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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It could have happened the night of her non wedding when she was drunk on the docks.

Setting aside the stupidity of all this, not to mention I'm so sick and tired of all these missing babies "storylines", she was with Carrrrlossss that night, and I don't think he would let Obrecht or Britt, for that matter, anywhere near his Sabrrrriiinna.


Setting aside the stupidity of all this, not to mention I'm so sick and tired of all these missing babies "storylines", she was with Carrrrlossss that night, and I don't think he would let Obrecht or Britt, for that matter, anywhere near his Sabrrrriiinna.

True. Eh, then make it Carlos'. Or, better yet, have a stillbirth. It's obvious this spawn was a mistake, and almost no one has missed Sabrina, anyway...

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True. Eh, then make it Carlos'. Or, better yet, have a stillbirth. It's obvious this spawn was a mistake, and almost no one has missed Sabrina, anyway...

They never should have made the character pregnant because the actress was. Pwencess Sabweena's pregnancy served no purpose outside of taking time from Robin's return.

I wish they would make Sabween's baby Dante & Fulu's. If not she needs to tock, I hate to wish for a tock considering the actress is actually pregnant however we are due one.

What happened to the moratorium on babies? Does Ron mot listen to his superiors?

Edited by BestestAuntEver

I doubt Dante and Lulu have another embryo implanted somewhere. if they do have a baby percolating somewhere I really do think then they will be off the show, either that or the kid will show up in 10 years (if the show's still on) to get revenge on the parents. Mostly though I think O is lying.

Why would Olivia expect Luke to care about grandbaby, Rocco since " real" Luke doesn't give a damm about the two including the bio one, Aiden, that he has through Lucky?


Olivia is a maroon, as Bugs Bunny would say.

Edited by ulkis
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What? The third embryo survived? Can it be that..........Baby Connie/Georgie really IS Dante and LuLu's? Maxie didn't miscarry after all? And now Lante have to go to court yet again to get her back? If so, my head hurts.

I've thought for a long time that it was going to turn out that Maxie was pregnant with twins and only lost one of them when she miscarried.  

I don't care if the baby that is Maxie's is not, but anyone but Dante and Lulu as the parents, please. This pairing seemed to get everything so easily on a silver platter with barely any long-lasting hurdles to show for it. Yes, I know Britt stole their embryos, but it seems like any difficulties this couple have had has lasted barely for the time it takes to blink.

Two spawns for the price of one will just seal (for moi) their fate as boring as hell.

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If Sabrina is carrying the 3rd Lante embryo, Dr. O would have had to implant her befofe the botched Purina wedding because at that point she was in Anna's custody and didnt get out of jail until after Sabrina found out she was pregnant.

Is there some time during the weeks where Dr. O was living at Wyndermere where she was absent at the same time Sabrina wasn't doing something?

Edited by Tiger

I don't know why I am paying attention to the Madeline/Nina stuff, but I found myself confused over Det. West's question to Madeline at the cell.

He wanted to know why both he and Nina were cut out of their dad's Will.

So could that mean that they are both possibly full-blooded siblings with Liesl as their mother, and someone other than the dad they knew as their father?

And, what Madeline raised them both as hers?  I dunno. I am still pretty confused about this connection.

And Nina is a lot older than James, so that means when she left Europe with James, Madeleine already had Nina.  And it's hard to tell if Britt is older than James or younger.  

Damn do they have to let Liz be the center of a triangle again?  Liz only loves Lucky.  Any other man she is with gets rejected eventually anyway.  They ought to bring Lucky back to go off HEA, as they also should have with Patrick and Robin.  

Edited by Kim0820

I know why Maxie stopped the love scene, as a viewer because we know the secret the characters do not know. However, as a roommate--Why the heck did she throw a block? That is a violation of every rule for roommates.

Dr O and Donna are being wasted in those cells. How long is Donna's contract for?

I agree that the Liz triangle is created out of nothing, and is silly.

I realized at some point yesterday, that I can deal with a lot of the nonsense on this show if I factor in one word HYDRA.

How do Heather and Jerry always end up alive? Hyrda

How Did Victor C end up head of the WSB? Hydra

How can Sonny run a mob without drugs/guns or women? Hydra

How can Jason still be alive? Hydra

Why hasn't anyone just punched Felix in his smug ass mouth? Hydra


It kind of works. Now if we could just see Fitz and Simmons working with Robin, my life could be good.

  • Love 5

Given the popularity of The Winter Soldier, the SHIELD/HYDRA subversion and the Marvel Heroes in general, its baffling that Cartini hasn't tried to capitalize and brought the WSB and DVX back to the forefront, dumped the mob and gone totally espionage.

How awesome would it have been if I stead of Luke acting weird for weeks, he had been totally normal acting and suddenly at the end of a Fri show, killed someone and said "hail DVX!".

Hadn't Cartini gotten the memo that the mob hasn't been cool for years now?!?


Edited by Tiger
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Given the popularity of The Winter Soldier, the SHIELD/HYDRA subversion and the Marvel Heroes in general, its baffling that Cartini hasn't tried to capitalize and brought the WSB and DVX back to the forefront, dumped the mob and gone totally espionage.

How awesome would it have been if I stead of Luke acting weird for weeks, he had been totally normal acting and suddenly at the end of a Fri show, killed someone and said "hail DVX!".

Hadn't Cartini gotten the memo that the mob hasn't been cool for years now?!?


Actually in WS, when I saw the holographic mask, I thought, "There Ron!  That's the way to do a mask!"

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I don't care if the baby that is Maxie's is not, but anyone but Dante and Lulu as the parents, please. This pairing seemed to get everything so easily on a silver platter with barely any long-lasting hurdles to show for it. Yes, I know Britt stole their embryos, but it seems like any difficulties this couple have had has lasted barely for the time it takes to blink.

Two spawns for the price of one will just seal (for moi) their fate as boring as hell.

They kinda lucked out - VM nixed Dante/Brenda and Guza just shoved them back together, and then Wolf was gonna break them up and then Ron came and got rid of those plans. But that's what I liked about them - it's nice to see at least one kinda normal couple on a soap. I don't really care with Emme in the role though. And two babies in this fast would indeed be ridiculous (I don't think that will be the case though). And I'm sure the actors, especially DZ, who's been dealing with it even longer, are probably sick as hell of the words "embryo", "sperm", and "baby".

Edited by ulkis
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This show has me gapping my mouth open with bewilderment. Women in jail cells with full hair and makeup and one is going to get out because of something she supposedly knows about an embryo? The conversation they have had about whose kids are theirs or not, then to find out they are sisters??? Come on. How far fetched do TPTB think they can run with this crap??

  • Love 4

My people.

I say the Sabweena was going to be back on screen & groaned. 1. I hate Sabweena & wish she was never back on screen. 2. Can we have 1 freaking week without a baby story.

Of course, they immediately attach her to Patrick's hip again. We can't see the fallout of Robin leaving Patrick without having Sabweena around. It's all about the pwerfect pwenciss Sabweena's POV never Patrick's.

Not seeing the fallout of AJ's death from the POV from his family and/or loved ones is stupid. Having vile characters talk about him like he's crap they need to scrap off the bottom of their shoe is an epic failure in decision making & writing choices.

Was this the crap that SK was suppose to give thanks to Ron for?

No matter how they tried to spin this shit into gold on the anniversary, the Q's are dead as a GH family. They are dead because they are inconsequential, without driving storylines or having POVs in any story. Ex. AJ's death is about everyone else other than AJ or a Q.

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How come Maddie and "Ho"breck  aren't wearing orange jumpsuits or some stripes across their chests? They've been in lockup more than 24hrs now haven't they?

Some county jails allow you to keep your own clothes until conviction.  Most people in Jail have actually not yet been convicted of a crime, it is only people in prison who have been convicted.

Last I checked (and it has been a few years since I was up that way) Riker's Island in New York, which is nothing more than a five county jail allows inmates to keep their own clothes.

Which will, inevitably, mean that she will be reattached to Patrick's pelvis in short order. :(

I don't  see that happening at all. I mean, it's not as if Robin is dead. She's very much alive; and Patrick, is very much married. Anna still lives in PC, EVERYONE knows that Robin is very much alive. And the way they left things, I'd like to think Patrick would stay faithful. Plus, Teresa will be gone soon anyway, as she'll be headed for maternity leave.

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Sabrina's absence just highlighted how little she is incorporated into the canvas. No one onscreen missed her, stories didn't fall apart, in fact, nothing would change if she didn't return. She seems like excess baggage.

Nedly! How I miss the Real Qs.

I think the name Rocco is hysterically bad. But this is the familigia that has Moronna Olivia as its maternal unit.

Edited by jazzyscreenname
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I don't see that happening at all. I mean, it's not as if Robin is dead. She's very much alive; and Patrick, is very much married. Anna still lives in PC, EVERYONE knows that Robin is very much alive. And the way they left things, I'd like to think Patrick would stay faithful. Plus, Teresa will be gone soon anyway, as she'll be headed for maternity leave.

This is logical. The main problem is Ron isn't logical. Another problem is without Patrick Sobby doesn't have a story. Patrick's life IS her story. Felix is her sound board to talk about Patrick & Emma. They've given her a backstory, a connection to a past GHer in Jaun & even brought on Carlos . But her storyline is still all about Patrick & Emma. I can see the dimwits putting Purina together because they don't have anything else they can do with Sabrina.

Someone has mentioned before that RC s flexible when it comes to storylines & I absolutely agree. He's wanted Purina together since the beginning therefore they will be together.

I'm adding CD/Micheal back onto my list of people they can let go. His abilities seemed to have regressed back now that he isn't acting with SK.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cartini were trying to run KSt/Maxie off. I have no faith or trust in Cartini. This type of behaviour would fall into the MO.

I'm getting on my soap box again about poor writing, pacing & editting. What purpose did the close call incest serve between the Westbourne siblings, if there is no real fallout the next day/episode.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I don't see that happening at all. I mean, it's not as if Robin is dead. She's very much alive; and Patrick, is very much married. Anna still lives in PC, EVERYONE knows that Robin is very much alive. And the way they left things, I'd like to think Patrick would stay faithful. Plus, Teresa will be gone soon anyway, as she'll be headed for maternity leave.

I don't know how "married" they are since Robin just up and left. And really...Patrick is suppose to just twiddle his thumbs? Indefinitely?

I can see him waiting for a while but if her return is open ended...No. If not Sabrina then someone else.

If Patrick must move on (for real this time), I also put in a vote for "Someone Else". ANYONE but Sobby. I'd even take Patrick going gay with Nathan (yes, his acting sucks, but he's pretty!) over the horror that is Sobby.

But Sobby returning now has shown me she lifts right out. Nothing was adversely affected by her absence. Just proves to me how useless the character is.

God, what is it about Levi that makes RC think we're going to like this idiot?  Plus he looks like an old man in drag.

Ron C. thinks that anyone HE thinks is hot with his shirt off is not only actually HOT but for some reason can also act. He's the only guy who thinks being able to do pilates is the same as aceing an acting class. I just remember the FORD Brothers who infested OLTL like radiated cockroaches WITHOUT the charm and I shudder.....and then I see Levi, his idea of Humor and Hotness and shudder some more.

This is the same guy who can think of reasons to keep the Abbondonza Queen, Olivia, on screen and with dialogue, but was stumped by what to do with AJ....favorite color must be maroon.

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I don't know how "married" they are since Robin just up and left. And really...Patrick is suppose to just twiddle his thumbs? Indefinitely?

I can see him waiting for a while but if her return is open ended...No. If not Sabrina then someone else.

Well Patrick clearly considers them to still be married, since he was well aware she was leaving and told her that he loves her and will wait for her.  If he thought her leaving was a deal breaker on being married, he'd have done something about it.  It's not like Robin just crept out in the middle of the night with no warning.  She told him what was going on, and, while he's not happy about it, he also chose to remain married to her.  

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