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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Previews...ugh, it seems the show is already gearing up to portray Valerie as an unreasonable shrew who won't just forgive Luke for terrorizing her and her mother, what with her (GASP!) raising her voice to Liz juxtaposed with poor, old, sad Luke in his hospital bed (which, btw, he BETTER be handcuffed to).

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

Wasn't Nik in love with Liz five minutes ago? And even if he's inexplicably over it, aren't they still friends? Have there been any scenes where he expressed remorse (during a monologue, natch) for not telling her that Jake is Jason?

At the very beginning of this farce, Nik said something (to Helena) about feeling bad about not telling Liz, and then Liz walked in. I forget what smoke he blew up her ass, to explain it -- maybe something about Fluke, or maybe he just said he felt bad not telling Liz that Helena was staying at Windermere. He also came close to coming clean to Sam. Still, it's not enough for me. I like my Nik to have a better reason than ELQ stock, to go dark side.

  • Love 2

Previews...ugh, it seems the show is already gearing up to portray Valerie as an unreasonable shrew who won't just forgive Luke for terrorizing her and her mother, what with her (GASP!) raising her voice to Liz juxtaposed with poor, old, sad Luke in his hospital bed (which, btw, he BETTER be handcuffed to).


I didn't like that one  either. 


I had a few good GH moments last week and one of those was watching the conflict between Valerie and Lulu and being able to understand each character's POV.  Lulu was defending the father she loved so much - the father she now knew to be having some kind of psychotic break.  And Valerie was worried about the mother she loved so much - the physically very fragile woman who was experiencing stress which her daugther feared (rightly) would be too much for her.


But now, while Lulu's father has made a breakthrough and has some hope for the future, Valerie's mother (seemingly the only family she has known) has died.   She is now trying to cope with her grief and with her anger that her mother's death may have been hastened by the intrusion of Luke and the Spencers. 


But will many of the viewers see this?  Of course not!  We'll get the images of a weakened, repentant Luke and his Greek chorus of family supporters. 

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 4

Previews...ugh, it seems the show is already gearing up to portray Valerie as an unreasonable shrew who won't just forgive Luke for terrorizing her and her mother, what with her (GASP!) raising her voice to Liz juxtaposed with poor, old, sad Luke in his hospital bed (which, btw, he BETTER be handcuffed to).


I don't think so. There is a reason Dante, and even Liz is there. I suspect somehow Jake's killing may come out, and Valerie will be even more wtf, why is everyone defending him?


I mean yes, this story will probably veer into Valerie going nuts or over-the-top, but I don't think she's being shown as unreasonable right now.

  • Love 2

Aurora2, I totally agree, there's a set-up there for some quality familial conflict between Lulu and Valerie over their parents.  


But Valerie is vastly outnumbered by Luke sympathizers and will no doubt soon be cast as the EVUL vixen who swears revenge on Lulu and seduces Dante (again, presented in that preview, as an ally/friend) to get back at her.


Also?  Despite all her "We are family!  I got all my Spencers with me!" singing last week, I have no doubt that Carly will never speak to Valerie again.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

Well, that's 15 minutes I'll never get back.  It would have only been 10 but I was watching and hoping Spenthuaw's mask would fall off and Emma would mock him without pity.


Hayden is definitely new in town.  Somebody should tell her that if she needs a quick lay all she has to do is call Dr. Patdick Drake.  He's always on call.  And since Sam was late, well, this IS Patrick, so all bets were off.  


Maybe instead of taking over a company he doesn't need, and screwing over his cousin in the process, Count Dickolas just might want to find the time to parent that little horror of his, or at the very least, make a nice playroom for him in that underground room in the stables where Uncle Faison lived for a while.  

It's what good parenting is all about!


Edited to add - what restaurant in the world would serve Kiki and Morgan if his mother wasn't the resident Komodo dragon?  He looks like he hasn't had a shower in 4 weeks and she looks like she hasn't had one in three.  Plus, they both have such vacant grins you just KNOW they're gonna drool.  

SEXAY Captain and his helper, Barnacle Girl.  

Edited by boes
  • Love 10

I knew I'd be facing lots of Spencer hate in here today! But I get it- I understand why people hate him, but I just can't stop liking the little jerk. I also like the actor and I think the kid is doing a good job with the material. I do wish he'd stop saying townie though.

What Morgan and Kiki are doing to Michael is horrible, but it was their absolute glee at doing it that really disgusted me. It's notmeven about the baby anymore; they just want to destroy him because he's being mean. I guess Morgan is growing up to be just like Sonny. Yay. I don't want anything bad to happen to Michael, but I kind of do so that this all blows up spectacularly in MorKi's faces.

  • Love 12

What Morgan and Kiki are doing to Michael is horrible, but it was their absolute glee at doing it that really disgusted me.


That's really what gets me - the gleefulness, the completely lack of remorse, the high fiving and dumb code names makes this whole thing extremely unpalatable.  I don't know how Michael could ever have any kind of relationship with Morgan or Kiki again, but Ron will no doubt try and walk them both back.  Blech.

  • Love 9

That's really what gets me - the gleefulness, the completely lack of remorse, the high fiving and dumb code names makes this whole thing extremely unpalatable.  I don't know how Michael could ever have any kind of relationship with Morgan or Kiki again, but Ron will no doubt try and walk them both back.  Blech.


Even after Bryan Craig's little chatfest?

  • Love 4

Oh, if Valerie and Dante sleep together i have no doubt she'll be like "bitch step off my little cousin's marriage." And lightning will not strike her.


Please, lightning should strike Carly every other time she opens her mouth regardless. And that's being generous about it.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 4

That's really what gets me - the gleefulness, the completely lack of remorse, the high fiving and dumb code names makes this whole thing extremely unpalatable.  I don't know how Michael could ever have any kind of relationship with Morgan or Kiki again, but Ron will no doubt try and walk them both back.  Blech.

This show has gotten to parody parading as straight drama.  Of course they don't have an attitude of somber deliberation.  That's not "fun" enough.


He won't even walk them back.  He'll just have them have a single conversation about it and then they forget about it.  Just like with Lulu and Maxie after they played dirty during the custody battle. 

  • Love 4

See, the thing is, I can believe this Kiki. I can believe that this is a chick who would con guys into losing money in gambling schemes and in general do lots of shady shit. The problem is that I'm pretty sure we're supposed to root for her, not think she's a totally hateable bitch.

You really think were supposed to be rooting for Kiki? I mean I've liked some bitches in my time old school Heather and lucy they did shitty things but usually they would get yelled at hated and we were supposed to think they was wrong.

  • Love 1

I knew I'd be facing lots of Spencer hate in here today! But I get it- I understand why people hate him, but I just can't stop liking the little jerk. I also like the actor and I think the kid is doing a good job with the material. I do wish he'd stop saying townie though.

What Morgan and Kiki are doing to Michael is horrible, but it was their absolute glee at doing it that really disgusted me. It's notmeven about the baby anymore; they just want to destroy him because he's being mean. I guess Morgan is growing up to be just like Sonny. Yay. I don't want anything bad to happen to Michael, but I kind of do so that this all blows up spectacularly in MorKi's faces.


We might hate Spencer but we love you!  And to tell the truth, Spencer benefited today with being in the same episode as Morgan and Kiki.  Those two are much worse.  

What a couple of dangling ganglions they are.

  • Love 5

I don't usually fast forward, but there was no way that I was going to watch MorganKiki terrorize Michael, Sabrina and AJ. It's really disturbing. The only thing that I can forsee is Michael accidentally killing Kiki because of the drugs and Morgan permanently going to the dark side and going full on Sonny on Port Charles. I wonder if Ron flew this story passed KA and she just got the hell out of there because I cannot see her agreeing to do this storyline as written/performed. I certainly can't see her selling it with any effort. I think it pushes both Morgan and Kiki too far. It really needs to backfire on them big time. But as we are in Port Charles where good is bad, I have no doubt that anything that happens will be seen as AJs... I mean, Michael's fault.


On the other hand, the rest of the show was not bad. I am looking forward to the Nic and Hayden scene -  if it were anyone other than Greenlee, I would say that she'll meet an untimely end and we'll suspect Nic because he didn't want everyone to know that Jason is alive (this motivation btw is just out of nowhere, I hope they explain Nik's sudden ELQ obsession soon). But since it's Greenlee, we're stuck with her for awhile. They'll just have sex. I'm ok with that. They're both pretty and I'm just that shallow right now.


The Spencer stuff is just plain old ridiculous. I genuinely thank you Show for having Patrick and Emma make the appropriate WTF type of reaction to.. whatever that was (is it camp? is it parody of soaps? is it an homage to soaps? what am I watching?)


But it got the ring under the couch where we can watch Sam's boot pass by it for what will seem like YEARS.


It was the first day I thought Jake was actually Jason. I saw enough of the best parts of the character start to sneek through.


All the talk of Dead Alan Quartermaine made me sad.

  • Love 7

I dunno about that one.


It was clearly NotLuke and I thought it shook up the character enough that I was wondering what was going on ..... but then after a few weeks he was assualting Kiki, singing at the Nurses Ball, etc and generally just taking a good thing and overdoing it (how unlike this show, go figure). By the time of the Miscavige double Lukes (they're identical cousins!) I was ready for him to go for awhile.

  • Love 1

I don't know about any of you, but I always take my prescription bottles with me to lunch and leave them out on the table. In a fancy restaurant. I have nothing to say about dumbest and dumbest x infinity ( dumb and dumber seemed too nice)



Michael never had these allergies before, but then again they weren't needed for a plot point.  

  • Love 5

The Spencer stuff is just plain old ridiculous. I genuinely thank you Show for having Patrick and Emma make the appropriate WTF type of reaction to.. whatever that was (is it camp? is it parody of soaps? is it an homage to soaps? what am I watching?)


But it got the ring under the couch where we can watch Sam's boot pass by it for what will seem like YEARS.

I call Danny finding the ring under the couch

  • Love 6

I guess after X number of brain surgeries that it's a given that there's nothing left in his skull that needs protecting. 


Ron tweeted something about that very thing. That there's probably nothing there anymore.


Ugh, I hated that I liked the Jakeson/Sam scenes. The last thing I want is to be drawn back into that crap. But damn it, Billy Miller is so much more tolerable than SBu. And prettier. Maybe I need a Jasam hater to set me straight.


What I will not apologize for is wanting to see Hayden get her sex on with whoever else. Ric, Nik, Nathan, that reporter at the MC, I have no problem with a girl who has a healthy sexual appetite, like she said. The fact that Ric turned her down for Liz just makes him an idiot. We've all seen how this one plays out, right?


Spencer is horrible. I can't do any more justice to him than you guys already have. But he also clearly doesn't listen. She told you 20 times it had nothing to do with your face. You stole Alan's ring, dude. And then basically said it was no big deal since he was dead.


Not touching Morgan and Kiki, only to say that I was terrified that they weren't faking being a couple. Because really, I don't need to see it.

  • Love 4

I knew I'd be facing lots of Spencer hate in here today! But I get it- I understand why people hate him, but I just can't stop liking the little jerk. I also like the actor and I think the kid is doing a good job with the material. I do wish he'd stop saying townie though.

What Morgan and Kiki are doing to Michael is horrible, but it was their absolute glee at doing it that really disgusted me. It's not even about the baby anymore; they just want to destroy him because he's being mean. I guess Morgan is growing up to be just like Sonny. Yay. I don't want anything bad to happen to Michael, but I kind of do so that this all blows up spectacularly in MorKi's faces.


I hear you, regarding Spencer. Look, the kid has a speech problem and I get how it annoys some people. Beyond that, he's a ham. The thing is, a good show, with good writers and directors, wouldn't be playing up his hamminess. They'd write his lines to sound like a real kid, and if/when the kid OVER-ACTED, they'd tone him the hell down.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 6

Ugh, I hated that I liked the Jakeson/Sam scenes. The last thing I want is to be drawn back into that crap. But damn it, Billy Miller is so much more tolerable than SBu. And prettier. Maybe I need a Jasam hater to set me straight.

I wouldn't call myself a JaSam lover or hater, but I don't care what anyone says...I thought they were so cute. I think they have a subtle flirtiness and familiarity together that isn't so in-your-face obvious and forced like other pairings.

  • Love 6

I wouldn't call myself a JaSam lover or hater, but I don't care what anyone says...I thought they were so cute. I think they have a subtle flirtiness and familiarity together that isn't so in-your-face obvious and forced like other pairings.


I never cared about Jason and Sam, together or apart. Still don't, so I don't pay attention. But assuming BM/KMo are as natural as is claimed...then RC will ignore it. I swear one unspoken rule is all of his couples must have no sparks whatsoever.

  • Love 4

Ric little plan with GreenleeHayden must cost a pretty penny. Too bad he's such a loser that he thinks spending this kind of money to get Liz back is acceptable. Why hasn't he learned by now that all he needs to do is feign disinterest in her and move on with someone else and Liz will come sniffing around him again in no time.

  • Love 7
But since it's Greenlee, we're stuck with her for awhile.



Just what Port Charles needs - another criminal to add to the 'all-star' cast.  Yea RC/FV!  You already have at least four 'all-star' gets that RC/FV forced down our throats that could easily disappear from the canvass and the soap would still have too many characters.  Where is the money from all of the salaries coming from?  I will tell you where it is not going - to get a head writer who concentrates more on his writing duties than his social media persona.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 2

I call Danny finding the ring under the couch

On SamTrick's wedding day. Of course. He'll be the ring bearer and that's the ring he will give. ....

To plot point Best Man Micheal. Because now Micheal will be the Best Man and see the "Alan Quartermaine " and hand it to Sam. And Spinelli will yell "Stone cold!" And faint. Sam will run in her dress and Jason/Jake will be there in the rain.

And where is Monica? Can she please see her kid?

  • Love 2

Sigh!  What to expect from today's GH after the past two disappointing episodes?  


Real life was so pressing that I didn't get to join in on the commentary about the April 1 and April 2 episodes.  However, in spite of some of the writing and acting issues leading up to those two days, I found myself enjoying last Wednesday and Thursday more than I have enjoyed GH in a long time.  The overall performance and production quality was elevated.  The casting of the young actors playing Patricia and Luke was brilliant.  The pacing slowed with longer, more complete scenes so I could feel the "heart" I've been missing.  And more ...


But my point this morning is that the high ended too quickly and now we are back to the inane plot to disgrace Michael ... to Ric's silent movie mustache-twirling machinations ... to overplayed props like a wedding ring being tossed about for supposed dramatic tension ... to the mind-numbing musical chair game that is the intertwining of the stories of Sam, Jake, Liz, Patrick, Ric, Nik and now Hayden.  Who will have a seat - or a partner when the music stops?  Does it matter - because the music will just start again?  


And then there is Spencer.  NB can act - but may he please act like a child.  And may Spencer's father be required to take parenting classes.  Whatever else he may do, at least Patrick recognizes how inappropriate this behavior and this adult-style scenairo are for a ten-year-old.   I felt the emotion of Nik worrying about his child just after the fire.  But this potentially good story of a parent and child dealing with trauma is trivialized by Spencer's imperious attitude and mostly by the foisting of adult words and scenarios on ten-year-olds.


Wonder what today will bring. 

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 5

Hayden is definitely new in town.  Somebody should tell her that if she needs a quick lay all she has to do is call Dr. Patdick Drake.  He's always on call.


I know you were being sarcastic, boes, but this is EXACTLY the kind of behavior that Patrick should have resorted back to after his divorce/separation from Robin.  After all, the first time she met him, Patrick was banging a nurse on an examining table back in 2005.  I remember the cheesy dialogue of the beached-blonde nurse, "moaaaaannnning..." "Oh, Dr. Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaake..." right before Robin opened the door.


Let's assume, that Robin was the love of Patrick's life. Losing her, the first time, when she was "dead", should have had him going back to his horn dog ways....but instead we got the Regency version of Cinderella or some such, removing all the arrogance and dickishness that was Patrick Drake.


Then, when divorcing Robin, due to her "DECEPTION" (her actually being only an hour away instead of somewhere in Europe), being who he is, should have had him banging any female he could. After all, Emma is always away at a sleep over!




UGH. I fast forwarded to just the Emma scenes, and it's just gross, with Spencer lisping to Emma, "You BELONG to me" like she's some piece of property. Definitely the Corinthos blood is more dominant. And talking about Cameron as if he didn't grow up with sort of as cousins and best friends just two years ago. So just STFU, already, you little twerp.  He needs a good wallop on his behind. Or just send his ass back to Italy and a boarding school there.


Though I did appreciate Patrick, or as others have speculated, Jason Thompson's WTF? expression and looking away from the camera when Emma told him that Spencer called her is one true love.

  • Love 7

Valerie, at least.  It's been a while since there's been a new character who I'm actually interested in seeing, though I'm sure it won't last.


Did you see this clip of the actress?  If the GH writing and directing are attracting negative comments for yelling and generally being too angry, I'll think about this:




(2nd clip - Matchmaker)

Edited by Aurora2

I can't believe I just watched a long, emotional argument between two nine year olds about their "true love", a stolen engagement ring and one boy with facial burns demanding the girl choose between him and another boy. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Please end this story before I kill a stray cat.


BTW, Nicolas Bechtel is almost able to deliver emotion about his fears over his burns when alone with Tyler Christopher. Then they give him more campy joke lines to deliver to defuse any moments of emotional honesty or genuine child reactions, or they make him move around and hit his marks or awkwardly "run" out of the room while emoting and he can't do it. If they let the scenes breathe, and stopped trying to play him like the bitchy little prince, they might be able to get something real.


Incidentally, everything about the Michael/Morgan/Kiki caper and the incredibly pointless Jake/Liz/Ric/Hayden mess is equally intolerable alongside Spencer's shenanigans. If these stories - along with Franco/Nina painting the town red and Ava/Silas in the winter of their instant love - are what they plan to ride out the summer with til another "blockbuster September" I hope they have Genie Francis, Kimberly and possibly free money in mind to woo the audience back.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10

Yeah, the Spencer/Emma stuff yesterday - with his seriously talking about her being his forever, trying to force an engagement ring on her, and then yelling at her - took the kids' story across the line for me from annoying and stupid to actively making me uncomfortable. 


It's not cute, it's not funny, it needs to not be on my screen.

  • Love 10

Hayden literally isn't a character. Rebecca Budig (who I don't blame for this) is just doing sort of off-brand Greenlee for the cheap seats, except Greenlee at her worst was not this boring. She's here to be a plastic instant spoiler for a quadrangle that has absolutely no purpose since they are going to screw Liz over for Sam in the end anyway. She's money-grubbing! She needs to get laid! And she's played by Rebecca Budig! That should be enough, right?


Between Hayden and their turning Ric back into both the physical and figurative representation of Snidely Whiplash, the whole thing is just so pointless, boring and gross.

Edited by jsbt
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