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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I hated the way Tyler played that scene today with the Trio of Recycled Dialogue and Questions (aka Sam, Patrick, Jake). Like, he should be waaay more shocked and in awe kinda that he's talking to Jason. Nik was half-asleep.


Again, I'm shocked, shocked, to find there's gambling going on back here! ;)


(If any of you don't get it, it's a Casablanca reference)

  • Love 6

So basically Ellie and Nathan are going to retread a story that was played by 12 year olds.


Too bad Lulu couldn't ask cousin Carly to put Valerie up in her hotel with the family discount. Not like half of Port Chuck don't live there anyway.


This Jakeson story feels like it's stuck in mud so of course they are going to drag this out as long as they can. 

  • Love 6

When Hayden walked into the MetroCourt restaurant, I thought, "Why is Sam carrying a purse, let alone a Birkin?" Really thought it was Sam.



Isn't Morgan living with Carly? Better there than Sonny's since someone needs to watch Joss while Carly is fucking Sonny.


That's why Carly asked Bobbie to stay with her.


I liked Ellie mouthing something to Nathan when Lucy was babbling on about the red carpet, and Nathan's "Whatever; just go with it" look back.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Liz "lying liar who lies" Webber hates it when people lie to her?  Sure, why not.


Considering how desperate Ric was to get Liz back, she really shouldn't be surprised when she finds out he did something underhanded to get her back. She should feel honored that someone would go to this amount of trouble and waste this kind of money trying to get her loser ass back.

  • Love 2

It's always so difficult for me to believe Carly cares about Lucas or his life.


I certainly didn't buy Lucas' assertion to Michael that Carly was a big component in him bucking up and deciding to practice medicine, because...no.  Carly would have checked out of that conversation once she realized it wasn't salacious (like the threesome talk) or about her.

  • Love 7

I certainly didn't buy Lucas' assertion to Michael that Carly was a big component in him bucking up and deciding to practice medicine, because...no.  Carly would have checked out of that conversation once she realized it wasn't salacious (like the threesome talk) or about her.


I was going to joke that she did this so she could steal drugs from him, but then I remembered her son actually has done this. 


When Carly finds out the truth I hope she barks, "That's so 1997!!!"

  • Love 6

I like lucy but I have no clue why she was so invested in maxie and nathan and ellie/spin getting bak together most of these people are strangers to her lol.


I dunno why she was so obsessed with Spinelli and Ellie doing a number, the ball survived without them last year.  It saddens me that, like the gays, this is what Lucy has been reduced to, pushing plot points and name dropping other TV shows.  


Which..."Dawson's Creek"?  I loved that show, but way to lure back that younger demo that you're shedding, Ron, with these up-to-the-minute pop culture references.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

I dunno why she was so obsessed with Spinelli and Ellie doing a number, the ball survived without them last year.  It saddens me that, like the gays, this is what Lucy has been reduced to, pushing plot points and name dropping other TV shows.  


Which..."Dawson's Creek"?  I loved that show, but way to lure back that younger demo that you're shedding, Ron, with these up-to-the-minute pop culture references.


Well, it's more current than Golden Girls or Knots Landing ... so .... progress?


Her days as a vampire slayer led her to ancient scrolls that said "Spixie" would cause the apocalypse.



If Lucy would dust off her vampire slayer skills and kill off Helena and the rest of the undead villains on this show, I could consider liking her again.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 6

I dunno why she was so obsessed with Spinelli and Ellie doing a number, the ball survived without them last year.  It saddens me that, like the gays, this is what Lucy has been reduced to, pushing plot points and name dropping other TV shows.  


Which..."Dawson's Creek"?  I loved that show, but way to lure back that younger demo that you're shedding, Ron, with these up-to-the-minute pop culture references.


They couldn't afford the rights to Square Pegs.

  • Love 6

Maxie's really been knocking back the wine there the last couple days.  Better watch it, Maxie, or folks'll be staging an intervention for you.  Maybe they can do a twofer and do Michael's at the same time.


As quickly as they got Maxie and Spinelli together and as quickly as she's obviously regretting it, it's not meant to last long, obviously.  But if Maxie gets back with Nathan, what are they going to do with Spinelli if Ellie isn't sticking around?  Interesting how he's been all passive-aggressive and insecure regarding his physique compared to Nathan's, but now he's all delusional about folks wanting to see his "half-naked form" at the Nurses' Ball.  Being with Maxie is apparently good for his ego.


Elizabeth, I don't even know.  Yesterday, she's all happy with Ric, saying she's missed their conversations and it feels right to be with him, but the moment she sees a shot at Jake again...  Pick a lane, woman! 


Lulu is approaching Morgan levels of non-empathy.  I get she loves her dad, yadda yadda, but she can't understand Valerie's feelings?  She's gonna send her off to Wyndemere, to stay with a stranger and a non-relative to Valerie?  Hello, cousin Carly has a nice big hotel and would no doubt comp her a room.  Speaking of, where is this Spencer family that promised to rally 'round their newfound relative in the aftermath of Patricia's death?  It's pretty sad when Carly, Sonny, Morgan and nuKiki exhibit more family support playing Monopoly than do the tighter-than-tight Spencer clan.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 9

I can't picture lucy watching Dawsons creek for some reason but then again I remeber when scotty used to talk about watching Full house all the time in early 90s lol.

He would have don't that only because of John Stamos.


Speaking of John Stamos, I just read where the show is, again, spending a ton of money on the music rights for the songs being "performed" at the nurses ball. Why?  For the love of God, why?


Look, it was nice to see the return of the nurses ball in 2013, even though they strung out the hyping of it far, far, far too long.  It was wonderful to see Rick Springfield and Jack Wagner perform their signature hits. 


But last year's nurses ball?  Was such a waste. Nearly half of the performances were awful.  I'm sorry but the actors who chose to "sing" were, by and large, awful. Gratingly awful (I won't name names).  Only one of them actually sang live! I will name that name -- it was Geary.


Kelly Monaco practically took a nap during her performance. She clearly didn't even bother to learn the lyrics as she only sang the chorus and the word "bitch."


It's such a waste of money.  Such an utter waste.

  • Love 1

I've always been back and forth on Lulu, with no strong feelings either way, but there days I am firmly against her, and in a pretty strong way. All that Justifying Luke's shit got it started, and her attitude toward Valerie certainly hasn't improved my opinion of her. Sure, Valerie almost killed her dad, but why can't Lulu see that murdering Luke is a *good* thing?

Please, god, do not ever even mention Spinelli stripping again. It took days and days of eye bleaching and a partial lobotomy to forget that image, and I cannot possibly do it again. It seems fairly obvious to me that Spin/Ellie and Maxie/Nathan is the long term plan, and I am not looking forward to hijinks we are going to have to endure to get there. Nothing with Spinelli will ever be interesting- it'll be tolerable at best- so why must I suffer through this?

Okay, except for the fact that, without exaggeration, he's writing for about 84 characters (are we sure he's given up on Milo yet?), and he should be writing for about 38.


Oh, I assure he has not given up on Milo. Magic Milo wasn't mentioned this week for nothing.

Nik/Hayden sex is almost as bad as the crypt sex.


Shut your mouth.

I was thinking this too, she was drinking the wine all during her visit with Lulu and still, with Spinnelli.

Wouldn't you be?

  • Love 5

I've always been back and forth on Lulu, with no strong feelings either way, but there days I am firmly against her, and in a pretty strong way. All that Justifying Luke's shit got it started, and her attitude toward Valerie certainly hasn't improved my opinion of her. Sure, Valerie almost killed her dad, but why can't Lulu see that murdering Luke is a *good* thing?


I think it's ridiculous for Lulu to want people to just get over her dad almost killing them because he's mentally ill, but on the other side of the spectrum I wouldn't expect her to just be like, yeah, murdering my dad is fine, he did some really bad things so it's okay. It's like when Jason wanted to kill Luke over Jake and Lucky begged him not to even though he couldn't blame Jason for wanting to do so.

  • Love 2

Don't some of these people have better things to do?  This is the problem with the way this show is shot.  Why isn't Carly with Sonny?  His daughter was kidnapped.  I guess maybe since this is the 110000th time one of Sonny's kids has been taken, it's not a big deal?  You'd think she'd be supporting him instead of up Jake's ass again....than again maybe not.   Even Ric is out on a date while his niece is missing.   Just odd.


And Nikolas....wow.  Using your kids accident as sympathy cover for your hideous lie?  You really suck dude.  And i hate you even more since you have the power to end this fucking Jakeson story that has been on for 6 god damned months now.  (Yes I know he is a fake character and doesn't write the show, just let me vent)

  • Love 9

...to raise Joss???

This is the third time MoRon has used the fake dating scenario 3 times. The first time with the teens, the 2nd with the 10 year olds and now wit Elwood. It's time he gave this trope up along with babies and DID.


I'm waiting for the one where Tracy dates Monica's judge boyfriend to make Luke jealous, and Luke dates Monica in return.


"Of course I'd love to fake date you, Tracy - Monica's so busy on those medical conventions, she doesn't have time for me anymore."


"Well well well. Spanky...HERE COME DA JUDGE HERE COME THE JUDGE!!! He sure don't come like me, baby! How are ya? And HOW ARE YA? Oh, you're here together, gettin' all fun and date-y? I'm here too...with Monica! Oh wait, I just got a text. She's at a medical convention."


"I'm so happy things worked out for you, Tracy, even if I don't know how you put up with that man. Monica told me she loves me. I'm going to surprise her at her medical convention and we might just be getting married."

  • Love 4


Please, god, do not ever even mention Spinelli stripping again. It took days and days of eye bleaching and a partial lobotomy to forget that image, and I cannot possibly do it again.


Clearly, CLEARLY, I have blocked this from my memory. I do not remember Spinelli of all people *shudder* being involved in that number. Talk about out of place. Then again, my favorite part of the Nurse's Ball from that year was Dr. O doing her little dance in front of the TV.


I'm going to go steal Maxie's wine and sit far, far, far FAR AWAY in the corner because *small voice* I still think Nik and Hayden are sexy as hell. And they broke out the JaSam sex music for them lol.


Ugh, Nina's not even on and I'm still repeating myself. *smh*


Because I'm a masochist, I went back and watched yesterday. And I'm definitely going straight to hell because all I could do was laugh at Spencer saying he was a "fweak" who gave Emma a "wing".


Two days away from sweeps? Surely you jest.


Lastly, SHUT UP Lulu.

I think it's ridiculous for Lulu to want people to just get over her dad almost killing them because he's mentally ill, but on the other side of the spectrum I wouldn't expect her to just be like, yeah, murdering my dad is fine, he did some really bad things so it's okay. It's like when Jason wanted to kill Luke over Jake and Lucky begged him not to even though he couldn't blame Jason for wanting to do so.

She comes across so shrill and territorial though. There is a way to balance not wanting people to try to hurt your dad, but understanding where they are coming from. 


To me, it isn't surprising that Spencers of Port Charles think bygones will be bygones no matter what heinous stuff they pull on people, even though if the situations are reversed, not only will they not tolerate it, but they will ask others to reject the offender.  The fucking town has been placing them on a pedestal for damn long, I am not shocked by their collectively entitled attitudes. 


Look at Luke's wives. How much of Laura's and then Tracy's identities have been eclipsed by being married to to Luke. Luke wasn't the only one held back. Laura had to give up family and roots for years to be on the run with Luke, and Tracy has lost just about everything she earned, by hook or by crook, because of Luke (and to another Spencer, Michael). 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

Lucy and Spinelli on the same day?  Why the hell not throw in Richard Simmons and just make our brains explode?  For me, Lucy was never very good, but she's gotten even worse.  That mindless, endless, shallow pattering monotone conversation of hers.....


Blah Blah Blah yadda yadda yadda yadda, Blah Blah Blah.....that's mostly all I heard today.  Carly, Ric, Elizabeth, Hayden, Sam - where Jake and Patrick also on today?  My brain is starting to reject images and sounds from Show.

I did have one bad break through, though, when I saw Greenlee and DIckolas making bony lizard love.  There is ugly and then there is those two together.......Green Butterfly and the guy who fills in his bald spot with shoe polish don't spell out anything but Animal Planet to me.


Please, god, do not ever even mention Spinelli stripping again. It took days and days of eye bleaching and a partial lobotomy to forget that image, and I cannot possibly do it again. It seems fairly obvious to me that Spin/Ellie and Maxie/Nathan is the long term plan, and I am not looking forward to hijinks we are going to have to endure to get there. Nothing with Spinelli will ever be interesting- it'll be tolerable at best- so why must I suffer through this?


I had blocked that out completely, and now those memories have been unearthed, like a horde of dung beetles.  Since Show is obviously trying to find out what will gross out the audience the most, maybe they'll have Lucy and Spinelli do a strip tease together at the Nurses Ball.  


Show makes me cranky.

  • Love 2

And Nikolas....wow.  Using your kids accident as sympathy cover for your hideous lie?  You really suck dude.  And i hate you even more since you have the power to end this fucking Jakeson story that has been on for 6 god damned months now.  (Yes I know he is a fake character and doesn't write the show, just let me vent)


Yeah, I really hate Nikolas.  But do you know what I hate even more?  When this all comes out, I can't see him facing any consequences.

  • Love 11

She comes across so shrill and territorial though. There is a way to balance not wanting people to try to hurt your dad, but understanding where they are coming from. 


To me, it isn't surprising that Spencers of Port Charles think bygones will be bygones no matter what heinous stuff they pull on people, even though if the situations are reversed, not only will they not tolerate it, but they will ask others to reject the offender.  The fucking town has been placing them on a pedestal for damn long, I am not shocked by their collectively entitled attitudes. 


Look at Luke's wives. How much of Laura's and then Tracy's identities have been eclipsed by being married to to Luke. Luke wasn't the only one held back. Laura had to give up family and roots for years to be on the run with Luke, and Tracy has lost just about everything she earned, by hook or by crook, because of Luke (and to another Spencer, Michael). 


To be sort of fair, though, I don't think you can compare what Luke did to Laura with the later stuff. As horrible as it was, even after the rape was retconned into a seduction, Luke carried the guilt of that single act as an almost visible burden. And until the shitty re-write, every day Luke was with Laura, he was grateful because he knew he no more deserved her forgiveness than he did the family she made with him. At some point, obviously, that stopped being the case, but that;s just because bad writing took over.


As for Michael, I don't really consider him a Spencer. He's definitely Carly's whelp, and I pity him for that even as I resent him for how much the show has revolved around him for ages, but Carly herself has been Mrs. Corinthos pretty much from the first time she put Sonny's ring on her finger, so he's some weird hybrid of that and a Quartermaine.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 5

In Nik's last scene with Lucky (in Elizabeth's house), they wrapped up the Niz affair story with I went after/loved her because Emily died.' Before that, he sometimes said it was just about Liz and yeah he felt bad betraying Lucky, and sometimes he said well there was a void left by Emily and Liz made him happy.


So now instead of lying to his brother about his fiance, he's lying to his cousin about her husband, and instead of hiding behind Emily's death re: the affair with Liz, he's hiding his greed/desire for the ELQ power behind his child's trauma.


The only "consequences" he ever faced was giving up Aiden to Lucky when they figured out Helena switched the paternity test results. To me that doesn't count because she didn't do it to punish Nikolas. He didn't really face any consequences than (whereas Liz got dumped, and then shamed by various people for years over it) and I doubt he will. That's assuming Sam realizes he knew all along.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 6

Nik will never "pay" for anything. No one "pays" on the show or suffers any type of consequence. That's one of the things that is wrong with Ron's GH. Characters do whatever the fuck they want for Ron's plot and then everyone forgets it ever happened.

Anyway, I keep having this repeated vision that Patrick is going to apologize to Sabrina for leaving her after he goes through this similar story with Sam/Jason. Like, that's what Ron's point was all along. This will all be about Sabrina. I still haven't recovered from 2012-2014-ish. Leave me in my ugly tears, guys.

  • Love 2

I think a hilarious scene would be Patrick goes to apologize to Sabrina, but gets an annoyed Felix who hangs up on him, saying she's at the Quartermaines. (We don't see Felix.) Patrick, being the self centered douche that he is, marches over there, thinking he can apologize and stuff. Alice lets him in, of course. Sabrina and Micheal are eating breakfast and clearly they've spent the night together. Patrick starts apologizing, but Sabrina barely listens, ignoring him by looking at something Micheal is showing her. Patrick finishes and is crying, and they turn to him and ask if he was speaking. Patrick runs home to skype Robin. She answers and says it's a bad time. Over her shoulder is her new lover, Micheal Sutton playing a Stone lookalike. She says he rescued her from Helena, and they fell in love. He's an international lawyer, and she's suing for custody. End scene.

  • Love 9

I am someone who DVR's and watches the show later, but right now, I am watching the show on FF and only stopping when I hope there is some shred of closure going on....which there has not been for months.... Cannot stand Spinelli - loved Maxie with someone new (even with stiff acting); want this whole Jakeson thing DONE, want Michael to be a Quartemaine with a "brother" (Jakeson) by his side- want the clinic as a new location and Lulu and Dante left ALONE.   This show is so bad, I can watch it in 5 minutes....

  • Love 2

Lulu is approaching Morgan levels of non-empathy.  I get she loves her dad, yadda yadda, but she can't understand Valerie's feelings?  She's gonna send her off to Wyndemere, to stay with a stranger and a non-relative to Valerie?  Hello, cousin Carly has a nice big hotel and would no doubt comp her a room.  Speaking of, where is this Spencer family that promised to rally 'round their newfound relative in the aftermath of Patricia's death?  It's pretty sad when Carly, Sonny, Morgan and nuKiki exhibit more family support playing Monopoly than do the tighter-than-tight Spencer clan.



I think it's ridiculous for Lulu to want people to just get over her dad almost killing them because he's mentally ill, but on the other side of the spectrum I wouldn't expect her to just be like, yeah, murdering my dad is fine, he did some really bad things so it's okay. It's like when Jason wanted to kill Luke over Jake and Lucky begged him not to even though he couldn't blame Jason for wanting to do so.



She comes across so shrill and territorial though. There is a way to balance not wanting people to try to hurt your dad, but understanding where they are coming from. 


I've been thinking about why I can't connect to Lulu's POV in this situation.  Even though I'm frustrated with her excessive adulation of Luke and excuse-making for him ... I "get" that she has reason to be nervous about Valerie.  The image of a highly distraught woman holding a scapel to her father's throat is likely to stay with her.   As well, along with the whole GH-watching world, I also acknowledge that the loft is too small for Valerie to stay there.  We all "get" that - well, maybe except Dante.  Lulu does, Valerie does, and I'm sure my great aunt Matilda would - if I had a great aunt Matilda and if she were patient enough to sit through GH each day.


But, imaginary Aunt Matilda aside, I don't "feel" Lulu's POV.  And I certainly don't "feel" that she has any real empathy for Valerie's desperate situation.  (And, like her or not, Valerie's world is a mess right now and she sure could use more of that promised family support.) 


Lulu may say some words meant to show empathy; however, like Ambrose Folly, I think she comes across as "too shrill and territorial."  There is a brittleness in tone that, for me, lacks a sense of real empathy.  Yes, banishing Valerie to Spoon Island to live in a mausoleum with someone she hasn't met is cold.  Especially when, as we have all debated, there are other options (in spite of the ridiculously contrived dialogue yesterday dismissing said options).   But it's the lack of real empathy in Lulu's tone and demeanor that bothers me most.

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 5

He would have don't that only because of John Stamos.


Speaking of John Stamos, I just read where the show is, again, spending a ton of money on the music rights for the songs being "performed" at the nurses ball. Why?  For the love of God, why?


Look, it was nice to see the return of the nurses ball in 2013, even though they strung out the hyping of it far, far, far too long.  It was wonderful to see Rick Springfield and Jack Wagner perform their signature hits. 


But last year's nurses ball?  Was such a waste. Nearly half of the performances were awful.  I'm sorry but the actors who chose to "sing" were, by and large, awful. Gratingly awful (I won't name names).  Only one of them actually sang live! I will name that name -- it was Geary.


Kelly Monaco practically took a nap during her performance. She clearly didn't even bother to learn the lyrics as she only sang the chorus and the word "bitch."


It's such a waste of money.  Such an utter waste.

You're not looking forward to another performance from "Kiki & Friends"? Yay know, those 'fffrrrriiiiiieeeeeennddss' that call HER "Kiki", frrrrriiiiiiiiiieeeeennds like TJ and Elizabeth that she never shared a scene with before that performance and has never shared a scene with since.

  • Love 6

Anyway, I keep having this repeated vision that Patrick is going to apologize to Sabrina for leaving her after he goes through this similar story with Sam/Jason. Like, that's what Ron's point was all along. This will all be about Sabrina.



< Cue mega rage blackout >


Rest yourselves, ya'll. I'd be amazed if the Douchemaster (and whether that's Patrick or Ron is up to you) remembers what Sabrina's name is on a consistent basis. It'll probably end up being about Nina instead. With or without her horse.

  • Love 1

Rest yourselves, ya'll. I'd be amazed if the Douchemaster (and whether that's Patrick or Ron is up to you) remembers what Sabrina's name is on a consistent basis. It'll probably end up being about Nina instead. With or without her horse.


Oh lord please tell me she won't be singing wild horses, not sure if MSt can sing but it's not like it's stopped anyone before on this show. 

  • Love 4

Anyway, I keep having this repeated vision that Patrick is going to apologize to Sabrina for leaving her after he goes through this similar story with Sam/Jason. Like, that's what Ron's point was all along. This will all be about Sabrina. I still haven't recovered from 2012-2014-ish. Leave me in my ugly tears, guys.


I think we're probably safe.  Ron seems to have lost interest in Sabrina approximately 8 seconds after TC told him she was pregnant.  We may get one tiny little bit about how Patrick is on the other end of what happened with him and Sabrina, but this is definitely about Sam, not Sabrina (and, clearly, not Robin).  

  • Love 2

I also acknowledge that the loft is too small for Valerie to stay there.  We all "get" that - well, maybe except Dante.  Lulu does, Valerie does, and I'm sure my great aunt Matilda would - if I had a great aunt Matilda and if she were patient enough to sit through GH each day. 


But the loft only became too small once Lulu ridiculously got the jells.  It came off less, "Now that Valerie's staying longer, let me find her a more comfortable living situation, that will benefit all of us" and more, "I gotta get this trifling ho away from my husband, I know, I'll dump her on my stupid brother!".


Unsurprisingly, the fallout from the Luke reveal and the "We are family!  I got all my Spencers with me!" singalong has been horrible.  Bobbie and Lucas have disappeared, Carly's back to being a nosy bitch about Jake(son) and Rebecca Budig, and Valerie is isolated as a budding Lisa Niles for Dante/Lulu.  It makes the Spencers look horrible, which I doubt was the intention.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Oh lord please tell me she won't be singing wild horses, not sure if MSt can sing but it's not like it's stopped anyone before on this show. 

Exactly my point.  In fact, there seems to be an inverse relationship between who is musically talented and who is showcased at the NB (Gati and Geary from last year excepted). Jason Thompson and Dominic actually can sing. The fact that they know to stay as far away from being on that stage as possible speaks volumes.


Would it be any wonder if we're not subjected to Nina serenading Todd/Franco?  Probably with My Funny Valentine, with the express purpose to drive Blair and Todd fans crazy. Then a segue way into Le Jazz Hot, so that those jazz hands can get their full 3 minutes of attention.  Those jazz hands have scarred me for life.

  • Love 3
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