny so continuously, but lately, she's been  more than tolerable too, especially since it's been a while since she's done a full-on Mama Celeste imitation.  

She did at least one thing right, though, for sure - and that's Dante.  


So Sonny has one smart, adult offspring, absolutely NO thanks to him.   Carly has.....nice hair and a lot of it - that's it.


I liked how Michael dealt with Sonny, too.  He's no Dante, at least not yet, but he's growing some, and definitely growing a pair.   I was so sure that the "Avery is kidnapped" storyline would be the beginning of his anger at Sonny and Carly being dismantled, but that's not happening.  I'm surprised about that.  Carly and Sonny should be more frightened of him now, and less sure of ever winning him back after the way he treated them both today.  His anger was cold, his attitude dismissive, to both of them.  They are out of his life and at least to some extent, out of his heart.  That's a lot more final-looking to me than I expected.


  And more of Dante the asskicker. That's some good stuff.


Valerie doesn't bug me and I can believe her with Dante more than I can believe Lulu as she's being written right now.... between the baby rabies, the blind Luke devotion and the general shrewishness.


I don't mind Valerie either.  I'm not sure how needed she really is, but she's not bad.  I'm not too interested in seeing her coming between Dante and Lulu since Lulu is doing a fine job of that on her own with, as you say, her blind Luke devotion.  It's one thing to still love the douche because he's her dad and the past and all that, it's another to be basically dismissive of all the crap he's pulled and the pain he's caused.  She just looks dumb and Lulu doesn't need much help in that department to begin with.  She should thank Show that Maxie is part of the cast, because at least that way Lulu will NEVER be the dumbest person in Port Charles.



Years of parental neglect, having Jax removed from his life, and pent-up jealousy of Michael being the favorite (along with inheriting stupidity from his parents) have created the perfect storm: a guy who irrationally hates his older brother and will do anything to destroy him to gain his family's loyalty/his father's love. He is impulsive and doesn't think about the future or consequences - he is absolutely Sonny and Carly's spawn. 


The mindnumbing hypocrisy of Carly today was astounding.  Not surprising, exactly, but I still think she'd be going after Kiki as the primary cause and somehow finding a way to excuse Morgan - which she'd do if it was Michael.....  It was telling that she had to remind - indeed, beg - Sonny not to let Morgan hang for his crap while he was getting ready to do just that while he stole Avery away to the island.  It's obvious that Morgan means less to Sonny than even Max but still Carly seems oblivious to that.  Probably because Morgan only means a tiny bit more to her - but not much.  And Morgan may not be working with a full set of batteries, but he KNOWS how little they care about him.  

Edited by boes
  • Love 11

Dante was hot as hell today when he was yelling at Morgan and Kiki, especially when he kept telling them to shut up. And his impatience with Sonny and Carly. Hell, his impatience with his whole fucked up family. I loved that Dante. I don't love the Dante I fear I'm going to get with this Valerie person. Actually no, I still do love him, but it's about to suck for his character, I think. And for me as his (next to Ulkis) biggest fan.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 11

During the scene from yesterday with Morgan trying to convince his parents to not tell anyone they had Avery, I was all "Hell, even Carly and Sonny aren't going to go along with Morgan's latest lame-brained undeveloped ridiculous plan."  And then they were going along, and I was all "Turtle, you will never fucking learn." 


I was worried about Michael softening toward Sonny, but after today I think what we're seeing is Michael letting go of some of his white hot rage (which can be so self-destructive) and instead settling in to his new status quo - he's going to have to deal with Sonny and Carly on occasion, all the screaming and yelling is exhausting and distracting and ineffective, he can't change who these people are, he needs to figure out how to stop them from manipulating him and to start learning how to play them.  I really enjoyed it, because it seemed like Michael was able to play their game, and that he has actually emotionally disconnected from them in a significant way.  I thought his comments about prison and Morgan showed that he isn't some revenge-seeking asshole (ahem, Morgan), he's just pissed and over all those idiots who have destroyed his life six ways to Sunday.  


I really really really want Michael and Dante to start hanging out and double dating and going to games or whatever.  Michael and Dante v. Morgan, Carly, and Sonny = No contest.  The Dante of today is the Dante that I love and adore.  More, please!


Sonny is delusional


This needs a Breaking News banner alert.

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