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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Well it took exactly 2 minutes for Spinelli to start behaving like his grasping, immature old self. Did I interrupt a moment? Do you regret your decision? Do you still have feelings for him?


He's so awful. He gets all weaselly and faux injured. He either trusts Maxie's feelings for him or he doesn't, and if he doesn't, he needs to break up with her for good. He's such a turd. Not that Maxie is all that convincing.


Dumb and Dumber never disappoint. It was intensely satisfying to see them lose track of Avery.


Ugh, Fake!Luke is back. Knowing what's going on doesn't make it any better to watch.

  • Love 1

I would rather watch Felix and Sabrina.


100%. At least they're not embarrassing to watch. At least they're not making a mockery out of the whole thing. At least they aren't murderers. 


I am so fucking done with Franco, man. My hate for him is reaching the levels of hate I have for Jason.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 12

Interesting camera angle, looking at Maxie and Spinelli from above Nathan's shoulder.  Made them look kinda childish, in comparison, and small.  Apropos, though probably not intentional.  (Should I give the director that much credit?)  Spinelli, if you think Maxie would still have chosen you, now, if Nathan had shown up at the door ten minutes earlier, you're living in a fool's paradise.  It's patently obvious, if he had, that'd she continue to vacillate between you two for months to come.  (She will anyway, just not so obviously.)  You'd think somone who danced to Levi's tune for the better part of a year would've learned to not fall for passive-aggressive manipulations anymore, maybe learned how to think and to make up her own mind, grown a spine, what have you.  But, no, this is the woman who never learns.  That's okay.  Someone will be along any time now to pat her on the head and assure her she means well.


nuKiki needs to do something with her hair.  That dark, flat stuff on top is not a good look.  I'm glad to hear the security footage was pulled to see who swiped A.J.  Is it too much to hope they'll pull the Kiki attacking Nina footage and have it end up on Access PC?  Or at least in front of the eyes of CPS?


So Nathan is questioning Nina, and Dante is questioning Michael about the kidnapping of their sister.  Can we say conflict of interest?  The least they could've done was swap interrogations.


No words re:  Lulu.  Hypocrite.  Apologist.  Enabler.  Ridiculous.  Okay, four words.


I'm liking Sabrina now that she's not in thrall to Patrick and has custody of PC's brain.  She can stay.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 9

I would rather watch Felix and Sabrina.


It pains me to say it, but I mostly agree.  Granted, I still really hate Felix, but I'm kinda enjoying Sabrina figuring out Morgs and Keeks' "genius" plan in like two seconds flat.


On the flip, I can't believe I have to sit through a story where Nina is all, "How DARE they accuse me of kidnapping the baby I already kidnapped once!"

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13

Maxie all but told Spinelli that she was giving it a go because she thought they should be a family for Georgie.  They're both idiots.  But, I can't dislike Maxie nearly as much as I loathe Spinelli.  Passive aggressive douchebag.  "Did I interrupt?  Were you, just not, comparing his pretty face and hot body to my pasty-faced no chin shlubbiness and finding me lacking?  You're soooooo shallow!"  

  • Love 6

I still believe Ellie is Tracy's daughter. I'm not letting that go. It's up there with my theories of TJ is actually AJ or Jason's kid, AJ Quartermaine is really being kept alive by Robin, AJ has amnesia and Robin feels she owes it to Jason and especially Micheal and Monica to fully revive him. She learned about the Cassadines plot to take over ELQ and may or may not be working with someone to stop that. Her dad has midwest business connections. Robin also despises Sonny and wants him taken down. She wants to make sure that Jason doesn't become Sonny's hitman again. And she's pissed at Patrick.

  • Love 6

I would rather watch Felix and Sabrina.

Give me an hour of them figuring out the Mogan and Kiki crap over the crapfest of the rest of this show. I'm so happy that Maxie is with Spin so I can ff their scenes- I hate her flaky ass. Can't wait for the Nathan and Ellie hotness- two smart characters (well, Ellie anyways but Nathan is way smarter than Maxie) enjoying eachother's company without playing games.

I don't mind Valerie and Dante but wish they slowed down with the bonding.

  • Love 3

Give me an hour of them figuring out the Mogan and Kiki crap over the crapfest of the rest of this show. I'm so happy that Maxie is with Spin so I can ff their scenes- I hate her flaky ass. Can't wait for the Nathan and Ellie hotness- two smart characters (well, Ellie anyways but Nathan is way smarter than Maxie) enjoying eachother's company without playing games.

I don't mind Valerie and Dante but wish they slowed down with the bonding.


Nathan and Ellie. Yes yes yes and more yes. Is she here to stay or just for a day trip? I suppose there's no way this show is going to write for what could be a really great couple. sigh.


I don't mind the insta bonding between Dante and Valerie. He seemed at ease in a way he's not around Lulu. Which means they'll totally sleep together and Valerie will be the villain. ugh. Lulu really scares me that she's so gung ho Luke.. .and please please please no more Fluke. I promise to be ok if you handwave that the last year didn't happen and we will really never ever will see Fluke again.


Ive been contemplating getting rid of my way too expensive Time Warner cable and the only thing that I'd sort of miss that would be a little more challenging with an internet only lifestyle is GH. Yeah, I can pick it up on You Tube or ABC.com... but it's been awhile since I've been really excited by the show - like a day or two every few weeks - and Im not sure I'll make the (admittedly minimal) effort. I think it might be good to take a break.

Fair warning, I haven't watched the show fully in a while

I don't know about Michael being coddled more than Morgan, but in a he is more wanted than Morgan. From the beginning, everyone knew that Michael could pretty much have ELQ if he wanted it. Edward made it no secret, Tracy fought aganist it. Michael is the new Q golden child and in Carly's heart of heart, she absolutely loves it because she can hold it over the Q's head.Jason would do anything to protect him, even giving up his own biological son and I believe even Jax came to see him while he was in hiding. He is Sonny's second favorite possession (Jason being the first). Then Morgan's wife threw him over him, etc, etc...


But it is more than that. Morgan, he is the sibling that got the worst among them.


Carly is a golddigger that has basically "flashdanced" to any semblence of what passes for respectablity.


Sonny "bizness" is a criminal empire. His money is blood money, and Morgan knows what happened to sons of mob bosses,  like Johnny and Lorenzo who had inherited theirs.


While I am sure that Jax loves Morgan very much and would be very generous with him if he asked(much in the same the Qs were with Jason), Morgan must feel that Josslyn (and I don't feel it is misplaced) is his "real" kid because she is his biological kid, and she would be the one inheriting the primary holdings and businesses that Jax owns.


At least with Kristina and Dante, they have had mothers that actually worked for their lives. I have more respect for Olivia, who seemed to have had a string of managerial jobs, than Carly, because she didn't earn it on her back and I don't have to mention what Alexis does.


Morgan has been taught to go after any one that crosses you with both barrels, familial relations be damned, and not to worry because more likely than not, you will come out on top. I wonder if Carly and Sonny go off on Morgan for Michael, lightening will strike them. Carly came to town to ruin her mother's life and succeeded. She didn't pay the price for it, that was paid by Tony Jones and AJ.Sonny has shot his son in the chest and spent only one day in jail for it.  Michael is mad now, but so was Dante, and he seems to love Sonny now, eventhough Sonny isn't the least bit sorry. And all of this was modeled for Morgan.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

I would just like a scene where, 5 minutes into meeting Ellie, Nathan asks how in the world a bright, lovely woman like Ellie fell in love with Spinelli ... and then point out she's waaaayyyy too good for him. If someone gave Nathan the truth about Maxie's history and the toxicity between Maxie and Spinelli, he would realize he'd be better off staying away from both of them. His "love" for/infatuation with Maxie is just absurd.

  • Love 10

I seldom watch enough of GH to comment anymore, regrettably today was an exception. Holy Fuck(!) Tony Geary is awful. As bad as the writing is and it's truly, truly dreadful hackneyed lazy shite, he is much worse and his acting is so bad that it has to be seen to be believed, except that I wouldn't wish that horror on my worst enemy. It's not even fun, just dull, it can't even be enjoyed as UCG or camp and it's like a big double-bird F-U to anyone that ever referred to him as an actor in his life. Even still-stilted Sabrina in a scene with the dreadful Felix was better. The best part of the episode was Lulu finding Valerie looking after Rocco after spending several eye-bugging scenes going on about the iniquity of her cousin for forming and acting on a grudge against poor addle-brained Luke, the adorable homicidal coot. When she opened the door, her eyes started whirling like kaleidoscopes and it was funny to me.


Shut-up Spinelli, shut-up Maxie. Run as fast and as far as your wooden-boy legs will take you Nathan.


Nu-Kiki sucks, but at least there is no more troll-facing.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 3

Wow, was Kiki a little self aware at the end? After drugging Michael, smug face, and blaming the CPS worker for her own negligence, she is now wondering why they took AJ out of a loving and safe home. What a worthless idiot.

Fluke- more to FF. Can this madness end?

It is so obvious Ava stole AJ. Are we going to get the big reveal by Friday?

  • Love 2

I think that Sonny and Jason stopped being BFF when Franco entered the picture. I thought that Sonny got pissed that Jason felt that he needed to deal with Franco ahead of Sonny's bizness and Sonny resented that he was not the no. 1 priority in Sonny's life. Add to that, Sonny blew off  the truce that Jason brokered between the Corinthos organization and the Z mob. It seemed to me, that Sonny only cared about himself and not Jason and his problems, including keeping Sonny's no1, son safe.

  • Love 2

Morgan got the better deal in the child of Sonny/Carly sweepstakes. Why? He didn't get shot to end up in a coma. He wasn't raped. Morgan's biggest gripe is losing two very toxic girlfriends and his parents trying to get him a great education at good schools? Waah. If only every kid could be so neglected. I'm positive that Morgan could call Jax, you know, the dude who wanted to adopt him, anyday and get anything. Morgan wants to be about that mob life. Quote Cookie Lyon "Stop rapping about the streets cause you not about that life." Morgan is like a big dumb animal who keeps jumping in the road no matter how many times some random car hits it. Jax pulls him out the street. Woof. Carly pulls him out the street. Woof. Micheal kept pulling him out the street. Woof. How does he thank his own brother? By figuratively gnawing his hand off.

  • Love 5

I don't intend this thought as a true prediction or speculation. but I do anticipate that the return of Fluke and his tat is a loophole for TG to go on his annual perkish vacay. Bedeviled by his hallucinations, Luke has an excuse for taking a hike on holiday to "find himself" and spare the family and PC any more unpleasant surprises to enable them to maintain their self-delusions that he is just suffering, put-upon, and misunderstood.


I find the conversations between Lulu and Luke to be creepy now because she sounds more like a wife than a daughter. It's as if Laura is speaking through Lulu, and all that is missing to make the resemblance surreal are the teary pools in Laura's eyes and shuddering sobs that Genie Francis was so good at projecting. Furthermore, Lulu never mentions "Mom" or calls Mom (or Lucky) to relate the astonishing transformation and revelation that Luke has been going through. You'd think that Lulu would want Lucky to know--they aren't estranged, are they? It's as if Laura and Lucky are ghosts who can't be contacted for an update to explain Luke's strange behavior that they witnessed earlier in their own lives. Wouldn't Lulu be calling on Laura and Lucky to join with her to comfort Luke and help him get through his suffering? Furthermore, if he is truly penitent, even Luke should be mentioning Laura and Lucky and his sorrow for hurting them in the past.


And Lulu seems to have developed temporary amnesia about her precious baby Rocco that consumed her when she had baby rabies. The only time she showed strong feelings about Rocco lately was her extreme anger and protectiveness when Valerie was found to be babysitting him. Yes it was awkward, given Valerie's recent OTT behavior, but Lulu should have realized that she was neglecting Rocco in her overconcern with her father. That's another reason why Lulu would be likely to call on Laura and Lucky to help her deal with Luke--she has family responsibilities.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4

Morgan got the better deal in the child of Sonny/Carly sweepstakes. Why? He didn't get shot to end up in a coma. He wasn't raped. Morgan's biggest gripe is losing two very toxic girlfriends and his parents trying to get him a great education at good schools? Waah. If only every kid could be so neglected.


As impossible as I find it to defend anything Morgan is doing, saying that he got a better deal than Michael is still like saying he got the bigger half of nothing. If the best that can be said is that he didn't lose a year to a coma or go to prison because of the moral retards around him, he should have had the epiphany that his "parents" suck a long time ago. And that includes Jason "nobly" protecting Michael. There'd have been nothing to protect Michael from if it hadn't been for that ridiculous cover-up, not to mention the fact that Sonny broke the truce. If it wasn't second nature for Sonny and Co to rather climb the nearest tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and say what's true, they could have just been honest about what happened to Claudia and Michael would have likely gotten a slap on the wrist. But instead they lied, and they lied because they're idiots. Maybe they do love Michael, but if so, then they love him in an incredibly shitty way. It would hardly be difficult to give Morgan better than that, and even that's debatable since I think the kid is an afterthought at  best where they're concerned.

  • Love 8

Well, I'm not saying Sonny/Carly are parents of the year or even decent parents, but the mistakes Morgan's made are purely of his own free will. He chose, as an adult, to gamble. He chose to marry Kiki. He chose to be involved with Ava, then join the mob, and shoot Max. He also chose to keep some very illegal, adult secrets like AJ's murder, Ava's whereabouts, Sonny wanting to kill Ava, and has now stolen drugs from the hospital to drug his brother. That's not Sonny and Carly. That's not Jason. That's Morgan making shitty decisions as an adult. Micheal was raped in prison. Sonny killed his bio dad, Carly covered it. When faced with killing Sonny, Micheal put the gun down. Micheal is gainfully employed. Morgan has had just as many opportunities, if not more, than Micheal. I'm sure Jax would hire him in a hearbeat or Sonny/Carly would fund furthering his education. Morgan has chosen not to do so. I don't take any pity on a giant overgrown child who chooses to not better himself at all. At least Kristina and Micheal rose above the Corinthos curse. Morgan is worse than Jason. He isn't even brain damaged. This is just him being Morgan. He's grown from a nice kid into a super douche. Ron wrote this character into a terrible corner, and BC is not doing him any favors with the portrayal. Combined together, they're making what could be an interesting character into a whiny brat.

  • Love 12

OMG freakin' tale of two Lukes AGAIN! Does Ron not get one of TG is way enough to devour a whole set why do we need to see two again?

It is not cute nor impressive....make it stop!


My dislike of Maxie is reaching Patrick levels....Spinelli being a beattie eyed douche is a given but Maxie has become childish beyond measure....ain't nobody got time for this shit.


Dante and Valerie's conversation while Dante was dressed only in a towel while still wet was so obvious it was UCG.


Lulu you may take several seats. The gall of her! Until Valerie holds you at gun point and ties you up is what Valerie did to Luke any way shape or form the same as what you could feel about Valerie....then again I guess hostage is second nature to you trumped only by Robin!

  • Love 6

But I guess a body with no mind is what is bring all the girls to the yard.

Ron will see the above, cheer and say someone finally gets it. With tears in his eyes he will then grab his glitter pen and write the next GH love story on his neon scented paper just for you.

It it to early for sarcasm?

ETA : I think I'm going to write some CoJones fanfic. I need something to look forward to, even if it's made up.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 8

ETA : I think I'm going to write some CoJones fanfic. I need something to look forward to, even if it's made up.


Maybe Lucas and Brad go to a medical convention and meet a doctor from Pennsylvania and his police officer husband and then they all, I dunno, foil an organ theft ring together or something while being sexy and charming. #inmyhead

  • Love 8

I don't know at this point Jakeson seems pretty brain dead too. But I guess a body with no mind is what is bring all the girls to the yard.


Which maybe says more about  Liz and Carly than it does Jakeson.


Ron will see the above, cheer and say someone finally gets it. With tears in his eyes he will then grab his glitter pen and write the next GH love story on his neon scented paper just for you.

It it to early for sarcasm?


Oh, was that sarcasm? I thought you could see MoRon rushing for his pen and paper as you were typing.

  • Love 1

Maybe Lucas and Brad go to a medical convention and meet a doctor from Pennsylvania and his police officer husband and then they all, I dunno, foil an organ theft ring together or something while being sexy and charming. #inmyhead

#inmyhead, Brad's parents come to town. Dr. Angie Cooper (Chief of staff) played by the one and only Debbie Morgan and Dr. David Bradley Cooper (cardiothoracic surgeon) played by Vincent Izzary.

.....what? Brad's adopted, race doesn't matter. The show in my head is really nice place. Robert Scorpio lives there as well as Robin & Lucky who are married and have a son. cmahorror, Mac is definitely happy to finally have a boy in th e family

Cobalt Stargazer, the problem is I can actually picture MoRon doing something just like I described.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 6
Morgan has been taught to go after any one that crosses you with both barrels, familial relations be damned, and not to worry because more likely than not, you will come out on top.

Morgan hasn't been coming out on top, though. You'd think that would register after the fifth or sixth time of plaaaaans blowing up in his face. But then again, Morgan is an idiot.

  I never thought I'd say this, but Sabrina & Felix were kind of awesome for the first time in, well, ever. It's about time someone got wise to the Bimbo Twins, even if it is those two. Speaking of whom, their self-awareness re L'il AJ's disappearance is too little, too late. Wherever L'il AJ is and whatever she's going through, when all is said and done, it's Morgan & Kiki's fault. If those two nitwits had sucked it up and left well enough alone, she wouldn't be in this mess again in the first place.



Morgan is worse than Jason. he isn't even brain damaged.


  Morgan doesn't have a brain to damage anymore.


  STFU, Lulu. Valerie may not be your favorite person right now, but at least she's not a sociopathic criminal mastermind who barged in your home, threatened your child at gunpoint nor tried to kill everyone you ever loved.  You too, Bobbie. Your defending the man who either tried to kill or actually succeeded in killing members of your own family, including your sister and your son is not only beneath contempt, your hiding him from the cops in Pennsylvania basically makes you an accessory to Patricia's death. Scotty is not only right to put you on blast, he's right to put Fluke behind bars and if you don't see that, then you're even more fucked-up than Fluke, if that's possible.


  Once again, Spinelli's passive-aggressive bullying has reared its ugly head and Maxie's fallen for it, proving that she's got even less sense than Morgan & Kiki combined. To quote Star Wars' Obi-Wan Kenobi, "Who's the bigger fool-the fool or the fool who follows?"



You write such lovely things. :)



Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 4
Wasn't he wearing his pants? I thought he was looking for a clean shirt in the laundry basket? And he thought Valerie was still sleeping, it's not like he walked out while she was having breakfast or something.


Plus, it's a studio apartment. It's not as if he can shut the bedroom door.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Here's a question - has a doctor even seen Luke?  Has there been an actual diagnosis?  All we've seen is Luke muddily explain while Lulu et. al nod their heads and pat his hand.


If only "General Hospital" had a character who is a psychiatrist...hmmm...


Excellent point, and I do believe he has not. 


With all the nuts on the show they should change it to General Mental Hospital at this point.

  • Love 1

Wasn't he wearing his pants? I thought he was looking for a clean shirt in the laundry basket? And he thought Valerie was still sleeping, it's not like he walked out while she was having breakfast or something.


Unless he borrowed an ugly brown kilt from Duke it was a towel @  0:13:)



Here's a question - has a doctor even seen Luke?  Has there been an actual diagnosis?  All we've seen is Luke muddily explain while Lulu et. al nod their heads and pat his hand.



[/sarcasm] Luke is so smart that his smartness smarts. Luke is his own shrink. If Luke can't figure himself out, he just tries to kill somebody or ruin their life, and then he has a nice day. Like Heather and Franco (and even Nina), Luke is a psychopath who outsmarts, outruns, and wins every game every time. The way to respect and fortune in Port Charles is either the Mob ("wise guys"), the Street (Ho's who make it on their backs like Carly, Bobbie and maybe Lucy),  or the Loony Bin. Moral, normal people who work or educate themselves are just fools and pawns for not recognizing Easy Street when they see it. [/sarcasm] What a message Ron has for us!

Off the top, I have to give some props to yesterday's episode.  I was pleased to see some of the longer scenes I've been wanting - scenes which allowed for better character POV and made the whole show feel less "plot-pointy" to me.  As well, I know that script writers are hamstrung by the HW's overall plan and the breakdown writer's directions for each episode.  However, I do think that Kate Hall created some good character-based dialogue yesterday, especially in the Dante/Valerie scenes.


I approached those scenes with some trepidation, having heard forecasts of "stalkerish" moves from a conniving Valerie based on the sneak peek which, as a Canadian, I was unable to view.  After I watched, I wonder what some of these previewers were smoking.  Sure, the writers and even wardrobe people (Dante's towel and her shorts) are pushing the image of a possible affair. But, all rushing aside,  I thought the scenes had a natural ease and played nicely to her loss and to Dante's understanding of her situation.  Would that we were given more such scenes with reasonable POV!!   If there is any concern, it's that Dante and Valerie had a pleasant, natural connection.  Knowing how soaps work, I am certainly not dismissing a possible "thing" between Dante and Valerie ... and I know that the writers are working hard to make us think that is going to happen.   All I'm saying is that I didn't see either character deliberately or knowingly enter that territory yesterday. 


However, I'm still thinking that this Valerie/Dante thing might be just another example of the "pretend," over-in-a-few minutes angst thrown at Lante and that Valerie might cross paths with Nathan - and I'm not sure I like that idea.  I'm still getting to know Valerie and the actress, but, so far, I'm liking her and I think she might have more chance to develop in Port Charles opposite someone other than the talking tree - as pretty a tree as he is.


And speaking of the tree, one camera angle certainly made him tower over wee, confused Maxie and Spinelli.  Well, I'm not confused - Maxie is most definitely NOT ready to commit to Spinelli. 


What shall Ellie say?


And what will be Luke's fate?  Don't bother telling Lulu because she'd deny it ... but Daddy still isn't out of the woods with his ugly past (personified by Fluke) coming back to haunt him.  And that's how it should be.  Recoveries don't happen that quickly.  But let's make a deal and cheer on Tony's next vacation so he can do most of his recovering off screen.


And then there's eyeroll inducing Dumb and Dumber - Morgan and Kiki (or is it Kiki and Morgan?).  I mean poor Kiki is so dumb that she doesn't know one of the first rules of policing in Port Charles:  "Wherever possible police officers always interview family members."  After all, if they didn't, how would someone like Dante ever get to talk to his siblings?  Poor man - he sees so little of them, he forgets how many he has.

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 2

I thought the end yesterday with Spinelli was kind of weird; it's like they were going for a cliff-hanger of "who could be at the door" and then decided against it and had Spinelli say Ellie's name.  I feel like most times when the door opens and the cameraman is standing in as the person knocking, you don't find out right away who is at the door.  Why not just show Ellie when he opened the door?.  

  • Love 2


You would think, if Lulu/Bobbie/Tracy are trying to get committed instead of jailed, they would have gotten an actual diagnosis/medial opinion before bothering Scotty.


Oh, bless you for trying to apply logic to this show.  Logical conclusions are the LAST thing Ron ever attempts to give the viewing public.  He truly believes that the viewing audience are a bunch of lemmings that will follow him wherever he goes with every story and not question anything.


His delusion is gigantic.

I thought the end yesterday with Spinelli was kind of weird; it's like they were going for a cliff-hanger of "who could be at the door" and then decided against it and had Spinelli say Ellie's name.  I feel like most times when the door opens and the cameraman is standing in as the person knocking, you don't find out right away who is at the door.  Why not just show Ellie when he opened the door?.  



Money.  If they show Ellie, she would be entitled to her episode fee as if she had been on during the whole episode.

Edited by Aurora2
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